1998 ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS

                                   THE COMPANY

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Atwood  Oceanics,  Inc.  is engaged in the  business of  international  offshore
drilling of exploratory and developmental oil and gas wells and related support,
management and consulting services.  Presently,  the Company owns and operates a
modern fleet of seven mobile offshore rigs and one modular platform rig, as well
as manages the  operations  of two  operator-owned  platform  rigs in  Northwest
Australia.  The Company also owns a fifty percent  interest in a new  generation
platform rig operating in Australia.  The Company  supports its operations  from
headquarters  in  Houston  and  affiliated   offices  in  Australia,   Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Egypt, India and Italy.


         Operating   results  for  fiscal  1998  represent  the  Company's  best
financial performance in its thirty years of existence. Revenues, operating cash
flows (before changes in working capital and other assets and  liabilities)  and
net income increased 70%, 138% and 152%, respectively, over fiscal 1997 results.
Through the end of fiscal year 1998,  the Company has  maintained  virtually 100
percent utilization of its active drilling equipment for five consecutive years.

         Record earnings and revenues were achieved through contract renewals at
higher   dayrates   and  through  the   commencement   of   contracts   for  our
semisubmersibles  ATWOOD HUNTER and ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS  following the major
enhancement and water depth upgrade of both units.  With term contracts in place
has a healthy  contract  backlog  with  approximately  90% and 60% of  potential
revenue days for these units  already  committed for fiscal years 1999 and 2000,
respectively.  Despite current near-term  softness in the market,  the Company's
present contract  commitments should provide for a high level of revenues during
fiscal year 1999.

         The major shipyard  upgrades of the  semisubmersible  ATWOOD FALCON and
jack-up  VICKSBURG were completed during the first quarter of fiscal 1999 within
cost and completion  estimates.  The Company has now  successfully  accomplished
four major  upgrades in the past two years within cost and  completion  targets.
The  ATWOOD  FALCON,  which was  upgraded  to 3,500  ft.  water  depth  drilling
capability,  commenced a three-year contract with options to extend in Southeast
Asia during November, 1998. The VICKSBURG,  which was completely refurbished and
enhanced,  including  cantilever  conversion,  is  being  mobilized  to India to
commence a one-year  contract with options to extend during the first quarter of
fiscal 1999.  In addition,  upgrade of the GOODWYN `A'  self-contained  platform
rig,  which the Company  manages on a project basis on behalf of the owner,  was
also  completed and  commenced  drilling  operations in October,  1998 under the
Company's management.

         The ATWOOD EAGLE also recently received two additional  contracts which
require the Company to increase  the  water-depth  drilling  capacity of the rig
from 2,500 feet to 2,800 feet. These additional  contractual  obligations do not
contemplate extensive downtime for the rig and should keep the rig employed into
fiscal year 2000. The tender-assist unit SEAHAWK is also a candidate for upgrade
and  enhancement,  following  anticipated  completion  of its  current  contract
commitment in the second quarter of fiscal year 1999.  Such upgrade will only be
undertaken upon receipt of a contract commitment.

         The ATWOOD HUNTER is in the second year of a three-year contract in the
Gulf of Mexico. The submersible  RICHMOND is committed until April, 1999 and has
been continuously employed since February,  1993. We believe the RICHMOND should
be a strong candidate for ongoing work prospects,  though at reduced dayrates in
the  short  term.   In  an   improving   market   environment,   we  expect  the
semisubmersible  ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS to be a significant  contributor to the
Company's future success.

         The Company's mix of long-term contracts on high margin units,  coupled
with  short-term  contracts,  provides the potential for excellent  returns with
downside  protection  under current market  conditions and upside  potential for
enhanced  earnings  from  market   improvement.   A  strategy  of  international
operations, highly-skilled personnel, premium equipment, financial strength, and
a contract  backlog and mix  continues  to serve us well.  We remain  optimistic
about the long-term market outlook despite current near-term softness.  Striving
for  safe  operations  remains  at the  core of our  activities.  We  thank  our
employees for their efforts and  contributions,  and our  shareholders for their

                                        /s/ John Irwin
                                            John Irwin

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------
(In Thousands)                                           1998           1997
- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------

          DRILLING AND MANAGEMENT                    $151,809       $ 89,082
      NET INCOME                                       39,364         15,619
      CAPITAL EXPENDITURES                             79,607         62,778

      CASH AND SECURITIES HELD FOR INVESTMENT       $  34,529        $42,234
      NET PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                      205,632        143,923
      TOTAL ASSETS                                    281,737        215,330
      TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                      163,766        122,689

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                           FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL REVIEW

                                     At or For the Years Ended September 30,

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except per 
share amounts, fleet data         1998       1997      1996      1995     1994
and ratios)
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
  Contract revenues             $151,809   $89,082  $ 79,455  $ 72,231 $ 65,975
  Drilling costs and general
      and administrative 
      expenses                   (72,616)   (54,890) (56,653)  (55,311) (48,652)
                                --------   --------  -------   --------  -------
  OPERATING MARGIN                79,193     34,192   22,802    16,920   17,323
  Depreciation                   (17,596)    (9,979)  (9,742)  (11,134) (13,618)
                                --------    -------  -------  -------- --------
  OPERATING INCOME                61,597     24,213   13,060     5,786    3,705
  Other income (expense)          (1,278)     1,165    2,783     3,146    3,230
  Tax provision                  (20,955)    (9,759)  (4,475)   (1,872)    (726)
                                --------    -------   -------  -------  -------

           NET INCOME          $  39,364   $ 15,619 $ 11,368  $ 7,060   $ 6,209
                              =========== ========= ========  ========  =======


  Earnings per common
   share: (1)
    Basic                         $ 2.90   $   1.16    $   .85  $  .54   $   .47
    Diluted                         2.84       1.14        .84     .53       .47
  Average common 
   shares outstanding: (1)
    Basic                         13,592     13,474     13,328  13,182    13,164
    Diluted                       13,884     13,715     13,544  13,230    13,184
  Number of rigs owned 
   or managed, at end
   of period                          11        11         11       10         9
  Utilization rate for 
     in-service rigs
     (excludes contractual 
     downtime for rig upgrades
     in 1998 and 1997)               100%     100%       100%      99%       99%
  Cash and securities 
   held for investment         $  34,529  $ 42,234   $ 40,492 $ 37,922  $ 41,047
  Working capital                 24,864    27,549     26,151   13,761    25,171
  Net property and equipment     205,632   143,923     91,124   91,427    82,845
  Total assets                   281,737   215,330    159,309  152,853   153,460
  Total long-term debt            72,000    59,500     34,473   39,319    53,294
  Shareholders' equity           163,766   122,689    105,554   94,892    85,959
  Ratio of current assets 
   to current liabilities           1.93      2.41       2.45     1.67      2.89

Note -
          (1)  Retroactively adjusted to reflect 100% stock dividend declared in
               November, 1997.

            (The Company has never paid any cash dividends on its common stock.)


                          OFFSHORE DRILLING OPERATIONS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                PERCENTAGE                                     CONTRACT
                  OF 1998        MAXIMUM                       STATUS AT
NAME    TYPE     CONTRACT  YEAR   WATER                        NOVEMBER 30,
- ------  -------  --------  ----- -------  --------   --------  ----------------

FALCON  Third-     11%   1983     3,500   Malaysia Sabah Shell Upon completion 
        generation      (Enhanced  Feet            Petroleum   of six-month
        Semi-            and water                 Company     upgrade period,
        submersible      depth                     Limited     the rig commenced
                         upgrade                   through     drilling under a
                         in 1998)                  assignment  firm three-year
                                                   from Shell  contract in 
                                                   Philippines November 1998.
                                                   Exploration Upon completion
                                                   B.V.        of the current
                                                               well for Sabah  
                                                               Shell it is
                                                               anticipated that
                                                               the rig will be
                                                               mobilized to the
                                                               Philippines to
                                                               drill for Shell

HUNTER   Third-    23%   1981     3,500  United   British-     Rig is under 
         generation    (Enhanced   Feet  States   Borneo       long-term     
         Semi-         and water         Gulf of  Petroleum    contract which
         submersible   depth             Mexico   Inc.         terminates in
                       upgrade                                 September 2000.
                       in 1997)

EAGLE    Third-    21%  1982      2,500  Italy    Enterprise  Rig is contracted 
         generation                Feet           Oil         to several 
         Semi-                                    Italiana    operators under a
         submersible                              S.p.A.      "rig sharing
                                                              agreement".  Upon
                                                              completion of the
                                                              current well in 
                                                              Italy, the rig
                                                              will return to
                                                              Egypt to drill for
                                                              Gulf of Suez
                                                              Petroleum Company
                                                              and BG Exploration
                                                              and Production
                                                              Limited.  The rig
                                                              also has contracts
                                                              with Turkieye 
                                                              Petrolleria A.O.
                                                              and Samedan, 
                                                              Mediterranean Sea,
                                                              Inc.  These 
                                                              contracts provide
                                                              the rig with a 
                                                              firm backlog of
                                                              work for 
                                                              approximately one
                                                              year with options
                                                              for futher work.

VICKSBURG   Jack-up 1%  1976      300  Mobilizing Enron       Following 
                      (Enhanc-    Feet to India   Oil & Gas   completion of 
                      ed and                      India Ltd.  upgrade and
                      upgraded                                refurbishment in
                      in 1998)                                November 1998, the
                                                              rig is presently
                                                              being mobilized to
                                                              India to commence 
                                                              a one-year 
                                                              contract, with
                                                              options to extend.

