1ST QUARTER 1998

     THIS AGREEMENT made this 31st day of March, 1998, by and between Bangor
Hydro-Electric Company ("Bangor Hydro ) and Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.
("Bangor Energy ) (individually, "Party  or collectively, "the Parties ):
          WHEREAS, by an agreement between Bangor Hydro and UNITIL Power
     Corporation ("UNITIL ) entered into on March 26, 1986 and as amended on
     April 29, 1993 and on March 1, 1995, on file with the Federal Energy
     Regulatory Commission ("Commission  or "FERC ) as FERC Rate Schedule No.
     46, attached hereto as Exhibit A, Bangor Hydro agreed to sell and
     provide, and UNITIL agreed to purchase and take, certain amounts of
     electric energy and capacity;
          WHEREAS, Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy have entered into a
     financing arrangement with BankBoston, N.A. ("BankBoston ) in its
     individual capacity and as agent for the lenders parties thereto,
     whereby BankBoston has agreed to lend certain sums of money to Bangor
     Energy in return for, among other things, a perfected first security
     interest in all of Bangor Energy's assets, including without limitation
     the UNITIL Contract and all related rights;
          WHEREAS, in order to provide BankBoston with this security
     interest, Bangor Hydro has agreed to transfer and assign, and Bangor
     Energy has agreed to accept and assume, all of Bangor Hydro s rights,
     obligations and liabilities under the UNITIL Contract; and 
          WHEREAS, the Parties desire that Bangor Energy continue to provide
     the sale of energy and capacity to UNITIL under the same rates, terms
     and conditions of service as Bangor Hydro has provided such service to
     UNITIL, for a term commencing on the date of the transfer of the UNITIL
     Contract from Bangor Hydro to Bangor Energy and terminating on the
     termination date set forth in the UNITIL Contract;
     In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein
contained, Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy agree as follows:
     (a)  Agent - has the meaning ascribed in the second paragraph of the
          preamble hereto
     (b)  Assignee - has the meaning ascribed in hereto in Section V
     (c)  Bangor Energy   Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.
     (d)  Bangor Hydro   Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
     (e)  BankBoston - BankBoston, N.A.
     (f)  Closing Date - the first date on which the conditions set forth in
          Section 9 of the Term Loan Agreement have been satisfied and the
          term loan thereunder is to be made
     (g)  Collateral Assignment of Contracts Agreement -  the agreement
          between Bangor Energy and BankBoston dated as of the Closing Date
          setting forth the collateral interest of BankBoston and the other
          lending institutions in the UNITIL Contract, the Rate Schedule and
          this Agreement 
     (h)  NEPEX   the New England Power Exchange, or any successor thereto
     (i)  NEPOOL   the New England Power Pool, or any successor thereto
     (j)  Rate Schedule - the agreement dated as of October 30, 1997 by and
          between Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy, pursuant to which Bangor
          Hydro will provide to Bangor Energy utility services necessary for
          Bangor Energy to serve the UNITIL Contract subsequent to the
          assignment of the UNITIL Contract to Bangor Energy, which is
          incorporated herein by reference
     (k)  Substitute Rate Schedule - the form of agreement, attached hereto
          as Exhibit A, to be entered into between Bangor Hydro and Assignee
          pursuant to which Bangor Hydro would provide to Assignee utility
          services necessary for Assignee to serve the UNITIL Contract
          subsequent to the assignment of the UNITIL Contract to Assignee
          upon approval or acceptance by the Federal Energy Regulatory
     (l)  Term Loan Agreement - the agreement among Bangor Energy and
          BankBoston  dated as of the Closing Date setting forth the terms of
          a loan by BankBoston to Bangor Energy using, among other things,
          the UNITIL Contract as collateral for the loan
     (m)  UNITIL   UNITIL Power Corporation
     (n)  UNITIL Contract   the agreement between Bangor Hydro and UNITIL for
          the sale by Bangor Hydro to UNITIL of energy and capacity entered
          into on March 26, 1986 and as amended on April 29, 1993 and on
          March 1, 1995, on file with the Commission as FERC Rate Schedule
          No. 46, which is incorporated herein by reference
     This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and shall continue
until the performance in full of the UNITIL Contract.

