Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and  
Results of Operations


     Net income in 1995 was $11.2  million,  or $.45 per share,  down from $25.1
million,  or $.98 per share,  in 1994. Net income in 1993 was $27.1 million,  or
$1.05 per share. Net income in 1995 includes an  extraordinary  loss (net of tax
benefit) of $.3  million,  or $.01 per share,  incurred in  connection  with the
early call of the Company's  10.63%  Senior Notes due  September  30, 2001.  The
comparative 1993 number excludes the cumulative effect of a change in accounting
for income  taxes  which was  recorded in the first  quarter of 1993.  Operating
results for 1993 also included an adjustment of $1.7 million, or $.07 per share,
to  decrease  net income and record the effect on  accumulated  deferred  income
taxes of a legislated  increase in the federal  corporate income tax rate. There
were no accounting changes or extraordinary items recorded in 1994.

     The decline in 1995  earnings  was caused  primarily by the  generally  low
level of gas prices and a decline in natural  gas  production.  The  decrease in
1994 earnings, as compared to 1993, resulted as lower gas prices and much warmer
weather offset the favorable  effect of a  year-to-year  increase in natural gas
production. Lower gas prices in 1995 and 1994 reflected both the general decline
in spot market  prices and the effect of a  settlement  approved by the Arkansas
Public Service  Commission (APSC) to resolve a dispute  concerning the Company's
pricing  of  intersegment  sales  (the  Gas  Cost  Settlement).   The  Gas  Cost
Settlement,  which was effective July 1, 1994, increased the volumes which could
be  sold  by the  Company's  exploration  and  production  segment  to  its  gas
distribution segment, but made the sales price equal to a spot market index plus
a premium.  The index-based pricing has to date resulted in a lower intersegment
sales price.  The Gas Cost Settlement and the increases in recent years in sales
of gas production to unaffiliated purchasers have both caused earnings to become
more  sensitive  to changes in the market  price for natural  gas.  Revenues and
operating  income for the  Company's  major  business  segments are shown in the
following table.

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      (in thousands)
Exploration  and  production            $ 63,523        $ 80,123        $ 79,374
Gas distribution                         119,855         127,060         131,892
Other                                        336             308             262
Eliminations                             (30,603)        (37,305)        (36,684)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                        $153,111        $170,186        $174,844
Exploration  and  production            $ 20,523        $ 38,888        $ 42,608
Gas distribution                          11,133          13,386          15,261
Corporate expenses                          (468)           (192)           (305)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $ 31,188        $ 52,082        $ 57,564


     The Company's exploration and production revenues decreased 21% in 1995 and
increased 1% in 1994.  The decrease in 1995 was due to lower  average gas prices
and a decline in the Company's  offshore gas production.  The slight increase in
1994 was due to  increases  in natural gas and oil  production,  offset by lower
average prices.

     Gas  production  decreased 8% to 34.5 billion cubic feet (Bcf) in 1995 from
37.7 Bcf in 1994.  Gas production in 1994 increased by 6% from 35.7 Bcf in 1993.
Sales from the Company's offshore  properties were 2.7 Bcf in 1995,  compared to
5.6 Bcf in 1994 and 6.3 Bcf in 1993.  Sales in 1994 were  helped by the start of
production from a new offshore  platform which was completed late in 1993. Sales
from the Company's onshore  production were 31.8 Bcf in 1995, down slightly from
32.1  Bcf in  1994.  Sales  from  onshore  production  were  29.4  Bcf in  1993.
Production  from producing  properties  acquired in 1994 and 1995 largely offset
declines in production from the Company's other onshore  properties during 1995,
including  an  unexpected  decline  from the  Earl  Chauvin  No. 1 well,  a 1993
discovery in southeast Louisiana.

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Affiliated sales (Bcf)                      13.9            13.9            12.8
Unaffiliated sales (Bcf)                    20.6            23.8            22.9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            34.5            37.7            35.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average price per Mcf                      $1.72           $2.04           $2.18
Unaffiliated sales (MBbls)                   229             200              97
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average price per Bbl                     $17.15          $15.89          $17.20

     Gas sales to unaffiliated  purchasers were 20.6 Bcf in 1995, down from 23.8
Bcf in 1994.  Gas sales to  unaffiliated  purchasers  were 22.9 Bcf in 1993. The
decrease in 1995 sales to  unaffiliated  purchasers  was primarily the result of
decreased  production  from the Company's  Gulf Coast  properties,  as discussed
above.  Sales to unaffiliated  purchasers are made under contracts which reflect
current  short-term  prices and which are subject to seasonal price swings.  The
Company uses natural gas price hedges on a limited basis to reduce the Company's
exposure to the risk of changing prices.

     Deliveries for injection into storage and the Gas Cost Settlement increased
the demand of the Company's utility  distribution systems for gas supply in 1995
and 1994,  as  compared  to 1993.  Intersegment  sales to  Arkansas  Western Gas
Company (AWG),  the utility  subsidiary  which operates the Company's northwest
Arkansas  utility system,  were 8.5 Bcf in 1995, 8.8 Bcf in 1994, and 7.1 Bcf in
1993.  The  Company's  gas  production  provided   approximately  65%  of  AWG's
requirements in 1995, 64% in 1994, and approximately 57% in 1993.  Additionally,
in  1995,  1994,  and  1993,  the  Company  sold  .6 Bcf,  .5  Bcf,  and .7 Bcf,
respectively, of gas to AWG for its spot market purchasing program.

     The  Company's  sales to AWG under the spot market  purchasing  program are
based upon  competitive  bids and generally  reflect current spot market prices.
Most of the remaining sales to AWG's system are pursuant to a long-term contract
entered  into in 1978 and which was amended and  restated in 1994 as a result of
the Gas Cost Settlement,  discussed more fully below under "Regulatory Matters."
Other sales to AWG are made under  long-term  contracts  with  flexible  pricing

     The  Company's   intersegment  sales  to  Associated  Natural  Gas  Company
(Associated), a division of AWG which operates the


Company's  natural gas distribution  systems in northeast  Arkansas and parts of
Missouri, were 5.4 Bcf in 1995, 5.1 Bcf in 1994, and 5.7 Bcf in 1993. Deliveries
to Associated  increased in 1995 due to colder weather in the heating season and
decreased in 1994 due to warmer  weather.  Effective  October,  1990, one of the
Company's  exploration  and  production  subsidiaries  entered  into a  ten-year
contract with Associated to supply its base load system  requirements at a price
to be redetermined  annually.  The sales price under this contract was $1.90 per
thousand cubic feet (Mcf) from inception of the contract  through the first nine
months of 1993,  $2.385 per Mcf for the contract  period  ending  September  30,
1994,  $2.20 per Mcf for the contract  period ending  September 30, 1995, and is
currently $1.785 per Mcf.

     The overall  average  price  received at the wellhead for the Company's gas
production  was $1.72 per Mcf in 1995,  $2.04 per Mcf in 1994, and $2.18 per Mcf
in 1993. The decline in the average price received since 1993 reflects  declines
in average annual spot market prices, an increase in the proportionate  share of
the  Company's  production  sold at  spot  market  prices  and  under  long-term
contracts  with  market-sensitive  pricing,  and  the  effect  of the  Gas  Cost
Settlement.  Natural gas prices were higher at December 31, 1995, as compared to
the prior  year-end,  primarily  due to colder than normal  weather  experienced
across the country.  The colder weather  continued into early 1996 and has had a
positive impact on average prices received to-date in 1996, as compared to 1995.
As described  above, a significant  portion of the Company's gas  pro-duction is
sold under long-term contracts to its gas distribution subsidiary.  In the past,
the fixed  prices  received  under these sales  arrangements  helped  reduce the
effects of  fluctuations  in spot market prices for natural gas.  Going forward,
the Company  expects  increased  volatility  and  seasonality  in its  operating
results as the majority of its gas sales will be tied to spot market prices.  In
the future,  the Company  expects the overall  average price it receives for its
total  production to be generally  higher than average spot market prices due to
the premiums over spot which it receives under the long-term  contracts covering
its intersegment  sales.  Future changes in revenues from sales of the Company's
gas  production  will be  dependent  upon  changes in the market  price for gas,
access to new markets, maintenance of existing markets, and additions of new gas

     The  Company  expects  future  increases  in its  gas  production  to  come
primarily from sales to unaffiliated purchasers. While the Company experienced a
decline in gas  production  in 1995, it does expect over the long term to return
to a trend of  increasing  gas  production.  However,  the  Company is unable to
predict  changes  in the  market  demand and price for  natural  gas,  including
changes  which  may be  induced  by the  effects  of  weather  on demand of both
affiliated   and   unaffiliated   customers   for  the   Company's   production.
Additionally,  the Company holds a large block of undeveloped  leasehold acreage
and producing  acreage  which will  continue to be developed in the future.  The
Company's  exploration  programs have been directed  almost  exclusively  toward
natural  gas in recent  years.  The Company  will  continue  to  concentrate  on
developing  and  acquiring  gas  reserves,   but  will  also   selectively  seek
opportunities to participate in projects oriented toward oil production.


     Gas distribution  revenues fluctuate due to the pass-through of cost of gas
increases  and  decreases,  and due to the  effects of  weather.  Because of the
corresponding  changes  in  purchased  gas  costs,  the  revenue  effect  of the
pass-through of gas cost changes has not materially affected net income.

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Throughput (Bcf)
   Sales volumes                            27.4            26.3            26.8
   Transportation volumes
     End-use                                 5.2             4.8             5.6
     Off-system                              9.8            10.7            11.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            42.4            41.8            44.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average number of sales customers        164,672         159,897         155,944
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Heating weather--degree days               4,376           4,161           4,929
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average sales rate per Mcf                 $4.12           $4.57           $4.65

     Gas  distribution  revenues  decreased by 6% in 1995 and by 4% in 1994. The
decrease in 1995 resulted  from lower  purchased gas costs caused in part by the
Gas Cost  Settlement,  which  more than  offset the  effects of strong  customer
growth and weather which was 5% colder than the prior year. The decrease in 1994
was due to lower  purchased  gas costs and weather  which was 16% warmer than in
1993, partially offset by customer growth.

     In 1995, AWG sold 17.1 Bcf to its customers at an average rate of $3.93 per
Mcf, compared to 16.3 Bcf at $4.25 per Mcf in 1994 and 17.1 Bcf at $4.40 per Mcf
in 1993. Additionally, AWG transported 4.3 Bcf in 1995, 4.0 Bcf in 1994, and 3.9
Bcf in 1993 for its end-use customers. Associated sold 10.3 Bcf to its customers
in 1995 at an  average  rate of $4.45 per Mcf,  compared  to 10.0 Bcf in 1994 at
$5.10 per Mcf and 9.7 Bcf at $5.08 per Mcf in 1993.  Associated  transported  .9
Bcf for its end-use customers in 1995, compared to .8 Bcf in 1994 and 1.7 Bcf in
1993.  The  increase in volumes  sold and  transported  in 1995 for both AWG and
Associated resulted from colder weather and from increases in the average number
of customers.  The decrease in the average sales rate since 1993 for AWG and the
decrease in 1995 for  Associated  reflect the decline in the average cost of gas
purchased for delivery to the Company's customers.

