Exhibit 23.2


As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the use in this Form
10-K of our report dated February 14, 1994, appearing as Exhibit 99.3 to this
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.  We also
consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K into the
Company's previously filed registration statement on Form S-8 (No. 33-14058), 
including the prospectus therein, pertaining to the Michael Baker Corporation
Employee Stock Ownership Plan.  It should be noted that we have not audited 
any financial statements of the Company subsequent to December 31, 1993 or
performed any audit procedures subsequent to the date of our report.

                                      /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP
                                      ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
   March 28, 1996