savings plan for employees of the fairchild corporation
                                 TRUST AGREEMENT

This Agreement is made as of this 1st day of February, 2000, by and between The
Fairchild Corporation, a Delaware corporation having its principal office in
Dulles, Virginia (the "Company") and Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company, a
Massachusetts trust company having its principal office in Boston, Massachusetts
(the "Trustee").


1.       Establishment of Plan. The Savings Plan for Employees of the Fairchild
         Corporation (the "Plan") has been adopted by the Company and is
         intended to satisfy those provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of
         1986, as the same may be amended from time to time (the "Code"),
         relating to qualified employer plans.

2.       Creation of Trust.  There is hereby  established  a trust which  shall
         be known as the "Savings Plan for Employees of The Fairchild
         Corporation  Trust" (the  "Trust").  The provisions of this Agreement
         shall supersede  and take  precedence  over any  provision of the Plan
         or any prior trust agreement which deal with the Trustee's
         responsibilities and/or which may conflict in any way with the Trust.
         No amendment to the Plan which affects the responsibilities of the
         Trustee shall be made without its consent.  Notwithstanding the
         foregoing, the Company shall provide the Trustee with any proposed
         amendment to the Plan affecting the responsibilities of the Trustee,
         within one hundred and eighty (180) days of its proposed effective date
         by delivery of the proposed amendment to the Trustee as set forth in
         the notice section of this Agreement.  If the Trustee does not object
         in writing within one hundred and eighty (180) days of receiving the
         proposed amendment, it will be deemed to have consented to such
         amendment.  All money and such property as shall be acceptable to the
         Trustee as shall from time to time be paid or delivered to the Trustee
         in its capacity as such, all investments made therewith and proceeds
         thereof and all earnings and profits thereon, less the payments which
         at the time of reference shall have been made by the Trustee, as
         authorized herein, are referred to herein as the Trust.  The Trustee
         hereby accepts the Trust created hereunder and agrees to perform the
         provisions of this Agreement on its part to be performed.  Subject to
         the conditions and limitations set forth herein, the Trustee shall be
         responsible for the property received by it as Trustee, but shall not
         be responsible for the administration of the Plan or for those assets
         of the Plan which have not been delivered to and accepted by the
         Trustee.  The Trustee shall not have any authority or obligation to
         determine the adequacy of or to enforce the collection from the Company
         of any contribution to the Trust.  Certain other agreements and
         obligations between the Company and the Trustee or its affiliates have
         been set forth in a service agreement between such parties (the
         "Service Agreement") effective as of February 1, 2000.

         The establishment of the Trust created by this Agreement shall not be
         considered as giving any Plan member or any other person any legal or
         equitable rights as against the Company or the Trustee or the property,
         whether corpus or income, of the Trust unless such right is
         specifically provided for in this Agreement, the Plan, or by law, nor
         shall it be considered as giving any Plan member or other employee the
         right to continue in the service of the Company.

3.       Purposes.  The Plan and the Trust have been established for the
         exclusive benefit of the eligible employees and their beneficiaries.
         This Agreement shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the
         intention of the Company that the Trust satisfy those provisions of the
         Code relating to qualified employees' trusts exempt from taxation under
         Section 501(a) of the Code. It is specifically intended that the
         Company shall have sole responsibility for maintaining the
         tax-qualified status of the Plan and Trust.  No property of the Trust
         or contributions made by the Company pursuant to the terms of the Plan
         shall revert to the Company or be used for any purpose other than
         providing benefits to eligible employees or their beneficiaries and
         defraying the expenses of the Plan and the Trust, except that to the
         extent provided by the Plan:

         (a)      Any amount contributed under the Plan by the Company by a
                  mistake of fact as determined by the Company may be returned
                  to the Company, upon its request, within one year after its
                  payment to the Trust.

         (b)      Any amount contributed under the Plan by the Company on the
                  condition of its deductibility under Section 404 of the Code
                  may be returned to the Company, upon its request, within one
                  year after the Internal Revenue Service disallows the
                  deduction in writing.

         (c)      Earnings attributable to contributions returnable under
                  paragraph (a) or (b) shall not be returned to the Company, and
                  any losses attributable to those contributions shall reduce
                  the amount returned.