     Total deliveries to industrial  customers of AWG and Associated,  including
transportation volumes, increased to 13.0 Bcf in 1995, from 12.3 Bcf in 1994 and
11.7 Bcf in 1993. The steady increase reflects both the success of the Company's
industrial  marketing efforts and the continued economic strength of its service

     AWG also transported 9.8 Bcf of gas through its gatheringsystem in 1995 for
off-system  deliveries,  all to the NOARK Pipeline System  (NOARK),  compared to
10.7  Bcf in 1994 and 11.7 Bcf in  1993.  The  average  transportation  rate was
approximately $.13 per Mcf, exclusive of fuel, in all years.

     Gas distribution revenues in future years will be impacted by both customer
growth and rate increases  allowed by regulatory  commissions.  In recent years,
AWG has  experienced  customer  growth of  approximately  3.5% to 4.0% annually,
while  Associated


Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditon and
Results of Operations continued

has experienced  customer growth of approximately 1% annually.  Based on current
economic  conditions in the Company's service  territories,  the Company expects
this trend in customer  growth to continue.  AWG filed an  application  with the
APSC on January 30, 1996, for a rate increase of $7.2 million annually. The APSC
has ten months in which to reach a decision  on the amount of the rate  increase
to be  approved.  As a result,  any  increase  granted  will  likely  not become
effective  until late  1996.  The  Company  anticipates  filing a rate  increase
request for Associated's  operations in late 1996. Rate increase  requests which
may be  filed in the  future  will  depend  on  customer  growth,  increases  in
operating expenses, and additional investments in property, plant and equipment.


     During  1994,  the Company  entered into the Gas Cost  Settlement  with the
Staff  of the  APSC and the  Office  of the  Attorney  General  of the  State of
Arkansas concerning certain issues that had been outstanding before the APSC for
the previous four years.  These gas cost issues were first raised by the APSC in
December,  1990, in connection  with its approval of an AWG rate  increase.  The
issues involved the price of gas sold under a long-term contract between AWG and
one of the  Company's  gas  producing  subsidiaries.  The  terms of the Gas Cost
Settlement became effective as of July 1, 1994, and were approved by the APSC on
January 5, 1995. Under the Gas Cost Settlement, the price paid by AWG is tied to
a monthly spot market index plus a premium. Given current market conditions, the
new pricing provision results in a reduced sales price. That effect is offset in
part by provisions of the Gas Cost Settlement which allow additional  volumes to
be sold under the amended  contract.  The amended contract  provides for volumes
equal to the historical level of sales under the contract to be sold at the spot
market index plus a pre-mium of $.95 per Mcf,  while  incremental  sales volumes
receive a premium of $.50 per Mcf.  In 1995,  approximately  7.7 Bcf (net to the
Company's  interest) was sold under the contract,  compared to approximately 8.1
Bcf and 6.0 Bcf in 1994 and 1993,  respectively.  Other significant terms of the
Gas Cost  Settlement  preclude  the parties  thereto  from  asking for  refunds,
transfer certain of AWG's natural gas storage  facilities to another  subsidiary
of the Company, and precluded AWG from filing an application for a rate increase
for its northwest Arkansas system before January, 1996.

     Associated  received an order on July 14, 1995,  from the  Missouri  Public
Service Commission (MPSC) disallowing the recovery of approximately $2.0 million
of gas costs, the result of gas cost audits covering the five-year period ending
August 31, 1993. Of the total disallowed,  $1.5 million represented a portion of
the  difference  between the price paid by Associated  under its long-term  firm
contract with one of the Company's gas producing  subsidiaries  (described above
under  "Exploration and Production  Revenues") and a spot market index price for
gas delivered  into an interstate  pipeline  operating in the Arkoma Basin.  The
balance of $.5 million disallowed represented take-or-pay charges passed through
to  Associated  by its  interstate  suppliers  and  allocable to  transportation
customers of  Associated.  These  take-or-pay  charges  resulted  from  pipeline
deregulation  pursuant  to  Order  No.  636 of  the  Federal  Energy  Regulatory
Commission,  issued in April,  1992, which is a comprehensive set of regulations
designed to encourage compe-tition and continue the significant restructuring of
the interstate natural gas pipeline industry. Prior to Order No. 636, Associated
purchased  portions  of its gas  supply  from  interstate  pipelines  under firm
long-term supply contracts.  The APSC had previously  reviewed the costs charged
to  Arkansas  ratepayers  under  this  contract  and found them to be proper and
allowable  for  recovery.  Associated  has appealed  the MPSC's  decision to the
Circuit  Court of Cole  County,  Missouri,  and that court has stayed the MPSC's
order and has  directed  Associated  to pay the money to be  refunded  under the
MPSC's  order into the  registry of the court  while the appeal is pending.  The
MPSC Staff has also recommended the disallowance of an additional $.7 million of
gas costs as a result of an audit for the year ended August,  1994. The MPSC has
not yet issued an order in connection with that recommendation. The Company does
not expect the  ultimate  outcome  of these  matters to have a material  adverse
impact on the results of operations or the financial position of the Company.

     AWG  also  purchases  gas from  unaffiliated  producers  under  take-or-pay
contracts.  Currently,  the Company believes that it does not have a significant
exposure to liabilities  resulting from these contracts,  although such exposure
has  increased  in recent  years as a result of a  decline  in its gas  purchase
requirements  which  has  occurred  as  some  of its  large  business  customers
converted to a  transportation  service offered by AWG and began to obtain their
own gas supplies directly from other sources.  The Company expects to be able to
continue to satisfactorily manage its exposure to take-or-pay liabilities.


     The Company's  operating costs and expenses  increased by 3% in 1995 and by
1% in 1994.  The increase in 1995 was due  primarily to increased  purchased gas
costs  related  to  increased   utility   deliveries,   increased   general  and
administrative   expenses,   and  increased   production   costs.   General  and
administrative  expenses increased due to inflationary  increases in payroll and
other  costs and from  personnel  additions  in the  Company's  exploration  and
production segment. Increased production costs in the exploration and production
segment are related to workovers of producing  wells and higher  operating costs
associated  with the Company's  expansion  into areas  outside of Arkansas.  The
slight  increase in 1994 resulted  from  increased  depreciation,  depletion and
amortization expense (DD&A),  primarily related to the Company's exploration and
production segment,  and increased utility operating  expenses,  offset by lower
purchased gas costs related to lower prices paid for gas supplies. Purchased gas
costs are one of the largest expense items in each year, typically  representing
30% to 40% of the Company's total  operating  costs and expenses.  Purchased gas
costs are influenced  primarily by changes in requirements  for gas sales of the
gas distribution segment, the price and mix of gas


purchased, and the timing of recoveries of deferred purchased gas costs.

     The Company follows the full cost method of accounting for the exploration,
development, and acquisition of oil and gas properties. DD&A is calculated using
the units-of-production  method. The Company's annual gas and oil production, as
well as the  amount  of  proved  reserves  owned by the  Company  and the  costs
associated  with adding those reserves,  are all components of the  amortization
calculation.  DD&A for the exploration and production  segment in 1995 decreased
slightly from 1994 as an increase in the  amortization  rate per unit was offset
by a decline in total units produced.  DD&A increased 15% in 1994 due both to an
increase in units  produced and an increase in the  amortization  rate per unit.
The margin between the Company's  full cost ceiling and the financial  statement
carrying value of the Company's gas and oil  properties  was slightly  higher at
December 31, 1995,  as compared to December 31, 1994,  due primarily to a higher
level  of  market  prices  for gas at  year-end  1995.  The  margin  was  eroded
substantially  during  1994 as a result of very low average gas prices in effect
at December 31, 1994. Market prices,  production rates, levels of reserves,  and
the evaluation of costs excluded from amortization all influence the calculation
of the full cost ceiling.  A 15% to 20% decline in gas prices from year-end 1995
levels or other factors, without other mitigating  circumstances,  could cause a
future write-down of capitalized costs and a noncash charge against earnings.

     Delays  inherent  in the  rate-making  process  prevent  the  Company  from
obtaining   immediate   recovery  of  increased   operating  costs  of  its  gas
distribution segment.  Inflation impacts the Company by generally increasing its
operating  costs and the costs of its  capital  additions.  In recent  years the
impacts of inflation  have been  mitigated by  conditions  in the  industries in
which the Company operates. While some of the gas distribution  subsidiary's gas
purchase contracts include inflation-based price escalations, these clauses have
generally  not been  operating as gas market  conditions  have led  producers to
accept prices below the contract maximum price.  Continuing depressed conditions
in the gas and oil  industry  have  resulted  in  lower  costs of  drilling  and
leasehold acquisition.


     Interest  costs were up 26% in 1995,  as compared  to 1994,  due to both an
increase in long-term debt and higher average  interest  rates.  The increase in
long-term debt is discussed below in "Liquidity and Capital Resources." Interest
capitalized   increased  by  54%  in  1995  due  primarily  to  higher   capital
expenditures  in the  exploration  and  production  segment  where  interest  is
capitalized  on costs excluded from  amortization.  Interest costs were slightly
lower in 1994,  as  compared to 1993,  due to lower  average  borrowings  on the
Company's revolving credit facilities through most of the year, partially offset
by higher average interest rates.

     The  change in other  income in 1995,  as  compared  to 1994,  relates to a
decrease in the Company's share of operating losses incurred by NOARK, partially
offset by accruals for potential  liabilities relating to certain regulatory gas
cost issues and other legal matters.  The change in other income during 1994, as
compared to 1993,  relates  primarily to the Company's share of operating losses
incurred by NOARK.  The Company,  through a subsidiary,  holds a 47.93%  general
partnership  interest in NOARK and is the pipeline's operator (See Note 7 of the
financial  statements for additional  discussion).  NOARK became  operational in
late 1992 and extends across northern Arkansas,  crossing three major interstate
pipelines.  NOARK has been operating below capacity and generating  losses since
it was placed in service. The Company's share of the pretax loss from operations
for NOARK  included  in other  income was $.7 million in 1995,  $2.8  million in
1994,  and $1.8 million in 1993.  The 1995 pretax loss  included $2.9 million of
income for the Company's  share of a $6.0 million  settlement of contract issues
with one of NOARK's transporters,  as discussed below.  Deliveries are currently
being made by NOARK to portions of AWG's distribution system, to Associated, and
to the interstate pipelines with which NOARK  interconnects.  In 1995, NOARK had
an average  daily  throughput  of 86 million  cubic feet of gas per day (MMcfd),
compared  to 82  MMcfd  in  1994  and  79  MMcfd  in  1993.  NOARK  has a  total
transportation  capacity of  approximately  141 MMcfd. AWG has contracted for 41
MMcfd of firm capacity on NOARK under a ten-year  transportation  contract, with
seven  years   remaining  on  its  original  term.  The  contract  is  renewable
year-to-year  until  terminated by 180 days' notice.  NOARK also had a five-year
transportation   contract  with  Vesta  Energy  Company  (Vesta)   covering  the
marketer's  commitment  for 50  MMcfd  of  firm  transportation.  The  Company's
exploration  and  production  segment  was  supplying  25 MMcfd  of the  volumes
transported  by Vesta  under  that  agreement.  In late 1993,  Vesta  filed suit
against  NOARK,  the  Company,  and certain of its  affiliates,  and,  effective
January 1, 1994, ceased  transporting gas under its contract with NOARK. In late
1995,  the suit was  settled  prior to going to trial.  In  exchange  for a $6.0
million payment to NOARK, Vesta was released from its obligations under its firm
transportation agreement and its contract with the Company's affiliates.

