Filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)
                                                  Registration No.  33-63441

                      9-3/4% Debentures Due April 20, 2004

         This  Prospectus relates  to 9-3/4%  Debentures due  April 20,  2004
    (the  "Debentures")  of  American Financial  Corporation  ("AFC"  or  the
    "Company").   The Debentures  are unsecured  obligations of  the Company,
    pay  interest  on April  20  and October  20  of  each year,  and  may be
    redeemed at the option  of AFC, in whole or in part, at  prices declining
    each April 20 from  104.75% of principal amount  in 1999 to 100% in  2002
    and thereafter.   The Debentures have  no mandatory  annual sinking  fund
    requirements prior to maturity.  See "Description of Debentures."

         Under an Indenture between AFC  and Star Bank, National Association,
    as  Trustee,  up to  $750  million  principal  amount  of Debentures  are
    authorized  to  be  issued.   Of  the  $50  million  principal  amount of
    Debentures  which  are  the  subject  of  this  Offering,  $37.5  million
    principal  amount was  issued in  private transactions  in September  and
    October 1995  to certain funds  and other accounts managed  or advised by
    Fidelity Management and  Research Company ("Fidelity") and  $12.5 million
    principal amount  was issued to  certain funds  associated with  Allstate
    Insurance  Company and  Allstate  Life  Insurance Company  (collectively,
    "Allstate")  which  funds are  managed  or  advised by  Crescent  Capital
    Corporation  ("Crescent") (the  actual Fidelity  and  Allstate funds  and
    accounts holding  the Debentures are referred  to herein  as the "Selling
    Debentureholders").   Approximately  $203.8 million  principal amount  of
    Debentures  were  issued in  1994  in an  exchange  offer  for other  AFC
    debentures  then  outstanding,  and  $50  million   principal  amount  of
    Debentures were issued to several funds managed by Fidelity  in a private
    placement in May  1995.   Additional Debentures may  be issued in  future
    exchange offers,  private placements  or in  other transactions.   As  of
    October 12,  1995, approximately $303.8  million principal amount of  the
    Debentures were outstanding.

         The  Debentures  are  listed on  the  Pacific  and  Cincinnati Stock
    Exchanges and  also trade  in the  over-the-counter market.   See  "Price
    Range of Debentures."

         The  Debentures to which this  Prospectus relates may  be offered to
    the public from time  to time by the Selling Debentureholders.   See "The
    Selling Debentureholders."


         The Company will receive none of  the proceeds from the sale of  the
    Debentures by  the  Selling Debentureholders  but  will  pay all  of  the
    expenses of  registration  of  the Debentures.    The Debentures  offered
    hereby  may  be   sold  from  time  to  time   directly  by  the  Selling
    Debentureholders or  through brokerage  firms that  may be  deemed to  be
    underwriters,  dealers  or agents.    See  "Plan  of  Distribution."   If
    required, a  Prospectus Supplement  will be  delivered setting  forth the
    aggregate  principal  amount  of Debentures  being  offered  hereby,  the
    identity  of Selling  Debentureholders and  the  terms  of the  offering,
    including the  names of  any brokerage  firms that  may be  deemed to  be
    underwriters, dealers  or agents;  any discounts,  commissions and  other
    items constituting  compensation  from Selling  Debentureholders and  any
    discounts, concessions  or commissions allowed  or paid  to dealers;  any
    indemnification  by  the  Company  of  Selling  Debentureholders  or  any
    underwriter,  dealer  or agent  against  certain  liabilities,  including
    liabilities under the  Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act"); and
    the resulting net proceeds to Selling Debentureholders.
         See  "Investment   Considerations"  beginning  on   page  5   for  a
    discussion of  certain factors  that should  be considered in  connection
    with an investment in the Securities offered hereby.


                The date of this Prospectus is October 26, 1995.



                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         The  Company  is subject  to the  informational requirements  of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934  (the "Exchange Act"), and  in accordance
    therewith  files  periodic   reports  and  other  information   with  the
    Securities  and Exchange Commission (the "Commission").   The Company has
    filed  a   Registration  Statement   on  Form   S-3  (the   "Registration
    Statement") with the  Commission under the Securities Act with respect to
    the Offering.   This  Prospectus does  not contain  all the  information,
    exhibits and  undertakings contained  in the  Registration Statement,  to
    which reference is  hereby made.  Statements contained in this Prospectus
    as to the terms  of any  contract or other  document are not  necessarily
    complete with respect  to each such contract, agreement or other document
    filed as an exhibit  to the Registration Statement.  Reference is made to
    the exhibits  for a  more complete  description of  the matter  involved.
    Such  reports,   proxy  and  information  statements,   the  Registration
    Statement and other information filed  with the Commission by AFC  may be
    inspected at and  obtained from the  Commission at  its public  reference
    facilities at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.  20549, and at the
    Commission's regional  offices located  at Suite  1400, 500 West  Madison
    Avenue, Chicago,  Illinois, and at 7 World  Trade Center, 13th Floor, New
    York,  New York.    Copies of  such  material can  also be  obtained,  at
    prescribed rates,  by  mail from  the  Public  Reference Section  of  the
    Commission at  its  Washington,  D.C.  address  set  forth  above.    The
    Debentures  are traded  on the  Pacific and  Cincinnati Stock  Exchanges.
    Reports  can  be inspected  at  the  Records  Department  offices of  the
    Pacific Stock  Exchange at  115 Samsone  St., 9th  Floor, San  Francisco,
    California,  and at the offices  of the Cincinnati  Stock Exchange at 400
    S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois.


