
                       Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

                           Amended as of July 17, 1998



                                   By-Laws of
                       Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

                                    ARTICLE I

                            MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

Section 1. - Annual Meeting.

         The annual  meeting of the  stockholders  for the election of Directors
and for the transaction of general business shall be held on any date during the
period of April 14 through  May 13, as  determined  year to year by the Board of
Directors. The time and location of the meeting shall be determined by the Board
of Directors.

         The Chief Executive  Officer of the Company shall prepare,  or cause to
be prepared,  an annual  report  containing a full and correct  statement of the
affairs of the Company,  including a balance sheet and a financial  statement of
operations  for the  preceding  fiscal  year,  which shall be  submitted  to the
stockholders at the annual meeting.

Section 2. - Special Meeting.

         Special  meetings  of the  stockholders  may be  held  in the  City  of
Baltimore  or in any  county  in which  the  Company  provides  service  or owns
property upon call by the Chairman of the Board, the President, or a majority of
the Board of Directors whenever they deem expedient, or upon the written request
of the holders of shares  entitled to not less than  twenty-five  percent of all
the  votes  entitled  to be  cast  at  such  a  meeting.  Such  request  of  the
stockholders  shall state the purpose or purposes of the meeting and the matters
proposed to be acted on the threat and shall be delivered to the Secretary,  who
shall inform such stockholders of the reasonably estimated cost of preparing and
mailing  such  notice of the  meeting,  and upon  payment to the company of such
costs the  Secretary  shall give  notice  stating the purpose or purposes of the
meeting to all stockholders entitled to vote at such meeting. No special meeting
need be called upon the  request of the  holders of the shares  entitled to cast
less  than a  majority  of all votes  entitled  to be cast to such  meeting,  to
consider  any matter which is  substantially  the same as a matter voted upon at
any special meeting of the stockholders held during the preceding twelve months.
The business at all special  meetings shall be confined to that specially  named
in the notice thereof.

Section 3. - Notice of Meetings.

         Written or printed notice of every meeting of the stockholders, whether
annual or special, stating the place, day, and hour of such meeting and (in case
of special  meetings) the business  proposed to be transacted  shall be given by
the Secretary to each stockholder entitled to vote at such meeting not less than
ten days but no more than ninety days before the date fixed for such meeting, by
depositing  such notice in the United  States mail  addressed to him at his post
office address as it appears on the records of the Company, with postage thereon

Section 4. - Organization of Meeting.

         All  meetings  of the  stockholders  shall  be  called  to order by the
Chairman of the Board, or in his absence by the President,  or in his absence by
a Vice  President;  or in the case of the absence of such officers,  then by any
stockholder,  whereupon the meeting shall  organize by electing a chairman.  The
Secretary  of the  Company,  if present,  shall act as Secretary of the meeting,
unless  some other  person  shall be elected by the  meeting to act. An accurate
record of the meeting shall be kept by the secretary thereof,  and placed in the
record books of the Company.

Section 5. - Quorum.

         At any meeting of the  stockholders  the presence in person or by proxy
of  stockholders  entitled  to  cast a  majority  of  the  votes  thereat  shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  If a quorum be not present
at any  meeting,  holders  of a  majority  of the  shares of stock so present or
represented may adjourn the meeting either sine die or to a date certain.

Section 6. - Voting.

         At all meetings of the stockholders  each stockholder shall be entitled
to one vote for each share of common  stock  standing in his name and,  when the
preferred or preference stock is entitled to vote, such number of votes as shall
be  provided  in the  Charter of the  Company  for each share of  preferred  and
preference  stock  standing  in his  name,  and  the  votes  shall  be  cast  by
stockholders in person or by lawful proxy.

Section 7. - Judge of Election and Tellers.