     Bangor Energy shall purchase from Bangor Hydro and Bangor Hydro agrees
to provide to Bangor Energy all necessary management and other operating
services including, but not limited to, accounting, legal, engineering,
corporate governance and compliance, cash management, tax compliance and
management of business affairs.  Bangor Hydro shall provide such services in
manner that complies with and that ensures Bangor Hydro's and Bangor Energy's
compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances,
regulations and orders and preserves the ability of Bangor Energy to
independently purchase power.   
     Reference is made hereto to Bangor Energy's Code of Conduct as filed
with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on January 16, 1998 in Docket
No. ER98-459-___.   In no event shall any employee of Bangor Hydro involved
in the administration of transmission services or in the acquisition,
marketing or management of power supply services provide management or other
support services to Bangor Energy.  Employees of Bangor Hydro shall at all
times comply with the terms of the Bangor Energy Code of Conduct and further
shall at all times comply with the terms of Bangor Hydro's own Code of
Conduct filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in conjunction
with Bangor Hydro's open access transmission rate schedules.  
     Bangor Hydro shall furnish Bangor Energy with suitable and adequate
office space, equipment and supplies to carry out all necessary services. 
     Bangor Hydro agrees to include Bangor Energy as a coinsured on its
general liability insurance and such other insurance policies as required
pursuant to Section 6.7 of the Term Loan Agreement.
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, upon the effective date
of any sale, transfer, assignment or other conveyance by or on behalf of
Bangor Hydro of all or a portion of the capital stock of Bangor Energy,
whether pursuant to a foreclosure or otherwise, to any person that is not a
direct or indirect subsidiary of Bangor Hydro (other than the pledge by
Bangor Hydro to Chase (as defined in the Term Loan Agreement) of such capital
stock), this Section III shall terminate and no longer apply.  
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, upon the effective date
of any sale, transfer, assignment or other conveyance by or on behalf of
Bangor Energy of this Agreement, whether pursuant to a foreclosure or
otherwise, to any person that is not a direct or indirect subsidiary of
Bangor Hydro (other than the grant by Bangor Energy to the Agent of the
security interest in this Agreement pursuant to the Collateral Assignment of
Contracts), this Section III shall terminate and no longer apply.  

          In connection with the provision of management and support services
pursuant to Section III, Bangor Energy shall pay Bangor Hydro for its
employees time at such employees' customary hourly rates of pay, marked up
for benefits and other overheads.  In the case of salaried employees, the
customary hourly rate of pay shall be calculated as one fortieth (1/40) of
such employee's weekly rate of pay.  Further, Bangor Energy shall pay Bangor
Hydro for use of all of its office space, business equipment and supplies on 
a pro rata basis calculated as the number of employee hours worked by Bangor
Hydro employees on behalf for Bangor Energy divided by the total number of
employee hours worked by Bangor Hydro, such fraction multiplied by Bangor
Hydro's total annual expenses for office space, business equipment and
supplies, and all further marked up by 15% to account for general and
miscellaneous expenses.  Bangor Hydro employees performing services to Bangor
Energy shall account for their time in such a manner as to permit
determination of the properly billed amounts.   Bangor Hydro shall render
bills following the conclusion of calendar year.  Bangor Energy shall pay all
amounts due promptly after receipt of Bangor Hydro's bill for services. 
Billing disputes shall be resolved in the manner prescribed for resolution of
billing disputes by NEPOOL.


