(as amended December 17, 1997)


         Any Senior  Manager  (as  defined in the AT&T 1997 Long Term  Incentive
Program [the "1997 Plan"]) of AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") or an Affiliate (as defined in
the 1997 Plan) who is eligible for an award under the AT&T Short Term  Incentive
Plan (the "Short Term Incentive Plan") and/or who has been granted a Performance
Award or a Stock Unit Award under the AT&T Senior Management Long Term Incentive
Plan (the "Long Term  Incentive  Plan") the 1987 Long Term  Incentive  Plan (the
"1987  Plan") or the 1997 Plan shall be  eligible  to  participate  in this AT&T
Senior  Management  Incentive Award Deferral Plan (the "Plan").  For purposes of
the  Plan,  AT&T and any  Affiliate  shall be  referred  to as a  "Participating
Company".  Prior to January 1, 1984,  the Plan was named the Bell System  Senior
Management Incentive Award Deferral Plan.


         (a) Prior to the beginning of any calendar year, any Senior Manager may
elect to  participate  in the Plan by directing that (i) all or part of an award
under the Short Term  Incentive  Plan,  or a  Performance  Award or a Stock Unit
Award under the Long Term Incentive  Plan, the 1987 Plan or the 1997 Plan and/or
(ii)  all or part of the  dividend  equivalent  payments  under  the  Long  Term
Incentive   Plan,  the  1987  Plan  or  the  1997  Plan,  that  such  employee's
Participating  Company  would  otherwise  pay currently to such employee in such
calendar year,  shall be credited to a deferred  account subject to the terms of
the  Plan.  However,  in no event  shall  the part of an  award  under  any plan
credited  during any calendar  year be less than $1,000 (based on a valuation at
the time the award would  otherwise  be paid).  There  shall be no such  minimum
limitation  on amounts  credited  during any  calendar  year that are related to
dividend equivalent payments.

         In addition,  prior to the beginning of any calendar  year,  any Senior
Manager may elect to  participate  in the Plan by directing  that all or part of
the  compensation  related to the exercise (more than six months  following such
election  and  prior  to the  employee's  retirement  or  other  termination  of
employment)  of an Option  awarded under the 1987 Plan or the 1997 Plan shall be
credited to a deferred account subject to the terms of the Plan. The exercise of
an Option shall be considered as an exercise described in the preceding sentence
only  if  the  exercise  would  otherwise   satisfy  the   requirements   for  a
stock-for-stock  exercise under the stock option award  agreement  pertaining to
such Option.

         In addition,  prior to the beginning of any calendar year, the Chairman
of the Board and any other  Senior  Manager  designated  by the  Chairman of the
Board may elect to participate in the Plan by directing that all or part of such
Senior  Manager's  salary  that  such  employee's  Participating  Company  would
otherwise pay currently to such employee in such calendar year shall be credited
to a deferred account subject to the terms of the Plan.

         In addition,  provided such  participation  shall have been approved by
the Compensation and Employee Benefits  Committee of the AT&T Board of Directors
(the  "Committee"),  prior to the  beginning  of any calendar  year,  any Senior
Manager may elect to  participate  in the Plan as to other awards under the 1987
Plan or 1997 Plan, or other amounts of compensation  of such Senior Manager,  by
directing  that all or part of such  awards or  compensation  that  such  Senior
Manager's  Participating  Company  would  otherwise pay currently to such Senior
Manager in such calendar year be credited to a deferred  account  subject to the
terms of the Plan.

         (b) Such an election to participate in the Plan shall be in the form of
a document executed by the employee and filed with the employee's  Participating
Company.  An election related to awards,  dividend equivalent  payments,  salary
and/ or other  compensation  otherwise  payable  currently in any calendar  year
shall become irrevocable on the last day prior to the beginning of such calendar

         (c) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section
2, in the case of a Senior  Manager who is newly  eligible to participate in the
Plan,  or in  the  case  of  any  Senior  Manager  with  respect  to  awards  or
compensation  newly eligible to be deferred under the Plan, a deferral  election
may be made  with  respect  to  compensation  otherwise  receivable  in the same
calendar year and  subsequent to such  election,  provided such election is made
within ninety (90) days of such eligibility.


