ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                            AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                          AS AMENDED THROUGH MARCH 31, 1995


          The  name  of  said   corporation  shall  be  AMERICAN  FINANCIAL


          The place in Ohio where its  principal office is to be located is
          One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


          The purpose or purposes for which it is formed are:

          (1)  To  buy, lease  acquire, own,  hold, exchange,  sell, trade,
               mortgage  or encumber,  maintain and  repair and  to do  all
               things necessary,  incidental or  related to  the owning and
               operating of a real estate business.

          (2)  To invest  in, hold, sell,  underwrite, pledge and otherwise
               deal with stock, shares, bonds, debentures and securities of
               any   corporation,   public   or  private,   any   sovereign
               government,  state   government,  governmental   agency   or
               municipality;  or  obligations  of  any  trust,  syndicates,
               partnerships or individuals,  to make advances upon, hold in
               trust,  issue on commission,  sell or dispose of  any of the
               investments aforesaid.

          (3)  To  manufacture, grow, raise, purchase or otherwise acquire,
               hold, own, sell, assign,  transfer, lease, exchange,  invest
               in, mortgage,  pledge, or  otherwise encumber  or dispose of
               and  generally   to  deal   and  trade   in,  goods,  wares,
               merchandise, crops,  livestock, and property  of every kind,
               nature and description.

          (4)  To  conduct  a  general  agency  business  for the  writing,
               procuring  and solicitation of  insurance, to  contract with
               insurers and  insurance companies, and  to act  for them  as
               general  or  special   agents  or  in  any  other  capacity,
               excepting life  insurance in  which life  insurance business
               this company shall  not in any way  be authorized to act; to
               contract with banks,  trust companies and  other fiduciaries

               as  to  all   relations  incident  to  the  business  herein
               specified;  and in  general  to  day any  and all  acts  and
               business  in  any way  connected  with  or  incident  to the
               relations herein set forth.

          (5)  To carry on the business of insurance agents and brokers for
               and  in  any  and  all  classes  and  species  of  insurance
               including  theft, marine,  fire, life,  accident, indemnity,
               guaranty,  fidelity,  casualty,   windstorm,  and  workmen's
               compensation insurance, excepting life insurance, and to act
               as agent,  manager, representative  and attorney-in-fact for
               underwriters and insurance  companies in the issuance of any
               such  insurance,  to carry  on  a  general  insurance agency
               business, to carry  on the business of adjusters in  all its
               branches, and  to act  as agent and  representative for  any
               persons,  firms, associations and corporations in connection
               with  any  matter  of  salvage,  including  the  adjustment,
               settlement,  payment  and  collection  of   salvage  claims.
               Provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall authorize
               the  company to  conduct any  activity in  the sale  of life
               insurance or to in  any way act with respect to the  sale of
               life insurance.

          (6)  To transact and carry on all or any other business which may
               be necessary, incidental,  related or proper to the exercise
               of any or all of the aforesaid purposes and powers.

          (7)  Generally, and without in any manner limiting or restricting
               any of the independent powers herein above enumerated, to do
               such acts and things  and to exercise any and all powers  to
               the same extent as a natural person might or could  lawfully
               do to  the extent allowed by  law.  In  the execution of the
               foregoing purposes  and powers and in the  attainment of the
               objectives of the corporation, it shall have and possess all
               powers granted to it by the statutes under which it is being
               organized, including the power --

               (a)    To purchase, receive,  lease as lessee, take by gift,
                      devise or bequest, or otherwise acquire, and to hold,
                      use, lease as  lessor, encumber,  sell, transfer  and
                      dispose of property, real and personal, tangible, and
                      intangible, within or without the state.

               (b)    To make contracts and incur liabilities.

               (c)    To acquire,  hold, encumber, transfer, guarantee  and
                      dispose of  shares,  bonds, and  other  evidences  of
                      indebtedness,  securities,  and  contracts  of  other
                      persons, associations and  corporations, domestic  or
                      foreign, and to form or acquire the  control of other

                                        - 2 -

               (d)    To conduct business in this state and elsewhere.

               (e)    To borrow  money, and to  issue, sell  and pledge its
                      bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness, and
                      to secure any  of its obligations by mortgage, pledge
                      or deed of trust of all or any of its property.

               (f)    To purchase,  own and hold, and  to sell and transfer
                      (but not to vote) shares of its own capital stock  if
                      and  when  the  capital  of  the  corporation is  not
                      thereby impaired.