4.       Management of Trust.  It shall be the duty of the Trustee:

         (a)      to hold and, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to
                  invest and to reinvest the assets of the Trust, and

         (b)      to make payments therefrom in accordance with the written
                  directions of the Plan Administrator (the "Administrator")
                  specified in the Plan or otherwise appointed by the Board of
                  Directors of the Company pursuant to the Plan to administer
                  the Plan. The Administrator shall be the "plan administrator"
                  of the Plan as defined in  Section 3(16)(A) of the Employee
                  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), and a "named
                  fiduciary" within the meaning of Section 402(a) of ERISA.  The
                  Administrator may direct payments to be made from the Trust to
                  any person, including any member of the Administrator, or to
                  the Company, or to any paying agent designated by the
                  Administrator, and in such amounts as the Administrator may
                  direct. Each such direction of the Administrator shall be in
                  writing and shall be deemed to include a certification that
                  any payment directed thereby is one which the Administrator is
                  authorized to direct, and the Trustee may conclusively rely on
                  such certification without further investigation.  Payments by
                  the Trustee may be made by its check to the order of the payee
                  and mailed to the payee at the address last furnished to the
                  Trustee by the Administrator or by the payee, or if no such
                  address has been furnished, to the payee in care of the
                  Company. The Trustee shall make disbursements in the amounts
                  and in the manner that the Administrator directs from time to
                  time in writing.  The Trustee shall have no responsibility to
                  ascertain any direction's compliance with the terms of the
                  Plan or of any applicable law or the direction's effect for
                  tax purposes or otherwise; nor shall the Trustee have any
                  responsibility to see to the application of any disbursement.
                  The Trustee shall not be required to make any disbursement in
                  excess of the net realizable value of the assets of the Trust
                  at the time of the disbursement.  The Trustee shall not be
                  required to make any disbursement in cash unless the
                  Administrator has provided a written direction as to the
                  assets to be converted to cash for the purpose of making the

5.       Investments.  Except as otherwise provided in Sections 6, 7 and 8
         below, the Trustee shall invest and reinvest the assets of the Trust
         and keep the same invested, without distinction between principal and
         income, in stocks, bonds, stock options, option contracts of any type,
         contracts for the immediate or future delivery of financial instruments
         and other property, or other securities or certificates of
         participation or shares of any mutual investment company, trust or fund
         (including mutual funds which are sponsored, underwritten or managed by
         affiliates of the Trustee), or deposits in the Trustee which bear a
         reasonable rate of interest, or annuity or investment contracts issued
         by an insurance company, or other property of any kind, real or
         personal, tangible or intangible, as it may deem advisable, provided
         that the Trustee may hold assets of the Trust uninvested from time to
         time if and to the extent that it may deem such to be in the best
         interests of the Trust.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless an
         Investment Manager is appointed in accordance with Section 8, or the
         Service Agreement otherwise specifically provides, all of the assets of
         the Trust shall be invested as the Administrator directs in investment
         products sponsored, underwritten or managed by affiliates of the
         Trustee, loans to Plan members or securities issued by the Company
         satisfying the conditions of Section 7.

6.       Investment Funds.  The Administrator from time to time may direct the
         Trustee to establish one or more separate investment accounts within
         the Trust, each such separate account being hereinafter referred to as
         an "Investment Fund." The Trustee shall transfer to each such
         Investment Fund such portion of the assets of the Trust as the
         Administrator or Plan members direct in accordance with the specific
         provisions of the Plan and in the manner provided in the Service
         Agreement.  The Trustee shall invest and reinvest the assets which have
         been allocated to an Investment Fund in accordance with the investment
         guidelines, objectives and restrictions which have been established by
         the Administrator for that Investment Fund and, in the case of an
         Investment Fund for which an Investment Manager has been appointed or
         an Investment Fund to be directed by the Administrator, the specific
         investment directions of such Investment Manager or the Administrator,
         as the case may be.  If, and to the extent, specifically authorized by
         the Plan, and provided in the Service Agreement, the Administrator may
         direct the Trustee to establish an Investment Fund all, or
         substantially all, of the assets of which shall be invested in shares
         of stock of the Company, subject to the terms and conditions of
         Section 7.

         The Trustee shall be under no duty to question or review the investment
         guidelines, objectives and restrictions established, or the specific
         investment directions given, by the Administrator or the Plan members
         for any Investment Fund or to make suggestions to the Administrator in
         connection therewith. The Trustee shall not be liable for any loss
         which arises from the Administrator's or Plan members' exercise or
         non-exercise of rights under this Section 6, or from any direction of
         the Administrator or Plan members, unless it is clear on the face of
         the direction that the actions to be taken under the direction are
         prohibited by the fiduciary duty rules of Section 404(a) of ERISA or
         are not permitted by the Plan. The Trustee shall incur no liability on
         account of investing the assets of the Trust in accordance with proper
         investment elections or directions of the Administrator or Plan members
         so delivered to the Trustee.