         The following documents  filed with the Commission (File No. 1-7361)
    pursuant to the Exchange Act are incorporated herein by reference:

         1.      The  Company's Annual Report on  Form 10-K for
                 the fiscal  year ended  December 31,  1994, as
                 amended (the "Annual Report");

         2.      The  Company's Current  Reports on  Form 8-K  dated April 7,
                 1995 and August 23, 1995; and

         3.      The Company's  Quarterly Reports on  Form 10-Q
                 for the  fiscal quarters ended  March 31, 1995
                 and June 30, 1995 (the "Quarterly Reports").



         All documents subsequently filed by  the Company pursuant to Section
    13(a), 13(c), 14  or 15(d) of the  Exchange Act prior to  the termination
    of this Offering shall be deemed to be  incorporated by reference in this
    Prospectus and to be  a part of this  Prospectus from the date  of filing
    thereof.    Any  statement   contained  in  a  document  incorporated  by
    reference  herein  shall be  deemed  to  be  modified  or superseded  for
    purposes of  this Prospectus  to the  extent that  a statement  contained
    herein or in  any other subsequently filed  document which also is  or is
    deemed to  be incorporated  by reference  herein  modifies or  supersedes
    such statement.  Any  such statement so modified or  superseded shall not
    be deemed, except  as so modified or superseded,  to constitute a part of
    this Prospectus.

         This Prospectus  incorporates documents by  reference which  are not
    presented herein  or delivered herewith.   These documents are  available
    upon request without  charge from the  Company at  the address and  phone
    number set forth below.

         The Company will  provide without charge  to each  person to whom  a
    copy of this Prospectus is delivered, upon the written or verbal  request
    of  any such person,  a copy of  any or all  of the  documents which have
    been  incorporated  herein by  reference,  other  than  exhibits to  such
    documents  (unless  such   exhibits  are  specifically   incorporated  by
    reference into  such documents).  Requests  for such  documents should be
    directed  to American  Financial  Corporation,  One East  Fourth  Street,
    Cincinnati, Ohio   45202,  Attention:   Treasurer,  Telephone (513)  579-


                               SUMMARY INFORMATION

         This  summary  is qualified  by  the more  detailed  information and
    financial statements appearing  elsewhere, or incorporated by  reference,
    in this Prospectus.

                                   The Company

         American  Financial   Corporation  ("AFC")  is  a   holding  company
    operating through  wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries and other
    companies in  which it  holds significant  minority ownership  interests.
    These companies operate in  a variety of financial businesses,  including
    property and casualty insurance, annuities, and portfolio investing.   In
    nonfinancial areas,  these companies have  substantial operations in  the
    food products  industry and radio and  television broadcasting.   AFC was
    incorporated as  an Ohio corporation  in 1955.   Its address is One  East
    Fourth  Street, Cincinnati,  Ohio  45202 and  its  phone number  is (513)

         American Financial  Group,  Inc. (formerly  American Premier  Group,
    Inc.) owns 100% of the outstanding common stock of AFC, which amounts  to
    79% of the  voting power  of the  corporation after  taking into  account
    outstanding voting preferred stock of  AFC.  American Financial  Group is
    a  holding  company  formed  to   own  both  AFC  and   American  Premier
    Underwriters, Inc. ("APU").   On April 3,  1995, AFC and APU  each merged
    with  newly-formed   subsidiaries  of  American   Financial  Group   (the
    "Mergers").  In  the Mergers, Carl H.  Lindner and members of  his family
    who owned  100% of  the common stock  of AFC  exchanged their AFC  common
    stock for  approximately 55%  of American  Financial Group voting  common
    stock.  Former shareholders of APU received the other 45% of the   voting
    common stock of American Financial  Group.  AFC and its subsidiaries  own
    approximately  18.7 million  shares of  American  Financial Group  common
    stock  which,  as long  as  AFC  is owned  by  American  Financial Group,
    generally will not be eligible to vote.

                                  The Offering

    Issue                       $50,000,000 principal amount of 9-3/4% 
                                Debentures due April 20, 2004

    Interest Payment Dates      April 20 and October 20



    Optional Redemption
         The Debentures  may be  redeemed at  the option  of the  Company, in
         whole or in part, at prices  declining each April 20 from 104.75% of
         principal amount in 1999 to 100% in 2002 and thereafter.

    Use of Proceeds
         The  Company  will  not  receive  any  proceeds  from  the  sale  of
         Debentures offered hereby by the Selling Debentureholders.

         The  Debentures  are  listed on  the  Pacific  and Cincinnati  Stock
         Exchanges and trade on  the Pacific Stock Exchange under  the symbol


                    Summary Historical Financial Information

         The following table  sets forth certain  data (dollars in  millions)
    and should  be  read  in conjunction  with  "Management's Discussion  and
    Analysis of Financial Condition  and Results of Operations"  contained in
    the  Annual  Report and  the  Quarterly  Reports.    Results for  interim
    periods are not necessarily indicative  of results to be expected for the
                                                Six Months                                                        
                                              Ended June 30,                Years Ended December 31,             
                                               1995     1994         1994       1993       1992     1991      1990

    Operations Statement Data (1):
    Total Revenues    . . . . . . . . . . .  $1,134   $1,032       $2,103   $ 2,721    $ 3,929   $ 5,219  $ 7,761 
    Earnings (Loss) From Continuing
        Operations Before Income Taxes  . .      66       67           44       262       (145)      119       49 
    Earnings (Loss) From:
        Continuing Operations   . . . . . .      47       50           19       225       (162)       56       (9)