               (g)    To take licenses  in respect of,  use and  operate or
                      manufacture  under any letters  patent of  the United
                      States of America or any other country or government,
                      any applications therefor  and any and all rights and
                      privileges  connected  therewith  or  any  unpatented
                      processes  therewith  or  any  unpatented  processes,
                      formulae or inventions, or  any copyrights granted by
                      the  United States of America or any other country or
                      government,  or any  trade-marks, trade  names, trade
                      symbols, or other indications of origin and ownership
                      granted  by,  or recognized  under  the  laws  of the
                      United  States of  America  or any  other  country or


               I.     Authorized  Capital.   The  Company is  authorized to
                      issue shares  of Capital Stock designated,  described
                      and limited as follows:

                      A. COMMON  STOCK  WITHOUT  PAR VALUE  -  53.5 MILLION
                         SHARES AUTHORIZED

                      B. PREFERRED STOCK

                         1.   $1 Par, Voting Cumulative Preferred  Stock --
                              17 Million Shares  Authorized, Consisting  of
                              The Following Designated Series:

                              SERIES F  - 15,000,000
                              SERIES G  -  2,000,000

                              TOTAL         17,000,000

                         2.   $10.50  Par,  Nonvoting Cumulative  Preferred
                              Stock  --  11.1  Million  Shares  Authorized,
                              Consisting   of   the  Following   Designated

                                        - 3 -

                              Not Serially Designated-  8,375,000
                              SERIES E  -  2,725,000

                              TOTAL       11,100,000

                         3.   $.01  Par,   Nonvoting  Cumulative  Preferred
                              Stock  --  10   million  authorized,   which,
                              pursuant  to a  majority vote  of all  of its
                              members,  the Board  of Directors  shall have
                              the right,  with respect  to any  unissued or
                              treasury  shares  of   $.01  Par,   Nonvoting
                              Cumulative Preferred Stock, thereby to fix or

                              a.        the  division  of such  shares into
                                        series  and   the  designation  and
                                        authorized number of shares of each
                                        series, and 

                              b.        to provide for each such series:

                                        (1)   the dividend  rates, dates of
                                              payment  of   dividends,  the
                                              dates  from  which  dividends
                                              are cumulative;

                                        (2)   the  amount  payable  in  the
                                              event   of   involuntary   or
                                              voluntary liquidation;

                                        (3)   redemption rights  and  terms
                                              and prices;

                                        (4)   sinking fund provisions;

                                        (5)   conversion      terms     and
                                              conditions for the conversion
                                              of shares into  the same or a
                                              different number of shares of
                                              any other class or any series
                                              of  the  same  or  any  other

                                        (6)   voting rights in the event of
                                              dividend arrearages;

                                        (7)   restrictions on  the issuance
                                              of shares  of  any  class  or
                                              series; and 

                                        (8)   such    other   designations,
                                              preferences    and   relative

                                        - 4 -

                                              participating    options   or
                                              other   special   rights  and
                                              qualifications,       powers,
                                              limitations  or  restrictions
                                              thereon as  may be determined
                                              by  the  Board  of Directors;
                                              all of the  foregoing to  the
                                              extent  authorized  from time
                                              to time by the  laws of  Ohio
                                              concerning              stock

               All of the  foregoing to the extent authorized from  time to
               time by the laws of Ohio concerning stock corporations.

               II.    General Provisions.

                      A. Pre-emptive Rights.   No  holder of any  shares of
                         the   Company,   whether   Common  or   Cumulative
                         Preferred,  shall have  any pre-emptive  rights to
                         subscribe  for or  to purchase  any shares  of the
                         Company of  any class whether such  shares or such
                         class  be  now  or  hereafter  authorized  or   to
                         purchase or subscribe  for securities  convertible
                         into or exchangeable for shares of any class or to
                         which shall be attached or  appertain any warrants
                         or rights entitling the holder thereof to purchase
                         or subscribe for shares of any class.