        This Agreement is not intended to address or affect the rates, charges
or terms of service from Bangor Hydro to Bangor Energy for energy, capacity,
metering, transmission and ancillary services.  These services are governed
exclusively by the Rate Schedule.
          Bangor Hydro shall deliver service under the Rate Schedule to Bangor
Energy at the point or points designated for delivery of service to UNITIL
under the UNITIL Contract and Bangor Energy shall deliver service under the
UNITIL Contract to UNITIL at the point or points designated for delivery of
service to UNITIL under the UNITIL Contract.  Billing and metering disputes
shall be resolved in the manner prescribed for resolution of such disputes by
         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or therein, upon the
sale, transfer, assignment or other conveyance by or on behalf of Bangor
Energy of the UNITIL Contract, the Rate Schedule and this Agreement, whether
pursuant to foreclosure or otherwise (other than pursuant to the Security
Documents (as defined in the Term Loan Agreement), the pledge by Bangor
Energy to the Agent of the UNITIL Contract, the Rate Schedule and this
Agreement) and upon the request of the Agent or the Assignee, the Rate
Schedule shall terminate and no longer apply, Bangor Hydro and the person to
whom such contracts were conveyed (the "Assignee") shall enter into the
Substitute Rate Schedule and the charges set forth in the Substitute Rate
Schedule shall apply.   The assignment of the UNITIL Contract, the Rate
Schedule and this Agreement, the termination of the Rate Schedule, and the
effectiveness of the Substitute Rate Schedule shall be and are hereby
conditioned upon obtaining necessary regulatory approvals.  Bangor Hydro and
Bangor Energy shall cooperate and use commercially reasonable efforts to
obtain the approvals necessary to permit Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy, as
applicable, to enter into and perform these transactions.
        The parties shall maintain a key contact list per the attached Exhibit
B.  Bangor Hydro shall notify Bangor Energy and the parties included on the
key contact list immediately of any condition that would reduce the
availability of the services covered by this Agreement.  

            Bangor Hydro agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless Bangor
Energy and Bangor Energy's directors, officers, employees, agents and
representatives ("Bangor Energy Parties") against and from any and all costs,
expenses, liabilities, damages, losses, claims, actions or suits incurred by
Bangor Energy Parties, including reasonable costs and attorneys' fees
incurred in connection therewith, for or account of injury (bodily or
otherwise) to, or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destruction of,
property belonging to Bangor Energy, resulting out of or in connection with
the ownership, maintenance or operation of Bangor Hydro's facilities or any
systems comprising a part thereof or appurtenances thereto, except to the
extent resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any
Bangor Energy Party.  
           Bangor Energy agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless Bangor
Hydro and Bangor Hydro's directors, officers, employees, agents and
representatives ("Bangor  Hydro Parties") against and from any and all costs,
expenses, liabilities, damages, losses, claims, actions or suits incurred by
Bangor Hydro Parties, including reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred
in connection therewith, for or account of injury (bodily or otherwise) to,
or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destruction of, property belonging
to Bangor Hydro, resulting out of or in connection with the ownership,
maintenance or operation of Bangor Energy's facilities or any systems
comprising a part thereof or appurtenances thereto, except  to the extent
resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any Bangor Hydro

            (a)  Assignability - This Agreement shall inure to the benefit
                 of, and shall bind, the successors of the Parties hereto
                 but shall not be assignable without the consent of the
                 Parties provided that Bangor Hydro acknowledges and agrees
                 that the Agent shall have a perfected first security
                 interest in this Agreement.  
            (b)  Effect of Federal and State Laws - The obligations of each
                 of the Parties hereunder are subject to any present and
                 future Federal and State laws, regulations, orders or other
                 regulations duly promulgated.
            (c)  Applicable Law - This Agreement shall be interpreted in
                 accordance with the laws of the State of Maine. 
            (d)  Notice -All notices, including communications and
                 statements which are required or permitted under the terms
                 of this Agreement, shall be in writing, except as otherwise
                 expressly provided for herein.  Any notice given to a Party
                 hereunder shall be deemed received at such time as the
                 notice is delivered to that Party at its notice address
                 indicated in (or changed in accordance with) this Section
                 VII(d).  Notices shall be sent to the Parties at the
                 following addresses
                 (i)  Bangor Hydro:
                      Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
                      Attention:  General Counsel
                      33 State Street, P.O. Box 932
                      Bangor, Maine  04402
                 (ii) Bangor Energy:
                      Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.
                      Attention:  Corporate Clerk
                      33 State Street
                      Bangor, Maine  04401