         (a) (i) Except as  provided  in  Section  3(b)(iii),  deferred  amounts
related to awards,  dividend equivalent payments which would otherwise have been
distributed in cash by a Participating  Company and deferred  amounts related to
salary  and/or  other cash  compensation  shall be  credited  to the  employee's
account and shall bear  interest from the date the awards,  dividend  equivalent
payments,  salary and/or other cash compensation would otherwise have been paid.
The  interest  credited to the  account  will be  compounded  at the end of each
calendar  quarter,  and the annual  rate of  interest  applied at the end of any
calendar  quarter  shall  be  determined  by the  Committee  from  time to time,
provided  however,  that the  interest  rate to be applied,  for any  subsequent
quarter, to an employee's (or former employee's)  deferred account balance as of
December 31, 1998,  plus any additions to such account  after  December 31, 1998
that result from deferral  elections  made by an employee  prior to December 31,
1998, (reduced by any distributions  attributable to such account balance) shall
not be less than the  applicable  10 Year U.S.  Treasury Note Rate for the prior
calendar quarter, plus five (5) percent.

         (ii) Furthermore,  if an employee made an election described in Section
2, which  election was  effective on December  31,  1983,  then such  employee's
account shall also be credited  during 1984 with an amount equal to the deferred
amounts which would have been credited to the employee's account during 1984 had
the company which  employed the employee on December 31, 1983  continued to be a
Participating  Company  during  1984,  and such  amount  shall bear  interest in
accordance  with (a)(i) above from the date such amount would have been credited
had such company continued to be a Participating Company during 1984.

         (b)(i)  Deferred  amounts  related to awards that would  otherwise have
been  distributed  in AT&T common  shares by a  Participating  Company  shall be
credited to the employee's account as deferred AT&T shares.  Furthermore,  if an
employee made an election  described in Section 2, which  election was effective
on December 31, 1983, then such employee's account shall also be credited during

1984 with the  deferred  AT&T  shares  which  would  have been  credited  to the
employee's  account had the company which  employed the employee on December 31,
1983  continued to be a  Participating  Company in the Plan and in the Long Term
Incentive Plan during 1984.

         (ii) Deferred amounts related to the compensation on the exercise of an
Option also shall be credited to the employee's account as deferred AT&T shares.
The number of deferred AT&T shares  credited under the preceding  sentence shall
equal the number of additional  AT&T shares the employee  would have received on
the actual stock-for-stock exercise of such Option.

         (iii) Prior to the beginning of any calendar  year, the Chairman of the
Board and any other Senior  Manager  designated by the Chairman of the Board may
elect that deferred amounts related to dividend equivalent payments, which would
otherwise have been  distributed in cash by a Participating  Company during such
calendar  year,  shall be credited to the  employee's  account as deferred  AT&T
shares.  The number of  deferred  AT&T  shares  credited,  with  respect to each
dividend  equivalent,  shall be  determined in  accordance  with the  conversion
formula set forth in the following  paragraph,  as if such  dividend  equivalent
were the amount to be converted to a number of additional deferred AT&T shares.

         (iv) The  employee's  account  shall also be credited on each  dividend
payment date for AT&T shares with an amount  equivalent to the dividend  payable
on the number of AT&T common  shares equal to the number of deferred AT&T shares
in the  employee's  account on the record  date for such  dividend.  Such amount
shall  then  be  converted  to a  number  of  additional  deferred  AT&T  shares
determined  by  dividing  such  amount by the price of AT&T  common  shares,  as
determined in the following sentence. The price of AT&T common shares related to
any  dividend  payment  date shall be the average of the daily high and low sale
prices of AT&T common  shares on the New York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")  for the
period of five trading days ending on such dividend  payment date, or the period
of five trading days  immediately  preceding  such dividend  payment date if the
NYSE is closed on the dividend payment date.
         (c) In the event of any change in  outstanding  AT&T  common  shares by
reason of any stock dividend or split, recapitalization,  merger, consolidation,
combination  or  exchange  of  shares or other  similar  corporate  change,  the
Committee shall make such adjustments,  if any, that it deems appropriate in the
number of deferred AT&T shares then credited to employees' accounts. Any and all
such adjustments shall be conclusive and binding upon all parties concerned.