                      B. Dividend Rights.   The holders  of the  Cumulative
                         Preferred  Stock  shall  be  entitled  to  receive
                         dividends  out of any funds of  the Company at the
                         time legally available  for dividends when and  as
                         declared by  the Board  of Directors at  such rate
                         per share per annum as shall be fixed by the Board
                         of  Directors  for  such  series   as  hereinafter
                         provided  before any  sum  shall be  set apart  or
                         applied to  the redemption  or purchase of  or any
                         dividends shall  be declared  or paid upon  or set
                         apart for the Common  Stock.  In the event  of any
                         liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding up  of  the
                         Company, the holders of Cumulative Preferred Stock
                         shall be entitled  to receive out of the assets of
                         the  Company payment  of  an amount  per share  as
                         determined  by   the  Board  of  Directors   as  a
                         liquidation   price    as   hereinafter   provided
                         (including accrued  dividends, if any)  before any
                         distribution  of  assets  shall  be  made  to  the
                         holders of the Common Stock.

                      C. Voting Rights.   The  voting power of  the Company
                         shall reside in  the Common Stock  and the $1  par

                                        - 5 -

                         Voting  Cumulative Preferred  Stock except  as set
                         forth  hereafter with  respect  to the  Cumulative
                         Preferred Stock.

                         The following  provisions apply to the accrual and
                         termination  of voting rights  with respect to the
                         Cumulative Preferred Stock.

                         1.   Holders of $1 PAR VOTING CUMULATIVE PREFERRED
                              STOCK shall have the additional voting rights
                              set forth herein if and  whenever the Company
                              shall  be in  arrears on  the  declaration of
                              payment  of dividends  on the  outstanding $1
                              Par  Voting Cumulative Preferred  Stock in an
                              amount equivalent to  Six (6) full  quarterly
                              dividends thereon, in  which case the holders
                              of the  $1  Par Voting  Cumulative  Preferred
                              Stock, voting separately as a class, shall be
                              entitled to  elect two  Directors out of  the
                              then number of Directors of the Company, such
                              rights shall continue  until full  cumulative
                              dividends for  all past dividend  periods and
                              the dividend for the current  dividend period
                              on  the  $1 Par  Voting  Cumulative Preferred
                              Stock shall have  been declared  and paid  or
                              provided for.

                         2.   Holders   of   the   $10.50   PAR   NONVOTING
                              CUMULATIVE  PREFERRED  STOCK  shall  have  no
                              voting rights except that if and whenever the
                              Company   shall   be   in  arrears   on   the
                              declaration  of payment of  dividends on said
                              Stock  as  hereinafter  provided,  or  be  in
                              default  of  its  obligation to  redeem  said
                              Stock  in holders  of all  of the  $10.50 Par
                              Shares, voting separately  as a class,  shall
                              be entitled  to elect,  at any one  time, the
                              highest  number of  Directors of  the Company
                              that  results from applying the two following

                              During any time in which the following number
                              of  semi-annual   installments  of  dividends
                              whether or not consecutive have not been paid
                              in  whole or in part when due, and as long as
                              the same  remain unpaid in whole  or in part,
                              or  in   which   the  following   number   of
                              redemption    payments,   whether    or   not
                              consecutive, have not been made when due, and
                              as long as they  are not made in whole  or in

                                        - 6 -

                              Number of       Number of      Authorized
                              Semi-Annual     Annual         Number of
                              Dividend        Redemption     AFC
                              Installments    Payments       Directors  

                                   2                 1       Smallest
                                                             least 25%

                                   4                 2       Smallest
                                                             least 40%

                                   6                 3       Smallest
                                                             constituting a


                         3.   In  the event  voting  rights accrue  to  the
                              holders  of  Cumulative  Preferred  Stock  as
                              described  in  (1)  and/or  (2)  above,  then
                              holders of the  Voting Stock of the  Company,
                              voting  separately  as  a  class,   shall  be
                              entitled to elect the remainder of  the Board
                              of Directors.

                      D. Cumulative Rights.  No holder of any shares of the
                         Corporation, whether now in existence or hereafter
                         created, whether Common  or Cumulative  Preferred,
                         shall have  any right to vote  cumulatively in the
                         election of  directors.   The voting power  of the
                         Company shall reside in the Common Stock except as
                         set forth  herein with respect  to the  Cumulative
                         Preferred Stock.

               III.   Preferred Stock Series Designations.

                      The Board  of Directors shall have the right to adopt
                      amendments  to  the  Articles  with  respect  to  any
                      unissued or treasury shares  of Cumulative  Preferred
                      Stock and thereby to fix or change:  the division  of
                      such  shares  into  series  and  the  designation and
                      authorized  number  of  shares of  each  series;  the
                      dividend rate; the dates of payment of dividends; the
                      dates   from   which    dividends   are   cumulative;
                      liquidation  price;  redemption   rights  and  price;
                      sinking  fund  requirement;  conversion  rights;  and

                                        - 7 -

                      restrictions on  the issuance of shares  of any class
                      or series.