     The APSC has  established a maximum  transportation  rate of  approximately
$.285 per dekatherm for NOARK based on its original  construction  cost estimate
of approximately $73 million. Due to construction conditions and the addition of
a compressor  station,  the ultimate cost of the pipeline  exceeded the original
estimate  by  approximately  $30  million.  NOARK  competes  primarily  with two
interstate  pipelines in its gathering  area.  One of those elected to become an
open  access  transporter  subsequent  to  NOARK's  start of  construction.  The
increased availability of interruptible   transportation service has intensified
the competitive  environment  within which NOARK  operates.  The Company expects
further losses from its equity investment in NOARK until the pipeline is able to
increase its level of throughput and until improvement occurs in the competitive
conditions  which  determine  the  transportation  rates NOARK can  charge.  The
Company and the other  partners  of NOARK are  currently  investigating  several
options which would improve NOARK's future  financial  prospects.  However,  the


Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations continued

Company believes that no write-down of its investment in NOARK is appropriate at
this time and that it will realize its  investment in NOARK over the life of the

     The Company's  effective  income tax rate was 38.6% in 1995, 38.5% in 1994,
and 42.3% in 1993.  The rate was higher in 1993 because the  Company's  deferred
tax provision  included $1.7 million of expense for the  legislated  increase in
the maximum federal corporate income tax rate.


     The Company continues to depend  principally on internally  generated funds
as its major source of liquidity. However, the Company has sufficient ability to
borrow  additional  funds to meet its  short-term  seasonal  needs for cash,  to
finance a portion of its routine  spending,  if  necessary,  or to finance other
extraordinary  investment  opportunities  which might arise. In 1995,  1994, and
1993, net cash provided from operating  activities totaled $55.9 million,  $66.6
million,  and  $70.2  million,  respectively.  The  primary  components  of cash
generated  from   operations  are  net  income,   depreciation,   depletion  and
amortization,  and the  provision  for  deferred  income  taxes.  Net cash  from
operating  activities  provided 59% of the Company's  capital  requirements  for
routine capital expenditures,  cash dividends, and scheduled debt retirements in
1995, 92% in 1994, and in excess of 100% in 1993.

     Dividends paid to common  shareholders in 1995 were $6.0 million,  compared
to $6.2 million in 1994 and $5.7 million in 1993.  In July,  1993,  the Board of
Directors  increased the quarterly dividend on the Company's common stock by 20%
to $.06 per share from $.05 per share.

     In February,  1995, the Board of Directors  authorized the repurchase of up
to $30.0  million  of the  Company's  common  shares.  The  Company  repurchased
1,000,000  shares during 1995 at an average cost of $14.26,  using its revolving
credit facilities to fund the share repurchase.  Shares repurchased will be held
in treasury and may be used for general corporate  purposes,  including issuance
under  option  plans.  The Company does not at present  have  definite  plans to
repurchase  additional shares,  but may purchase  additional shares from time to
time, depending on market conditions.

     Changes in the  Company's  liquidity  in future  years are  expected  to be
related primarily to changes in cash flow generated from its operations.


     Capital expenditures totaled $101.6 million in 1995, $76.9 million in 1994,
and $59.2 million in 1993. In 1995 and 1994,  expenditures  for the  exploration
and production  segment  included $6.0 million and $13.9 million,  respectively,
for acquisitions of reserves in place.

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       (in thousands)

Exploration and production              $ 82,237         $55,449         $37,411
Gas distribution                          18,523          17,577          19,892
Other                                        866           3,828           1,916
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $101,626         $76,854         $59,219

     The  Company  generally  intends  to adjust  its level of  routine  capital
expenditures  depending on the expected  level of internally  generated cash and
the level of debt in its capital  structure.  The Company expects that its level
of capital  spending  will be  adequate  to allow the  Company to  maintain  its
present markets,  explore and develop existing gas and oil properties as well as
generate new  drilling  prospects,  and finance  improvements  necessary  due to
normal customer growth in its gas distribution segment.

     Capital spending  planned for 1996 totals $86.4 million,  a decrease of 15%
from  1995,  consisting  of $71.0  million  for gas and oil  exploration,  $13.5
million for gas distribution system  expenditures,  and $1.9 million for general
purposes.  The gas and oil expenditures consist of $24.5 million for development
drilling,  including  $14.5 million for the Company's  Arkansas  program,  $20.0
million for producing  property  acquisitions,  and a total of $12.4 million for
exploratory drilling and seismic data acquisition.


     Two floating rate revolving credit facilities provide the Company access to
$80.0 million of variable rate long-term capital.  Borrowings  outstanding under
these  credit  facilities  totaled  $22.9  million  at the end of 1995 and $52.3
million at the end of 1994.

     In November,  1995, the Company filed a shelf  registration  statement with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission for the issuance of up to $250.0 million
of senior  unsecured debt  securities.  Effective  December 1, 1995, the Company
issued under the shelf  registration  statement  $125.0  million of 6.70% Senior
Notes due 2005. Proceeds from the issuance of these notes were used primarily to
repay certain borrowings under the Company's  revolving credit  facilities.  The
facilities  had been drawn on to prepay the Company's  10.63%  Senior Notes,  to
repurchase  1,000,000  shares of the Company's common stock, as described above,
and to fund the Company's capital spending  program.  Additional debt securities
may  be  issued  in  the  future  under  the  shelf  registration  statement  as
circumstances  dictate.  The Company's  public notes were rated BBB+ by Standard
and Poor's and Baa2 by Moody's Investor Service.

     The  Company and an  affiliate  of the other  general  partner of NOARK are
required  to  severally  guarantee  the  availability  of certain  minimum  cash
balances to service NOARK's  9.7375% Senior Secured Notes.  These notes are held
by a major insurance company which also has a 20% limited  partnership  interest
in NOARK.  The notes had a balance of $56.7  million at December 31, 1995,  with
final maturity in 2009. NOARK also has an unsecured  long-term  revolving credit
agreement with a group of banks which provides the  partnership  access to $30.0
million of additional funds.  Amounts  outstanding under this credit arrangement
were $23.2 million at December 31, 1995, and $29.6 million at December 31, 1994.
Amounts  borrowed under the long-term  revolving  credit agreement are severally
guaranteed  by the Company and an affiliate of the other  general  partner.  The
Company's share of the several  guarantee of the notes and the line of credit is
60%. In 1995,  the Company  advanced  $5.0 million to NOARK to fund its share of
debt service  payments.  The Company  expects to advance $1.0 to $1.5 million to
NOARK during 1996 in connection with its


guarantees.  The anticipated contributions in 1996 are less than the 1995 amount
due to the receipt by NOARK of the $6.0 million settlement payment from Vesta in
December,  1995, as discussed  above. The cash received was used by NOARK to pay
down its revolving credit facility.  The credit facility will be used in 1996 to
help fund NOARK's  long-term debt service  payments  before  additional  partner
advances are called for.

     Under its existing  debt  agreements,  the Company may not issue  long-term
debt in excess  of 65% of its total  capital  and may not  issue  total  debt in
excess of 70% of its total  capital.  To issue  additional  long-term  debt, the
Company must also have, after giving effect to the debt to be issued, a ratio of
earnings to fixed  charges of at least 1.50 or higher.  At the end of 1995,  the
capital  structure  consisted of 51.6% debt  (excluding  the current  portion of
long-term debt and the Company's several  guarantee of NOARK's  obligations) and
48.4% equity, with a ratio of earnings to fixed charges of 1.9.

     The percentage of debt in the Company's  capital  structure may in the near
term increase from the current  level as the Company  funds  expenditures  which
will not generate cash flow until future  periods,  such as the  acquisition  of
seismic  data.  Over the  longer  term,  the  Company  expects to lower the debt
portion of its capital  structure  through its policy of  adjusting  its routine
capital  spending.  The Company will continue to use additional  debt to address
extraordinary needs or opportunities, such as attractive acquisitions of gas and
oil properties.  Additionally, the Company may use its existing revolving credit
facilities to meet seasonal or  short-term  requirements  related to its capital


     The Company  maintains access to funds which may be needed to meet seasonal
requirements  through the revolving lines of credit explained above. The Company
had net working capital of $18.5 million at the end of 1995, and $8.9 million at
the end of 1994. Current assets increased by 29% to $63.9 million in 1995, while
current  liabilities  increased  12% to $45.4  million.  The increase in current
assets at December  31,  1995,  was due  primarily  to increases in income taxes
receivable,  inventories,  and  accounts  receivable.  The  increase in accounts
receivable  was due to  higher  weather-related  sales  at  year-end  1995.  The
increase in income taxes  receivable  relates to the carryback of a 1995 tax net
operating loss which resulted from lower operating income and higher  intangible
drilling  costs.  Intangible  drilling  costs are  deductible  currently for tax
purposes,  but are  capitalized  and amortized over future periods for financial
reporting purposes.  The increase in inventories since December 31, 1994, is the
result  of   injections  of  purchased  gas  into  the  Company'  s  unregulated
underground storage facility.  The Company has been withdrawing and selling this
gas  during the first  quarter  of 1996.  The  increase  in current  liabilities
resulted  primarily from an increase in accounts  payable,  an increase in taxes
(other than income)  payable,  and an increase in  over-recovered  purchased gas
costs,  offset by a decrease  in the  current  portion of  long-term  debt.  The
increase in accounts payable resulted  primarily from increased  amounts due for
gas purchases  which resulted from the higher  weather-related  sales in the gas
distribution  segment,  a higher level of  exploration  and  production  capital
expenditures,  and from the timing of  payments.  Over-recovered  purchased  gas
costs will be refunded to the Company's  utility  customers  over future periods
through the automatic cost of gas adjustment clauses in the Company's filed rate

     This  discussion  and  analysis  of  financial  condition  and  results  of
operations includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A
of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934.  The  Company  believes  that its  expectations  are  based on  reasonable
assumptions.  No  assurances,  however,  can be  given  that its  goals  will be
achieved. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those in the  forward-looking  statements herein include (1) the timing and
extent of changes  in  commodity  prices for gas and oil,  (2) the extent of the
Company's success in discovering,  developing,  and producing reserves,  (3) the
effects of weather and regulation on the Company's gas distribution segment, and
(4) conditions in capital markets,  availability of oil field services, drilling
rigs,  and other  equipment,  as well as other  competitive  factors  during the
periods covered by the forward-looking statements.


Report of Independent Auditors

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Southwestern Energy Company:

     We have audited the  consolidated  balance  sheets of  SOUTHWESTERN  ENERGY
COMPANY (an Arkansas  corporation)  AND SUBSIDIARIES as of December 31, 1995 and
1994, and the related consolidated  statements of income, retained earnings, and
cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended  December  31, 1995.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audits.

