CREDIT AND TERM LOAN AGREEMENT

      THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT AND WAIVER (this "Amendment"), dated as of March
 30, 1996, by and between Arrow Automotive Industries, Inc. (the "Borrower")
 and The First National Bank of Boston (the "Bank") as parties to a certain
 Revolving Credit and Term Loan Agreement, dated as of December 29, 1993, as
 amended by the First Amendment to Revolving Credit and Term Loan Agreement,
 dated as of March 24, 1995, the Second Amendment to Revolving Credit and Term
 Loan Agreement, dated as of June 24, 1995, and the Third Amendment to
 Revolving Credit and Term Loan Agreement, dated as of December 30, 1995, (the
 "Credit Agreement").  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall
 have the same meanings ascribed thereto in the Credit Agreement.

      WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested the Bank to make certain amendments
 to the Credit Agreement;

      WHEREAS, the Borrower has informed the Bank that for the fiscal quarter
 ended March 30, 1996, the Borrower has failed to comply with the financial
 covenant set forth in Section 11.2 of the Credit Agreement and has requested
 that the Bank waive to the limited extent necessary to permit such non-
 compliance as of March 30, 1996, the provisions of Section 11.2 of the Credit
 Agreement; and

      WHEREAS, the Bank is willing to make such amendments to, and grant such
 waiver of, the Credit Agreement subject to the terms and conditions set forth

      NOW THEREFORE, the Borrower and the Bank hereby covenant and agree as

      1.    AMENDMENT TO CREDIT AGREEMENT.  The Credit Agreement is hereby
 amended by:

      (a)   The definition of Borrowing Base contained in Section 1.1 of the
 Credit Agreement is amended by deleting the percentage "55%" contained in
 clause (d) of such definition and substituting the percentage "50%" therefor.

      (b)   The definition of Revolving Credit Loan Maturity Date is amended by
 deleting the date "January 31, 1997" contained in such definition and
 substituting the date "June 30, 1997" therefor.


      (c)   Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is further amended by adding
 the following new definitions in the appropriate alphabetical order:

                  Adjustment Date.  The first day of the fiscal quarter
            immediately following the fiscal quarter in which a
            certificate of compliance is to be delivered by the Borrower
            pursuant to Section 9.4(d).

                  Applicable Margin.  For each period commencing on an
            Adjustment Date through the date immediately preceding the
            next Adjustment Date (each a "Rate Adjustment Period"), the
            Applicable Margin shall be the applicable margin set forth
            below with respect to the Borrower's Debt Service coverage
            ratio, as determined for the fiscal quarter specified in
            the certificate of

            compliance delivered by the Borrower
            during the fiscal quarter immediately preceding the
            applicable Rate Adjustment Period.

                                      Term      Revolving
      Debt Service      Revolving     Base      Credit/     Term
      (Coverage See     Credit/Base    Rate     Eurodollar  Eurodollar

   I  Less than or
      equal to                                  Not         Not
      0.75:1.00         2.0%          2.25%     Available   Available

  II  Greater than or
      equal to
      0.76:1.00 but
      less than                                 Not         Not
      1.00:1.00         1.0%          1.25%     Available   Available

 III  Greater than or
      equal to
      1.01:1.00 but
      less than                                 Not         Not
      1.25:1.00         0.5%          0.75%     Available   Available

  IV  Greater than or
      equal to
      1.26:1.00 but
      less than
      1.50:1.00         0.0%          0.25%       2.5%        2.75%

   V  Greater than or
      equal to
      1.50:1.00         0.0%          0.25%       2.0%        2.25%


                        Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) for Loans
            outstanding during the period commencing on May 13, 1996
            through the date immediately preceding the first Adjustment
            Date to occur after the such date, the Applicable Margin
            shall be as set forth in Level II above, and (b) if the
            Borrower fails to deliver any certificate of compliance when
            required by Section 9.4(d) hereof then, for the period
            commencing on the next Adjustment Date to occur subsequent
            to such failure through the date immediately following the
            date on which such certificate of compliance is delivered,
            the Applicable Margin shall be the highest Applicable Margin
            set forth above.

      (d)   Effective as of May 13, 1996, clauses (a) and (b) of Section 2.5 of
 the Credit Agreement are amended by deleting such clauses and restating them
 in their entirety as follows:

                  (a)   Each Base Rate Loan shall bear interest for the
            period commencing with the Drawdown Date thereof and ending
            on the last day of the interest period with respect thereto
            at the rate per annum equal to the Base Rate PLUS the
            Applicable Margin;

                  (b)   Each Eurodollar Rate Loan shall bear interest
            for the period commencing with the Drawdown Date thereof
            and ending on the last day of the Interest Period with
            respect thereto at the rate per annum equal to the
            Eurodollar Rate PLUS the Applicable Margin;

      (e)   Effective as of May 13, 1996, clauses (a) and (b) of Section 4.5 of
 the Credit Agreement are amended by deleting such clauses and restating them
 in their entirety as follows:

                  (a)   To the extent that all or any portion of the
            Term Loan bears interest during such Interest Period at
            the Base Rate, the Term Loan or such portion shall bear
            interest during such Interest Period at the rate per
            annum equal to the Base Rate PLUS the Applicable Margin;

                  (b)   To the extent that all or any portion of the
            Term Loan bears interest during such Interest Period at
            the Eurodollar Rate, the Term Loan or

            such portion shall
            bear interest during such Interest Period at the rate
            per annum equal to the Eurodollar Rate PLUS the Applicable

      (f)   Clause (g) of Section 9.4 of the Credit Agreement is amended by
 adding the following words at the end of such clause (g):


            and within seven (7) days after the end of each two (2)
            week period (the first such period commencing on June
            10, 1996) or, after the occurrence and during the
            continuance of a Default or an Event of Default at such
            earlier time as the Bank may reasonably request, an
            Accounts Receivable and sales report substantially in the
            form set forth in the Borrowing Base Report with respect
            thereto setting forth an accounting of Accounts Receivable
            and sales at the end of such two (2) week period or other
            date as requested by the Bank during the continuance of a
            Default or Event of Default.

