May 7, 1997

Mr. John D. Zeglis
1 Colonial Way
Madison, NJ  07940

Dear John:

         This  letter  agreement  (hereinafter   Agreement)  will  establish  an
individual  non-qualified pension arrangement  (hereinafter  Individual Pension)
which,  subject  to the terms and  conditions  below,  will  provide  you with a
pension payable upon your  termination/retirement  from the Company, in the same
form as  applicable  to the  AT&T  Non-Qualified  Pension  Plan.  As part of the
Individual  Pension,  survivor benefits may be provided to your spouse upon your
death.   Moreover,   subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions   below,   related
post-retirement/termination benefits (hereinafter Post-Retirement Benefits) will
be provided  to you  (hereinafter  the  Individual  Pension and  Post-Retirement
Benefits are collectively referred to as the Special Benefits).

         If you  terminate  your  Company  employment  prior to your age 52, the
Special  Benefits  provisions of this  Agreement  will be null and void in their
entirety, provided, however, such provisions will continue to apply in the event
of a termination for (i) "Disability"  (as defined) or (ii) a Company  initiated
termination  for other than "Cause" (as defined),  or you terminate your Company
employment  for  "Good  Reason"  (as  defined)  both (i) and  (ii)  terminations
hereinafter referred to as a "Termination".

Individual Pension:

         The Individual Pension formula assumes you commenced Company employment
on January 1, 1973 and utilizes the  pension/retirement  benefit formulas in the
AT&T Management Pension Plan (AT&TMPP) and the AT&T  Non-Qualified  Pension Plan
(AT&TNQPP),  and plan  amendments  implemented in 1997 and thereafter  provided,
however,  that in no event will the  Individual  Pension  benefits  be less than
those Minimum Pension Schedule detailed in Appendix A:

         In addition,  the Individual Pension will also provide for an Automatic
Survivor Annuity. In the event of your death as an active employee,  your spouse
will receive 50% of your accrued Individual Pension benefit which you would have
received in the event a Termination had occurred on your date of death.
(Assuming the annuitant's pension was not declined.)

         In  the  event  you  do  not  decline  the   post-departure/Termination
annuitant's  pension,  then under  this  Individual  Pension  your  spouse  will
receive,  after your death, an annuitant's pension for her lifetime.  Under this
provision,  the benefit  payable to you during your lifetime will be reduced for
early retirement,  if applicable (i.e., for pre-age 55 retirement),  and reduced
by the cost of the annuitant's pension (such annuitant's pension cost determined

in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions of the AT&TMPP and AT&TNQP at the
time of your  departure  or  Termination).  The  annuitant's  pension  will be a
percentage of your lifetime  benefit,  such percentage  determined in accordance
with the terms and  conditions  of the AT&TMPP and  AT&TNQPP at the time of your

         Moreover,  in the event the value of the  survivor  benefits  under the
AT&TMPP and  AT&TNQPP,  as amended in 1997,  exceeds the value of the  Automatic
Survivor  Annuity or elected  Survivor  Annuity  as  described  in the two prior
paragraphs, such higher amounts will be payable to your survivor.

         All AT&T qualified (e.g.,  AT&TMPP) and non-qualified  (e.g.,  AT&TNQPP
and  AT&T Mid Career Pension Plan)  pension/retirement plan benefits (except the
AT&T Long Term Savings Plan and AT&T Incentive Award  Deferral Plan) are offsets
to (i.e.,  subtracted  from) the amount of  the Individual  Pension  (payable to
you and/or your  surviving  spouse).  It is further  understood  and agreed that
any payment under the  Individual Pension made as  a result of a Disability will
be an offset (subtracted from) the Disability Allowance  payable under  the AT&T
SMLTD&SP or successor plan.

Post-Retirement Benefits:

         If upon your  termination  of Company  employment,  you are eligible to
receive an Individual Pension,  you shall also be eligible,  except as indicated
in the  following  sentence,  for  such  Post-Retirement  Benefits  as are  then
available (i.e., at your departure/Termination date) to Service Pension eligible
Senior  Managers.  Any  post-retirement  benefit  available  to Service  Pension
eligible Senior Mangers which the Company is legally precluded from extending to
non-Service  Pensioners  will  not be  part  of your  Post  -Retirement  Benefit

Other Provisions:

          "Cause" shall be defined as follows:  (1) conviction (including a plea
of guilty or nolo  contendere) of a felony or any crime or theft,  dishonesty or
moral turpitude;  or (2) gross omission or gross dereliction of any statutory or
common law duty of loyalty to the  Company or (3)  violation  of AT&T's  Code of

          "Disability"  shall be  defined  as being  disabled  after  the  first
fifty-two week period following the onset of a physical or mental  impairment as
detailed  in the AT&T  Senior  Management  Long  Term  Disability  and  Survivor
Protection Plan

