Form of
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         This  Agreement,  dated as of October 23,  1996,  by and  between  AT&T
Corp.,  a New  York  Corporation  with  its  headquarters  at 32  Avenue  of the
Americas, New York, New York 10013 (hereinafter called the "Company"),  and John
R. Walter (hereinafter called the "Employee").

         WHEREAS the Employee was employed  as a senior
executive  with another
company; and

         WHEREAS the Employee has accepted employment with the
Company; and

         WHEREAS the Company has assigned and appointed the Employee to a Senior
Management  position as President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company,
reporting to the Chairman, with the contemplation that after a transition period
he will  become  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company  and  later be named
Chairman of the Board.  Employee has also been elected a member of the Company's
Board of Directors.

         WHEREAS,  it is of special  importance  for the Company to mitigate the
impact on Employee of early departure from the Employee's prior employer;

         NOW,  therefore,  and in  consideration  of the promises
and the mutual
agreements  as set forth  above  and  hereinafter  contained,
the  Company  and
Employee do hereby agree as follows:

         1.  Employment.  Subject to the provisions set forth  elsewhere in this
Agreement,  the Company  hereby  employs the Employee  and the  Employee  hereby
accepts  employment with the Company as President and Chief Operating Officer of
the Company during the employment  term set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement
with  the  contemplation  that at the time  periods  announced  by the  Company,
Employee will become Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.  The Company has also
elected  Employee  as a member of the  Company's  Board of  Directors.  Employee
represents  and warrants that there are no agreements or  arrangements,  whether
written or oral,  in effect  which would  prevent him from  rendering  exclusive
services to the  Company  during the term  hereof,  and that he has not made and
will  not make any  commitment,  agreement  or  arrangement,  or do any act,  in
conflict with this  Agreement and that entering into this  Agreement will not be
in violation of any other agreement. Such employment shall be upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter contained.

         2.  Term  of  Employment.   The  term  of  employment  hereunder  ("the
Employment  Term") shall commence on October 23, 1996 (the "Effective Date") and
will terminate at the will of either party to this Agreement upon written notice
to the other and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

         3. Employee's Compensation and Benefits.  Subject to this Agreement and
as more fully set forth  hereinbelow,  during the Employment  Term, the Employee
shall be treated in the same  manner as, and be entitled  to such  benefits  and
other perquisites and terms and conditions of employment no less favorable than,
Senior  Managers  of  the  Company  at  a  similar  level  and  with  comparable
responsibilities.  Employee shall receive no additional compensation for serving
as a member  of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  or as an  officer  or
director of any subsidiary or affiliate.

                  (a) Base  Salary.  The Company  agrees to pay and the Employee
agrees to accept for  services to be rendered  hereunder  during the  Employment
Term, a base salary of not less than $975,000 a year, payable in installments on
a monthly or other  periodic  basis in accordance  with the  prevailing  payroll
practices of the Company.  Employee  will be eligible for  consideration  by the
Compensation  Committee  of base salary  increases as  appropriate  from time to

                  (b) Perquisites. During the Employment Term, the Company shall
(i) provide the Employee with perquisites of employment as are commonly provided
to  an  employee  of  the  Company  at  a  similar  level  and  with  comparable
responsibilities,  and (ii)  reimburse the Employee for reasonable and necessary
business expenses incurred in connection with his employment, in accordance with
employee business expense practices  applicable to employees of the Company at a
similar level and with comparable responsibilities.

                  (c)  Benefits.  Subject  to the terms and  provisions  of this
Agreement,  during the  Employment  Term,  the  Employee  shall be  entitled  to
coverage  under or  benefits  in  accordance  with  those  employee  and  Senior
Management  benefit  plans  and  programs  as are made  available,  or which may
subsequently  become  applicable,  to other  Senior  Managers  of the Company at
comparable  levels.  Employee  shall be  entitled  to five (5)  weeks of  annual
vacation applicable to 1997 and subsequent years, provided however, Employee may
commence  taking his 1997 vacation any time after the Effective  Date.  Employee
shall also be entitled to:

         -- Relocate under the terms of the AT&T  Management
Relocation Plan

         -- Utilize  the  assistance  of  one  or  more firms of
his choice for
            purposes of the Company's financial counseling program

         -- Receive  death  benefit  coverage at a rate of two
times base salary
            under the AT&T  Senior  Management  Basic  Life
Insurance  Plan,  a
            split-dollar life insurance program, or any successor

         -- Commencing the month Employee closes on his New Jersey
residence, in
            lieu  of  any   Mortgage   Interest  or  High
Housing   Cost  Area
            Differentials under the AT&T Management Relocation
Plan, the Company
            will provide a temporary (i.e., 36 month) monthly
housing  allowance
            of $10,500  for each of the first 12  months,  8,400
for each of the
            next 12 months and $6,300 for each of the final 12