        Discontinued Operations   . . . . .      --       --           --        --         --        16        3 
        Extraordinary Items . . . . . . . .      (3)     (16)         (17)       (5)        --        --       28 
        Cumulative Effect of Accounting          --       --           --        --         85        --       -- 
    Change  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Net Earnings (Loss) . . . . . . . . . .      44       34            2       220        (77)       72       22 
    Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges (2)     1.58     2.00         1.69      2.62       2.15      1.54     1.12 

    Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
        and Preferred Dividends (2)   . . .    1.34     1.66         1.40      2.26       1.94      1.42     1.06 
    Balance Sheet Data (1):
    Total Assets    . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,230  $10,182      $10,550   $10,077    $12,389   $12,057  $11,500 
    Long-term Debt:
        Parent Company  . . . . . . . . . .     355      493          490       572        557       559      558 

        Payable to APU  . . . . . . . . . .     526       --           --        --         --        --       -- 
        Subsidiaries  . . . . . . . . . . .     432      587          617       482      1,452     1,549    2,432 
    Capital Subject to Mandatory Redemption       3       35            3        49         28        82       77 
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Other Capital   . . . . . . . . . . . .     526      455          396       537        280       262      256 

    (1)  Due to decreases  in ownership percentages in 1993,  1992 and 1991, AFC ceased  accounting for certain
         companies as subsidiaries and began accounting for them as investees.  AFC had  accounted for American
         Premier as a subsidiary from 1992 through the  first quarter of 1993 due to AFC's ownership  exceeding
         50%.  As a  result of these changes, income statement and balance sheet components are not comparable.
         See Note B of  Notes to Financial  Statements and "Management's Discussion  and Analysis - Results  of
         Operations" in AFC's 1994 Form 10-K incorporated herein by reference.



    (2)  Fixed charges  are computed on a  "total enterprise" basis.   For purposes of  calculating the ratios,
         "earnings" have been  computed by adding  to pretax earnings  (excluding discontinued operations)  the
         fixed  charges and  the  minority  interest  in earnings  of  subsidiaries  having fixed  charges  and
         deducting (adding) the  undistributed equity in earnings (losses) of investees.  Fixed charges include
         interest (excluding  interest on  annuity policyholders'  funds),  amortization of  debt discount  and
         expense, preferred dividend requirements of subsidiaries and a portion of rental expense deemed  to be
         representative of the interest factor.


                            INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS

         Prospective  investors in  the Debentures should  consider carefully
    all  of  the information  set  forth  in  this  Prospectus including  the
    information  in   the  documents  incorporated   by  reference  and,   in
    particular,  should evaluate  the specific  factors set  forth  below for
    risks involved with an investment in the Debentures.

    Holding Company Structure, Dividend Restrictions

         AFC  is a holding  company with almost  all of its  operations being
    conducted  by  its subsidiaries.    AFC has  continuing expenditures  for
    administrative expenses  and  corporate services  and, most  importantly,
    for  the  payment  of  principal  and  interest  on  borrowings  and  for
    dividends on  AFC  preferred stock.   AFC  relies  on dividends  and  tax
    payments from  its subsidiaries,  borrowings from  affiliates as well  as
    dividends from companies  in which it  has a  significant investment  for
    funds to meet its obligations.

         As of June  30, 1995,  AFC had  approximately $355  million of  non-
    subordinated  indebtedness  outstanding at  the  parent  holding  company
    level.    It had  preferred  stock  outstanding at  the  same  date which
    required  annual dividend payments of  approximately $25  million.  Great
    American Holding Corporation ("GAHC"), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of AFC,
    had  $199 million,  and  other AFC  subsidiaries  had an  additional $232
    million  of  indebtedness   outstanding  at  June  30,  1995.    AFC  has
    significant  assets  at  the  parent  company  level  but  they  are  not
    sufficient to enable  it to meet its  ongoing needs for cash  without the
    receipt of dividends and tax  payments from its subsidiaries.   Following
    completion  of the  Mergers,  an AFC  subsidiary  repaid $187  million of
    borrowings under its  multi-bank revolving  credit facility.   Also,  AFC
    redeemed all  $133 million  principal amount  of its  12% Debentures  due
    1999  at  par  and  all  $52  million  principal  amount  of its  12-1/4%
    Debentures due 2003 at 102.5% of par on May 3, 1995.   The funds utilized
    for these repayments were borrowed  from APU under a  subordinated credit
    agreement  under which AFC  can borrow up to  $675 million.   At June 30,
    1995,   AFC  had   borrowed  approximately   $526   million  under   this
    subordinated credit agreement.

         Since June 30, 1995,  GAHC has retired $50 million  principal amount
    of floating  rate notes and  called for redemption  on October 16,  1995,
    $150  million  principal amount  of 11%  notes.   The funds  utilized for
    these  repayments  include (i)  approximately  $65  million in  cash  AFG
    received upon  the sale of approximately 2.3 million shares of AFG common
    stock to an employee stock ownership  plan and to persons exercising  AFG
    employee  stock  options,  (ii)  the  proceeds  of  the  sale  of  9-3/4%
    Debentures due April  20, 2004 in  several private  placements and  (iii)
    borrowings under GAHC's existing line of credit.