                      The  specific  series  of Cumulative  Preferred Stock
                      designated are as follows:

                                       SERIES E

                      2,725,000  Shares  of  the   $10.50  Par,   Nonvoting
                      Cumulative  Preferred  Stock  shall be  designated as
                      Series  E  (hereinafter referred  to  as  "Share"  or
                      "Shares") and shall  be issuable  upon the  following
                      terms and conditions.:

                      A. Dividend.    Each of  said  Shares  shall have  an
                         annual  dividend rate  of $1  and no  more.   Said
                         annual dividend  shall be  payable in  equal semi-
                         annual installments  on the third day  of June and
                         December in  each year to holders of  record as of
                         the 15th  day of  the preceding month,  commencing
                         June, 1976.   The holders of said  Shares shall be
                         entitled to receive dividends  out of any funds of
                         the  Company   which  at  the   time  are  legally
                         available for  dividends before  any sum  shall be
                         set  apart or  applied  to (i)  the redemption  or
                         purchase of or any  dividends shall be declared or
                         paid  upon or set  apart for the  Common Stock, or
                         (ii) the purchase of any Shares.

                      B. Redemption.  None of said Shares shall be redeemed
                         before 1986.  In  each of the years 1986  to 1995,
                         inclusive,  the  Company  shall  be  obligated  to
                         redeem on December  3, 10% of the total  number of
                         said Shares originally issued  at the par value of
                         $10.50 for  each of said Shares  so redeemed, plus
                         any accrued but unpaid dividends.  This obligation
                         is subject to credits  at the Company's option for
                         the number of said Shares purchased or redeemed by
                         the  Company  otherwise  than  pursuant   to  this
                         requirement, and not theretofore made the basis of
                         any  reduction in  the aforesaid  obligation.   In
                         addition to  the  aforesaid obligation  to  redeem
                         said  Shares,  the  Company may,  at  its  option,
                         redeem an additional 10% of said Shares originally
                         issued  in  each  of   the  years  1986  to  1995,
                         inclusive, at  the par value of  $10.50 per share,
                         plus  any  accrued   but  unpaid  dividends,  such
                         optional  right  of  redemption being  cumulative.
                         Any Shares redeemed pursuant to subparagraph  B or
                         which are made the basis for any reduction  in the
                         obligation  pursuant  to   subparagraph  B   shall
                         promptly be cancelled and  shall not thereafter be

                                        - 8 -

                         reissued.    With  respect  to the  Shares  to  be
                         redeemed in any year,  the Company shall select by
                         lot those Shares which are to be redeemed.

                      C. Liquidation.  Upon any dissolution, liquidation or
                         winding  up of the Company, the holders of each of
                         said  shares shall be  entitled to receive, before
                         any  payment  to  holders of  Common  Shares,  all
                         accrued but  unpaid dividends, plus  the par value
                         of   $10.50  per   share   and  no   more.     The
                         consolidation or  merger of  the  Company, at  any
                         time,  with  another  corporation,  or a  sale  of
                         substantially all  of the  assets of the  Company,
                         shall   not  be   construed   as  a   dissolution,
                         liquidation or  winding up  of the  Company within
                         the meaning hereof.

                      D. Voting.  Notwithstanding anything to  the contrary
                         contained in this Article Fourth,  holders of said
                         Shares shall have no  voting rights except that if
                         and whenever  the Company  shall be in  arrears on
                         the declaration  of payment  of two or  more semi-
                         annual  dividends,   or  be  in   default  of  its
                         obligation to  redeem said shares, as  provided in
                         subparagraph B  above, the holders of  all of said
                         Shares,  voting  separately as  a class,  shall be
                         entitled to elect two directors of the Company.

                      E. Pre-emptive  Rights.   No  holder  of  any of  the
                         Shares   shall  have  any   preemptive  rights  to
                         subscribe  for or  to purchase  any shares  of the
                         Company of  any class whether such  shares or such
                         class  be  now  or  hereafter   authorized  or  to
                         purchase or subscribe  for securities  convertible
                         into or exchangeable for shares of any class or to
                         which shall be attached  or appertain any warrants
                         or rights entitling the holder thereof to purchase
                         or subscribe for shares of any class.