SEAHAWK   Second-   8% 1974/      450  Malaysia   Esso        Rig is under term 
          generation   1992       Feet            Production  contract 
          semi-                                   Malaysia    (estimated 
          submersible                             Inc.        completion second
          Tender                                              fiscal 1999 
          assist                                              quarter). 
                                                              ongoing for multi-
                                                              year contract

ATWOOD    Second-  14% 1976       2,000 Australia  -          Rig is available 
SOUTHERN  generation (Refur-      Feet                        for contract since
CROSS     semi-       bished and                              it became idle at
          submersible upgraded                                the end of
                      in 1997)                                September 1998.

RICHMOND  Sub-     8% 1982        75   United    Chevron      Rig is under term
          mersible                Feet States    U.S.A.       contract (estimat-
                                       Gulf of                ed completion
                                       Mexico                 March 1999).  
                                                              Options available
                                                              for work until
                                                              October 1999.

RIG-19    Modular  4% 1988        N/A  Australia Esso         Rig is under term 
          platform                               Australia    contract (estimat-
                                                 Limited      ed completion 
                                                              between January
                                                              and May 1999).

RIG-200   Modular  5% 1995        N/A  Australia Esso         Rig is under term 
          platform                               Australia    contract (estimat-
                                                 Limited      ed completion 
                                                              between January
                                                              and May 1999).
                           MANAGEMENT/LABOR CONTRACTS

GOODWYN'A'Modular  5%  N/A        N/A  Australia Woodside     Rigs are under 
and NORTH platforms                              Energy       term contract for 
RANKIN 'A'                                                    management of   
                                                              operations into   
                                                              the year 2000.
                                                              Current plans
                                                              project drilling
                                                              operations to
                                                              alternate between
                                                              the two rigs.



     This Annual Report to Shareholders and the related Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1998 includes  "forward-looking  statements" within the
meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section
21E of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  All  statements  other
than statements of historical facts included in this report and the related Form
10-K regarding the Company's financial position,  business strategy, budgets and
plans and  objectives of management for future  operations  are  forward-looking
statements.  Although the Company  believes that the  expectations  reflected in
such  forward-looking  statements are reasonable,  it can give no assurance that
such  expectations  will  prove  to have  been  correct.  These  forward-looking
statements  involve risks and uncertainties  that may cause the Company's actual
future  activities  and results of operations to be  materially  different  from
those suggested or described in this Annual Report to  Shareholders  and related
Form 10-K.  These risks  include:  the  Company's  dependence on the oil and gas
industry; the Company's ability to secure adequate financing; the risks involved
in the construction and upgrade to the Company's rigs;  competition;  operations
risks;  risks involved in foreign  operations;  and governmental  regulation and
environmental matters. These factors ("Cautionary  Statements") are disclosed in
various places  throughout this report and the related Form 10-K. All subsequent
written and oral  forward-looking  statements  attributable  to the Company,  or
persons acting on its behalf,  are expressly  qualified in their entirety by the
Cautionary Statements.


     In fiscal 1998, the Company's revenues, operating cash flows and net income
were the highest in its history.  Except for rigs idle for upgrades, the Company
had 100  percent  utilization  of its  drilling  fleet in  fiscal  1998.  At the
beginning  of fiscal  1998,  the price for oil was around $20 per  barrel,  with
worldwide  fleet  utilization  for mobile offshore rigs in excess of 95 percent.
During the second half of fiscal 1998, the price for oil declined which resulted
in some curtailment of worldwide  drilling  activities,  especially for jack-ups
and shallow water drilling rigs. Currently,  the price for oil is around $12 per
barrel,  with worldwide fleet  utilization for mobile offshore rigs at less than
90 percent.

    Due to current  weakness in the  worldwide  offshore  drilling  market,  the
Company was unable to identify an ongoing contract for the ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS
when it completed its last contract at the end of  September,  1998.  Currently,
the ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS is the Company's only rig not generating revenues.  In
an  improved  market  environment,  the  Company  is  confident  that the ATWOOD
SOUTHERN CROSS will be a significant contributor to future revenues. Despite the
current market  softness and no current  contract for the ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS,
the Company's contract backlog for its third-generation  semisubmersibles should
provide a high level of  revenues  and cash flows in fiscal  1999.  The  Company
remains  confident in the long-term  future of the worldwide  offshore  drilling


Fiscal Year 1998 Versus  Fiscal Year 1997

     Despite  the ATWOOD  FALCON  and  VICKSBURG  being  idle for a  significant
portion of fiscal 1998 while undergoing upgrades, contract revenues increased 70
percent to $151.8  million  from $89.1  million.  This  increase  was  primarily
attributable to the ATWOOD HUNTER returning to work at a significant increase in
dayrate revenues  following upgrade in fiscal 1997, the initial  commencement of
drilling  operations  for the ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS  following its upgrade and
refurbishment in fiscal 1997 and the increase in dayrate revenues for the ATWOOD
EAGLE. An analysis of contract revenues by rig for fiscal years 1998 and 1997 is
as follows:

                                       CONTRACT REVENUES
                                         (In millions)
                                 Fiscal      Fiscal
                                  1998        1997      Variance
                                -------      ------     --------

ATWOOD HUNTER                    $ 35.2      $  5.2       $ 30.0  
ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS              20.4         0.0         20.4
ATWOOD EAGLE                       32.2        19.3         12.9
ATWOOD FALCON                      17.3        16.9          0.4
RICHMOND                           11.3         8.8          2.5
RIG-200                             7.9         5.9          2.0
SEAHAWK                            11.4        11.3          0.1
VICKSBURG                           1.9         5.1         (3.2)
RIG-19                              6.7         7.1         (0.4)
GOODWYN `A'                         4.3         7.3         (3.0)
NORTH RANKIN `A'                    3.2         2.2          1.0
                                -------      ------       -------
                                $ 151.8      $ 89.1       $ 62.7
                                =======      ======       =======

     In September, 1997, the ATWOOD HUNTER commenced drilling under a three-year
contract in the United States Gulf of Mexico. Due to the rig being upgraded,  it
generated less than 100 days of revenue during fiscal 1997. The ATWOOD  SOUTHERN
CROSS,  which generated no revenues prior to fiscal 1998,  commenced drilling in
Australia in November,  1997. The ATWOOD EAGLE was relocated from West Africa to
the  Mediterranean  Sea  area in  March,  1998  and  commenced  working  under a
rig-sharing agreement, with enhanced dayrate revenues. The ATWOOD FALCON entered
a shipyard in May,  1998 for its  water-depth  upgrade,  which was not completed
until November,  1998.  Revenues from the rig should be significantly  higher in
fiscal  1999.  Due to a strong  market  during  the first  half of fiscal  1998,
revenues  from the RICHMOND  increased  in fiscal 1998  compared to fiscal 1997.
However,  due to current softness in the market, there has been a recent decline
in dayrate for the rig and, therefore, it is expected to generate less revenues
in fiscal 1999 than in fiscal 1998.

     Stable contracts for the SEAHAWK,  RIG-200 and RIG-19 provided  consistency
to operations during fiscal 1998.  Contractual work for RIG-200 and RIG-19 could
terminate during fiscal 1999 with an uncertainty for ongoing work. The VICKSBURG
entered a shipyard in December, 1997 for refurbishment and upgrade which was not
completed until November, 1998, and this accounted for its decrease in revenues.
Drilling  activity for the GOODWYN `A' declined during the second half of fiscal
1998 due to its  Australian  owner  upgrading  the  rig.  The  Company  provided
additional  labor to NORTH RANKIN `A' and is expected to continue to be involved
in the operation of both rigs at least into the year 2000.
     Contract  drilling and  management  costs during  fiscal 1998  increased 34
percent from $48.8 million to $65.3 million.  This increase was primarily due to
the ATWOOD  HUNTER and ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS  commencing  drilling  operations
following  their upgrades  during fiscal 1997. An analysis of contract  drilling
and management costs by rig is as follows:

                                       (In millions)
                             Fiscal       Fiscal
                              1998         1997            Variance
                             -----       ------            --------

ATWOOD HUNTER                 $ 9.4       $  1.7            $  7.7
ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS          10.6          0.0              10.6
ATWOOD EAGLE                   11.5          9.8               1.7
ATWOOD FALCON                   4.9          6.3              (1.4)
RICHMOND                        6.0          5.0               1.0
RIG-200                         2.6          2.0               0.6
SEAHAWK                         6.1          7.0              (0.9)
VICKSBURG                       1.4          3.6              (2.2)
RIG-19                          4.5          5.3              (0.8)
GOODWYN `A'                     3.4          5.7              (2.3)
NORTH RANKIN `A'                2.9          1.1               1.8
OTHER                           2.0          1.3               0.7
                             ------       ------            ------
                             $ 65.3       $ 48.8            $ 16.5
                             ======       ======            ======

     The  ATWOOD   HUNTER  worked  the  entire  fiscal  1998  compared  to  only
approximately  one  quarter of fiscal  1997.  The  Company  acquired  the ATWOOD
SOUTHERN  CROSS in October,  1993,  but did not place the rig into service until
after the  completion of its  refurbishment  and upgrade in November,  1997. The
increase  in  operating  costs  for the  ATWOOD  EAGLE was due  primarily  to an
increase in maintenance costs and higher operating costs associated with working
in the  Mediterranean  Sea area as  compared  to West  Africa.  The  increase in
operating  costs for the RICHMOND was due  primarily to higher  payroll  related
costs.  During the ATWOOD FALCON and  VICKSBURG  upgrade  periods,  no operating
costs are being incurred, resulting in lower operating costs in the current year
than in fiscal 1997. As a result of certain payroll related tax refunds received
in fiscal  1998,  operating  costs for RIG-19  declined.  The  increase in NORTH
RANKIN `A' costs and the  decrease  in GOODWYN `A' costs were due to an increase
in  personnel  services  provided  to the NORTH  RANKIN  `A',  and a decrease in
services provided to GOODWYN `A' during its upgrade period.