         Generally  over  90%   of  the  dividends  AFC   has  received  from
    subsidiaries have  come from  its principal  insurance subsidiary,  Great
    American  Insurance  Company   ("GAI"),  which  is  domiciled   in  Ohio.
    Payments of dividends by GAI  and AFC's other insurance  subsidiaries are
    subject  to  various laws  and  regulations  which  limit  the amount  of
    dividends  that can  be paid without  prior approval.   During  1993, the
    State  of  Ohio  revised its  dividend  law for  Ohio-domiciled insurers.
    Under  the new law,  the maximum  amount of  dividends which may  be paid
    without either  prior approval or expiration  of a  30-day waiting period
    without disapproval is  the greater  of statutory  net income  or 10%  of
    policyholders' surplus as of the preceding  December 31, but only to  the
    extent of earned surplus  as of the preceding  December 31. Without  such
    approval, the maximum amount of dividends payable in  1995 from GAI based
    on its  1994 policyholders  surplus is  approximately $95  million.   The
    maximum  dividend permitted  by  law is  not  indicative of  an insurer's
    actual ability  to pay  dividends, which  may be  further constrained  by
    business and regulatory  considerations, such as the  impact of dividends
    on  surplus,  which  could  affect  an   insurer's  ratings,  competitive
    position, the amount of  premiums that can be written, and the ability to
    pay  future dividends.   Furthermore,  the Ohio  Insurance Department has
    broad  discretion  to  limit  the  payment  of  dividends  by   insurance
    companies domiciled in Ohio.

    Cyclicality of the Insurance Industry, Impact of Catastrophes

         AFC's  insurance  subsidiaries  operate  in  a   highly  competitive
    industry that is  affected by many  factors which  can cause  significant
    fluctuations in  the results of  operations.  AFC's insurance  operations
    have been subject to operating cycles and losses  from catastrophes.  The
    property and  casualty insurance industry  has historically been  subject
    to pricing  cycles characterized by  periods of  intense competition  and
    lower premium  rates  (a  "downcycle") followed  by  periods  of  reduced
    competition, reduced underwriting  capacity and higher premium  rates (an
    "upcycle").   The property  and casualty insurance  industry is currently
    in  an extended downcycle,  which has  lasted approximately  eight years.
    The underwriting results  for AFC's property and casualty operations have
    been  adversely affected  by this  downcycle,  particularly reflected  in
    soft  pricing in  certain  standard commercial  lines  of business.   AFC
    believes that  specialty  lines of  business  will  be less  affected  by
    supply/pricing pressures during  downcycles than other lines  of property
    and casualty  insurance.   Consequently, AFC believes  that its  emphasis
    towards specialty lines programs, larger accounts  and loss sensitive and
    retrospectively  rated  policies  will enhance  its  ability  to  achieve
    improved operating results during both upcycles and downcycles.



         As  with  other  property and  casualty  insurers,  AFC's  operating
    results can  be adversely affected  by unpredictable catastrophe  losses.
    AFC's insurance  subsidiaries generally seek to  reduce their exposure to
    such  events  through  individual  risk  selection  and  the  purchase of
    reinsurance.  Major  catastrophes in recent years included hail storms in
    Texas  in  the second  quarter  of  1995,  the  Northridge earthquake  in
    Southern California and the  winter storms in the South and  Northeast in
    1994;  winter storms  and  flooding in  the  Midwest in  1993; Hurricanes
    Andrew and  Iniki, Chicago  flooding and  Los Angeles  civil disorder  in
    1992;  and  the  Oakland  fires in  1991.    Total  net  losses to  AFC's
    insurance  operations from  catastrophes were $31.6  million in the first
    six months of 1995; $51 million  in 1994; $26 million in 1993; $42 millon
    in 1992; $22 million in 1991; and $13 million in 1990.


         A.M.  Best Company,  Inc. ("Best"),  publisher  of Best's  Insurance
    Reports, Property-Casualty, has  given GAI its rating of "A" (Excellent).
    Although some of  the large insurance companies against whom GAI competes
    have a  higher rating, AFC  believes that the current  rating is adequate
    to enable GAI  to compete successfully.   A downgrade in the  Best rating
    below "A"  (Excellent) could adversely affect the competitive position of
    GAI.  Best's  ratings are not  designed for the  protection of  investors
    and do not constitute recommendations to buy, sell  or hold any security.

    AFC's Investment Portfolio

         Approximately 95% of the bonds and  redeemable preferred stocks held
    by AFC were  rated "investment grade" (credit  rating of AAA to  BBB-) at
    June  30, 1995  and December 31, 1994,  compared to less  than 60% at the
    end of 1988.   Investment grade  securities generally  bear lower  yields
    and lower degrees of risk than  those that are unrated or  non-investment

         At June  30, 1995, AFC  held mortgage-backed  securities, consisting
    primarily of collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs"),  with a market
    value of $1.8  billion.  At  that date,  interest only (I/Os),  principal
    only (P/Os)  and other "high risk"  CMOs represented approximately seven-
    tenths of one  percent of AFC's  total mortgage-backed  securities.   AFC
    invests primarily  in CMOs  which are structured  to minimize  prepayment
    risk.  In addition, the majority  of CMOs held by AFC were purchased at a
    discount to par value.   AFC believes  that the structure and  discounted
    nature of  the CMOs will minimize  the effect of  prepayments on earnings
    over the anticipated life of the CMO portfolio.  Substantially all of 



    AFC's  CMOs are  rated "AAA"  by Standard  & Poor's  Corporation  and are
    collateralized   primarily  by   GNMA,   FNMA   or  FHLMC   single-family
    residential  pass-through  certificates.    The  market  in  which  these
    securities trade is  highly liquid.   Aside from interest rate  risk, AFC
    does not believe  a material risk (relative to earnings and liquidity) is
    inherent in holding such investments.  