         All interest, dividends and other income received with respect to, and
         any proceeds received from the sale or other disposition of, securities
         or other property held in an Investment Fund shall be credited to and
         reinvested in such Investment Fund, and all expenses of the Trust which
         are properly allocable to a particular Investment Fund shall be so
         allocated and charged. The Administrator may at any time direct the
         Trustee to eliminate any Investment Fund or Funds, and the Trustee
         shall thereupon dispose of the assets of such Investment Fund and
         reinvest the proceeds thereof in accordance with the directions of the

         Pending investment in the Investment Funds in accordance with the
         directions of the Administrator or the Plan members, the Trustee shall
         invest assets of the Trust as provided in the Service Agreement, or if
         there is no such provision, the Trustee may invest assets of the Trust,
         in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time, in
         interest-bearing accounts or certificates of deposit (including
         deposits in the Trustee which bear a reasonable interest rate),
         Treasury Bills, commercial paper, money market funds (including any
         such fund sponsored, underwritten or managed by one of its affiliates),
         short-term investment funds or other short-term obligations in its
         discretion, and the investment return thereon shall be allocated among
         the Plan members whose assets have been so invested and added to their
         respective investments in the Investment Funds.

7        Trust Investments in Company Stock. Trust investments pursuant to this
         Section 7 shall be made only in securities constituting "qualifying
         employer securities" within the meaning of Section 407(d)(5) of ERISA.
         Trust investments in such securities of the Company ("Company Stock")
         shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a)      Acquisition Limit.  Pursuant to the Plan, the Trust may be
                  invested in Company Stock to the extent necessary to comply
                  with investment directions under Section 6 of this Agreement.

         (b)      Fiduciary Duties of Named Fiduciaries.  The Administrator as
                  named fiduciary shall continually monitor the suitability of
                  acquiring and holding Company Stock under the fiduciary duty
                  rules of Section 404(a)(1) of ERISA (as modified by Section
                  404(a)(2) of ERISA).  The Trustee shall not be liable for any
                  loss, or by reason of any breach, which arises from a
                  direction of the Administrator with respect to the acquisition
                  and holding of Company Stock, unless it is clear on the face
                  of the direction that the actions to be taken under the
                  direction would be prohibited under ERISA.  The Company hereby
                  appoints as named fiduciaries, solely with respect to the
                  voting of Company Stock held in the Trust in accordance with
                  Section 7(e) and the tender or retention of such Company Stock
                  in response to a tender offer in accordance with Section 7(f),
                  the eligible employees who are Plan members in the Plan at the
                  time in question.  The Company shall be responsible for
                  determining whether, under the circumstances prevailing at a
                  given time, its fiduciary duty to Plan members and
                  beneficiaries under the Plan and ERISA requires that the
                  Company follow the advice of independent counsel as to the
                  voting and tender or retention of Company Stock.

         (c)      Execution of Purchases and Sales.  To implement transactions
                  regarding investments in Company Stock, including purchases,
                  redemptions and exchanges, the Trustee shall purchase or sell
                  Company Stock on the open market, as the case may be, as soon
                  as practicable on or following the date on which the Trustee
                  receives from the Company in good order all information and
                  documentation necessary to effect such purchase or sale.
                  However, the Trustee may accumulate all like purchases into a
                  single batch and may accumulate all like sales as a result of
                  receiving instructions for redemptions and exchanges out of
                  Company Stock into a single batch, but shall not be required
                  to do so.

                  The Trustee may purchase or sell Company Stock from or to the
                  Company if the purchase or sale is for no more than adequate
                  consideration (within the meaning of Section 3(18) of ERISA)
                  and no commission is charged. To the extent that Company
                  contributions under the Plan are to be invested in Company
                  Stock, the Company may transfer Company Stock to the Trust in
                  lieu of cash. The number of shares so transferred shall be
                  determined by dividing the amount of the contribution by the
                  closing price of Company Stock on any national securities
                  exchange on the trading day immediately preceding the date as
                  of which the contribution is made.

                  The Trustee and the Company may, in an appendix to this
                  Section 7, agree upon such prescribed dates for purchases and
                  sales of Company Stock and such rules and conventions in
                  connection with such purchases and sales as they may find
                  mutually acceptable.