     We conducted  our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects,  the financial position of Southwestern Energy Company
and  Subsidiaries  as of  December  31,  1995 and 1994,  and the  results of its
operations  and its cash flows for each of the three  years in the period  ended
December 31, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

     As discussed  in Notes 3 and 4 to the  consolidated  financial  statements,
effective  January 1, 1993,  the Company  changed its methods of accounting  for
income taxes and for postretirement benefits other than pensions.


Tulsa, Oklahoma
February 5, 1996


Statements of Income
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

For the Years Ended December 31                                                             1995           1994          1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
                                                                                     ($ in thousands, except per share amounts)
Gas sales                                                                               $142,455       $160,463      $166,164
Oil sales                                                                                  3,924          3,178         1,662
Gas transportation                                                                         4,964          4,721         5,177
Other                                                                                      1,768          1,824         1,841
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                         153,111        170,186       174,844
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purchased gas costs                                                                       37,133         36,395        42,962
Operating and general                                                                     44,436         42,506        40,093
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                                  35,992         35,546        30,944
Taxes, other than income taxes                                                             4,362          3,657         3,281
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                         121,923        118,104       117,280
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPERATING INCOME                                                                          31,188         52,082        57,564
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest on long-term debt                                                                12,984          9,962        10,090
Other interest charges                                                                       639            504           483
Interest capitalized                                                                      (2,456)        (1,599)       (1,548)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                          11,167          8,867         9,025
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                                                                    (1,227)        (2,362)       (1,657)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE                                                            18,794         40,853        46,882
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current                                                                                   (4,908)         9,288        13,704
Deferred                                                                                  12,167          6,441         6,128
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                           7,259         15,729        19,832
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTRAORDINARY LOSS DUE TO EARLY RETIREMENT OF DEBT (NET OF $185 TAX BENEFIT)                (295)            --            --
CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES                                    --             --        10,126
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME                                                                             $  11,240      $  25,124     $  37,176
Income before extraordinary item and cumulative effect of accounting change                 $.46           $.98         $1.05
Extraordinary loss due to early retirement of debt (net of $185 tax benefit)                (.01)            --            --
Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes                                    --             --           .39
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME                                                                                  $.45           $.98         $1.44
WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                                            25,130,781     25,684,110    25,684,110

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Balance Sheets
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

December 31                                                                                                1995          1994
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                             (in thousands)
Current Assets
Cash                                                                                                   $  1,498      $  1,152
Accounts receivable                                                                                      35,541        32,325
Income taxes receivable                                                                                   8,221         1,492
Inventories, at average cost                                                                             15,448        12,199
Other                                                                                                     3,188         2,353
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total current assets                                                                               63,896        49,521
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments                                                                                               9,114         4,877
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property, Plant and Equipment, at cost
Gas and oil properties, using the full cost method, including $51,337,000 in 1995 and
   $20,751,000 in 1994 excluded from amortization                                                       517,979       435,570
Gas distribution systems                                                                                193,258       176,728
Gas in underground storage                                                                               32,616        36,629
Other                                                                                                    19,717        18,541
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        763,570       667,468
Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization                                              277,751       242,008
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        485,819       425,460
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Assets                                                                                             10,264         6,216
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                       $569,093      $486,074

Current Liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt                                                                      $  3,071      $  6,071
Accounts payable                                                                                         23,989        18,670
Taxes payable                                                                                             2,422         2,208
Customer deposits                                                                                         4,619         4,232
Over-recovered purchased gas costs, net                                                                   7,327         3,627
Other                                                                                                     3,982         5,827
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total current liabilities                                                                          45,410        40,635
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt, less current portion above                                                              207,757       136,229
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Liabilities
Deferred income taxes                                                                                   115,461       100,288
Deferred investment tax credits                                                                           2,103         2,416
Other                                                                                                     3,858         3,050
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        121,422       105,754
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments and Contingencies
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' Equity
Common stock, $.10 par value; authorized 75,000,000 shares, issued 27,738,084 shares                      2,774         2,774
Additional paid-in capital                                                                               21,272        21,231
Retained earnings, per accompanying statements                                                          204,632       199,430
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        228,678       223,435
Less: Common stock in treasury, at cost, 3,036,735 shares in 1995 and
         2,053,974 shares in 1994                                                                        33,795        19,717
       Unamortized cost of restricted shares issued under stock incentive plan,
          34,807 shares in 1995 and 21,499 shares in 1994                                                   379           262
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        194,504       203,456
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                       $569,093      $486,074

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Statements of Cash Flows
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

For the Years Ended December 31                                                            1995           1994          1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      (in thousands)
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net income                                                                              $ 11,240       $ 25,124      $ 37,176
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                            36,272         35,825        31,223
      Deferred income taxes                                                               12,167          6,441         6,128
      Equity in loss of partnership                                                          696          2,818         1,788
      Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes                              --             --       (10,126)
      Change in assets and liabilities:
         (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                                       (3,216)         2,569          (589)
         (Increase) decrease in income taxes receivable                                   (6,729)        (5,354)        3,090
         Increase in inventories                                                          (3,249)        (2,619)       (1,544)
         Increase in accounts payable                                                      5,319          2,556         2,298
         Increase (decrease) in taxes payable                                                214           (379)           21
         Increase in customer deposits                                                       387            305           417
         Increase (decrease) in over-recovered purchased gas costs                         3,700           (560)         (286)
         Net change in other current assets and liabilities                                 (940)          (113)          603
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                                                 55,861         66,613        70,199
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
Capital expenditures                                                                    (101,626)       (76,854)      (59,219)
Investment in partnership                                                                 (4,968)        (2,319)           --
Decrease in gas stored underground                                                         4,013            542         9,119
Other items                                                                                2,814          3,200         1,599
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities                                                    (99,767)       (75,431)      (48,501)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Net proceeds from issuance of Senior Notes                                               121,978             --            --
Net increase (decrease) in revolving long-term debt                                      (29,400)        21,300       (15,500)
Retirement of 10.63% Senior Notes and prepayment premium                                 (24,958)            --            --
Payments on other long-term debt                                                          (3,071)        (6,000)         (835)
Purchase of treasury stock                                                               (14,259)            --            --
Dividends paid                                                                            (6,038)        (6,164)       (5,651)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                       44,252          9,136       (21,986)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash                                                                  346            318          (288)
Cash at beginning of year                                                                  1,152            834         1,122
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash at end of year                                                                     $  1,498       $  1,152      $    834

Statements of Retained Earnings
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

For the Years Ended December 31                                                             1995           1994          1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      (in thousands)
Retained Earnings, beginning of year                                                    $199,430       $180,470      $148,945
Net income                                                                                11,240         25,124        37,176
Cash dividends declared ($.24 per share in 1995 and 1994, and $.22 per share in 1993)     (6,038)        (6,164)       (5,651)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained Earnings, end of year                                                          $204,632       $199,430      $180,470

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993



     Southwestern  Energy  Company is a  diversified  natural gas company  which
operates  principally  in the  exploration  and  production  segment and the gas
distribution  segment of the  natural  gas  industry.  Approximately  75% of the
Company's  business is derived from the exploration and production segment based
on operating  income.  The primary areas of operations for the  exploration  and
production  segment are the Arkoma  Basin of  Arkansas,  the Gulf Coast areas of
Louisiana and Texas,  the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma,  and the Delaware Basin of
New Mexico.  The gas  distribution  segment  operates in northwest and northeast
Arkansas and parts of Missouri,  and obtains approximately 60% of its gas supply
from one of the Company's exploration and production subsidiaries. The customers
of  the  gas  distribution  segment  consist  of  residential,  commercial,  and
industrial users of natural gas.

     The consolidated  financial statements include the accounts of Southwestern
Energy Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Southwestern Energy Production
Company, SEECO, Inc., Arkansas Western Gas Company, Southwestern Energy Pipeline
Company,  Arkansas  Western  Pipeline  Company,  and A.W.  Realty  Company.  All
significant  intercompany  accounts and transactions  have been eliminated.  The
Company  accounts  for its general  partnership  interest in the NOARK  Pipeline
System,  Limited Partnership  (NOARK) using the equity method of accounting.  In
accordance  with  Statement of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 71,
"Accounting  for the  Effects  of  Certain  Types of  Regulation,"  the  Company
recognizes  profit on  intercompany  sales of gas  delivered  to  storage by its
utility subsidiary. Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years'
financial statements to conform with the 1995 presentation.

     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure  of  contingent  assets and  liabilities,  if any, at the date of the
financial  statements,  and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


     Gas  and Oil  Properties-The  Company  follows  the  full  cost  method  of
accounting  for the  exploration,  development,  and  acquisition of gas and oil
reserves.  Under this method,  all such costs (productive and nonproductive) are
capitalized  and amortized on an aggregate basis over the estimated lives of the
properties using the units-of-production  method. The Company excludes all costs
of unevaluated properties from immediate amortization.

     Gas  Distribution  Systems-Costs  applicable  to  construction  activities,
including overhead items, are capitalized.  Depreciation and amortization of the
gas distribution system is provided using the straight-line  method with average
annual rates for plant  functions  ranging from 2.2% to 6.7%. Gas in underground
storage  is stated at average  cost.  

     Other property,  plant and equipment is depreciated using the straight-line
method over estimated useful lives ranging from 5 to 40 years.

     The  Company  charges  to  maintenance  or  operations  the cost of  labor,
materials,  and other expenses incurred in maintaining the operating  efficiency
of  its  properties.  Betterments  are  added  to  property  accounts  at  cost.
Retirements are credited to property, plant and equipment at cost and charged to
accumulated  depreciation,  depletion  and  amortization  with  no  gain or loss
recognized, except for abnormal retirements.

     Capitalized  Interest-Interest  is  capitalized on the costs of unevaluated
gas  and  oil  properties  excluded  from  amortization.   In  accor-dance  with
established  utility  regulatory  practice,  an allowance  for funds used during
construction  of major projects is capitalized  and amortized over the estimated
lives of the related facilities.


     Customer  receivables  arise from the sale or  transportation of gas by the
Company's gas distribution subsidiary.  The Company's gas distribution customers
represent a diversified base of residential,  commercial,  and industrial users.
Approximately  101,000 of these  customers are served in northwest  Arkansas and
approximately 67,000 are served in northeast Arkansas and Missouri.

     The Company records gas  distribution  revenues on an accrual basis, as gas
volumes are used, to provide a proper matching of revenues with expenses.

     The gas  distribution  subsidiary's  rate schedules  include  purchased gas
adjustment  clauses  whereby the actual cost of purchased gas above or below the
level  included in the base rates is permitted to be billed or is required to be
credited to  customers.  Each month,  the  difference  between  actual  costs of
purchased gas and gas costs  recovered from customers is deferred.  The deferred
differences are billed or credited,  as appropriate,  to customers in subsequent


     The  exploration  and  production  subsidiaries  record gas sales using the
entitlement  method. The entitlement method requires revenue  recognition of the
Company's  revenue interest share of gas production from properties in which gas
sales are  disproportionately  allocated to owners because of marketing or other
contractual  arrangements.  The Company's net imbalance position at December 31,
1995 and 1994 was not significant.



