Exhibit 10a(25)
                             J. J. Lees
                   Atlantic City Electric Company
          This Employment Separation and Release Agreement
       (Agreement) is made and entered into the 26th day of April,
       1994 by and between J. J. LEES (Incumbent) residing at 8201
       Atlantic Avenue in the City of Margate, County of Atlantic,
       State of New Jersey and Atlantic City Electric Company
       (Company) having a principal Executive Office located at 6801
       Black Horse Pike, Pleasantville, County of Atlantic, State of
       New Jersey.
          WHEREAS, Incumbent has been employed by the Company since
       June 1, 1970 and, for some time past has served in the
       capacity of an Officer; and
          WHEREAS, Incumbent had given oral notice and has
       confirmed in a writing his intent to terminate and withdraw
       from continued employment with the Company, as his voluntary
       act and deed (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice of
       Separation"); and
          WHEREAS, the Company has agreed to accept the Notice of
       Separation; and
          WHEREAS, Incumbent and the Company have agreed that
       Incumbent shall withdraw from and terminate the employment
       relationship with the Company upon the terms and conditions
       more fully set forth herein;
          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises
       and covenants herein contained which the parties hereto hereby
       agree constitute fair, reasonable and valuable consideration,
       Incumbent and the Company, intending to be legally bound,
       hereby represent, covenant and agree as follows:
          1.   The Recital Clauses hereinabove set forth are
       incorporated and made a material part of this Agreement.
          2.   Incumbent shall terminate and withdraw from full
       time employment as an Officer and employee of the Company
       effective close of business on June 3, 1994 (the "Termination
       Date").  Incumbent acknowledges that he has selected the
       Termination Date.  Company acknowledges that it has agreed to
       the Termination Date.  Notwithstanding the Termination Date,
       Incumbent shall be entitled to utilize accumulated vacation
       days and other benefits which allow him to discontinue his
       day-to-day activities as an employee as of April 26, 1994. 
       Nonetheless, he shall continue to serve as an Officer and
       employee through the Termination Date.
          3.   In addition to any benefit to which Incumbent is
       otherwise entitled by reason of having been an employee of the
       Company, the Company agrees to:
               (a)  Pay Incumbent in a single lump sum payment an
       amount equivalent to one (1) year of his current annual Base
       Salary ($112,900.00) as established by the Board of Directors
       of the Company, which shall be reduced by all deductions
       required by law.  This payment will be made within thirty (30)
       days of the execution of this Agreement and attached General
       Release by Incumbent, provided that Incumbent signs and
       returns this Agreement and General Release not later than July
       15, 1994 and the Revocation Period specified in Exhibit A
       shall have expired without revocation by Incumbent.  This
       payment will then be made to Incumbent as soon as practicable
       following expiration of the revocation period; and
               (b)  Pay Incumbent an Incentive Award pursuant to
       the 1994 Management Annual Incentive Compensation Plan of
       Atlantic Energy, Inc., and its Subsidiaries (the "Plan").  For
       purposes of determining the amount of such Incentive Award,
       Incumbent shall be deemed to have satisfactorily contributed
       to the achievement of Performance Goals through May 31 of the
       1994 Plan year (i.e. 5/12ths); and
               (c)  Deliver to Incumbent shares of stock pursuant
       to the Company Long-Term Performance Incentive Plan currently
       in effect covering the period January 1, 1993 through December
       31, 1995.  For purposes of determining the amount of stock to
       be delivered to Incumbent, Incumbent will be credited with
       service through May 31, 1994 and will be deemed to have
       satisfactorily contributed toward the achievement of the
       longer-term financial and operating performance objectives of
       such Plan for the specified period; and
               (d)  Pay to the Incumbent, or his designated
       beneficiary, all those benefits to which he is entitled by
       reason of his having been an employee of the Company, which
       shall be paid in the manner, amounts and at such times as are
       provided in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof
       as in effect on the Termination Date, and using the
       Termination Date as the date of separation.  This is
       contingent upon Incumbent's execution and delivery of and
       compliance with the terms of this Agreement in the manner
       specified herein.  A schedule of such benefits is attached
       hereto as Exhibit "B"; and
               (e)  Provide Incumbent with continued coverage
       under the Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan of the Company
       through June 3, 1994; and reimburse Incumbent for medical
       expenses incurred through that date.  All such expenses shall
       be submitted for processing in compliance with the Plan
       requirements on or before September 1, 1994.
               Payment of the Incentive Award and delivery of the
       shares of stock referred to in Subparagraphs (b) and (c) of
       this Article shall be consummated at such time as the payment
       and award shall be made to all other Officers of the Company.
