News Release

   Contact:  Charles Welsh                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Media Line: 410 234-7433

Constellation Power Source Holdings, Inc.
Constellation Nuclear, LLC
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Constellation Energy Source, Inc.
BGE Home Products & Services, Inc.


     BALTIMORE,  August 24, 2001 --  Baltimore  Gas and Electric  Company  (BGE)
announced  today that it has executed  contracts  with  Allegheny  Energy Supply
Company,  LLC and Constellation Power Source (CPS) for wholesale  electricity to
supply its standard  offer  service  customers  for the final three years of its
electric deregulation transition period.

     "With the awarding of these contracts, BGE has locked in wholesale electric
supply that ensures our  customers  will continue to receive the benefits of the
retail price freeze through the transition  period without any adverse financial
impact on the utility.  The  wholesale  contract  prices are no greater than the
retail  standard  offer  service  rates  under our 1999  electric  restructuring
settlement," said Frank Heintz,  President and CEO of Baltimore Gas and Electric
Company.  "The  level  of  interest  in  this  full  and  fair  bidding  process
demonstrates there is an active competitive market for wholesale  electricity in
the Mid-Atlantic region."



     The contracts were awarded  following a competitive  bidding process during
which BGE contacted  more than seventy  electric  suppliers and received  offers
from a number of suppliers.  The Maryland Public Service  Commission will review
the  results  of  the  bidding  process.  The  competitive  bidding  process  is
consistent  with the 1999 electric  restructuring  law and settlement  agreement
approved by the  Commission  to institute  deregulation  and customer  choice of
electric supply in BGE's service territory.

     On July 1,  2000 BGE  reduced  its  rates to  residential  customers  by an
average of 6.5% and froze these rates through June 30, 2006.  Annual  savings to
these customers is about $54 million.

     "Allegheny Energy Supply Company,  LLC is very pleased at being selected to
provide   wholesale  energy  services  to  back  BGE's  Standard  Offer  Service
obligation," said Dan Gordon, President of Allegheny Energy Global Markets, LLC,
the trading and marketing  affiliate of Allegheny  Energy Supply.  "This type of
fully bundled,  load following  electric  service is a strong fit with Allegheny
Energy Supply's aim to be a leading  merchant of full service  wholesale  energy
products. We think it clearly demonstrates our ability and commitment to develop
and manage  highly  structured  energy  contracts  that imbed both  physical and
financial risks."

     "We are  pleased  to be able to  continue  our  relationship  with BGE as a
wholesale  supplier,"  said  Constellation  Energy  Group  Co-President  and CPS
President  and CEO  Charles  Shivery.  "Constellation  has  invested  heavily in
developing  wholesale  products  tailored  to meet the  complex  needs of retail
energy providers around the country,  and we are delighted to be able to serve a
customer like BGE."



     The contracts  will run from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2006 and will provide
BGE with  electricity  to serve those  customers who have not elected to receive
electricity  from an  alternative  supplier.  Under the  terms of the  contracts
Constellation  Power Source will provide 90% of BGE's electric  supply needs and
Allegheny Energy Supply will provide 10%. The contract with Constellation  Power
Source contains provisions to provide funds to assist BGE's low-income customers
during this period.

     "In our 1999  settlement,  we made a  commitment  to our  Central  Maryland
customers  to offer  electric  supply at the  lowered  fixed rates for up to six
years," said Christian H.  Poindexter,  Chairman and CEO,  Constellation  Energy
Group and Chairman of BGE. "These contracts carry out our commitment."

     "With the  signing  of these  contracts,  we have  directly  addressed  the
electric  supply  issue and  removed  the risk  associated  with it  during  the
transition  phase," said Edward A. Crooke,  who will become Chairman,  President
and CEO of BGE Corp. post-separation. "It is another indication of the financial
strength of BGE and the future BGE Corp."

     BGE, which provides service to more than 1.1 million electric customers and
nearly  600,000  natural gas customers in Central  Maryland,  is a subsidiary of
Constellation  Energy Group (NYSE:  CEG), a holding company that also has energy
related businesses  focused mostly on power marketing,  generation and portfolio
management.  Constellation  Power Source, a subsidiary of  Constellation  Energy
Group,  provides  power  marketing  and risk and  energy  portfolio  management.
Constellation Energy Group reported combined revenues of $3.9 billion and assets
of $12.4 billion in 2000.



     Constellation  Energy  Group has  announced  it  intends  to  separate  its
wholesale  merchant energy and retail energy  businesses  into two  stand-alone,
publicly  traded  companies as soon as all required  approvals  and rulings have
been obtained. The separation is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of this

     Allegheny  Energy  Supply  operates  and  markets  competitive  retail  and
wholesale  generation  in  markets  throughout  the United  States and  operates
regulated   generation  for  its   affiliates.   With  its  recently   announced
acquisitions and expansion plans, Allegheny Energy Supply will have ownership or
control of generating capacity of more than 14,500 MW with assets  strategically
located throughout the United States.