EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT,  made and entered into as of the 17th day of October,  1997,
and  herein  amended  and  restated,  by and  between  AT&T  Corp.,  a New  York
corporation  (together  with its  successors  and assigns  permitted  under this
Agreement, the "Company"), and C. Michael Armstrong (the "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

         WHEREAS,  the Company desires to employ the Executive and to enter into
an  agreement,  as herein  amended  and  restated,  embodying  the terms of such
employment  (this  "Agreement")  and the  Executive  desires  to enter into this
Agreement and to accept such employment,  subject to the terms and provisions of
this Agreement;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
contained herein and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt of
which is mutually  acknowledged,  the Company and the Executive  (individually a
"Party" and together the "Parties") agree as follows:

         1.       Definitions.

                  (a)     "Affiliate" of a person or other entity  shall  mean a
person or other entity that directly or indirectly  controls,  is controlled by,
or is under common control with the person or other entity specified.

                  (b)     "Base  Salary"  shall  mean the  salary  provided  for
in Section 4 below or any increased  salary  granted to the  Executive  pursuant
to Section 4.

                  (c)     "Board" shall  mean  the  Board  of  Directors  of the

                  (d)     "Cause" shall mean:

                          (i)     the  Executive   is  convicted   of  a  felony
involving moral turpitude; or

                          (ii)    the  Executive  is  guilty  of  willful  gross
neglect  or  willful  gross misconduct  in  carrying  out his  duties under this
Agreement, resulting, in either case, in  material economic harm to the Company,
unless the  Executive believed in good faith that such act  or nonact was in the
best interests of the Company.

                  (e)     "Change in Control"  shall mean the occurrence  of any
of the following events:

                          (i)     An  acquisition  by any individual, entity  or
group (within the  meaning  of Section  13(d)(3)  or 14(d)(2) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act") (an "Entity") of beneficial ownership
(within the meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated under the Exchange Act) of 20% or
more of either (A) the then  outstanding  shares  of Stock of the  Company  (the

"Outstanding  Company Stock")  or (B)  the  combined  voting  power of the  then
outstanding  voting securities of the  Company  entitled  to  vote  generally in
the  election  of  directors  (the  "Outstanding  Company  Voting  Securities");
excluding,  however,  the following:  (1)  any  acquisition  directly  from  the
Company, other than an acquisition  by virtue of the  exercise  of a  conversion
privilege  unless the  security being so converted was itself acquired  directly
from the Company, (2) any acquisition by the Company, (3) any acquisition by any
employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained  by the Company
or any  corporation  controlled by  the Company, or (4) any  acquisition by  any
corporation  pursuant to a transaction  which complies with clauses (A), (B) and
(C) of subsection  (iii) of this Section 1(e);

                          (ii)     A change in the composition of the Board such
that the individuals who, as of the effective date of this Agreement, constitute
the Board (such Board shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Incumbent Board")
cease for any reason to constitute at least a  majority of the Board;  provided,
however, that for  purposes of this  definition,  any  individual  who becomes a
member of the Board  subsequent to  the effective date of this Agreement,  whose
election, or nomination for election, by the Company's stockholders was approved
by a vote of at least a two-thirds majority of those individuals who are members
of the Board and  who were also members of the Incumbent  Board (or deemed to be
such  pursuant to  this proviso) shall  be considered as though such  individual
were a member of the Incumbent  Board; and provided,  further  however, that any
such individual whose initial  assumption  of office occurs as a result of or in
connection  with either an actual or threatened  election contest (as such terms
are used in Rule 14a-11 of  Regulation 14A  promulgated  under the Exchange Act)
or other actual or threatened  solicitation  of  proxies or  consents  by  or on
behalf of an Entity other than the Board  shall not be so considered as a member
of the  Incumbent Board;

                          (iii)    A  merger, reorganization or consolidation to
which  the  Company  is a  party  or a  sale  or  other  disposition  of  all or
substantially   all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company   (each,   a   "Corporate
Transaction"); excluding however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which
(A)  all or  substantially  all of the  individuals  and  entities  who  are the
beneficial  owners,   respectively,   of  the  Outstanding   Company  Stock  and
Outstanding  Company  Voting  Securities  immediately  prior  to such  Corporate
Transaction will  beneficially  own,  directly or indirectly,  more than 60% of,
respectively,  the outstanding  shares of common stock,  and the combined voting
power of the then outstanding  voting  securities  entitled to vote generally in
the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from
such Corporate  Transaction  (including,  without  limitation,  a corporation or
other  person which as a result of such  transaction  owns the Company or all or
substantially all of the Company's assets either directly or through one or more
subsidiaries  (a "Parent  Company")) in  substantially  the same  proportions as
their  ownership,  immediately  prior  to  such  Corporate  Transaction,  of the
Outstanding Company Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case
may be, (B) no Entity  (other than the Company,  any  employee  benefit plan (or
related trust) of the Company,  such  corporation  resulting from such Corporate
Transaction (or, if reference was made to equity ownership of any Parent Company
for purposes of determining  whether clause (A) above is satisfied in connection
with  the  applicable   Corporate   Transaction,   such  Parent   Company)  will
beneficially  own,  directly or indirectly,  20% or more of,  respectively,  the
outstanding  shares  of  common  stock of the  corporation  resulting  from such
Corporate  Transaction  (or, if  reference  was made to equity  ownership of any
Parent Company for purposes of determining whether clause (A) above is satisfied
in connection with the applicable Corporate Transaction, such Parent Company) or
the  combined  voting  power  of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of  such

corporation  entitled to vote generally in the election of directors unless such
ownership  resulted  solely from ownership of securities of the Company prior to
the Corporate Transaction, and (C) individuals who were members of the Incumbent
Board will  immediately  after the  consummation  of the  Corporate  Transaction
constitute  at  least a  two-thirds  majority  of the  members  of the  board of
directors of the corporation  resulting from such Corporate  Transaction (or, if
reference  was made to equity  ownership  of any Parent  Company for purposes of
determining  whether  clause (A) above is satisfied in connection the applicable
Corporate Transaction, of the Parent Company); or

                          (iv)     The  approval  by  the  stockholders  of  the
Company of a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

                  (f)     "Constructive  Termination  Without Cause" shall  mean
termination by the Executive of his  employment at his initiative  following the
occurrence of any of the following events without his consent:

                          (i)      a  reduction  in the Executive's then current
Base  Salary or target  bonus  opportunity  as a  percentage  of Base  Salary or
long-term  performance incentive or the termination or material reduction of any
employee  benefit  or  perquisite  enjoyed  by him  (other  than  as  part of an
across-the-board reduction applicable to all executive officers of the Company);

                          (ii)     the failure to elect or reelect the Executive
to any of the  positions described in  Section 3 or the  removal of him from any
such position;

                          (iii)    a material  diminution  in   the  Executive's
duties  or the  assignment  to the  Executive  of duties  which  are  materially
inconsistent with his duties or which materially impair the Executive's  ability
to function as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company;

                          (iv)     the  relocation  of  the  Company's principal
office,  or the  Executive's  own office  location,  as  assigned  to him by the
Company to a location more than 50 miles from Basking Ridge, New Jersey; or

                          (v)      the  failure  of  the  Company  to obtain the
assumption  in  writing  of its  obligation  to perform  this  Agreement  by any
successor  to all or  substantially  all of the assets of the Company  within 15
calendar days after a merger, consolidation, sale or similar transaction.

Following  written notice from the Executive,  as described  above,  the Company
shall have 15 calendar days in which to cure. If the Company fails to cure,  the
Executive's  termination  shall  become  effective  on  the  16th  calendar  day
following the written notice.

                  (g)     "Disability" shall mean the Executive's inability, due
to  physical  or mental  incapacity,  to  substantially  perform  his duties and
responsibilities under this Agreement as determined by a medical doctor selected
by the  Company and the  Executive.  If the  Parties  cannot  agree on a medical
doctor,  each Party  shall  select a medical  doctor and the two  doctors  shall
select a third who shall be the approved medical doctor for this purpose.

                  (h)     "Effective Date" shall  mean the date as of which this
Agreement was entered into.

                  (i)     "Fair  Market  Value" shall  mean the value of a share
of Stock as traded on the New York Stock Exchange on the date in question, based
on the mean of the high and low reported prices.

                  (j)     "Pro Rata" shall  mean  a fraction,  the  numerator of
which is the number of days that the  Executive  was employed in the  applicable
performance  period  (a  calendar  year in the  case of an  annual  bonus  and a
performance  cycle in the case of an award under the Long-Term  Incentive  Plan)
and the  denominator  of which  shall be the  number  of days in the  applicable
performance period.

                  (k)     "Stock" shall mean the Common Stock of the Company.

                  (l)     "Term of  Employment"  shall mean the period specified
in Section 2 below (including any extension as provided therein).

         2.       Term of Employment.

                  The Term of Employment  shall begin on the Effective Date, and
shall extend until October 31, 2003.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Term of
Employment  may be earlier  terminated  by either Party in  accordance  with the
provisions of Section 12.

         3.       Position, Duties and Responsibilities.

                  (a)     Commencing on  the Effective  Date and  continuing for
the remainder of the Term of Employment,  the Executive shall be employed as the
Chairman  of the  Board  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company  and be
responsible  for the  general  management  of the  affairs of the  Company.  The
Executive has also been elected by the Board as a member of the Board, effective
October  20,  1997.  The  Executive,  in  carrying  out his  duties  under  this
Agreement,  shall report to the Board.  During the Term of this  Agreement,  the
Executive  shall devote his full business time and attention to the business and
affairs of the Company and shall use his best  efforts,  skills and abilities to
promote its interests.

                  (b)     Nothing  herein  shall  preclude  the  Executive  from
(i) serving  on  the  boards  of  directors of  a  reasonable  number  of  other
corporations  subject to the approval of the Board in each case (which  approval
has been given as to the boards  listed in Exhibit A attached),  (ii) serving on
the  boards of a  reasonable  number  of trade  associations  and/or  charitable
organizations,  (iii) engaging in charitable  activities and community  affairs,
and (iv)  managing his personal  investments  and  affairs,  provided  that such
activities set forth in this Section 3(b) do not  materially  interfere with the
proper performance of his duties and responsibilities under Section 3(a).

         4.       Base Salary.

                  The Executive shall be paid an annualized Base Salary, payable
in accordance with the regular payroll practices of the Company,  of $1,400,000.
The Base Salary shall be reviewed annually for increase in the discretion of the

         5.       Annual Incentive Award.

                  During  the  Term  of  Employment,   commencing  in  1998  the
Executive  shall  participate in the AT&T Short Term Incentive Award Plan or any
successor  annual  incentive  award plan of the  Company.  Under such plan,  the
Executive shall have a target bonus  opportunity  each year equal to 100% of his
then Base Salary,  payable in that amount if the performance  goals  established
for the  relevant  year are met.  If such  performance  goals  are not met,  the
Executive shall receive a lesser amount (or nothing) as determined in accordance

with applicable plan  guidelines.  If such performance  goals are exceeded,  the
Executive  may  receive  a greater  amount  as  determined  in  accordance  with
applicable  plan  guidelines.  For 1998 the Executive shall be paid a guaranteed
annual  incentive award of no less than 100% of his target bonus (whether or not
performance  goals have been met in such year).  The Executive shall be paid his
annual incentive awards no later than other senior executives of the Company are
paid their annual incentive awards.

         6.       Cash Award.

                  In order to address certain  forfeitures  experienced when the
Executive  left his  previous  employer,  the  Company  shall pay a  premium  of
$2,050,000 to purchase a  split-dollar  survivorship  insurance  policy under an
Estate  Enhancement  Program insuring the Executive and his spouse.  Such policy
shall, upon the death of the last surviving insured,  provide insurance proceeds
equal to the sum of the face amount of the policy and the  policy's  cash value.
An amount  equal to the policy face amount  shall be payable to the  Executive's
beneficiaries  or to a trust  which may be  established  to own the  Executive's
interest  in such  policy.  The  balance  of the  proceeds  shall be paid to the
Company,  and from its  share  of the  death  benefit,  the  Company  will pay a
Company-paid death benefit to the Executive's  beneficiaries  equal to the death
benefit received by the Company,  minus the Company-paid  premium.  It is agreed
and understood that the face amount of such split-dollar  survivorship insurance
policy will be determined in accordance  with the  underwriting  requirements of
the insurance  company  providing such coverage,  based on the Company's premium
payment of  $2,050,000,  pursuant to this Section 6 and any  additional  premium
payments,  if any, that the Executive may become  eligible for under any similar
program  adopted  by the  Company  for its  senior  executives  and in which the
Executive elects to participate.

         Prior  to  the  Company  purchasing  insurance  under  this  paragraph,
Executive will make a reasonable effort (but not including litigation) to obtain
all or a portion of his 1997 annual bonus and his long-term  incentive bonus for
the 1995-1997  performance cycle from his current  employer,  and he will notify
the Company, in writing, of the outcome of such efforts.

         7.       Stock Awards.

                  (a)     General.  On  the Effective  Date,  the  Company shall
grant the Executive  restricted  stock,  restricted stock units and stock option
awards  described  in this  Section 7. The  Executive  also shall be eligible to
participate in the Company's 1997 Long-Term  Incentive Plan ("LTIP") as provided
in Section 8 below.

                  (b)     Restricted Stock Award. As of the Effective  Date, the
Company shall grant the Executive an award of 105,330 shares of restricted Stock
("Restricted  Stock")  substantially  in the form attached to this  Agreement as
Exhibit C, vesting as follows:

                          (i)     19,072 shares shall vest on January 1, 1999;

                          (ii)    18,294 shares shall vest on January 1, 2000;

                          (iii)   8,022 shares  shall  vest at  the rate of 25%,
2006  shares on each of May 1,  1998 and May 1, 1999 and 2005  shares on each of
May 1, 2000 and May 1, 2001;

                          (iv)    26,815  shares  shall vest as follows:  8,939
shares on May 1, 1998, and 8,938 shares  on each of May 1, 1999 and May 1, 2000;

                          (v)     33,127 shares  shall vest at  the rate of 25%,
8282 shares on each of the first  three  anniversaries  of  the  Effective  Date
and 8281  shares on the fourth anniversary of the Effective Date.

                  (c)     Restricted Stock Unit Award. As of the Effective Date,
the Company shall  grant the Executive an  award of 224,561 shares of restricted
stock units (the "Restricted Stock Units") substantially in the form attached to
this  Agreement  as  Exhibit  D,  vesting  as  provided  in and  subject  to the
provisions of Exhibit D.

                  (d)     Stock Option Award.  As  of  the  Effective  Date, the
Company shall grant the Executive a ten-year  stock option award,  substantially
in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit E, to purchase  750,000 shares
of Stock.  The exercise  price shall be the Fair Market  Value on the  Effective
Date  which the Board has  fixed as the date of grant,  which is  $44.53125  per
share. The award shall vest as provided in Exhibit E.

                  (e)     Anything herein  to the  contrary notwithstanding, the
numbers of shares of restricted  stock and restricted stock units referred to in
Section  7(b) and (c) above  shall be  reduced  to the  extent  the  Executive's
similarly  related  awards from his prior  employer  (to which such awards under
Section 7(b) and (c) relate) are not in fact forfeited.

         8.       Long-Term Incentive Awards.

                  (a)     Performance  Awards.  The Executive  shall be eligible
to participate in the LTIP,  commencing with the 1998-2000  cycle. The Executive
shall not be  eligible  to  participate  in any prior  LTIP  performance  cycles
including the 1996-1998 and the 1997-1999 LTIP performance cycles. The Executive
shall  receive  a  target  award  under  each  of the  1998-2000  and  1999-2001
performance  cycles  that  shall be no less than  100% of his then  Base  Salary
(target amount).

                  (b)     Stock Option Awards.  The Executive  shall be eligible
for stock  option  awards  commencing  with  awards in 1998 in  accordance  with
Company practices applicable to an executive in his position.