               Should Incumbent die prior to receiving any of the
       payments or shares of stock hereinabove listed, payment of
       such amount and/or delivery of such shares shall be made to
       the Estate of the Incumbent or to such other beneficiary as
       Incumbent shall designate in writing to be delivered to the
       Company prior to his death.  
          4.   The consideration given to Incumbent pursuant to
       this Agreement, with the exception of those benefits to which
       he and his beneficiary or estate are otherwise entitled by
       reason of his having been an employee of the Company,
       constitute the total amount to which Incumbent is entitled as
       a result of his employment with the Company and is paid in
       satisfaction of any and all claims of any nature whatsoever,
       however arising, whether known or unknown, which Incumbent has
       or may have against the Company at any time as a result of,
       relating to or arising out of his employment with the Company
       or his separation therefrom.
          5.   Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit
       "C" is Article VI of the By-Laws of Atlantic Energy, Inc.
       (Atlantic Energy).   Atlantic Energy, on behalf of itself and
       the Company, warrants and represents that pursuant to these
       By-Laws, it will provide Incumbent with indemnification
       against liability (including attorney's fees and related
       expenses) imposed upon or incurred by him in any threatened,
       pending or completed investigation, claim, action, suit, or
       proceeding, whether civil, administrative or investigative in
       nature which may be instituted by or on behalf of Atlantic
       Energy, or any of its Subsidiaries, inclusive of the Company,
       against Incumbent.  Atlantic Energy further represents and
       warrants that in the event the By-Laws of Atlantic Energy are
       hereafter amended to alter or extinguish such obligation to
       indemnify, notwithstanding such amendment or alteration, the
       obligation to indemnify as set forth herein shall nonetheless
       remain in full force and effect.  In the event that Atlantic
       Energy refuses to indemnify Incumbent, or in the event a Court
       of competent jurisdiction holds that Atlantic Energy is not
       obligated to indemnify the Incumbent (other than where a
       judgment or other final adjudication establishes that the acts
       or omissions of the Incumbent involved a knowing violation of
       law constituting criminal conduct) then the General Release
       given to Atlantic Energy and its Subsidiaries, inclusive of
       the Company by Incumbent shall become null and void for all
       purposes and shall not bar Incumbent from thereafter asserting
       any claim or counterclaim he may have against Atlantic Energy,
       or its Subsidiaries, inclusive of the Company.  Furthermore,
       in the event Atlantic Energy does not provide such
       indemnification to the Incumbent, neither Atlantic Energy nor
       its Subsidiaries, inclusive of the Company, shall invoke any
       defense based in whole or in part on any Statute of
       Limitations or on the timeliness of such claim which may
       thereafter be instituted by the Incumbent in accordance with
       the provisions of this paragraph.  
          6.   This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon
       all affiliated, related, parent, subsidiary and successor
       corporations of the Company, and their assigns; and shall
       apply to and be binding upon Incumbent, his personal
       representative, heirs, executors, administrators, trustees,
       successors, assigns and any and all persons who may succeed
       the legal rights and interests of Incumbent.
          7.   In exchange for the undertakings of the Company
       contained in Article 4, and as a condition precedent thereto,
       Incumbent agrees to execute and deliver a General Release,
       Waiver and Acknowledgement (Release) in the form attached
       hereto as Exhibit A.  Incumbent expressly acknowledges that he
       is aware that he has rights under federal and state laws which
       prohibit discrimination in employment based on race, sex,
       national origin, age, religion, disability and veteran rights,
       including the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as
       amended, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
       amended, the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, the New
       Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act, the New Jersey
       Wage Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act (hereinafter
       collectively referred to as the "Acts"); and further
       acknowledges that this Agreement and the attached General
       Release are intended to include, without limitation, a release
       by him of any and all rights and claims arising out of his
       employment with the Company and his withdrawal and separation
       therefrom, including, but not limited to, all claims under any
       and all federal, state, local and common laws dealing with
       employment, separation and damages, including the Acts
       hereinabove referred to in this Article.  Incumbent further
       agrees not to commence any legal action, in any form, against
       any releasee identified in the attached General Release or any
       other party connected with his employment with the Company
       with respect to any right or claim, direct or indirect,
       encompassed by the attached General Release and this
       Agreement, except to enforce the terms of this Agreement.
          8.   Incumbent and Company agree that neither will 
       engage in any communications, oral or written, which would
       injure the reputation of or interfere with existing or
       prospective business relationships of the other.  This
       covenant shall be effective as of April 26, 1994.  