     An analysis of depreciation expense by rig is as follows:

                                  DEPRECIATION EXPENSE
                                      (In millions)
                             Fiscal      Fiscal
                              1998        1997         Variance
                            -------      ------        --------

ATWOOD HUNTER                 $ 5.0       $ 0.6           $ 4.4 
ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS           3.0         0.0             3.0
ATWOOD EAGLE                    2.2         2.1             0.1
ATWOOD FALCON                   1.8         2.7            (0.9)
RICHMOND                        0.5         0.4             0.1
RIG-200                         2.1         1.5             0.6
SEAHAWK                         2.5         2.2             0.3
VICKSBURG                       0.0         0.0             0.0
RIG-19                          0.2         0.2             0.0
OTHER                           0.3         0.3             0.0
                              -----      ------           -----
                              $17.6      $ 10.0           $ 7.6
                              =====      ======           =====

     The increase in depreciation expense was primarily due to the commencing of
depreciation  in fiscal  1998 of upgrade  costs of the ATWOOD  HUNTER and ATWOOD
SOUTHERN CROSS. The Company does not recognize  depreciation  expense during the
period a rig is out of service for a significant upgrade.  This accounts for the
decline in  depreciation  expense  for the ATWOOD  FALCON in fiscal 1998 and the
ATWOOD HUNTER in fiscal 1997.  The increase in  depreciation  expense of RIG-200
was due to the rig having  active  drilling  operations  for all of fiscal  1998
compared to only three quarters of fiscal 1997.

     General  and  administrative  expense  increased  20 percent in fiscal 1998
compared to fiscal 1997.  This increase was attributed to an increase in payroll
related costs and in  professional  fees. The $2.4 million  increase in interest
expense  was  primarily  related to the  increase  in funds  borrowed  under the
Company's  revolving credit  agreement.  With a significant  increase in pre-tax
income and  virtually  no  carryforward  tax  attributes,  both the  foreign and
domestic tax provision increased.

Fiscal Year 1997 Versus Fiscal Year 1996

     Contract revenues in fiscal 1997 increased 12 percent to $89.1 million from
$79.5 million. This increase was primarily  attributable to dayrate increases on
the ATWOOD FALCON,  ATWOOD EAGLE and RICHMOND,  to an increase in labor services
provided to NORTH RANKIN 'A' and to a complete year of revenues from RIG-200. An
analysis of contract revenues by rig for fiscal 1997 and 1996 is as follows:

                                  CONTRACT REVENUES
                                    (In millions)
                           Fiscal       Fiscal
                            1997         1996      Variance
                           ------      -------     --------

ATWOOD FALCON               $16.9      $  11.5        $ 5.4
ATWOOD HUNTER                 5.2         11.3         (6.1)
ATWOOD EAGLE                 19.3         15.6          3.7
RIG-200                       5.9          2.2          3.7
SEAHAWK                      11.3         11.0          0.3
VICKSBURG                     5.1          5.0          0.1
RIG-19                        7.1          8.2         (1.1)
RICHMOND                      8.8          6.2          2.6
GOODWYN 'A'                   7.3          7.6         (0.3)
NORTH RANKIN 'A'              2.2          0.9          1.3
                            -----       -----        ------
                            $89.1       $ 79.5        $ 9.6
                            =====       ======       ======

     Contracts which commenced during the last half of fiscal 1996 by the ATWOOD
FALCON  and  ATWOOD  EAGLE,   and  which   resulted  in  dayrate   increases  of
approximately 60 percent and 25 percent,  respectively,  extended through fiscal
1997,  accounting for the increase in revenues for these rigs. The ATWOOD HUNTER
entered the shipyard in December,  1996 for its deep water upgrade which was not
completed until September, 1997, accounting for its decrease in revenues. A full
year of revenues  coupled  with the  commencement  of active  drilling at higher
dayrates  accounted for the increase in revenues for RIG-200.  Stable  contracts
for the SEAHAWK and VICKSBURG  provided  consistency  to these  operations.  The
decline in revenues  for RIG-19 was due to the rig being moved to a new platform
during  fiscal  1997 with no revenues  being  recognized  during the  relocation
period.  Market  conditions  for the RICHMOND also  improved  during fiscal 1997
resulting in increased revenues.

     In  contrast  to a 12  percent  increase  in  contract  revenues,  contract
drilling  and  management  costs in fiscal  1997  decreased  5 percent  to $48.8
million from $51.5  million.  The decrease was  primarily  due to the absence of
drilling  costs on the ATWOOD HUNTER during its upgrade  period.  An analysis of
contract drilling and management costs by rig is as follows:

                                   (In millions)
                         Fiscal       Fiscal
                          1997         1996            Variance
                         -----        -----            --------

ATWOOD FALCON             $ 6.3       $  6.9           $   (0.6)
ATWOOD HUNTER               1.7          7.2               (5.5)
ATWOOD EAGLE                9.8          9.1                0.7
RIG-200                     2.0          0.3                1.7
SEAHAWK                     7.0          6.5                0.5
VICKSBURG                   3.6          3.1                0.5
RIG-19                      5.3          6.4               (1.1)
RICHMOND                    5.0          4.8                0.2
GOODWYN 'A'                 5.7          5.9               (0.2)
NORTH RANKIN 'A'            1.1          0.6                0.5
OTHER                       1.3          0.7                0.6
                         ------       ------             ------
                         $ 48.8       $ 51.5             $ (2.7)
                         ======       ======             =======

   The ATWOOD HUNTER was out of service for approximately eight months in fiscal
1997 due to the upgrade  period.  The  increase in costs of RIG-200 was due to a
full  year of  operations.  The  decrease  in costs  for  RIG-19  was due to its
relocation  to a  new  platform  which  resulted  in  no  drilling  costs  being
recognized during the relocation period. The increase in operating costs for the
ATWOOD  EAGLE,  SEAHAWK,  VICKSBURG  and NORTH RANKIN 'A' were due  primarily to
higher payroll related costs.

     An analysis of depreciation expense by rig is as follows:
                              DEPRECIATION EXPENSE
                                   (In millions)
                           Fiscal      Fiscal
                           1997         1996         Variance
                          ------       ------        --------

ATWOOD FALCON              $ 2.7        $ 2.6           $ 0.1
ATWOOD HUNTER                0.6          1.6            (1.0)
ATWOOD EAGLE                 2.1          2.0             0.1
RIG-200                      1.5          0.0             1.5
SEAHAWK                      2.2          2.2             0.0
VICKSBURG                    0.0          0.0             0.0
RIG-19                       0.2          0.6            (0.4)
RICHMOND                     0.4          0.4             0.0
OTHER                        0.3          0.3             0.0
                           -----        -----           -----
                           $10.0        $ 9.7           $ 0.3
                           =====        =====           =====

     With the ATWOOD  HUNTER out of service for drilling  operations  during its
water depth enhancement, no depreciation was recognized during the rig's upgrade
period.  Depreciation  of RIG-200  commenced  upon  start-up of active  drilling
operation in January, 1997.

     General  and  administrative  expense  increased  19 percent in fiscal 1997
compared  to fiscal  1996.  This  increase  was  attributable  to an increase in
payroll  related costs and to  professional  fees associated with a registration
statement  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission in February,  1997
with respect to a public offering of 1.5 million shares of the Company's  common
stock,  which  was  subsequently  withdrawn  due to the  stock  price  range not
adequately  reflecting  the value of the  Company.  Investment  income in fiscal
years  1997 and 1996 of $2.4  million  and $2.5  million,  respectively,  offset
interest  expense  for both  years.  With an  increase  in  pre-tax  income  and
virtually  no  carryforward  tax  attributes,  both  foreign  and  domestic  tax
provisions significantly increased.


     During fiscal 1998, operating cash flows (before changes in working capital
and other assets and  liabilities)  increased  138 percent from $25.8 million to
$61.4  million.  During  fiscal  1998,  the  Company  utilized  available  cash,
internally generated funds and $14 million of funds borrowed under its revolving
credit facility to invest  approximately $30 million in the water-depth  upgrade
of the ATWOOD FALCON,  to invest  approximately $30 million in the refurbishment
and upgrade of the VICKSBURG,  to invest approximately $13 million in completing
the  refurbishment  and  upgrade  of the  ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS  and  to  fund
approximately $7 million in other capital expenditures.

     After  enhancing the ATWOOD FALCON to drill in up to 3,500 feet of water at
an  approximate  cost of $50 million,  of which $30 million was expended  during
fiscal 1998, the rig commenced drilling under a three-year contract in November,
1998.  After the  Company  committed  approximately  $35  million to upgrade and
refurbish the VICKSBURG  (including  cantilevering  for extended reach drilling,
adding  a top  drive  and  enhancing  certain  drilling  equipment),  the rig is
preparing to mobilize to India to commence a one-year contract.  Currently,  the
Company has two other rigs,  the SEAHAWK and ATWOOD EAGLE,  which are candidates
for upgrades. A contract extension is currently being discussed for the SEAHAWK,
which is a  requirement  before any upgrade will be  undertaken.  The Company is
contractually  obligated to increase the  water-depth  drilling  capacity of the
ATWOOD  EAGLE from 2,500 feet to 2,800  feet.  This  minimum  upgrade  will cost
approximately $4 million and will not require the use of a shipyard or result in
extensive  downtime for the rig.  Thus,  except for funding the remaining  costs
associated  with the upgrades of the ATWOOD FALCON and VICKSBURG  (approximately
$25  million),   minimal  upgrade  of  the  ATWOOD  EAGLE  and  general  capital
maintenance  of  the  Company's  other  rigs,  the  Company   currently  has  no
significant capital commitments.

