WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                1998 FORM 10-K/A

                ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 or 15(d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998 Commission File Number: 1-14066

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   Delaware                            13-3849074
         (State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer
         incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

                    180 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y.            10038
               (Address of principal executive offices) (zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212) 510-2000

       Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                      Name of each exchange
                   Title of each class                on which registered
         Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share     New York Stock Exchange
                                                        Lima Stock Exchange

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                 Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best knowledge of the registrant,  in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment of this
Form 10-K.[]

As of February 26, 1999, there were of record 13,962,062 shares of Common Stock,
par value $0.01 per share,  outstanding,  and the aggregate  market value of the
shares of Common Stock (based upon the closing price on such date as reported on
the New York Stock  Exchange - Composite  Transactions)  of Southern Peru Copper
Corporation  held by nonaffiliates  was  approximately  $138 million.  As of the
above date, there were also 65,900,833 shares of Class A Common Stock, par value
$0.01  per  share,  outstanding.  Class  A  Common  Stock  is  convertible  on a
one-to-one basis into Common Stock.

Part III:  Proxy  statement in connection  with the Annual Meeting to be held on
April 29, 1999. Part IV: Exhibit index is on page B1 through B3.

                        Southern Peru Copper Corporation

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                December 31, 1998



FORM 10-K/A                                              i

ITEM 14                                                 ii

EXHIBIT INDEX                                          B1-B3

FORM 11-K                                             B41-B60

                Southern Peru Copper Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                December 31, 1998

The undersigned  registrant hereby amends the 1998 Annual Report on Form 10-K as
set  forth  in the  pages  attached  hereto  to add the  information,  financial
statements and exhibits  required by Form 11-K filed with respect to the Savings
Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation and Participating Subsidiaries pursuant
to Rule 15d-21.

The following item has been refiled to reflect such amendments:

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statements Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K.

     The Exhibit  Index has been  amended and is refiled  herewith to include as
Exhibit 99 the report on Form 11-K  relating  to the Savings  Plan for  Salaried
Employees of Southern Peru Copper  Corporation and  Participating  Subsidiaries,
which is filed herewith.

     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  amendment  to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    Southern Peru Copper Corporation

                                    By  /s/  Thomas. J. Findley, Jr.
                                             Thomas. J. Findley, Jr.
                                             Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

Date: June 28, 1999


                                     PART IV



                        Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                  Exhibit Index
Exhibit                                                                  Page
Number                        Document Description                      Number

 3.   Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws

3.1  Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation,  filed December 29,
     (Filed as Exhibit 3.1 to the Company's 1995  Annual  Report
     on Form 10-K and incorporated herein by reference)

3.2  Certificate of Decrease,  filed February 29, 1996
     (Filed as Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's 1995 Annual Report
     on Form 10-K and  incorporated herein by reference)

3.3  Certificate of Increase, filed February 29, 1996
     (Filed as Exhibit 3.3 to the Company's 1995 Annual Report
     on Form 10-K and incorporated herein by reference)

3.4  Certificate of Decrease, filed March 24, 1997
     (Filed as Exhibit 3.6 to the Company's Quarterly Report
     on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997 and
     incorporated herein by reference)

3.5  Certificate of Increase, filed March 24, 1997
     (Filed as Exhibit 3.5 to the Company's Quarterly Report
     on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997 and
     incorporated herein by reference)

3.6  By-Laws, as last amended on February 3, 1998

4.   Instruments Defining Rights of Security Holders

4.1  Indenture,  dated as of May 30, 1997, among Southern Peru
     Limited, Southern Peru Copper Corporation, as guarantor,
     and Citibank, N.A., as Trustee
     (Filed as Exhibit 4.1(a) to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, as amended by Amendment No.1
     thereto, File No. 333-34505, and incorporated herein by

4.2  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of May 30, 1997, among
     Southern Peru Limited, Southern Peru Copper Corporation,
     as guarantor, and Citibank, N.A., as Trustee
     (Filed as Exhibit 4.1(b) to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, as amended by Amendment No.1
     thereto, File No. 333-34305, and incorporated herein by

4.3  Form of Amended and Restated  Collateral Trust  Agreement,
     dated as of July 15, 1997, between Southern Peru Limited
     and Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch, as collateral
     (Filed as Exhibit 4.1(c) to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, as amended by Amendment No.1
     thereto, File No. 333-34305, and incorporated herein by


                        Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                  Exhibit Index
Exhibit                                                                   Page
Number                        Document Description                       Number

4.4  Form of Series  A-1  Secured  Export  Notes due 2007
     (Filed as Exhibit 4.1(d) to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, as amended by Amendment No. 1
     thereto, File No. 333-34305, and incorporated herein
     by reference)

4.5  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 15, 1998
     among Southern Peru Limited, Southern Peru Copper
     Corporation as guarantor, and Citibank, N.A., as Trustee             B7-B12

4.6  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 22, 1998
     between Southern Peru Copper Corporation and Citibank,
     N.A. as Trustee                                                     B13-B17

10.  Material Contracts

10.1 Form of Agreement Among Certain Stockholders of the
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, as amended by Amendments No. 1
     and 2 thereto, File No 33-97790 (the "Form S-4"), and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.2 Tax Stability Agreement, dated August 8, 1994, between
     the  Government  of Peru and the Company  regarding  SX/EW
     facility (and English  translation)
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's Form S-4 and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.3 Incentive  Compensation Plan of the Company
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's Form S-4 and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.4 Supplemental Retirement Plan of the Company, as amended
     and restated as of April 30, 1998                                   B18-B23

