AND COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT

THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _______ day of ____________________,  19___,
by and between AT&T Corp., a New York  corporation  (hereinafter  referred to as
the "Employer" in Part I or "Assignee" in Part II), and

         INSTRUCTIONS - Trustee as Policyholder:  Check this box and fill in the
         blanks to the right of it if the initial Policyholder will be a trustee
         acting for the benefit of the Employee.
        /___/ __________________________________________  (hereinafter  referred
                           (Name of Trustee)
              to as the "Policyholder"), trustee for
              __________________________________________  (hereinafter  referred
                           (Name of Employee)
              to as the "Employee").

         INSTRUCTIONS - Employee as Policyholder: Check this box and fill in the
         blank  to the  right  of it if the  initial  Policyholder  will  be the
        /___/ __________________________________________  (hereinafter  referred
                          (Name of Employee)
              to as either the "Policyholder" or the "Employee", as applicable).

WHEREAS,  the Employee is currently a valued  employee and Senior Manager of the
Employer and the Employer  wishes to assist the Employee  with his/her  personal
life insurance program; and

WHEREAS,  the Employee (if also the Policyholder) or otherwise,  the above-named
trustee, acting on behalf of the Employee, desires to accept such assistance;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Employer and the Policyholder agree as follows:

PART I - Basic Life Insurance Agreement

1.       Description of Policy: In furtherance of the purposes of the Agreement,
         the  Policyholder  will  purchase and own two certain  policies of life
         insurance on the life of the  Employee,  being Policy No.  ____________
         issued by the  Metropolitan  Life  Insurance  Company,  and  Policy No.
         ____________  issued  by  the  Pacific  Life  Insurance  Company.  Said
         policies are hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the "Policy" and
         said life insurance companies are hereinafter  collectively referred to
         as the "Insurer".  The Policyholder's ownership shall be subject to all
         the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

2.       Payment of Premiums:  The Employer  shall pay the entire annual premium
         for the Policy (excluding the premium for any supplemental benefits not
         part of the Policy at initial issuance). The Employer's contribution to
         the premium shall be reduced by any dividend used to reduce premiums.
         The Employer shall pay the entire premium directly to the Insurer.

3.       Collateral Assignment and Possession of Policy:  To secure repayment of
         premiums  paid by the  Employer  provided for in  Section 2, Part II of
         this   Agreement   includes  an   assignment  of   the  Policy  or  the
         Policyholder's interest therein (hereinafter   "Collateral Assignment")
         and  provides  for the  transfer   of  possession  of the Policy to the
         Employer  during  the  term  specified  in  Part II of this  Agreement.
         Except as provided in or as  otherwise  consistent  with the provisions
         of this  Agreement,  the  Employer  covenants that it will not exercise
         its  rights  under  the  Collateral   Assignment  provisions  of   this
         Agreement in such a manner as to defeat the rights of  the Policyholder
         or the policy  beneficiary  under  this  Agreement.  Specifically,  the
         Employer  covenants  that it  will not  surrender the Policy unless the
         Policyholder   has  defaulted  on  his/her   obligations   under   this
         Agreement,  or the Agreement has  terminated as provided in  Section 8.
         The  Employer  shall have  possession  of the Policy  during the period
         that the  Employer  makes premium  payments and until all such payments
         are  repaid.  The  Employer  shall  make the Policy  available  to  the
         Insurer in order to make any change desired  by the  Policyholder as to
         the  designation  of  beneficiary  or  the  selection  of a  settlement
         option,  subject,  however,  to the  Collateral  Assignment  provisions