                  (d) Incentive Plans.  During the Employment Term, the Employee
will be  eligible  for  consideration  for both long term and  annual  incentive
awards  pursuant to the terms of the Company's 1987 Long Term Incentive  Program
and  Short-Term   Incentive  Plan,   respectively  (the  "Incentive  Plans")  or
replacements thereof, as are in effect from time to time, at levels and on terms
and  conditions  consistent  with  awards  to  other  Senior  Managers.   Annual
incentives for AT&T Senior Managers  currently take the form of AT&T Performance
Awards  (APA) and Merit  Awards  (MA).  Award  levels  under the APA program are
predicated  on  overall  corporate  performance  and award  levels  under the MA
program are  determined by individual and team  contributions.  Employee will be
eligible for a prorated 1996 Annual  Incentive  based on his partial  service in
1996. The Company cannot make any representations  regarding the continuation of
the APA/MA incentive  format, or the size of Employee's APA and MA awards in any
given year,  if any.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Employee's  standard (or
target)  annual  incentive  opportunity  under such  Incentive  Plans,  or those
replacement  plans as may from  time-to-time be in effect,  for 1997 (payable in
1998) shall not be less than $1,170,000 and for 1998 and 1999 it is contemplated
such  target  annual  incentive  opportunities  shall  not be less  than 120% of
Employee's base salary as of the first day of such year.

         As of the Effective Date, the Compensation Committee has awarded 34,175
Performance  Shares/Stock  Units to the Employee  under the Company's  1987 Long
Term Incentive Program covering the 1996 - 1998 performance  period,  subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Stock Unit Award Agreement provided to
Employee  with  this   Agreement.   Distributions   of  Long  Term   Performance
Shares/Stock  Units will be in  accordance  with the  applicable  1987 Long Term
Incentive Program and award provisions,  provided,  however, that as a result of
the Company's  restructuring and the difficulty of setting  long-term  financial
targets  while  the  restructure  is  in  progress,   the  performance  criteria
established  for the 1996 - 1998 long-term  cycle are not  applicable.  For such
performance  period,  the  criteria  are  deemed to have been met at the  target
level.  However, the opportunity to earn a payout above 100% is eliminated,  and
all other terms and conditions of the award continue to apply.  In January 1997,
Employee will also be eligible to receive a Performance  Share/Stock  Unit Award
for the 1997 - 1999  performance  period or a  replacement  long term  incentive
vehicle of generally  comparable value. The Compensation  Committee of the Board
has not yet determined the format or magnitude of such award.

         Also, as of the Effective Date of this Agreement,  a Stock Option Award
with  respect to 112,500  shares of AT&T  Common  Stock has been  granted to the
Employee  under the Company's 1987 Long Term  Incentive  Program.  Such Award is
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Non-statutory  Stock Option
Agreement provided to Employee with this Agreement.  The option price is 100% of
market price on the  Effective  Date.  In January  1997,  Employee  will also be
eligible to receive  another Stock Option grant,  the magnitude of which has not
yet been determined by the Compensation Committee.

         As with the Annual  Incentive  Award,  Long Term Incentives are closely
linked with the  Company's  strategy to meet the  challenges of an ever changing
marketplace.  Accordingly,  other than the grants as made in this Agreement, the
Company  cannot  guarantee  continuation  of the Long Term Incentive Plan in its
current  format,  nor  can  it  guarantee  annual  grant  levels  to  individual
participants.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  to further  incent  Employee to
achieve  Company's goal of  substantially  enhancing  shareowner  wealth,  it is
contemplated  Employee  will receive (i) Stock Option  grants for Company  Stock
that will  average no less than  200,000  options per year  (adjusted  for stock
splits or other  occurrences  that result in  adjustments  of shares  subject to
outstanding  stock  options)  during  1997,  1998 and 1999  delivered  through a
variety  of grant  forms  e.g.,  standard  annual  grants,  special  grants  and
"premium"  grants  and  (ii)  awards  of  Performance   Shares/Stock   Units  or
replacement  long term equity  incentives that will have an average value at the
time of grant during  1997,  1998 and 1999 of at least  $1,350,000,  per year on
terms and conditions as the  Compensation  Committee shall determine at the time
of the  awards,  provided  that  such  terms  and  conditions  shall  be no less
favorable to Employee than for long term equity awards being simultaneously made
to other Senior Managers.

         The terms and  conditions  of various  long-term  incentive  awards set
forth in the attached Award Agreements and in this Agreement,  are in accordance
with the scope and provisions of the Company's 1987 Long-Term Incentive Program.

                  (e) Hiring Bonus. To recognize  certain
forfeitures  Employee
will  incur when he leaves his  current  employer  and to incent
him to join the
Company,  the  Compensation  Committee  has as of the  Effective
Date  of  this
Agreement granted the following one time special arrangements to

             --   An award of 34,175  "Seasoned"  1995 - 1997
AT&T  Performance
                  Shares/Stock Units (i.e., Performance
Shares/Stock Units which
                  would  have  been  granted  to  Employee  had he
been with the
                  Company in 1995) under the AT&T Long Term
Incentive  Program,
                  as set forth in the Stock Unit  Award
Agreement  provided  to
                  Employee  with  this  Agreement.  As  a  result
of  Company's
                  restructuring   and  the   difficulty  of
setting   long-term
                  financial  targets while the  restructure is in
progress,  the
                  performance criteria established for the 1995 -
1997 cycle are
                  not applicable and for this performance
period,  the criteria
                  are deemed to have been met at the target
level.  However, the
                  opportunity to earn a payout above 100% is
eliminated, and all
                  other terms and conditions of the award continue
to apply.