         9.       Supplemental Pension.

                  (a)     The  Executive shall be entitled to a pension  benefit
in the form of a single life annuity  commencing upon retirement at or after age
65 (subject to earlier  commencement as provided in Section 9(e) below) equal to
50% of his Final Average  Compensation  offset by certain amounts as provided in
Section 9(b) below.  For purposes of this Section 9, Final Average  Compensation
shall mean the sum of the base salary and annual  incentive  award payments paid
in respect of the three  calendar  years of the  Executive's  employment  by the
Company during the last five calendar years of such  employment  during which he
received  the  highest  level  of  such  payments,  divided  by  three.  If  the
Executive's  employment with the Company  terminates  prior to his completion of
three  calendar  years of employment,  his Final Average  Compensation  shall be
based on the  average of his  complete  calendar  years of  employment  with the
Company. If the Executive does not complete one calendar year of employment, his
Final  Average  Compensation  shall be calculated by deeming his Base Salary for

the year to be his Base  Salary at the  annualized  rate in  effect  immediately
prior to his termination of employment and by deeming his Annual Incentive Award
for that year to be the original target Annual Incentive Award for that year.

                  (b)     The  annual  annuity payment determined  under Section
9(a) for any year shall be offset by (i) the greater of (A) $655,642 and (B) the
actual pension benefits to be paid to the Executive with respect to that year by
the  Executive's  prior  employers  under  their  respective  tax-qualified  and
non-tax-qualified defined benefit pension plans, (ii) any other pension benefits
provided to the Executive  under any other  pension plan or pension  arrangement
except the AT&T  Long-Term  Savings Plan for  Management  Employees and the AT&T
Senior  Management  Incentive  Award  Deferral Plan of the Company and (iii) any
government-sponsored  pension including Social Security retirement benefits. The
supplemental pension benefits payable under this Section 9 shall be afforded the
same post-employment "ad hoc" inflation adjustments, if any, as may from time to
time be given to comparable  former senior  executives of the Company  receiving
benefits  under the Company's  Management  Pension Plan.  Payment of the pension
benefit  provided under this Section 9 shall be  conditioned  upon the Executive
furnishing the Company promptly  following  retirement with written  information
regarding offsetting payments from prior employers and any  government-sponsored
pension and shall  continue to be conditioned  upon his promptly  furnishing the
Company with written information as to any changes in such offsetting payments.

                  (c)     In determining the  amount of any offset under Section
9(b),  such  amount  shall be  calculated  on an  actuarially  equivalent  basis
assuming  the same  frequency  of  payment  and the same form of  annuity as the
pension benefit to be paid under this Section 9.

                  (d)     Except  as  otherwise  provided   in  Section  12, the
Executive's  entitlement to the pension  benefit under this Section 9 shall vest
at the rate of 20% on each of the  first  five  anniversaries  of the  Effective
Date, with the entitlement fully vested on the fifth anniversary.

                  (e)     Except as otherwise provided  in this  Section  9, the
Executive's  entitlements to the pension benefit under this Section 9, including
without limitation methods of payment, rights to elect lump sum payment or joint
and  survivor  benefits,  rights  of  survivors,  claims  procedures,  actuarial
assumptions,  etc.,  shall be determined in accordance  with the  provisions and
practices of the Company's Management Pension Plan as then in effect;  provided,
however, that the Executive shall be deemed to have satisfied any service-period
requirement for eligibility for pre-retirement survivor annuity benefits and all
other Plan purposes  except for vesting and the  determination  of the amount of
any early retirement benefit. In the event the Executive  terminates  employment
so as to be entitled to a pension  benefit  under this Section 9(a) prior to age
65,  the actual  pension  benefit  payable to him under this  Section 9 shall be
adjusted for early  commencement  in accordance  with the actuarial  assumptions
then in effect under the Company's Management Pension Plan.

         10.      Employee Benefit Programs.

                  During the Term of Employment, the Executive shall be entitled
to  participate in all employee  pension and welfare  benefit plans and programs
made  available to the  Company's  senior level  executives  or to its employees
generally,  as such  plans  or  programs  may be in  effect  from  time to time,
including,  without  limitation,  pension,  profit  sharing,  savings  and other
retirement  plans  or  programs,   401(k),  medical,  dental,   hospitalization,
short-term and long-term  disability and life insurance plans,  accidental death
and dismemberment  protection,  travel accident insurance, and any other pension

or retirement  plans or programs and any other employee welfare benefit plans or
programs  that may be sponsored by the Company from time to time,  including any
plans that  supplement  the  above-listed  types of plans or  programs,  whether
funded or unfunded.  The  Executive's  participation  shall be based on, and the
calculation  of all  benefits  shall  be  based  on,  the  assumptions  that the
Executive  has  met  all   service-period   or  other   requirements   for  such
participation  provided  that  no  such  assumptions  shall  be  made  as  to  a
tax-qualified plan if such assumption would jeopardize the tax-qualified  status
of such plan.

         11.      Reimbursement of Business and Other Expenses;
                  Perquisites; Vacations.

                  (a)     The   Executive  is  authorized  to  incur  reasonable
expenses in carrying out his duties and  responsibilities  under this  Agreement
and the Company shall promptly  reimburse him for all business expenses incurred
in  connection  with  carrying  out the  business  of the  Company,  subject  to
documentation in accordance with the Company's policy. The Company shall pay all
reasonable  financial  consultant  and legal fees and  expenses  incurred by the
Executive in  connection  with the  negotiation  of the  Executive's  employment
arrangements with the Company.

                  (b)     During the Term of  Employment,  the  Executive  shall
be entitled to  participate  in each of the Company's  perquisites in accordance
with the terms and  conditions of such  arrangements  as they are in effect from
time to time  for the  Company's  chief  executive  officer,  including  without
limitation  security  protection,  automobile,  club dues, tax  preparation  and
financial counseling, use of corporate aircraft and limousine services.

                  (c)     The Executive  shall be entitled to  reimbursement  of
his relocation expenses in accordance with the Company's  Management  Relocation
Plan.  In  connection  with  establishing  a  new  principal  residence  in  the
Morristown,  New Jersey area,  the Executive  shall in all events be entitled to
reimbursement of expenses incurred in moving his family and personal  belongings
to that area. The Executive  shall be entitled to  reimbursement  for reasonable
expenses  in the form of real  estate  listings,  commissions,  legal  costs and
similar  expenses  in  disposing  of  his  residence  in  the  Manhattan  Beach,
California  area  as  well as any  similar  expenses  incurred  in  acquiring  a
residence  in the  Morristown,  New Jersey  area.  The  Executive  shall also be
entitled to protection against any loss on the Manhattan Beach residence,  which
will be based on his cost  (acquisition cost plus costs of improvement) less (i)
market  appraisal  (as  described  below) or, if  greater,  (ii) the actual sale
price.  The  Company's  obligation  to protect  the  Executive  against  loss as
described above is subject to the following condition:  The Executive shall have
15 calendar days following receipt of an appraisal as described in the following
sentence to sell the  Manhattan  Beach  residence to the Company.  The appraisal
shall be based on an appraisal by a nationally  recognized appraiser agreed upon
by the Parties,  the cost of the  appraisal  to be paid by the  Company.  If the
Parties do not agree upon an  appraiser,  each shall  designate an appraiser and
the two appraisers  shall select from among nationally  recognized  appraisers a
third appraiser who shall make the appraisal. If the Executive does not agree to
sell the residence to the Company based on the appraisal, the Company shall have
no further  obligation  except to pay the Executive the  difference  between the
cost of the residence as described  above and the appraisal,  assuming that this
results in a loss to the Executive.  The Company also shall pay the  Executive's
temporary  living  expenses in New Jersey and provide  assistance  in connection
with  financing the purchase of a new home there in accordance  with its regular
practices.  To  the  extent  the  Company's  reimbursement  of  the  Executive's

relocation  expenses  results in taxable  income to the  Executive,  the Company
shall gross up such  expenses so that the Executive is not out of pocket for any
Federal,  state or  local  income,  employment,  excise  or other  taxes on such
reimbursement including the gross-up amounts.

                  (d)     The Executive  shall be  entitled  to five weeks  paid
vacation per year of employment,  which shall accrue and otherwise be subject to
the Company's vacation policy for senior executives.

         12.      Termination of Employment.

                  (a)     Termination  Due  to  Death.  In  the  event  that the
Executive's  employment  is  terminated  due to his  death,  his  estate  or his
beneficiaries, as the case may be, shall be entitled to the following benefits:

                          (i)     Base Salary  through the end  of the month  in
which death occurs;

                          (ii)    annual  incentive award for  the year in which
the Executive's death occurs, based on the original target award performance for
such year, payable in a single installment promptly after his death;

                          (iii)   all  outstanding  options, whether or not then
exercisable, shall become exercisable and shall remain exercisable until the end
of their originally scheduled terms;

                          (iv)    the  restrictions  on  restricted  stock shall

                          (v)     payment   of   Restricted   Stock   Units   in
accordance with Section 7(c) and Exhibit D;

                          (vi)    payout  for  each LTIP  performance  cycle  in
which the Executive  was  participating  at the time of his death,  based on the
original  target  performance  under the plan,  payable in a single  installment
promptly after his death; and

                          (vii)   the supplemental  pension benefit  provided in
Section 9 shall fully vest.

                  (b)     Termination Due to Disability.  In the  event that the
Executive's employment is terminated due to his Disability, he shall be entitled
to the following benefits:

                          (i)     disability  benefits  in  accordance  with the
long-term  disability  program  then in  effect  for  senior  executives  of the

                          (ii)    Base Salary  through the  end of the  month in
which disability benefits commence;

                          (iii)   annual incentive  award for  the year in which
the Executive's  termination occurs, based on the original target award for such
year, payable in a single installment promptly after his termination;

                          (iv)    all  outstanding options, whether  or not then
exercisable, shall become exercisable and shall remain exercisable until the end
of their originally scheduled terms;

                          (v)     the restrictions on any restricted stock shall

                          (vi)    payment    of   Restricted   Stock   Units  in
accordance with Section 7(c) and Exhibit D;

                          (vii)   a payout for  each LTIP  performance cycle  in
which the Executive was  participating at the time of his termination,  based on
the original target  performance under the plan,  payable in accordance with the
plan; and

                          (viii)  the  supplemental  pension benefit provided in
Section 9 shall  fully  vest with  offset  for any  Company-provided  disability

                  In no event shall a termination of the Executive's  employment
for Disability  occur until the Party  terminating his employment  gives written
notice to the other Party in accordance with Section 25 below.

                  (c)     Termination by the Company for Cause.

                          (i)     A termination for  Cause shall not take effect
unless the  provisions of this  paragraph (i) are complied  with.  The Executive
shall be given written notice by the Board of the intention to terminate him for
Cause,  such notice (A) to state in detail the particular act or acts or failure
or failures to act that constitute the grounds on which the proposed termination
for Cause is based and (B) to be given  within six months of the Board  learning
of such act or acts or failure or failures to act. The Executive  shall have ten
calendar  days  after the date that such  written  notice  has been given to the
Executive in which to cure such conduct, to the extent such cure is possible. If
he fails to cure such conduct, the Executive shall then be entitled to a hearing
before the Board.  Such  hearing  shall be held within 15 calendar  days of such
notice to the  Executive,  provided he requests such hearing within ten calendar
days of the written  notice from the Board of the intention to terminate him for
Cause.  If, within five calendar days following  such hearing,  the Executive is
furnished written notice by the Board confirming that, in its judgment,  grounds
for Cause on the basis of the  original  notice  exist,  he shall  thereupon  be
terminated for Cause.

                          (ii)    In  the  event  the   Company  terminates  the
Executive's employment for Cause:

                                  (A)     he  shall  be  entitled to Base Salary
through the date of the termination;

                                  (B)     all  outstanding options which are not
exercisable  shall be forfeited;  exercisable  options shall remain  exercisable
until the  earlier of the  ninetieth  day after the date of  termination  or the
originally  scheduled expiration date of the options unless the Compensation and
Employee Benefits Committee determines otherwise;

                                  (C)     all  restricted  stock   as  to  which
restrictions have not lapsed shall be forfeited;

                                  (D)     Restricted   Stock   Units   shall  be
forfeited in accordance with Exhibit D;

                                  (E)     all   LTIP   awards   with  respect to
performance cycles which have not yet been completed shall be forfeited; and

                                  (F)     any   unvested  supplemental   pension
benefit to which the Executive would otherwise be entitled under Section 9 shall
be forfeited.

                  (d)     Termination without Cause or  Constructive Termination
without  Cause.  In the event the  Executive's  employment  is terminated by the
Company  without Cause,  other than due to Disability or death,  or in the event
there is a  Constructive  Termination  without  Cause,  the  Executive  shall be
entitled to the following benefits:

                          (i)     Base Salary through the date of termination;

                          (ii)    Base Salary, at the annualized rate in  effect
on  the  date  of  termination,  for  a  period  of  24  months  following  such
termination, provided that, at the Executive's option, the Company shall pay him
the present value of such salary  continuation  payments in a lump sum (using as
the discount rate the applicable  Federal rate  specified  under Section 1274 of
the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  for  short-term
Treasury  obligations as published by the Internal Revenue Service for the month
in which such termination occurs);

                          (iii)   a Pro Rata annual incentive award for the year
in which termination  occurs,  based on his original target award for such year,
payable when annual incentive awards are paid to other senior  executives (or in
a lump sum in accordance with the proviso in Section 12(d)(ii));

                          (iv)    an  annual incentive award  for a period of 24
months following the date of termination, based on his original target award for
the year in which termination  occurs and payable in equal monthly  installments
over the  24-month  period of Base  Salary  continuation  payments  pursuant  to
Section  12(d)(ii) (or in a lump sum in  accordance  with the proviso in Section

                          (v)     all outstanding  options, whether or  not then
exercisable, shall become exercisable and shall remain exercisable until the end
of their originally scheduled terms;

                          (vi)    the  restrictions  on  restricted  stock shall

                          (vii)   payment   of   Restricted   Stock   Units   in
accordance with Section 7(c) and Exhibit D;

                          (viii)  payout  for  each LTIP  performance  cycle  in
which  the  Executive  was  then  participating,  based on the  original  target
performance, payable in accordance with the plan (or in a lump sum in accordance
with the proviso in Section 12(d)(ii));

                          (ix)    the  supplemental  pension benefit provided in
Section 9 shall fully vest; and

                          (x)     the Executive shall be  entitled  to continued
participation  in all  medical,  dental,  vision and  hospitalization  insurance
coverage  and in  other  employee  benefit  plans  or  programs  in which he was
participating on the date of his termination until the earlier of:

                                  (A)     24  months   following  the   date  of
termination and
                                  (B)     the  date,  or   dates,  he   receives
equivalent  coverage and  benefits  under the plans and programs of a subsequent
employer. The Executive shall promptly advise the Company of any such subsequent
employment and the benefits he receives in connection therewith.

                  (e)     Voluntary Termination; Retirement.

                          (i)     A  termination of  employment by the Executive
on his own initiative,  other than a termination due to death or Disability or a
Constructive  Termination  without Cause or retirement  following the end of the
Term of  Employment,  shall have the same  consequences  as  provided in Section
12(c)(ii)  for a  termination  for Cause.  A  voluntary  termination  under this
Section 12(e) shall be effective 30 calendar days after prior written  notice is
received by the Company.

                          (ii)    The Executive may retire at any time following
the end of the Term of Employment and thereupon  commence  receiving payments of
his  supplemental  pension as  provided  in Section 9 and any other  benefits to
which he is  entitled  as a retired  senior  executive  in  accordance  with the
Company's  then  existing  plans  and  practices.   Upon  such   retirement  all
restrictions  on restricted  stock which have not already  lapsed will thereupon
lapse,  payment of all  Restricted  Stock Units will be made in accordance  with
their  terms and all stock  options  will  continue  to be  exercisable  for the
remainder of their respective terms.

                  (f)     Consequences of a Change in Control.

                          (i)     If,  following   a   Change   in  Control, the
Executive's  employment is terminated by the Company  without Cause,  other than
due to  Disability  or death,  or there is a  Constructive  Termination  without
Cause, the Executive shall be entitled to the benefits provided in Section 12(d)
above,  except that the period for which salary,  annual  incentive and benefits
are provided in Sections  12(d)(ii),  12(d)(iv)  and  12(d)(x)  (except that the
Executive  may in his  discretion,  to the  extent  the plans  permit,  elect to
continue his  benefits  under  Section  12(d)(x) in lieu of the lump sum payment
therefor)  shall be 48 months,  and all  payments  to be made  pursuant to those
Sections  and the  payments  to be made  pursuant  to  Sections  12(d)(iii)  and
12(d)(viii) shall be paid to the Executive in a lump sum promptly  following the
date of termination.