         (d)      Securities Law Reports. The Administrator shall be responsible
                  for filing all reports required under federal or state
                  securities laws with respect to the Trust's ownership of
                  Company Stock, including, without limitation, any reports
                  required under Section 13 or 16 of the Securities Exchange Act
                  of 1934, and shall immediately notify the Trustee in writing
                  of any requirement to stop purchases or sales of Company Stock
                  pending the filing of any report. The Trustee shall provide to
                  the Administrator such information on the Trust's ownership of
                  Company Stock as the Administrator may reasonably request in
                  order to comply with federal or state securities laws.

         (e)      Voting.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
                  Agreement, the provisions of this Section 7(e)  shall govern
                  the voting of Company Stock.  When the issuer of Company Stock
                  files preliminary proxy solicitation materials with the
                  Securities and Exchange Commission, the Company shall cause a
                  copy of all of the materials to simultaneously be sent to the
                  Trustee, and the Trustee shall prepare a voting instruction
                  form based on these materials.  At the time of mailing of
                  notice of each annual or special stockholders' meeting of the
                  issuer of Company Stock, the Company shall cause a copy of the
                  notice and all proxy solicitation materials to be sent to each
                  Plan member, together with the foregoing voting  instruction
                  form to be returned to the Trustee or its designee.  The form
                  shall show the number of full and fractional shares of Company
                  Stock credited to the Plan member's accounts, whether or not
                  vested.  For purposes of this Section 7(e), the number of
                  shares of Company Stock deemed credited to a Plan member's
                  accounts shall be determined as of the date of record
                  determined by the Company for which an allocation has been
                  completed and Company Stock has actually been credited to Plan
                  members' accounts.  The Company shall provide the Trustee with
                  a copy of materials provided to Plan members and shall certify
                  to the Trustee that the materials have been mailed or
                  otherwise sent to Plan members.

                  Each Plan member shall have the right to direct the Trustee as
                  to the manner in which to vote that number of whole shares of
                  Company Stock credited to his accounts. Such direction shall
                  be communicated in writing or by facsimile or similar means
                  and shall be held in confidence by the Trustee and not
                  divulged to the Company, or an officer or employee thereof, or
                  any other person. Upon its receipt of directions, the Trustee
                  shall vote the whole shares of Company Stock credited to the
                  Plan member's accounts as directed by the Plan member. The
                  Trustee shall vote the fractional shares of Company Stock
                  credited to Plan members' accounts in proportion to how all of
                  the whole shares of Company Stock held in the Plan were voted.

                  Unless there is a proxy contest, or any other corporate matter
                  which involves the voting of shares with respect to the
                  approval or disapproval of any corporate merger or
                  consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification,
                  liquidation, dissolution, sale of substantially all of the
                  assets of a trade or business or similar transaction (a
                  "Corporate Event") and a Takeover Committee is appointed and
                  decides to vote, the Trustee shall vote those shares of
                  Company Stock not credited to Plan members' accounts, and
                  those shares of Company Stock credited to the accounts of Plan
                  members for which no voting directions are received, in the
                  same proportion on each issue as it votes those whole shares
                  of Company Stock credited to the Plan members' accounts for
                  which it receives voting direction from Plan members. If there
                  is a Corporate Event and a Takeover Committee is appointed and
                  decides to vote, the Trustee shall vote unallocated shares and
                  shares as to which no voting directions are received as
                  instructed by the Takeover Committee.

         (f)      Tender Offers.  Upon commencement of a tender offer for any
                  Company Stock, the Company shall notify each Plan member, and
                  use its best efforts to timely distribute or cause to be
                  distributed to Plan members the same information that is
                  distributed to shareholders of the issuer of Company Stock in
                  connection with the tender offer and, after consulting with
                  the Trustee, shall provide a means by which Plan members may
                  direct the Trustee whether or not to tender the whole shares
                  of Company Stock credited to their accounts (whether or not
                  vested).  The Company shall provide to the Trustee a copy of
                  any material provided to Plan members and shall certify to the
                  Trustee that the materials have been mailed or otherwise sent
                  to Plan members.

                  Each Plan member shall have the right to direct the Trustee to
                  tender or not to tender some or all of the whole shares of
                  Company Stock credited to his accounts. Such direction shall
                  be communicated in writing or by facsimile or similar means as
                  agreed upon by the Trustee and the Company and shall be held
                  in confidence by the Trustee and not divulged to the Company,
                  or an officer or employee thereof, or any other person. The
                  Trustee shall tender or not tender whole shares of Company
                  Stock held in the accounts of Plan members as directed by the
                  Plan members. The Trustee shall tender or not tender
                  fractional shares of Company Stock held in the accounts of
                  Plan members in proportion to how all of the whole shares of
                  Company Stock held in the Plan are tendered.