             --   A  $5,000,000  cash  bonus  payable  within
ten  days  of the
                  Effective  Date.  Employee has expressed a
desire that he will
                  use a  substantial  portion of the  after-tax
proceeds of the
                  bonus to  purchase,  with the  intent to retain
for long term
                  investment purposes, 50,000 shares of AT&T
Common Stock.

             --   A stock  option  award on the  Effective  Date
with respect to
                  112,500 shares of AT&T Common Stock,  subject to
the terms and
                  conditions  set  forth  in  the  Non-statutory
Stock  Option
                  Agreement  provided to  Employee  with this
Agreement,  which
                  terms  include,  but are not  limited  to, an
option  exercise
                  price equal to the market price per share of
AT&T Common Stock
                  on the Effective Date.

             --   An award of 75,000 AT&T Restricted Stock Units,
subject to the
                  terms  and  conditions  set  forth  in the
Stock  Unit  Award
                  Agreement provided to Employee with this Agreement.

             --   Two "premium"  stock option awards on the
Effective Date, each
                  with respect to 100,000  shares of AT&T Common
Stock,  subject
                  to the terms  and  conditions  set forth in the
                  Stock  Option  Agreements   provided  to
Employee  with  this
                  Agreement,  which  terms  include,  but are not
limited to, an
                  option  exercise  price equal to the market
price per share of
                  AT&T Common Stock on the Effective Date.

             --   Establishment  of a Deferred Account to be
maintained and paid
                  to Employee in accordance  with the following
provisions:  On
                  the  Effective  Date,  the Company  shall
credit the Deferred
                  Account with an initial  balance of
$7,000,000.  The Deferred
                  Account will be  maintained  as a  bookkeeping
account on the
                  records of the Company and the Employee will
have no ownership
                  interest  in the  Deferred  Account,  nor in
any  asset of the
                  Company with respect thereto.  The Deferred
Account may not be
                  assigned,  pledged or otherwise  alienated by
the Employee and
                  any attempt to do so, or any garnishment,
execution or levy of
                  any kind with  respect to the  Deferred
Account,  will not be
                  recognized.  Employee  shall not have any right
to receive any
                  payment  with  respect  to the  Deferred
Account,  except  as
                  expressly provided below. The Company shall
credit interest to
                  the Deferred  Account as of the end of each
calendar  quarter
                  (and  compounded  quarterly) at a rate equal to
one quarter of
                  120% of the Applicable  Annual Federal Mid-Term
Rate in effect
                  for the last month of such quarter. The vesting,
forfeiture or
                  distribution  of the Deferred  Account  shall be
in accordance
                         with the following provisions:

                  In the event of termination of Employee's
employment prior to
                  the fifth anniversary of the Effective Date:

                  --     For any reason other than death, "Long
Term Disability"
                         (as defined below),  Company-initiated
termination for
                         other than  "Cause" (as defined  below),
or  Employee-
                         initiated  termination  for "Good
Reason"  (as defined
                         below),  then all amounts in the Deferred
Account shall
                         be  cancelled  and  Employee   shall
not  receive  any
                         distribution with respect to the
Deferred  Account;  or
                         have any further interest in the Deferred

                  --     By reason of death or Long-Term
Disability, all amounts
                         credited  through  the last day of the
first  calendar
                         quarter  of the  calendar  year
following  the year in
                         which such  termination  of employment
occurs shall be
                         paid to Employee  (or,  in the event of
the  Employee's
                         death to Employee's beneficiary
designated on a Company
                         form filed with Executive  Human
Resources,  or to his
                         estate if no beneficiary has been
designated),  within
                         30 business days of the end of such
calendar  quarter;

                  --     By reason of  Company-initiated
termination  for other
                         than Cause, or Employee-initiated
termination for Good
                         Reason,  amounts credited to the Deferred
Account shall
                         continue  to accrue  interest  through
the later of (i)
                         the last day of the calendar quarter in
which the fifth
                         anniversary of this  Agreement  occurs or
(ii) the last
                         day of the first calendar  quarter of the
calendar year
                         following the year in which such
termination occurs, at
                         which time the balance credited to the
Deferred Account
                         shall  be  paid  to the  Employee  (or
his  designated
                         beneficiary or estate, as described
above, in the event
                         of his death)  within 30 business days
after the end of
                                  such quarter;

         In the event of  termination of Employee's  employment  after the fifth
anniversary  of the Effective Date for any reason,  all amounts  credited to the
Deferred  Account  through  the last day of the first  calendar  quarter  of the
calendar year following the year in which such termination of employment  occurs
shall be paid to the  Employee (or his  designated  beneficiary,  or estate,  as
described  above,  in the event of his death)  within 30 business days after the
end of such quarter.