     Deferred  income taxes are  provided to recognize  the income tax effect of
reporting  certain  transactions in different years for income tax and financial
reporting purposes.


     The  Company  has  only  limited  involvement  with  derivative   financial
instruments and does not use them for trading purposes.  They are used to manage
defined  interest  rate and  commodity  price risks.  There were no  outstanding
interest  rate swap  agreements  at December 31, 1995 or 1994.

     The Company uses natural gas swap agreements to hedge sales of natural gas.
Under the natural gas swap  agreements,  the Company makes or receives  payments
based on the  differential  between a specified  price and the indicated  market
price of natural gas.  Gains and losses  resulting  from hedging  activities are
recognized when the related  physical  natural gas  transactions are recognized.
Gains or  losses  from  natural  gas swap  agreements  that do not  qualify  for
accounting  treatment  as hedges are  recognized  currently  as other  income or
expense. Gains and losses resulting from natural gas swap agreements and hedging
activities  have  not  had  a  material  impact  on  the  Company's  results  of


     Earnings  per  common  share are based on the  weighted  average  number of
common shares outstanding during each year.

     During 1995 the Company  repurchased  1,000,000  shares of its common stock
for $14.3  million,  and issued under a  compensatory  plan and for stock awards
17,239 treasury shares with a weighted average cost of $.2 million.


     Long-term debt as of December 31, 1995 and 1994 consisted of the following:

                                                                                                  1995            1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        (in thousands)    
SENIOR NOTES                                                         
 6.70% Series due December 1, 2005                                                                $125,000        $     --
 8.69% Series due December 4, 1997                                                                  22,500          22,500
 8.86% Series due in annual installments of $3.1 million through December 4, 2001                   18,428          21,500
 9.36% Series due in annual installments of $2.0 million beginning December 4, 2001                 22,000          22,000
10.63% Series                                                                                           --          24,000     
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                   187,928          90,000
Variable rate (6.33% at December 31, 1995)unsecured revolving credit arrangements with two banks    22,900          52,300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total long-term debt                                                                               210,828         142,300
Less: Current portion of long-term debt                                                              3,071           6,071
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                  $207,757        $136,229

     In December,  1995,  the Company  issued $125.0 million of 6.70% fixed rate
Senior Notes.  The notes mature with a single  payment due after ten years.  The
proceeds  were used to repay  certain  borrowings  of the  Company.  The Company
incurred $3.0 million of costs  associated  with the issuance of this debt. This
amount has been capitalized and will be amortized over the life of the notes.

     In November,  1995,  the Company  exercised  its  prepayment  option on its
10.63% Senior Notes due September 30, 2001.  Certain costsof the redemption were
expensed in the fourth  quarter of 1995 and are  classified as an  extraordinary
loss,  net  of  related  income  tax  effects,  in  the  accompanying  financial

     The  Company has several  prepayment  options  under the terms of its other
Senior  Notes.   Prepayments   made  without  premium  are  subject  to  certain
limitations.  Other prepayment  options involve the payment of premiums based in
some instances on market interest rates at the time of prepayment.

     At December 31, 1995,  the Company had two variable rate  facilities  which
make  available  $80.0  million of long-term  revolving  credit,  of which $22.9
million was  outstanding.  Each  facility  allows the Company four interest rate
options-the  floating  prime  rate,  a  fixed  rate  tied to  either  short-term
certificate  of  deposit  or  Eurodollar  rates,  or a fixed  rate  based on the
lenders' cost of funds. The revolving credit facilities expire in 1998 and 1999.
The Company intends to renew or replace the facilities prior to expiration.

     The  terms  of  the  long-term  debt  instruments  and  agreements  contain
covenants which impose certain restrictions on the Company, including limitation
of additional indebtedness and restrictions on the payment of cash dividends. At
December  31,  1995,  approximately  $103.0  million of  retained  earnings  was
available for payment as dividends.

     In 1992, the Company  entered into a two-year  interest rate swap agreement
with a notional  amount of $30.0 million to take advantage of low variable rates
in relation  to  existing  fixed rates on the  Company's  long-term  debt.  This
interest rate swap agreement expired in 1994.


Notes to Financial Statements continued
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

     Aggregate  maturities  of  long-term  debt  for  each of the  years  ending
December 31, 1996 through 2000, are $3.1 million,  $25.6 million, $16.1 million,
$13.0 million, and $3.1 million. Total interest payments of $12.9 million, $10.2
million, and $10.3 million were made in 1995, 1994, and 1993, respectively.


     Effective  January 1, 1993, the Company  adopted SFAS No. 109,  "Accounting
for Income Taxes." The liability  method  specified by SFAS No. 109 requires the
calculation of accumulated  deferred income taxes by application of the tax rate
expected to be in effect when the taxes will actually be paid or refunds will be
received.  The recognition of the cumulative effect,  through December 31, 1992,
of this change in  accounting  increased net income in the first quarter of 1993
by $10.1 million, or $.39 per share. SFAS No. 109 also required an adjustment in
the third quarter of 1993 to record the effects of a legislated  increase in tax
rates.  This  adjustment  decreased  income before the cumulative  effect of the
accounting change by $1.7 million, or $.07 per share.

     The provision for income taxes included the following components:

                                                                1995            1994            1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           (in thousands)
   Current                                                   $(5,436)       $  7,758         $11,514
   Deferred                                                   11,434           5,588           3,827
   Deferred tax adjustment for tax rate increase                  --              --           1,743
   Current                                                       528           1,530           2,190
   Deferred                                                    1,046           1,054             752
Investment tax credit amortization                              (313)           (201)           (194)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Provision for income taxes                                   $ 7,259         $15,729         $19,832

     The  provision  for income  taxes was an  effective  rate of 38.6% in 1995,
38.5% in 1994,  and 42.3% in 1993.  The following  reconciles  the provision for
income  taxes  included  in the  consolidated  statements  of  income  with  the
provision which would result from application of the statutory  federal tax rate
to pretax financial income:

                                                                          1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      (in thousands)
Expected provision at federal statutory rate of 35%                     $6,578         $14,299         $16,409
Increase (decrease) resulting from:
   State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit                 1,023           1,682           1,914
   Percentage depletion on gas and oil production                          (70)            (96)           (117)
   Adjustment to deferred taxes for tax rate increase                       --              --           1,743
   Investment tax credit amortization                                     (313)           (201)           (194)
   Other                                                                    41              45              77
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Provision for income taxes                                              $7,259         $15,729         $19,832

     The  components  of the Company's net deferred tax liability as of December
31, 1995 and 1994 were as follows:

                                                            1995            1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               (in thousands)
Deferred tax liabilities:
   Differences between book and tax basis of property   $103,612        $ 89,289
   Stored gas differences                                  5,435           5,736
   Deferred purchased gas costs                              236           1,557
   Prepaid pension costs                                   1,561           1,628
   Book over tax basis in partnerships                     4,712           3,535
   Other                                                     971           1,095
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         116,527         102,840
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets:
   Accrued compensation                                      681             700
   Other                                                     644             370
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           1,325           1,070
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net deferred tax liability                              $115,202        $101,770

     Total income tax payments of $.9 million,  $14.6 million, and $10.2 million
were made in 1995, 1994, and 1993, respectively.



     Substantially  all employees are covered by the Company's  defined  benefit
pension plan.  Benefits are based on years of benefit service and the employee's
"average   compensation,"  as  defined.  The  Company's  funding  policy  is  to
contribute  amounts  which are  actuarially  determined to provide the plan with
sufficient assets to meet future benefit payment  requirements and which are tax

     Plan  assumptions for 1995 and 1994 included an expected  long-term rate of
return on plan assets of 9%, a weighted  average  discount  rate of 8.5% in 1995
and 7.5% in 1994 for the net pension cost computation,  and a salary progression
rate of 5%. The  reconciliation  of prepaid  pension  cost at December  31, 1995
utilizes a discount rate of 7.5% for future settlements.

     The  following  table  sets  forth the plan's  funded  status  and  amounts
recognized in the Company's balance sheets at December 31, 1995 and 1994:

                                                                      1995            1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         (in thousands)
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations:
   Vested benefits                                                $(25,789)       $(20,643)
   Nonvested benefits                                               (1,860)         (1,635)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Accumulated benefit obligation                                  (27,649)        (22,278)
   Effect of projected future compensation levels                   (8,623)         (6,368)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Projected benefit obligation                                    (36,272)        (28,646)
Plan assets at fair value, primarily common stocks and bonds        49,570          36,675
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plan assets in excess of projected benefit obligation               13,298           8,029
Unrecognized net gain                                               (8,956)         (3,617)
Unrecognized net asset                                                (952)         (1,135)
Unrecognized prior service cost                                        397             454
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepaid pension cost                                              $  3,787        $  3,731

     Net  pension  cost  for  1995,   1994,  and  1993  included  the  following

                                                                1995            1994            1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                            (in thousands)
Service costs (benefits earned during the period)           $  1,101         $ 1,217         $   897
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation                  2,316           2,280           1,999
Actual return on plan assets                                 (15,172)           (791)         (2,819)
Net amortization and deferral                                 11,699          (2,643)           (673)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net pension cost (credit)                                   $    (56)        $    63         $  (596)

     The Company  also has a  supplemental  retirement  plan which  provides for
certain pension benefits.  Net pension cost recorded for this plan was $221,000,
$201,000, and $628,000 in 1995, 1994, and 1993, respectively. In 1993, this plan
was funded with $1.2 million. At December 31, 1995, the supplemental  retirement
plan had an accrued pension cost of $91,000.

     Effective  January 1, 1993, the Company  adopted SFAS No. 106,  "Employers'
Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions." Under SFAS No. 106,
the cost of those  benefits  is accrued  over the period the  employee  provides
services to the Company.  Prior to 1993,  postretirement  benefit  expenses were
recognized on a pay-as-you-go basis and were not material. The Company currently
funds postretirement benefits as claims are incurred.

     The Company provides postretirement health care and life insurance benefits
to eligible employees. Employees become eligible for these benefits if they meet
age  and  service  requirements.  Generally,  the  benefits  paid  are a  stated
percentage of medical expenses reduced by deductibles and other coverages.

     A  significant  portion of the  postretirement  benefit cost relates to the
Company's  utility  operations and has been deferred as a regulatory  asset. Net
postretirement benefit cost for 1995 and 1994 included the following components:

                                                                                1995            1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                    (in thousands)
Service cost of benefits earned during the year                                 $110           $  79
Amortization of transition amount                                                103             178
Amortization of unrecognized gain                                                 32              17
Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO)            218             164
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net postretirement benefit cost                                                 $463            $438


Notes to Financial Statements continued
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

     The APBO as of December 31, 1995 and 1994 was comprised of the following:

                                                            1995            1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                (in thousands)
Retirees                                                  $1,109          $  766
Active participants, fully eligible                          303             442
Other participants                                           805             804
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total APBO                                                $2,217          $2,012

     In determining the APBO,  assumed  weighted  average discount rates of 7.5%
and 8.5% were used for 1995 and 1994,  respectively.  An  increase of 10% in the
cost of covered health care benefits was assumed for 1996.  This rate is assumed
to  decrease  ratably to 6.0% over 8 years and remain at that level  thereafter.
The effect of a one  percentage  point  increase in the assumed health care cost
trend rate for each future year would  increase the total APBO at year-end  1995
by $253,000 and the 1995 net postretirement benefit cost by $29,000.


