TO FORM 10-Q,
                                                        1ST QUARTER 1998

     THIS AGREEMENT made this 30th day of October, 1997, by and between

Bangor Hydro-Electric Company ("Bangor Hydro") and Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.

("Bangor Energy") (individually, "Party" or collectively, "the Parties"):

     WHEREAS, by an agreement between Bangor Hydro and UNITIL Power

Corporation ("UNITIL") entered into on March 26, 1986, as subsequently

amended, on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("Commission"

or "FERC") as FERC Rate Schedule No. 46 (the "UNITIL Contract"), attached

hereto as Exhibit A, Bangor Hydro agreed to sell and provide, and UNITIL

agreed to purchase and take, certain amounts of electric energy and capacity;

     WHEREAS, Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy have entered into a financing

arrangement with BankBoston, N.A. ("BankBoston") whereby BankBoston has

agreed to lend certain sums of money to Bangor Energy in return for a

perfected first security interest in the UNITIL Contract and all related


     WHEREAS, in order to provide BankBoston with this security interest,

Bangor Hydro has agreed to transfer and assign, and Bangor Energy has agreed

to accept and assume, all of Bangor Hydro's rights, obligations and

liabilities under the UNITIL Contract; and

     WHEREAS, the Parties desire that Bangor Energy continue to provide the

sale of energy and capacity to UNITIL under the same rates, terms and

conditions of service as Bangor Hydro has provided such service to UNITIL,

for a term commencing on the date of the transfer of the UNITIL Contract from

Bangor Hydro to Bangor Energy and terminating on the termination date set

forth in the UNITIL Contract;

     In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein

contained, Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy agree as follows:


     The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the sale of capacity and

energy, and, if necessary, associated transmission and ancillary services, by

Bangor Hydro to Bangor Energy for resale by Bangor Energy to UNITIL.


     (a)  Bangor Energy - Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.

     (b)  Bangor Hydro - Bangor Hydro-Electric Company

     (c)  Commission - the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any

          successor thereof

     (d)  FERC - the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any successor


     (e)  NEPEX - the New England Power Exchange, or any successor thereto

     (f)  NEPOOL - the New England Power Pool, or any successor thereto

     (g)  NEPOOL Transmission Tariff - NEPOOL's open access transmission

          tariff on file with the Commission, or any successor tariff

     (h)  Restated NEPOOL Agreement - the governance document for NEPOOL, or

          any successor agreement thereto

      (i) Transmission Tariff - Bangor Hydro's open access transmission

          tariff on file with the Commission, or any successor tariff

     (j)  UNITIL - UNITIL Power Corporation

     (k)  UNITIL Contract - the agreement between Bangor Hydro and

          UNITIL for the sale by Bangor Hydro to UNITIL of energy and

          capacity entered into on March 26, 1986 and subsequently amended,

          on file with the Commission as FERC Rate Schedule No. 46, attached

          hereto as Exhibit A


     This Agreement shall be effective as the date of the transfer of the

UNITIL Contract from Bangor Hydro to Bangor Energy and shall terminate on the

termination date set forth in the UNITIL Contract.


     Bangor Hydro shall have the right at any time to unilaterally amend any

provision of this Agreement by furnishing in writing an appropriate statement

of such amendment to Bangor Energy and by filing the same with the Commission

pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Federal Power Act or any

superceding legislation.


     A.   Bangor Hydro shall sell and deliver, and Bangor Energy shall take

          and purchase, the amount of energy and capacity necessary for

          Bangor Energy to sell and deliver to UNITIL the energy and capacity

          to which UNITIL is entitled and obliged to take and purchase under

          the terms of the UNITIL Contract, attached hereto as Exhibit A.

          The delivery of such energy and capacity, including rights of

          dispatch or curtailment, shall be in accordance with the terms of

          the UNITIL Contract.

     B.   It is understood that NEPEX may dispatch some or all of the units

          which are to provide the energy sold pursuant to this Agreement and

          that provision of energy, capacity and any related transmission or

          ancillary services under this Agreement is subject to the

          provisions of the Restated NEPOOL Agreement, NEPOOL Transmission

          Tariff, and Bangor Hydro's Transmission Tariff, as each may be

          amended from time to time.


     A.   Charges and Payment for Sale of Energy and Capacity

          For the service being provided, Bangor Energy shall pay Bangor

          Hydro (1) the monies received from BankBoston associated with the

          UNITIL Contract, less any amounts retained by Bangor Energy as

          working capital, or to provide a operating reserve or debt reserve,

          including the amounts necessary to comply with any applicable loan

          covenants; and (2) the differential between Bangor Energy's

          payments to BankBoston associated with the UNITIL Contract and the

          monies received by Bangor Energy under the UNITIL Contract (less

          any Bangor Energy expenses).   Bangor Energy shall pay these

          amounts immediately after receipt.


          To the extent that Bangor Hydro is required to provide transmission

          across its system in order to perform its obligations under this

          Agreement, Bangor Hydro shall request and pay or account for all

          transmission and ancillary services pursuant to Bangor Hydro's

          Transmission Tariff.  Bangor Hydro shall separately identify any

          such transmission and ancilliary service charges to Bangor Energy.

          The transmission and ancillary service charges are set forth in

          Exhibit B.


     The electricity in the form of three-phase, 60-hertz alternating current

shall be delivered to Bangor Energy, at Bangor Energy's option, at Bangor

Hydro's interconnection with Central Maine Power Company or at Bangor Hydro's

interconnection with the Maine Electric Power Company ("Point of Delivery" or

"Delivery Point") or at some other mutually agreed upon point of delivery.


     Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy shall use due diligence to perform their

obligations under this Agreement but conditions may arise which prevent or

delay performance by a Party because of causes beyond that Party's reasonable

control, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,

flood, earthquake, fire, explosion, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance,

labor trouble, strike, sabotage, and restraints by court or public authority

which by exercise of due diligence and foresight a Party could not be

expected to avoid.  If a Party is rendered unable to fulfill any obligations

by reason of such causes, it shall be excused from performing to the extent

it is prevented or delayed from so doing, but shall exercise due diligence to

correct such inability with all reasonable dispatch, and shall not be liable

for injury, damage, or loss resulting from such inability.  However,

settlement of strikes and labor disturbances shall be wholly within the

discretion of the affected Party.


     This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall bind, the

successors of the Parties thereto but shall not be assignable without the

consent of the Parties.


     The obligations of each of the Parties hereunder are subject to any

present and future Federal and State laws, regulations, orders or other

regulations duly promulgated.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this instrument to be

signed and sealed, all as of the date and year first written above.

                         BANGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANY

                         By: __________________________________

                         Title: _______________________________

                         BANGOR ENERGY RESALE, INC.

                         By: __________________________________

                         Title: _______________________________