         Payments  from the Deferred  Account are in addition to and not in lieu
of any pension,  savings, or other defined benefit or defined contribution plan,
program or arrangement  covering  Employee,  including other  provisions of this
Agreement.  The Company shall pay to Employee an additional amount which,  after
gross-up for applicable Federal and state income,  payroll and other withholding
taxes in  accordance  with the  Company's  tax gross-up  policies  applicable to
Senior  Management,  is equal  to the FICA  Medicare  tax  withholding  due from
Employee on the initial $7,000,000  deferral (but not earnings thereon) upon the
establishment of the Deferred Account or, if not then so taxable, when such FICA
Medicare tax becomes due.

         For purposes of this Agreement:

         "Long Term Disability" shall mean termination of Employee's  employment
with the Company with  eligibility to receive a disability  allowance  under the
AT&T Senior  Management Long Term  Disability and Survivor  Protection Plan or a
replacement plan.

         "Good  Reason"  shall mean a material  breach of this  Agreement by the
Company  which is not cured within  twenty days of the giving of written  notice
thereof by  Employee.  Good reason  shall  include  any  uncured  failure by the
Company to provide the compensation and benefits required hereunder,  to provide
the contemplated  equity and incentive awards as stated hereunder  (except those
that cannot  legally be  continued)  or awards that the  Compensation  Committee
believes  in good faith  provide  substantially,  in the  aggregate,  equivalent
pre-tax  economic  benefits and  opportunities  to the  foregoing,  to elect the
Employee to the future offices  contemplated  by this Agreement  within the time
framework announced by the Company,  to maintain Employee in such positions,  or
to effect an assumption as provided in Section 10(b). Employee's sole remedy for
any breach of this  Agreement by the Company  during the  Employment  Term which
would provide him with a right to terminate with Good Reason,  including but not
limited to failures  referred to in the prior  sentence,  shall be a termination
for Good  Reason and the  amounts  and  benefits  provided  hereunder  upon such
termination (as well as any accrued but unpaid base salary, accrued vacation and
amounts due under the terms of any plan or program upon such  termination),  and
in no event shall the Company or its  affiliates be liable for any other damages
of any kind  whatsoever  as a result of any such  breach.  The amounts  paid and
benefits provided upon such a Good Reason termination shall be deemed to include
liquidated  damages for such breach,  and Employee  shall not be entitled to any
actual damages (which the parties agree would be difficult,  if not  impossible,
to determine).  Any notice of termination of employment for Good Reason shall be
given  within  180 days  after the  occurrence  of the event on which  such Good
Reason termination is to be based.

         For  purposes of this  Agreement,  any award  agreement,  and any other
agreement,  plan or program of the  Company to which  Employee  is a party or by
which he is covered, "Cause" or "cause" (or words of similar import) shall mean:

         (i)      The Employee  is convicted (including a plea of
guilty or nolo
                  contendere) of  a  felony involving  theft or
moral turpitude,
                  other  than  a  felony  predicated  on
Employee's  vicarious
                  liability.  Vicarious  liability  means, and
only  means, any
                  liability which is based on acts of the  Company
for which the
                  Employee  is  charged solely  as a result of
his  offices with
                  the  Company and in which he was not directly
involved  or did
                  not  have prior knowledge of such actions or
intended actions.

         (ii)     The Employee engages in conduct that constitutes
willful gross
                  neglect or willful gross misconduct in carrying
out his duties
                  under this Agreement,  resulting,  in either
case, in material
                          economic harm to the Company.

         4.  Special Pension and Other Post-Termination

                  (a) In the event Employee's  employment terminates on or after
Employee's  55th  birthday  for any reason  other  than for a  Company-initiated
termination  for Cause,  the Company will provide an immediate  pension  benefit
(the  "Special  Pension")  based  on (1)  the  greater  of the  pension  amounts
reflected  in  Attachment  A or (2) actual  Company  Net  Credited  Service  and
compensation   calculated  under  the   then-existing   Company   qualified  and
non-qualified  pension  formulas,  but  without  reference  to age  and  service
eligibility  requirements  for  purposes of  determining  benefit  commencement,
(i.e.,  such accrued  pension  benefits would normally under plan  provisions be
payable at age 65, therefore waiving the age and service eligibility requirement
will facilitate payment of such accrued benefits commencing as early as age 55).
Non-qualified  pensions affected by these practices would include those provided
under the AT&T Non-Qualified Pension Plan, the AT&T Mid-Career Pension Plan, but
specifically  would exclude the minimum  retirement benefit and surviving spouse
benefit  payable  under the AT&T  Senior  Management  Long-Term  Disability  and
Survivor Protection Plan. Special Pension payments shall be paid to the Employee
from Company  operating  income and Employee shall be a general  creditor of the
Company with regard to such benefits. Such benefits may not be assigned, pledged
or  otherwise  alienated  by the  Employee  and  any  attempt  to do so,  or any
garnishment, execution or levy of any kind with respect to the Special Pension,