4.       Beneficiary  Designation   and  Payment  of   Policy   Proceeds:    The
         Policyholder  shall  have the  right to  name the  Policy  beneficiary.
         However,  in  the  event  of  the  Employee's  death,  the  beneficiary
         designated in  the Policy by the  Policyholder,  or the  Policyholder's
         Transferee,  shall have  an interest in the Policy proceeds  limited to
         an amount equal to the Employee's annual rate of salary  payable by the
         Employer,  rounded to  the next higher $1,000 (one  thousand  dollars),
         and  determined  as of the date of death,  or, if earlier,  the date of
         the  Employee's  retirement  on  a  disability  allowance  or a minimum
         pension or after becoming retirement eligible.  The balance, if any, of
         the proceeds of the Policy shall be  paid to the Employer. For purposes
         of  this Agreement, an Employee shall be considered retirement eligible
         if the  Employee has  satisfied  one of the  following  minimum age and
         length of service (as  determined  under  the AT&T  Management  Pension
         Plan)  combinations:  (a) any age  and 30 years of service;  (b) age 50
         and 25 years of service;  (c) age 55 and  20 years of  service;  or (d)
         age 65 and 10 years of service.

5.       Procedure at Employee's Death: Upon the death of the Employee while the
         Policy and this Agreement are in force and subject to the provisions of
         Parts I and II hereof,  the Employer  shall promptly take all necessary
         steps,  including  rendering of such  assistance  as may  reasonably be
         required by the beneficiary,  to obtain payment from the Insurer of the
         amounts payable under the Policy to the respective parties, as provided
         under Section 4 above.

6.       Disability  Waiver  of  Premium:  In  the  event  that  a  supplemental
         agreement providing for waiver of premium in the event of disability or
         any  additional  death  benefit  becomes  operational,  the  additional
         premium  for  such   supplemental   agreement  shall  be  paid  by  the

         Policyholder for the benefit of the Employee.  The Employer's  interest
         in the Policy at death, under Section 4, or on surrender, under Section
         9, shall be  limited to total  premiums  paid by the  Employer  and not
         previously  reimbursed less any Policy  indebtedness of the Employer to
         the Insurer, but in no event will the Employer's interest in the Policy
         on surrender exceed the cash value under the Policy.

7.       Choice of Dividend  Option(s):  To the extent that the Insurer declares
         dividends on the Policy,  the  Employer  shall have the right to choose
         the  option or  combination  of options  it  desires  from among  those
         offered by the Insurer as to the  disposition  of such  dividends.  The
         Employer shall notify the Policyholder  and Insurer of its choice,  and
         the Policyholder agrees to execute any documents necessary to choose or
         change the Policy's dividend option.

8.       Termination of Agreement: Part I of this Agreement shall terminate when
         the first of any of the following events occurs:

         (a)      Termination  of the Employee's  employment  with the Employer,
                  for reasons other than retirement on a disability allowance or
                  a minimum pension or after becoming retirement eligible;

         (b)      The Employee's  attainment of the age 65 (in some cases later)
                  on or after retirement on a disability  allowance or a minimum
                  pension or after  becoming  retirement  eligible or, if later,
                  fifteen  (15)  years (in some  cases  later)  from the date of
                  issuance of the Policy;

         (c)      Either  party's  submission  of written  notice,  to the other
                  party, of intent to terminate Part I of this Agreement;

         (d)      Performance of  the Agreement's terms, following  the death of
                  the Employee;

         (e)      Failure by either the  Employer or the  Policyholder,  for any
                  reason,  to make  the  premium  contributions  required  under
                  Section 2 of this Agreement;

         (f)      Demotion of the Employee to a non-Senior Manager position; or

         (g)      The Employee engages in any competitive activity as determined
                  in accordance with the provisions of the AT&T  Non-Competition
                  Guideline  (unless  either (i) the  Employee  has obtained the
                  advance  written  consent  of the  Employer's  Executive  Vice
                  President-Human   Resources  to  engage  in  such  competitive
                  activity as provided in the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline; or
                  (ii) the Employer's Executive Vice  President-Human  Resources
                  has  waived  the  application  of  the  AT&T   Non-Competition
                  Guideline  to the  Employee with  respect to the  Agreement as
                  provided for in the AT&T Non-Competition Guideline).