         (a) At the time an eligible  employee  makes an election to participate
in the Plan,  the  employee  shall  also make an  election  with  respect to the
distribution  (during the employee's  lifetime or in the event of the employee's
death) of the  amounts  credited to the  employee's  deferred  account.  Such an
election related to the distribution during the employee's lifetime,  of amounts
otherwise  payable  currently in any calendar year, shall become  irrevocable on
the last day prior to the beginning of such calendar year.

         The election related to the distribution in the event of the employee's
death,  including the  designation  of a beneficiary  or  beneficiaries,  may be
changed by the employee at any time by filing the appropriate  document with the
Secretary of the Company.

         Amounts credited as cash plus accumulated interest shall be distributed
in cash;  amounts  credited as deferred AT&T shares shall be  distributed in the
form of an equal number of AT&T shares.

         (b)(i) With respect to amounts related to deferred cash credited to the
employee's  account under Section 3(a), and to deferred AT&T shares  credited to
the employee's  account under Section 3(b)(i) or (iii), an employee may elect to
receive  such  amounts in one payment or in some other  number of  approximately
equal annual installments (not exceeding 20), provided however,  that the number
of  annual  installments  may not  extend  beyond  the  life  expectancy  of the
employee,  determined  as of  the  date  the  first  installment  is  paid.  The
employee's election shall also specify that the first installment (or the single
payment if the  employee  has so  elected)  shall be paid  either (1) as soon as
practicable  after the first day of the calendar  quarter next following the end
of the month in which the employee  attains the age specified in such  election,
which age shall not be earlier  than age 55 or later than age 70-1/2,  or (2) as
soon as practicable  after the first day of the calendar  quarter next following
the end of the month in which the employee retires from a Participating  Company
or otherwise  terminates  employment with a Participating  Company (except for a
transfer  to  another  Participating  Company);   provided,  however,  that  the
Committee may, in its sole discretion, direct that the first installment (or the
single payment) shall be paid on the first day of the first calendar  quarter in
the calendar year next following the year of retirement or other  termination of
employment.  In addition any Senior Manager eligible to defer salary may specify
that the  first  installment  (or the  single  payment  if the  employee  has so
elected) shall be paid as soon as  practicable  after the first day of the first
calendar  quarter in the calendar year next following the calendar year in which
the  employee  retires  from a  Participating  Company or  otherwise  terminates
employment  with a  Participating  Company  (except  for a  transfer  to another
Participating Company).

         (ii) With respect to deferred  AT&T shares  credited to the  employee's
account  under Section  3(b)(ii),  an employee may elect to receive the deferred
AT&T shares in one payment or in some other number of approximately equal annual
installments  (not exceeding 20),  provided  however,  that the number of annual
installments  may  not  extend  beyond  the  life  expectancy  of the  employee,
determined as of the date the first installment is paid. The employee's election
shall also  specify  that the first  installment  (or the single  payment if the
employee has so elected)  shall be paid as soon as  practicable  after the first
day of the calendar quarter next following the later of (1) the end of the month
that is five years following the month in which the related deferred AT&T shares
were initially  credited,  and (2)(A) the end of the month in which the employee
attains the age specified in such election,  which age shall not be earlier than
age 55 or  later  than age  70-1/2,  or (B) the end of the  month  in which  the
employee retires from a Participating Company or otherwise terminates employment
with a  Participating  Company  (except for a transfer to another  Participating
Company);  provided,  however,  that the Committee may, in its sole  discretion,
direct that the first  installment  (or the single payment) shall be paid on the
first day of the first calendar  quarter in the calendar year next following the
year of retirement or other termination of employment.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  an  election  pursuant to  Paragraph  (b) of this
Section 4, the entire  amount then  credited to an  employee's  account shall be
paid immediately in a single payment (1) if the employee is discharged for cause
by his or her  Participating  Company,  (2) if the  such  Participating  Company
determines  that the  employee  engaged in  misconduct  in  connection  with the
employee's  employment  with  the  Participating  Company,  (3) if the  employee
without the consent of his or her Participating  Company, while employed by such