will not be recognized.  The total pension amount which results from application
of the preceding provisions of this Section 4 will be reduced by (1) the pension
payable by Employee's  former employer and (2) all amounts actually  received by
Employee  or his  surviving  spouse  under  any  other  Company  or  affiliate's
qualified or non-qualified  pension,  retirement,  disability or annuity plan or
program, except the AT&T Long-Term Savings Plan for Management Employees and the
AT&T Senior Management  Incentive Award Deferral Plan.  Special Pension benefits
payable under this Section 4 will be afforded the same post  employment "ad hoc"
inflation  adjustments,  if any, as may be applicable to the AT&T  Non-Qualified
Pension Plan from time to time.

                  Employee may elect,  prior to the  commencement of the Special
Pension (or, if earlier,  such earlier date such that the election  would not be
subject to constructive receipt treatment) to receive the benefit in the form of
a joint and 50% survivor  annuity  with his spouse (or under any other  optional
form of  benefit  then  available  under  the AT&T  Management  Pension  Plan or
replacement  plan) at the time of such election,  subject to the  adjustments as
provided  for in  Attachment  A. To the  extent any  adjustments  in form of any
benefit are required to calculate an offset, the actuarial practices  applicable
to the AT&T  Management  Pension  Plan or  replacement  plan shall be used.  Any
benefits with a later starting date than this Special  Pension  benefit shall be
offset only when such offsetting benefits commence.  In the event termination is
as a result of the  Employee's  death,  a 50% survivor  annuity shall be paid to
Employee's spouse, if any, assuming,  for benefit calculation  purposes,  he had
terminated his employment and commenced  benefits in the form of a joint and 50%
survivor annuity on the day before his death.

                  (b)  Conditioned   upon  termination  and  eligibility  to  an
immediate pension under Section 4(a), Employee will be entitled to the following
post-termination  ancillary  entitlements,  administered in a manner  consistent
with the then-current  treatment of Service Pension eligible Senior Managers and
in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to each Senior Management
plan, program or practice (or replacement  therefor) as they may exist from time
to time.

         --       Two times base salary Senior Management Basic
Life Insurance

         --       One and  one half  times  salary  Senior
Management Individual
                  Life Insurance

         --       One times salary plus annual  incentive death
benefit normally
                  payable  under  the  AT&T  Management  Pension
Plan  and AT&T
                  Non-Qualified  Pension  Plan to certain
qualified  survivors,
                  e.g., spouse or dependent child of a Service
Pensioner. In the
                  event:  (1) such benefit is  available  to
Service  Pensioners
                  upon  Employee's  death and (2)  Employee is
not  eligible for
                  such benefit,  then in such case a death benefit
equal to such
                  benefit will be paid from the Company's
operating income to a
                  qualified  survivor,  if any,  per  comparable
death  benefit
                  provisions  under the AT&T  Management  Pension
Plan. Any lump
                  sum death  benefit  payable  under the AT&T
Senior  Management
                  Long Term  Disability and Survivor  Protection
Plan will be an
                  offset to the death benefit payable under this

         --       Participation in the post-retirement Senior
Management benefit
                  or prerequisite  plans,  programs and practices
as well as any
                  employee  benefit  plan,  (except  those for
which  alternate
                  coverage  is made  available  in the  Agreement
or  through a
                  special Senior Management plan, program or
practice), but only
                  to the  extent and under  such  terms and
conditions  as such
                  employee   benefits   and  Senior   Management
benefits  and
                  perquisites are available to Service  Pension
eligible Senior
                  Managers at the time of Employee's termination.

         --       Immediate  (or,  if later,  six months from the
date of grant)
                  vesting and  exercisability  of all outstanding
Stock Options
                  granted under this Agreement as of the
Effective  Date,  other
                  than  premium   options,   without   regard  to
any  prorated
                  cancellation  under the Award  Agreements of
awards granted in
                  the year of termination of employment or

         --       Immediate vesting in all outstanding
Performance  Share/Stock
                  Units awards  granted under this Agreement as of
the Effective
                  Date  with  payout   thereof   being  made  as
if  Employee's
                  employment   continued  through  payout  at
the  end  of  the
                         applicable Performance Period.

         --       Acceleration or  continuation of vesting and/or
                  of  other  awards  under  this   Agreement  or
any  long-term
                  incentive  plan to the  extent  and under  the
same  terms and
                  conditions  applicable  to  Service  Pension
eligible  Senior
                  Managers  at the time such  awards  were
granted,  all as set
                  forth in the applicable long-term award

         --       Immediate   vesting  of  the  75,000
Restricted  Stock  Units
                  described in Section 3(e) of this Agreement.

         --       Retention of the two "premium"  Stock Option
grants  described
                  in  Section   3(e)  of  this   Agreement,
with  vesting  and
                  exercisability  as if Employee had remained an
active employee
                  of the Company.