          "Good  Reason"  shall be defined as any  termination  of your  Company
employment,  initiated by you prior to reaching  your 52nd  birthday,  resulting
from any of the  following  events which are not cured by the Company  within 20
days of your giving the Company written notice thereof:

          a)      A reduction in  annual total  compensation  (i.e., annual base
                  salary rate, target annual incentive, "Long Term Incentive" as
                  valued  below) to less  than $2,267,000.  For purposes of  the
                  prior  sentence, the  dollar value of  your annual "Long  Term
                  Incentive" grants  shall  be determined by valuing Performance
                  Shares,  Performance  Units,  Stock  Units, Restricted  Stock,
                  Restricted  Stock  Units, etc., at the market  price when  the
                  Compensation Committee approves such grants, and assuming 100%

                  performance  achievement  if  such  grants include performance
                  criteria, and  Stock Options and  SARs  will be  valued at 30%
                  of the market price of  the shares or related shares when  the
                  Compensation Committee approves such grants, as applicable.

          b)      The assignment to you, without your expressed written consent,
                  of  any  duties   inconsistent   with,  or,  any   substantial
                  alteration in, your status or responsibilities as in effect as
                  of the date of this Agreement.

          It is understood and agreed that until this Agreement  becomes part of
the public record (e.g.  Proxy,  10K),  you will not talk about,  write about or
otherwise  publicize  the  terms  or  existence  of this  Agreement  or any fact
concerning  its  negotiation,  execution or  implementation.  You may,  however,
discuss its contents with your spouse, legal and/or financial counselor.

          This  Agreement  is  subject  to the  AT&T  Non-Competition  Guideline
(Attachment B).

          The Special  Benefits  provided by this  Agreement are made in lieu of
all Company severance  benefits and are conditioned upon you, within thirty days
of your termination of Company employment,  signing and not revoking,  a Release
and  Agreement  not to sue the Company.  The form of this Release and  Agreement
will be that then (i.e., upon your  Termination/retirement) in use for departing
AT&T Senior Managers.)

          This Agreement  reflects the entire understanding  regarding the terms
and  conditions  of  the  Special  Benefits.   Accordingly,  it  supersedes  and
completely  replaces any prior oral or written  communication  on this  subject.
Moreover,  the  Agreement  shall not be amended  or  modified  without  specific
written provision to that effect,  signed by you and the Company. This Agreement
is not an  employment  contract and should not be construed  or  interpreted  as
containing any guarantee of continued employment. The employment relationship at
AT&T is by mutual consent ("Employment-at-Will"). This means that employees have
the  right  to  terminate  their  employment  at any  time  and for any  reason.
Likewise,  the Company reserves the right to discontinue your employment with or
without cause at any time and for any reason.  The Agreement  shall be construed
and  enforced  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of New Jersey  without
reference to any applicable conflict of law provisions.  The incentive plans, as
well as the  employee  and the Senior  Management  benefit  plans,  programs and
practices  (as  may be  mentioned  in this  Agreement),  reflect  their  current
provisions.  The Company  reserves the right to  discontinue  or modify any such
plans, programs and practices at any time.

          At your or the Company's option, any dispute, controversy, or question
arising under, out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall
be referred for decision by  arbitration in the State of New Jersey by a neutral
arbitrator  selected by the parties hereto.  The proceeding shall be governed by
the Rules of the American  Arbitration  Association then in effect or such rules
last in effect (in the event such Association is no longer in existence). If the
parties are unable to agree upon such a neutral  arbitrator  within  thirty (30)
days after one party has given the other written  notice of the desire to submit
the dispute,  controversy  or question for  decision as  aforesaid,  then either
party may apply to the  Presiding  Judge of the Superior  Court of any county in
New Jersey for the  appointment of a neutral  arbitrator to hear the parties and
settle the dispute, controversy or question, and such Judge is hereby authorized
to make such appointment.  In the event that either party exercises the right to
submit a dispute arising  hereunder to arbitration,  the decision of the neutral

arbitrator shall be final,  conclusive and binding on all interested persons and
no action at law or in equity shall be  instituted  or, if  instituted,  further
prosecuted  by either  party  other  than to  enforce  the award of the  neutral
arbitrator.  Both parties  shall each bear all their own costs and attorney fees
relating to any arbitration,  except that the Company shall pay the costs of any
arbitrator appointed hereunder.

          John,  I am  happy to  present  this  special  arrangement  to you. It
recognizes the extraordinary  contribution you have made to our business. If you
agree with the terms and conditions  detailed above,  please sign this Agreement
in the space provided below and return the executed copy to me.



- -----------------------------------    ------------------------------
Acknowledged and Agreed to             Date
J. D. Zeglis