                      F. Amendment  to  Articles.   The Company  shall not,
                         except upon the affirmative vote of the holders of
                         a majority of the  Shares outstanding at the time,
                         amend  these  Articles  of  Incorporation  in  any
                         manner  that would  result  in said  Shares  being
                         subordinate in terms or  preference as to payments
                         of dividends  or payments  on  liquidation to  any
                         other Preferred Stock of the Company.

                      G. Governing Terms.   In  the event that  the express
                         terms and conditions under  the heading "Series E"
                         are inconsistent with other provisions  of Article
                         Fourth with  respect to  the terms of  the Shares,

                                        - 9 -

                         then such terms as are expressed under the heading
                         "Series E" shall prevail.

                                       SERIES F

                      15,000,000 shares  of the  $1 Par, Voting  Cumulative
                      Preferred Stock  shall  be  designated  as  Series  F
                      (hereinafter referred to  as "Share" or "Shares") and
                      shall  be  issuable  upon  the  following  terms  and

                      A. Dividend.    Each of  said  Shares  shall have  an
                         annual dividend rate of  $1.80 and no more.   Said
                         annual  dividend shall be  payable in  equal semi-
                         annual  installments on  the 3rd  day of  June and
                         December  in each year to  holders of record as of
                         the 15th  day of  the preceding  month, commencing
                         June 3, 1978.  The holders of said Shares shall be
                         entitled to receive dividends  out of any funds of
                         the  Company  which  at   the  time  are   legally
                         available  for dividends before  any sum  shall be
                         set  apart or  applied  to (i)  the redemption  or
                         purchase of or any  dividends shall be declared or
                         paid  upon or set  apart for the  Common Stock, or
                         (ii) the purchase of any shares.

                      B. Redemption.  None of said Shares shall be redeemed
                         before 1987.  In  each of the years 1987  to 1996,
                         inclusive, the  Company may redeem on  December 3,
                         up  to 10%  of  the total  number  of said  Shares
                         originally issued  at $20 for each  of said Shares
                         so   redeemed,  plus   any   accrued  but   unpaid
                         dividends.    Any  Shares  redeemed   pursuant  to
                         Subparagraph  B  shall promptly  be  cancelled and
                         shall  not  thereafter  be  reissued  as Series  F
                         Voting  Cumulative Preferred  Stock, but  shall be
                         restored  to  the  status  of  authorized  $1  Par
                         Voting, Cumulative Preferred  Stock.  With respect
                         to  the Shares  to be  redeemed in  any year,  the
                         Company shall select by lot those Shares which are
                         to be redeemed.

                      C. Liquidation.  Upon any dissolution, liquidation or
                         winding up of the Company,  the holders of each of
                         said Shares  shall be entitled to  receive, before
                         any payment  to  holders  of  Common  Shares,  all
                         accrued but  unpaid dividends, plus  a liquidation
                         value  of  $20  per  share   and  no  more.    The
                         consolidation or  merger  of the  Company, at  any
                         time,  with  another  corporation, or  a  sale  of
                         substantially all  of the assets  of the  Company,
                         shall   not   be  construed   as   a  dissolution,

                                        - 10 -

                         liquidation or  winding up  of the  Company within
                         the meaning hereof.

                      D. Amendment to  Articles.   The  Company shall  not,
                         except upon the affirmative vote of the holders of
                         a majority of the  Shares outstanding at the time,
                         amend  these  Articles  of  Incorporation  in  any
                         manner  that would  result  in  said Shares  being
                         subordinate in terms of preference as to  payments
                         of  dividends or  payments on  liquidation to  any
                         other Preferred Stock of the Company.

                      E. Pre-emptive  Rights.   No  holder  of  any of  the
                         Shares  shall  have   any  pre-emptive  rights  to
                         subscribe  for or  to purchase  any shares  of the
                         Company of  any class whether such  shares or such
                         class  be  now  or   hereafter  authorized  or  to
                         purchase or subscribe  for securities  convertible
                         into or exchangeable for shares of any class or to
                         which shall  be attached or appertain any warrants
                         or rights entitling the holder thereof to purchase
                         or subscribe for shares of any class.