         5. Powers and Duties.  The Employee shall devote his full business time
and  best  efforts  and  abilities  to the  performance  of  duties  under  this
Agreement,  it being  understood  in  connection  therewith  that he may, in his
discretion and subject to not interfering  with his duties and  responsibilities
hereunder,  devote time to civic,  public and  professional  activities  and may
serve as a director of other  business  corporations  not engaged in competition
with the  Company or any  subsidiary  or  affiliate  of the  Company;  provided,
however,  that he shall not accept  directorships  on more than three  boards of
other business  corporations;  and provided,  further,  that for purposes of the
immediately  preceding  clause,  directorships  on the  boards  of  two or  more
companies with at least 50% common  ownership  shall count as a single  company.
Furthermore,  so long as it does not  interfere  with  his  Company  duties  and
subject to the AT&T Non-Competition  Guideline,  Employee may continue to manage
his passive investments.

         6.  Indemnification.  The  Company  and  Employee  shall
promptly enter
into the Indemnity Agreement annexed hereto as Attachment B.

         7.  Restrictive Convenants.

                  (a) Competition.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Agreement,  any and all payments (except those made from  Company-sponsored  Tax
Qualified Pension or Welfare Plans), benefits or other entitlements to which the
Employee may be eligible in accordance with the terms hereof,  may be forfeited,
whether or not in pay status, at the discretion of the Company,  if the Employee
at any time without the consent of the Company  "establishes a relationship with
a competitor"  or "engages in an activity"  which is in conflict with or adverse
to the  interest of the Company,  all within the meaning of the  Non-Competition
Guidelines referred to below (a "Competitive Activity"). The payments,  benefits
and other entitlements  hereunder are being made in part in consideration of the
obligations  of this Section 7 and in particular the  post-employment  payments,
benefits  and  other  entitlements  are  being  made in  consideration  of,  and
dependent  upon,  compliance with this Section 7(a) and, to the extent set forth
in Section 8, the Release and Agreement  referred to in Section 8.  Attachment C
is a copy of the Non-Competition Guideline.

                  (b) Confidentiality.  The Employee agrees that he will not, at
any time  during  his  employment  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or  thereafter,
disclose or use any trade secret, proprietary or confidential information of the
Company or any  subsidiary  or  affiliate of the  Company,  obtained  during the
course of his employment, except as required in the course of such employment or
with the written permission of the Company or, as applicable,  any subsidiary or
affiliate  of the  Company  or as may be  required  by law,  provided  that,  if
Employee  receives legal process with regard to disclosure of such  information,
he shall promptly notify the Company and cooperate with the Company in seeking a
protective order.

         The  Employee  agrees  that  at  the  time  of the  termination  of his
employment  with the  Company,  whether at the  instance of the  Employee or the
Company,  and  regardless  of the  reasons  therefore,  he will  deliver  to the
Company,  and not keep or deliver  to anyone  else,  any and all  notes,  files,
memoranda,  papers and,  in  general,  any and all  physical  matter  containing
information,  including any and all documents  significant to the conduct of the
business of the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the Company which are
in his  possession,  except  for any  documents  for  which the  Company  or any
subsidiary or affiliate of the Company has given  written  consent to removal at
the  time of the  termination  of the  Employee's  employment  and his  personal
rolodex, phone book and similar items.

         Employee agrees that the Company's  remedies at law would be inadequate
in  the  event  of  a  breach  or  threatened  breach  of  this  Paragraph  (b);
accordingly, the Company shall be entitled, in addition to its rights at law, to
an injunction and other equitable relief without the need to post a bond.

                  (c) Any Competitive  Activity by the Employee not permitted by
the  provisions  of Section 7(a) above shall  result,  at the  discretion of the
Company,  in the  cancellation  of all rights and  entitlements  of the Employee
hereunder  (including  but not  limited  to those  for  payments  or  benefits),
provided  that:  (i) the Deferred  Account in such event shall not be forfeited,
but  may at the  Company's  discretion  be  immediately  paid  out  and  (ii) no
forfeiture or cancellation (or accelerated payout of the Deferred Account) shall
take place with respect to any payments,  benefits or entitlements  hereunder or
under any other award agreement,  plan or practice unless the Company shall have
first given the Employee  written notice of its intent to so forfeit,  or cancel
or pay out and Employee has not,  within thirty (30) days of giving such notice,
ceased such unpermitted Competitive Activity,  provided that the foregoing prior
notice  procedure  shall  not be  required  with  respect  to (x) a  Competitive
Activity which Employee initiated after the Company had informed the Employee in
writing that it believed such Competitive  Activity violated Section 7(a) or the
AT&T Non-Competition  Guidelines,  (y) any Competitive Activity regarding local,
regional or long distance telephone services or other products or services which
are part of a line of  business  which  represents  more than 5%  percent of the
Company's  consolidated gross revenues for its most recent completed fiscal year
at the time the Competitive Activity commences.