Participating Company or after the termination of such employment, establishes a
relationship with a competitor of the Company or engages in activity which is in
conflict with or adverse to the interest of the Company as determined  under the
AT&T  Non-Competition  Guideline,  or (4) the  employee  becomes  employed  by a
governmental  agency having  jurisdiction over the activities of a Participating
Company or any of its subsidiaries.

         (d) An employee may elect that,  in the event the  employee  should die
before full  payment of all  amounts  credited to the  employee's  account,  the
balance of the deferred  amounts shall be  distributed in one payment or in some
other number of approximately  equal annual  installments  (not exceeding 10) to
the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in writing by the employee, or if no
designation has been made, to the estate of the employee.  The first installment
(or the single  payment if the  employee  has so  elected)  shall be paid on the
first day of the calendar  quarter next following the month of death;  provided,
however,  that the Committee may, in its sole discretion,  direct that the first
installment  (or the single payment) shall be paid on the first day of the first
calendar quarter in the calendar year next following the year of death.

         (e) Installments  subsequent to the first  installment to the employee,
or to a beneficiary or to the employee's estate,  shall be paid on the first day
of the applicable  calendar  quarter in each succeeding  calendar year until the
entire amount credited to the employee's  deferred account shall have been paid.
Deferred  amounts held pending  distribution  shall continue to be credited with
interest or  additional  deferred  AT&T shares,  as  applicable,  determined  in
accordance with Section 3(a) and (b).

         (f) In the event an employee,  or the employee's  beneficiary after the
employee's death, incurs a severe financial hardship, the Committee, in its sole
discretion,  may  accelerate or otherwise  revise the payment  schedule from the
employee's  account to the extent  reasonably  necessary to eliminate the severe
financial  hardship.  For the purpose of this subsection (f), a severe financial
hardship  must have been caused by an accident,  illness,  or other event beyond
the control of the employee or, if applicable, the beneficiary.

         (g) The obligation to make a distribution of deferred  amounts credited
to an employee's  account during any calendar year plus the  additional  amounts
credited on such  deferred  amounts  pursuant  to Section  3(a) and (b) shall be
borne by the  Participating  Company which otherwise would have paid the related
award or salary  currently.  However,  the obligation to make  distribution with
respect  to  deferred  amounts  which are  related  to  amounts  credited  to an
employee's  account  under  Section  3(a)(ii)  and under the second  sentence of
Section  3(b)(i),  and with  respect  to which no  Participating  Company  would
otherwise  have  paid  the  related  award  currently,  shall  be  borne  by the
Participating Company which employed the employee on January 1, 1984.


         (a) The  deferred  amounts  shall be held in the  general  funds of the
Participating  Companies.  The Participating  Companies shall not be required to
reserve, or otherwise set aside, funds for the payment of such amounts.

         (b)  The  rights  of an  employee  to any  deferred  amounts  plus  the
additional  amounts  credited  pursuant  to  Section  3(a) and (b)  shall not be
subject to assignment by the employee.

         (c) The Executive Vice  President - Human  Resources of AT&T shall have
the authority to administer the Plan.

         (d) The Committee may at any time amend the Plan or terminate the Plan,
but such amendment or termination  shall not adversely  affect the rights of any
employee,  without his or her  consent,  to any benefit  under the Plan to which
such employee may have previously become entitled prior to the effective date of
such amendment or termination. The Executive Vice President - Human Resources of
AT&T with the  concurrence of the General Counsel of AT&T shall be authorized to
make minor or administrative changes to the Plan, as well as amendments required
by  applicable  federal or state law (or  authorized  or made  desirable by such