9.       Disposition  of  Policy  Upon  Termination  of  Agreement:   Upon   the
         termination  of this  Agreement for any reason other than  Section 8(d)
         above, the Policyholder shall have a thirty (30) day  option to satisfy
         the Collateral Assignment regarding the Policy  held by the Employer in
         accordance  with the terms of this Section 9.  The amount  necessary to
         satisfy  such  Collateral  Assignment  shall be  an amount equal to the
         total  premium  payments  made,  from  time  to time,  by the  Employer

         pursuant to  Section 2 hereof,  and, at the option of the Policyholder,
         either  shall  be paid  directly  by the  Policyholder  or through  the
         Employer's  collection  from  the cash value under the  Policy.  If the
         Policy shall  then be encumbered by  assignment,  policy loan, or other
         means  which  have been  the  result  of the  Employer's  actions,  the
         Employer  shall either remove such  encumbrance,  or reduce  the amount
         necessary to satisfy the Collateral  Assignment by  the total amount of
         indebtedness  outstanding  against the Policy.  The  provisions of this
         Section  9 are  subject  to the  terms of  Section  6 if  the  Policy's
         supplemental  agreements  have  been  activated.  If  the  Policyholder
         exercises  his/her  option  to satisfy the Collateral  Assignment,  the
         Employer shall  execute all necessary documents required by the Insurer
         to remove  and satisfy the  Collateral  Assignment  outstanding  on the
         Policy.  If the  Policyholder  does  not  exercise  his/her  option  to
         satisfy the  Collateral  Assignment  outstanding  on  the  Policy,  the
         Policyholder  shall  execute  all  documents   necessary  to   transfer
         ownership  of  the  Policy  to  the  Employer.   Such   transfer  shall
         constitute  satisfaction of any obligation  the Policyholder has to the
         Employer  with respect to this  Agreement.  The Employer shall then pay
         to the  Policyholder  the amount,  if any, by  which the cash surrender
         value of  the Policy  exceeds  the  amount  necessary  to  satisfy  the
         Collateral  Assignment.

10.      Taxable Income:  The Employee is responsible for determining the amount
         of taxable income,  if any,  includable in his/her gross income for tax
         purposes as a result of this Agreement or coverage under the Policy.

11.      Policyholder's Right to Assign His/Her Interest: The Policyholder shall
         have the right to transfer his/her entire interest in the Policy (other
         than rights  assigned to the Employer  pursuant to this  Agreement  and
         subject to the obligations of any outstanding Collateral Assignment) to
         another  person,  trust or entity  (herein  the  "Transferee").  If the
         Policyholder makes such a transfer,  all his/her rights shall be vested
         in the Transferee and the  Policyholder  shall have no further interest
         in the Policy and  Agreement.  Any  Transferee  shall be subject to all
         obligations  of the  Policyholder  under  both  Parts  I and II of this

12.      Insurer's  Obligations:  The Insurer is not a party to this  Agreement.
         It is  understood  by the parties hereto that in issuing such Policy of
         insurance,  the Insurer shall have no liability except  as set forth in
         the  Policy  and except as  set forth in any  assignment  of the Policy
         filed at its  Home  Office.  Except as set forth in Sections 13 and 14,
         the Insurer  shall not be bound to inquire into, or take notice of, any
         of the covenants herein  contained as to the Policy of  insurance or as
         to  application   of  proceeds  of  such  Policy.   Upon  the  death of
         the Employee and payment of the proceeds in accordance with Sections 13
         and 14  of  this   Agreement,  the  Insurer  shall  be discharged  from
         all  liability.

13.      Administrative  and  Fiduciary  Provisions:  AT&T  Corp.  shall  be the
         administrator with respect to any rights or obligations of the Employer
         hereunder  and shall  have the  authority  to  control  and  manage the
         operation and  administration  of this Agreement.  The Insurer shall be
         the  fiduciary of the Policy solely with regard to the review and final
         decision on the claim for benefits under the Policy, as provided in the
         claims procedure set forth in Section 14.