         8.  Termination Provision.

                  (a) If,  at any time  during  the  period  beginning  with the
Effective  Date and  ending on the day prior to the  Employee's  55th  birthday,
Employee is  terminated  by the Company for any reason  other than Cause or Long
Term Disability or Employee  terminates his Company  employment for Good Reason,
the Employee will be entitled to:

         --    Monthly  payments  for a 12 month period
following  termination,
               each  such  payment  in an  amount  equal to one
twelfth  of the
               greater of (1)  $3,217,500  or (2) 150% of the sum
of  Employee's
               annual  base salary rate plus  target  Annual
Incentive  rate in
               effect as of the date of Employee's termination.

         --    An annual incentive award for the year of
termination  payable at
               the target amount but prorated to the nearest half
month based on
               actual  service  in the final  performance  year
and  payable  to
               Employee   within   fifteen   (15)   business
days  after  such

         --    Distribution  of  the   Deferred  Account  as
provided  for  in
               Section 3(e).

         --    The  Special  Pension  provided  for  in  Section
4(a)  of  this
               Agreement   determined  on  the  basis  that
Employee's  age  at
               termination  was the greater of age 55 or his
actual age plus two
               years,  and further  provided  that such pension
will commence no
               earlier than his actual attainment of age 55.

         --    The  post-termination  benefits  and entitlements
as described in
               Section 4(b)

                  (b) If,  at any time  during  the  period  beginning  with the
Effective  Date of this  Agreement and ending on the day prior to the Employee's
55th birthday, Employee's employment terminates because of Long
Term Disability, the Employee will be entitled to:

         --    Distribution  of  the Deferred Account as provided
for in Section

         --    The  Special  Pension  provided  for  in  Section
4(a)  of  this
               Agreement assuming  Employee's age at termination
was the greater
               of age 55 or his actual age plus two years,  and
further provided
               that such pension will commence no earlier than his
                  attainment of age 55.

         --    The  post-termination   benefits  entitlements  as
described  in
               Section 4(b)

                  (c) In the event Employee's  employment  terminates because of
Employee's death at any time during the period beginning with the Effective Date
and ending on the day prior to the Employee's 55th birthday:

         --    Employee's  surviving  spouse  shall be  entitled
to a  survivor
               pension  for her  lifetime  commencing  the month
after the month
               which includes the date of Employee's  death.  The
amount of such
               pension shall be $29,000 per month. This survivor
pension will be
               offset by the minimum  surviving  spouse pension
benefit (or lump
               sum alternate if such becomes  available)  payable
under the AT&T
               Senior  Management Long Term  Disability and
Survivor  Protection
               Plan (or  replacement  plan)  and any  other
benefit  under  any
               Company  qualified or  non-qualified  retirement
or annuity plan
                        payable to the surviving spouse.

         --    In addition,  amounts and  benefits  shall be paid
or provided as
               otherwise  specified  herein  or as  provided  in
the  applicable
               Company programs and plans upon an in-service death.

                  (d) In the event Employee's employment terminates  voluntarily
(other than for Good Reason) or as the result of a Company-initiated termination
for Cause,  at any time during the period  beginning with the Effective Date and
ending on the day prior to the  Employee's  55th  birthday,  Employee shall only
receive such amounts and benefits as are provided  under the Company's  programs
and plans.

                  (e) Any payments or benefits  made  pursuant to this Section 8
are: (1) subject to the provisions, restrictions and limitations of Section 7(a)
and (c) above, but not otherwise subject to offset or mitigation, (2) subject to
Employee  signing a Release and  Agreement not to sue the Company in the form of
Attachment  D hereto with such changes  therein or  additions  thereto as needed
under  then  applicable  law to give  effect to the  intent of the  Release  and
Agreement  and  (3)  receipt  of  Employee's   resignation   from  all  offices,
directorships and fiduciary positions with the Company, its affiliates and their
respective benefit plans.  Notwithstanding  the due date of any  post-employment
payment,  any amounts due under this  Section 8 shall not be due until after the
end  of any  applicable  revocation  period  with  regard  to  the  Release  and

         9.  Dispute  Resolution.  At the option of the Employee or the Company,
any dispute,  controversy, or question arising under, out of or relating to this
Agreement or the breach  thereof,  other than that for  injunctive  relief under
Section 7(b),  shall be referred for decision by arbitration in the State of New
Jersey by a neutral  arbitrator  selected by the parties hereto.  The proceeding
shall be governed by the Rules of the American  Arbitration  Association then in
effect or such rules last in effect (in the event such  Association is no longer
in existence). If the parties are unable to agree upon such a neutral arbitrator
within thirty (30) days after either party has given the other written notice of
the desire to submit the  dispute,  controversy  or  question  for  decision  as
aforesaid,  then either party may apply to the American Arbitration  Association
for an appointment of a neutral  arbitrator,  or if such Association is not then
in existence or does not act in the matter within 30 days of application, either
party may apply to the  Presiding  Judge of the Superior  Court of any county in
New Jersey for an  appointment  of a neutral  arbitrator to hear the parties and
settle the dispute, controversy or question, and such Judge is hereby authorized
to make such appointment.  In the event that either party exercises the right to
submit a dispute arising  hereunder to arbitration,  the decision of the neutral
arbitrator shall be final,  conclusive and binding on all interested persons and
no action at law or  equity  shall be  instituted  or,  if  instituted,  further
prosecuted  by either  party  other  than to  enforce  the award of the  neutral
arbitrator. The award of the neutral arbitrator may be entered in any court that
has  jurisdiction.  In the event that the Employee is successful in pursuing any
claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement,  the Company shall reimburse all
of the Employee's  attorney's  fees and costs,  including the  compensation  and
expenses of any arbitrator,  relating solely,  or allocable,  to such successful
claim. In any other case, the Employee and the Company shall each bear all their
own costs and  attorneys  fees,  except the  Company  shall pay the costs of any
arbitrator appointed hereunder.