     All of the  Company's  gas and oil  properties  are  located  in the United
States.  The table below sets forth the results of  operations  from gas and oil
producing activities:

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        (in thousands)
Sales                                    $ 63,205       $ 80,123        $ 79,374
Production (lifting) costs                 (7,930)        (6,771)         (6,341)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization  (29,607)       (29,738)        (25,686)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           25,668         43,614          47,347
Income tax expense                         (9,831)       (16,684)        (18,081)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of operations                    $ 15,837       $ 26,930        $ 29,266

     The results of operations  shown above exclude overhead and interest costs.
Income tax expense is  calculated  by applying  the  statutory  tax rates to the
revenues less costs,  including  depreciation,  depletion and amortization,  and
after giving effect to permanent differences and tax credits.

     The table  below  sets  forth  capitalized  costs  incurred  in gas and oil
property acquisition,  exploration and development activities during 1995, 1994,
and 1993:

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         (in thousands)
Property acquisition costs               $27,715         $21,972        $  5,920
Exploration costs                         29,843          12,419          11,695
Development costs                         24,429          20,943          19,722
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalized costs incurred               $81,987         $55,334         $37,337
Amortization per Mcf equivalent            $.817           $.759           $.710

     The following table shows the  capitalized  costs of gas and oil properties
and the related accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization at December
31, 1995 and 1994:

                                                                                1995            1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   (in thousands)
Proved properties                                                           $463,868        $405,081
Unproved properties                                                           54,111          30,489
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total capitalized costs                                                      517,979         435,570
Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization                   206,148         176,764
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net capitalized costs                                                       $311,831        $258,806

     The  table  below  sets  forth the  composition  of net  unevaluated  costs
excluded from  amortization as of December 31, 1995.  Included in these costs is
$6.6 million  representing  leasehold and seismic costs related to the remaining
unevaluated portion of acreage located on the Fort Chaffee military reservation.
These costs are expected to be evaluated  and subjected to  amortization  within
the next  several  years as this  acreage is  further  explored  and  developed.
Included in  exploration  costs is $4.7 million of seismic  costs related to the
Company's 50% interest in a joint  venture  seismic  program in the  Atchafalaya
Basin in  Louisiana.  These costs and  subsequent  costs to be incurred  will be
evaluated over several years as the seismic data is interpreted  and the acreage
is explored.  The  remaining  costs  excluded from


amortization are related to properties  which are not  individually  significant
and on which the  evaluation  process  has not been  completed.  The Company is,
therefore,  unable  to  estimate  when  these  costs  will  be  included  in the
amortization computation.

                                   1995      1994      1993      Prior     Total
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 (in thousands)
Property acquisition costs      $14,207    $3,667    $1,084     $6,595   $25,553
Exploration costs                17,322     3,202     1,204        347    22,075
Capitalized interest              2,379       535       255        540     3,709
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                $33,908    $7,404    $2,543     $7,482   $51,337


     The following table  summarizes the changes in the Company's proved natural
gas and oil reserves for 1995, 1994, and 1993:

                                                   1995                    1994                 1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------             
                                              Gas       Oil           Gas       Oil          Gas     Oil
                                             (MMcf)    (MBbls)       (MMcf)    (MBbls)      (MMcf)  (MBbls)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proved reserves, beginning of year           316,098    1,231       318,776      479       312,291      359
Revisions of previous estimates              (25,970)    (199)      (16,551)    (258)       (4,110)     (25)
Extensions, discoveries, and other additions  34,801      498        30,932      189        46,069      250
Production                                   (34,515)    (229)      (37,706)    (200)      (35,693)     (97)
Acquisition of reserves in place               4,462      851        20,647    1,038           222       --
Disposition of reserves in place                  --       --            --      (17)           (3)      (8)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proved reserves, end of year                 294,876    2,152       316,098    1,231       318,776      479
Proved, developed reserves:
   Beginning of year                         261,690    1,116       260,240      469       246,904      337
   End of year                               248,714    1,975       261,690    1,116       260,240      469

     The  "Standardized  Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to
Proved Oil and Gas Reserves"  (standardized measure) is a disclosure required by
SFAS  No.  69,  "Disclosures  About  Oil  and  Gas  Producing  Activities."  The
standardized  measure  does not purport to present  the fair  market  value of a
company's  proved gas and oil  reserves.  In addition,  there are  uncertainties
inherent  in  estimating  quantities  of  proved  reserves.   Substantially  all
quantities  of gas and oil reserves  owned by the Company were  estimated by the
independent petroleum engineering firm of K & A Energy Consultants, Inc.

     Following  is the  standardized  measure  relating  to  proved  gas and oil
reserves at December 31, 1995, 1994, and 1993:

                                                                     1995            1994            1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                (in thousands)
Future cash inflows                                             $ 751,261       $ 683,438       $ 745,967
Future production and development costs                          (106,092)        (96,813)        (85,609)
Future income tax expense                                        (229,064)       (207,359)       (236,170)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Future net cash flows                                             416,105         379,266         424,188
10% annual discount for estimated 
     timing of cash flows                                        (212,583)       (189,774)       (196,913)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows        $ 203,522       $ 189,492       $ 227,275

     Under the  standardized  measure,  future cash  inflows  were  estimated by
applying  year-end  prices,  adjusted  for  known  contractual  changes,  to the
estimated  future  production of year-end proved  reserves.  Future cash inflows
were reduced by  estimated  future  production  and  development  costs based on
year-end  costs to  determine  pretax cash  inflows.  Future  income  taxes were
computed by  applying  the  year-end  statutory  rate,  after  consideration  of
permanent differences and enacted tax legislation,  to the excess of pretax cash
inflows  over the  Company's  tax  basis in the  associated  proved  gas and oil
properties.  Future net cash inflows after income taxes were discounted  using a
10% annual discount rate to arrive at the standardized measure.


Notes to Financial Statements continued
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

     Following  is an analysis  of changes in the  standardized  measure  during
1995, 1994, and 1993:

                                                                                                1995            1994           1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                          (in thousands)
Standardized measure, beginning of year                                                     $189,492        $227,275       $209,970
Sales and transfers of gas and oil produced, net of production costs                         (55,275)        (73,352)       (73,017)
Net changes in prices and production costs                                                    39,928         (29,344)        22,392
Extensions, discoveries, and other additions, net of future production and development costs  49,471          43,458         74,511
Revisions of previous quantity estimates                                                     (29,851)        (19,225)        (5,217)
Accretion of discount                                                                         28,733          34,968         31,885
Net change in income taxes                                                                    (9,073)         24,564        (13,524)
Changes in production rates (timing)and other                                                 (9,903)        (18,852)       (19,725)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standardized measure, end of year                                                           $203,522        $189,492       $227,275


     The Company holds a general partnership  interest in NOARK of 47.93% and is
the pipeline's  operator.  NOARK is a 258 mile long intrastate gas  transmission
system  which  extends  across  northern  Arkansas  and was placed in service in
September,  1992.  The  Company's  investment  in NOARK  totaled $9.0 million at
December  31,  1995 and  $4.8  million  at  December  31,  1994.  The  Company's
investment in NOARK includes  advances of $5.0 million made during 1995 and $2.3
million  during 1994,  primarily  to provide  certain  minimum cash  balances to
service NOARK's  long-term  debt. See Note 12 for further  discussion of NOARK's
funding requirements and the Company's investment in NOARK.

     NOARK's  financial  position  at December  31, 1995 and 1994 is  summarized

                                                            1995            1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               (in thousands)
Current assets                                           $   870        $  1,078
Noncurrent assets                                         98,048         100,662
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         $98,918        $101,740
Current liabilities                                      $ 6,624        $  6,009
Long-term debt                                            76,700          86,250
Loans from general partners                               11,505           3,225
Partners' capital                                          4,089           6,256
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         $98,918        $101,740

     The Company's  share of NOARK's  pretax loss,  before the effect of accrued
interest  expense on general partner loans, was $.7 million,  $2.8 million,  and
$1.8 million for 1995,  1994, and 1993,  respectively.  The Company  records its
share of NOARK's  pretax loss in other  income  (expense) on the  statements  of
income.  The 1995 pretax loss  included $2.9 million of income for the Company's
share of a $6.0  million  settlement  of  contract  issues  with one of  NOARK's

     NOARK's  results of  operations  for 1995,  1994,  and 1993 are  summarized

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       (in thousands)
Operating revenues                       $11,657         $10,111         $ 8,301
Pretax loss                              $(2,167)        $(5,917)        $(3,778)


     The following  methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
of each class of financial  instruments  for which it is practicable to estimate
the value:

     Cash and Customer  Deposits - The carrying amount is a reasonable  estimate
of fair value.

     Long-Term  Debt  - The  fair  value  of the  Company's  long-term  debt  is
estimated  based on the  expected  current  rates  which would be offered to the
Company  for debt of the same  maturities.


     The estimated  fair values of the  Company's  financial  instruments  as of
December 31, 1995 and 1994 were as follows:

                                       1995                  1994
                              --------------------  ---------------------                             
                              Carrying        Fair   Carrying        Fair
                                Amount       Value     Amount       Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                             (in thousands)
Cash                            $1,498      $1,498     $1,152      $1,152
Customer deposits               $4,619      $4,619     $4,232      $4,232
Long-term debt                $210,828    $216,364   $142,300    $144,245

     Anticipated  regulatory treatment of the excess of fair value over carrying
value  of the  portion  of the  Company's  long-term  debt  attributable  to its
regulatory   activities,   if  in  fact  such  debt  were   settled  at  amounts
approximating  those above, would dictate that these amounts be used to increase
the Company's  rates over a prescribed  amortization  period.  Accordingly,  any
settlement  would not result in a  material  impact on the  Company's  financial
position or results of operations.