                          (ii)    Immediately following a Change in Control, all
amounts and  benefits  to which the  Executive  is entitled  but not yet vested,
whether under this  Agreement or otherwise,  and except as provided in Exhibit D
with respect to Restricted Stock Units, shall become fully vested.

                          (iii)   If,  following   a  Change  in  Control,   the
aggregate of all payments or benefits  made or provided to the  Executive  under
Section  12(f)(i)  and under all other plans and  programs  of the Company  (the
"Aggregate  Payment") is determined to constitute a Parachute Payment within the
meaning  of  Section  280G(b)(2)  of the  Code,  the  Company  shall  pay to the
Executive,  prior to the time any excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code
("Excise Tax") is payable with respect to such Aggregate Payment,  an additional
amount (the  "Gross-Up  Payment")  which,  after the  imposition  of all income,
employment,  excise and other taxes  thereon,  is equal to the Excise Tax on the
Aggregate   Payment.   The   determination  of  whether  the  Aggregate  Payment
constitutes  a  Parachute  Payment  and,  if so,  the  amount  to be paid to the

Executive and the time of payment  pursuant to this Section  12(f)(iii) shall be
made by an independent  auditor (the "Auditor") selected by the Parties and paid
by the Company.  The Auditor  shall be a  nationally  recognized  United  States
public accounting firm which has not, during the two years preceding the date of
its  selection,  acted in any way on  behalf  of the  Company  or any  Affiliate
thereof.  If the Executive and the Company  cannot agree on the firm to serve as
the  Auditor,  then the  Executive  and the  Company  shall each  designate  one
accounting  firm and those two firms shall jointly select the accounting firm to
serve as the Auditor. All fees and expenses of the Auditor shall be borne solely
by the  Company.  Any  Gross-Up  Payment  shall  be paid by the  Company  to the
Executive   within  five   calendar   days  of  the  receipt  of  the  Auditor's
determination.  Any  determination  by the  Auditor  shall be  binding  upon the
Company and the Executive.

                  As a result of uncertainty in the application of Sections 280G
and 4999 of the Code at the time of the  initial  determination  by the  Auditor
hereunder,  it is  possible  that the  Gross-Up  Payment  made will have been an
amount  more  than  the  Company  should  have  paid  pursuant  to this  Section
12(f)(iii) (the  "Overpayment") or that the Gross-Up Payment made will have been
an amount  less than the  Company  should  have paid  pursuant  to this  Section
12(f)(iii)   (the   "Underpayment").   In  the  event  that  there  is  a  final
determination  by the Internal Revenue  Service,  or a final  determination by a
court of competent  jurisdiction,  that an  Overpayment  has been made, any such
Overpayment  shall be treated for all purposes as a loan to the Executive  which
the  Executive  shall  repay  to  the  Company  together  with  interest  at the
applicable  Federal rate provided for in Section  7872(f)(2) of the Code. In the
event that there is a final  determination by the Internal  Revenue  Service,  a
final  determination  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  or a change in the
provisions of the Code or regulations  pursuant to which an Underpayment  arises
under  this  Agreement,  any such  Underpayment  shall be  promptly  paid by the
Company to or for the benefit of the  Executive  together  with  interest at the
applicable Federal rate provided for in Section 7872(f)(2) of the Code.

                  The Executive shall notify the Company in writing of any claim
by the  Internal  Revenue  Service  that,  if  successful,  would  result  in an
Underpayment  and would  require  the  payment by the  Company of an  additional
Gross-Up Payment. Such notification shall be given as soon as practicable but no
later than 10 business  days after the  Executive is informed in writing of such
claim and shall  apprise the Company of the nature of such claim and the date on
which such claim is requested to be paid. The Executive shall not pay such claim
prior to the  expiration  of the 30 calendar  day period  following  the date on
which the  Executive  gives such notice to the Company (or such  shorter  period
ending on the date that any payment of taxes with respect to such claim is due).
If the Company notifies the Executive in writing prior to the expiration of such
period that it desires to contest such claim, the Executive shall:

                                  (A)     give  the  Company   any   information
reasonably requested by the Company relating to such claim,

                                  (B)     take such  action in  connection  with
contesting  such claim as the Company shall  reasonably  request in writing from
time to time, including, without limitation, accepting legal representation with
respect to such claim by an attorney reasonably selected by the Company,

                                  (C)     cooperate  with the  Company  in  good
faith in order effectively to contest such claim, and

                                  (D)     permit the  Company to  participate in
any proceeding relating to such claim;

provided,  however,  that the Company  shall bear and pay directly all costs and
expenses  (including  additional  interest and penalties) incurred in connection
with such contest and shall  indemnify  and hold the Executive  harmless,  on an
after-tax  basis,  for any Excise  Tax or income or  employment  tax  (including
interest  and  penalties  with  respect  thereto)  imposed  as a result  of such
proceeding  and  payment  of  costs  and  expenses.  Without  limitation  on the
foregoing  provisions of this Section 12(f)(iii),  the Company shall control all
proceedings  taken in connection with such contest,  provided that the Company's
control  of the  contest  shall be  limited  to issues  with  respect to which a
Gross-Up  Payment would be payable  hereunder and Executive shall be entitled to
settle or contest,  as the case may be, any other issue  raised by the  Internal
Revenue Service or any other taxing authority.

                  (g)     Other Termination Benefits.  In the case of any of the
foregoing terminations, the Executive or his estate shall also be entitled to:

                          (i)     the  balance of  any incentive  awards due for
performance periods which have been completed, but which have not yet been paid;

                          (ii)    the entire amount of all  amounts  owing under
Section 6, including  all deferrals  pursuant to Section 6 (if any  such amounts
have been deferred);

                          (iii)   any expense reimbursements due  the Executive;
                          (iv)    other  benefits, if  any, in  accordance  with
applicable plans and programs of the Company.

                  (h)     No Mitigation;  No  Offset.   In   the  event  of  any
termination of employment under this Section 12, the Executive shall be under no
obligation to seek other employment and there shall be no offset against amounts
due  the  Executive  under  this  Agreement  on  account  of  any   remuneration
attributable to any subsequent employment that he may obtain.

                  (i)     Nature of Payments. Any amounts due under this Section
12 are in the nature of severance  payments  considered  to be reasonable by the
Company and are not in the nature of a penalty.

         13.      Confidentiality.

                  (a)     The Executive  agrees that  he  will not, at  any time
during the Term of Employment or  thereafter,  disclose or use any trade secret,
proprietary  or  confidential  information  of the Company or any  subsidiary or
affiliate of the Company,  obtained during the course of his employment,  except
as required in the course of such  employment or with the written  permission of
the Company or, as applicable,  any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company or as
may be required by law,  provided that, if the Executive  receives legal process
with regard to  disclosure of such  information,  he shall  promptly  notify the
Company and cooperate with the Company in seeking a protective order.

                  (b)     The   Executive  agrees  that  at  the   time  of  the
termination of his employment  with the Company,  whether at the instance of the
Executive  or the  Company,  and  regardless  of the reasons  therefor,  he will
deliver to the  Company,  and not keep or deliver  to anyone  else,  any and all
notes,  files,  memoranda,  papers and, in general,  any and all physical matter

containing  information,  including  any and all  documents  significant  to the
conduct of the  business of the Company or any  subsidiary  or  Affiliate of the
Company  which are in his  possession,  except for any  documents  for which the
Company or any subsidiary or Affiliate of the Company has given written  consent
to removal at the time of the termination of the Executive's  employment and his
personal rolodex, phone book and similar items.

                  (c)     The Executive  agrees that the  Company's  remedies at
law would be inadequate  in the event of a breach or  threatened  breach of this
Section 13;  accordingly,  the  Company  shall be  entitled,  in addition to its
rights at law, to an injunction and other  equitable  relief without the need to
post a bond.

         14.      Noncompetition.

                  (a)     Subject  to  the  provisions  of Section  14(b)  below
and notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, any and all payments
(except  those  made from  Company-sponsored  tax-qualified  pension  or welfare
plans), benefits or other entitlements to which the Executive may be eligible in
accordance  with the  terms  hereof,  may be  forfeited,  whether  or not in pay
status,  at the discretion of the Company,  if the Executive at any time without
the consent of the Company  "establishes  a  relationship  with a competitor" or
"engages in an activity" which is in conflict with or adverse to the interest of
the Company, all within the meaning of the Non-Competition Guideline referred to
below (a "Competitive Activity"). The payments,  benefits and other entitlements
hereunder are being made in part in  consideration  of the  obligations  of this
Section 14 and in particular the  post-employment  payments,  benefits and other
entitlements are being made in consideration of, and dependent upon,  compliance
with this  Section  14(a) and,  to the extent  set forth in Section  14(e),  the
Release and Agreement  referred to in Section 14(e).  Exhibit F is a copy of the
Non-Competition Guideline.

                  (b)     Anything   in    Section  14(a)    to   the   contrary
notwithstanding,  no forfeiture or cancellation shall take place with respect to
any  payments,  benefits  or  entitlements  hereunder  or under any other  award
agreement,  plan or  practice  unless the  Company  shall  have first  given the
Executive  written notice of its intent to so forfeit,  or cancel or pay out and
Executive has not,  within 30 calendar  days of giving such notice,  ceased such
unpermitted  Competitive  Activity,  provided  that the  foregoing  prior notice
procedure shall not be required with respect to (x) a Competitive Activity which
the Executive  initiated after the Company had informed the Executive in writing
that it believed such  Competitive  Activity  violated Section 14(a) or the AT&T
Non-Competition   Guideline,  (y)  any  Competitive  Activity  regarding  local,
regional or long distance telephone services or other products or services which
are part of a line of  business  which  represents  more than 5%  percent of the
Company's  consolidated gross revenues for its most recent completed fiscal year
at the time the Competitive Activity commences.

                  (c)     Nothing   in   this  Section  14  shall  prohibit  the
Executive  from  being a  passive  owner of not more  than  one  percent  of the
outstanding common stock,  capital stock and equity of any firm,  corporation or
enterprise  so  long  as  the  Executive  has  no  active  participation  in the
management of business of such firm, corporation or enterprise.

                  (d)     If the restrictions stated herein are found by a court
to be unreasonable,  the parties hereto agree that the maximum period,  scope or
geographical area reasonable under such  circumstances  shall be substituted for
the  stated  period,  scope  or  area  and  that  the  court  shall  revise  the
restrictions  contained  herein  to cover  the  maximum  period,  scope and area
permitted by law.

                  (e)     Any payments or benefits  made  pursuant to Section 12
are: (1) subject to the provisions,  restrictions  and limitations of Section 14
above,  but not otherwise  subject to offset or  mitigation,  (2) subject to the
Executive's  signing a Release and  Agreement not to sue the company in the form
of Exhibit G hereto with such  changes  therein or  additions  thereto as needed
under  then  applicable  law to give  effect to the  intent of the  Release  and
Agreement  and  (3)  receipt  of  Executive's   resignation  from  all  offices,
directorships and fiduciary positions with the Company, its Affiliates and their
respective benefit plans.  Notwithstanding  the due date of any  post-employment
payment,  any amounts due under  Section 12 shall not be due until after the end
of any applicable revocation period with regard to the Release and Agreement.

                  (f)     In no event shall the  Executive  be required to repay
to the Company any amount previously received by the Executive from the Company,
except to the extent required by the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline.

         15.      Resolution of Disputes.

                  Any  disputes   arising  under  or  in  connection  with  this
Agreement shall be resolved by third party mediation of the dispute and, failing
that, by binding  arbitration,  to be held in New Jersey, in accordance with the
rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association.  Judgment upon the
award  rendered  by  the  arbitrator(s)  may be  entered  in  any  court  having
jurisdiction  thereof.  Each  Party  shall  bear  his or its  own  costs  of the
mediation,  arbitration  or  litigation,  except that the Company shall bear all
such  costs  if  the  Executive  prevails  in  such  mediation,  arbitration  or
litigation on any material issue.

         16.      Indemnification.

                  (a)     The  Company  agrees that if  the Executive is  made a
party, or is threatened to be made a party,  to any action,  suit or proceeding,
whether civil,  criminal,  administrative or investigative (a "Proceeding"),  by
reason of the fact that he is or was a  director,  officer  or  employee  of the
Company or is or was  serving  at the  request  of the  Company  as a  director,
officer,  member, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint
venture,  trust or other enterprise,  including service with respect to employee
benefit plans,  whether or not the basis of such  Proceeding is the  Executive's
alleged  action in an official  capacity  while serving as a director,  officer,
member,  employee or agent, the Executive shall be indemnified and held harmless
by the Company to the fullest  extent  legally  permitted or  authorized  by the
Company's certificate of incorporation or bylaws or resolutions of the Company's
Board of  Directors  or, if  greater,  by the laws of the  State of New  Jersey,
against all cost,  expense,  liability and loss (including,  without limitation,
attorney's fees,  judgments,  fines,  ERISA excise taxes or other liabilities or
penalties and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement)  reasonably  incurred or
suffered by the  Executive in  connection  therewith,  and such  indemnification
shall  continue  as to the  Executive  even if he has  ceased to be a  director,
member,  employee or agent of the Company or other entity and shall inure to the
benefit of the  Executive's  heirs,  executors and  administrators.  The Company
shall advance to the Executive all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by him
in  connection  with a Proceeding  within 20 calendar  days after receipt by the
Company of a written  request for such  advance.  Such request  shall include an
undertaking  by the  Executive  to repay the amount of such  advance if it shall
ultimately be determined that he is not entitled to be indemnified  against such
costs and expenses.

                  (b)     Neither the failure  of  the  Company  (including  its
board of directors,  independent  legal counsel or  stockholders) to have made a
determination prior to the commencement of any proceeding  concerning payment of
amounts claimed by the Executive under Section 16(a) above that  indemnification
of the  Executive  is  proper  because  he has met the  applicable  standard  of
conduct,  nor a determination by the Company  (including its board of directors,
independent  legal counsel or stockholders)  that the Executive has not met such
applicable  standard of conduct,  shall create a presumption  that the Executive
has not met the applicable standard of conduct.

                  (c)     The  Company  agrees   to  continue  and   maintain  a
directors' and officers'  liability  insurance  policy covering the Executive to
the extent the Company provides such coverage for its other executive officers.

         17.      Assignability; Binding Nature.

                  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the  Parties  and  their  respective  successors,  heirs  (in the case of the
Executive)  and  assigns.  Rights  or  obligations  of the  Company  under  this
Agreement may be assigned or transferred by the Company  pursuant to a merger or
consolidation in which the Company is not the continuing  entity, or the sale or
liquidation of all or substantially  all of the assets of the Company,  provided
that the assignee or transferee is the successor to all or substantially  all of
the  assets  of  the  Company  and  such  assignee  or  transferee  assumes  the
liabilities,  obligations  and  duties  of the  Company,  as  contained  in this
Agreement,  either  contractually  or as a matter of law.  The  Company  further
agrees that, in the event of a sale of assets or liquidation as described in the
preceding sentence,  it shall take whatever action it reasonably can in order to
cause  such  assignee  or  transferee  to  expressly   assume  the  liabilities,
obligations and duties of the Company hereunder. No rights or obligations of the
Executive  under this  Agreement may be assigned or transferred by the Executive
other than his rights to  compensation  and benefits,  which may be  transferred
only by will or operation of law.

         18.      Representation.

                  The  Company   represents   and  warrants  that  it  is  fully
authorized and empowered to enter into this  Agreement and that the  performance
of its obligations  under this Agreement will not violate any agreement  between
it and any other person, firm or organization. The Executive represents that the
performance  of his  obligations  under  this  Agreement  will not  violate  any
agreement  between him and any other person,  firm or organization that would be
violated by the performance of his obligations under this Agreement.

         19.      Entire Agreement.

                  This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement
between the Parties  concerning  the subject  matter hereof and  supersedes  all
prior agreements,  understandings,  discussions,  negotiations and undertakings,
whether written or oral, between the Parties with respect thereto.

         20.      Amendment or Waiver.

                  No  provision  in this  Agreement  may be amended  unless such
amendment is agreed to in writing and signed by the  Executive and an authorized
officer  of the  Company.  No waiver by either  Party of any breach by the other
Party of any condition or provision  contained in this Agreement to be performed
by such  other  Party  shall be  deemed  a waiver  of a  similar  or  dissimilar

condition or provision at the same or any prior or subsequent  time.  Any waiver
must be in writing and signed by the Executive or an  authorized  officer of the
Company, as the case may be.