10.5 Stock  Incentive Plan of the Company
     (Filed as an Exhibit to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-8 dated March 25, 1996 (Registration
     No.333-2736) and incorporated herein by reference)

10.6 Form of Directors Stock Award Plan of the Company
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.16 to the Company's Form S-4 and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.7 Deferred Fee Plan for Directors, as amended and restated            B24-B29
     as of April 30, 1998

10.8 Form of Agreement  Accepting  Membership  in the Plan,
     containing  text of Retirement Plan and Trust for Selected
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.17 to the Company's Form S-4 and
     incorporated herein by reference)


                        Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                  Exhibit Index
Exhibit                                                                   Page
Number                        Document Description                       Number

10.9 Compensation Deferral Plan, as amended and restated                 B30-B36
     as of April 30, 1998

10.10Credit  Agreement  dated as of  March  31,  1997  among
     Southern  Peru Limited, as Borrower, Southern Peru Copper
     Corporation, as Guarantor, the several banks and other
     financial institutions from time to time parties to the
     Credit  Agreement,  Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New
     York, as Administrative Agent, The Chase Manhattan Bank,
     as Documentation Agent,  Citicorp Securities,  Inc., as
     Syndication Agent, and Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch,
     as Security and Collateral Agent
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, File No. 333-3405, and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.11First Amendment to the Credit Agreement, dated July 14,
     (Filed as Exhibit 10.10 to the Company's Registration
     Statement on Form S-4, File No. 333-34305, and
     incorporated herein by reference)

10.12Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated as of December
     30, 1998, between Southern Peru Copper Corporation,
     a Delaware Corporation, and Southern Peru Limited                   B37-B38

10.13Consulting Agreement between the Company and Mr. C. G.
     Preble dated March 18, 1999                                         B39-B40

11.  Statement re Computation of Earnings per Share                      B4

21.1 Subsidiaries of the Company                                         B5

23.1 Consent of Independent Accountants                                  B6

99.  Report on Form 11-K relating to the Savings Plan of Southern
     Peru Copper Corporation and Participating Subsidiaries             B41-B60

Copies of exhibits may be acquired upon written request to the Treasurer and the
payment of processing and mailing costs.



                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998


                           Commission File No. 1-14066

                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         and Participating Subsidiaries

                        Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                 180 Maiden Lane
                            New York, New York 10038


                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         and Participating Subsidiaries

                       Financial Statements and Schedules

                        as of December 31, 1998 and 1997
                    and for the year ended December 31, 1998
                  and the seven months ended December 31, 1997


                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         and Participating Subsidiaries



Report of Independent Accountants                                         B44

Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits,
 with Fund Information as of December 31, 1998                            B45

Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits,
 with Fund Information as of December 31, 1997                            B46

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits,
 with Fund Information for the year ended December
 31, 1998                                                                 B47

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits,
 with Fund Information for the seven months ended December
 31, 1997                                                                 B48

Notes to Financial Statements                                            B49-B55

Supplemental Schedules:
  Form 5500 Item 27a*-Schedule of Assets Held
   for Investment Purposes as of December 31, 1998                        B56

  Form 5500 Item 27a**-Schedule of Assets Held
   for Investment Purposes as of December 31, 1997                        B57

  Form 5500 Line 27d*-Schedule of Reportable
   Transactions for the year ended December 31, 1998                      B58

  Form 5500 Line 27d**-Schedule of Reportable
   Transactions for the seven months ended December 31, 1997              B59

Consent of Independent Accountants                                        B60

   *   Refers to item number in Form 5500 ("Annual  Return/Report  of Employee
       Benefit  Plan")  filed with the  Department  of Labor for the plan year
       ended December 31, 1998.

   **  Refers to item  number in Form 5500  ("Annual  Return/Report  of Employee
       Benefit  Plan")  filed with the  Department  of Labor for the plan period
       ended December 31, 1997.


                        Report of Independent Accountants


To the Participants and Administrative Committee of the Savings Plan of Southern
Peru Copper Corporation and Participating Subsidiaries

In our  opinion,  the  accompanying  statements  of  net  assets  available  for
benefits,  with fund  information  and the related  statements of changes in net
assets  available for benefits,  with fund  information  present fairly,  in all
material  respects,  the net assets  available  for  benefits of Savings Plan of
Southern Peru Copper Corporation and Participating  Subsidiaries (the "Plan") at
December 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 and the changes in net assets  available
for  benefits  for the year ended  December  31, 1998 and the seven months ended
December 31, 1997 in conformity with generally accepted  accounting  principles.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management;  our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.  We conducted  our audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

Our audits  were  conducted  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of Assets Held
for  Investment  Purposes and  Reportable  Transactions  are  presented  for the
purpose  of  additional  analysis  and are  not a  required  part  of the  basic
financial   statements  but  are  supplementary   information  required  by  the
Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The fund information in the
statements of net assets  available for benefits and the statement of changes in
net assets  available  for  benefits is  presented  for  purposes of  additional
analysis  rather than to present the net assets  available for plan benefits and
changes in net assets  available for benefits of each fund.  These  supplemental
schedules and fund information are the  responsibility of the Plan's management.
The  supplemental  schedules  and fund  information  have been  subjected to the
auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and,
in our opinion,  are fairly  stated in all material  respects in relation to the
basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                                    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