     Intersegment  sales by the  exploration  and production  segment to the gas
distribution  segment  are  priced in  accordance  with  terms of  existing  gas
contracts and current market conditions.  Following is industry segment data for
the years ended December 31, 1995, 1994, and 1993:

                                            1995            1994            1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        (in thousands)
   Exploration and production           $ 63,523        $ 80,123        $ 79,374
   Gas distribution                      119,855         127,060         131,892
   Other                                     336             308             262
   Eliminations                          (30,603)        (37,305)        (36,684)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                        $153,111        $170,186        $174,844
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Exploration and production           $ 29,811        $ 36,465        $ 36,091
   Gas distribution                          536             584             337
   Other                                     256             256             256
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $ 30,603        $ 37,305        $ 36,684
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Exploration and production           $ 20,523        $ 38,888        $ 42,608
   Gas distribution                       11,133          13,386          15,261
   Corporate expenses                       (468)           (192)           (305)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $ 31,188        $ 52,082        $ 57,564
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Exploration and production           $346,514        $288,175        $236,968
   Gas distribution                      183,410         171,471         186,704
   Other                                  39,169          26,428          21,782
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $569,093        $486,074        $445,454
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Exploration and production           $ 29,607        $ 29,738        $ 25,686
   Gas distribution                        5,338           4,981           4,564
   Other                                   1,047             827             694
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $ 35,992        $ 35,546        $ 30,944
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Exploration and production           $ 82,237        $ 55,449        $ 37,411
   Gas distribution                       18,523          17,577          19,892
   Other                                     866           3,828           1,916
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                    
                                        $101,626        $ 76,854        $ 59,219


Notes to Financial Statements continued
Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries


     The  Southwestern  Energy  Company  1993 Stock  Incentive  Plan (1993 Plan)
provides for the  compensation  of officers and key employees of the Company and
its  subsidiaries.  The 1993 Plan  provides  for  grants of  options,  shares of
restricted  stock,  and  stock  bonuses  that  in the  aggregate  do not  exceed
1,275,000  shares,  the grant of stand-alone stock  appreciation  rights (SARs),
shares of phantom  stock,  and cash awards,  the shares  related to which in the
aggregate do not exceed  1,275,000  shares,  and the grant of limited and tandem
SARs (all terms as defined in the 1993 Plan).  The types of incentives which may
be awarded are  comprehensive  and are intended to enable the Board of Directors
to structure the most  appropriate  incentives and to address  changes in income
tax laws which may be enacted over the term of the plan.

     At December 31, 1995, there were options for 1,024,108  shares  outstanding
under  the  1993  Plan  at  option  prices  ranging  from  $13  3/8 to $17  1/8,
representing the fair market value at the dates of grant. Of the total,  780,000
performance  accelerated  options were granted in 1994 at an option price of $14
5/8.  These  options vest over a four-year  period  beginning six years from the
date of grant or earlier if certain corporate performance criteria are achieved.
The remaining options, granted in 1993, 1994, and 1995, vest to employees over a
three-year  period  from the date of  grant.  Options  for  28,774  shares  were
exercisable  at December 31, 1995. All options expire ten years from the date of
grant.  Additionally,  38,965  shares of  restricted  stock have been granted to
employees  during the period 1993  through  1995.  Of this total,  6,855  shares
issued in 1995 vest over a three-year  period and the remaining shares vest over
a five-year period. The related compensation expense is being amortized over the
vesting periods.

     Under the Company's 1985 Nonqualified Stock Option Plan, there were options
for 427,050  shares and 84,900 SARs  outstanding  at December 31, 1995 at prices
ranging from $5.58 to $12.81. All options are currently exercisable. All options
expire ten years from the date of grant.

     The  Southwestern  Energy  Company  1993 Stock  Incentive  Plan for Outside
Directors  provides for annual stock option grants of 12,000 shares (with 12,000
limited SARs) to each  non-employee  director.  Options may be awarded under the
plan on no more than 240,000 shares.  Options are issued at fair market value on
the date of grant and become  exercisable in  installments  at a rate of 25% per
year for each twelve months' service as a director.  At December 31, 1995, there
were options for 99,000 shares outstanding at option prices ranging from $12 7/8
to $17 1/2. Options for 21,000 shares are currently exercisable.


     One common share  purchase right is attached to each  outstanding  share of
the Company's common stock. Each right entitles the holder to purchase one share
of common stock at an exercise  price of $25.00,  subject to  adjustment.  These
rights will become  exercisable  in the event that a person or group acquires or
commences a tender offer for 20% or more of the Company's  outstanding shares or
the Board  determines that a holder of 10% or more of the Company's  outstanding
shares  presents a threat to the best interests of the Company.  At no time will
these rights have any voting power.

     If any person or entity  actually  acquires 20% of the common stock (10% or
more if the Board determines such acquiror is adverse), rightholders (other than
the 20% or 10% stockholder) will be entitled to buy, at the right's then current
exercise  price,  the  Company's  common  stock with a market value of twice the
exercise  price.  Similarly,  if the  Company is  acquired  in a merger or other
business  combi-nation,  each right will entitle its holder to purchase,  at the
right's then current exercise price, a number of the surviving  company's common
shares having a market value at that time of twice the right's exercise price.

     The rights may be  redeemed  by the Board for $.003 per right  prior to the
time that they become exercisable. In the event, however, that redemption of the
rights is considered in connection  with a proposed  acquisition of the Company,
the Board may redeem the rights only on the  recommendation  of its  independent
directors  (nonmanagement  directors  who are not  affiliated  with the proposed
acquiror). These rights expire in 1999.


     The  Company  and the  other  general  partner  of NOARK  are  required  to
severally guarantee the availability of certain minimum cash balances to service
the  9.7375%  Senior  Secured  Notes used to finance a portion of NOARK's  total
construction  cost.  At  December  31,  1995,  the  Senior  Secured  Notes had a
remaining balance of $56.7 million and a remaining term of 14 years. At December
31, 1995,  NOARK also had an unsecured  long-term  revolving credit agreement in
the amount of $30.0  million with a group of banks,  of which $23.2  million was
outstanding.  Amounts borrowed under the long-term revolving credit facility are
severally  guaranteed  by the  Company  and an  affiliate  of the other  general
partner.  The Company's share of the several guarantee of the notes and the line
of credit is 60%. Additionally,  the Company's gas distribution subsidiary has a
transportation  contract  with an original term of ten years with NOARK for firm
capacity of 41 MMcfd.  The remaining term of that contract is seven years and is
renewable year-to-year until terminated by 180 days' notice.

     In late 1993, a transporter  of gas on NOARK's  pipeline  system filed suit
against  NOARK,  the  Company,  and certain of its  affiliates,  and,  effective
January 1, 1994, ceased transporting gas under its firm transportation agreement
with NOARK. In December, 1995, the parties


to the lawsuit  settled prior to going to trial.  In exchange for a $6.0 million
payment to NOARK,  the transporter  was released from its obligations  under its
firm transportation agreement. The Company will be required to fund its share of
any cash flow  deficiencies  to the extent they are not funded by the  available
line of credit.  Management  of the Company and the NOARK  partners  continue to
investigate  options available to NOARK.  However,  management  believes that no
write-down of its  investment in NOARK is  appropriate  at this time and that it
will realize its investment in NOARK over the life of the system.  Therefore, no
provision for any loss has been made in the accompanying financial statements.

     The Company has been advised of a potential  claim against it involving the
disputed  ownership of overriding  royalty  interests in a number of oil and gas
properties  and related  matters.  The Company  has begun  discussions  with the
claimant  and  has  engaged  special  counsel  to  assist  it  in a  preliminary
investigation  of the claim's  merits.  The Company is unable to predict at this
time  whether  litigation  will be commenced in respect of this claim or how the
claim will  ultimately be resolved.  While the amount of the potential  claim is
significant  in the aggregate,  management  believes,  based on its  preliminary
investigation,  that  the  Company's  ultimate  liability,  if any,  will not be
material to its consolidated financial position or results of operations.

     The Company is subject to laws and  regulations  relating to the protection
of the environment.  The Company's policy is to accrue environmental and cleanup
related  costs of a noncapital  nature when it is both probable that a liability
has been  incurred and when the amount can be reasonably  estimated.  Management
believes any future  remediation or other compliance related costs will not have
a material effect on the financial  condition or reported  results of operations
of the Company.  

     The Company is subject to other  litigation  and claims that have arisen in
the  ordinary  course of  business.  The  Company  accrues for such items when a
liability is both  probable and the amount can be reasonably  estimated.  In the
opinion of management, the results of such litigation and claims will not have a
material  effect on the results of operations  or the financial  position of the


     The following is a summary of the quarterly  results of operations  for the
years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994:

Quarter Ended                                                   March 31        June 30         September 30    December 31
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       (in thousands, except per share amounts)
Operating revenues                                              $51,751        $30,642              $25,454        $45,264
Operating income                                                $15,090        $ 3,927              $ 1,955        $10,216
Income (loss) before extraordinary item                         $ 7,102        $   445              $(1,081)       $ 5,069
Net income (loss)                                               $ 7,102        $   445              $(1,081)       $ 4,774
Earnings (loss) per share before extraordinary item                $.28           $.02                $(.04)          $.20
Earnings (loss) per share                                          $.28           $.02                $(.04)          $.19

Operating revenues                                              $65,430        $34,605              $27,808        $42,343
Operating income                                                $23,525        $10,471              $ 6,327        $11,759
Net income                                                      $12,994        $ 4,834              $ 2,128        $ 5,168
Earnings per share                                                 $.51           $.18                 $.09           $.20


Financial and Operating Statistics

                                                               1995       1994        1993        1992        1991        1990
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL REVIEW (in thousands)
Operating revenues:
   Exploration and production                              $ 63,523    $ 80,123   $ 79,374    $ 60,554    $ 49,392    $ 41,489
   Gas distribution                                         119,855     127,060    131,892     117,495     121,302     108,911
   Other                                                        336         308        262         256         256         256
   Intersegment revenues                                    (30,603)    (37,305)   (36,684)    (34,475)    (34,511)    (33,586)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            153,111     170,186    174,844     143,830     136,439     117,070
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating costs and expenses:
   Purchased gas costs                                       37,133      36,395     42,962      35,848      40,423      37,678
   Operating and general                                     44,436      42,506     40,093      34,970      32,609      28,134
   Depreciation, depletion and amortization                  35,992      35,546     30,944      23,880      18,248      14,756
   Taxes, other than income taxes                             4,362       3,657      3,281       3,144       3,017       2,885
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            121,923     118,104    117,280      97,842      94,297      83,453
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                             31,188      52,082     57,564      45,988      42,142      33,617
Interest expense, net                                       (11,167)     (8,867)    (9,025)     (9,983)     (9,813)    (10,530)
Other income (expense)                                       (1,227)     (2,362)    (1,657)       (421)       (107)        (17)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes, extraordinary items and the
   cumulative effect of accounting change                    18,794      40,853     46,882      35,584      32,222      23,070
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income taxes:
   Current                                                   (4,908)      9,288     13,704       7,403       7,158       4,994
   Deferred                                                  12,167       6,441      6,128       5,916       4,999       3,568
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              7,259      15,729     19,832      13,319      12,157       8,562
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before extraordinary item and cumulative effect of
   accounting change                                         11,535      25,124     27,050      22,265      20,065      14,508
Extraordinary loss due to early retirement of debt
   (net of $185 tax benefit)                                   (295)         --         --          --          --          --
Extraordinary loss due to redemption of convertible
   debentures (net of $257 tax benefit)                          --          --         --          --          --        (433)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes       --          --     10,126          --          --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                 $ 11,240    $ 25,124   $ 37,176    $ 22,265    $ 20,065    $ 14,075
Cash flow from operations (in thousands)                   $ 55,861    $ 66,613   $ 70,199    $ 49,730    $ 34,986    $ 36,495
Return on equity                                               5.78%      12.35%     14.66%/(1)/ 14.53%      14.75%      11.66%
Gross profit margin                                           20.37%      30.60%     32.92%      31.97%      30.89%      28.72%
Net profit margin                                              7.34%      14.76%     15.47%/(1)/ 15.48%      14.71%      12.02%
Earnings per share before extraordinary item and
   cumulative effect of accounting change                      $.46        $.98      $1.05        $.87        $.78        $.57
Earnings per share                                             $.45        $.98      $1.44        $.87        $.78        $.56
Cash dividends declared and paid per share                     $.24        $.24       $.22        $.20        $.19        $.19
Book value per share                                          $7.87       $7.92      $7.18       $5.97       $5.30       $4.70
Market price at year-end                                     $12.75      $14.88     $18.00      $12.96      $10.50      $10.42
Number of shareholders of record at year-end                  2,759       2,875      3,005       2,930       2,989       3,136
Average shares outstanding                               25,130,781  25,684,110 25,684,110  25,683,963  25,678,011  25,270,674
CAPITALIZATION (in thousands)
Long-term debt, including current portion                  $210,828    $142,300   $127,000    $143,335    $134,104    $125,535
Common shareholders' equity                                 194,504     203,456    184,530     153,233     136,041     120,709
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total capitalization                                       $405,332    $345,756   $311,530    $296,568    $270,145    $246,244
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                               $569,093    $486,074   $445,454    $427,175    $392,208    $366,313
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalization ratios:
   Debt (excluding current portion)                           51.65%      40.10%     40.19%      48.31%      49.08%      50.39%
   Equity                                                     48.35%      59.90%     59.81%      51.69%      50.92%      49.61%
Exploration and production                                    $82.2       $55.4      $37.4       $30.8       $30.3       $23.4
Gas distribution                                               18.5        17.6       19.9        12.2         7.9         9.3
Other                                                            .9         3.9        1.9         1.9          .7          .7
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             $101.6       $76.9      $59.2       $44.9       $38.9       $33.4