         Unless there is a Corporate Event and a Takeover Committee is appointed
         and decides to make tender decisions, the Trustee shall tender those
         shares of Company Stock not credited to Plan members' accounts, and
         those shares of Company Stock credited to the accounts of Plan members
         for which no tender directions are received, in the same proportion on
         each issue as it tenders those shares credited to the Plan members'
         accounts for which it receives tender direction from Plan members. If
         there is a Corporate Event and a Takeover Committee is appointed and
         decides to make tender decisions, the Trustee shall tender unallocated
         shares and shares as to which no tender directions are received as
         instructed by the Takeover Committee.

                  The Trustee shall credit to each account of the Plan member
                  from which the tendered shares were taken the proceeds
                  received by the Trustee in exchange for the shares of Company
                  Stock tendered from that account. Pending receipt of
                  directions through the Administrator from the Plan member as
                  to the investment of the proceeds of the tendered shares, the
                  Trustee shall invest the proceeds as the Administrator shall

         (g)      General.  With respect to all rights other than the right to
                  vote, the right to tender, and the right to withdraw shares
                  previously tendered, the Trustee shall follow the directions
                  of the Plan member as to Company Stock credited to his
                  accounts, and if no such directions are received, the
                  directions of the Administrator.  The Trustee shall have no
                  duty to solicit directions from Plan members.  With respect to
                  all rights other than the right to vote and the right to
                  tender, in the case of Company Stock not credited to Plan
                  members' accounts, the Trustee shall follow the directions of
                  the Administrator.  All provisions of this Section 7 shall
                  apply to any securities received as a result of a conversion
                  of Company Stock.

8.       Appointment of Investment Managers.  The Administrator from time to
         time may appoint one or more Investment Managers (as that term is
         defined in Section 3(38) of ERISA) to manage (including the power to
         acquire and dispose of) all or any portion or portions of the Trust.
         The Administrator may enter into such agreements setting forth the
         terms and conditions of any such appointment as it determines to be
         appropriate.  The Administrator shall retain the right to remove and
         discharge any Investment Manager.  The compensation of such Investment
         Managers shall be an expense payable in accordance with Section 14.
         The Administrator shall notify the Trustee of the appointment of any
         Investment Manager by delivering to the Trustee an executed copy of the
         agreement under which such Investment Manager was appointed together
         with a written acknowledgment by such Investment Manager that it is:

         (a)      a fiduciary with respect to the Plan,

         (b)      bonded as required by ERISA, and

         (c)      either

                  (i)      registered as an investment advisor under the
                           Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or

                  (ii)     a bank as defined in said Act, or

                  (iii)    an insurance company qualified to perform investment
                           management services under the laws of more than one
                           state of the United States.

         The Trustee shall be entitled to rely upon such notice until such time
         as the Administrator shall notify and direct the Trustee in writing
         that another Investment Manager has been appointed in the place and
         stead of the first-named Investment Manager, or in the alternative,
         that the Investment Manager has been removed. In each case where an
         Investment Manager is appointed, the Administrator shall determine the
         assets of the Trust to be allocated to the Investment Manager from time
         to time and shall issue appropriate instructions to the Trustee with
         respect thereto. The Trustee shall carry out the written instructions
         of any Investment Manager with respect to the management and investment
         of the assets then under control of such Investment Manager and shall
         not incur any liability on account of its compliance with such
         instructions. Purchase and sale orders may be placed without the
         intervention of the Trustee and, in such event, the Trustee's sole
         obligation shall be to make payment for purchased securities and
         deliver those that have been sold when advised of the transaction. The
         Trustee shall not incur any liability on account of its failure to
         exercise any of the powers delegated to any Investment Manager because
         of the failure of such Investment Manager to give instructions for the
         management of the assets under the control of such Investment Manager.
         The Trustee shall be under no duty to question any Investment Manager,
         nor to review any securities or other property acquired or retained at
         the direction of any Investment Manager, nor to make any suggestions to
         any Investment Manager in connection therewith. The Trustee shall have
         no obligation to vote upon any securities over which the Investment
         Manager has investment management control unless the Trustee is
         instructed in writing by the Investment Manager as to the voting of
         such securities within a reasonable time before the time for voting
         thereof expires.