                 Either Party may change its notice address as set forth
                 above from time to time provided that it notifies the other
                 Party hereto of such change in accordance with the
                 provision of this Section VII(d).
            (e)  Amendments - No amendment to or modification of the terms
                 of this Agreement or the UNITIL Contract, shall be binding
                 on either the Bangor Hydro or Bangor Energy unless set
                 forth in writing and signed by both parties.
            (f)  Severability - Should any part of this Agreement, for any
                 reason, be declared invalid, such decision shall not affect
                 the validity of the remaining portions, which remaining
                 portions shall remain in force and effect as if this
                 Agreement had been executed with the invalid portion
                 thereof eliminated, and it is hereby declared the intention
                 of the parties hereto that they would have executed the
            (g)  Renegotiation - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
                 VII(f), should any term or provision of this Agreement be
                 found invalid by any court or regulatory body having
                 jurisdiction thereover, the Parties shall immediately
                 renegotiate such term or provision of the Agreement to
                 eliminate such invalidity while achieving as nearly as
                 possible the Parties original contractual intent.
            (h)  Counterparts - This Agreement may be executed in any number
                 of counterparts, with such executed counterparts, when
                 taken together, having the same force and effect as would a
                 fully-executed document.
            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this
instrument to be signed and sealed, all as of the date and year first written
                                BANGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                By:  /s/ Carroll R. Lee___________________

                                Title:  senior v-p & chief Operating Officer
                                BANGOR ENERGY RESALE, INC. 
                                By:  /s/ Robert S. Briggs__________________

                                Title: president________________________


                                                              Exhibit A

            THIS AGREEMENT made this ___ day of  __________, ____, by and
between Bangor Hydro-Electric Company ("Bangor Hydro ) and [ASSIGNEE]
("Assignee ) (individually, "Party  or collectively, "the Parties ):
            WHEREAS, by an agreement between Bangor Hydro and UNITIL Power
Corporation ("UNITIL ) entered into on March 26, 1986 and as amended on April
29, 1993 and on March 1, 1995, on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission ("Commission  or "FERC ) as FERC Rate Schedule No. 46, attached
hereto as Exhibit A, Bangor Hydro agreed to sell and provide, and UNITIL
agreed to purchase and take, certain amounts of electric energy and capacity;
            WHEREAS, Bangor Energy Resale, Inc. ("Bangor Energy ) entered
into a financing arrangement with BankBoston, N.A. ("BankBoston ) in its
individual capacity and as agent for the lenders parties thereto, whereby
BankBoston has agreed to lend certain sums of money to Bangor Energy in
return for, among other things, a perfected first security interest in all of
Bangor Energy's assets, including without limitation the UNITIL Contract and
all related rights;
            WHEREAS, in order to provide BankBoston with this security
interest, Bangor Hydro has agreed to transfer and assign, and Bangor Energy
has agreed to accept and assume, all of Bangor Hydro s rights, obligations
and liabilities under the UNITIL Contract; 
            WHEREAS, Bangor Energy has agreed to transfer and assign and
Assignee has agreed to accept and assume, all of Bangor Energy's rights,
obligations and liabilities under the UNITIL Contract; and 
            WHEREAS, the Parties desire that Assignee continue to provide
the sale of energy and capacity to UNITIL under the same rates, terms and
conditions of service as Bangor Hydro and Bangor Energy have previously
provided such service to UNITIL, for a term commencing on the date of the
transfer of the UNITIL Contract from Bangor Energy to Assignee and
terminating on the termination or performance in full of the UNITIL Contract;
            In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein
contained, Bangor Hydro and Assignee agree as follows:

            The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the sale of
capacity and energy, and, if necessary, associated transmission and ancillary
services, by Bangor Hydro to Assignee for resale by Assignee to UNITIL.  The
Parties recognize that this agreement will need to be filed with and accepted
and/or approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission before it becomes

            (a)  Assignee - [Assignee]
            (b)  Bangor Energy   Bangor Energy Resale, Inc.
            (c)  Bangor Hydro   Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
            (d)  FERC - the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any
                 successor thereof
            (e)  NEPEX   the New England Power Exchange, or any successor
            (f)  NEPOOL   the New England Power Pool, or any successor
            (g)  NEPOOL Transmission Tariff - NEPOOL s open access
                 transmission tariff on file with the Commission, or any
                 successor tariff
            (h)  Restated NEPOOL Agreement - the governance document for
                 NEPOOL, or any successor agreement thereto
            (i ) Transmission Tariff   Bangor Hydro s open access
                 transmission tariff on file with the Commission, or any
                 successor tariff
            (j)  UNITIL   UNITIL Power Corporation
            (k)  UNITIL Contract   the agreement between Bangor Hydro and
                 UNITIL for the sale by Bangor Hydro to UNITIL of energy and
                 capacity entered into on March 26, 1986 and as amended on
                 April 29, 1993 and on March 1, 1995, on file with the
                 Commission as FERC Rate Schedule No. 46, which is
                 incorporated herein by reference

            This Agreement shall be effective as of the effective date of
the transfer of the UNITIL Contract from Bangor Energy to Assignee after
receiving necessary FERC approvals and shall terminate on the performance in
full of the UNITIL Contract. 

            Bangor Hydro shall have the right at any time to unilaterally
amend any provision of this Agreement by furnishing in writing an appropriate
statement of such amendment to Assignee and by filing the same with the FERC
pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Federal Power Act or any
superseding legislation.  In the event of  such a unilateral change by Bangor
Hydro, Assignee shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.  Assignee
shall not amend any provision of the UNITIL Contract without the prior
written consent of Bangor Hydro.

            (a)  Bangor Hydro shall sell and deliver, and Assignee shall
                 take and purchase, the amount of energy and capacity
                 necessary for Assignee to sell and deliver to UNITIL the
                 energy and capacity to which UNITIL is entitled and obliged
                 to take and purchase under the terms of the UNITIL
                 Contract.  It is expressly agreed that Assignee may only
                 purchase such capacity and energy under this Agreement as
                 will be used to fulfill its obligations under the UNITIL
                 Contract.  The delivery of such energy and capacity,
                 including rights of dispatch or curtailment, shall be in
                 accordance with the terms of the UNITIL Contract.
            (b)  It is understood that NEPEX may dispatch some or all of the
                 units which are to provide the energy sold pursuant to this
                 Agreement and that provision of energy, capacity and any
                 related transmission or ancillary services under this
                 Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Restated
                 NEPOOL Agreement, NEPOOL Transmission Tariff, and Bangor
                 Hydro s Transmission Tariff, as each may be amended from
                 time to time.