     Since September 30, 1998, the Company has borrowed another $8 million under
its revolving credit facility,  resulting in a current outstanding balance under
the  facility  of  $80  million.  Subject  to an  investment  opportunity  being
identified,  the Company estimates that it will not  significantly  increase the
outstanding  balance under this facility.  The ATWOOD HUNTER,  ATWOOD EAGLE, and
RICHMOND plus $20 million of the  Company's  United  States  Treasury  bonds are
pledged as collateral under the $125 million  revolving  credit  facility.  This
revolving line of credit converts to a reducing facility commencing on March 31,
1999, with commitment reduction of $8.3 million per quarter until final maturity
on March 31, 2002.  Depending upon additional capital  investments,  anticipated
future  operating cash flows are expected to provide the Company with the option
of repaying  funds  borrowed  under the revolving  credit  facility prior to its
required maturity.

     For the last quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company earned  approximately  $35
million in contract  revenues compared to approximately $24 million for the last
quarter of fiscal 1997. This significant  increase in contract revenues accounts
for the $11.4  million  increase in accounts  receivable  at September  30, 1998
compared to September 30, 1997. The Company's  portfolio of accounts  receivable
is comprised  of major  international  corporate  entities  with stable  payment
experience.  Historically,  the  Company  has  experienced  no  difficulties  in
receivable  collections;  however,  at September  30, 1998,  there is a contract
dispute over  approximately  $2 million billed in September 1998. The Company is
in the process of taking legal action to collect this $2 million.

     The  Company  continues  to pursue  additional  growth  opportunities.  The
current decline in drilling market activity may enhance the Company's ability to
identify investment alternatives. The Company would expect to finance additional
capital expenditures  through a combination of operating cash flows,  additional
borrowing  under the revolving  credit  facility or additional  debt  financing;
however,  the Company can give no assurance that additional debt financing would
be  available  on terms  acceptable  to the  Company.  The Company  continues to
periodically review and adjust its planned capital expenditures and financing of
such expenditures in light of current market conditions.

YEAR 2000

     Many computer software  systems,  as well as certain hardware and equipment
utilizing  date-sensitive  data,  were  structured to use a two-digit date field
meaning that they will not be able to properly recognize dates in the Year 2000.
The Company is using both  internal and  external  resources to assess and where
necessary,  to reprogram,  replace or test software for Year 2000 Compliance.  A
majority of the  Company's  internal  information  systems are in the process of
being  reprogrammed or replaced with  fully-compliant  new or modified  systems.
Most of the  Company's  operating  systems  on its  various  drilling  rigs  are
mechanical, with no Year 2000 compliance issues; however, there are some systems
that will require  assessment and possible  reprogramming  or  replacement.  The
Company is  striving  to address  and,  where  necessary,  correct all Year 2000
issues by the end of June 1999.  Currently,  the total cost of assessments,  new
software  and  implementations  is  estimated  to be between  $1 million  and $2
million, most of which will relate to new software and will be capitalized.  The
Company believes that with  modifications to existing software and conversion to
new  software,  the Year  2000  issues  will not  pose  significant  operational
problems;  however, the extent and magnitude of the Year 2000 problem as it will
affect  the  Company  is  difficult  to  predict.  Accordingly,  there can be no
assurance that the Company will adequately correct all Year 2000 problems, so as
not to create  disruptions  in the  Company's  business.  The  Company  does not
currently  have   information   concerning  the  Year  2000  compliance  of  its
significant  customers or suppliers.  In the event the Company's major suppliers
or customers do not successfully  and timely achieve Year 2000  compliance,  the
Company's operations will be adversely affected.


     The  Company  is  exposed  to market  risk,  including  adverse  changes in
interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates as discussed below.

Interest Rate Risk

     Total  long-term  debt at  September  30,  1998,  included  $72  million of
floating rate debt. As a result,  the Company's  annual interest costs in fiscal
1999 will fluctuate based on interest rate changes. Because the interest rate on
the Company's long-term debt is a floating rate, the fair value of the Company's
long-term debt approximates  carrying value as of September 30, 1998. The impact
on annual cash flow of a 10 percent  change in the floating rate  (approximately
70 basis points) would be approximately  $0.5 million.  The Company did not have
any open  derivative  contracts  relating to its floating rate debt at September
30, 1998.

Foreign Currency Risk

     Certain of the Company's  subsidiaries have monetary assets and liabilities
that are  denominated in a currency other than their  functional  currencies.  A
decrease  in the value of 10 percent in the foreign  currencies  relative to the
U.S. dollar from the year-end  exchange rates would result in a foreign currency
transaction  loss of  approximately  $1  million,  based on  September  30, 1998
amounts.  The Company  considers its current risk  exposure to foreign  currency
exchange rate movements,  based on net cash flows, to be immaterial. The Company
did not have any open  derivative  contracts  relating to foreign  currencies at
September 30, 1998.


To Board of Directors of Atwood Oceanics, Inc.:

     We have  audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of Atwood
Oceanics,  Inc. (a Texas  corporation) and subsidiaries as of September 30, 1998
and 1997, and the related consolidated statements of operations,  cash flows and
changes in shareholders'  equity for each of the three years in the period ended
September 30, 1998.  These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted  our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects,  the financial  position of Atwood Oceanics,  Inc. and
subsidiaries  as of  September  30,  1998 and  1997,  and the  results  of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
September 30, 1998, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                              /s/ ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP
                                  ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Houston, Texas
November 23, 1998

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                        September 30,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                       1998             1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

     Cash and cash equivalents                   $ 11,621          $19,264
     Accounts receivable                           27,730           16,353
     Inventories of materials and supplies,
         at lower of average cost or market         8,076            7,004
     Deferred tax assets                              880            1,820
     Prepaid expenses                               3,280            2,610
                                                   ------          -------
         Total Current Assets                      51,587           47,051
                                                   ------          -------

     Held-to-maturity, at amortized cost           22,585           22,581
     Available-for-sale, at fair value                323              389
                                                   ------         --------
                                                   22,908           22,970
                                                   ------         --------
    Drilling vessels, equipment and drill pipe    327,520          249,496
    Other                                           6,128            5,363
                                                  -------         --------
                                                  333,648          254,859
    Less - accumulated depreciation               128,016          110,936
                                                  -------         --------
      Net Property and Equipment                  205,632          143,923
                                                  -------         --------

DEFERRED COSTS AND OTHER ASSETS                     1,610            1,386
                                                 --------         --------
                                                 $281,737         $215,330
                                                 ========         ======== 

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                    September 30,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except share data)               1998            1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

   Current maturities 
      of long-term debt                    $      750     $       750
   Accounts payable                            14,250           5,323
   Accrued liabilities                         11,723          13,429
                                               ------          ------
        Total Current 
         Liabilities                           26,723          19,502
                                               ------          ------

   net of current maturities                   72,000          58,750
                                               ------          ------

   Income taxes                                 4,820           1,810
   Mobilization fees and other                 14,428          12,579
                                               ------          ------
                                               19,248          14,389
                                               ------          ------
   Preferred stock,
      no par value;
      authorized, none 
      outstanding                                 ---            ---
   Common stock, $1 par
      value; 20,000,000
      shares authorized
      with 13,625,000
      and 13,546,000 
      issued and 
      outstanding in 
      1998 and 1997,
      respectively                             13,625         13,546
   Paid-in capital                             51,781         50,104
   Net unrealized holding 
    loss on
    securities                                   (155)          (112)
    Retained earnings                           98,515        59,151
                                              --------        ------
         Total Shareholders' Equity            163,766       122,689
                                              --------       -------
                                             $ 281,737      $215,330
                                             =========      ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                                                  Years Ended September 30,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except per share amounts)        1998          1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Contract drilling                       $148,570       $86,833      $78,555
    Contract management                        3,239         2,249          900
                                            --------       -------      -------
                                             151,809        89,082       79,455
                                            --------       -------      -------
    Contract drilling                         62,364        47,714       50,912
    Contract management                        2,921         1,076          628
    Depreciation                              17,596         9,979        9,742
    General and administrative                 7,331         6,100        5,113
                                              ------        ------       ------
                                              90,212        64,869       66,395
                                              ------        ------       ------
OPERATING INCOME                              61,597        24,213       13,060
                                              ------        ------       ------

    Interest expense                          (3,599)       (1,212)      (2,522)
    Investment income                          2,321         2,377        2,510
    Realized gain on sale of securities           --            --        2,795
                                             -------       -------      -------
                                              (1,278)        1,165        2,783
                                             -------       -------      -------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    60,319       25,378        15,843

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                    20,955        9,759         4,475
                                             -------       -------      -------

NET INCOME                                   $39,364       $15,619      $11,368
                                             =======       ========     =======

      Basic                               $     2.90       $  1.16    $     .85
      Diluted                                   2.84          1.14          .84
      Basic                                   13,592        13,474       13,328
      Diluted                                 13,884        13,715       13,544