         Each Investment Manager shall have the authority to exercise all of the
         powers of the Trustee hereunder with respect to assets under its
         control but only to the extent that such powers relate to the
         investment of such assets.

         Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary elsewhere herein:

         (i)      The Administrator may retain and exercise the powers of an
                  Investment Manager with respect to all or any portion or
                  portions of the Trust.  The Administrator shall notify the
                  Trustee in writing of any such reservation of powers and the
                  Trustee shall be entitled to rely upon any such notice.  In
                  any such event, the Trustee shall carry out the written
                  instructions of the Administrator with respect to the
                  management and investment of the assets then under control of
                  the Administrator and shall not incur any liability on account
                  of its compliance with such instructions.  The Trustee shall
                  not incur any liability on account of its failure to exercise
                  any of the powers retained by the Administrator because of the
                  failure of the Administrator to give instructions for the
                  management of the assets under the control of the
                  Administrator.  The Trustee shall be under no duty to question
                  the Administrator, nor to review any securities or other
                  property acquired or retained at the direction of the
                  Administrator, nor to make any suggestions to the
                  Administrator in connection therewith; and

(ii)              The Company may designate an Investment Manager as a named
                  fiduciary with respect to the management of certain assets of
                  the Trust, in which event such Investment Manager shall have
                  the authority to appoint pursuant to this Section 8 one or
                  more Investment Managers to manage (including the power to
                  acquire and dispose of) all or any portion or portions of such
                  assets, as if such named fiduciary were the Administrator. In
                  such event all of the provisions of this Section 8 shall apply
                  with such named fiduciary substituted for the Administrator.

9.       Stable Value Contracts.  If provided in the Service Agreement, the
         Administrator or, in the case of an Investment Fund for which an
         Investment Manager has been appointed pursuant to Section 8, the
         Investment Manager may direct the Trustee to receive and hold or apply
         assets of the Trust to the purchase of (i) insurance, annuity or other
         financial contracts issued by insurance companies, banks or other
         financial institutions ("GICs") or (ii) securities wrapped by benefit
         responsive wrap contracts issued by insurance companies, banks or other
         financial institutions ("synthetic GICs").  Any such contracts shall be
         in the form determined and approved by the Administrator or Investment
         Manager, as the case may be, and the Trustee shall have no
         responsibility for the selection of the issuer of any such contract,
         for negotiating the terms of any such contract, for the administration,
         monitoring or disposition of any such contract or for any other
         decision relating to any such contract.  In the case of a synthetic
         GIC, the Trustee shall have no responsibility for selecting or managing
         the assets which are to be wrapped, for selecting the Investment
         Manager, if any, with respect to the such assets, for establishing any
         investment guidelines applicable to such assets or for monitoring or
         reviewing in any manner such assets, Investment Manager or investment

         If such investments are to be made, the Administrator or Investment
         Manager shall direct the Trustee to execute and deliver such
         applications and other documents as are necessary to establish record
         ownership, to value such investments under the method of valuation
         selected by the Administrator or Investment Manager, and to record or
         report such values to the Administrator or Investment Manager, in the
         form and manner agreed to by the Administrator.

         The Administrator or Investment Manager may direct the Trustee to
         exercise or may exercise directly the powers of contract holder under
         any GIC or synthetic GIC, and the Trustee shall exercise such powers
         only upon direction of the Administrator or Investment Manager. The
         Trustee shall have no authority to act in its own discretion, with
         respect to the terms, acquisition, valuation, continued holding and/or
         disposition of any such GIC or synthetic GIC or any asset held
         thereunder. The Trustee shall be under no duty to question any
         direction of the Administrator or Investment Manager or to review the
         form of any such GIC or synthetic GIC or the selection of the issuer
         thereof, or to make recommendations to the Administrator or Investment
         Manager or to any issuer with respect to the form of any such GIC or
         synthetic GIC.

         The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting in accordance with
         written directions of the Administrator or Investment Manager, and
         shall be under no liability for any loss of any kind which may result
         by reason of any action taken or omitted by it in accordance with any
         direction of the Administrator or Investment Manager, or by reason of
         inaction in the absence of written directions from the Administrator or
         Investment Manager. In the event that the Administrator or Investment
         Manager directs that any monies or property be paid or delivered to the
         contract holder other than for the benefit of specific individual
         beneficiaries, the Trustee agrees to accept such monies or property as
         assets of the Trust subject to all the terms hereof.