New York, New York

June 28, 1999


                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         and Participating Subsidiaries
      Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits, with Fund Information
                             as of December 31, 1998

                                                                               Participant Directed
                                                                                          Vanguard          Vanguard
                                             Vanguard       Vanguard        SPCC        Money Market    Short Term U.S. Vanguard
                                          Index Trust    International     Common      Reserves Prime    Treasury Bond  Wellington

                                          500 Portfolio    Growth Fund    Stock Fund      Portfolio         Portfolio     Fund
                                          -------------    -----------    ----------      ---------         ---------     ----

Investments, at fair value:
 SPCC Common Stock (cost $197,960) ......        --           --      $   13,570            --               --           --
 Registered investment companies: .......        --           --            --              --               --           --
   Vanguard Money Market Reserves Prime .        --           --            --              --               --           --
    Portfolio (cost approximates market)         --           --           1,047      $  230,938             --           --
   Vanguard Index Trust 500 Portfolio ...        --           --            --              --               --           --
    (cost $590,774) .....................  $  705,439         --            --              --               --           --
   Vanguard International Growth Fund ...        --           --            --              --               --           --
    (cost $161,067) .....................        --        176,739          --              --               --           --
   Vanguard Short Term U.S. Treasury ....        --           --            --              --               --           --
    Bond Portfolio (cost $45,019) .......        --           --            --              --         $   45,423         --
   Vanguard Wellington Fund (cost .......        --           --            --              --               --           --
    $411,966)                                                                                                            $401,763
   Vanguard Index Extended Market Fund ..        --           --            --              --               --           --
    (cost $189,132) .....................        --           --            --              --               --           --
   Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund (cost ......        --           --            --              --               --           --
   Vanguard Windsor II Fund (cost .......        --           --            --              --               --           --
   Vanguard Bond Index Fund (cost .......        --           --            --              --               --           --
 Loans to Participants ..................     ______      ______         ______          ______            ______       ______

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN BENEFITS ..  $  705,439   $  176,739    $   14,617      $  230,938       $   45,423   $  401,763

                                                                        Participant Directed                  Participant
                                                  Index     Vanguard U.S.    Vanguard     Vanguard                SPCC
                                                 Extended       Growth      Windsor II   Bond Index   Loan     Common Stock
                                                 Market Fund       Fund          Fund         Fund       Fund      Fund      Total
                                               -----------       ----          ----         ----       ----         ----      ----
Investments, at fair value:                  -
 SPCC Common Stock (cost $197,960) ........         --           --           --           --          --        $122,620  $136,190
 Registered investment companies: .........         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
   Vanguard Money Market Reserves Prime ...         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    Portfolio (cost approximates market) ..         --           --           --           --          --           9,459   241,444
   Vanguard Index Trust 500 Portfolio .....         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    (cost $590,774) .......................         --           --           --           --          --            --     705,439
   Vanguard International Growth Fund .....         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    (cost $161,067) .......................         --           --           --           --          --            --     176,739
   Vanguard Short Term U.S. Treasury ......         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    Bond Portfolio (cost $45,019) .........         --           --           --           --          --            --      45,423
   Vanguard Wellington Fund (cost .........         --           --           --           --          --
    $411,966)                                       --           --           --           --          --            --     401,763
   Vanguard Index Extended Market Fund ....         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    (cost $189,132) .......................   $  190,879         --           --           --          --            --     190,879
   Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund (cost ........         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    $458,809)                                       --        $552,261        --           --          --            --     552,261
   Vanguard Windsor II Fund (cost .........         --           --           --           --          --            --          --
    $631,032)                                       --           --     $  650,882         --          --            --     650,882
   Vanguard Bond Index Fund (cost .........         --           --           --           --          --
    $142,178)                                       --          --            --      $143,517         --            --     143,517
 Loans to Participants ....................                                                        $60,130           --      60,130
                                              ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------   ---------  ----------   ---------

                                              ----------     ----------   ----------   --------    --------   ----------   --------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN BENEFITS ....   $  190,879   $  552,261   $  650,882   $  143,517    $60,130    $132,079   $3,304,667

                                                ========     ========   =========    ==========   ========== =======     ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements


                                           Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                                     and Participating Subsidiaries
                                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits, with Fund Information
                                                        as of December 31, 1997

                                                 Vanguard Money          Loan
                                                   Market Fund           Fund             Total

Investments, at fair value:                                 -                   -                 -
  Vanguard Money Market Fund (cost                           -                   -                -
   approximates market)                             $2,192,784                   -       $2,192,784
  Participant Loans                                          -             $58,647           58,647
     Total Investments                               2,192,784              58,647        2,251,431
Contributions Receivable:                                    -                   -                -
   Participants                                         24,883                   -           24,883
   Employer                                             10,757                   -           10,757
Interest Receivable                                          -               1,797            1,797

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE                                         -                   -                -
   FOR PLAN BENEFITS                                $2,228,424             $60,444       $2,288,868

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these financial statements.