               Incumbent and Company agree that Company will
       provide Incumbent with a Letter of Recommendation in the form
       attached hereto as Exhibit D, the content of which has been
       reviewed and accepted by Incumbent.  This Letter of
       Recommendation will be submitted in response to any and all
       inquiries from prospective employers.  Incumbent shall direct
       all such inquiries to the attention of Jerrold J. Jacobs,
       President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, or his
          9.   Incumbent agrees that, except as expressly provided
       below, he will not communicate or disclose the terms of this
       Agreement or of the attached General Release to or with any
       person(s) with the exception of members of his immediate
       family, his attorney(s), his financial advisor(s) and/or his
       accountant(s).  In such communication or disclosure, Incumbent
       shall inform the recipient of the information that same is
       being provided in a confidential manner and subject to a
       requirement of confidentiality.
               Company agrees that it will treat this Agreement
       and the attached General Release as a personnel item to be
       retained in the personnel file of Incumbent and not to be
       disclosed to third parties without the express written consent
       of Incumbent; except to the extent that same shall be required
       to be produced in any legal proceeding.  
          10.  It is expressly understood and agreed that any
       violation of the confidentiality provision in the preceding
       Article by Incumbent or Company, or anyone acting on his or
       its behalf, shall be deemed to be a material breach of this
          11.  Incumbent agrees and recognizes that his employment
       relationship with the Company shall be terminated at his
       voluntary request as contained in the Notice of Separation. 
       Incumbent acknowledges that he has no contract or other rights
       to employment or re-employment with the Company.
          12.A.     Incumbent agrees that he shall not, directly
       or indirectly, knowingly disclose to any other person, firm or
       corporation nor appropriate to his own use or to the use of
       any person, firm or corporation, any Confidential Information
       (as defined herein) used by or belonging to the Company or its
       parent, subsidiary or affiliates, except as same may be
       expressly authorized in advance by the Company in a writing
       signed by a Senior Officer of the affected company.
               For purposes of this Agreement, the term Senior
       Officer shall mean a person holding a title within any of the
       Companies which constitute the Company of Senior Vice
       President or higher.
               For purposes of this Agreement, the term
       Confidential Information includes, by way of illustration and
       not limitation, matters of a technical nature such as "know
       how", "formulae", "processes", "procedures", "techniques",
       "machinery", "apparatus, "inventions", "studies", "research
       projects", "technical data", "development plans", "product
       specifications", as well as matters of a business or financial
       nature such as, by way of illustration and not limitation,
       information about the cost, sources of, and arrangements for
       service or materials supplied to customers or clients of the
       Company, submission and proposal procedures, production, labor
       and/or material costs, profits and losses, prices, discounts,
       sales, markets, customer lists, future plans, trade secrets
       and proprietary information not generally available to the
               B.  In addition, Incumbent represents and warrants
       that he will never, directly or indirectly lecture upon or
       publish articles concerning any Confidential Information
       without first having obtained from the affected company prior
       approval and written consent in the manner hereinabove
               C.  Commencing on April 26, 1994 Incumbent shall
       commence to act with due diligence in order that, on or before
       June 3, 1994, Incumbent shall have turned over to the Company
       all documents and other things, and all copies thereof within
       his possession, custody or control which may contain or which
       may have been derived from, or which may have the potential of
       disclosing any Confidential Information.
               D.  Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraphs of
       this Article, it is understood and agreed that Incumbent shall
       not be bound by any covenant not to compete.  He shall be
       permitted to engage in employment with a competitor of the
       Company without limitation as to time or geographical area. 
       However, by engaging in such employment, Incumbent represents
       and warrants that he will not violate the provision of
       Subparagraphs A through C of this Article and will not,
       directly or indirectly, disclose any Confidential Information
       of the Company or its parent, subsidiary or affiliates, except
       as expressly authorized in advance by the Company in the
       manner set forth in Subparagraph A of this Article. 