         21.      Severability.

                  In the event that any  provision or portion of this  Agreement
shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable  for any reason,  in whole or
in part, the remaining  provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby
and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law
so as to achieve the purposes of this Agreement.

         22.      Survivorship.

                  Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, the
respective  rights and  obligations of the Parties  hereunder  shall survive any
termination  of  the   Executive's   employment.   This  Agreement   itself  (as
distinguished  from the Executive's  employment) may not be terminated by either
Party without the written consent of the other Party.

         23.      References.

                  In  the  event  of  the   Executive's   death  or  a  judicial
determination of his incompetence,  reference in this Agreement to the Executive
shall be deemed, where appropriate, to refer to his beneficiary, estate or other
legal representative.

         24.      Governing Law/Jurisdiction.

                  This Agreement  shall be governed in accordance  with the laws
of New Jersey without reference to principles of conflict of laws.

         25.      Notices.

                  All notices  and other  communications  required or  permitted
hereunder  shall be in  writing  and shall be deemed  given  when (a)  delivered
personally,  (b) sent by certified or registered mail,  postage prepaid,  return
receipt requested or (c) delivered by overnight courier (provided that a written
acknowledgment  of receipt is  obtained by the  overnight  courier) to the Party
concerned  at the address  indicated  below or to such  changed  address as such
Party may subsequently give such notice of:

If to the Company:                AT&T
                                  295 North Maple Avenue
                                  Basking Ridge, NJ  07920

                                  Attention:   Executive Vice President
                                               Human Resources

If to the Executive:              Mr. C. Michael Armstrong
                                  c/o AT&T
                                  295 North Maple Avenue
                                  Basking Ridge, NJ  07920

         26.      Headings.

                  The headings of the sections  contained in this  Agreement are
for convenience only and shall not be deemed to control or affect the meaning or
construction of any provision of this Agreement.

         27.      Counterparts.

                  This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts.

         28.      Conditions.

                  The  effectiveness  of this Agreement is conditioned  upon the

                          (i)     there being no agreement between the Executive
and any prior  employer that  interferes or could  interfere with his employment
with the Company  unless such  agreement is to the  satisfaction  of the Company
waived by such prior employer; and

                          (ii)    the Executive passes a physical examination to
the satisfaction of the Company in accordance with its policy on  pre-employment
physical examinations.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  have  executed this Amended and
Restated Agreement on March __, 1998 as of the date first written above.

                                  AT&T Corp.

                                       H. W. Burlingame

                                       C. Michael Armstrong


                                [To be supplied]








                                                                       EXHIBIT A


         The Times Mirror Company

         Travelers Group Inc.

         TBG (private company, Supervisory Board)

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                                DEFERRAL ELECTION

Pursuant to the terms of the AT&T Senior  Management  Incentive  Award  Deferral
Plan (the "Plan"),  I hereby elect to defer receipt of the amounts and/or shares
which would  otherwise be payable to me during the  calendar  year ____ and each
calendar year thereafter, to the extent indicated on LINE 1 below. This election
shall continue until I terminate or modify such election by written notice.  Any
such  termination or  modification  shall become  effective as of the end of the
calendar  year in which such  notice is given with  respect to all awards  which
would otherwise be payable to me in subsequent calendar years.

I also hereby elect:

(A)      that all amounts  and/or  shares  deferred  pursuant  to this  election
         together with accumulated  interest and/or  additional  shares shall be
         distributed to me in the number of annual  installment(s)  indicated on
         LINE 2 below, or the number of annual  installments which do not extend
         beyond my life expectancy at the time the installments  begin, if less.
         The first installment (or single payment if I have so elected) shall be
         paid as soon as practicable:

         I.       after the first day of the calendar quarter  following the end
                  of  the  month  in  which  I  retire  or  otherwise  terminate
                  employment  with a Company  participating  in the Plan  (other
                  than a transfer to another such Company).

         II.      after the first day of the calendar quarter following the  end
                  of  the month in  which I attain  the  age indicated on LINE 3

  Indicate Option I or II on LINE 3 below: (Retirees may only elect Option II)

(B)      in the event I should die before full  payment of the amounts  deferred
         plus  accumulated  interest,  the balance  shall be  distributed  to my
         beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  in the  number of  annual  installments
         indicated  on LINE 4 below of which the first  installment  (or  single
         payment  if I have so  elected)  shall  be paid as soon as  practicable
         after the  first day of the  calendar  quarter  following  the month of

                           LONG TERM     LONG TERM      DIVIDEND      SHORT TERM
LINE       ELECTION          SHARE         CASH        EQUIVALENTS       AWARD

 1       % Deferred        See % from    See % from
                           Summary       Summary       __________%    _________%
                           Request       Request

 2       # Payments to
         Self (not to
         exceed 20)        __________    __________    __________     __________

 3       Indicate Option
         I or II           __________    __________    __________     __________

         If Option II,
         indicate age
         (not less than
         55 nor greater
         than 70.5
         years)            __________    __________    __________     __________

 4       # Payments to             
         (not to exceed
         10)               __________    __________    __________     __________

The elections  made herein,  as they relate to amounts  and/or shares  otherwise
payable in any calendar year, shall become  IRREVOCABLE on the last day prior to
the beginning of such calendar  year.  The only  exception is that the number of
installments elected for your beneficiary (LINE 4) may be changed at any time.

___________________________________          ___________________________________
            Print Name                             Social Security Number     

___________________________________          ___________________________________
             Signature                                      Date

                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                      AT&T 1997 Long Term Incentive Program
                        Restricted Stock Award Agreement

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name of Participant            Social Security Number       Date of Grant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the same meanings as
in the Plan.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant  to the AT&T  1997 Long  Term  Incentive  Program  of AT&T  Corp.  (the
"Plan"),  a copy of which has been delivered to you, and in accordance  with the
terms  and  conditions  of the Plan and your  agreement  to the  further  terms,
conditions  and  restrictions  set forth below,  you have been granted as of the
date hereof 00,000 common shares of the Company (the "Restricted Shares").

1.     The Restricted Shares shall vest and become  nonforfeitable in accordance
with  paragraphs  2 and 3 hereof.  the period  beginning  on the date hereof and
ending  on the day  prior to the  date on which  any  Restricted  Share  becomes
nonforfeitable  in accordance  with  paragraphs 2 and 3 (the "Vesting  Date") is
herein  referred  to as the  "Restriction  Period"  with  respect  to  any  such
Restricted Share.

2.     (a)  A  number  of   the   Restricted  Shares   shall  vest  and   become
nonforfeitable on the following schedule:
              Number of Shares                     Vesting Date
              ----------------                     ------------
                   00,000                           00-00-0000

       (b)     Unless   the    Committee   shall    otherwise   determine,   any
Restricted  Shares that are not vested upon  termination  of employment  for any
reason shall be forfeited, except as set forth in paragraph 3.

3.     (a)     If   your  employment  with  the Company  terminates  during  the
Restriction  Period by reason of your death,  Disability  (as defined in Section
1(g) of the  Employment  Agreement  between AT&T and you dated as of October 17,
1997 (the "Employment Agreement")),  a Termination without Cause (as provided in
Section 12(d) of the Employment Agreement) or a Constructive Termination without
Cause (as defined in Section 1(f) of the Employment  Agreement),  all Restricted
Shares shall vest upon such termination.

       (b)     Upon termination  of your employment for any reason other than as
described in Paragraph  3(a) above,  any  Restricted  Shares which have not then
vested shall be forfeited.

4.     Certificates evidencing  the  Restricted Shares shall  be  issued by  the
Company and  registered in your name on the stock  transfer books of the Company
promptly after the date hereof,  but shall remain in the physical custody of the
Company or its designee at all times during the respective  Restriction  Period.
As a condition to the receipt of this Restricted  Stock Award, you shall deliver
to the Company a stock power, duly endorsed in blank, relating to the Restricted

5.     You shall be the record owner  of the  Restricted  Shares until or unless
such Shares are  forfeited  pursuant to  paragraphs  2 and 3 hereof,  and as the
record owner you shall be entitled to all rights of a common  shareholder of the
Company,  including,  without  limitation,  voting rights and rights to cash and
in-kind  dividends,  if any, on the  Restricted  Shares.  As soon as practicable
after  termination of the respective  Restriction  Period,  certificates for the
Restricted  Shares  then  vesting  shall be  delivered  to you or to your  legal
representative along with the stock powers relating thereto.

6.     At  all times during the  respective  Restriction  Period, the Restricted
Shares shall be nontransferable,  and may not be pledged,  assigned or alienated
in any way.

7.     Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this  Agreement, in the event of
a Change in Control,  as defined in the  Employment  Agreement,  the  respective
Restriction  Periods shall  terminate and all  Restricted  Shares shall vest and
become 100% nonforfeitable,  and such termination and vesting shall be deemed to
occur immediately prior to such Change in Control.

8.     Neither  the  Plan  nor this Restricted Share Award shall be construed as
giving  you the  right  to be  retained  in the  employ  of the  Company  or any

9.     The Company  shall have the right to deduct or cause to be  deducted from
or collect or cause to be collected with respect to, any distribution  hereunder
any federal,  state,  or local taxes required by law to be withheld or paid with
respect  to  such  distribution,   and  you  or  your  legal  representative  or
beneficiary  shall be required to pay any such  amounts.  The Company shall have
the right to take such action as may be necessary,  in the Company's opinion, to
satisfy such obligations.

10.    You may, in  accordance  with  procedures established  by the  Committee,
designate  one or more  beneficiaries  to receive all or part of any  Restricted
Shares to be  distributed  to you  hereunder in case of your death,  and you may
change or revoke such  designation at any time. In the event of your death,  any
Restricted  Shares  distributable  to you  hereunder  that are subject to such a
designation  (to the extent  such  designation  is valid and  enforceable  under
applicable  law) shall be distributed to such  beneficiary or  beneficiaries  in
accordance with this Agreement. Any other Restricted Shares distributable to you
hereunder shall be distributable to your estate.  If there shall be any question
as to the legal right of any  beneficiary to receive a  distribution  hereunder,
the amount in question  may be paid to your estate,  in which event  neither the
Company  nor any  Affiliate  shall have any  further  liability  to anyone  with
respect to such amount.

11.    Notwithstanding  any  provision of this Agreement  to the contrary,  this
Award may be canceled, and the Restricted Shares forfeited,  if you, without the
Company's consent, become associated with, employed by or render services to, or
own a interest in (other than as a shareholder with a nonsubstantial interest in
such  business),  any  business  that is in  competition  with the Company or in
competition  with any business in which the Company has a substantial  interest.
The provisions of this  paragraph 12 will be interpreted by the AT&T  Management
Committee  in  accordance   with  the  AT&T   Non-Competition   Guideline   (the
"Guideline"),  a summary of which has been given to you,  and shall be effective
to the extent not prohibited by applicable law.

12.    The  validity,  construction  and  effect  of  this  Agreement  shall  be
determined in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York and  applicable
Federal Law.

Please  indicate your acceptance of the terms hereof,  and acknowledge  that you
have  received  copies of the Plan and the  Guideline  summary,  in each case as
currently in effect, by signing at the place provided and returning the original
of this Agreement.

Accepted and Agreed:                         AT&T Corp.

- -----------------------------------          -----------------------------------

                                                                       EXHIBIT D

                      AT&T 1997 Long Term Incentive Program
                      Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name of Participant            Social Security No.          Date of Grant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the same meanings as
in the Plan.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant to the Employment Agreement, dated October 17, 1997, between AT&T Corp.
("AT&T") and yourself  (the  "Employment  Agreement")  and to the AT&T 1997 Long
Term Incentive Program (the "Plan"),  a copy of which has been delivered to you,
and in accordance  with the terms and  conditions of the Plan and the Employment
Agreement and your agreement to the further terms,  conditions and  restrictions
set forth below, you have been granted as of the date hereof 224,561  restricted
stock units ("Restricted Stock Units" or "Units").

1.     The Restricted  Stock Units  shall vest and  become payable in accordance
with sections 2 and 3 hereof. The period beginning on the date hereof and ending
on the day prior to the date on which any Unit  becomes  vested  and  payable in
accordance  with sections 2 and 3 (the "Vesting  Date") is herein referred to as
the "Restriction Period" with respect to any such Restricted Stock Unit.

2.     The Restricted Stock Units shall vest and become nonforfeitable  (subject
to section 12) on October 1, 2003,  provided  that you are employed with AT&T on
that date,  and AT&T shall  distribute to you (or your legal  representative)  a
certificate  representing  224,561  common shares of AT&T  ("Shares") as soon as
practicable  thereafter.  In the event that, on October 1, 2003, the Fair Market
Value of such Shares is less than  $10,000,000,  you shall be entitled to a cash
payment equal to the shortfall.

3.     (a)     In  the  event  that, on or  before  April 1, 2002,  a  Change in
Control  occurs that is followed  within  three  years  thereafter  by a "Second
Trigger  Event" (as  defined  below),  then you shall be  entitled  (subject  to
section 12 and in lieu of any other  benefit under this grant) to a cash payment
as follows:

               (i)     If such Second Trigger  Event occurs on or after April 1,
1998 but before April 1, 1999,  a cash  payment  equal to the greater of (a) the
Fair Market  Value,  on the date of such  Second  Trigger  Event,  of 25% of the
224,561 Shares that underlie this grant and (b) $2,500,000.

               (ii)    If such Second  Trigger Event occurs on or after April 1,
1999 but before April 1, 2000,  a cash  payment  equal to the greater of (a) the
Fair Market  Value,  on the date of such  Second  Trigger  Event,  of 50% of the
224,561 Shares that underlie this grant and (b) $5,000,000.

               (iii)   If such Second  Trigger Event occurs on or after April 1,
2000 but before April 1, 2001,  a cash  payment  equal to the greater of (a) the
Fair Market  Value,  on the date of such  Second  Trigger  Event,  of 75% of the
224,561 Shares that underlie this grant and (b) $7,500,000.

               (iv)    If such Second  Trigger Event occurs on or after April 1,
2001,  but before April 1, 2002, a cash payment  equal to the greater of (a) the
Fair Market  Value,  on the date of such Second  Trigger  Event,  of 100% of the
224,561 Shares that underlie this grant and (b) $10,000,000.

       (b)     In the event that you die while employed by the Company, unless a
Second  Trigger  Event under section 3(a) has occurred,  your  beneficiaries  or
estate shall be entitled (subject to section 12 and in lieu of any other benefit
under this grant) to a cash payment as follows:

               (i)     If such  death  occurs  before  October 1, 1998,  a  cash
payment equal to the greater of (a) the Fair Market  Value,  on the date of your
death, of 20% of the 224,561 Shares that underlie this grant and (b) $2,000,000.

               (ii)    If such  death  occurs  on or after  October  1, 1998 but
before  October 1, 1999,  a cash  payment  equal to the  greater of (a) the Fair
Market  Value,  on the date of your  death,  of 40% of the  224,561  Shares that
underlie this grant and (b) $4,000,000.

               (iii)   If such  death  occurs on or after  October  1, 1999  but
before  October 1, 2000,  a cash  payment  equal to the  greater of (a) the Fair
Market  Value,  on the date of your  death,  of 60% of the  224,561  Shares that
underlie this grant and (b) $6,000,000.

               (iv)    If such  death  occurs  on or after  October  1, 2000 but
before  October 1, 2001,  a cash  payment  equal to the  greater of (a) the Fair
Market  Value,  on the date of your  death,  of 80% of the  224,561  Shares that
underlie this grant and (b) $8,000,000.

               (v)     If such  death occurs  on or after  October  1,  2001 but
before  October 1, 2003,  a cash  payment  equal to the  greater of (a) the Fair
Market  Value,  on the date of your death,  of 100% of the  224,561  Shares that
underlie this grant and (b) $10,000,000.

       (c)     For purposes of this section 3, "Second Trigger Event" shall mean
any  termination of your employment with AT&T without "Cause" (other than due to
"Disability" or death), and any "Constructive  Termination  Without Cause," with
the  quoted  terms  having  the  meaning  ascribed  to  them  in the  Employment
Agreement.  For purposes of this Award, termination of your employment with AT&T
due to Disability  shall be treated the same as for death under section 3(b) and
any other provision of this Award.

       (d)     Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  in  the  Employment
Agreement or the Plan, the  Restricted  Stock Units that are the subject of this
grant  shall  vest and  become  nonforfeitable  in  connection  with a Change in
Control only to the extent provided in section 3(a).