                                           Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                                     and Participating Subsidiaries
                                              Statement of   Changes   in  Net   Assets
                                                 Available  for  Benefits,  with
                                                 Fund  Information  for the year
                                                 ended December 31, 1998

                                           Vanguard                        SPCC        Vanguard          Vanguard
                                             Index         Vanguard       Common     Money Market        Short Term        Vanguard
                                           Trust 500    International    Stock Fund  Reserves Prime    U.S. Treasury     Wellington
                                           Portfolio     Growth Fund                    Portfolio       Bond Portfolio      Fund
                                           ---------    -----------       --------      ---------       --------------      ----
Investment Income ..................          --            --               --             --               --                --
   Net appreciation ................          --            --               --             --               --                --
     (depreciation) in the fair ....          --            --               --             --               --                --
     value of investments ..........   $   116,608   $    15,437      $   (51,550)   $      --        $        16       $   (9,898)
  Dividends ........................        11,075         3,909            3,976         16,052            4,510            43,633
  Interest .........................

Total Investment Income (Loss) .....      127,683        19,346           (47,574)       16,052             4,526            33,735

Contributions ......................          --            --               --             --               --                --
  Participant ......................       136,108        38,425           11,744         33,163            4,374            98,726
  Employer .........................          --            --            167,144           --               --                --

Loan repayments ....................         7,783         4,186             --            1,108            1,108             4,218

Interfund transfers ................       476,193       114,782           18,020        268,867           35,415           282,627

     TOTAL ADDITIONS ...............       747,767       176,739          149,334        319,190           45,423           419,306

DEDUCTIONS: ........................          --            --               --             --               --                --
  Benefit payments .................        30,800          --              2,638         80,863             --              17,543
  General and administrative .......          --            --               --             --               --                --
  Participant loan withdrawals .....        11,528          --               --            7,389             --                --
     TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ..............        42,328          --              2,638         88,252             --              17,543
Net Increase (Decrease) ............       705,439       176,739          146,696        230,938           45,423           401,763

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN ......          --            --               --             --               --                --

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN ......          --            --               --             --               --
   BENEFITS, END OF YEAR ...........   $   705,439   $   176,739      $   146,696    $   230,938      $    45,423         $ 401,763

                                    Vanguard       Vanguard                  Vanguard
                                      Index        U.S.          Vanguard   Bond Index    Vanguard Money
                                    Extended      Growth Fund    Windsor      Fund         Market Fund      Loan
                                   Market Fund                   II Fund                                    Fund         Total
                                   -----------                   -------                                    ----         -----

Investment Income .............
   Net appreciation ...........
     (depreciation) in the fair
     value of investments .....   $     3,003   $    98,013   $    22,476   $     1,338    $      --     $  --     $  195,443
  Dividends ...................        14,363        35,008        65,664         6,380           --        --        204,570
  Interest ....................                                                                           4,920         4,920

Total Investment Income (Loss)        17,366        133,021        88,140         7,718          --       4,920        404,933
                                 -----------        --------     ---------    -----------   --------   -----------   ----------
Contributions .................          --            --            --            --            --          --            --
  Participant .................        64,697       103,676       113,192        29,256          --          --       633,361
  Employer ....................          --            --            --            --            --          --       167,144

Loan repayments ...............         3,518         9,178         4,926         1,559          --     (37,584)           --

Interfund transfers ...........       124,171       336,614       466,751       104,984    (2,228,424)       --            --
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   --------     -----------   -----------   --------
     TOTAL ADDITIONS ..........       209,752       582,489       673,009       143,517    (2,228,424)  (32,664)     1,205,438
                                  -----------    --------      -----------    -----------   --------  - --------     ----------

DEDUCTIONS: ...................          --            --            --            --          --        --               --
  Benefit payments ............        18,094        20,295        18,917          --          --        --            189,150
  General and administrative ..           489          --            --            --          --        --                489
  Participant loan withdrawals            290         9,933         3,210          --          --       (32,350)             -

                                   -----------   -----------      --------   -----------    --------   --------      ----------
     TOTAL DEDUCTIONS .........        18,873        30,228        22,127          --          --       (32,350)       189,639
                                    -----------   --------   -----------    -----------   --------   -----------     -----------

Net Increase (Decrease) .......       190,879       552,261       650,882       143,517   (2,228,424)     (314)        1,015,799
                                      ---------    ----------   ----------   -----------   --------   -----------      -----------
                                                                                           2,228,424    60,444         2,288,868
                                   -----------   -----------   --------   -----------    -----------   --------        -----------

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN .          --            --            --            --
   BENEFITS, END OF YEAR ......   $   190,879   $   552,261   $   650,882   $   143,517   $   --       $60,130        $3,304,667
                                     ===========    ========      ===========   ========   ========   ===========     ===========

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these financial statements.


                                           Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                                                     and Participating Subsidiaries
                                             Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                                                  for Benefits, with Fund Information
                                                  for the seven months ended December
                                                                 31, 1997

                                                                     T. Rowe Price
                                 Int'l Stock    Growth Stock       New       New Horizons     Prime      Treasury
                                                                   Era                       Reserve       Money
                                    Fund            Fund           Fund        Fund            Fund        Fund
ADDITIONS: ...................         --            --            --            --            --            --
Investment Income: ...........         --            --            --            --            --            --
  Net Appreciation ...........         --            --            --            --            --            --
  (depreciation) in the
   fair value of investments .   $  (39,113)   $    4,818    $   (8,787)   $   29,507    $      844    $      355
  Dividends ..................       20,961        24,207        12,418         8,464         4,205         1,917
  Interest ...................         --            --            --            --            --            --
Total Investment Income (Loss)      (18,152)       29,025         3,631        37,971         5,049         2,272
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Contributions: ...............         --            --            --            --            --            --
  Participants ...............       18,333        13,576         6,425        22,727         6,336         3,482
  Employer ...................        7,457         5,590         2,196         9,855         2,144         1,206