         The Directors shall, at a regular or special  meeting,  appoint a Judge
of Election  and two Tellers to serve at each  meeting of  stockholders.  If the
Directors  fail to make such  appointments,  or if the Judge of Election  and/or
Tellers,  or any of them,  fail to appear at the  meeting,  the  Chairman of the
meeting shall appoint a Judge of Election and/or a Teller or Tellers to serve at
that meeting.  It shall be the duty of the Tellers to receive the ballots of all
the holders of stock  entitled to vote and present at a meeting either in person
or by proxy,  and to count and tally  said  ballots  by the  official  record of
stockholders of the Company, or by a summary prepared therefrom and certified by
the Stock Transfer  Agent or the Secretary of the Company  showing the number of
shares of common and, if entitled to vote,  preferred and preference stock owned
of record by each  stockholder,  who may be  designated  therein  by name,  code
number,  or otherwise,  and certify them to the Judge of Election,  and the said
Judge shall  communicate  in writing the result of the balloting so certified by
the Tellers to the Chairman who shall at once  announce the same to the meeting.
This certificate, signed by the Tellers and countersigned by the Judge, shall be
duly  recorded as part of the minutes of the meeting and filed among the records
of the Company.

Section 8. -   Record Date for Stockholders
               and Closing of Transfer Books.

         The Board of  Directors  may fix, in advance,  a date as the record for
the determination of the stockholders  entitled to notice of, or to vote at, any
meeting of  stockholders,  or entitled to receive  payment of any  dividend,  or
entitled to the allotment of any rights,  or for any other proper purpose.  Such
date in any  case  shall  not be more  than  ninety  days  (and in the case of a
meeting of  stockholders  not less than ten days) prior to the date on which the
particular  action requiring such  determination of stockholders is to be taken.
Only  stockholders  of record on such date shall be  entitled to notice of or to
vote at such meeting or to receive such dividends or rights, as the case may be.
In lieu of  fixing a record  date the  Board of  Directors  may  close the stock
transfer  books of the Company for a period not  exceeding  twenty nor less than
ten days  preceding  the date of any meeting of  stockholders  or not  exceeding
twenty days preceding any other of the above mentioned events.

                                   ARTICLE II


Section 1. - Powers of Directors

         The business and affairs of the Company  shall be managed by a Board of
Directors  which  shall have and may  exercise  all the  powers of the  Company,
except such as are expressly  conferred upon or reserved by the  stockholders by
law, by Charter,  or by these by-laws.  Except as otherwise provided herein, the
Board of Directors shall appoint the officers for the conduct of the business of
the  Company,   determine  their  duties  and  responsibilities  and  fix  their
compensation. The Board of Directors may remove any officer.

Section 2. - Number and Election of Directors.

         The number of Directors  shall be fourteen  (14), all of whom shall own
at least 300  shares of the  Company's  common  stock.  The  Directors  shall be
elected at each Annual Meeting of the Stockholders  except as otherwise provided
in these  by-laws.  They shall hold their  offices  for one year and until their
successors are elected and qualified.

Section 3. - Removals and Vacancies.

         The  stockholders,  at any meeting duly called and at which a quorum is
present,  may remove any  Director or Directors  from Office by the  affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to the vote
thereon, and may elect a successor or successors to fill any resulting vacancies
for the unexpired terms of the removed Directors.

         Any vacancy  occurring in the Board of  Directors  from any cause other
than by reason of a removal or an  increase in the number of  Directors,  may be
filled by a majority of the remaining  Directors  although such majority is less
than a quorum.  Any vacancy  occurring by reason of an increase in the number of
Directors may be filled by action of a majority of Directors. A Director elected
to  fill  a  vacancy  shall  hold  office  until  the  next  annual  meeting  of
stockholders or until his successor is elected and qualified.


Section 4. - Meetings of the Board.

         A regular meeting of the Board of Directors  shall be held  immediately
after  the  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  or  any  special  meeting  of the
stockholders at which the Board of Directors is elected,  and thereafter regular
meetings of the Board of  Directors  shall be held on such dates during the year
as may be designated  from time to time by the Board.  All meetings of the Board
of Directors  shall be held at the general offices of the Company in the City of
Baltimore or elsewhere,  as ordered by the Board.  Of all such meetings  (except
the regular  meeting  held  immediately  after the  election of  Directors)  the
Secretary  shall give notice to each Director  personally  or by  telephone,  by
telegram  directed to, or by written notice deposited in the mails addressed to,
his residence or business address at lease 48 hours before such meeting.