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                                                   For Years Ended September 30,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                         1998       1997      1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Net income                                     $39,364    $15,619  $11,368
                                                    -------    -------  -------
     Adjustments to reconcile 
         net income to net cash 
         provided by operating 
       Depreciation                                  17,596      9,979    9,742
       Amortization of deferred 
         items                                          427        539      604
       Deferred federal income 
         tax provision (benefit)                      3,970       (330)   1,400
       Gain on sale of securities                       ---        ---   (2,795)
     Changes in assets and 
       Decrease (increase) in 
         accounts receivable                       (11,377)        334   (3,412)
       Increase (decrease) in 
         accounts payable                              954       2,708   (3,645)
       Increase (decrease) in 
         accrued liabilities                        (1,706)      5,958   (1,524)
       Net mobilization fees                         2,779       6,286    3,000
       Other                                        (1,924)     (1,848)   2,216
                                                    ------      ---------  -----
                                                    10,719      23,626    5,586
                                                    ------      --------  -----
             Net Cash Provided by 
               Operating Activities                 50,083      39,245   16,954
                                                    ------      ------   ------
     Proceeds from sale of securities                  ---         ---    3,738
     Capital expenditures                          (79,607)    (62,778)  (9,526)
     Non cash portion of capital 
          expenditures                               7,973        ---       ---
                                                    -------    ---------- -----
             Net Cash Used by Investing 
               Activities                          (71,634)    (62,778)  (5,788)
                                                   --------    --------  -------
     Proceeds from exercises of 
          stock options                                658       1,019      761
     Proceeds from revolving 
          credit facility                           14,000      58,000      --- 
     Principal payments on debt                       (750)    (32,973)  (6,346)
     Deferred financing costs                          ---        (814)     ---
                                                   -------     -------   ------
               Net Cash Provided (Used) 
                    by Financing Activities         13,908      25,232   (5,585)
                                                   -------     -------   ------
     CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                      (7,643)      1,699    5,581 
     at beginning of period                         19,264      17,565   11,984
                                                    --------    ------   ------

     at end of period                               $11,621    $19,264  $17,565
                                                    =======    =======  =======
- --------------------------
Supplemental disclosure of cash 
   flow information:
     Cash paid during the year 
          for domestic and foreign income taxes     $18,549   $ 6,896   $ 2,660
                                                    =======   =======   =======
     Cash paid during the year 
          for interest, net of amounts capitalized  $ 2,349   $ 1,295   $ 2,478
                                                    =======   =======   =======

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                              SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                    Common Stock              Unrealized
                               ----------------     Paid-in   Holding   Retained
                               Shares(1) Amount(1) Capital(1)Gain(Loss) Earnings
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

September 30, 1995                13,258   $13,258   $48,142   $1,328    $32,164
    Unrealized holding gain at
        September 30, 1995 
        upon sale of securities 
          in 1996                   ---       ---       ---   (1,482)        ---
    Decrease in unrealized 
          holding loss              ---       ---       ---       15         ---
    Exercises of employee 
          stock options             124       124       637      ---         ---
    Net income                      ---       ---       ---      ---      11,368
                                 ------    ------    ------    -----      ------
September 30, 1996               13,382    13,382    48,779     (139)     43,532
    Decrease in unrealized 
          holding loss              ---       ---       ---       27         ---
    Exercises of employee 
          stock options             164       164       855      ---         ---
    Tax benefit from 
          exercises of
      employee stock options        ---       ---       470      ---         ---
    Net income                      ---       ---       ---      ---      15,619
                                 ------    ------    ------    -----      ------
September 30, 1997               13,546    13,546    50,104     (112)     59,151
    Increase in unrealized 
          holding loss              ---       ---       ---      (43)        ---
    Exercises of employee 
         stock options               79        79       579      ---         ---
    Tax benefit from exercises of
          employee stock options    ---       ---     1,098      ---         ---
    Net income                      ---       ---       ---      ---      39,364
                                 ------   -------   --------  -------    -------

September 30, 1998               13,625   $13,625   $51,781   $ (155)    $98,515
                                 ======   =======   ========  =======    =======

- ---------------------


(1) Adjusted for 100% stock dividend declared in November, 1997.
(2) Preferred stock, no par value, of 1,000,000 shares was authorized in 1975 
    and no shares have been issued.

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                     Atwood Oceanics, Inc. and Subsidiaries


     Atwood  Oceanics,   Inc.   together  with  its  wholly-owned   subsidiaries
(collectively  referred to herein as the "Company"),  is engaged in the business
of international  offshore drilling of exploratory and developmental oil and gas
wells and related support,  management and consulting services.  Presently,  the
Company owns and operates a modern fleet of seven mobile  offshore  rigs and one
modular  platform rig, as well as manages the  operations of two  operator-owned
platform  rigs in Northwest  Australia.  The Company  also owns a fifty  percent
interest in a new generation platform rig. Currently, the Company is involved in
active  operations  in the  territorial  waters of Australia,  Malaysia,  Egypt,
Philippines, Italy, United States and India.

     Demand  for  drilling   equipment  is  dependent  on  the  exploration  and
development  programs of oil and gas companies,  which is in turn  influenced by
the financial conditions of such companies,  by general economic conditions,  by
prices of oil and gas, and from time to time,  by political  considerations  and
policies.  The Company's business operations are subject to the risks associated
with a business having a limited number of customers for which it can operate at
any given time.  A decrease in the  drilling  programs of customers in the areas
where the Company is employed may adversely affect the Company's  revenues.  The
contracts under which the Company operates its drilling rigs are obtained either
through individual  negotiations with the customer or by submitting proposals in
competition  with the other  drilling  contractors  and vary in their  terms and
conditions.  The Company competes with several other drilling contractors,  most
of which are  substantially  larger than the  Company  and  possess  appreciably
greater  financial and other resources.  Price competition is generally the most
important  factor in the drilling  industry,  but the  technical  capability  of
specialized  drilling  equipment and personnel at the time and place required by
customers  are also  important.  Other  competitive  factors  include work force
experience, rig suitability,  efficiency, condition of equipment, reputation and
customer relations. The Company believes that it competes favorably with respect
to these factors.


Consolidation -

     The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of Atwood
Oceanics,  Inc.  ("AOI")  and  all of its  wholly  owned  domestic  and  foreign
subsidiaries.  The  Company's  undivided  50  percent  interest  in  RIG-200  is
accounted  for using the  proportionate  consolidation  method (See Note 4). All
significant  intercompany  accounts and  transactions  have been  eliminated  in

Foreign exchange -

     The U.S.  dollar is the functional  currency for all areas of operations of
the Company. Accordingly, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currency are remeasured to U.S. dollars at the rate of exchange in effect at the
end of the year,  items of income and expense are remeasured at average  monthly
rates, and property and equipment and other  nonmonetary  amounts are remeasured
at  historical  rates.  Gains and losses on foreign  currency  transactions  and
remeasurements are included in drilling costs in the consolidated  statements of
operations.  The Company incurred foreign exchange losses of $ 1 million and $.7
million  in 1998 and 1997,  respectively,  with a foreign  exchange  gain of $.2
million in 1996.

Property and equipment -

     Property  and  equipment  is recorded at cost.  Interest  costs  related to
property  under  construction  are  capitalized  as a component of  construction
costs. Interest capitalized during fiscal 1998 and 1997 totaled $1.4 million and
$1.3 million, respectively.

     Depreciation  is provided on the  straight-line  method over the  following
estimated useful lives of the various classifications of assets:

                        Drilling vessels and related equipment       5-15
                        Drill pipe                                      3
                        Furniture and Other                          3-10

Maintenance,  repairs  and minor  replacements  are  charged  against  income as
incurred;  major  replacements and upgrades are capitalized and depreciated over
the  remaining  useful life of the asset as  determined  upon  completion of the
work. The cost and related  accumulated  depreciation of assets sold, retired or
otherwise disposed are removed from the accounts at the time of disposition, and
any  resulting  gain or loss is  reflected  in the  consolidated  statements  of
operations for the applicable period.

Deferred costs -

     The Company defers the net costs of moving a drilling rig to a new area and
amortizes  such costs on a  straight-line  basis over the life of the applicable
drilling  contract.  During  fiscal  years 1998 and 1997,  the Company  received
sufficient  mobilization  revenues  on all rig  moves  to more  than  cover  all
mobilization  costs.  Thus,  there  were no  unamortized  mobilization  costs at
September 30, 1998 or 1997.

     The Company defers the costs of scheduled drydocking and charges such costs
to  expense  over the  period  to the next  scheduled  drydocking  (normally  30

Federal income taxes -

     The Company  accounts  for income  taxes in  accordance  with  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 109 "Accounting for Income Taxes".
Under SFAS No.  109,  deferred  income  taxes are  recorded  to reflect  the tax
consequences on future years of differences  between the tax basis of assets and
liabilities  and their  financial  reporting  amounts at each year-end given the
provisions  of enacted tax laws.  Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation
allowance when, based upon  management's  estimates,  it is more likely than not
that a portion of the  deferred  tax  assets  will not be  realized  in a future

Revenue recognition -

     The Company  accounts for drilling and management  contract  revenues using
the  percentage of completion  method of  accounting,  under which  revenues are
recognized on a daily basis as earned.  Mobilization  revenues are first used to
cover the costs of mobilization  with the excess revenues deferred and amortized
on a straight-line basis over the life of the applicable  drilling contract.  At
September 30, 1998 and 1997,  deferred  revenues totaling $12.1 million and $9.3
million,  respectively,  were included in Deferred  Credits on the  accompanying
consolidated balance sheets.

Cash and cash equivalents -

     Cash and cash  equivalents  consist of cash in banks and highly liquid debt
instruments which mature within three months of the date of purchase.

Receivables -

     Based upon the Company's historical collection of accounts receivable,  the
Company has not established an allowance for doubtful accounts.