         For purposes of this Section 9, traditional forms of individual or
         group insurance or annuity contracts issued by insurance companies
         shall be deemed to be GICs.

10.      Powers of Trustee. Subject to the foregoing provisions and limitations,
         the Trustee is authorized and empowered:

         (a)      to sell at public auction or by private contract, redeem,
                  convey, transfer, exchange, pledge, or otherwise realize upon,
                  any securities, investments or other property forming a part
                  of the Trust, and for such purposes may execute such
                  instruments and writings and do such things as it shall deem

         (b)      to keep any or all securities or other property in the name of
                  some other person, nominee, firm or corporation or in its own
                  name without disclosing its fiduciary capacity, but the books
                  and records of the Trustee shall at all times show that all
                  such securities and other property are part of the Trust;

         (c)      except as otherwise provided in Sections 7, 8 and 9 to the
                  extent that the Trustee receives direction from the
                  Administrator or the Plan members, as the case may be, to vote
                  upon any stock, bonds or other securities of any corporation,
                  association or trust at any time comprising the Trust, or
                  otherwise consent to or request any action on the part of such
                  corporation, association or trust, and to give general or
                  special proxies or powers of attorney, with or without power
                  of substitution, and to exercise any conversion privileges,
                  subscription rights or other options, to participate in
                  reorganizations, recapitalizations, consolidations, mergers
                  and similar transactions with respect to such securities;  to
                  deposit such stocks or other securities in any voting trust,
                  or with any protective or like committee, or with a trustee,
                  or with depositories designated thereby; and generally to
                  exercise any of the powers of an owner with respect to stocks
                  or other securities or property comprising the Trust which the
                  Trustee deems to be for the best interests of the Trust.  The
                  Trustee will not vote such stock or other securities as to
                  which it receives no written directions;

         (d)      when instructed or directed by the Administrator, to borrow
                  money for the purposes of this Trust in such amounts and upon
                  such terms and conditions as the Administrator, in its
                  discretion, may approve, and for any amount so borrowed to
                  issue the promissory note of the Trustee and to secure the
                  repayment thereof by pledge, mortgage, or hypothecation of all
                  or any part of the property of the Trust, and no person
                  loaning money to the Trustee shall be bound to see to the
                  application of the money loaned or to inquire into the
                  validity of any such borrowing;

         (e)      to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all
                  instruments that it shall deem necessary or appropriate to
                  carry out the powers herein granted;

         (f)      to manage, administer, operate, lease for any number of years,
                  develop, improve, repair, alter, demolish, mortgage, pledge,
                  grant options with respect to, or otherwise deal with any real
                  property or interest therein at any time held by it, and to
                  cause to be formed a corporation or trust to hold title to any
                  such real property with the aforesaid powers, all upon such
                  terms and conditions as may be deemed advisable;

         (g)      to renew or extend or participate in the renewal or extension
                  of any mortgage, upon such terms as may be deemed advisable,
                  and to agree to a reduction in the rate of interest on any
                  mortgage or to any other modification or change in the terms
                  of any mortgage or of any guarantee pertaining thereto, in any
                  manner and to any extent that may be deemed advisable for the
                  protection of the Trust or the preservation of the value of
                  the  investment, to waive any default whether in the
                  performance of any covenant or condition of any mortgage or in
                  the performance of any guarantee, or to enforce any such
                  default in such manner and to such extent as may be deemed
                  advisable, to exercise and enforce any and all rights of
                  foreclosure, to bid in property on foreclosure, to take a deed
                  in lieu of foreclosure with or without paying a consideration
                  therefor and in connection therewith to release the obligation
                  on the bond secured by such mortgage; and to exercise and
                  enforce in any action, suit or proceedings at law or in equity
                  any rights or remedies in respect to any such mortgage or

         (h)      upon express direction by the Administrator or the Investment
                  Manager, as the case may be, to transfer all or part of the
                  assets of the Trust in accordance with such investment
                  instructions, without restriction, to investments authorized
                  for fiduciaries, including without limitation any common,
                  collective or commingled trust fund maintained by the Trustee
                  (or any other such fund acceptable to the Trustee) that
                  qualifies for exemption from federal income tax pursuant to
                  Revenue Ruling 81-100.  Any investment in, and any terms and
                  conditions of, any such common, collective or commingled trust
                  fund available only to employee trusts which meet the
                  requirements of the Code, or corresponding provisions of
                  subsequent income tax laws of the United States, shall
                  constitute an integral part of this Agreement;