          13.  In the event of a breach by Incumbent of Article 7,
       8, 9 or 12 of this Agreement or of the attached General
       Release, the Company shall be relieved and discharged of its
       obligations under the terms of this Agreement to provide
       Incumbent with any consideration which is in addition to the
       payments and benefits to which he and his beneficiaries or his
       estate are entitled by reason of his having been an employee
       of the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of
       such plans and policies; and shall thereupon be entitled to
       institute an action to obtain any damages that may arise from
       such breach.  In addition, the parties recognize that money
       damages are inadequate to compensate the Company for
       irreparable harm that may result from a breach of the
       confidentiality provisions contained within Article 12 of this
       Agreement and that equitable remedies are appropriate,
       inclusive of injunctive relief, which shall be in addition to
       any other remedies available to the Company at law or in
               In the event of a breach by the Company of Article 8
       or 9 of this Agreement or of the attached General Release, the
       Incumbent shall be entitled to institute an action for any
       damages which may arise from such a breach.  In addition, the
       parties recognize and agree that money damages may be
       inadequate to compensate the Incumbent for irreparable harm
       that may result from a breach of the recommendation and
       confidentiality provisions contained in Articles 8 and 9,
       respectively, and that equitable remedies are appropriate,
       inclusive of injunctive relief, which shall be in addition to
       any other remedies available to the Incumbent at law or in
               In the event either party shall be required to
       commence an action, at law or in equity, to enforce its rights
       under or as a result of a breach of this Agreement, the
       parties shall bear their own attorneys fees and costs.
          14.  Incumbent acknowledges that he has been informed of
       his right to consider this Agreement and the terms thereof for
       a period of at least twenty-one (21) days prior to executing
       and delivering the Agreement to the Company.  He further
       acknowledges that he understands his right to revoke this
       Agreement and the attached General Release by giving written
       notice to the Company in the manner set forth in the General
       Release attached hereto as Exhibit A.  Such notice shall be
       effective upon receipt by the Company.  This right is being
       provided to Incumbent as required under the Age Discrimination
       in Employment Act.
               Incumbent further acknowledges that he has been
       given the opportunity to have this Agreement and the attached
       General Release reviewed by attorney(s), accountant(s) and/or
       financial advisor(s) of his own choice.
          15.  This Agreement and the attached General Release
       contain the entire Agreement with respect to the matters
       contained herein and therein and cannot be altered or amended
       except in a writing duly executed by the parties or their
       legal representatives.
          16.  Nothing in this Agreement or the attached General
       Release shall be construed or considered as evidence of or an
       admission by the Company of a violation of the United States
       Constitution, of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, of
       Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, of the
       New Jersey Law against Discrimination, of the New Jersey
       Conscientious Employee Protection Act, of the New Jersey Wage
       Law, of the Americans with Disabilities Act, of any other act,
       law, rule or regulation referred to herein or of any other
       federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, code,
       regulation, rule or order; and any such violation is
       specifically denied.
          17.  This Agreement and the attached General Release
       shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance
       with the laws of the State of New Jersey.  Should any part of
       this Agreement or of the attached General Release be
       determined to be unenforceable by a court of competent
       jurisdiction, the parties shall immediately meet to amend the
       Agreement or Release to effectuate the intent of the parties;
       and the surviving portions of the Agreement and Release shall
       remain binding and enforceable and in full force and effect.
          18.  Any notices required to be given under this
       Agreement or Release shall be either hand-delivered or
       delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested and
       shall be directed as follows:
       If to Company:
          Jerrold L. Jacobs
          Chairman, President & CEO
          Atlantic City Electric Company
          6801 Black Horse Pike
          P.O. Box 1264
          Pleasantville, NJ  08232
       If to Incumbent:
          James J. Lees
          8201 Atlantic Avenue
          Margate, New Jersey 08402
       or to such other person and/or to such other address as the
       party to receive notice may, from time to time, indicate in
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be legally bound, the
       parties hereto attach their signatures and seals effective the
       date and year first above written.
       DATE:                     INCUMBENT:
       6-22-94                /s/ JAMES J. LEES
                                  JAMES J. LEES
                              :  ss.
          I hereby certify that on June 22, 1994
       JAMES J. LEES, personally came before me and acknowledged
       under oath, to my satisfaction, that he is the person named in
       and that he did personally sign this Employment Separation and
       Release Agreement.
                             /s/ Robert K. Marshall
                         Notary Public  - State of New Jersey
       ATTEST:           DATE:        ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC
       L. M. Walters          6-22-94      /s/ Jerrold L. Jacobs
         Secretary                 BY:    Jerrold L. Jacobs
          In consideration of the undertakings of Atlantic Energy,
       Inc. and its Subsidiaries, inclusive of Atlantic City Electric
       Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the
       "Company") set forth in Article 4 of the Employment Separation
       and Release Agreement to which this Exhibit A is appended,
       which provide for payment to me over and above those payments
       and benefits to which I am otherwise entitled by reason of
       having been an employee of the Company and subject to the
       terms and conditions thereof, I hereby release, waive and
       discharge the Company, and each of them, and their present and
       former Directors, Officers, employees, agents, representatives
       and attorneys and their respective successors, assigns,
       executors, administrators, estates and heirs from and against
       any and all claims of whatever nature, inclusive of claims for
       wrongful discharge, property damage, personal or bodily injury
       which I, my estate and heirs may have against any of them. 