Investments -

     Investments in held-to-maturity securities are stated at the amortized cost
at the balance  sheet date.  The Company has the ability and intent to hold such
securities  to  maturity.  At  September  30,  1998  and  1997,  investments  in
available-for-sale  securities  are  carried at fair  value with the  unrealized
holding loss, net of deferred tax, included in shareholders' equity.

Earnings per common share -

     In fiscal 1998,  the Company  adopted SFAS No. 128,  "Earnings  per Share".
Under SFAS No. 128,  primary  earnings per share  ("EPS") is replaced by "Basic"
EPS, which  excludes  dilution and is computed by dividing  income  available to
common shareholders by the weighted-average  number of common shares outstanding
for the period.  "Diluted"  EPS reflects the  issuance of  additional  shares in
connection  with the assumed  conversion  of stock  options.  As  required,  all
prior-period EPS information has been restated.

     The computation of basic and diluted  earnings per share under SFAS 128 for
each of the past three  years is as  follows:  (in  thousands,  except per share

                                                               Per Share
                                       Net Income     Shares      Amount
Fiscal 1998:
    Basic earnings per share             $ 39,364     13,592    $   2.90
    Effect of dilutive securities -
         Stock options                        ---        292        (.06)
     Diluted earnings per share          $ 39,364     13,884    $   2.84

Fiscal 1997:
     Basic earnings per share            $ 15,619     13,474    $   1.16
     Effect of dilutive securities -
          Stock options                       ---        241        (.02)
      Diluted earnings per share         $ 15,619     13,715     $  1.14

Fiscal 1996:
     Basic earnings per share            $ 11,368     13,328    $    .85
     Effect of dilutive securities -
           Stock options                      ---        216        (.01)
     Diluted earnings per share          $ 11,368     13,544     $   .84

Stock-Based Compensation -

     The  Company  accounts  for  employee  stock-based  compensation  using the
intrinsic value method  prescribed by Accounting  Principles Board (APB) Opinion
No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees". Accordingly, the adoption of
SFAS No. 123,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation"  in fiscal 1996 had no
effect on the Company's results of operations.

Use of Estimates -

     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


     All of the Company's  investments  in equity  securities  are classified as
"available-for-sale"  and  accordingly,  are reflected in the September 30, 1998
and  1997  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  at  fair  value,  with  the  aggregate
unrealized  gain or loss,  net of  related  deferred  tax  liability  or  asset,
included in  shareholders'  equity.  All of the  Company's  investment in United
States  Treasury  Bonds  (which  mature  in 2000 and  2001)  are  classified  as
"held-to-maturity" and, accordingly, are reflected in the September 30, 1998 and
1997 Consolidated Balance Sheets at amortized cost.

     There were no sales of securities during fiscal 1998 or 1997. During fiscal
1996, 32,000 shares of Mobil Corporation common stock were sold for $3.7 million
and  resulting in realized  gains,  using  average  cost,  of $2.8  million.  An
analysis of the Company's investment in marketable  securities is as follows (in

                             Amortized Cost     Gain (Loss)        Fair Value
                             ---------------   -------------    ---------------
   September 30, 1998 -
      Equity Securities          $      561       $   (238)      $      323
      United States
         Treasury Bonds              22,585          1,782           24,367
                                   --------       --------          -------
                                   $ 23,146       $  1,544          $24,690
                                   ========       ========          =======
   September 30, 1997 -
      Equity Securities          $      561       $   (172)       $     389
      United States
         Treasury Bonds              22,581          1,429           24,010
                                     ------        -------           ------

                                   $ 23,142        $ 1,257         $ 24,399
                                   ========        ========         =======



     In  December,  1997,  the  VICSKSBURG  was  mobilized  from  Australia to a
Singapore  shipyard  to undergo an  approximate  $35 million  refurbishment  and
upgrade project, of which $30 million was expended during fiscal 1998. Following
completion  of this project in  November,  1998,  the rig is being  mobilized to
India to commence a one-year plus option contract.


     In June,  1998,  the ATWOOD  FALCON was  relocated  from  Philippines  to a
Singapore shipyard to undergo an approximately $50 million water-depth  upgrade,
of which $30 million was expended  during fiscal 1998.  Following  completion of
the  project  in  November,  1998,  the rig has  commenced  drilling  under  the
three-year phase two portion of its 1996 contract. Pursuant to the contract, the
Company will receive $11.2 million in  mobilization  fees, of which $6.3 million
was received at September 30, 1998 and recorded to Deferred Credits. These fees,
net  after  mobilization  costs,  will  be  amortized  into  revenues  over  the
three-year contract period.


    During  fiscal  year 1997,  the ATWOOD  SOUTHERN  CROSS was  mobilized  from
Australia to a Singapore  shipyard,  refurbished  and upgraded to achieve  2,000
feet water-depth  drilling  capability at an aggregate cost of approximately $35
million.  During  November,  1997,  the  rig was  mobilized  from  Singapore  to
Australia to commence  working under a contract which it completed in September,
1998. While waiting for a new contract opportunity, the rig is currently idle in


    In fiscal 1997,  the ATWOOD  HUNTER was upgraded to achieve up to 3,500 feet
water-depth  drilling capability and relocated from Southeast Asia to the United
States Gulf of Mexico at an aggregate cost of approximately $40 million. The rig
has two more years  remaining on its  three-year  contract  with  British-Borneo
Petroleum  Inc.  The  contract  provided  for  the  payment  of  a  $10  million
mobilization  fee of which  $6.4  million  (net  after  mobilization  costs) was
recorded  to Deferred  Credits and is being  amortized  into  revenues  over the
three-year  contract  period,  with an  unamortized  balance of $4.2  million at
September 30, 1998.

RIG 200 -

    RIG-200  (a modular  platform  rig built in 1995) is owned 50 percent by the
Company and 50 percent by Helmerich & Payne,  Inc.  (current owner of 22 percent
of the Company's  outstanding common stock).  Since the Company has a 50 percent
undivided  ownership  interest  in  RIG-200  and  is  actively  involved  in its
operations,   the  Company   accounts  for  its  investment  in  the  rig  on  a
proportionate  consolidation  method.  Accordingly,  the  Company's  $12 million
investment  in RIG-200 is reflected in "Drilling  Vessels,  Equipment  and Drill
Pipe" in the Consolidated  Balance Sheet, with 50 percent of the rig's operating
results  for  fiscal  years  1998,  1997 and  1996  reflected  in the  Company's
Consolidated  Statement of Operations.  At September 30, 1998,  Accounts Payable
included  approximately  $950,000 payable to Helmerich & Payne, Inc. relating to
RIG-200 operations, which the Company paid in October, 1998.



    A summary of long-term debt is as follows (in thousands):

                                                           September 30,
                                                          1998        1997
                                                    -----------    --------
Revolving credit agreement, bearing interest
   (market adjustable) at approximately 7 percent
   per annum at September 30, 1998                     $ 72,000    $ 58,000
Term note, bearing interest at 6 percent per annum          750       1,500
                                                       --------     -------
                                                         72,750      59,500
Less -  current maturities                                  750         750
                                                       --------     -------
                                                       $ 72,000    $ 58,750
                                                       ========    ========

    In July,  1997,  the Company  entered into a $125 million  revolving  credit
facility with a bank group.  The revolving line of credit converts to a reducing
facility commencing on March 31, 1999, with commitment reduction of $8.3 million
per quarter until final maturity on March 31, 2002. The bank group's  collateral
for this revolving credit facility consists  principally of preferred  mortgages
on the ATWOOD  HUNTER,  ATWOOD EAGLE and the RICHMOND  plus the assigment of $20
million in market value of United States  Treasury  Bonds.  The credit  facility
prohibits the Company from incurring any additional indebtedness in excess of $5
million,  disposing of any material assets, paying dividends or repurchasing any
of the Company's  outstanding  common stock.  The proceeds  borrowed  under this
revolving  credit  facility have been used to repay the notes payable to a prior
bank group and to fund capital expenditures.

    The maturities of long-term debt are as follows (in thousands):

                       FISCAL YEAR               AMOUNT

                           1999                $    750
                           2000                   5,100(1)
                           2001                  33,200
                           2002                  33,700
                                               $ 72,750

(1)  Subsequent to September 30, 1998, an additional $8 million was borrowed 
     under the credit facility.  The additional $8 million will be due in 2000.


    The Company has a $3 million unsecured line of credit with a bank to support
issuance,  when  required,  of standby  letters of guarantee  and the Indian tax
guarantee (see Note 6). At September 30, 1998,  standby  letters of guarantee in
the aggregate amount of  approximately  $3 million were  outstanding  under this


    Domestic and foreign  income  (loss) before income taxes for the three years
in the period ended September 30, 1998 are as follows (in thousands):

                              Fiscal         Fiscal         Fiscal
                               1998           1997           1996
                            --------        --------       ---------
Domestic income             $ 39,553        $ 14,623       $  17,508
Foreign income (loss)         20,766          10,755          (1,665)
                             -------        --------       ---------
                             $60,319        $ 25,378       $  15,843
                             =======        ========       =========

    The provision (benefit) for domestic and foreign taxes on income consists of
the following (in thousands):

                                            Fiscal       Fiscal       Fiscal
                                             1998         1997          1996
                                          --------      -------       -------
Current domestic provision                $ 11,487      $ 5,736       $   452
Deferred domestic provision (benefit)        3,970         (330)        1,400
Current foreign provision                    5,498        4,353         2,623
                                          --------      -------       -------
                                          $ 20,955      $ 9,759       $ 4,475
                                          ========      =======       =======

    The  components  of the  deferred  income  tax  assets  (liabilities)  as of
September 30, 1998 and 1997 are summarized as follows (in thousands):

                                                           September 30,
                                                          1998        1997
                                                       -------     -------
  Deferred tax assets -
           Net operating loss carryforwards            $ 2,860     $ 2,970
           Book reserves                                 1,200       1,260
           Deferred mobilization revenues                2,100       3,210
                                                         -----       -----
                                                         6,160       7,440
                                                         -----       -----

  Deferred tax liabilities -
          Difference in book and tax basis 
               of equipment                              7,360       4,940
          Deferred charges                                 450         160    
          Unrealized holding loss                                              
               available-for-sale securities               (80)        (60)
                                                        ------       ------
                                                         7,730       5,040
                                                        ------       -----
  Net deferred tax assets (liabilities) 
     before valuation allowance                         (1,570)      2,400
  Valuation allowance                                   (2,370)     (2,390)
                                                        -------     -------
                                                       $(3,940)       $ 10
                                                       =========    =======
  Net current deferred tax assets                      $   880     $ 1,820
  Net noncurrent deferred tax liabilities               (4,820)     (1,810)
                                                        -------    --------
                                                       $(3,940)    $    10
                                                       ========    ========

     U.S.  deferred  taxes have not been provided on foreign  earnings  totaling
approximately $20.6 million which are permanently  invested abroad.  Foreign tax
credits  totaling  approximately  $8.8 million are  available to reduce the U.S.
taxes on such amounts.