/(1)/Before the cumulative effect of accounting change.
/(2)/All share and per share data have been restated to reflect the effect of a
     three-for-one stock split distributed in 1993.


                                                                     1995       1994        1993        1992       1991     1990
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natural Gas and Oil Wells Completed
   Gross                                                             70.0       78.0        57.0        69.0       25.0     25.0
   Net                                                               43.8       50.2        40.7        54.6       11.8      9.1
Dry holes:
   Gross                                                             39.0       30.0        28.0        29.0       12.0     10.0
   Net                                                               26.5       16.5        14.5        19.5        4.1      2.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Gross                                                            109.0      108.0        85.0        98.0       37.0     35.0
   Net                                                               70.3       66.7        55.2        74.1       15.9     11.2
At the end of 1995,  the Company was a  participant  in 17.0 (12.4 net) wells in process.

Natural Gas and Oil Produced
Natural gas:
   Production, Bcf                                                   34.5       37.7        35.7        25.8       20.3     16.7
   Average price per Mcf                                            $1.72      $2.04       $2.18       $2.26      $2.25    $2.33
   Production, MBbls                                                  229        200          97         120        176      112
   Average price per barrel                                        $17.15     $15.89      $17.20      $19.75     $20.67   $22.89
Average production (lifting) cost per Mcf equivalent                 $.22       $.17        $.18        $.16       $.19     $.16
Proved reserves at year-end:
   Natural gas, Bcf                                                 294.9      316.1       318.8       312.3      307.5    304.5
   Oil, MBbls                                                       2,152      1,231         479         359        505      773
Utility Operating Data
Sales volumes, Bcf:
   Residential                                                       12.1       11.6        12.9        10.8       10.9     10.1
   Commercial                                                         7.6        7.2         7.8         6.6        6.7      6.3
   Industrial                                                         7.7        7.5         6.1         6.1        9.5     10.2
Transportation volumes, Bcf:
   End-use                                                            5.2        4.8         5.6         5.2        1.3       .1
   Off-system                                                         9.8       10.7        11.7         2.5         .2       .3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     42.4       41.8        44.1        31.2       28.6     27.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average sales customers:
   Residential                                                    144,828    140,684     137,087     133,103    129,379  127,142
   Commercial                                                      19,502     18,872      18,511      18,141     17,880   17,680
   Industrial                                                         342        341         346         348        370      366
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                  164,672    159,897     155,944     151,592    147,629  145,188
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales and transportation revenues (in thousands):
   Residential                                                   $ 59,523   $ 62,565    $ 67,502    $ 59,747   $ 58,372 $ 48,407
   Commercial                                                      31,018     32,252      35,311      31,425     30,718   27,535
   Industrial                                                      22,466     25,191      21,757      20,502     29,187   30,463
   Transportation                                                   4,964      4,721       5,177       3,597        857      179
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 $117,971   $124,729    $129,747    $115,271   $119,134 $106,584
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miles of pipe:
   Gathering                                                         434         405         398         383        375      371
   Transmission                                                    1,348       1,346       1,335       1,328      1,326    1,326
   Distribution                                                    4,451       4,246       4,160       4,090      4,002    3,931
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   6,233       5,997       5,893       5,801      5,703    5,628
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Degree days                                                        4,376       4,161       4,929       4,104      4,095    3,972
Percent of normal                                                     99%         95%        113%         92%        93%      90%


Shareholder Information


The Annual Meeting of Shareholders  of Southwestern  Energy Company will be held
at the Northwest  Arkansas Holiday Inn in Springdale,  Arkansas,  on Monday, May
13, 1996, at 11:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time.


Southwestern  Energy  Company's  common  stock is traded  on the New York  Stock
Exchange under the symbol SWN and is listed in alphabetical  quotation  listings
in most major newspapers as SowestEngy.


Arthur Andersen LLP
6450 South Lewis
Suite 300
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136-1068


Financial analysts and investors who need additional  information should contact
Stanley D. Green, Executive Vice President-Finance and Corporate Development, at
corporate headquarters, 501-521-1141.


First Chicago Trust Company of New York
525 Washington Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07310
Phone 1-800-446-2617


Southwestern  Energy  Company  offers  holders of record of its common stock the
opportunity  to purchase  additional  shares  through its Dividend  Reinvestment
Plan.  Dividends and/or optional cash investments of up to $1,000 monthly may be
used to purchase  additional  shares of the Company's  stock for nominal service
and  broker's   fees.   Information   about  the  Plan  is  available  from  the

First Chicago Trust Company of New York
P.O. Box 2598
Jersey City, NJ 07303-2598
Phone 1-800-446-2617


This annual  report and the  statements  contained  herein are submitted for the
general  information  of  shareholders  of the Company  and are not  intended to
induce any sale or purchase of securities or to be used in connection therewith.

The 1995 Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form
10-K is available to  shareholders  upon request by writing to the  Secretary at
corporate headquarters.


                               Range of Market Prices                 Cash Dividends Paid
                            -----------------------------             -------------------  
                           1995                       1994              1995       1994
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                           
                    High          Low           High          Low
March 31           $15.13        $11.75        $18.88        $15.13      $.06       $.06
June 30            $15.50        $13.63        $17.75        $15.50      $.06       $.06
September 30       $14.25        $12.00        $17.88        $15.50      $.06       $.06
December 31        $14.25        $12.25        $17.75        $14.00      $.06       $.06

Market prices represent transactions on the New York Stock Exchange.


Southwestern Energy Company and Subsidiaries

Description of Exploration & Production Operating Areas:

Southwestern  conducts its exploration and production  efforts primarily in four
areas;  the Arkoma Basin,  the Anadarko Basin,  the Gulf Coast, and the Delaware
Basin of New  Mexico.  The Arkoma  Basin is located  in the  central  section of
western  Arkansas and the central  section of eastern  Oklahoma.  Southwestern's
activities are concentrated in the historically  productive  Arkansas section of
the Arkoma Basin. The Anadarko Basin covers most of the western part of Oklahoma
and  extends  to the  northwest  into the  northern  panhandle  of Texas and the
panhandle area of Oklahoma.  Southwestern's  Gulf Coast operations  include both
onshore and offshore  activity  along both the Texas and Louisiana  coasts.  The
Delaware  Basin is located in the southeast  corner of New Mexico and extends to
the south into western Texas.

Description of Gas Distribution Operating Areas:

Arkansas  Western Gas  Company's  (AWG)  northwest  Arkansas gas utility  system
gathers its gas supply from the Arkoma Basin where it also provides distribution
service  to  communities  in  that  area,  including  the  towns  of  Ozark  and
Clarksville.  AWG's  transmission and distribution lines extend north and supply
communities  in the  northwest  part  of  the  state,  including  the  towns  of
Fayetteville,  Springdale,  and Rogers.  AWG's service area also extends east to
the  Harrison and Mountain  Home areas.  This eastern  section of the AWG system
receives  a  portion  of its gas  supply  from a  lateral  line off of the NOARK
Pipeline  System (NOARK) as discussed  below.  Through its division,  Associated
Natural Gas Company  (Associated),  AWG provides  distribution of natural gas to
communities  in  northeast  Arkansas and parts of  Missouri.  Major  communities
served in northeast  Arkansas include  Blytheville,  Piggott,  and Osceola.  The
Associated  distribution  system also serves the  "bootheel"  area in  southeast
Missouri,  including the communities of Sikeston, New Madrid, and Caruthersville
and extends north to the Jackson area. In addition,  Associated provides service
to Butler,  Missouri, near the state's western border and Kirksville,  Missouri,
near the state's northern border through connections off of interstate pipelines
in those areas.

Description of NOARK Pipeline System Operating Area:

Southwestern Energy Pipeline Company owns a 47.93% general partnership  interest
in NOARK, a 258-mile intrastate pipeline that ties the Claimant's  gathering and
transmission  pipeline systems in northwest Arkansas to its distribution systems
in northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri.  NOARK starts near Forth Smith, at
the Fort Chaffee military reservation, and extends east through the Arkoma Basin
and across northern Arkansas. A lateral from NOARK extends north and connects to
AWG's  distribution  line  in  the  Mountain  Home  area.  NOARK  crosses  three
interstate  pipelines in northeast Arkansas and ends at an interconnection  with
Arkansas  Western  Pipeline   Company's  8-mile   interstate   pipeline  at  the
Arkansas/Missouri   border.   This  pipeline   transports   gas  from  NOARK  to
Associated's distribution system.

Operating Properties:

                                             Undeveloped              Developed                  Wells  
                                         Gross          Net       Gross         Net        Gross        Net
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arkansas                                 175,335     84,566      298,523      138,425        761      395.3
Louisiana                                 37,485     21,880       12,890        4,060         34       19.6
Oklahoma                                  21,799     15,601       51,551       27,494        471      245.5
Texas                                     31,517     15,416       48,687       11,887         39        8.2
New Mexico                                17,200      8,967        1,000          161          5        1.6
Other areas                               10,154      8,564        4,018          964         11        3.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         293,490    154,994      416,669      182,991      1,321      673.2

                                          AWG                         Associated                      Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gathering                                 434                                 --                        434
Transmission                              745                                603                      1,348
Distribution                            2,867                              1,584                      4,451
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        4,046                              2,187                      6,233