       (e)     If  you  retire  on or after attaining  age 62 at  the request of
AT&T, or  voluntarily at any time with the consent of AT&T, you shall be treated
as employed by AT&T on October 1, 2003, for purposes of section 2.

       (f)     Upon  termination of your employment for any reason other than as
described above in this section 3 (including, without limitation, termination as
a result of your  employer  ceasing  to be  either  AT&T or an  Affiliate),  any
Restricted  Stock  Units  that are not  vested  shall be  forfeited,  unless the
Committee shall otherwise determine in its sole discretion.

4.     A cash payment in an amount  equal to  the dividend  payable on one Share
will be made to you for each  Restricted  Stock  Unit held by you on the  record
date for such dividend that has not been  forfeited,  canceled or converted to a
Share and distributed.

5.     You may elect,  in accordance  with  policies  adopted by the  Committee,
to receive any payment to which you are  entitled  under this  Agreement  in the
form of Shares rather than cash,  such Shares to have a Fair Market Value on the
date of distribution equivalent to the cash payment forgone.

6.     You may  irrevocably  elect,  in  accordance  with  policies  adopted  by
the  Committee,  to defer the  distribution  of all or any  portion  of any cash
payment or Shares  that you  otherwise  would have  become  entitled  to receive
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

7.     At all  times  during the Restriction  Period  and any  elected  deferral
period,  the Units awarded  hereunder shall be  nontransferable,  and may not be
pledged, assigned or alienated in any way.

8.     Transfer  to or from  AT&T  and any  Affiliate  shall  not be  considered
a termination  of  employment  for purposes of this  Agreement.  Nor shall it be
considered a termination of employment for purposes of this Agreement if you are
placed on a  military  leave or other  approved  leave of  absence,  unless  the
Committee shall otherwise determine.

9.     Neither the Plan nor this Restricted  Stock Unit Award shall be construed
as giving you the right to be retained in the employ of AT&T or any Affiliate.

10.    AT&T shall  have the right to deduct, to cause to be deducted from, or to
collect with respect to, any distribution hereunder any federal, state, or local
taxes required by law to be withheld or paid with respect to such  distribution,
and as may be necessary, in AT&T's opinion, to satisfy such obligations.

11.    You may, in  accordance  with  procedures established  by the  Committee,
designate one or more  beneficiaries  to receive all or part of any distribution
to be made  hereunder  in case of your death,  and you may change or revoke such
designation at any time. In the event of your death, any distribution  hereunder
that is subject to such a designation  (to the extent such  designation is valid
and  enforceable  under  applicable  law) shall be made to such  beneficiary  or
beneficiaries  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement.   Any  other  distribution
hereunder shall be made to your estate. If there shall be any question as to the
legal right of any beneficiary to receive a distribution  hereunder,  the amount
in question  may be paid to your  estate,  in which event  neither  AT&T nor any
Affiliate  shall  have any  further  liability  to anyone  with  respect to such

12.    (a)     You recognize and acknowledge that you have had access to  highly
confidential  and proprietary  Company  information and trade secrets;  that the
use,  misappropriation  or disclosure  of such  confidential  information  would
constitute  a breach of trust and could cause  irreparable  injury to AT&T;  and
that  it is  essential  to  the  protection  of  AT&T's  good  will  and  to the
maintenance of AT&T's competitive position that such confidential information be
kept secret and that you not disclose such confidential information to others or
use such  confidential  information  to your own  advantage or the  advantage of
others.  You further  recognize  and  acknowledge  that it is essential  for the
proper  protection  of the  business  of AT&T  that you be  restrained  (i) from
soliciting  or inducing any  employee of AT&T to leave the employ of AT&T,  (ii)
from hiring or  attempting to hire any employee of AT&T,  (iii) from  soliciting

the  trade  of or  trading  with the  customers  and  suppliers  of AT&T for any
business purpose, and (iv) from competing against AT&T following the termination
of your  employment  with  AT&T.  You  therefore  agree  that this grant will be
forfeited and canceled immediately in its entirety (and that any benefit already
paid out within 18 months  prior to AT&T's  notice of  violation  shall,  at the
discretion  of AT&T,  be repaid by you to AT&T within 10 business days of AT&T's
written  request)  if you,  during  your  employment  or  thereafter,  engage in
activity,  which,  in the sole  discretion  of AT&T, is deemed to be in conflict
with or adverse to the  interests of AT&T.  Such  adverse  activity by you shall
include,  but is not limited to, the following:  (i) becoming  associated  with,
becoming  employed  by,  rendering  services to, or owning an interest in (other
than as a  shareholder  with a  nonsubstantial  interest in such  business)  any
business  or  enterprise  that  is  engaged  in  competition   with  AT&T;  (ii)
recruiting,  soliciting or inducing, any employee or employees of AT&T or of any
affiliate of AT&T to terminate their  employment  with, or otherwise cease their
relationship with, AT&T or any affiliate of AT&T; (iii) soliciting, diverting or
taking away, or attempting to divert or to take away,  the business or patronage
of any of the clients,  customers or accounts, or prospective clients, customers
or accounts, which were contacted, solicited or served by those segments of AT&T
that fell within, or related to, the scope of your  responsibilities  in Company
positions you held during your  employment  with AT&T;  (iv) using or disclosing
the confidential  information of AT&T; (v) initiating  litigation  against AT&T;
(vi) criticizing,  denigrating or otherwise speaking adversely against AT&T; and
(vii) violating AT&T's Code of Conduct.

       (b)     If any restriction set forth in this  section  12 is found by any
arbitrator or court of competent  jurisdiction  to be  unenforceable  because it
extends for too long a period of time or over too great a range of activities or
in too broad a geographic  area, it shall be interpreted to extend only over the
maximum period of time,  range of activities or geographic  areas as to which it
may be enforceable.

       (c)     The restrictions contained  in this section 12  are necessary for
the protection of the business and goodwill of AT&T and are considered by you to
be reasonable  for such purpose.  Further,  the  restrictions  set forth in this
section  12 are of the  essence  of  this  grant,  and  shall  be  construed  as
independent of any other provision in this grant; and the existence of any claim
or cause of action by you against AT&T, whether predicated on this grant or not,
shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by AT&T of these restrictions.

       (d)     The terms and provisions in this section 12 shall be administered
in accordance with the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline (the "Guideline").

13.     The validity,  construction  and  effect  of  this  Agreement  shall  be
determined in  accordance with  the laws of the State of New York and applicable
Federal law.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please indicate your acceptance of the terms in sections 1-13, and in particular
the restrictions  contained in section 12, hereof, and acknowledge that you have
received copies of the Plan and the Guideline summary, in each case as currently
in effect,  by signing at the place  provided and returning the original of this

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SIGNATURE                                    BY (AT&T Corp.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       EXHIBIT E

                      AT&T 1997 LONG TERM INCENTIVE PROGRAM
                            NONSTATUTORY STOCK OPTION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name of Optionee               Social Security No.          Date of Grant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the same meanings as
in the Plan.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pursuant to the AT&T 1997 LONG TERM INCENTIVE PROGRAM (the "Plan") of AT&T Corp.
("AT&T"), a copy of which has been delivered to you, you have been granted as of
the date hereof an option (the  "Option") to purchase  from AT&T 750,000  common
shares of AT&T  ("Shares") at the price of $44.53125  per Share,  subject to the
terms and conditions of the Plan and to your  agreement to the additional  terms
and conditions set forth herein.

1.     (a)     Your right to exercise  this Option  shall expire  ten (10) years
from the date hereof, unless sooner terminated upon certain terminations of your
employment  as  provided  in (b) or (c) below or  canceled as provided in (e) or
section 2 below.

       (b)     Upon   your  termination   of  employment  by  reason  of  death,
Disability (as defined in section 1(g) of the Employment  Agreement  between you
and  AT&T  dated  as  of  October  17,  1997,  (the  "Employment   Agreement")),
Termination  without  Cause  (as  defined  in  section  12(d) of the  Employment
Agreement, a Constructive  Termination without Cause (as defined in section 1(f)
of the Employment  Agreement) or on or after your retirement  after reaching age
65, then you or your legal  representative  shall have the right to exercise any
portion of this Option that is then  outstanding,  and any  unvested  portion of
this Option shall immediately become exercisable, and remain exercisable,  until
the earlier of five years after the date of such  termination  of  employment or
the expiration of this Option.

       (c)     Upon your termination  of employment for any reason other than as
described  in (b)  above  (including  your  employer  ceasing  to be  either  an
Affiliate  or AT&T),  any  portion  of this  Option  then  outstanding  which is
unexercisable shall be cancelled and any portion which is then exercisable shall
remain  exercisable  until the  earlier of the  ninetieth  day after the date of
termination or the originally  scheduled  expiration  date of this Option unless
the Committee determines otherwise.

2.     (a)     You  recognize  and  acknowledge  that you  have  had  access  to
highly  confidential and proprietary  Company  information and trade secrets and
the use,  misappropriation  or disclosure of the confidential  information would
constitute a breach of trust and could cause irreparable  injury to AT&T; and it
is essential to the  protection  of AT&T's good will and to the  maintenance  of
AT&T's competitive position that the confidential information be kept secret and
that  you  not  disclose  the  confidential  information  to  others  or use the
confidential  information to your own advantage or the advantage of others.  You
further recognize and acknowledge that it is essential for the proper protection
of the business of AT&T that you be restrained  (i) from  soliciting or inducing
any employee of AT&T to leave the employ of AT&T, (ii) from hiring or attempting
to hire any employee of AT&T, (iii) from soliciting the trade of or trading with

the  customers  and  suppliers of AT&T for any business  purpose,  and (iv) from
competing  against AT&T following the  termination of your  employment with AT&T
and  therefore  you agree  that  this  Option  will be  forfeited  and  canceled
immediately  in its entirety (and any benefit  already paid out within 18 months
prior to AT&T's notice of violation shall, at the discretion of AT&T be required
to be  repaid to AT&T by you  within  10  business  days of  AT&T's  request  in
writing) if you,  during your  employment  or  thereafter,  engage in  activity,
which,  in the sole  discretion  of AT&T,  is deemed to be in  conflict  with or
adverse to the interests of AT&T.  Such adverse  activity by you shall  include,
but is not limited to, or own an interest in (other than as a shareholder with a
nonsubstantial  interest in such  business) any business or  enterprise  that is
engaged in competition with AT&T; or (ii) recruit, solicit or induce, or attempt
to  induce,  any  employee  or  employees  of AT&T or any  affiliate  of AT&T to
terminate their  employment  with, or otherwise cease their  relationship  with,
AT&T or any affiliate of AT&T; or (iii) solicit, divert or take away, or attempt
to divert or to take away,  the  business or  patronage  of any of the  clients,
customers or accounts, or prospective clients, customers or accounts, which were
contacted,  solicited  or served by those  segments  of AT&T that fall within or
relate to your scope of  responsibilities  in Company  positions you held during
your employment with AT&T; or (iv) use or disclose the confidential information;
or (v)  initiate  litigation  against  AT&T;  or (vi)  criticize,  denigrate  or
otherwise speak adversely against AT&T; or (vii) violate AT&T's Code of Conduct.

       (b)     If any restriction set  forth in this  section  2 is found by any
arbitrator or court of competent  jurisdiction  to be  unenforceable  because it
extends for too long a period of time or over too great a range of activities or
in too broad a geographic  area, it shall be interpreted to extend only over the
maximum period of time,  range of activities or geographic  areas as to which it
may be enforceable.

       (c)     The restrictions  contained  in  this section 2 are necessary for
the protection of the business and goodwill of AT&T and are considered by you to
be reasonable  for such purpose.  Further,  the  restrictions  set forth in this
section  2 are of the  essence  of this  Option,  they  shall  be  construed  as
independent  of any other  provision  in this Option;  and the  existence of any
claim or cause of action by you against AT&T,  whether predicated on this Option
or not,  shall not  constitute  a defense  to the  enforcement  by AT&T of these

       (d)     The terms and  provisions in this section 2 shall be administered
in accordance with the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline (the "Guideline").

3.     Except as provided in section 1 hereof,  this Option may be  exercised at
any time prior to its expiration or  cancellation  as follows:  one-third of the
Shares may be purchased under the Option on the third anniversary of the date of
grant;  one-third of such Shares on or after the fourth  anniversary of the date
of  grant;  and the  remaining  one-third  of such  Shares  on after  the  fifth
anniversary of the date of grant.

4.     This Option shall be exercised by  delivering to AT&T written notice on a
form to be provided for this  purpose.  The notice  shall  specify the number of
Shares as to which the Option is being exercised (which number shall be at least
fifty or the number of Shares  that may then be  exercised  under  this  Option,
whichever is less). The Option or any portion thereof may be exercised only upon
payment of the exercise price thereof in full, and in accordance with procedures
established by AT&T Board of Directors or the  Committee.  Payment shall be made
in cash or in AT&T common shares or a combination of cash and AT&T common shares
such that the total of the cash plus the Fair Market  Value,  as  determined  in

accordance  with  procedures  established by the  Committee,  of the AT&T common
shares on the date of exercise at least equals the aggregate  exercise  price of
the Shares as to which the Option is being exercised;  provided,  however,  that
any AT&T common  shares  surrendered  as payment  must have been owned by you at
least six months  prior to the date of  exercise.  Exercise of the Option  shall
take  effect on the date the notice of  exercise,  in good  order,  is  actually
received at the address specified  thereon,  such date to be acknowledged to you
in writing.

5.     Within  a  reasonable  period  after the  Option is exercised, AT&T  will
deliver to you or your legal  representative a statement reflecting ownership of
Shares in the form of book entry or  certificates  for the number of Shares with
respect  to  which  you  exercised  the  Option.  Neither  you  nor  your  legal
representative  shall  be,  or have  any of the  rights  and  privileges  of,  a
shareowner  of AT&T in respect of any shares  purchasable  upon the  exercise of
this Option, in whole or in part, unless and until  certificates for such Shares
shall have been issued.

6.     (a)     This Option is  not transferable by you otherwise than by will or
the laws of descent and distribution, and during your lifetime the Option may be
exercised only by you or your guardian or legal  representative  if permitted by
Section  422  and  related  sections  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  and  any
regulations promulgated thereunder.

       (b)     You  may, in  accordance  with  procedures   established  by  the
Committee,  designate  one or more  beneficiaries  to receive all or part of the
Option in case of your death,  and you may change or revoke such  designation at
any time. In the event of your death, any portion of this Option that is subject
to such a designation  (to the extent such  designation is valid and enforceable
under  applicable law) shall be distributed to such beneficiary or beneficiaries
in  accordance  with this  Agreement.  Any other portion of this Option shall be
distributable  to your  estate.  If there shall be any  question as to the legal
right of any  beneficiary  to receive a  distribution  hereunder,  the Shares in
question  may be  purchased by and  distributed  to your estate,  in which event
neither AT&T nor any Affiliate  shall have any further  liability to anyone with
respect to such Shares.

7.     Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of this Agreement, in the event of
Change in Control, as defined in the Employment Agreement,  any unvested portion
of the Option shall immediately become exercisable.

8.     Neither the Plan nor this  Agreement shall be construed as giving you the
right to be retained in the employ of AT&T nor any Affiliate.

9.     If the Company  shall determine, on advise of counsel, that the  listing,
registration  or  qualification  of the Shares upon any  securities  exchange or
under any state or federal  law, or the consent or approval of any  governmental
or regulatory agency or authority,  is necessary or desirable as a condition of,
or in connection with , the exercise of the Option, no portion of the Option may
be exercised until or unless such listing, registration,  qualification, consent
or approval shall have been effected or obtained.

10.     Any  determinations or decisions made or actions taken arising out of or
in connection with the  interpretation  and administration of this Agreement and
the Plan by the AT&T  Board of  Directors  of the  Committee  shall be final and

11.     This  Agreement may be  amended  by the AT&T  Board of  Directors or the
Committee  provided that no such  amendment  shall impair your rights  hereunder
without your consent.

12.     AT&T may  withhold or require you  to pay any applicable  withholding or
other  employment  taxes due upon the exercise of this Option.  You may elect to
satisfy such withholding tax obligations by requesting that AT&T withhold Shares
with a value equal to such tax obligations from the Shares otherwise deliverable
upon the exercise of this Option.