            (a)  Bangor Hydro shall charge, and Assignee shall pay, for the
                 services provided hereunder the rates set forth in Exhibit
                 A to this Agreement.  Bangor Hydro shall separately state
                 charges for transmission services, ancillary services,
                 energy and capacity services in accordance with Sections
                 VI(b) and VI(c).
            (b)  Transmission and Ancillary Charges.  To the extent that
                 Bangor Hydro is required to provide transmission across its
                 system in order to perform its obligations under this
                 Agreement, Bangor Hydro shall request and pay or account
                 for all transmission and ancillary services pursuant to
                 Bangor Hydro s Transmission Tariff.  Bangor Hydro shall
                 separately identify any such transmission and ancillary
                 service charges to Assignee.  The transmission and
                 ancillary service charges are set forth in Exhibit B. 
                 [Exhibit B shall be identical to Exhibit B to the Bangor
                 Hydro to Bangor Energy Rate Schedule rate schedule dated as
                 of 10/30/97 and filed with FERC on 1/16/98].
            (c)  Charges for Energy and Capacity.  Charges for the sale of
                 energy and capacity shall equal total charges set forth in
                 Section VI(a) minus charges for transmission and ancillary
                 services set forth in Section VI(b).
            (d)  Billing and Payment.  Bangor Hydro shall render bills for
                 service monthly and such bills will be due and payable upon
                 receipt.  Payments not received within 30 business days
                 following the billing date shall be subject to a late
                 payment charge.  The late payment charge shall be
                 calculated using an annual interest rate equal to the then
                 current prime lending rate offered by BankBoston, N.A. plus
                 200 basis points.  Billing disputes shall be resolved in
                 the manner prescribed for resolution of billing disputes by

            The electricity in the form of three-phase, 60-hertz alternating
current shall be delivered to Assignee, at Assignee s option, at the point of
delivery.   Bangor Hydro shall deliver service under the Rate Schedule to
Assigee at the point or points designated for delivery of service to UNITIL
under the UNITIL Contract and Assignee shall deliver service under the UNITIL
Contract to UNITIL at the point or points designated for delivery of service
to UNITIL under the UNITIL Contract.
            Service under this Agreement will be metered and/or measured in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the UNITIL Contract.  The output
of the Penobscot Energy Recovery Company plant in Orrington, Maine ("PERC"),
shall be metered at the PERC plant and  shall be adjusted for losses to the
Point of Delivery as more thoroughly described in the UNITIL Contract.  Such
metering shall conform with NEPEX requirements  and shall be in accordance
with good utility operating practice.  Bangor Hydro system energy and
capacity provided under this Agreement shall be estimated by NEPOOL and/or
NEPEX in accordance with the operating rules of such organization.  Billing
and metering disputes shall be resolved in the manner prescribed for
resolution of such disputes by NEPOOL.  

            Bangor Hydro and Assignee shall use due diligence to perform
their obligations under this Agreement but conditions may arise which prevent
or delay performance by a Party because of causes beyond that Party s
reasonable control, including, but without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, flood, earthquake, fire, explosion, epidemic, war, riot, civil
disturbance, labor trouble, strike, sabotage, and restraints by court or
public authority which by exercise of due diligence and foresight a Party
could not be expected to avoid.  If a Party is rendered unable to fulfill any
obligations by reason of such causes, it shall be excused from performing to
the extent it is prevented or delayed from so doing, but shall exercise due
diligence to correct such inability with all reasonable dispatch, and shall
not be liable for injury, damage, or loss resulting from such inability. 
However, settlement of strikes and labor disturbances shall be wholly within
the discretion of the affected Party.

            This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall bind,
the successors of the Parties thereto but shall not be assignable without the
consent of the Parties.  

            The obligations of each of the Parties hereunder are subject to
any present and future Federal and State laws, regulations, orders or other
regulations duly promulgated.

            This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws
of the State of Maine. 

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this
instrument to be signed and sealed, all as of the date and year first written
                                BANGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                By: __________________________________

                                Title: _________________________________
                                By: __________________________________

                                Title: _________________________________

                                                                    Exhibit A

For each kilowatt hour of Curtailed Energy service provided in any month,
Assignee shall pay the Substitute Curtailed Energy Rate and for each kilowatt
hour of Delivered Energy service provided, Assignee shall pay the Substitute
Delivered Energy Rate where the following definitions shall apply:

            Curtailed Energy shall have the meaning stated in Article 3(c)
            of the UNITIL Contract, dated March 26, 1986, as modified by the
            amendments to Article 3(a) of the UNITIL Contract described in
            Section 1 ("Transfer of 4 MW Entitlement in AED's Beaver Wood
            Plant to Other Projects") of the First Amendment to the UNITIL
            Contract, dated April 29 1993, and Section 2 ("Sale of Power")
            of the Second Amendment to the UNITIL Contract, dated March 1,