         AFC has generally  followed a practice  of concentrating its  equity
    investments  in  a  relatively  limited  number  of  issues  rather  than
    maintaining relatively  limited positions in  a larger number of  issues.
    This practice permits concentration of  attention on a limited  number of
    companies   in   relatively  few   industries,   principally   insurance,
    utilities, financial services, food products,  energy and communications.
    Some of the investments,  because of  their size, may  not be as  readily
    marketable as  the typical small  investment position.  Alternatively,  a
    large equity position  may be attractive to persons seeking to control or
    influence the  policies  of  a  company  and  AFC's  concentration  in  a
    relatively small  number of  companies and  industries may  permit it  to
    identify investments with  above average potential to increase  in value.
    Because of  its significant ownership percentage  of the  voting stock of
    several companies,  AFC  utilizes  the  equity method  of  accounting  in
    certain companies.  This method results  in AFC including in its  results
    its proportionate  share of the investees' earnings and  losses.  At June
    30, 1995,  AFC utilized the equity  method of accounting with  respect to
    its  investments of $548 million in  AFG; $216 million in Chiquita Brands
    International, Inc.  ("Chiquita"); and  $72 million  in Citicasters  Inc.

    Adequacy of Loss Reserves

         The  insurance subsidiaries of AFC establish reserves to cover their
    estimated  liability for losses and loss  adjustment expense with respect
    to both reported and  unreported claims as of the end of  each accounting
    period.    By  their nature,  such  reserves do  not  represent  an exact
    calculation  of liabilities.    Rather,  except for  reserves  related to
    environmental  and asbestos  type  claims,  such reserves  are  estimates
    involving projections at  a given time of management's expectations as to
    the   ultimate  settlement   and  administration   of   claims.     These
    expectations are, in turn, based  on facts and circumstances known at the
    time, predictions of  future events, estimates  of future  trends in  the
    severity and  frequency of claims and  judicial theories  of liability as
    well as inflation.

         In recent years,  AFC's insurance subsidiaries have  increased their
    premium writings in specialty commercial  lines of business.   Estimation
    of loss reserves for many specialty commercial lines  of business is more
    difficult than for certain standard commercial lines because claims may 



    not become apparent  for a  number of years  (such period  of time  being
    referred  to  as the  "tail"),  and  a  relatively  higher proportion  of
    ultimate  losses is considered  incurred but not reported.   As a result,
    variations in  loss  development  are  more  likely  in  these  lines  of

         AFC  regularly   reviews  its  reserving   techniques  and   reserve
    positions and believes  that adequate provision  has been  made for  loss
    reserves.   Nevertheless,  there  can  be  no  assurance  that  currently
    established reserves  will prove adequate  in light of subsequent  actual
    experience.   Future  earnings could be  adversely impacted should future
    loss development  require  increases in  reserves previously  established
    for prior periods.

         AFC's  insurance  subsidiaries  face liabilities  for  asbestos  and
    environmental ("A&E") claims.   A&E claims arise out of general liability
    and commercial  multi-peril policies  issued by  GAI prior  to the  early
    1980's  when providing  coverage for A&E  exposures was  not specifically
    contemplated by GAI's policies.

         The insurance  industry typically includes  only claims  relating to
    polluted waste  sites and asbestos  in defining environmental  exposures.
    GAI extends its definition  of A&E claims to  include claims relating  to
    breast implants,  repetitive stress  on keyboards,  DES (a  drug used  in
    pregnancies years ago  alleged to cause  cancer and  birth defects),  and
    other latent injuries.

         Establishing reserves  for A&E  claims is  subject to  uncertainties
    that are greater than those presented by other types of claims.   Factors
    contributing to those  uncertainties include  a lack of  historical data,
    long  reporting delays,  uncertainty  as to  the  number and  identity of
    insureds with  potential  exposure,  unresolved  legal  issues  regarding
    policy  coverage,  and the  extent  and  times  of  any such  contractual
    liability.   Courts  have reached  different  and sometimes  inconsistent
    conclusions as  to  when the  loss  occurred  and what  policies  provide
    coverage,  what  claims  are  covered,   whether  there  is  an   insured
    obligation to defend, how policy  limits are determined and  other policy
    provisions.   Management  believes these  issues  are  not likely  to  be
    resolved in the near future.

         Based on known facts  and current law, management believes  that its
    reserves for A&E claims are adequate.


                          THE SELLING DEBENTUREHOLDERS

         Each Selling Debentureholder  associated with Fidelity  Management &
    Research  Company,  a   Massachusetts  corporation  ("Fidelity"),  is   a
    portfolio of  an investment  company registered  under Section  8 of  the
    Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended.   Fidelity is an investment
    adviser registered  under Section 203 of  the Investment  Advisers Act of
    1940 and  provides investment  advisory services  to two  of the  Selling
    Debentureholders  (Fidelity  Puritan Trust:  Fidelity  Puritan  Fund  and
    Variable  Insurance Products  Fund: High  Income  Portfolio), to  certain
    other registered  investment companies  and to  certain other funds  that
    are generally  offered to limited  groups of  investors.   Fidelity is  a
    wholly-owned subsidiary of FMR Corp., a Massachusetts corporation.