    The differences  between the statutory and the effective income tax rate are
as follows:

                                                     Fiscal    Fiscal    Fiscal
                                                      1998      1997      1996
                                                     ------    ------    ------
Statutory income tax rate                               35%        35%       34%
Increase (decrease) in tax rate resulting from -
    Foreign tax rate differentials, 
          net of foreign tax credit utilization         (1)        10        12
    Change in valuation allowance                       ---        (2)      (15)
    Investment tax credit utilization                   ---        (5)       ---
Other, net                                               1         ---       (3)
                                                       ----       ----      ----
Effective income tax rate                              35%         38%       28%
                                                       ====       ====      ====

    The Company has United States net operating loss carryforwards totaling $8.2
million  which  expire  in  fiscal  years  2001  through  2003.  Due to  various
utilization limitations, management estimates that a significant portion of this
tax  attribute  will  not  be  available  to  reduce  future  tax   obligations;
accordingly,  a $2.4 million valuation allowance is recorded as of September 30,

    For several years,  the Company has pursued legal action to collect  certain
tax refund claims in India.  As a result of favorable  court decisions in India,
and upon the Company  providing  letters of guarantee,  the Company received tax
refunds in 1997 and 1994 of $ 1.1 million and $.6 million, respectively, (net of
taxes on  interest  and  other  related  expense),  which are  reflected  in the
September  30,  1998 and 1997  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  as other  Deferred
Credits, pending ultimate resolution of the issue by the Indian High Court.



     On November  19,  1997,  the Company  effected a 100 percent  common  stock
dividend  resulting in the issuance of approximately  6,775,000 shares of common
stock and the transfer of  approximately  $ 6,775,000  from  paid-in  capital to
common stock which  represented the par value of additional  shares issued.  All
share  and  per  share  information  has  been  retroactively  restated  in  the
Consolidated Financial Statements to reflect the stock dividend.


    The Company has an  incentive  equity plan  ("1996  Plan")  whereby  670,000
shares of common  stock may be granted to  officers  and key  employees  through
February 12, 2007. At September  30, 1998,  options to purchase  307,000  shares
were  outstanding  under this Plan. The Company also has options  outstanding to
purchase 259,200 shares under a stock plan ("1990 Plan").  Under both plans, the
exercise  price of each option equals the market price of the  Company's  common
stock on the date of grant,  all  outstanding  options have a maximum term of 10
years, and options vest over a period from the second to the fifth year from the
date of grant.

    A summary of the status of the  Company's  Plans as of  September  30, 1998,
1997 and 1996,  and changes  during the years ended on those dates is  presented

                            Fiscal             Fiscal               Fiscal
                             1998               1997                 1996
                      ------------------   ------------------  -----------------
                                Weighted-            Weighted-          Weighted
                                 Average             Average             Average
                      Number of  Exercise  Number of Exercise Number of Exercise
                      Options    Price    Options    Price    Options     Price
Outstanding at 
  beginning of Year   444,700  $  15.42    506,800  $  9.46   480,200   $  6.15
Granted               208,000     33.07    112,500    28.00   151,000     17.25
Exercised             (78,500)     8.39   (164,000)    6.22  (124,400)     6.12
Forfeited              (8,000)    23.73    (10,600)    6.46      ---       ---
Expired                   ---      ----       ---      ---       ---       ---
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at 
end of year          566,200   $  22.76    444,700    15.42   506,800   $  9.46
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exercisable at 
end of year           88,950   $   8.49     69,450  $  5.67   164,676   $  6.02
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Available for grant 
at end of Year       366,000               567,000               ---
 fair value of
 options granted 
 during the year     $ 14.21               $ 23.36            $  6.68

    The following table summarizes  information about stock options  outstanding
at September 30, 1998:
                          Options Outstanding                Options Exercisable
                  --------------------------------------   ---------------------
                             Remaining     Weighted-        Weighted-
    Range of                Contractural   Average          Average   Exercise
 Exercise Prices   Shares       Life       Exercise Price     Shares     Price
- -----------------  -------   ------------  --------------   ---------- --------

$  4.87 to  5.38    38,000    4.1 years    $   5.18          38,000     $  5.18
   6.50 to  6.69    82,650    5.6 years        6.61          31,150        6.62
  16.63 to 18.97   235,050    8.6 years       17.42          19,800       17.83
           28.00   107,500    8.5 years       28.00             ---         ---
  48.75 to 52.06   103,000    9.2 years       48.94             ---         ---
                   -------                    -----          ------      ------
   4.87 to 52.06   566,200    7.9 years     $ 22.76          88,950      $ 8.49
                   =======                  =======          ======     =======

    As  permitted  by SFAS No. 123,  the Company  applies APB Opinion No. 25 and
related  Interpretations in accounting for its stock option plans.  Accordingly,
no compensation  cost has been recognized from the granting of options  pursuant
to its stock option plans. Had  compensation  costs been determined based on the
fair value at the grant  dates for awards made in fiscal  years  1998,  1997 and
1996  consistent  with the method of SFAS No. 123, the  Company's net income and
earnings  per share would have been reduced to the pro forma  amounts  indicated
below (in thousands, except for per share amounts):

                                             Fiscal       Fiscal      Fiscal
                                              1998         1997        1996
                                           ---------   ----------  ----------
Net Income             As reported         $ 39,364     $ 15,619    $ 11,368
                       Pro forma             38,830       15,404      11,291
Earnings per share     As reported -
                         Basic                 2.90         1.16         .85
                         Diluted               2.84         1.14         .84
                       Pro forma
                         Basic                 2.86         1.14         .85
                         Diluted               2.80         1.12         .83

The fair value of grants made in fiscal 1998, 1997 and 1996 was estimated on the
date of grant using the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing model with the following
weighted-average  assumptions used: fiscal 1998 - risk free interest rate of 5.4
percent,  expected  volatility of 42 percent,  expected  lives of 5 years and no
dividend yield; - fiscal 1997 - risk-free interest rate of 6.7 percent, expected
volatility of 33.6  percent,  expected  lives of 5 years and no dividend  yield;
fiscal 1996 - risk-free  interest  rate of 5.8 percent,  expected  volatility of
33.7 percent, expected lives of 5 years and no dividend yield.


    The Company has a  contributory  retirement  plan (the  "Plan")  under which
qualified participants may make contributions of up to 5% of their compensation,
as defined (the basic contribution). The Company makes contributions to the Plan
equal to twice the basic contributions.  Company  contributions vest 100 percent
to each  participant  beginning  with the  fourth  year of  participation.  If a
participant  terminates  employment  before becoming fully vested,  the unvested
portion is  credited  to the  Company's  account  and can be used only to offset
Company  contribution  requirements.  In  fiscal  1998,  the  Company  made cash
contributions  of  approximately  $1.3  million  to the  Plan  and  utilized  no
fortfeitures to reduce its contribution  requirements.  In fiscal 1997 and 1996,
the Company used forfeitures of $84,000 and $58,000, respectively, to reduce its
cash requirements,  which resulted in actual  contributions of approximately $.9
million and $.7  million,  respectively.  As of September  30,  1998,  there are
approximately  $100,000  of  contribution  forfeitures  which can be utilized to
reduce future Company cash contribution requirements.


    The  carrying  values  of cash and cash  equivalents,  accounts  receivable,
accounts   payable  and  accrued   liabilities   included  in  the  accompanying
Consolidated Balance Sheets approximated fair value due to the short maturity of
these  instruments.  Since the bank debt has a market adjustable  interest rate,
the carrying value  approximated fair value as of fiscal year end 1998 and 1997.
Although  the $.7  million  term  note has a fixed 6  percent  interest  rate at
September  30,  1998,  it also  approximated  fair  value.  The  Company's  only
financial instruments at September 30, 1998 and 1997 with a fair value different
from carrying value are marketable securities;  the difference of which is shown
in Note 3.