         Special  meetings may be held at any time or place upon the call of the
Chairman of the Board, or, the Chief Executive Officer,  or in their absence, on
order of the  Executive  Committee  by notices as above,  unless the meetings be
called  during the months of July and  August,  in which case five days'  notice
shall be given.  In the event  three-fourths  of the  Directors  in office waive
notice of any  meeting in writing at or before the  meeting,  the meeting may be
held without the aforesaid advance notices.

         The Chairman  shall  preside at all  meetings of the Board,  or, in his
absence, the President, or one of the Vice Presidents (if a member of the Board)
shall preside.  If at any meeting none of the foregoing persons is present,  the
Directors  present  shall  designate  one of their  number  to  preside  at such

Section 5. - Quorum.

         A majority of the Directors in office,  but in no event less than five,
shall  constitute a quorum of the Board for the  transaction  of business.  If a
quorum be not present at any meeting,  a majority of the  Directors  present may
adjourn to any time and place they may see fit.

Section 6. - Executive Committee.

         The Directors  shall  annually,  at their first meeting  succeeding the
stockholders'  meeting at which they are elected,  elect from among their number
an Executive Committee of five or more (but no more than nine), as the Board may
determine.  The  Executive  Committee may  exercise,  in the  intervals  between
meetings of the Board of Directors,  all of the powers of the Board of Directors
in the  management of the business and affairs of the Company,  except the power
to declare  dividends,  to issue  stock  other than as  hereinafter  stated,  to
recommend to stockholders any action requiring stockholder  approval,  amend the
by-laws,  or  approve  any  merger  or share  exchange  which  does not  require
stockholder  approval. If the Board of Directors has given general authorization
for the issuance of stock, the Executive Committee, in accordance with a general
formula or method specified by the Board by resolution or by adoption of a stock
option or other plan,  may fix the terms of stock subject to  classification  or
reclassification  and the terms on which any stock may be issued,  including all
terms and  conditions  required or permitted to be  established or authorized by
the Board of Directors.

         The members of the Executive Committee shall hold their offices as such
for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified;  all vacancies
in said Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors,  but in the absence
of a member or members of the Executive


Committee,  the  members  thereof  present at any  meeting  (whether or not they
constitute  a quorum) may appoint a member of the Board of  Directors  to act in
the place of such absent  member.  They shall  designate  one of their number as
Chairman of the  Committee,  and shall keep a separate  book of minutes of their
proceedings and actions. They shall elect a Secretary to the Committee who shall
give notice personally or by mail, telephone, or telegraph to each member of the
Committee of all meetings, not later than 12 noon of the day before the meeting,
unless a majority  of the members of the  Executive  Committee  in office  waive
notice thereof in writing at or before the meeting in which case the meeting may
be held  without the  aforesaid  advance  notice.  Meetings may be called by the
Chairman of the Committee or by the Chief Executive Officer, or, in the event of
their death,  absence,  or  disability,  by one of the other  officers among the
Chairman of the Board, the President, or the Vice Presidents.  A majority of the
members of the Executive  Committee in office,  but in no event less than three,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 7. - Audit Committee.

         The Directors  shall  annually,  at their first meeting  succeeding the
stockholders'  meeting at which they are elected,  elect from among their number
an Audit  Committee which shall consist of at least three Directors who shall be
independent of Management and free from any relationship that, in the opinion of
the Board,  would  interfere  with the  exercise  of  independent  judgment as a
Committee  member,  and  provided  further  that no Director who was formerly an
Officer of the Company shall be a member of the said Audit  Committee.  One such
member of the  Committee  shall be  designated  by the Board of  Directors to be
Chairman of the Audit Committee.  The tenure of the office of the members of the
Audit  Committee  shall; be one year or until their  successors  shall have been
duly  appointed  or  elected.  Any  vacancy  shall  be  filled  by the  Board of
Directors. Two members of the Audit Committee shall constitute a quorum.