         Each selling  Debentureholder  associated  with  Allstate  Insurance
    Company  or  Allstate  Life  Insurance  Company  is  a  portfolio  of  an
    insurance  company.   Allstate  Life  Insurance  Company  is a stock life
    insurance company incorporated under  the insurance laws of Illinois  and
    and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of  Allstate Insurance Company, a  stock
    property-liability  insurance  company  incorporated  under the insurance
    laws of Illinois.    



         The  Selling Debentureholders  acquired  the  $50 million  principal
    amount  of  Debentures  offered  hereby  from  the   Company  in  private
    transactions in September and October 1995.
                                                                         Principal            Beneficial 
                                                 Beneficial                Amount       Ownership of Debentures
                                           Ownership of Debentures           of             After Offering
                                               Before Offering           Debentures   --------------------------------
                                           ------------------------        Offered
                                                       Percentage of       Hereby                     Percentage
                                         Principal      Outstanding                    Principal         of
                 Selling                   Amount      Debentures (a)                  Amount (b)    Outstanding
             Debentureholder                                                                         Debentures(a)
     ---------------------------        -----------    --------------    -----------   ----------    ----------
     Fidelity Puritan Trust:            $19,500,000         6.4%        $19,500,000       -0-            --
     Fidelity Puritan Fund

     Variable Insurance Products Fund:  $14,570,000         4.8%        $10,000,000    $4,570,000       1.5%
     High Income Portfolio

     Fidelity Fixed Income Trust:       $24,830,000         8.2%         $4,000,000   $20,830,000       6.9%
     Spartan High Income Fund                                            
     Fidelity Charles Street Trust:      $9,000,000         3.0%         $4,000,000    $5,000,000       1.6%
     Fidelity Asset Manager                                              

     Allstate Insurance Company -        $5,000,000         1.6%         $5,000,000       -0-            --

     Allstate Life Insurance             $3,000,000         1.0%         $3,000,000       -0-            --
     Company - ALISLBL                                                   
     Allstate Life Insurance             $2,500,000         .8%          $2,500,000       -0-            --
     Company - ALG                                                       

     Allstate Life Insurance             $2,000,000         .7%          $2,000,000       -0-            --
     Company - ALSPDA                                                    

    (a)  Based on the aggregate principal amount of Debentures outstanding at October 12, 1995.

    (b)  These Debentures were purchased from AFC in private placements in May 1995.  A registration statement  
         was declared effective with respect to the sale of these Debentures in June 1995.
         In connection with  this offering, AFC has  agreed to indemnify  the
    Selling   Debentureholders   against  certain   liabilities   under   the
    Securities  Act of 1933,  or to  contribute to payments  that the Selling
    Debentureholders may be required to make in respect thereof.


                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

         The Company  will not receive any  of the proceeds from  the sale of
    any of the Debentures by the Selling Debentureholders.

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

         The sale  or distribution of the Debentures may be effected directly
    to purchasers by the  Selling Debentureholders  as principals or  through
    one or  more underwriters, brokers,  dealers or agents from  time to time
    (i) in  one or  more transactions  on any  exchange or  in the  over-the-
    counter market, or (ii) in  transactions otherwise than in  such markets.
    Any of  such transactions may be effected at  market prices prevailing at
    the time of sale,  at prices related to such prevailing market prices, at
    varying prices determined  at the time of sale  or at negotiated or fixed
    prices, in each  case as determined by the  Selling Debentureholder or by
    agreement between  the Selling Debentureholder and underwriters, brokers,
    dealers  or agents,  or  purchasers.    If the  Selling  Debentureholders
    effect   such  transactions   by  selling   Debentures   to  or   through
    underwriters, brokers,  dealers  or agents,  such underwriters,  brokers,
    dealers or  agents may  receive compensation  in the  form of  discounts,
    concessions  or  commissions   from  the   Selling  Debentureholders   or
    commissions from purchasers of  Debentures for whom they may act as agent
    (which   discounts,  concessions   or   commissions   as  to   particular
    underwriters, brokers,  dealers  or agents  may  be  in excess  of  those
    customary   in  the  types  of   transactions  involved).    The  Selling
    Debentureholders and any  brokers, dealers or agents  that participate in
    the distribution of  the Debentures may be deemed to be underwriters, and
    any  profit on  the  sale  of  Debentures  by  them  and  any  discounts,
    concessions or  commissions received by  any such underwriters,  brokers,
    dealers or  agents  may  be  deemed  to  be  underwriting  discounts  and
    commissions under the Securities Act.

         Under the securities laws  of certain states, the Debentures  may be
    sold  in such  states only  through   registered or  licensed  brokers or
    dealers.  In  addition, in certain states the  Debentures may not be sold
    unless the Debentures have been registered or qualified for sale  in such
    state or  an exemption  from registration  or qualification is  available
    and is complied with.

         The  Company  will  pay   all  of  the  expenses  incident   to  the
    registration,  offering  and  sale   of  the  Debentures  to  the  public
    hereunder other  than commissions,  fees and  discounts of  underwriters,
    brokers, dealers  and agents.   The Company  has agreed to  indemnify the
    Selling   Debentureholders   and   any   underwriters   against   certain
    liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act.


                            PRICE RANGE OF DEBENTURES

         As  of October  12,  1995,  approximately $303.8  million  principal
    amount of the Debentures were outstanding.  The Debentures are  listed on
    the Pacific  Stock Exchange ("PSE")  and the  Cincinnati Stock  Exchange.
    The following table  shows for the periods indicated high and low closing
    prices per  $1,000 principal amount  of the Debentures  on the PSE.   The
    prices shown do not necessarily represent actual transactions.
                                                            High      Low
                      1994                                 -------  -------
                 Second Quarter (a)                         $  990  $  930
                 Third Quarter                                 969     920
                 Fourth Quarter                                950     875

                 First Quarter                                 956     913
                 Second Quarter                              1,004     963
                 Third Quarter                               1,015     990
                 Fourth Quarter (Through October 10)         1,005     999

                 (a)     The  Debentures were  first  issued in
                 April 1994.