    All of the Company's  customers are in the oil and gas offshore  exploration
and production industry. This industry concentration has the potential to impact
the Company's overall exposure to market and credit risks,  either positively or
negatively, in that the Company's customers could be affected by similar changes
in economic,  industry or other conditions.  However,  the Company believes that
the  credit  risk  posed  by  this  industry  concentration  is  offset  by  the
creditworthiness  of the Company's  customer  base.  The Company's  portfolio of
accounts receivable is comprised of major  international  corporate entities and
government  organizations  with stable  payment  experience.  Historically,  the
Company's uncollectible accounts receivable have been immaterial, and typically,
the Company does not require collateral for its receivables.
    Drilling  revenues for fiscal 1998 include $35.2 million,  $25.9 million and
$20.4 million in revenues  received from  British-Borneo  Petroleum  Inc.,  ESSO
Australian Limited/ESSO Production Malaysia, Inc. and Santos Ltd., respectively.
Drilling revenues for fiscal 1997 include $24.3 million, $19.3 million and $16.9
million  in  revenues  received  from  ESSO  Australia  Limited/ESSO  Production
Malaysia,  Inc.,  Mobil  Equatorial  Guinea Inc. and  Carigali-Triton  Operating
Company Sdn. Bhd., respectively. Drilling revenues for fiscal 1996 include $25.6
million, $11.5 million and $8.4 million in revenues received from Esso Australia
Limited/Esso Production Malaysia, Inc.,  Carigali-Triton  Operating Company Sdn.
Bhd. and Mobil Equatorial Guinea Inc., respectively.


     The Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board has issued four new  accounting
standards;  SFAS  No.  130  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income";  SFAS  No.  131,
"Disclosures  about Segments for Enterprise and Related  Information";  SFAS No.
132,  "Employer's  Disclosure about Pension and Other Post Retirement  Benefits"
and  SFAS  No.  133,   "Accounting   for  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities".  SFAS 130, 131 and 132 are  effective  for fiscal  years  beginning
after  December  15,  1997.  SFAS 130  requires  the  reporting  and  display of
comprehensive  income. While the Company does have certain  comprehensive income
items,  this standard will not affect the Company's  reported  consolidated  net
income or cash flows. SFAS 131 establishes standards for reporting financial and
description  information  about a company's  operating  segments.  Management is
currently  analyzing the impact of SFAS 131, but does not expect the standard to
materially  change its  current  segment  disclosure.  SFAS 132 is a  disclosure
oriented standard and will not affect the Company's reported consolidated income
or cash flows.  SFAS 133 is effective for fiscal years  beginning after June 14,
1999. This Statement  establishes  accounting and reporting  standards requiring
that every  derivative  instrument  (including  certain  derivative  instruments
embedded in other contracts) be recorded in the balance sheet as either an asset
or  liability  measured at its fair value.  In the  opinion of  management,  the
adoption  of  Statement  133 will not have a  material  impact on the  Company's
financial statements.


    The Company is engaged in offshore contract drilling.  The contract drilling
operations  consist of contracting  Company owned or managed  offshore  drilling
equipment primarily to major oil and gas exploration companies. Operating income
is contract revenues less operating costs,  general and administrative  expenses
and depreciation.  In computing  operating margin for each geographic area, none
of the following items were considered:  other income (expense) and domestic and
foreign income taxes.  Identifiable assets are those assets that are used by the
Company in operations in each  geographic  area.  General  corporate  assets are
principally investments in marketable securities.

A summary of revenues,  operating margin and  identifiable  assets by geographic
areas is as follows (in thousands):

                                               Fiscal       Fiscal       Fiscal
                                                1998         1997         1996
                                            ----------    ---------    --------
  United States                              $ 46,454       $10,585    $  6,208
  Australia                                    44,445        27,599      31,043
  Southeast Asia                               28,661        31,583      33,774
  Mediterranean Sea                            18,699           ---         ---
  Africa                                       13,550        19,315       8,430
                                             --------      --------    --------
                                             $151,809      $ 89,082    $ 79,455
                                             ========      ========    ========
  United States                               $24,102       $ 5,642    $     42
  Australia                                    13,822         8,236       8,018
  Southeast Asia                                9,911         8,235       6,316
  Mediterranean Sea                            12,274           ---         ---
  Africa                                        8,819         8,200       3,831
  India/Middle East                               ---           ---         (34)
  General and administrative expenses          (7,331)       (6,100)     (5,113)
                                            ----------     --------    --------
                                            $  61,597      $ 24,213    $ 13,060
                                            ==========     ========    ========
  United States                              $ 76,557      $ 81,800    $ 31,071
  Australia                                    59,388        49,713      19,365
  Southeast Asia                               97,736        40,387      64,163
  Mediterranean Sea                            24,908           ---         ---
  Africa                                            2        20,457      21,780
  India/Middle East                               238             3           3
  General corporate                            22,908        22,970      22,927
                                             --------      --------    --------
                                             $281,737      $215,330    $159,309
                                             ========      ========    ========


    Summarized  quarterly  results for fiscal years 1998 and 1997 are as follows
(in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                   QUARTERS ENDED
                               DECEMBER 31,  MARCH 31,  JUNE 30, SEPTEMBER 30,
                               -----------   --------  --------  -------------
Revenues                          $ 36,224   $ 41,428  $ 39,294     $  34,863
Income before income taxes          13,289     17,966    15,503        13,561
Net income                           8,677     11,682    10,034         8,971
Earnings per common share  (1) -
     Basic                             .64        .86       .74           .66
     Diluted                           .63        .84       .72           .65

Revenues                          $ 22,093   $ 20,805   $22,069      $ 24,115
Income before income taxes           5,734      5,117     5,660         8,867
Net income                           3,919      3,114     3,662         4,924
Earnings per common share (1) -
     Basic                             .29        .23       .27           .37
     Diluted                           .29        .23       .27           .36
- ------------

(1) Net income per common share has been  restated in  accordance  with SFAS No.
128, as discussed in Note 2. The sum of the individual  quarterly net income per
common share amounts may not agree with year-to-date net income per common share
as each quarterly  computation is based on the weighted average number of common
shares outstanding during that period.

DIRECTORS                                 OFFICERS

ROBERT W. BURGESS (3)                     JOHN R. IRWIN
  Senior Vice President                     President, Chief Executive Officer
  CIGNA Investment Division
  CIGNA Companies                         JAMES M. HOLLAND
  Bloomfield, Connecticut                   Senior Vice President and Secretary

GEORGE S. DOTSON (1, 2, 3)                GLEN P. KELLEY
  Vice President                            Vice President - Contracts and 
  Helmerich & Payne, Inc.                                  Administration
  President                               LARRY P. TILL
  Helmerich & Payne International           Vice President - Operations
    Drilling Co.
  Tulsa, Oklahoma

  Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
  Tulsa, Oklahoma

  President, Chief Executive Officer
  Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
  Tulsa, Oklahoma

  President, Chief Executive Officer
  Atwood Oceanics, Inc.
  Houston, Texas

  Bank Executive, Retired
  Elkhorn, Wisconsin

(1)  Executive Committee
(2)  Audit Committee
(3)  Compensation Committee


The annual  meeting of  stockholders  will be held on  February  11, 1999 at the
Company's principal office: 15835 Park Ten Place Drive, Houston, Texas. A formal
notice of the meeting  together with a proxy statement and form of proxy will be
mailed to stockholders about January 15, 1999.


    Bank One Corporation, N.A.
    P. O. Box 25848
    100 N. Broadway, 7th Floor (73102)
    Oklahoma City, OK 73125


    A copy of the Company's  Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission is available free on request by writing to:

    Secretary, Atwood Oceanics, Inc.
    P. O. Box 218350
    Houston, Texas 77218


    On August 6, 1997, the common stock of Atwood Oceanics,  Inc. ceased trading
on the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market  (NASDAQ)  under the symbol  "ATWD" and  commenced
trading on the New York Stock Exchange  ("NYSE") under the symbol "ATW". No cash
dividends  on common  stock were paid in fiscal year 1997 or 1998,  and none are
anticipated in the foreseeable future. As of September 30, 1998, there were over
750  beneficial  owners of the  common  stock of  Atwood  Oceanics,  Inc.  As of
November  30,  1998,  the  closing  sale  price of the  common  stock of  Atwood
Oceanics,  Inc., as reported by NYSE, was $18.75 per share.  The following table
sets forth the range of high and low sales  prices per share of common  stock as
reported by NASDAQ and the NYSE for the  periods  indicated,  after  retroactive
restatement for the November 1997 100% common stock dividend.

                                   Fiscal                     Fiscal
                                    1997                       1998
                               ----------------         -----------------     
QUARTERS ENDED                   LOW       HIGH           LOW        HIGH
- --------------                 -------    -------       -------     ------
December 31                    $22 3/8   $32  3/4       $40 1/16   $61 5/8
March 31                        26 3/4    35  1/2         38 3/4    55 1/4
June 30                         28 7/8    35  1/8         37 3/8    61 3/8
September 30                    33 3/4    57 1/16        15 1/16    40 3/4


The  following  graphic and image  information  in the form of "Bar  Charts" are
located in the Annual Report immediately following "Highlights".


1994              1995             1996             1997              1998
- ----              ----             ----             ----              ----
$66.0             $72.2            $79.5            $89.1             $151.8


1994              1995             1996              1997             1998
- ----              ----             ----              ----             ----
$17.3            $16.9            $22.8             $34.2            $79.2


1994              1995             1996              1997             1998
- ----              ----             ----              ----             ----
$16.8            $14.9            $20.3             $25.8            $61.4


1994              1995              1996              1997            1998
- ----              ----              ----              ----            ----
$6.2              $7.1             $11.4             $15.6           $39.4


1994               1995              1996              1997           1998
- ----               ----              ----              ----           ----
$6.4              $25.7              $9.5             $62.8          $79.6


1994               1995              1996              1997          1998
- ----               ----              ----              ----          ----
$41.0             $38.0             $40.5             $42.2         $34.5