         In order to provide for direct communication between representatives of
the  Board  and  the  Independent  Auditors  for  this  corporation,  the  Audit
Committee,  in furtherance of this charge,  shall have the following  duties and

     (1) To recommend to the Board of Directors the public accounting firm to be
         engaged to conduct the annual financial audit of the corporation.

     (2) To discuss  with such  Auditors  the scope of their  examination  which
         shall be in accordance with generally  accepted auditing standards with
         appropriate reports thereon to be submitted to the Board of Directors.

     (3) To review with the  Auditors  and  appropriate  financial  Officers and
         Management of the corporation the annual  financial  statements and the
         Auditors' report thereon.

     (4) To invite comments and recommendations  from the Auditors regarding the
         need for and/or  results of the reviews of those  financial  statements
         and other  documents  and data  reviewed  or  certified  by the  public
         accounting firm thus engaged.

     (5) To invite comments and recommendations  from the Auditors regarding the
         system of internal controls, accounting policies and practices, and any
         other related matters employed by the corporation.


     (6) To meet with the corporation's  Internal Auditor in order to ensure, as
         a part of the system of internal controls,  that an adequate program of
         internal auditing is being continuously  carried out, to determine that
         the  corporation's  Internal  Audit Staff is adequate and to review the
         findings of such Staff's investigations.

     (7) To  report  periodically  regarding  its  activities  to the  Board  of
         Directors  of the  corporation  and to make  such  recommendations  and
         findings  concerning  any  audit or  audit-related  matter as the Audit
         Committee deems appropriate.

Section 8. - Committee on Management.

         The Directors  shall  annually,  at their first meeting  succeeding the
stockholders' meeting at which they are elected, elect from among their number a
Committee on Management  consisting  of four  members.  One such member shall be
designated  by the Board of  Directors  to be the  Chairman of the  Committee on
Management.  The tenure of office of the members of the  Committee on Management
shall be one year or until their  successors  shall have been duly  appointed or
elected.  Any  vacancy  shall be filled by the Board of  Directors.  Two members
shall constitute a quorum.

         The Committee on Management  shall  recommend to the Board of Directors
nominees  for  election as  Directors  and shall  consider  the  performance  of
incumbent  Directors  in  determining  whether  to  nominate  them to stand  for
reelection;  the Committee shall, among other things, consider any major changes
in the  organization  of the  corporation;  it shall  recommend  to the Board of
Directors  the  remuneration  arrangements  for  Officers  and  Directors of the
corporation.  The  Committee  shall  recommend  to the full  Board of  Directors
nominees for Officers of the corporation. The Committee on Management shall have
such  additional  powers  to  perform  such  duties  as shall be  prescribed  by
resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 9. - Other Committees.

         The Board of Directors is  authorized to appoint from among its members
such  other  committees  as it may,  from time to time,  deem  advisable  and to
delegate  to such  committee  or  committees  any of the  powers of the Board of
Directors which it may lawfully  delegate.  Each such committee shall consist of
at least two Directors.

Section 10. - Fees and Expenses.

         Each member of the Board of Directors, other than salaried Officers and
employees,   shall  be  paid  an  annual  retainer  fee,  payable  in  quarterly
installments,  in such  amount  as shall be  specified  from time to time by the

         Each member of the Board of Directors, other than salaried Officers and
employees, shall be paid such fee as shall be specified from time to time by the
Board  for  attending  each  regular  or  special  meeting  of the Board and for
attending, as a committee member, each meeting of the Executive Committee, Audit
Committee,  Committee on  Management  and any other  committee  appointed by the
Board.  Each member  shall be paid  reasonable  traveling  expenses  incident to
attendance at meetings.

                                   ARTICLE III

Section 1. - Officers.