14.      Claims  Procedure:  The following  claims  procedure shall apply to the
         Policy and the Senior Management Basic Life Insurance Program:

         (a)      Filing  of a  claim  for  benefits:  The  Policyholder  or the
                  beneficiary  of the Policy shall make a claim for the benefits
                  provided  under  the  Policy  in the  manner  provided  in the

         (b)      Claim denial:  With respect to a claim for benefits under said
                  Policy,  the  Insurer  shall be the entity  which  reviews and
                  makes decisions on claim denials according to the terms of the

         (c)      Notification to claimant of decisions. If a claim is wholly or
                  partially  denied,   notice  of  the  decision,   meeting  the
                  requirements  of Section (d)  following  shall be furnished to
                  the claimant within a reasonable  period of time after a claim
                  has been filed.

         (d)      Content of notice: The Insurer shall provide,  to any claimant
                  who is denied a claim for  benefits,  written  notice  setting
                  forth,  in  a  manner  calculated  to  be  understood  by  the
                  claimant, the following:

                  (1)      The specific reason or reasons for the denial;

                  (2)      Specific  reference to pertinent Policy provisions or
                           provisions  of this  Agreement on which the denial is

                  (3)      A   description   of  any   additional   material  or
                           information necessary for the claimant to perfect the
                           claim  and an  explanation  of why such  material  or
                           information is necessary; and

                  (4)      An  explanation  of  this  Agreement's  claim  review
                           procedure,  as set  forth  in  Sections  (e)  and (f)

         (e)      Review  procedure:  The purposes of the review  procedure  set
                  forth in this Section and Section (f)  following is to provide
                  a method by which a  claimant  under the Policy and the Senior
                  Management Basic Life Insurance  Program may have a reasonable
                  opportunity  to  appeal a denial  of claim for a full and fair
                  review.  To accomplish  that purpose,  the claimant or his/her
                  duly authorized representative:

                  (1)      May request a review upon  written application to the

                  (2)      May review the Policy or pertinent Senior  Management
                           Basic Life Insurance Program documents or agreements;

                  (3)      May submit issues and comments in writing.

                  A claimant, (or his/her duly authorized representative), shall
                  request a review by filing a written application for review at
                  any time within sixty (60) days after  receipt by the claimant
                  of written notice of the denial of the claim.

         (f)      Decision  on  review.  A  decision  on review of a denial of a
                  claim shall be made in the following manner:

                  (1)      The  decision on review  shall be made by the Insurer
                           which may, at its  discretion,  hold a hearing on the
                           denied  claim.  The Insurer  shall make its  decision
                           promptly,  unless special  circumstances (such as the
                           need to hold a hearing)  require an extension of time
                           for  processing,  in which case a  decision  shall be
                           rendered as soon as possible,  but not later than one
                           hundred  twenty  (120)  days  after  receipt  of  the
                           request for review.

                  (2)      The  decision on review shall be in writing and shall
                           include specific reasons for the decision, written in
                           a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant,
                           and  specific  references  to  the  pertinent  Policy
                           provision or provision of this Agreement on which the
                           decision is based.

         Notwithstanding  any  provision  of the  Agreement  or the  Policy,  no
         Employee,   Policyholder,   Transferee,  assignee  or  beneficiary  may
         commence  any  action in any court  regarding  the Policy or the Senior
         Management Basic Life Insurance Program prior to pursuing all rights of
         a Policyholder under this Section 14.

PART II - Assignment of Life Insurance Policy as Collateral

A.       For  value  received  and  in  specific consideration  of  the  premium
         payments  made by  the Employer as  set forth  in  Section 2  of Part I
         hereof,  the Policyholder  hereby assigns,  transfers and sets over  to
         the  Employer (in  this Part II referred  to  as the   "Assignee"), its
         successors  and   assigns,  the  Policy  issued  by  the  Insurer  upon
         the  life  of  the  Employee  and  all claims,  options,    privileges,
         rights, title and interest therein and  thereunder (except as  provided
         in  Paragraph C  hereof),   subject  to all  the terms and   conditions
         of  the Policy and  to all superior  liens,  if any, which the  Insurer
         may  have against  the Policy.  The  Policyholder by  this   instrument
         agrees and the Assignee by the acceptance of this assignment  agrees to
         the  conditions and provisions herein set forth.