            Delivered Energy shall  have the meaning stated in Article 3(a)
            of the UNITIL Contract, dated March 26, 1986, as amended in
            Section 1 ("Transfer of 4 MW Entitlement in AED's Beaver Wood
            Plant to Other Projects") of the First Amendment to the UNITIL
            Contract, dated April 29 1993, and Section 2 ("Sale of Power")
            of the Second Amendment to the UNITIL Contract, dated March 1,

            The Substitute Delivered Energy Rate shall equal the Delivered
            Energy Rate as defined in Article 3(b)(1) of the UNITIL
            Contract, dated March 26, 1986, as amended by Section 2 ("Change
            in Rates and Compensation") of the First Amendment to the UNITIL
            Contract, dated April 29 1993, and Section 3 ("Reduction in
            Rates") of the Second Amendment to the UNITIL Contract, dated
            March 1, 1995.

            The Actual Curtailed Energy Rate shall equal the Curtailed
            Energy Rate as Defined in Article 3(c) of  the UNITIL Contract,
            dated March 26, 1986, as modified by the amendments to Article
            3(b) of the UNITIL Contract described in Section 2 ("Change in
            Rates and Compensation") of the First Amendment to the UNITIL
            Contract, dated April 29 1993,  to said agreement, and Section 
            3 ("Reduction in Rates") of the Second Amendment to the UNITIL
            Contract, dated March 1, 1995.

            The Substitute Curtailed Energy Rate, stated in dollars per
            kilowatt hour ($/KWH), shall equal the Component A Rate, stated
            in dollars per kilowatt hour ($/KWH), plus the Actual Curtailed
            Energy Rate, stated in dollars per kilowatt hour ($/KWH), minus
            the Component B Rate ($/KWH) where the Component A Rate and the
            Component B Rate have the following values in the indicated

                Component Component
                A Rate    B Rate
Year Month       $/KWH     $/KWH
- ---- -----       -----     -----

1998 February  0.00080   0.04784
     March     0.00067   0.04784
     April     0.00069   0.04784
     May       0.00067   0.04784
     June      0.00069   0.04784
     July      0.00067   0.04784
     August    0.00067   0.04784
     September 0.00069   0.04784
     October   0.00067   0.04784
     November  0.00069   0.04784
     December  0.00067   0.04784
1999 January   0.00168   0.04987
     February  0.00186   0.04987
     March     0.00168   0.04987
     April     0.00174   0.04987
     May       0.00168   0.04987
     June      0.00174   0.04987
     July      0.00168   0.04987
     August    0.00168   0.04987
     September 0.00174   0.04987
     October   0.00168   0.04987
     November  0.00174   0.04987
     December  0.00168   0.04987
2000 January   0.00173   0.05250
     February  0.00185   0.05250
     March     0.00173   0.05250
     April     0.00179   0.05250
     May       0.00173   0.05250
     June      0.00179   0.05250
     July      0.00173   0.05250
     August    0.00173   0.05250
     September 0.00179   0.05250
     October   0.00173   0.05250
     November  0.00179   0.05250
     December  0.00173   0.05250
2001 January   0.00178   0.05546
     February  0.00197   0.05546
     March     0.00178   0.05546
     April     0.00184   0.05546
     May       0.00178   0.05546
     June      0.00184   0.05546
     July      0.00178   0.05546
     August    0.00178   0.05546
     September 0.00184   0.05546
     October   0.00178   0.05546
     November  0.00184   0.05546
     December  0.00178   0.05546
2002 January   0.00184   0.07247
     February  0.00203   0.07247
     March     0.00184   0.07247
     April     0.00190   0.07247
     May       0.00184   0.07247
     June      0.00190   0.07247
     July      0.00184   0.07247
     August    0.00379   0.07247