Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.

Servicer's Certificate
For the Month of April, 1997

Principal and Interest Collections
  Beginning Pool Balance                                      (1) $   179,721,280.47

  Beginning Pool Factor [(1)/$ 183,011,151.56]                (2)          0.9820237

  Principal Collected                                         (3) $     5,037,765.19

  Interest Collected                                          (4) $     1,415,669.92

    Less:  Accrued Interest Prior to Cut Off Date             (5)         883,098.49

    Less:  Additional Purchased Accrued Interest             (5a)               0.00

    Plus:  Purchased Accrued Interest - 
                   End of Collection Period                   (6)         848,906.38

  Net decrease/(increase) in Purchased
   Accrued Interest [(5)+(5a)-(6)]                            (7) $        34,192.11

    Plus:  "Non-Reimbursable Interest Payment"                (8)          14,868.23

                  Total Interest Received
                   [(4)-(5)-(5a)+(6)+(8)]                     (9) $     1,396,346.04

     Additional Deposits
       (i)   Repurchase Amounts                               (10)              0.00
      (ii)   Liquidation Proceeds                             (11)         14,700.00
     (iii)   Yield Supplement Deposit Amount                  (12)              0.00

     Total Additional Deposits  [(10)+(11)+(12)]              (13) $       14,700.00

     Total Available Funds [(3)+(9)+(13)]                     (14) $    6,448,811.23

     Defaulted Receivable Principal Balance  [(A1)]           (15) $       21,131.57

     Ending Pool Balance [(1)-(3)-(15)]                       (16) $  174,662,383.71

     Ending Pool Factor [(16)/$ 183,011,151.56]               (17)         0.9543811

   Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.

   Servicer's Certificate
   For the Month of April, 1997

                                                     Class A           Class B            Total
Class Percentage                                       96.5%              3.5%             100%
Pool Factor (Ending Pool Balance)                  0.9820237         0.9820237        0.9820237
Class Coupon                                           6.64%             6.83%

April Beginning Pool Balance [(1)]           $173,431,035.65     $6,290,244.82  $179,721,280.47

April Ending Pool Balance [(16)]             $168,549,200.28     $6,113,183.43  $174,662,383.71

Collected Principal [(3)]                      $4,861,443.41       $176,321.78    $5,037,765.19

Collected Interest [(9)]                       $1,347,473.93        $48,872.11    $1,396,346.04

Other Collected Interest  [(9a)]                       $0.00             $0.00            $0.00

Additional Deposits [(10)+(11)]                   $14,185.50           $514.50       $14,700.00

Servicing Fee [(1.0%/12)x(1)]                   ($144,525.86)       ($5,241.87)   ($149,767.73)

Total Available Funds                           $6,078,576.98       $220,466.52   $6,299,043.50

Payments to Certficateholders:

Principal Distributable Amount [(1)-(16)]       $4,881,835.37       $177,061.39   $5,058,896.76

Interest Distributable Amount [(1)x(coupon/12     $959,651.73        $35,801.98     $995,453.71

    Total Payments to Certificateholders        $5,841,487.10       $212,863.37   $6,054,350.47

Reserve Fund payment                                    $0.00             $0.00           $0.00

Amount due Class B but paid to
  Class A (subordination)                               $0.00

Class A Interest Carryover Shortfall                    $0.00

Class A Principal Carryover Shortfall                   $0.00

Class B Interest Carryover Shortfall                                      $0.00

Class B Principal Carryover Shortfall                                     $0.00

Amounts Remaining in the Certificate 
   Account to be paid to the Seller               $237,089.88         $7,603.15     $244,693.03
   Principal Difference                            ($6,206.46)         ($225.11)    ($6,431.57)
   Interest Difference                            $243,296.34         $7,828.26     $251,124.60
   Total                                          $237,089.88         $7,603.15     $244,693.03

Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.

Servicer's Certificate
For the Month of April, 1997

Determination of the Servicer Letter of Credit Amount
   Number of Contracts - End of Month                            (45)            N/A

   Original number of contracts                                  (46)            N/A

   Percent of Original Contracts remaining
        [((45)/(46))x100]                                        (47)            N/A

   Original Servicer Letter of Credit Amount                     (48) $          N/A

   Revised Servicer Letter of Credit Amount
        [Lessor of [(48)x(47) or the Beginning
        Pool Balance (1)]                                        (49) $          N/A

   Prior Month Servicer Letter of Credit Amount
        [Previous Month (49)]                                    (50) $          N/A

   Servicer Letter of Credit Fee                                 (51) $          N/A

Yield Supplement Amount

   Receivables with coupon rates below 7.65%
       Principal Outstanding                                     (52) $          N/A

       Number of receivables                                     (53)            N/A

       Interest on the Receivables at their APR                  (54) $          N/A

       Interest due on the Receivables at the 
            Pass-Through Rate                                    (55) $          N/A

       Yield Supplement Amount [(54)-(55)]                       (56) $          N/A

Defaulted Receivables
   Amount of principal and accrued interest due from
         Obligors on Defaulted Receivables
            Principal                                            (A1) $    21,131.57
            Interest                                             (A2)         251.96
            Expense                                              (A3)           7.50
            Total                                                 (A) $    21,391.03

         Less:   Liquidation Proceeds                             (B) $    14,700.00
   Realized Loss  [(A1)+(A2)-(B)]                                 (C) $     6,683.53

   Cumulative Losses  (Including Expenses)                        (D) $     6,691.03
   Cumulative Loss Percentage  [(D)/$183,011,151.56]                          0.004%
          (Less than 1.5% ?)

Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.
Servicer's Certificate
For the Month of April, 1997

Reconciliation of Reserve Fund
 Beginning Reserve Fund Balance                                (57) $ 3,072,503.43

        Plus:  Excess Amounts from Seller                       (57a)     244,693.03
        Plus:  Investment Earnings                              (57b)      14,082.31
        Less:  Reserve Fund Payments                             (58)           0.00
                       Subtotal Reserve Fund                          $ 3,331,278.77
        Plus:  Beginning Negative Carry Balance                 (58a)           0.00
        Plus:   Negative Carry Investment Earnings              (58b)           0.00
        Less:  Payment from Negative Carry                      (58c)           0.00

        Ending Negative Carry Balance                           (58d)           0.00

   Reserve Fund Prior to Payments to Seller                      (59) $ 3,331,278.77

   Required Reserve Fund Balance:
        (Lesser of 1 or 2)

    (1) Greater of:  $3,660,223 or 2.50% of the Ending Pool Balance
        (Class A and Class B Certificate Balances), but not greater
        than the Ending Pool Balance  (unless the Cumulative Loss
        Percentage exceeds 1.5%), or (2);

    (2) (18% - Subordination Fraction) x the Ending Pool Balance                  NA

   Required Amount                                              (60) $  4,366,559.59

   Amount of Excess Reserve released  [(59)-(60)]               (61) $          0.00
        (No Release to be made during Pre-funding period)

   Ending Reserve Fund Balance to be invested(including         (62) $  3,331,278.77
        Negative Carry Balance)

   Reserve Fund Balance as a Percent
        of the Ending Pool Balance                              (63)           1.91%

   Interest Income on Reserve Fund for April, 1997
        from First Chicago                                      (64) $     14,082.31

   Interest Income on Negative Carry Balance for April, 1997    (65) $          0.00
           from First Chicago

Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.
Servicer's Certificate
For the Month of April, 1997

Reconciliation of Net Payment to the Trustee
Available Funds                                                        $6,448,811.23
   Servicing Fees                                                      ($149,767.73)
Total Available Funds                                                  $6,299,043.50

Total payments to Class A                                              $5,841,487.10
Total payments to Class B                                                $212,863.37

Reserve Fund:
    Excess from Seller [(57a)]                                           $244,693.03
    Reserve Fund Payments [(58)]                                               $0.00
Gross payment to the Trustee                                           $6,299,043.50

Amounts Held by Trustee:
   Less:  Amount released from Reserve Fund
           in excess of $3,660,223 (Net of Reserve Fund payment) [(61)]        $0.00
   Less:  Balance of Prefunded Account payable
            to Certificateholders                                                N/A
       Less:  Amount paid from Negative Carry
                      Balance [(58c)]                                            N/A
       Less:  Amount paid from Pre-Funded
                      Amount Earnings [(72)]                                     N/A
       Total Other Collected Interest                          (9a)              N/A

Total Amount Held by Trustee                                                   $0.00

Net payment to the Trustee                                             $6,299,043.50

Reconciliation of Pre-Funding Account

Beginning Pre-Funded Amount                                    (70)              N/A
        [Prior Month (74)]
    Less:  Amount applied to the purchase of
                 Subsequent Receivables                        (71)              N/A
    Plus:  Earnings on Pre-Funded Amount                       (72)              N/A
    Less:  Payment of Earnings                                 (73)              N/A

Ending Pre-Funding Amount                                      (74)              N/A

Account Activity
       Number of Accounts - Beginning of Month                                 5,617
            Less:  Account Paid Off / Repurchased                                 95
            Plus:  Accounts in Collateral Addition                                 0
      Number of Accounts - End of Month                                        5,522

Non-Accrual Accounts - End of Month
      Number of Non-Accrual Accounts                                               7
      Aggregate Principal Balance Outstanding                            $172,361.19

Fleetwood Credit Receivables Corp.

Servicer's Certificate
For the Month of April, 1997

Delinquent Accounts
30 - 59 days                            5   $ 202,827.31         0.12%
60 - 89 days                            1      26,431.81         0.02%
90 days or more                         0           0.00         0.00%
    Total                               6   $ 229,259.12         0.14%(A)

Repossession Inventory                  7   $ 172,361.19         0.099%(B)

Delinquency Percentage
                                  APR         MAY        JUN      Total(Avg)

   90 days or more  (000)         $     0.0   $     N/A   $    N/A    $ N/A

   Repossession Inventory (000)   $   172.4   $     N/A   $    N/A    $ N/A

   Total                          $   172.4   $     N/A   $    N/A    $ N/A (A)

   Ending Pool Balance (mils)     $   174.7   $     N/A   $    N/A    $ N/A (B)

   Delinquency Percentage (A)/(B)                                       N/A

Realized Loss Analysis
                                  APR         MAY        JUN      Total
Realized Losses/(Recoveries)  (X)
         [(A1+(A2)-(B)]  (000)    $     6.7   $     N/A   $    N/A   $ N/A(Sum)

Beginning Pool Balance (mils) (Y) $   179.7   $     N/A   $     N/A  $ N/A(Avg)

Realized Loss Percentage
         (Less than 1.5%?)  [((X)/(Y))*4]                                   N/A

Realized Losses Since Inception (less than $2,745,168 ?)             $6,683.53

Change in Realized Losses                                            $6,683.53

Proceeds from Insurance and Dealer Repurchases

         Proceeds received during the month from
              physical damage insurance                                 $ 0.00

         Proceeds received during the month from Dealer
          repurchase obligations relating to Defaulted Receivables      $ 0.00