B.       It is expressly agreed that,  without detracting from the generality of
         the  foregoing,  the  following  specific  rights are  included in this
         Agreement and Collateral  Assignment and pass to the Assignee by virtue

         1.       The sole  right to collect  from the Insurer the net  proceeds
                  of the Policy when it becomes a claim by death or maturity;

         2.       The  sole  right to  surrender  the  Policy  and  receive  the
                  surrender  value  thereof at any time provided by the terms of
                  the Policy and at such other times as the Insurer may allow;

         3.       The sole right to obtain one or more loans or  advances on the
                  Policy,  either from the  Insurer or, at any time,  from other
                  persons,  and to pledge or assign the Policy as  security  for
                  such loans or advances;

         4.       The sole right to collect  and receive  all  distributions  or
                  shares of  surplus,  dividend  deposits  or  additions  to the
                  Policy, now or hereafter made or apportioned  thereto,  and to
                  exercise  any and all  options  contained  in the Policy  with
                  respect thereto;  provided, that unless and until the Assignee
                  shall  notify the  Insurer in  writing  to the  contrary,  the
                  distributions  or shares of  surplus,  dividend  deposits  and
                  additions shall continue on the Policy in force at the time of
                  this assignment; and

         5.       The sole right to exercise all nonforfeiture  rights permitted
                  by the terms of the Policy or allowed  by the  Insurer  and to
                  receive all benefits and advantages derived therefrom.

C.       It is expressly agreed that the following  specific rights,  so long as
         the Policy has not been  surrendered,  are reserved  and excluded  from
         this  Agreement  and  Collateral  Assignment  and do not pass by virtue

         1.       The right to collect from the Insurer any  disability  benefit
                  payable in cash that does not  reduce the amount of  insurance
                  or the cash value of the Policy;

         2.       The right to designate any change in the beneficiary;

         3.       The right to elect any optional mode of  settlement  permitted
                  by the Policy or allowed by the Insurer;

         provided, however, that the reservation of these rights shall in no way
         impair the right of the  Assignee to  surrender  the Policy  completely
         with all its  incidents  or  impair  any  other  right of the  Assignee
         hereunder,  and any designation or change of beneficiary or election of
         a mode of  settlement  shall  be made  subject  to this  Agreement  and
         Collateral Assignment and to the rights of the Assignee hereunder.

D.       This  Collateral  Assignment  is made and the  Policy  is to be held as
         collateral  security for any and all liabilities of the Policyholder to
         the Assignee  arising under this  Agreement  (all of which  liabilities
         secured  to  or  to  become   secured   are  herein   referred   to  as
         "Liabilities").  It is expressly  agreed that all sums  received by the
         Assignee  hereunder whether in the event of death of the Employee,  the
         maturity or surrender of the Policy, the obtaining of a loan or advance
         on the Policy,  or otherwise,  shall first be applied to the payment of
         the liability for premiums paid by the Assignee on the Policy.

E. The Assignee covenants and agrees with the Policyholder as follows:

         1.       That any balance of sums, if any, received  hereunder from the
                  Insurer  remaining after payment of the existing  Liabilities,
                  matured or  unmatured,  shall be paid by the  Assignee  to the
                  persons  entitled  thereto  under the terms of the  Policy had
                  this Collateral Assignment not been executed;

         2.       That  the  Assignee  will not  exercise  either  the  right to
                  surrender  the Policy or the right to obtain policy loans from
                  the Insurer, until there has been either default in any of the
                  Liabilities  pursuant to this Agreement or termination of said
                  Agreement as herein provided; and

         3.       That  the  Assignee  will,   upon  request,   forward  without
                  reasonable  delay to the Insurer the Policy for endorsement of
                  any designation or change of beneficiary or any election of an
                  optional mode of settlement.

F.       The Policyholder declares that no proceedings in bankruptcy are pending
         against  him/her  and  that  his/her  property  is not  subject  to any
         assignment for the benefit of creditors.

Provisions Applicable to Parts I and II

1.       Amendments:  Amendments  may  be added to this  Agreement  by a written
         agreement  signed by each of the parties and attached hereto.

2.       Choice of Law:  This  Agreement  shall be  subject  to,  and  construed
         according to, the laws of the State of New Jersey.