         The Company  shall have a Chairman of the Board,  a  President,  one or
more Vice Presidents,  a Treasurer, and a Secretary who shall be elected by, and
hold office at the will of, the Board of  Directors.  The  Chairman of the Board
and the  President  shall be chosen from among the  Directors,  and the Board of
Directors shall  designate  either the Chairman of the Board or the President to
be the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Board of Directors shall also
elect such other  officers  as they may deem  necessary  for the  conduct of the
business and affairs of the Company. Any two offices,  except those of President
and Vice  President,  may be held by the same  person,  but no person shall sign
checks, drafts and promissory notes, or execute, acknowledge or verify any other
instrument in more than one capacity, if such instrument is required by law, the
charter,  these by-laws,  a resolution of the Board of Directors or order of the
Chief Executive Officer to be signed, executed,  acknowledged or verified by two
or more officers. The Chairman of the Board, President and Vice Presidents shall
receive  such  compensation  as  shall  be  fixed  by the  Board  of  Directors.
Compensation  for officers  other than the Chairman of the Board,  President and
Vice  Presidents  shall be fixed by the Chief  Executive  Officer.  The Board of
Directors shall require a fidelity bond to be given by each officer,  or, in its
discretion,  the  Board  may  substitute  a  general  blanket  fidelity  bond or
insurance contract to cover all officers and employees.

Section 2. - Duties of the Officers.

    (a)  Chairman of the Board

               The  Chairman of the Board shall  preside at all  meetings of the
         Board of Directors and of  stockholders.  He shall also have such other
         powers  and duties as from time to time may be  assigned  to him by the
         Board of Directors.

    (b)  President

               The President  shall have general  executive  powers,  as well as
         specific powers conferred by these by-laws. He, any Vice President,  or
         such other  persons  as may be  designated  by the Board of  Directors,
         shall sign all special  contracts of the Company,  countersign  checks,
         drafts and promissory  notes,  and such other papers as may be directed
         by the Board of Directors. He, or any Vice President, together with the
         Treasurer  or an  Assistant  Treasurer,  shall have  authority to sell,
         assign or transfer  and deliver any bonds,  stocks or other  securities
         owned by the  Company.  He shall also have such other powers and duties
         as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board of  Directors.
         In the  absence of the  Chairman  of the  Board,  the  President  shall
         perform all the duties of the Chairman of the Board.

    (c)  Vice Presidents

               Each Vice  President  shall have such powers and duties as may be
         assigned  to him by the  Board of  Directors,  or the  Chief  Executive
         Officer, as well as the

         specific  powers  assigned by these  by-laws.  A Vice  President may be
         designated by the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive  Officer to
         perform,  in the  absence  of the  President,  all  the  duties  of the

    (d)  Treasurer

               The  Treasurer  shall have the care and the  custody of the funds
         and valuable papers of the Company,  and shall receive and disburse all
         moneys in such a manner as may be  prescribed by the Board of Directors
         or the Chief  Executive  Officer.  He shall have such other  powers and
         duties  as may be  assigned  to him by the Board of  Directors,  or the
         Chief Executive  Officer,  as well as specific powers assigned by these

    (e)  Secretary

               The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the  stockholders  and
         Directors  and shall  notify the  stockholders  and  Directors  of such
         meetings in the manner  provided in these by-laws.  He shall record the
         proceedings  of all such  meetings in books kept for that  purpose.  He
         shall have such other  powers and duties as may be  assigned  to him by
         the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive  Officer,  as well as the
         specific powers assigned by these by-laws.

Section 3. - Removals and Vacancies.

         Any officer may be removed by the Board of Directors  whenever,  in its
judgment,  the best interest of the Company will be served  thereby.  In case of
removal,  the  salary of such  officer  shall  cease.  Removal  shall be without
prejudice  to the  contractual  rights,  if any, of the person so  removed,  but
election of an officer shall not of itself create contractual rights.

         Any vacancy  occurring in any office of the Company  shall be filled by
the Board of  Directors  and the  officer so elected  shall hold  office for the
unexpired  term in respect of which the vacancy  occurred or until its successor
shall be duly elected and qualified.