Loan repayments ..............        2,286           940           333         1,403           534           472

Transfer between Trustees ....     (392,871)     (192,915)     (123,398)     (344,748)     (175,824)      (83,262)

Interfund transfers ..........      (14,796)       (8,335)         --           8,335        21,253          --

     TOTAL ADDITIONS .........     (397,743)     (152,119)     (110,813)     (264,457)     (140,508)      (75,830)

  DEDUCTIONS: ..................         --            --            --            --            --            --
  Benefit payments ...........       26,860        26,970         4,916        17,553        21,327           355
  Participant loan withdrawals        2,416         3,793         2,425          --             207         2,160

     TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ........       29,276        30,763         7,341        17,553        21,534         2,515

Net Increase (Decrease) ......     (427,019)     (182,882)     (118,154)     (282,010)     (162,042)      (78,345)
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN          --            --            --            --            --            --
 BENEFITS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD      427,019       182,882       118,154       282,010       162,042        78,345

                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN          --            --            --            --            --            --
   BENEFITS, END OF PERIOD ...   $     --      $     --      $     --      $     --      $     --      $     --

                                       T. Rowe Price
                                                                 Other                    Vanguard
                                   Growth &        Other     Long-Term                      Money
                                   Income        Income         Growth         Loan         Market
                                    Fund           Fund         Fund           Fund          Fund        Total

ADDITIONS: ...................         --            --            --            --            --
Investment Income: ...........         --            --            --            --            --
  Net Appreciation ...........         --            --            --            --            --           --
  (depreciation) in the
   fair value of investments .   $   36,692    $      459    $   (6,363)   $     --      $     --     $   18,412
  Dividends ..................       26,156           570        14,056          --            --        112,954
  Interest ...................         --            --            --           6,574          --          6,574
Total Investment Income (Loss)       62,848         1,029         7,693         6,574          --        137,940
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------   ----------
Contributions: ...............         --            --            --            --            --           --
  Participants ...............       23,713         9,949        81,635          --          24,883      211,059
  Employer ...................       10,536         4,149        36,148          --          10,757       90,038

Loan repayments ..............        3,383          --           1,974        13,140          --         24,465

Transfer between Trustees ....     (523,537)      (21,780)     (334,449)         --       2,192,784         --

Interfund transfers ..........         --            --          (6,457)         --            --           --

     TOTAL ADDITIONS .........     (423,057)       (6,653)     (213,456)       19,714     2,228,424      463,502
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------   ----------
DEDUCTIONS: ..................         --            --            --            --            --           --
  Benefit payments ...........       20,893         1,063        13,777        17,715          --        151,429
  Participant loan withdrawals         --            --            --          13,464          --         24,465

     TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ........       20,893         1,063        13,777        31,179          --        175,894
Net Increase (Decrease) ......     (443,950)       (7,716)     (227,233)      (11,465)    2,228,424      287,608
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------   ----------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN          --            --            --            --            --           --
 BENEFITS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD      443,950         7,716       227,233        71,909          --      2,001,260
                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------   ----------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN          --            --            --            --            --           --
   BENEFITS, END OF PERIOD ...   $     --      $     --      $     --      $   60,444    $2,228,424   $2,288,868

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these financial statements.


                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         And Participating Subsidiaries

                          Notes to Financial Statements

1.     Plan Description

       The  following  description  of the Savings Plan of Southern  Peru Copper
       Corporation and  Participating  Subsidiaries  (the "Plan")  provides only
       general information.  Reference should be made to the Plan document for a
       complete   description  of  the  Plan  and  Plan  amendments,   including
       eligibility requirements and vesting provisions.


       Effective June 1, 1985,  Southern Peru Copper Corporation (the "Company")
       established the Plan,  which has been amended  thereafter.  The Plan is a
       defined  contribution  plan  and is  administered  by the  Administrative
       Committee  in  accordance  with  authority  delegated  by  the  Board  of
       Directors.  The Plan is  designed  to  provide  a method  of  savings  by
       eligible employees for their retirement and other needs.


       An  employee  becomes  eligible  to  participate  in the Plan  after  the
       completion  of  30  days  service.  Each  eligible  employee  wishing  to
       participate in the Plan must elect to authorize  pre-tax and/or  post-tax
       contributions (the  "contributions") by payroll deduction.  Contributions
       are  stated  in  whole  percentages  of 1% to 12%  of  the  participant's
       earnings,  as defined,  or a specified  dollar amount.  A participant may
       elect to increase, decrease or suspend the contributions on the first day
       of any month. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), as amended,
       limited the maximum  amount an employee may contribute on a pre-tax basis
       to $10,000 and $9,500 in 1998 and 1997, respectively.

       Participants are 100% vested in their contributions and earnings therein.

       Matching  Company  Contribution - Effective  January 1, 1998, the Company
       matches the first 6% of a participant's monthly contribution at a rate of
       50%.  The  matching  contribution  may be made in cash or Company  common
       stock.  Company  contributions  for the  year  ended  December  31,  1998
       consisted of cash in the amount of $167,144.