13.     The  validity,  construction  and  effect of  this  Agreement  shall  be
determined in  accordance with the laws of  the State of New York and applicable
Federal Law.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please   indicate  your   acceptance  of  terms  1-13,  and  in  particular  the
restrictions  contained  in section 2,  hereof,  and  acknowledge  that you have
received copies of the Plan and the Guideline summary, in each case as currently
in effect,  by signing at the place  provided and returning the original of this

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SIGNATURE                                    BY (AT&T Corp.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       EXHIBIT F

                         AT&T NON-COMPETITION GUIDELINE

                                                           As approved effective
                                                           August 1, 1986

                         AT&T NON-COMPETITION GUIDELINE
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1.        STATEMENT OF PURPOSE                                         1

SECTION 2.        DEFINITIONS                                                  1

SECTION 3.        MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                         3

                  1.  Membership                                               3

                  2.  Responsibility and Authority                             4

                  3.  Conflict of Interest                                     5

SECTION 4.        COMPETITIVE ACTIVITY                                         5

                  1.  Limitation                                               5

                  2.  Definition                                               6


                  1.  Request for a Determination                              7

                  2.  Company's Right to Initiate an Evaluation                8

                  3.  Evaluation                                               9

                  4.  Conflict of Interest                                    10

                  5.  Determination                                           10

                  6.  Notice of Forfeiture                                    11

                  7.  Opportunity to Withdraw                                 12

                  8.  Reevaluation and Determination                          13

                  9.  Subsequent Competitive Activity                         13

                 10.  Consent to Compete                                      15

SECTION 6.        GENERAL PROVISIONS                                          16

                  1.  Guideline Modifications                                 16

                  2.  Severability                                            16

                  3.  No Intent to Prejudice Employees' Rights                16


                  The purpose of this AT&T  Non-Competition  Guideline is to set
uniform standards and establish  administrative  responsibilities and procedures
for evaluating  activity in possible  violation of the  non-competition  clauses
contained in various AT&T incentive and benefit plans.


         1.  The   word  "Guideline"  shall   mean   this  AT&T  Non-Competition

         2.  The words "AT&T" or "Company" shall mean collectively  the American
Telephone  and  Telegraph   Company,   a  New  York  corporation,   all  of  its
subsidiaries,  related entities,  lines of business and corporate successors and
all business enterprises,  including joint ventures, in which it is a partner or
has a substantial ownership interest.

         3.  The term  "Board of  Directors" or "Board"  shall mean the Board of
Directors of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

         4.  The word "Committee"  shall  mean  the  AT&T  Management  Committee
established and authorized by the Board to interpret and implement the standards
and procedures of the Guideline.

         5.  The word "Plans" shall  mean the  AT&T Senior  Management Long Term
Incentive  Plan,  AT&T Senior  Management  Short Term Incentive  Plan, AT&T 1984
Stock Option Plan, AT&T Non-Qualified  Pension Plan, AT&T Senior Management Life
Insurance  Program,  AT&T Senior  Management  Long Term  Disability and Survivor
Protection Plan, the AT&T Mid-Career Pension Plan, and any such other plans that
my from time to time  contain  non-competition  clauses or that the Board  shall
deem appropriate to make subject to the standards of this Guideline.

         6.  The word "benefit" shall mean any payment or entitlement to payment
conferred  pursuant to the terms of any or all of the Plans,  regardless of how,
when or in what form it is made or intended to be made.

         7.  The term  "affected employee"  shall mean an  individual  who, as a
former or present employee,  has received,  is receiving or would be eligible to
receive  benefits under any of the Plans by virtue of his currently  holding or,
if a  former  employee,  by  virtue  of  his  having  held  at the  time  of his
termination  of  employment  with the Company (i) a level  higher than  Division
Level or equivalent  fourth level or (ii) a position that the Board of Directors
designates to be within the Senior Management Group.

         8.  The term "Senior Officer" shall mean an employee who has attained a
level higher than Corporate Vice President or equivalent.

         9.  The phrase "non-competition  clauses" shall mean those  provisions,
paragraphs, divisions or portions of the Plans which state in words or substance
that an  affected  employee  will  forfeit and  relinquish  all  entitlement  to
benefits if he engages in activity deemed to be in competition with the Company.

         10. The use in this  Guideline  of personal  pronouns of the  masculine
gender is intended to include both the masculine and feminine genders.

         11. The use in this  Guideline  of singular or plural nouns is intended
to have  individual or  collective  meaning as applicable to the context as used
therein and is in no way to be construed  narrowly or such as to limit the scope
of this Guideline or any of its provisions.


         1.  Membership.  The  Management Committee shall consist  of the Senior
Vice   President-Personnel   (or  the  corporate  successor  to  that  officer's

responsibilities)  and up to four  other,  but at no time less  than two  other,
Senior  Officers  of the  Company,  such  other  Senior  Officers  to serve on a
rotating   basis   terms  of  not  less  than  one   year.   The   Senior   Vice
President-Personnel  shall serve as Chairman and  Secretary of the Committee and
shall have full authority to select and designate other Senior Officers to serve
on the  Committee,  including  the  authority  to select  and  designate  Senior
Officers  to serve on an  interim  basis  when  regular  Committee  members  are
unavailable or are recused as described in Paragraph 3 of this Section 3.

         2.  Responsibility  and Authority.  Responsibility for interpreting and
implementing the standards and provisions of this Guideline is vested solely and
exclusively  in the  Committee,  which is  empowered  to perform or to delegate,
through and by its Chairman  acting on its behalf,  performance  of all function
necessary to fulfill its  responsibilities  in connection with the forfeiture of
benefits,  such functions  explicitly to include,  but which are not limited to,
the following: seeking the advice and counsel and directing the participation of
the heads of the Company's  lines of business and any such other  individuals as
it deems  necessary,  at whatever  intervals and for whatever  function it deems
appropriate  ; making final  determination  that  certain  activity is or is not
competitive  activity and that the benefits of the affected employee who engages
in such  activity  are or are not  forfeited  by  such  activity,  respectively;
directing or delegating  the  directing of whatever  such  Payroll,  Benefit and
other  organizations  of the  Company as are  affected  to suspend or  terminate
payment of benefits or to refrain from initiating payments of benefits under any
or all of the  Plans to an  affected  employee  who is found to be  engaging  in
competitive  activity  or  whose  activity,  in the  case of the  suspension  of
payment,  is under  evaluation;  taking or  delegating  the taking of such legal
steps as are necessary to recover  benefits paid to an affected  employee  since
the date on which he  commenced  engaging in activity  deemed to be  competitive
activity; making such minor changes to this Guideline as may be required by law,
by administrative  efficiency or by changes in the Company structure; and acting
on the Company's behalf and in its best interests in all matters relating to the
issues covered by this Guideline.

         3.  Conflict  of Interest.  When  a  Senior  Officer   serving  on  the
Committee is unable,  for personal or professional  reasons,  to make a fair and
objective determination of an affected employee's activity, then he shall recuse
himself and shall not participate in the discussions  concerning or in the final
determination of appropriate action, in which case the Chairman of the Committee
shall  nominate and appoint  another Senior Officer to substitute for the Senior
Officer who has been recused,  which  substitute shall serve as a full member of
the Committee and shall have all authority and responsibility thereto until full
resolution off the matter has been accomplished.


         1.  Limitation.  Notwithstanding   the   definitions   and   procedures
contained  in this  Guideline,  in all  questions  relating  to whether  certain
activity of any  affected  employee or any business or any product or service of
any  business  is or would be  competitive  with AT&T or whether  such  affected
employee's  activity is grounds for the Company's  invoking any  non-competition
clause in any of the Plans and for terminating or preventing payment of benefits
or recovering benefits already paid to such affected employee, the Committee, in
its  discretion  and  judgment,  has sole  authority to interpret the spirit and
intent of the Guideline and of the non-competition  clauses,  and each and every
decision of the  Committee  shall,  with  respect to all  questions  and matters
relative to the subjects of forfeiture and competition, be final.

         2.  Definition.    For  purposes  of  the  non-competition  clauses  as
contained  in the  Company's  Plans and subject to the  limitation  contained in
Paragraph 1 of this Section 4, an affected  employee's  activity is  competitive
activity  and  any or all of  his  benefits  under  the  Plans  are  subject  to
forfeiture  to the fullest  extent  allowable by law if such  affected  employee
either (A), as more fully  described  below,  establishes a relationship  with a
competitor of the Company or (B) engages in activity  which,  in the Committee's
discretion  or judgment,  is in conflict with or adverse to the interests of the

             a.  As  used  above  in  Paragraph 2 of this Section 4, the  phrase
"establishes  a  relationship  with"  shall  mean,  but shall not be limited to,
founding, organizing,  establishing, becoming associated with, becoming employed
by,  rendering  services to,  consulting or acting as consultant  to, serving as
director  for,  being a  partner  in or  owning a  substantial  interest  in, as
shareholder  or otherwise,  such an interest to include,  but not be limited to,
for example, an interest subject to the reporting  requirements of Section 13(d)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

             b.  As used above in  Paragraph 2 of  this Section 4, a "competitor
of the Company" is a business,  entity or  enterprise  which either (A) designs,
develops, manufactures,  produces, offers for sale or sells a product or service
which can be used as a substitute for, performs  substantially the same function
as, is a practical  alternative for or is generally intended to satisfy the same
customer  or client  needs  for any  product  or  service  designed,  developed,
manufactured,  produced,  offered for sale or sold by the  Company,  or (B) is a
business or activity  which the  Committee,  based upon review of the individual
facts and circumstances and in its discretion and judgment, determines, in order
to protect the best  interests  of the Company,  to be a  competitor  within the
spirit and intent of the Guideline and the non-competition clauses.


         1.  Request for  a  Determination.    An  affected   employee   who  is
considering engaging in an activity which an individual would reasonably believe
to be  competitive  activity as that term is used and defined in this  Guideline
and which thus may be grounds for the  Company's  invoking  the  non-competition
clauses of the Plans should request, prior to engaging in such activity, that it
be  evaluated  as  described  in this  Section  5 of the  Guideline  and  that a
determination  be made and an opinion  rendered as to whether  such  activity is
deemed to violate such non-competition clauses. Such affected employee's request
may  be  made  to  the  Director,  Executive  Personnel  Matters,  who,  as  the
Committee's  delegate  in  correspondence  and  administrative  functions,  will
coordinate  evaluation  of the  activity.  To  insure  that  the  valuation  and
determination  are based on all relevant  facts and  circumstances  and thus are
consistent with the spirit and intent of this Guideline,  such affected employee
should  accompany  his request  with a full  explanation  in writing of whatever
information he deems  pertinent as well as of a description of the  contemplated
activity,  such  explanation  to  include,  but not to be  limited  to,  (A) his
contemplated  relationship,  including,  as applicable,  his proposed  position,
title, responsibilities and the nature and extent of his ownership interest, (B)
the nature of the business, including, for example, all products and/or services
currently being or expected to be designed, developed, manufacturing,  produced,
offered for sale and sold by the  business and (C) the most  recently  available
financial information on the business.

         2.  Company's Right  to  Initiate an Evaluation.   The Company reserves
the right to  initiate an  evaluation  of any  activity of an affected  employee

which may be  competitive  activity  as that  phrase is used and defined in this
Guideline. Upon receipt of a request from or on behalf of the head of any of the
Company's  lines of  business,  from the Board,  from the  Committee or from any
Senior Officer,  the Director,  Executive  Personnel  Matters,  shall notify the
affected employee in writing that such an evaluation has been initiated and that
he has the opportunity to submit in writing for  consideration  by the Committee
whatever information he deems pertinent to its determination, including, but not
limited to, a full  explanation of the activity as described  above in Divisions
(A) through (C), inclusive, of Paragraph 1 of this Section 5.

         3.  Evaluation.  Whether  an   affected   employee's   contemplated  or
actual activity is or is not competitive activity within the scope and intent of
the non-competition  clauses shall be separately evaluated by the head and by an
attorney  serving  as  counsel  to the  head of each of the  Company's  lines of
business responsible for the design, development, manufacture, production, offer
for sale or sale of the product or service with which such activity is suspected
to be in competition, by the head of each entity responsible for paying benefits
under  any  of  the  affected  Plans  or  his  delegate,  by  a  Corporate  Vice
President-Law of the Company and, in addition,  by such other individuals as the
Committee may designate as  appropriate.  Such  evaluations are to be based upon
information  submitted  by the  affected  employee  (including  his position and
responsibilities),  the financial state of the line of business, the competitive
marketplace,  the extent to which the  activity is adverse to the  Company,  the
impact on the  affected  employee's  line of  business  and any other  facts and
circumstances deemed relevant under the standards of this Guideline.  After such
evaluations,  each head and his counsel of each such line of business, each head
of each such entity or his delegate,  the Corporate Vice  President-Law and each
of any such other  specially-designated  individuals  as  described  above shall
provide to the  Committee in writing his  independent  recommendation  as to its
determination,  which recommendation shall identify, if applicable,  any fact or
circumstance not readily apparent from the affected employee's  submittal or not
generally  known but upon  which fact or  circumstance  the  recommendation  was

         4.  Conflict of Interest.   When an individual who, under the standards
of this Guideline, is to evaluate an affected employee's activity but is unable,
for  personal  or  professional  reasons,  to make in that  instance  a fair and
objective  evaluation,  then he shall recuse  himself and shall not evaluate the
activity nor make a  recommendation  to the Committee nor participate in any way
in  the  resolution  of the  matter;  provided,  however,  that  at the  express
direction of the  Chairman he can  participate,  in which case,  the conflict of
interest  shall be duly noted and taken into  consideration  when  weighing  his
involvement.  An individual who recuses himself from  evaluating  activity shall
designate the  individual in his line of business,  entity or another  Corporate
Vice President-Law,  as appropriate,  who shall evaluate the activity and make a
recommendation as his delegate.

         5.  Determination.   Final  determination   of   whether   an  affected
employee's  activity  is or is not  competitive  activity  and thus  whether his
benefits are or are not,  respectively,  subject to forfeiture  shall be made by
the Committee and the Committee  alone,  and such final  determination  shall be
based on the  recommendations  as described  above in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this
Section 5 as well as on such  other  facts and  circumstances  as the  Committee
deems pertinent.  No single recommendation nor any or all of the recommendations
in the  aggregate  shall be binding or conclusive on the Committee in making its
determination.  After the  Committee's  determination,  the Director,  Executive
Personnel Matters, shall notify the affected employee in writing of the decision
of  the  Committee.  If  the  Committee's  determination  is  that  an  affected

employee's activity is not or would not be competitive  activity,  the Committee
reserves the right to seek, at whatever intervals it deems appropriate,  written
assurance from the affected employee that the facts and circumstances upon which
the activity was evaluated and the determination based have not changed.

         6.  Notice of  Forfeiture.   If, after activity has been  evaluated and
recommendations  submitted as described  above in Paragraph 3 of this Section 5,
the  Committee  determines  that  contemplated  activity  would  be  competitive
activity,  the Director,  Executive Personnel Matters,  will notify the affected
employee in writing of the  Committee's  determination  and advise such affected
employee that his benefits are at risk of forfeiture.  An affected  employee who
receives such notice and advice shall,  within thirty  business days of the date
of such notice and advice,  provide the Company with written  assurance  that he
has not engaged and will not engage in such contemplated activity. If, after the
expiration of the thirty business day period, the Director,  Executive Personnel
Matters,  has not received such assurance,  he shall so advise the Committee and
shall  notify the  appropriate  Payroll and Benefit  organizations  to terminate
immediately or not to initiate payments of benefits to the affected employee. If
the Committee's determination is that an affected employee is currently engaging
in competitive activity, the Director, Executive Personnel Matters, upon receipt
of notice of such  determination  from the  Chairman of the  Committee  shall so
advise the affected employee, shall also if so authorized by the Chairman direct
the appropriate Payroll, Benefit and other affected organizations of the Company
to terminate  immediately  payments of benefits to the affected employee and, in
addition,  may at the Committee's express direction take such legal steps as are
necessary to recover from the affected employee all benefits paid by the Company
or on its behalf since the date when such competitive activity is deemed to have

         7.  Opportunity to Withdraw.  If, after activity has been evaluated and
recommendations  submitted  as  described  above in  Paragraphs  3 and 4 of this
Section  5,  the  Committee   determines  that  there  are  unusual  or  special
circumstances  which mitigate  against  withdrawal of benefits from or denial of
benefits to an affected  employee who is and has been engaging in activity which
is  competitive  activity  within the  spirit and intent of the  non-competition
clauses, the Committee may, in its discretion and judgment, withhold termination
of  benefits  and offer the  affected  employee in writing  the  opportunity  to
withdraw from the competitive  activity;  provided,  however,  that any affected
employee who is the  recipient  of and accepts  such an offer shall  provide the
Committee,  within a reasonable  time of the date of such offer as prescribed by
the Committee, written assurance that such withdrawal has been accomplished,  or
such offer shall lapse and a final  determination and termination of benefits be

         8.  Reevaluation and Determination.  Notwithstanding  prior evaluations
and regardless of a previous determination by the Committee as described in this
Guideline,  the Company reserves the right, without prior notice to the affected
employee,  to institute a  reevaluation  of his activity if, in the  Committee's
discretion and judgment, it believes that under the facts and circumstances such
reevaluation is warranted.  In case of such reevaluation,  the affected employee
shall be  notified  by the  Director,  Executive  Personnel  Matters,  that such
reevaluation  has been  instituted  and shall have the  opportunity to submit in
writing  for  consideration  by the  Committee  a full  explanation  of whatever
information  he  deems  pertinent  to  the  Committee's  redetermination,   such
explanation  to  include,  but not to be limited to, a full  explanation  of the
activity  as  described  above in  Divisions  (A)  through  (C),  inclusive,  of
Paragraph  1 of this  Section  5.  After  such  reevaluation,  there  shall be a
determination  substantively  and  procedurally  consistent  with that described
above in Paragraph 5 of this Section 5.