         10.  Assignment.

                  (a) Employee.  This  Agreement is a personal  contract and the
rights and  interests of the Employee  hereunder  may not be sold,  transferred,
assigned, pledged or hypothecated by him, but shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of his heirs, administrators, and executors..

                  (b) Company.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and
be binding upon the Company,  its  successors  and  assigns,  provided  that the
Company may not assign this Agreement except in connection with an assignment of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or by law as a result of a
merger or  consolidation.  In the  event of such  assignment,  a failure  by the
successor to  specifically  assume in writing,  delivered to the  Employee,  the
obligations and liabilities of the Company  hereunder shall be deemed a material
breach of this Agreement.

         11.  Taxes.  It is  understood  that all payments and
benefits provided
under this  Agreement are  subject to  withholding for applicable
federal, state
and local income (or similar) taxes.

         12. Other. The Company reserves the right to prospectively  discontinue
or modify its compensation,  incentive,  benefit and perquisite plans,  programs
and practices,  but any such  discontinuance or modification  shall not diminish
any specified right of Employee  hereunder.  Moreover,  the very brief summaries
contained herein are subject to the terms of such plans, programs and practices.
For purposes of the employee benefit plans, the definition of compensation is as
stated in the plans.  Currently,  pensions  are based on base  salary and annual
incentives.  Other  benefits are based on either base salary or base salary plus
annual  incentives.  All  other  compensation  and  payments  included  in  this
Agreement are not included in the base for calculation of employee benefits. The
amounts paid under this  Agreement  upon a termination of employment are in lieu
of and  inclusive  of any  amounts  payable  under any other  plan,  program  or
practice of the Company with regard to termination of employment.

         13. Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement, which may be executed
in two or more  counterparts,  comprises 23 pages, 16 Sections and 4 Attachments
and represents the entire Agreement  between Employee and the Company in respect
of the subject matter  contained  herein and  supersedes  all prior  agreements,
promises,   convenants,   arrangements,   communications,   representations   or
warranties,  whether oral or written, by any officer, employee or representative
of any party hereto.  No amendments or  modifications  to this  Agreement may be
made  except  in  writing  signed  by  the  Company,  by  the  Chairman  of  the
Compensation  Committee  or his  specially  authorized  representative,  and the

         14.  Survivorship.  The   respective  rights  and
obligations  of  the
parties hereunder shall survive any termination of  the Employee's
employment to
the   extent  necessary   to  the  intended  preservation  of
such  rights  and

         15. Notices.  Any notice given to a party shall be in writing and shall
be deemed to have been given when delivered personally or two days after mailing
if sent by  certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,  return  receipt
requested,  duly addressed to the party concerned at the address indicated below
or to such changed address as such party may subsequently give such notice of:

If to the Company:
                              295 North Maple Ave.
                             Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
                      Attn: Executive Vice President, Human

If to the Employee:
                                 John R. Walter
                          President and Chief Operating Officer
                          295 North Maple Avenue
                          Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

With a copy to:
                                Robert J. Stucker
                          Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz
                          222 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2600
                                Chicago, IL 60601

          16.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be construed
and enforced in
accordance with  the  laws  of the  State of  New Jersey  without
of conflict of law principles.

         In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement and
Company has affixed its corporate seal as of the day and year first above


By:               ________________________
                  H. W. Burlingame

Date:             ________________________

Witnessed:        ________________________

Date:             ________________________

Employee:         ________________________

Date:             ________________________

Witnessed:        ________________________

Date:             ________________________

Attachment A

                            MINIMUM PENSION SCHEDULE
          (Amounts Assume 50% Joint and Survivor Pension is

                   Retirement Age#               Total Monthly
- ---------------------

                         55                             $ 69,444
                         56                               75,000
                         57                               80,554
                         58                               86,109
                         59                               91,664
                         60                               97,219
                         61                              102,774
                         62                              108,329
                         63                              113,884
                         64                              119,433
                         65                              125,000

*  If  survivor  annuity  is  elected,  amounts  will be
decreased  to  reflect
   practices in effect upon Employee's termination.

** The above  Minimum  Pension  Schedule is subject to offsets
provided  for in
   Section 4(a) of the Agreement.

#  Minimum Pension amounts will be prorated to the nearest whole