       The Company is not obligated to make a contribution  during any period in
       which  it  has  no   accumulated   retained   earnings.   The   Company's
       contributions  are  subject to all legal  restrictions,  which may apply,
       including  Sections  401 and 415 of the  Code,  which  limit  the  annual
       contributions to an employee's account.


       The Plan provides for loans to participants who have  participated in the
       Plan for at least one year, subject to certain  limitations.  The maximum
       loan allowed to each  participant  is limited to the lesser of 50% of the
       total  value of the  participant's  account  or  $50,000  reduced  by the
       highest  outstanding  plan loan  balance to such  participant  during the
       prior  twelve-month  period ending on the day before the date the loan is


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

       A  participant's  loan is  repayable  within a maximum  of five  years or
       immediately  upon  termination  of  employment,  if sooner.  Interest  is
       currently  accrued at the prime rate, which was in existence on the first
       day of the month in which the loan was issued.  Loans are  collateralized
       by a lien on the participant's  interest in the Plan. Loan repayments are
       made through payroll  withholdings  from the  participant's  earnings.  A
       participant may pre-pay a loan at any time without penalty.

2.  Significant Plan Amendments

       On May 1, 1997,  the Plan was  amended,  effective  January  1, 1998,  to
       appoint the Vanguard  Fiduciary Trust Company  (Vanguard) as the Trustee,
       Investment Manager and Recordkeeper of the Plan, modify the Plan year end
       to be December 31, permit  employees to contribute on an after-tax basis,
       include non-U.S.  expatriates as eligible employees,  require the Company
       matching  contribution to be invested in the newly created  Southern Peru
       Copper  Corporation  Common  Stock  Fund and  change  the  definition  of
       compensation  used for  purposes of  contributions  to include  only base

       On November 4, 1997, the Plan was further amended,  effective  January 1,
       1998, to change the eligibility waiting period from six months of service
       to 30 days of  service  and  permit  plan  entry on the  first day of any
       month,  permit only one loan at a time,  include a one year participation
       eligibility  requirement  for purposes of initiating a loan,  provide for
       the   transferability   of  the  Company   matching   contributions   for
       participants  who  attain age 64,  remove  existing  hardship  withdrawal
       provisions  and  permit   in-service   withdrawals   subject  to  certain
       suspension penalties, revise the provisions relating to distribution upon
       termination of employment to grandfather  the Joint and Survivor  Annuity
       Option and  frequency  of  installment  payments  for  participants  with
       account  balances  as  of  December  31,  1997,   require  the  immediate
       distribution of account balances under $5,000,  permit  participants with
       account  balances in excess of $5,000 to elect a distribution at any time
       prior to age 65 and provide for the payment of administrative expenses by
       the  Company  with  the   exception  of  expenses   pertaining   to  loan
       administration,  which shall be charged to participants  with outstanding
       loan  balances.  The Plan was also amended to be in  accordance  with the
       Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996.

       In addition,  effective  January 1, 1998,  the Plan name was amended from
       the Southern Peru Copper  Corporation  401(k) Savings Plan to the Savings
       Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation and Participating Subsidiaries.

3.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

       Investment Valuation:

       The Plan's  investments  are stated at fair  value.  Units of  registered
       investment  companies are valued at quoted market prices which  represent
       the net asset value of shares held by the Plan at year-end.  The Southern
       Peru Common Stock Fund is valued at its year-end closing price (comprised
       of year-end  market price plus  uninvested  cash  position).  Participant
       loans are valued at cost which approximates fair value.

       Basis of Accounting:

       The  financial  statements  of the Plan are  prepared  under the  accrual
       method of accounting.


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

       Investment Transactions and Investment Income:

       Transactions are accounted for on a trade-date basis. Average cost is the
       basis  used  in  the  determination  of  gains  or  losses  on  sales  of
       securities.  Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend  (stockholder
       date of record) date.  Interest income from participant loans is recorded
       as earned. Capital gain distributions are included in dividend income.

       Net  appreciation   (depreciation)  in  the  fair  value  of  the  Plan's
       investments, as shown in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
       for  Benefits,  consists  of  realized  gains or losses and the change in
       unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on those investments.

       Investment  funds with  balances  less than five percent of the total net
       assets  of the  Plan,  as of  December  31,  1998 and  1997  and  similar
       investment  objectives  have been  aggregated  on the  Statements  of Net
       Assets  Available for Benefits and the Statement of Changes in Net Assets
       Available for Benefits.

       Payment of Benefits:

       Benefits are recorded when paid.

       Plan Expenses:

       The Company  pays all  administrative  expenses of the Plan.  The Company
       also pays the fees of  consultants,  auditors and  counsel,  and transfer
       taxes  on  shares  of  Southern  Peru  Copper  Corporation  Common  Stock
       distributed  to  Plan  participants  or  their  beneficiaries,  with  the
       exception of loan administrative fees, which are charged to participants.
       Investment fees related to Vanguard funds and all other taxes,  brokerage
       commissions and any other expenses directly relating to the investment of
       the Trust Fund are paid from assets of the plan.

       Use of Estimates:

       The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
       accepted accounting  principles requires management to make estimates and
       assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities
       and  disclosures of contingent  assets and  liabilities as of the date of
       the financial  statements and the reported  amounts of investment  income
       and deductions during the reporting  period.  Actual results could differ
       from those estimates.