         In any event of absence or temporary  disability  of any officer of the
Company,  the Board of Directors may authorize  some other person to perform the
duties of that office.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         Each person made or threatened  to be made party to an action,  suit or
proceeding, whether, civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason
of the fact that such person is or was a director or officer of the Company, or,
at its request, is or was a director or officer of another corporation, shall be
indemnified  by the  Company  (to the extent  indemnification  is not  otherwise
provided by insurance) against the liabilities, costs and expenses of every kind
actually  and  reasonable  incurred by him as a result of such  action,  suit or
proceeding,  or any threat thereof or any appeal thereon,  but in each case only
if and to the extent permissible under applicable common or statutory law, state
or federal.  The foregoing  indemnity  shall not be inclusive of other rights to
which such person may be entitled.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                  CAPITAL STOCK

Section 1. - Evidence of Stock Ownership.

         Evidence of ownership of stock in the Company may be either pursuant to
a  certificate(s)  or a statement in compliance with Maryland law, each of which
shall  represent  the number of shares of stock  owned by a  stockholder  in the
Company. Stockholders may request that their stock ownership be represented by a
certificate(s). Each certificate shall be signed on behalf of the Company by the
President or a Vice President and  countersigned by the Secretary,  and shall be
sealed  with  the  corporate  seal.  The  signatures  may be  either  manual  or
facsimile.  In case any  officer who signed any  certificate,  in  facsimile  or
otherwise,  ceases to be such officer of the Company  before the  certificate is
issued,  the certificate may nevertheless be issued by the Company with the same
effect as if the officer had not ceased to be such officer as of the date of its

         For stock ownership  evidenced by a statement,  such statement shall be
in such form, and executed, as required from time to time by Maryland law.

Section 2. - Transfer of Shares.

         Stock  shall  be  transferable  only on the  books  of the  Company  by
assignment in writing by the registered holder thereof,  his legally constituted
attorney, or his legal representative, either upon surrender and cancellation of
the certificate(s)  therefor, if such stock is represented by a certificate,  or
upon  receipt  of such  other  documentation  for  stock  not  represented  by a
certificate  as the Board of Directors  and Maryland law may, from time to time,

Section 3. - Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates.

         No  certificate  for shares of stock of the Company  shall be issued in
place of any other certificate  alleged to have been lost, stolen, or destroyed,
except upon  production of such evidence of the loss,  theft or destruction  and
upon  indemnification  of the  Company to such  extent and in such manner as the
Board of Directors may prescribe.

Section 4. - Transfer Agents and Registrars.

         The  Board of  Directors  shall  appoint a person  or  persons,  or any
incorporated  trust  company  or  companies  or both,  as  transfer  agents  and
registrars and, if stock is represented by a certificate,  may require that such
certificate  bear the  signatures  or the  counter-signatures  of such  transfer
agents and registrars, or either of them.

Section 5. - Stock Ledger.

         The  Company  shall  maintain  at its  principal  office in  Baltimore,
Maryland,  a stock record containing the names and addresses of all stockholders
and the numbers of shares of each class held by each stockholder.


                                   ARTICLE VI


         The Board of Directors  shall  provide,  subject to change,  a suitable
corporate  seal which may be used by causing  it, or  facsimile  thereof,  to be
impressed or affixed or reproduced one the Company's stock certificates,  bonds,
or any other documents on which the seal may be appropriate.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         These  by-laws,  or any of them,  may be amended or  repealed,  and new
by-laws may be made or adopted at any meeting of the Board of Directors, by vote
of a majority of the Directors, or by the stockholders at any annual meeting, or
at any special meeting called for that purpose.

                                    I HEREBY  CERTIFY  that the  foregoing  is a
                                    true copy of the  by-laws of  Baltimore  Gas
                                    and  Electric  Company in effect at the date

                                    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF I have  hereunto  set my
                                    hand  as   Secretary  of  said  Company  and
                                    affixed its corporate  seal this 23rd day of
                                    July, 1998.

                                                              /s/ D. A. Brune