Exhibit 14

                           Art's-Way Manufacturing Co.
                                  Code of Ethics


   This Code of Ethics ("Code") is a general policy statement, the intention
of which is to promote the highest standards of integrity, professional
responsibility and ethical behavior for the employees, officers and directors
of the Company in any and all circumstances.


   Integrity is an element of character that shapes an individual's behavior.
A person of integrity will be honest and candid. A person of integrity will
choose a course of action that is right and just, even in the absence of
specific rules, standards or guidance, and will not sacrifice those
overriding objectives for his or her own personal gain or advantage.
Integrity can accommodate the inadvertent error and the honest difference
of opinion; it cannot accommodate deceit or subordination of principal.

   All employees, officers and directors of the Company are expected
to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the highest standards
of integrity.

Professional Responsibility

   The management and board of directors are the custodians of shareholder
value, and have a fiduciary obligation to the stockholders in all matters
related to Company business. Employees, officers and directors must be
mindful of that responsibility as they carry on the business of the
Company and make every reasonable and legitimate attempt to grow
stockholder value.

   Execution of these responsibilities requires full, fair, accurate and
timely disclosure in reports and documents that the Company files with,
or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory
bodies and in other public communications made by the Company in accordance
with the Company's Disclosure Policy.

Conflicts of Interest

   A conflict of interest arises when an individual has control over
business activities or processes and can influence, or apparently influence,
such activities so as to generate personal gain or advantage. Employees,
officers and directors of the Company must promptly and fully disclose
any such conflicts that may arise.


   Financial data must be recorded, accumulated and reported as accurately
as possible, and without prejudice of any kind. Employees, officers and
directors must not attempt to shape financial outcomes of the Company
activity in any manner. Specifically, employees, officers and directors:

Must not knowingly make, permit or direct another to make,
     materially false and misleading entries in the Company's
     records of financial statements;

Must not knowingly omit, permit or direct another to omit
     material entries from the Company's records or financial
     statements required to prevent them from being materially misleading;

Must not knowingly fail to correct the Company's records or
     financial statements that are materially false and misleading
     when he or she has the authority to record an entry;

Must not knowingly sign, permit or direct another to sign, a
     document containing materially false and misleading information.


   Every employee, officer and director is accountable for adherence to
this Code, and may communicate openly with the President, John C. Breitung,
regarding any violation or suspected violation of this Code. A violation
or suspected violation of the Code by the President should be reported to
any member of the audit committee of the board of directors. The audit
committee members will investigate any such complaints brought to its
attention under authority outlined in the Audit Committee Charter.
The audit committee members are:

David R. Castle, Chairman
Douglas McClellan
James L. Koley

   A violation or suspected violation of this Code by a member of the
audit committee should be reported to the Company's Outside Counsel:

Stephen E. Gehring, Partner
	Cline, Williams, Wright, Johnson & Oldfather, L.L.P.
        One Pacific Place
        1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 320
        Omaha, Nebraska  68124-1090
	(402) 397-1700

   The Company's Outside Counsel will, at an appropriate time and at
his sole discretion, disclose the violation or suspected violation to
a member of the independent audit team.

McGladry & Pullen, LLP
		400 Locust Street, Suite 640
		Des Moines, IA 50309