       Risks and Uncertainties:

       The Plan  provides  for  investment  options  in  various  mutual  funds.
       Investment  securities  are  exposed to various  risks,  such as interest
       rate, market and credit. Due to the level of risk associated with certain
       investment  securities and the level of uncertainty related to changes in
       the value of investment  securities,  it is at least reasonably  possible
       that  changes  in  risks  in  the  near  term  would  materially   affect
       participants'  account balances and the amounts reported in the Statement
       of Net Assets  Available for Benefits and the Statement of Changes in Net
       Assets  Available  for  Benefits.  Participants  are  advised  to  read a
       Vanguard  prospectus  or  the  Plan's  summary  plan  description  before
       investing in any fund.


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

4.  Investment Funds

      Effective  January  1,  1998,  Vanguard  is  the  investment  manager  and
      participant recordkeeper for all investment funds of the Plan. Vanguard is
      also the trustee of all of the funds.

      Upon enrollment in the Plan throughout 1998,  participants  directed their
      elected contributions to be invested in one or more of the following funds
      in multiples of 5%:

              o     Vanguard  Index Trust 500 Portfolio - A fund invested in all
                    of  the  stocks  included  in  the  Standard  &  Poor's  500
                    Composite  Index (the  "Index")  in  approximately  the same
                    proportions  as  they  are  represented  in  the  Index.  At
                    December 31, 1998, the number of Plan  participants who held
                    an interest in this fund was 78.

              o     Vanguard  Money  Market  Reserves  Prime  Portfolio - A fund
                    invested  in  a  portfolio  of  high  quality  money  market
                    instruments with maturities of one year or less. At December
                    31,  1998,  the  number  of Plan  participants  who  held an
                    interest in this fund was 18.

              o     Vanguard  Short Term U.S.  Treasury Bond  Portfolio - A fund
                    invested  primarily in short-term U.S.  Treasury  securities
                    with an average  maturity of two to three years. At December
                    31,  1998,  the  number  of Plan  participants  who  held an
                    interest in this fund was 9.

              o     Vanguard  Wellington  Fund - A fund  invested  in bonds  and
                    common stocks.  The bonds are held for relative stability of
                    income and  principal,  while the common stocks are held for
                    potential  growth of capital  and income.  At  December  31,
                    1998, the number of Plan  participants  who held an interest
                    in this fund was 56.

              o     Vanguard Index Extended  Market Fund - A fund which provides
                    investment  results that  correspond to the aggregate  price
                    and  yield  performance  of the  Wilshire  4500  Index.  The
                    Wilshire  4500 Index  consists  of over  4,500  U.S.  common
                    stocks  (primarily medium and small  capitalization  stocks)
                    that are not included in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite
                    Stock Price Index.  At December 31, 1998, the number of Plan
                    participants who held an interest in this fund was 35.

              o     Vanguard U.S.  Growth Fund - A fund invested  primarily in a
                    diversified  portfolio of common  stocks with  above-average
                    growth  potential.  At December 31, 1998, the number of Plan
                    participants who held an interest in this fund was 70.

              o     Vanguard  Windsor II Fund - A fund invested in common stocks
                    to provide  capital  appreciation  and dividend  income.  At
                    December 31, 1998, the number of Plan  participants who held
                    an interest in this fund was 71.

               o    SPCCCommon Stock Fund - A fund  that invests exclusively in
                    Southern Peru Copper  Corporation  common stock with a small
                    amount of short-term reserves invested in the Vanguard Money
                    Market   Reserves  Prime   Portfolio  to  allow  for  timely
                    responsiveness to Plan  transactions.  At December 31, 1998,
                    the number of Plan participants who held an interest in this
                    fund was 101.


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

              o     Vanguard  Bond Index Fund - A fund that holds a  combination
                    of securities which, taken together, are expected to perform
                    similarly to the Lehman  Brothers  Aggregate Bond Index.  At
                    December 31, 1998, the number of Plan  participants who held
                    an interest in this fund was 22.

              o     Vanguard  International  Growth  Fund - The fund  invests in
                    stocks of high-quality, seasoned companies based outside the
                    United   States.   It  includes   stocks  with   records  of
                    exceptional  growth from more than 15  countries  (including
                    Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands,  Switzerland and
                    Germany.)  At  December   31,  1998,   the  number  of  Plan
                    participants who held an interest in this fund was 35.

              The Plan also maintains the following fund:

              o     Loan Fund - A fund designed to facilitate the  recordkeeping
                    and other administrative functions relating to loans made to
                    participants  based on their account  balances (See Note 1).
                    These loans are recorded as receivables of the Plan.


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

Vanguard as recordkeeper  maintains  individual  account records reflecting each
participant's  net  interest in each fund of the Plan in which such  participant
invests.  Participant's  net interest in each fund of the Plan is represented by
units of participation. The following schedule shows the number of units and the
net asset value per unit or per share in each fund:

                                     December 31, 1998            December 31, 1997
                                    -----------------             -----------------
                                              Net Asset                    Net Asset
                                 Number of      Value       Number of       Value
                                   Units       Per Unit      Units          Per Unit


SPCC Common Stock Fund           20,403          $7.19

Vanguard Index Trust
 500 Portfolio*                   6,191        $113.95

Vanguard International
  Growth Fund*                    9,416         $18.77

Vanguard Money Market
 Reserves Prime Portfolio*      230,938          $1.00

Vanguard Short Term U.S.
  Treasury Bond Portfolio         4,380         $10.37

Vanguard Wellington Fund*        13,689         $29.35

Vanguard Windsor II Fund*        21,805         $29.85

Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund*       14,731         $37.49

Vanguard Index Extended
  Market Fund*                    6,234         $30.62

Vanguard Bond Index Fund         13,974         $10.27

Vanguard Money Market Fund**
                                                               2,192,784       $1.00

         *  Represents  5% or more of net assets  available for plan benefits as
            of December 31, 1998.