                      F. Governing Terms.   In  the event that  the express
                         terms  and conditions under the heading "Series F"
                         are inconsistent with  other provisions of Article
                         Fourth with  respect to  the terms of  the Shares,
                         then such terms as are expressed under the heading
                         "Series F" shall prevail.

                                       SERIES G

                      2,000,000 shares  of the  $1 Par,  Voting  Cumulative
                      Preferred  Stock  shall  be designated  as  Series  G
                      (hereinafter referred to as "Share" or "Shares"), and
                      shall  be  issuable  upon  the  following  terms  and

                      A. Dividend.  Each of the Shares shall have an annual
                         dividend rate of $1.05  and no more.   Said annual
                         dividend  shall be  payable  in equal  semi-annual
                         installments  on  the  third  day  of   March  and
                         September in each  year to holders of record as of
                         the 15th  day of the  preceding month,  commencing
                         March 3,  1980.   The  holder of  Shares shall  be
                         entitled to receive dividends  out of any funds of
                         the  Company,  which  at  the   time  are  legally
                         available for  dividends before  any sum shall  be
                         set  apart or  applied  to (i)  the redemption  or
                         purchase of  or any dividend shall  be declared or
                         paid  upon or set  apart for the  common stock, or
                         (ii) the purchase of any Shares.

                                        - 11 -

                      B. Redemption.  None of  the Shares shall be redeemed
                         before March 3, 1985.  At any time or from time to
                         time after  March 2, 1985, the  Company may redeem
                         all  or  any part  of the  Shares at  a redemption
                         price  of $10.50  per  share plus  any accrued  or
                         declared   but  unpaid  dividends.     Any  shares
                         redeemed  pursuant  to this  subparagraph  B shall
                         promptly be cancelled and  shall not be thereafter
                         reissued  as Series G  Voting Cumulative Preferred
                         Stock,  but shall  be  restored to  the status  of
                         authorized  $1  Par,  Voting Cumulative  Preferred
                         Stock.  With respect to the Shares to be redeemed,
                         the Company shall select by lot those shares which
                         are to be redeemed.

                      C. Liquidation.  Upon any dissolution, liquidation or
                         winding  up of  the  Company, the  holders of  the
                         Shares  shall be  entitled to receive,  before any
                         payment to holders  of common shares, all  accrued
                         or   declared  but   unpaid   dividends,  plus   a
                         liquidation price of $10.50 per Share and no more.
                         The consolidation or merger of the Company, at any
                         time,  with  another  corporation,  or  a  sale of
                         substantially all of these  assets of the Company,
                         shall   not   be  construed   as   a  dissolution,
                         liquidation or winding  up of  the Company  within
                         the meaning hereof.

                      D. Amendment  to Articles.   The  Company shall  not,
                         except upon the affirmative vote of the holders of
                         a majority of the Shares outstanding, at the time,
                         amend  these  Articles  of  Incorporation  in  any
                         manner  that  would  result  in the  Shares  being
                         subordinate in terms of  preference as to  payment
                         of dividends  or  payments on  liquidation to  any
                         other preferred stock of the Company.

                      E. Pre-emptive  Rights.   No  holder  of  any of  the
                         Shares  shall  have  any  pre-emptive   rights  to
                         subscribe  for or  to purchase  any shares  of the
                         Company or  any class whether such  shares or such
                         class  be now or  hereafter authorized to purchase
                         or  subscribe for  securities convertible  into or
                         exercisable for  shares of  any class or  to which
                         shall  be attached  or appertain  any warrants  or
                         rights  entitled the holder thereof to purchase or
                         subscribe for any shares of any class.

                      F. Governing Terms.   In  the event that  the express
                         terms and conditions under  the heading "Series G"
                         are inconsistent with other provisions  of Article
                         Fourth with  respect to  the terms of  the Shares,

                                        - 12 -

                         then such terms as are expressed under the heading
                         "Series G" shall prevail.


          The provisions  of  Ohio Revised  Code  Section 1701.831  or  any
          successor provisions relating to control share acquisitions shall
          not be applicable to this Corporation.


          These Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation of  American
          Financial Corporation, as  amended through March  31, 1995,  take
          the place of and supersede the existing Articles of Incorporation
          of the Corporation as hereto restated and amended.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto  set their
          respective hands on behalf of  the Company as of the 31st  day of
          March, 1995.

                                        AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                        By: James E. Evans 
                                            James E. Evans, Vice President

                                        By: James C. Kennedy
                                            James C. Kennedy, Secretary