3.       A Binding  Agreement:  This  Agreement  shall bind the Employer and the
         Employer's  successors and assigns, the Policyholder and his/her heirs,
         executors,  administrators,  and assigns (including a Transferee),  and
         any Policy beneficiary.

4.       Severability Provision: The Employer and the Policyholder agree that if
         any  provision  of  this  Agreement  is  determined  to be  invalid  or
         unenforceable,  in whole or part, then all remaining provisions of this
         Agreement  and, to the extent valid or  enforceable,  the  provision in
         question  shall remain valid,  binding and fully  enforceable as if the
         invalid or unenforceable  provision, to the extent necessary, was not a
         part of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement,  including
the provisions regarding Collateral Assignment,  on the day and year first above


______________________________         ______________________________
Signature of Witness                   Signature of Policyholder

                                       AT&T CORP.
                                       (As Employer and Assignee)

______________________________         By:______________________________
Signature of Witness                   H. W. Burlingame
                                       Executive Vice President-Human Resources


                                (revised 2/27/98)

Program Overview

The Senior  Management  Basic Life Insurance  Program (SMBLIP) is an arrangement
where the Company and you  purchase a permanent  life  insurance  policy on your
life. SMBLIP replaces the Executive Basic Life Insurance Program (EBLIP).  There
are several  advantages to this program  including access to cash value prior to
age 65 and a greater accumulation cash value at age 65.

The Company will pay the entire annual  premium for your SMBLIP  coverage.  Your
W-2 will reflect an imputed income amount associated with the insurance coverage
provided to you under the policy.  In certain  cases,  e.g.,  your death  before
retirement,  the total  benefits  will be shared  between  the  Company and your
designated  beneficiary  but the Company will share in the death benefit only to
the extent that the total insurance amount exceeds one times your salary rounded
to the next higher  $1,000.  This type of  arrangement is known in the insurance
industry as "Split Dollar."

After attaining  normal  retirement age 65 (or 15 years of  participation in the
program,  if later),  the Company will recoup its premium payments from the cash
value build-up and cease to have any interest in the policy.  The remaining cash
value will be sufficient to maintain your death benefit  without further premium

Your  death  benefit  will  change to  reflect  any  change in your  salary.  At
retirement,  your death  benefit will become  frozen at your final annual salary
rounded to the next higher $1,000.  During the period in which the Company makes
premium  payments,  your imputed income will increase to reflect your increasing
age, as well as any increase in death  benefit.  After premium  payments  cease,
i.e., the later of your attaining age 65 or 15 years from the policy issue date,
you will have no further imputed income.

Although  this  arrangement  is  primarily  designed to pay a benefit  upon your
death,  there  is  also  a cash  value  build-up.  Once  sufficient  funds  have
accumulated  and the Company no longer has an interest in the policy  because it
has  recouped  its  premiums,  you  have  the  option  to use some or all of the
remaining cash in lieu of some or all of the death benefit.

AT&T has selected two insurers,  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Pacific
Life Insurance Company, to provide the SMBLIP coverage.  You will therefore have
two policies on your life; one from each insurer,  and each insurer will provide
half the defined amount of death benefit.

Secured Benefit

Changes to the tax law over the years have required an increasing portion of the
Senior  Management  benefit programs to be paid from Company  operating  income.
SMBLIP  allows the Company to  contribute  towards the cost of this program on a
timely  basis  while  securing  the  benefit  payment  from a third  party  (the
insurance companies).


SMBLIP is provided to active AT&T Senior Managers. Employees who are promoted to
or hired as Senior Managers are immediately eligible to enroll in this program.


SMBLIP is provided as a replacement to the death benefit coverage provided under
the Executive Basic Life Insurance Plan (EBLIP). The benefit is one times annual
salary rounded to the next higher $1,000.