         ** Represents 5% or more of net assets available for plan benefits as of
            December 31 1997.


                    Notes to Financial Statements - Continued

5.     Related Party Transactions

       The Plan  invests in shares of mutual  funds  managed by an  affiliate of
       Vanguard.  Vanguard acts as trustee for only those investments as defined
       by   the   Plan.    Transactions   in   such   investments   qualify   as
       party-in-interest  transactions,  which are  exempt  from the  prohibited
       transaction rules.

6.  Tax Status

       The Plan,  as amended  through  August  13,  1990,  received a  favorable
       determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") that it is
       a qualified  plan and trust under Section  401(a) of the Code and,  thus,
       exempt from federal  income taxes under  provisions of Section  501(a) of
       the Code.  The Plan has been amended since  receiving  the  determination
       letter.  However,  the Plan  administrator  and the  Plan's  tax  counsel
       believe  that the Plan is designed  and is  currently  being  operated in
       compliance with the applicable requirements of the code.

7.  Termination Priorities

       Although it has not expressed  any intent to do so, the Company  reserves
       the right to amend or discontinue  the Plan by action of the Board at any
       time. In the event of  termination  or partial  termination  of the Plan,
       participants  will receive the fair value of their account as of the date
       of such termination or partial termination.


                Savings Plan of Southern Peru Copper Corporation
                         And Participating Subsidiaries
                               Form 5500 Item 27a
                 Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
                              at December 31, 1998

                                                       Cost or         Market
Identity of Issue or Borrower                         Book Value        Value

Vanguard Index Trust 500 Portfolio                     $ 590,774   $   705,439

SPCC Common Stock Fund                                   197,960       146,696

Vanguard Money Market Reserves Prime Portfolio           230,938       230,938

Vanguard Short Term U.S. Treasury Bond Portfolio          45,019        45,423

Vanguard Wellington Fund                                 411,966       401,763

Vanguard Index Extended Market Fund                      189,132       190,879

Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund                                458,809       552,261

Vanguard Windsor II Fund                                 631,032       650,882

Vanguard Bond Index Fund                                 142,178       143,517

Vanguard International Growth Fund                       161,067       176,739

Loan Fund

Participants' Loans (interest rates range from
 7.75% to 8.75%)                                               -        60,130
                                                      ----------  ------------

TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                    $  3,058,875  $  3,304,667
                                                      ============ ============


                               Form 5500 Item 27a
                 Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
                             as of December 31, 1997

                                          Original             Market
  Identity of Issue or Borrower             Cost               Value

  Vanguard Money Market Fund             $2,192,784         $2,192,784

  Loan Fund
   Participants' Loans (interest
      rates range from7.75% to 8.75%)
                                     ------------------- -------------------

  TOTAL INVESTMENTS                        $2,192,784        $2,251,431
                                     =================== ===================


                                                        Form 5500 Line 27d
                                            Schedule of Reportable Transactions
                                           for the year ended December 31, 1998

                                  Purchase       Selling       Basis of       Net
         Description of Asset       Price         Price          Asset     Gain (Loss)

Vanguard Index Trust
 500 Portfolio                   $ 634,004    $  45,173       $ 43,230   $ 1,943

Vanguard Extended Market
 Index Fund                       209,342         20,977       19,721     1,256

Vanguard International
 Growth Fund                       164,200        2,898          3,132       (234)

Vanguard Money Market
 Reserves Prime
 Portfolio                         518,251      287,313        287,313         -

Vanguard Short-Term
 Treasury Fund                     147,022      101,616        102,003       (387)

Vanguard Total Bond
 Market Index                      142,178            -              -         -

Vanguard U.S. Growth               487,392       33,143         28,583     4,560

Vanguard Wellington Fund           533,051      121,391        121,085       306

Vanguard Windsor II                653,308       24,903         22,276     2,627

SPCC Common Stock Fund             200,884        2,638          2,925      (287)


                               Form 5500 Line 27d
                       Schedule of Reportable Transactions
                  for the seven months ended December 31, 1997

                               Purchase    Selling      Basis of       Net
         Description of Asset  Price       Price        Asset        Gain(Loss)

    T. Rowe Price
      International Stock           -      $833,048     $734,768    $ 98,280

      New Horizons Fund             -       711,055      593,911     117,144

      Growth Stock                  -       429,094      363,003      66,091

      New Era                       -       254,136      227,035      27,101

      Prime Reserve                 -       373,315      373,315           -

      Growth & Income Fund          -     1,072,106      775,126     296,980

      Blue Chip Growth              -       221,431      202,270      19,161



         We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration
         Statement on Form S-8 (Nos.  333-02736 and  333-40293) of Southern Peru
         Copper  Corporation  of our report dated June 28, 1999  relating to the
         financial  statements  of the  Savings  Plan of  Southern  Peru  Copper
         Corporation and Participating Subsidiaries,  which appears in this Form

         PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

         New York, New York
         June 28, 1999