                            DESCRIPTION OF DEBENTURES


         The  Debentures are  unsecured obligations  of  AFC and  were issued
    under an Indenture  between AFC and  Star Bank,  National Association  as
    Trustee.    The  following statements  are  brief  summaries  of  certain
    provisions of  the Indenture  and do  not purport  to be  complete.   The
    Indenture is on file with the Commission and references  to the Indenture
    are qualified in their entirety by express reference to the Indenture.

         The Indenture  provides  for  the issuance  of  up to  $750  million
    principal amount of  debentures of which $50 million principal amount are
    being offered hereby.   Approximately $203.8 million principal  amount of
    Debentures  was  issued  in 1994  in  an  exchange offer  for  other debt
    securities  of AFC  then outstanding,  $50 million  principal amount  was
    issued to certain funds  affiliated with Fidelity in May 1995, a total of
    $37.5  million principal amount  was issued  to certain  funds affiliated
    with Fidelity in September and  October 1995 and $12.5  million principal
    amount was  issued to certain funds  affiliated with  Allstate in October
    1995.  Additional  Debentures may be  issued in  future exchange  offers,
    private placements or  other transactions.   The Debentures  are issuable
    as registered debentures without  coupons in denominations of  $1,000 and
    any  multiple thereof.  The Debentures  are exchangeable and transferable
    at the office of  the transfer agent which the Company has  designated as
    Securities Transfer  Company, One  East Fourth  Street, Cincinnati,  Ohio
    45202.   No service charge  will be made for the  transfer or exchange of
    Debentures, but AFC may require  payment of sums sufficient to  cover any
    tax  or  other governmental  charge.   (Sections  2.03  and  2.06 of  the
    Indenture;  further  references   to  Sections  are  references   to  the

    Principal, Maturity and Interest

         The  Debentures  bear  interest at  the  rate  of  9-3/4% per  annum
    payable semi-annually on April 20 and October 20 each year to holders  of
    record on the April  1 and October 1 next preceding the  interest payment
    date.  Interest on the Debentures will  accrue from the most recent  date
    upon which  interest was  paid.   They  will mature  on April  20,  2004.
    Payments of  principal  and premium,  if  any,  and interest  payable  on
    redemption (other than interest payable on April 20  and October 20) will
    be made  at the  office of  the Paying  Agent in  Cincinnati, Ohio,  upon
    surrender of the Debentures. (Section 3.01)


    Optional Redemption

         The Debentures  will  be  redeemable after  April  20, 1999  at  the
    option of AFC, as a whole  or in part, on not less than  30 nor more than
    60  days'  written  notice,   at  the  following  prices,   expressed  in
    percentage of  the principal  amount, together with  interest accrued  to
    the date fixed for redemption.  If redeemed on or after April 20 of:

              Redemption                                        Redemption   
    Year        Price             Year                             Price   
    ----      -----------         -----                         ----------
    1999        104.75%           2001                            101.75%
    2000        103.25%           2002 and thereafter             100.00%

            Redemptions  will  be  made  in  $1,000 denominations  with  the
    Trustee determining  the particular debentures to  be redeemed  by lot at
    its discretion.  (Sections 4.01, 4.02 and 4.03)

    No Sinking Fund

            The Indenture contains no sinking fund provisions.

    No Financial Covenants

            The  Indenture  contains  no   provisions  which  restrict   the
    issuance of additional  securities, the incurring of additional debt, the
    declaration of dividends  or the retirement  of equity  securities.   The
    Indenture does  not require the maintenance  of any  particular ratios or
    the creation or  maintenance of reserves, nor  does it contain any  other
    financial covenants.

            The  provisions of  the Indenture  would not  necessarily afford
    holders of  the Debentures protection in the event  of a highly leveraged
    transaction,    reorganization,   restructuring,    merger   or   similar
    transaction which  involves the  Company and  which  event may  adversely
    affect the holders.

    Modification and Satisfaction of Indentures

            The  Indenture may  be amended  or supplemented  by AFC  and the
    Trustee with the  consent of the holders  of not less than a  majority in
    principal amount of the debentures then outstanding; but  no modification
    of the terms  of payment of principal  or interest on the  Debentures and
    no  modification  impairing  or  reducing  the  percentage  required  for
    modification will  be effective against  any holder without his  consent.
    (Section 9.02)



            The Indenture may be  satisfied and discharged upon cancellation
    of all the  Debentures or, under  certain conditions,  upon deposit  with
    the Trustee of funds or securities sufficient therefor.  (Section 8.01)

    Limitations on Claims in Bankruptcy  or on Acceleration Upon an  Event of

            Under the Indenture,  the Trustee or the  holders of 25%  of the
    debentures may declare an acceleration if an Event of Default occurs  and
    is continuing, even  if the bankruptcy of AFC  does not result in  or was
    not the  cause  of  the  Event  of  Default.   Under  the  terms  of  the
    Indenture, should  an  acceleration  be  declared  as  a  result  of  the
    occurrence and  continuation of an  Event of  Default absent  bankruptcy,
    the claim of a holder of  Debentures is for the full  principal amount of
    the holder's debentures.  (Section 6.02)

            The  amount that  a holder  would be  able to recover  from AFC,
    under a bankruptcy  or an event of  default, may, however, be  limited by
    applicable  law to  the  issue price  (the market  value  at the  time of
    issuance) of  the  Debentures plus  the  portion  of any  original  issue
    discount which has been amortized.