       This Release is intended to release, relinquish, discharge,
       extinguish and waive any and all claims, whether known or
       unknown, direct or indirect which were or could have been or
       may hereafter be asserted, resulting from anything which has
       occurred through the effective date of this Release, including
       claims for attorneys' fees.  I hereby promise not to commence
       or pursue, 
       or to authorize anyone to commence or pursue on my behalf or
       in my interest any action whether legal, equitable or
       administrative, or to otherwise seek to recover any damages,
       remedy or relief of any kind from any releasee within the
       contemplation of this Release based upon any claim covered by
       this General Release, Waiver and Acknowledgment.
          Without limiting the scope of the foregoing in any way, I
       hereby acknowledge and confirm that my separation from
       employment as an Officer and employee of the Company
       constitutes my voluntary act and deed made of my own free will
       and without duress, undue influence or any other pressure or
       condition exerted or imposed upon me in any form by the
       Company or anyone acting on its behalf; and I specifically
       release and waive any and all claims relating to or arising
       out of any aspect of my employment with the Company or the
       separation therefrom including, but not limited to, all claims
       under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (29 USC Sec.
       621, et seq..), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42
       USC Sec. 2000(e), et seq.), as amended, the New Jersey Law
       Against Discrimination (N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 et seq.), the New
       Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (N.J.S.A. 34:19-1
       et seq.), the New Jersey Wage Law (N.J.S.A. 34:11-44.1 et
       seq.) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC Sec.
       12101 et seq.), any contract of employment, express or
       implied, any provision of the Constitution of the United
       States of America or of the Constitution of the State of New
       Jersey, and any other law, whether common or statutory, and
       any rule, regulation or order of the Unites States, the State
       of New Jersey, or any other state, and all claims arising out
       of any legal restrictions on the rights of the Company or its
       Affiliates with respect to termination of employment.
                              /s/ JAMES J. LEES
                                  JAMES J. LEES
       DATED: June 22, 1994
                              :  ss.
          I hereby certify that on June 22, 1994
       JAMES J. LEES, personally came before me and acknowledged
       under oath, to my satisfaction, that he is the person named in
       and that he did personally sign this General Release, Waiver
       and Acknowledgement.
                         /s/ Robert K. Marshall
                    Notary Public  - State of New Jersey
          In mutual consideration of the execution and delivery of
       the General Release, Waiver and Acknowledgment by James J.
       Lees (Incumbent), effective upon the expiration of the
       Revocation Period, as set forth therein, without exercise by
       Incumbent of such revocation, thereupon Atlantic Energy, Inc.
       and its Subsidiaries, inclusive of Atlantic City Electric
       Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the
       "Company") hereby release, waive and discharge the Incumbent
       from and against any and all claims, exclusive of claims
       arising out of or based upon criminal conduct by the Incumbent
       which the Company may have against Incumbent and which arose
       during the term of Incumbent's employment with the Company. 
       Except as hereinabove set forth above, this Release is
       intended to release, relinquish, discharge, extinguish and
       waive any and all claims, except claims founded upon criminal
       conduct by Incumbent, whether known or unknown, direct or
       indirect, which were or could have been or may hereafter be
       asserted, resulting from anything which occurred through the
       Termination Date of Incumbent's employment with the Company. 
       The Company further promises not to commence or pursue, or to
       authorize anyone to commence or pursue on its behalf, or in
       its interest, any action, whether legal, equitable or
       administrative, or to otherwise seek to recover any damages,
       remedy or relief of any kind from Incumbent within the
       contemplation of this Release, based upon any claim covered by
       this Release.  Notwithstanding the above, nothing contained
       herein is intended to preclude the Company from instituting
       any such action in the event of Incumbent's breach of the
       Employment Separation and Release Agreement or of Incumbent's
       breach of the General Release, Waiver and Acknowledgement
       hereinabove contained.  
                              ATLANTIC ENERGY, INC. AND ITS
                              SUBSIDIARIES, INCLUSIVE OF ATLANTIC
                              CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY
                         BY: /s/ JERROLD L. JACOBS 
                                JERROLD L. JACOBS
      /s/ J. G. Salomone
          J. G. Salomone
       DATED:June 22, 1994