         9.  Subsequent Competitive Activity.  If an affected employee commences
engaging  in  activity  which  is not at the  time  of  commencement  considered
competitive  activity as that phrase is used and defined in this  Guideline  but
within a reasonable  period of time  thereafter  )such  period,  under  ordinary
circumstances and unless the Committee determines otherwise,  to be three years)
the activity becomes competitive  activity as that phrase is used and defined in
this  Guideline,  then the  affected  employee so  engaging in such  competitive
activity should advise the Director,  Executive Personnel Matters.  Upon receipt
of such advice, the Director, Executive Personnel Matters, shall then offer such
affected  employee the  opportunity to withdraw  without  forfeiture of benefits
under the term of and  consistent  with the provisions of such an opportunity as
described in Paragraph 7 of this Section 5. If an affected  employee  engages in
subsequent  competitive  activity in a situation  such as that  described in the
first sentence of this Paragraph 9 of this Section 5 but such affected  employee
fails to come forward and so advise the Company, then,  notwithstanding anything
herein to the contrary,  after evaluation or reevaluation  and  determination as
described  above in Paragraphs 2, 3, 5 and 8 of this Section 5, benefits to such
affected employee shall be immediately  terminated and the Company may take such
steps as are necessary to recover any benefits paid since the date on which such
activity  became  competitive.  If an affected  employee  commences  engaging in
activity which is not at the time of commencement  competitive with AT&T as that
phrase is used and  defined in this  Guideline  but,  subsequent  thereto,  AT&T
designs, develops, manufactures, produces, offers for sale or sells a product or
service such as to render the activity  competitive,  no question of  forfeiture
arises; provided, however, that, if the affected employee, knew or had reason to
know at the time he  commenced  the  activity  that  AT&T  intended  to  design,
develop,  manufacture,  produce, offer for sale or sell such product or service,
then the Company may invoke the non-competition clauses.

         10. Consent   to   Compete.   In    extraordinary   circumstances   and
notwithstanding  that an affected employee's  competitive  activity would, under
the  provisions of the  Guideline,  be grounds for invoking the  non-competition
clauses  and  terminating  payment of benefits to such  affected  employee,  the
Committee may consent to an affected employee's engaging in such activity if, in
its  discretion  and  judgment,  the  Committee  determines  that,  despite such
activity's technical isolation, the facts are overwhelmingly compelling or it is
otherwise in the Company's  best interest  that relief from  application  of the
non-competition  clauses is warranted.  In such a case the  Director,  Executive
Personnel Matters, shall notify the affected employee of such consent; provided,
however,  that, despite such consent,  the Company reserve the right to withdraw
such  consent  and to invoke the  non-competition  clauses  within a  reasonable
period of time thereafter (such period, under ordinary  circumstances and unless
the Committee determines otherwise,  to be three years) and without prior notice
if and  when,  in  the  Committee's  discretion  and  judgment,  the  facts  and
circumstances warrant it.


         1.  Guideline  Modifications.  The  Committee,  in its  discretion  and
judgment and without  notice,  may from time to time make such minor  changes in
the Guideline as it deems  required by law, by  administrative  efficiency or by
change in the Company structure.

         2.  Severability.  To the extent that one or more of the  provisions of
this  Guideline  may be  found  to be  unenforceable  in any  federal  or  state
jurisdiction, such provisions are intended and are declared to be severable from
the whole,  and such a judgment shall not jeopardize the  enforceability  of the
balance of the Guideline.

         3.  No Intent to Prejudice Employees' Rights.   No  act of the Company,
the Board, the Committee or any Senior Officer or employee of the Company acting
in connection with the design,  approval,  interpretation  or  implementation of
this Guideline or any of its  standards,  provisions or procedures is in any way
intended to interfere  with or  prejudice  any  individual's  right to consider,
accept,  continue  or  terminate  employment,  to engage in any  activity  or to
establish  any kind of business  relationship  or  ownership  interest  with any

                                                                       EXHIBIT G

                              AGREEMENT AND RELEASE

         This  AGREEMENT is made this _____ day of September 1997 by and between
AT&T Corp., (hereinafter "Company" or "AT&T") and ________________  (hereinafter

         WHEREAS, Employee has been employed by AT&T since _____________; and

         WHEREAS,  Employee  and the Company  have  decided to settle  fully and
finally all obligations  related to Employee's  employment and resignation  from
the Company.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:

         1.  Employee will resign his active  employment  with the Company on or
before  ____________________,  this date or such  later  resignation  date under
Paragraph 8, hereinafter "Resignation Date".

         2.  Should Employee die after  executing  this Agreement but before the
intended  Resignation  Date,  this  Agreement  shall  be  null  and  void in its

         3.  As special  consideration for this Agreement,  the Company will pay
the Employee a Severance  Benefit  in  the  amount  of  ________________________
(______________). Such Severance Benefit will be paid to the Employee in _______
monthly  installments  beginning  the  month  after  the  month  which  includes
Employee's  Resignation  Date and will be less legally  required  deductions for
applicable taxes.

         4.  Except   as   provided  in  Paragraphs  3 and 4 of  this Agreement,
Employee hereby waives any and all claims to salary,  incentives,  payments,  or
benefits of any kind,  including,  but not limited to, any entitlements Employee
may have under his  Employment  Agreement  with the Company  signed and dated by
Employee on ________________ and any amendments thereto, other than:

             a.   Employee and/or his survivors, will receive payout of
                  previously  deferred incentive plan awards made under the AT&T
                  Senior Management  Incentive Award Deferral Plan in accordance
                  with  Employee's  elected payout  schedules and with the terms
                  and conditions of such plan, and

             b.   Those payments and other benefits shown in Appendix A.

         5.  Except  as required  by law or valid legal  process, Employee shall
not  disclose  or  discuss,  other  than with  legal  counsel,  personal  tax or
financial  advisors,  or  members  of  Employee's  immediate  family,  any facts
concerning  the  negotiation,  execution or  implementation  of this  Agreement.
Moreover, Employee specifically agrees that he will not criticize,  denigrate or
otherwise speak  adversely or originate,  disclose or otherwise be the source of
any negative information about the operations,  management or performance of the
Company,  affiliates of the Company, or about any director, officer, employee or
agent of any of the foregoing;  or the circumstances related to his resignation,
other than to state that  Employee  was  __________________________  and that he
resigned voluntarily to pursue other opportunities.

         6.  Employee specifically covenants that:

             a.  he   will  not  for  18  months  from  the   Resignation  Date,
recruit,  solicit or induce,  attempt to induce or cause to induce, any employee
or employees of the Company to terminate  their  employment  with,  or otherwise
cease their relationship with the Company.

             b.  The  Severance  Benefit  in  Paragraph 3  is  conditioned  upon
Employee  adhering to and not violating the AT&T Non-  Competition  Guideline (a
summary  is   attached  as  Appendix   B).  Such   Guideline,   in  addition  to
Non-Competition  constraints  includes a provision which calls for forfeiture of
benefits in the event Employee engages in activities in conflict with or adverse
to the interest of the Company.

             c.  The  Employee  recognizes  and  acknowledges  that  the Company
considers its confidential  and proprietary  information and trade secrets to be
among its most valuable assets,  including, but not limited to, its customer and
vendor lists, databases,  computer programs,  frameworks,  models, its marketing
programs, its sales, financial,  marketing,  training and technical information,
and any other  information,  whether  communicated  orally,  electronically,  in
writing or in other  tangible  forms  concerning  how AT&T creates,  develops or
maintains its products,  services and its marketing plans, targets its potential
customers and operates its  business.  The parties to this  Agreement  recognize
that AT&T has invested,  and continues to invest,  considerable  amounts of time
and money in obtaining and developing  the goodwill of its customers,  its other
external relationships, its data systems and data bases, and all the proprietary
and other information  described above (hereinafter  collectively referred to as
"AT&T  Confidential  Information"),  that it is essential to the  protection  of
AT&T's goodwill and to the maintenance of AT&T's  competitive  position and that
AT&T Confidential Information be kept secret and that Employee not disclose AT&T
Confidential  Information  to others  or use AT&T  Confidential  Information  to
Employee's  own  advantage  or the  advantage  of others,  and  agrees  that any
misappropriation  or unauthorized  disclosure of AT&T  Confidential  Information
(including  trade secrets) in any form would  irreparably  harm AT&T. (Such AT&T
Confidential  Information  does not include any  publicly  available  material.)
Employee affirms his obligation to keep secret all AT&T Confidential Information
and that he will not disclose it to any third party in the future.

             d.  Employee acknowledges  that the restrictions set forth in  this
Paragraph 6 are  necessary and  reasonable to prevent the use and  disclosure of
AT&T Confidential  Information and to otherwise protect the legitimate  business
interests of the Company.  Employee  further  acknowledges  that when Employee's
employment with AT&T  terminates,  he will be able to earn a livelihood  without
violating any of the foregoing restrictions.

         7.  Employee acknowledges  that  remedies  at law,  and those  remedies
contained  in  Paragraph  11, for any breach by  Employee of the  provisions  of
Paragraphs 5 and 6 will be inadequate  and that the Company shall be entitled to
injunctive relief against Employee in the event of any such breach. This Release
is in addition to any other remedy and damages available.  Employee acknowledges
that the restrictions  contained therein are reasonable,  but agrees that if any
court of competent jurisdiction shall hold such restrictions  unreasonable as to
time,  geographic area,  activities,  or otherwise,  such restrictions  shall be
deemed to be  reduced to the extent  necessary  in the  opinion of such court to
make them reasonable.  The Company's  waiver,  or failure to seek enforcement or
remedy for a breach or suspected  breach of any provision of this Agreement in a
particular  instance  shall  not be  deemed a waiver  of such  provision  in the

future.  In  addition,  such  waiver  or  failure  to act  with  respect  to one
provision,  shall not be deemed  to be a waiver of any other  provision  of this

         8.  If Employee becomes  disabled after  executing this  Agreement, but
before  ___________________,  and if he is  receiving  or  entitled  to  receive
sickness  or  accident  disability  benefit  payments  from  the  Company  as of
____________________, then:

             a.  Should  Employee die  while disabled  and receiving sickness or
accident  benefit  payments,  this  Agreement  shall  be  null  and  void in its
entirety; OR

             b.  Should  Employee's period of  disability  be determined  by the
Company to  terminate  prior to the  expiration  of the period  during  which in
accordance with the terms of the Sickness and Accident  Disability Benefit Plan,
he could become  entitled to receive  sickness and accident  disability  benefit
payments,  Employee will resign his active employment with the Company effective
on the day  following  the last day of  disability  for which he  receives  such
payments  (hereinafter  his  "actual  resignation  date");   further,   Employee
understands  and agrees  that,  in such event,  the total  amount of the payment
specified  in Paragraph 3 above shall be reduced by the total amount of sickness
or accident  disability  benefit payments which he has received from the Company
for the  period  of  disability  after  his  intended  resignation  date,  i.e.,
___________________  to his actual  resignation date inclusive and shall be paid
out in accordance with Paragraph 3 above OR

             c.  Should  Employee be determined by the Company to continue to be
disabled at the  expiration of the period during which he is entitled to receive
sickness or accident  disability  benefit  payments,  Employee  understands  and
agrees  that he will  thereupon  be retired by action of the  Company's  Benefit
Committee,  effective on the day following the last day of eligibility  for such
sickness or accident  disability  payments  (hereafter  his "actual  resignation
date")  and that,  under such  circumstances,  the total  amount of the  payment
specified  in Paragraph 3 above shall be reduced by the total amount of sickness
or accident  disability  benefit payments which he has received from the Company
for the period of disability  after his intended  resignation  date,  i.e., from
____________________  to his actual resignation date inclusive and shall be paid
out in accordance with Paragraph 3 above.

         9.  The Employee agrees that he will submit all vouchers for reasonable
business  expenses  prior to his  Resignation  Date or as soon  thereafter as is
practicable. The Employee understands and agrees that after his Resignation Date
he  will  no  longer  be  authorized  to  incur  any  expenses,  obligations  or
liabilities on behalf of the Company.

         10. In accordance  with his existing and continuing  obligations to the
Company,  Employee agrees to return to the Company, on or before his Resignation
Date, all Company  property or copies  thereof,  including,  but not limited to,
files, records,  computer access codes, computer programs,  instruction manuals,
documents,  business  plans and other  property which he received or prepared or
helped to prepare in connection  with his  employment  with the Company,  and to
assign to the Company all right,  title and interest in such  property,  and any
other inventions,  discoveries or works of authorship created by Employee during
the course of his employment.

         11. Employee  understands and agrees that a violation of any portion of
Paragraphs 5, 6, or 10, relating to the negotiation of the Agreement, disclosure
of adverse information about the Company,  recruiting  employees of the Company,
violation of the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline, the return of Company property,
(except the Company car if Employee  elects to purchase such  vehicle),  and the
use or  disclosure  of  AT&T  Confidential  Information,  will be  considered  a
material breach of this Agreement,  for which Employee will forfeit all benefits
(other than tax qualified  welfare and retirement  plan benefits) as well as any
monies not  already  paid under this  Agreement  and/or be  obligated  to return
immediately  all monies  which have  already  been paid under this  Agreement  -
except  $1,000.00.  The  provisions  of this  Paragraph  11 in no way  limit the
Company's right to also commence an action for damages and/or pursue other legal
or  equitable  remedies in the event  Employee  breaches  any  provision of this
Agreement.  In the event that the Company  takes such action,  all of Employee's
other obligations under this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

         12. Employee  acknowledges  that  there  are  various  state  local and
federal laws that prohibit  employment  discrimination on the basis of age, sex,
race,  color,  national  origin,  religion,  disability,  sexual  orientation or
veteran  status and that these laws are  enforced  through the Equal  Employment
Opportunity  Commission,  Department  of Labor and State or Local  Human  Rights
agencies. Such laws include,  without limitation,  Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 as amended 42 U.S.C.  Sec. 2000 et. seq.; the Age  Discrimination in
Employment  Act, 29 U.S.C.  Sec. 621 et. seq.; the Americans  with  Disabilities
Act, 42 U.S.C.  Sec.  12101;  the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act, as
amended 29 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et. seq.; and 42 U.S.C. Section 1981, the New Jersey
Conscientious Employee Protection Act, the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
and other state and local human or civil  rights laws as well as other  statutes
which  regulate  employment;  and the common  law of  contracts  and  torts.  In
consideration of this Agreement,  Employee hereby waives and releases any rights
he may have under these laws as to events which have occurred  prior to the date
of this Agreement or Resignation Date, whichever is later. Employee acknowledges
that the  Company  has not (a)  discriminated  against  him,  (b)  breached  any
contract  with him (c)  committed  any cruel  wrong  (tort)  against  him or (d)
otherwise  acted  unlawfully  toward  him.  Employee,  also  waives any right to
become,  and promises not to consent to become,  a member of any class in a case
in which claims are asserted  against any Releasee that is related in any way to
his employment or the  termination of his employment with AT&T, and that involve
events which have occurred as of the date of this Agreement or Resignation Date.
If Employee, without his prior knowledge and consent is made a member of a class
in any  proceeding,  he  shall  opt out of the  class at the  first  opportunity
afforded to him after learning of his inclusion.  In this regard Employee agrees
that he will execute, without objection or delay, an "opt-out" form presented to
him either by the court in which such  proceeding  is pending or by counsel  for
any Releasee who is made a defendant in any such proceeding.

