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                                   Exhibit 10.2

                                   December 18, 2001

Mr. Edward A. Brennan
400 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60611

Dear Ed:

     You've elected to defer your retainer and meeting fees for
calendar year 2002.

     In June 1998, you and the Company entered into an agreement
governing the fees you had deferred through that date.  That
agreement is attached.

     I'm assuming you want to continue to defer your fees in
accordance with the June 1998 letter.  If so, please sign below
and return to me.  If you want another agreement, please let me
know the details and we'll see what we can do.

     Thank you for your cooperation and if there are questions,
please let me know.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                   Charles D. MarLett
                                   Corporate Secretary

Deferral of 2002 fees to be in accordance with June 2, 1998

AGREED:   ___________________________________
          Edward A. Brennan

P.S. I'm enclosing two originals - one to be returned to me and
     the other for your files.