    Events of Default

            The following events are defined in the Indenture as "Events  of
    Default":   failure to  pay principal  or premium  when due for  20 days;
    failure to  pay interest  when due for  30 days;  failure to perform  any
    other covenants  in  the Indenture  for  90  days after  notice;  certain
    events  of   bankruptcy,  insolvency  or   reorganization  of  AFC;   the
    occurrence  of an  event of default  in any other  instrument under which
    AFC has or may issue debt  which has not been cured within  30 days after
    notice  of such default; or  failure to pay any  funded debt in excess of
    $10,000,000 now  existing or  existing after  the date  of the  Indenture
    within 20  days after stated maturity.     Upon the  happening and during
    the continuance of  any Event of Default,  the Trustee or the  holders of
    at least  25%  in principal  amount  of  the outstanding  Debentures  may
    declare the  principal and  accrued interest  of all  debentures due  and
    payable.    The  Indenture   provides  that  such  declaration  and   its
    consequences  may, in  certain events, be  annulled by  the holders  of a
    majority in principal amount of the outstanding debentures.  (Article 6)

            The  Indenture  provides  that   if  a  default  occurs  and  is
    continuing  and is  actually  known to  the  Trustee, the  Trustee shall,
    within 90  days thereafter, give  to the  holders notice  of all  uncured
    defaults known to it  (the term default to  include the events  specified
    above without  grace  periods); provided  that,  except  in the  case  of
    default  in  payment  of  principal of  or  interest  in  respect of  the
    debentures, the Trustee  shall be protected in withholding such notice if
    it  in good faith  determines that the withholding  of such  notice is in
    the interest of the holders. (Section 7.05)


            AFC must  furnish to the  Trustee within 120 days  after the end
    of each  fiscal year,  a certificate  of certain  officers of  AFC as  to
    whether such persons have knowledge  of any default under  the Indenture.
    (Section 3.04)

            The  holders  of a  majority  in  aggregate principal  amount of
    outstanding Debentures will  have the right  to direct  the time,  method
    and place  of conducting any proceeding  for any remedy available  to the
    Trustee,  or exercising  any  trust or  power  conferred on  the Trustee,
    except  that  the  Trustee  shall  not  be  so  required  to  act  unless
    reasonable indemnity  shall be  offered against  the costs, expenses  and
    liabilities  of  such  act,  or  except  as  otherwise  provided  in  the
    Indenture.  (Sections 6.05 and 7.01)


            The  Trustee  serves as  trustee  under  indentures relating  to
    other debt of AFC and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates and  has
    loans outstanding to  certain subsidiaries and  affiliates of  AFC.   The
    Trustee has no other material relationship with AFC.

    Authenticating Agent, Paying Agent, Registrar

            Securities   Transfer  Company,  an  Ohio  limited  partnership,
    Cincinnati,  Ohio,  has been  designated  by  AFC as  the  Authenticating
    Agent,  Paying Agent, and  Registrar for the debentures.   AFC may change
    the  Authenticating  Agent,  Paying Agent  and  Registrar  without  prior
    notice.   AFC is the  general partner of  Securities Transfer Company and
    subsidiaries and affiliates of AFC are limited  partners.  AFC or any  of
    its subsidiaries or affiliates may act in such capacities.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

            Certain legal matters, including  the validity of the Debentures
    offered hereby, will be passed upon for the  Company by Keating, Muething
    & Klekamp.


            The consolidated financial statements  of AFC appearing in AFC's
    Annual  Report (Form  10-K) for  the year  ended December  31, 1994, have
    been audited by Ernst  & Young LLP, independent auditors, as set forth in
    their  report  thereon  included  therein  and   incorporated  herein  by
    reference.   Such report is based  in part  on the reports of  Deloitte &
    Touche LLP, independent  auditors relating to the  consolidated financial
    statements  of  American Premier  Underwriters,  Inc. and  of Deloitte  &
    Touche,  independent auditors,  relating  to the  consolidated  financial
    statements  of  General  Cable Corporation.    The  financial  statements
    referred  to above are included in reliance  upon such reports given upon
    the authority of such firms as experts in accounting and auditing.



         No person has been authorized to give any information or to
         make any representations  not contained  in this  Prospectus
         and, if  given or made,  such information or representation
         must  not be relied  upon as having been  authorized by the
         Company  or the  Selling Debentureholders.   This Prospectus
         does not constitute  an offer to sell or a  solicitation of
         any  offer to buy  any of the securities  offered hereby in
         any  jurisdiction to any  person to whom it  is unlawful to
         make  such offer in such jurisdiction.  Neither the delivery
         of this Prospectus  nor any sale made hereunder shall, under
         any circumstances,  create any implication  that the  infor-
         mation herein is  correct as of any time subsequent  to the
         date hereof or that  there has been no change in the affairs
         of the Company since such date.

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

         AVAILABLE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2


         SUMMARY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4

         INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8

         THE SELLING DEBENTUREHOLDERS  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

         USE OF PROCEEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

         PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

         PRICE RANGE OF DEBENTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

         DESCRIPTION OF DEBENTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

         LEGAL MATTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

         EXPERTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20





                              9-3/4% Debentures
                             due April 20, 2004



                               October 26, 1995