         13. Employee,  on    behalf   of   himself,   his   heirs,   executors,
administrators,  successors and assigns, releases and discharges the Company and
its  successors,   assigns,  subsidiaries,   affiliates,   directors,  officers,
representatives,  agents and  employees  ("Releasees")  from any and all claims,
including claims for attorney's fees and costs,  charges,  actions and causes of
action,  including  but not limited to those with respect to his  employment  or
termination  of  employment  with the  Company,  as well as from all  claims for
personal  injury,  actual  or  potential,  to the  date  of  this  Agreement  or
Employee's  Resignation  Date,  whichever is later.  This  includes,  but is not
limited to, claims arising under federal,  state, or local laws prohibiting age,
sex, race or any other forms of discrimination such as the Age Discrimination in
Employment  Act,  claims  arising  under the New Jersey  Conscientious  Employee

Protection Act and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, and claims growing
out of any legal restrictions on the Company's right to terminate its employees.
This also includes claims based on theories of contract or tort, whether arising
out of common law or otherwise.  Employee  represents  that he has not filed any
charge or lawsuit against the Company with any governmental  agency or Court and
that he will not institute  any actions  against the Company or any Releasee for
any reason. With respect to any administrative  charges that have been or may be
filed concerning events or actions relating to his employment or the termination
of his employment that occurred on or before  Resignation Date,  Employee waives
and  releases  any right he may have to  recover in any  lawsuit  or  proceeding
brought  by him  or by an  Administrative  Agency  on his  behalf.  If  Employee
breaches this  Paragraph,  Employee  understands  that he will be liable for all
expenses,  including  costs and  reasonable  attorney's  fees,  incurred  by any
Releasee in defending the lawsuit or charge of  discrimination.  Employee agrees
to pay such expenses  within thirty (30) calendar days of written  demand.  This
Paragraph is not intended to limit  Employee from  instituting  legal action for
the sole purpose of enforcing this Agreement.

         14. Except to the extent  expressly  provided  herein,  nothing in this
Agreement  shall be deemed to alter,  amend,  modify  or  otherwise  affect  any
employee  benefit,  compensation or other plan,  program or policy maintained by
the Company or any provision thereof.

         15. If  any  provision,  or  portion  thereof,  of  this  Agreement  is
determined  to be invalid  under  applicable  statute or rule of law,  only such
provision,  and only to the extent  determined  to be  invalid,  shall be deemed
omitted from this Agreement,  the remainder of which shall remain fully in force
and effect.

         16. The construction,  interpretation and performance of this Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey  without  regard to its
Conflict of Laws principles.

         17. Employee  understands  that,  pursuant to the Older Workers Benefit
Protection  Act of 1990,  he has the right to consult  with an  attorney  before
signing this Agreement,  he has 21 days to consider the Agreement before signing
it and he may revoke the Agreement  within seven (7) calendar days after signing
it. Employee further understands that the Agreement will not become effective or
enforceable until the seven day revocation period has expired.

         18. Employee  promises and agrees that in consideration of a payment of
one thousand  dollars ($1,000) to be made within ten business days subsequent to
his  Resignation  Date, in addition to the benefits set forth in Paragraph 3 and
4,  Employee  will  execute a release of all claims  relating to his  employment
during the period from the execution of this Agreement to his Resignation  Date.
A copy of such release is attached as Appendix C to this Agreement.

         19. This  Agreement,  consisting  of _______ pages  containing  _______
paragraphs and three  Appendices  constitutes the entire  agreement  between the
Company and Employee with respect to the subject  matter hereof and shall not be
amended,  modified,  or amplified  without  specific  written  provision to that
effect, signed by both parties. No oral statement of any person whosoever shall,
in any manner or degree,  modify or otherwise affect the terms and provisions of
this Agreement.  Accordingly,  this Agreement supersedes and completely replaces
any prior oral or written communication on this subject.

         By signing this Agreement, Employee states that;

              a)  He  has  read it and has had  sufficient time  to consider its
              b)  He understands it and knows that he is giving up important
              c)  He agrees with everything in it;
              d)  He is aware of his right to consult an attorney before signing
                  and has been so advised
              e)  He has signed it knowingly and voluntarily.


___________________________     ___________________________     ________________
                                Employee                        Date

___________________________     ___________________________     ________________
                                For the Company                 Date

                       THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT, RELEASE
                             AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE
                          READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING

                                                                      Appendix A

             Item                                      Treatment

a)  Base Salary                        Employee receives base salary through
                                       Resignation Date.

b)  Employee Benefits and Senior       Employee will be covered under general
    Management Benefits (except        employee benefit plans and Senior
    as otherwise noted below)          Management benefit and perquisite
                                       plans/programs and practices through
                                       Resignation Date.

c)  Medical/Dental/Vision(After        Company  paid Medical/Dental/Vision will
    Resignation Date)                  continue through the Resignation Date.
                                       Under COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget
                                       Reconciliation Act of 1985), coverage
                                       can be continued at Employee's expense
                                       for lesser of 18 months or until Employee
                                       becomes eligible for coverage under
                                       another employer's plan.

d) AT&T Senior Management              Coverage will cease on Resignation Date.
   Individual Life Insurance           Employee may assume policy if he so 
   Program (AT&T SMILIP)               elects by paying 100% of premium.       
   (After Resignation Date)            Company premium contributions to policy
                                       cease on Resignation Date and Company
                                       will withdraw all prior premium

e) Supplemental Variable Universal     Employee, via insurance carrier, will be
   Life Insurance                      given the option to continue coverage on
                                       an individual basis.

                                                                      Appendix B




In  order to  protect  the  interests  of the  Company,  its  shareholders,  its
employees and its  customers,  AT&T requires that an employee who is eligible to
receive  benefits under various  Senior  Management  incentive and  compensation
plans  forfeit  those  benefits if he or she  competes  with the  Company  after
termination  of employment.  The standard used to determine  "competing"  and an
explanation  of  the  administrative  process  used  to  evaluate  activity  are
described in full in the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline, which has been approved
by the AT&T Board of Directors.

This brochure  summarizes  the  Guideline  and is intended as a reference  guide
only. A copy of the complete Guideline may be obtained by requesting a copy from
the Director, Executive Human Resources, AT&T Corporate Headquarters.

General Information

Responsibility  for interpreting,  administering and implementing the provisions
of the Guideline rests with the AT&T Management Committee, which was established
and  authorized  by the Board to resolve all questions and handle all matters in
connection with  competition and forfeiture of benefits.  At least three, but no
more than five, Senior Officers serve on the Committee.

The Committee may make minor changes in the Guideline and to those incentive and
compensation plans which are subject to the Guideline's procedures.  Changes may
be made without notice whenever the Committee considers the changes necessary to
fairly and  consistently  administer  the Guideline and to protect the Company's
interests.  The Committee's  decisions about  forfeiture of benefits and what is
competitive activity are final.

No act of the Company,  the Committee or any employee  acting in connection with
the  Guideline and its  provisions is in any way intended to interfere  with any
individual's  right to consider,  accept,  continue or terminate  employment  to
engage  in any  activity  or to  establish  any kind of  business  or  ownership
interest with any enterprise.

Forfeitable Benefits

Under the terms of the following  plans,  the benefits they pay are  forfeitable
(or immediately payable): AT&T Senior Management Short Term Incentive Plan, AT&T
Senior  Management  Long Term Incentive  Plan, AT&T 1984 Stock Option Plan, AT&T
Non-Qualified  Pension Plan, AT&T Senior Management Life Insurance Program, AT&T
Senior Management Long Term Disability and Survivor Protection Plan, AT&T Senior
Management  Individual  Life Insurance  Program,  AT&T Incentive  Award Deferral
Plan, AT&T Deferred  Compensation  Plan for Non-Employee  Directors,  A&T Senior
Management  Financial  Counseling Program, and the AT&T Mid-Career Pension Plan.
The Board or Committee may make other plans subject to this Guideline.

     . the contemplated relationship, including (as applicable) the proposed
       position, title, responsibilities and the nature and extent of the
       ownership interest;

     . the nature of the business, including, for example, all products and/or
       services currently being or expected to be designed, developed,
       manufactured, produced, offered for sale or sold by the business; and

     . the most recently available financial information on the business

The Company has the right to initiate an evaluation of an individual's activity.
An  evaluation  will be  instituted  when it is requested by or on behalf of the
head of any of the  Company's  lines of business or a member of the Board or the
Committee. The Director,  Executive Human Resources,  will notify the individual
in writing that an  evaluation  has been  initiated  and of the  opportunity  to
submit within a stated period of time  information  for the  evaluators' and the
Committee's  consideration.  An individual  whose activity is being evaluated is
strongly  encouraged to provide the Committee  with a written  submittal such as
that described above.

An individual's contemplated or actual activity will be separately evaluated by

     . the head and an attorney serving as counsel to the head of each of the
       Company's lines of business responsible for the design, development,
       manufacture, production, offer for sale or sale of the product or service
       with which the activity is suspected to be in competition;

     . the head of each entity responsible for paying benefits under any of the
       Plans listed above, or a delegate;

     . A Corporate Vice President-Law of the Company; and

     . any other individuals whose evaluations the Committee designates as

Individuals  who,  for  personal  or  professional  reasons,  have a conflict of
interest which they feel would prevent their fair and objective  evaluation will
not participate but will delegate their  responsibility to another in their line
of  business  or  organization.  Evaluations  will be based on the  individual's
submittal,  the  financial  state  of the  line  of  business,  the  competitive
marketplace,  the  impact  of the  individual's  leaving  on his or her  line of
business, the extent to which activity is adverse to the Company's interests and
all other relevant facts and circumstances.  After evaluating the activity, each
person  doing an  evaluation  will make to the  Committee  a  recommendation  of
appropriate action,  identifying, if there are any, those facts or circumstances
not readily  apparent form the  submittal or not generally  known but upon which
facts or circumstances the recommendation was based.


Even though  activity has been  previously  evaluated and  regardless of a prior
determination, the Company reserves the right without prior notice to reevaluate
activity if the Committee  believes it is warranted.  In case of a reevaluation,
the individual will be advised by the Director,  Executive Human Resources, that
a reevaluation  has been  instituted  and that he or she has the  opportunity to
make a submittal such as that described above.

Competitive Activity

If an individual establishes a relationship with a business which is not at that
time a competitor  of the Company,  but AT&T later engages in a line of business
which is competitive  with any such product  and/or service of the business,  no
question of forfeiture  arises.  However,  the Company may require forfeiture if
the  person  knew (or had  reason  to know)  at the  time the  relationship  was
established that AT&T intended to design, develop,  manufacture,  produce, offer
for sale or sell a competitive product or service.

The Company may also invoke  forfeiture  if,  within a reasonable  time-normally
three years- after the individual engages in an activity,  it becomes adverse to
AT&T's  interests or competitive  with AT&T. In such case, if the person advises
the  Director,  Executive  Human  Resources,  that the  activity may have become
competitive, he or she will have the opportunity to withdraw as described above,
without  forfeiture.  If the Company is not advised, or if the withdrawal is not
accomplished within the stated time, then all benefits paid after the point when
the activity became competitive are forfeitable.

Consent to Compete

In very  extraordinary  circumstances  and despite the fact that an individual's
competitive activity would be grounds for requiring forfeiture of benefits,  the
Company  may  consent  to the  activity  if the  Committee  determines  that the
situation  is only  technically  competitive  and the facts  are  overwhelmingly
compelling  that relief is warranted.  In such a case,  the Director,  Executive
Human Resources,  will provide a letter advising the individual of the Company's
decision.  However,  the  Company  does not waive by such  consent  the right to
withdraw the consent after it is issued, without prior notice, and to invoke the
non-competition   clauses   if,   within  a   reasonable   time-normally   three
years-thereafter,  the facts and  circumstances  change  and it  becomes  in the
Company's best interest to require forfeiture.

Affected Individuals

An individual whether a present or former employee,  is subject to the Guideline
and to having activity  evaluated if he or she has received,  is receiving or is
entitled to receive benefits according to any of the Plans listed above.

What is
Competitive Activity

An  individual's  activity is  competitive  activity and his or her benefits are
forfeitable if that  individual  either (A) engages in activity in conflict with
or adverse to the  interests of the Company or (B)  establishes  a  relationship
with a competitor of the Company.

"Establishing  a  relationship"  includes  founding,  organizing,  establishing,
becoming   associated  with,   becoming  employed  by,  rendering  services  to,
consulting  or  acting  as  consultant  to,  being  a  partner  in or  owning  a
substantial  interest in as shareholder or otherwise  (such as, for example,  an
interest  subject  to  the  reporting  requirements  of  Section  13(d)  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934).

A "competitor of the Company" is a business,  entity or enterprise  which either
(A)  designs,  develops,  manufactures,  produces,  offers  for  sale or sells a
product or service which can be used as a substitute for, performs substantially
the same function as, is a practical alternative for or is generally intended to
satisfy the same  customer or client needs for any product or service  designed,
developed,  manufactured,  produced,  offered for sale or sold by the Company or
(B) is a business which the Committee, based upon review of the individual facts
and  circumstances and in its discretion and judgment,  determines,  in order to
protect the best interests of the Company,  to be a competitor within the spirit
and intent of the Guideline and the non-competition clauses of various Plans.

The Evaluation Process

Anyone who is  considering  engaging in an activity  which a  reasonable  person
might  consider  competitive  activity  as  described  above  should  notify the
Director,  Executive Human Resources,  and request that the Company evaluate the
activity to determine whether it is competitive.

To insure that the Company's  evaluation  is fairly based on all relevant  facts
and circumstances, an individual who requests a determination should provide the
Company in writing with all information he or she believes to be relevant to the
inquiry  as  well  as a full  explanation  of the  contemplated  activity  which


Final determination of whether an individual's activity is or is not competitive
activity  will  be  made  by  the  Committee  and  the  Committee   alone.   The
determination will be based on the  recommendations as described above, the best
interests of the Company and on all other facts and  circumstances the Committee
deems pertinent.

After the Committee's  determination,  the Director,  Executive Human Resources,
will notify the individual of the decision in writing.

If the Committee's  determination is that activity is not competitive activity ,
the  individual  may receive a letter  advising of that  determination.  In such
case, the Committee  reserves the right to seek, at whatever  intervals it deems
appropriate,   written   assurance  from  the  individual  that  the  facts  and
circumstances on which the evaluations and the determination were based have not

An  individual  who has not yet  engaged in activity  which would be  considered
competitive  activity will have the  opportunity to provide the Company within a
reasonable  period of time written assurance that he or she has not and will not
engage in such  activity.  If the Company  receives such assurance no forfeiture
will result.  If the individual  fails to provide such assurance or if he or she
is already  engaged in competitive  activity and does not withdraw from it, then
the Director,  Executive Human  Resources,  will  coordinate  termination of all
benefits with the Payroll,  Benefit and all other  affected  organizations.  The
Committee  or its  delegate  may also take legal steps to recover  any  benefits
already paid.

to Withdraw

After  activity has been  evaluated and  recommendations  submitted as described
above,   the  Committee  may  determine   that  there  are  unusual  or  special
circumstances  which are persuasive that withdrawal or denial of benefits is not
appropriate.  In that case,  the Committee  may, in its discretion and judgment,
withhold  termination  or  denial of  benefits  and  offer  the  individual  the
opportunity  to  withdraw  from the  competitive  activity.  An  individual  who
receives  such an offer will have a  reasonable  period of time from the date of
the offer to accept it and to provide the  Committee  assurance  in writing that
the  withdrawal has been  accomplished,  or the offer will lapse and a notice to
terminate benefits will be issued.

This  guideline is  published by the  Executive  Human  Resources  group of AT&T
Corporate  Headquarters.  Questions  and requests for  additional  copies may be
directed to Director,  Executive Human Resources,  AT&T Corporate  Headquarters,
295 North Maple Avenue, Room 7244M3, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920.

                                                                      April 1997