The death benefit will be updated to reflect  changes in your salary.  There may
be  circumstances   where  a  large  increase  in  salary  and,   therefore,   a
corresponding   increase  in  death  benefit,  will  require  providing  medical
information to the insurer. By providing this medical  information,  the insurer
is able to keep the premium payments at the lowest level. A medical  information
waiver,  signed  by you,  will be kept on file in the  event  this  circumstance
occurs.  This will allow the  Company to release  to the  insurer  the  required
information  from your Company medical  records.  Higher death benefit  coverage
associated  with  salary  increases  is  guaranteed,  no matter what your health
circumstances may be at that time.

Conversion Rights

If you are a participant in the Executive  Basic Life Insurance Plan at the time
you become eligible for SMBLIP,  for a limited period of time you have the right
to convert your coverage under EBLIP to a separate individual policy provided by
the insurance  carrier.  We suggest you discuss this with your financial advisor
before  exercising  or  declining  this right.  You may  exercise  this right by
contacting  Harris,  Crouch,  Long, Scott & Miller,  Inc., the administrator for
EBLIP, at 1-800-510-2050.

Program Illustration

You will be provided with a personal  illustration based on your current salary.
This  illustration  reflects your costs and benefits,  as well as the Company's,
over the life of the policy.  It provides a picture of how the policy  works and
what your tax on imputed income might be, using an assumed  salary  growth.  The
actual ongoing life insurance amounts will be different from this illustration.

Premium Period

SMBLIP is designed for premiums to be extended over a period of time to ease the
impact on cash flow to the  Company.  This period is  normally  from the time of
your  enrollment  until the  first  policy  anniversary  after you reach age 65.
However,  in all  cases,  premiums  must  be paid  for a  minimum  of 15  years.
Therefore,  if you enroll in the program after age 50, the Company will continue
premium  payments and you will  continue to  recognize  income until the 15 year
minimum is reached.

Imputed Income

SMBLIP offers a cost-effective  life insurance program for Senior Managers.  The
cost to you of the SMBLIP  will be the income tax  payable on the amount of your
imputed income.

Cash Value

This  program is designed to provide you with a pre- and post  retirement  death
benefit.  However,  in  addition  to the death  benefit,  there is a cash  value
build-up.  That is, part of each  premium is placed in an  "investment  fund" to
earn income.  Investment  earnings  beyond the amounts  necessary to provide the
death  benefit  coverage  build on a tax  advantaged  basis in the  policy.  The
policy's  cash  value is the  basis for your  subsequent  "premium  free"  death

Cash Availability

Under SMBLIP you have considerable  flexibility.  After the Company interest has
been  satisfied,  you may reduce your death  benefit and utilize the policy cash
value in a number of ways. For example:

 a)  Loans
     The cash value  attributed  to you may be  withdrawn in the form of a loan.
     There  could  be tax  implications  as well  as  death  benefit  diminution
     associated with a loan.

  b)  Income Stream or Lump Sum
      It is  possible  to convert  all or any portion of the policy from a death
      benefit to either an income "stream" (i.e., an annuity) or a lump sum cash
      payout.  The extent to which you  convert to income or cash will cancel or
      reduce  the  death  benefit.  Once  you  convert,  it is not  possible  to
      re-establish the original death benefit.

We suggest that you consult with your financial  advisor before exercising these


If you enroll within 60 days of becoming a Senior Manager you will be guaranteed
to be  insured.  Your  imputed  income  rate will not  depend on your  health or
smoking status.  It will differ from others  depending only on age and amount of
death benefit.  Enrollment after 60 days may require a medical  questionnaire or

Transfer/Assignment of Ownership

After you enroll in the program, you may transfer ownership to another, e.g., an
individual,  trust,  etc.  Another option is for you to not take ownership,  but
rather another individual or trust, etc., may apply for ownership of the policy.
It is of particular  importance  that if the original owner of the policy is not
you, that the owner sign the applications as the "Applicant/Policyowner" and you
sign as the "Proposed Insured". Since these transfers are generally construed to
be  irrevocable,  we urge you to consult  with an  attorney  and/or tax  advisor
before making this decision.