      (g)   Section 11.1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting such
 Section 11.1 and restating it in its entirety as follows:

            Section 11.1 Capital Expenditures.  The Borrower will not
            make Capital Expenditures that exceed in the aggregate,
            (a) $125,000 during the fiscal quarter ending on June 29,
            1996, and (b) $500,000 during any fiscal year thereafter.

      (h)   Section 11.2 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting such
 Section 11.2 and restating it in its entirety as follows:

            Section 11.2 Debt Service.  The Borrower will not permit,
            as at the end of each fiscal period described in the table
            set forth below, the ratio of (a) the sum of (i) Net
            Income, plus (ii) Total Interest Expense, plus (iii)
            depreciation, plus (iv) amortization to (b) Total Debt
            Service to be less than the ratio set forth opposite such
            period in such table:

                  FISCAL PERIOD                             RATIO

                  Q4, 1996                                  0.8:1.0
                  3 month period:   Q1, 1997                1.2:1.0
                  6 month period:   Q1, 1997 through
                    Q2, 1997                                1.2:1.0
                  9 month period:   Q1, 1997 through
                    Q3, 1997                                1.2:1.0
                  12 month period:  Q1, 1997 through
                    Q4, 1997                                1.2:1.0
                  Each period of four consecutive
                    fiscal quarters thereafter,
                    commencing with the four
                    consecutive fiscal quarters
                    ending on the last day of
                    Q1, 1998                                1.2:1.0


      2.    BORROWING BASE REPORT.  Notwithstanding Section 9.4(g) as amended
 by this Amendment, if the Borrower determines that for any two (2) week period
 described in Section 9.4(g) as amended by this Amendment (the "Non-Compliance
 Period") it can not deliver an Accounts Receivable and sales report, failure
 to deliver such Accounts Receivable and sales report for such period shall not
 constitute a Default or Event of Default under Section 9.4 so long as during
 the Non-Compliance Period the Borrower maintains excess availability under the
 Borrowing Base of $1,500,000 as set forth in the monthly Borrowing Base Report
 delivered pursuant to Section 9.4 of the Credit Agreement.

      3.    WAIVER.  The Bank hereby waives the provisions of Section 11.2 of
 the Credit Agreement solely to the extent necessary to permit non-compliance
 with such Section 11.2, and only for the fiscal quarter ended March 30, 1996.

      4.    CONDITIONS TO EFFECTIVENESS.  This Amendment shall be effective as
 of March 30, 1996, upon satisfaction of the following conditions:

            (a)   This Amendment shall have been duly and properly executed and
 delivered to the Bank by the Borrower;

            (b)   All corporate action necessary for the valid execution,
 delivery and performance by the Borrower of this Amendment and the Credit
 Agreement as amended hereby shall have been duly and effectively taken, and
 evidence thereof satisfactory to the Bank shall have been provided to the
 Bank; and

            (c)   The Borrower shall have paid to the Bank an amendment fee of

      5.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  The Borrower, hereby represents
 and warrants to the Bank as follows:

 representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Credit
 Agreement (i) were true and correct in all material respects when made, and
 (ii) except to the extent such representations and warranties by their terms
 are made solely as of a prior date, continue to be true and correct in all
 material respects on the date hereof.

            (b)   RATIFICATION, ETC.  Except as expressly provided by this
 Amendment, the Credit Agreement and all documents, instruments and agreements
 related thereto, including, but not limited to the Security Documents, are
 hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects and shall continue in full force
 and effect.  The Credit Agreement and this Amendment shall be read and
 construed as a single agreement.  All references in the Credit Agreement or
 any related agreement or instrument to the Credit Agreement shall hereafter
 refer to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby.

            (c)   AUTHORITY, ETC.  The execution and delivery by the Borrower
 of this Amendment and the performance by the Borrower of all of its agreements
 and obligations under the Credit Agreement as amended hereby are within the
 corporate authority of the Borrower and have been duly authorized by all
 necessary corporate action on the part of the Borrower.

            (d)   ENFORCEABILITY OF OBLIGATIONS.  This Amendment and the Credit
 Agreement as amended hereby constitute the legal, valid and binding
 obligations of the Borrower, enforceable against the Borrower in accordance
 with their terms.

            (e)   NO DEFAULT.  After giving effect to this Amendment, no
 Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.

      6.    NO OTHER AMENDMENTS OR WAIVERS.  Except as expressly provided in
 this Amendment, all of the terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement and
 the other Loan Documents remain in full force and effect.

      7.    EXPENSES.  Pursuant to Section 16 of the Credit Agreement, all
 costs and expenses incurred or sustained by the Bank in connection with this
 Amendment, including the fees and disbursements of

 legal counsel for the Bank
 in producing, reproducing and negotiating the Amendment, will be for the
 account of the Borrower whether or not the transactions contemplated by this
 Amendment are consummated.

      8.    EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS.  This Amendment may be executed in any
 number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but which
 together shall constitute one instrument.

 LAW).  The captions in this Amendment are for the convenience of reference
 only and shall not define or limit the provisions hereof.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Amendment
 under seal as of the date first set forth above.

                        ARROW AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES, INC.

                        By:  /S/ JAMES F. FAGAN
                              Name:  James F. Fagan
                              Title:  Executive Vice President

                        THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON

                        By:  /S/ MATT A. ROSS, VP
                                 Matthew A. Ross, Vice President