Early Retirement or Termination

If, at retirement,  you are "Pension Eligible" or "Retirement  Eligible" and you
have not reached  normal  retirement  age (65), the Company will continue to pay
premiums until you reach age 65 or 15 years of participation in the program,  if
later. During this period you will continue to have imputed income based on your
age and the amount of insurance in force.  At the end of this period,  i.e., the
later of the policy anniversary  immediately following your attainment of age 65
or the 15th  policy  anniversary,  the  premiums  will  cease and the  aggregate
Company premiums will be returned to the Company.

For purposes of the SMBLIP,  you will be  considered  "Pension  Eligible" if you
retire with a Disability  Allowance or Minimum Retirement Benefit under the AT&T
Senior Management Long Term Disability and Survivor Protection Plan. You will be
considered  "Retirement Eligible" for purposes of the SMBLIP if you retire after
having  satisfied  one of the  following  minimum  age and length of service (as
determined under the AT&T Management Pension Plan) combinations: (a) any age and
30 years of service; (b) age 50 and 25 years of service; (c) age 55 and 20 years
of service; or (d) age 65 and 10 years of service.

If you separate from the Company  without  being Pension  Eligible or Retirement
Eligible, the aggregate amount of Company premiums paid up to that point will be
immediately  returned to the Company from the cash value of the policy. You can,
at your option, either maintain the policy by paying the policy premiums, or you
may use the remaining  cash value (if any) to buy other  "self-supporting"  life
insurance, or you may withdraw any remaining cash value and cancel the policy.

Whether or not you are Pension Eligible or Retirement Eligible, if you leave the
Company, and without the Company's consent or an appropriate waiver, establish a
relationship  with a competitor of the Company or engage in activity in conflict
with or adverse to the  interests of the Company under the standards of the AT&T
Non-Competition Guideline and as determined by the AT&T Executive Vice President
- - Human Resources,  the process will be the same as with  retirement/termination
without being Pension Eligible or Retirement Eligible.


If you are demoted to a position  which is not a Senior  Manager,  the effect is
the same as if  terminated  from the Company.  You will  however,  automatically
become  re-eligible  for coverage under the Executive  Basic Life Insurance Plan

Contractual Agreement

One of the  unique  aspects  of this  insurance  policy  is the  existence  of a
contract  between you and AT&T. This agreement has no relationship to employment
or any other benefit but rather defines the responsibilities of both the Company
and you in the operation of the policy. You, or another, will own the policy and
determine  the  beneficiary.  The  Company  will  hold  the  policy  and  have a
"Collateral  Assignment"  from the  owner  entitling  AT&T,  as long as it has a
collateral interest in the policy, to any death benefit amounts in excess of one
times your annual salary rounded to the next higher $1,000,  and all cash values
up to an amount equal to its cumulative  premiums paid. This document is a legal
agreement  and as such  includes a  significant  amount of detail  and  warrants
careful review before signing.  Although  somewhat  unique to life insurance,  a
collateral  assignment is similar in context to an automobile loan where the car
becomes  "collateral"  for the money lent to buy it. In this case,  a portion of
the cash value and death  benefit of the policy is the  collateral  the  Company
receives for contributing  premium payments to "buy" the life insurance  policy.
The agreement is satisfied  when the aggregate  premiums paid by the Company are
returned. Some of the major sections of the agreement are:

                        -       Description of the policy
                        -       How the premiums are paid
                        -       How the proceeds are paid
                        -       How the agreement terminates
                        -       Claims procedure
                        -       Description of the assignment

The Agreement is included with the enrollment  documents and requires  signature
of the owner of your policy (i.e. you, another individual, trustee, etc.).


Split Dollar life insurance policies have been in existence for decades. The IRS
has issued several rulings over this period which treat these policies favorably
from a tax perspective.  However, the Company does not assure any particular tax
treatment and  recommends  that you review your own situation with your personal
attorney and/or tax advisor.


AT&T has selected Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Pacific Life Insurance
Company to provide  the  coverage.  This is to provide the best  combination  of
premium rates and Senior Manager protection.  As such, there is some duplication
of forms. Once enrollment has been completed, however, this two insurer approach
should have a minimal impact on you. Enrollment,  and any future changes to your
policy (i.e.,  assignment of ownership,  beneficiary change,  etc.) is processed
through AT&T Executive Human Resources.