         (i)      when instructed or directed by the Administrator, to settle,
                  compromise or submit to arbitration any claims, debts, or
                  damages, due or owing to or from the Trust, to commence or
                  defend suits or legal proceedings and to represent the Trust
                  in all suits or legal proceedings in any court of law or
                  before any other body or tribunal; provided, however, that the
                  Trustee shall have no obligation to take any legal action for
                  the benefit of the Trust unless it shall have first been
                  indemnified for all expenses in connection therewith,
                  including counsel fees;

         (j)      if applicable, to lend to Plan members such amount or amounts,
                  and upon such terms and conditions, as the Administrator may
                  direct in accordance with the provisions of the Plan;

         (k)      to employ such agents, consultants, custodians, depositories,
                  advisors, and legal counsel as may be reasonably necessary or
                  desirable in the Trustee's judgment in managing and protecting
                  the Trust and, subject to the provisions of Section 14, to pay
                  them reasonable compensation out of the Trust;

         (l)      to cause any securities or other property which may at any
                  time form a part of the Trust to be issued, held or registered
                  in the individual name of the Trustee, or in the name of its
                  nominee (including any custodian employed by the Trustee, any
                  nominee of such a custodian, and any depository, clearing
                  corporation or other similar system), or in such form that
                  title will pass by delivery;

         (m)      to transfer any assets of the Trust to a custodian or
                  sub-custodian employed by the Trustee;

         (n)      to pay any of the following expenses or liabilities incurred
                  by the Plan:  interest; taxes; transfer fees; and management,
                  accounting, transfer agent and legal fees, including the
                  Trustee's fee and operating expenses of the Plan; and

         (o)      to do all other acts in its judgment necessary or desirable
                  for the proper administration of the Trust in accordance with
                  the provisions of the Plan and this Agreement, although the
                  power to do such acts is not specifically set forth herein.

         No person dealing with the Trustee shall be required to take any notice
         of this Agreement, but all persons so dealing shall be protected in
         treating the Trustee as the absolute owner with full power of
         disposition of all the monies, securities and other property of the
         Trust, and all persons dealing with the Trustee are released from
         inquiry into the decision or authority of the Trustee and from seeing
         to the application of monies, securities or other property paid or
         delivered to the Trustee.

11.      Liquidation of Assets.  Upon termination of the Trust as provided
         herein, the Trustee shall not be required to make any payments
         hereunder until it has received such documentation as it shall consider
         necessary to establish that the termination complies with applicable
         law, or to make any payments in excess of the net realizable value of
         the assets of the Trust at the time of such payment.  The Trustee shall
         not be required to make any payments in cash unless there shall be in
         the Trust at the time an amount of cash sufficient for the purpose.  In
         case of a deficiency in cash, the Trustee shall take such action as to
         the disposition of securities or other property forming a part of the
         Trust as will provide the amount of cash for such payments.  The
         Trustee shall not be required to make any payment in cash until the
         Administrator has provided direction as to the assets to be converted
         to cash for the purpose of making such payment.

12.      Direction by Company or Administrator.  The Company shall certify to
         the Trustee the names and specimen signatures of the Administrator.
         The Company shall give prompt notice to the Trustee of changes in the
         Administrator, and until such notice is received by the Trustee, the
         Trustee shall be fully protected in assuming that the Administrator is
         unchanged and in acting accordingly.  The Administrator may certify to
         the Trustee the names of persons authorized to act for it in relation
         to the Trustee and may designate a person, corporation or other entity,
         whether or not affiliated with the Company, to so act.  Whenever the
         Trustee is required or authorized to take any action hereunder pursuant
         to any written direction or determination of the Company or the
         Administrator, such direction or determination shall be sufficient
         protection to the Trustee if contained in a writing signed by any one
         or more of the persons authorized to execute documents on behalf of the
         Company or the Administrator, as the case may be, pursuant to the Plan.
         The Trustee shall act, and shall be fully protected in acting, in
         accordance with such orders, requests and instructions of the Company
         or the Administrator.  By such a writing the Company or the
         Administrator, as the case may be, may ratify, approve or confirm any
         action taken by the Trustee, and upon such ratification, approval or
         confirmation the Trustee shall be protected as though authorization or
         determination by the Company or the Administrator had preceded such
         action.  In the absence of direction by the Company or the
         Administrator as to any matter provided in this Agreement or the Plan,
         the Trustee may in its discretion take such action as it deems fit and
         proper with respect thereto after reasonable attempts to secure Company
         or Administrator direction, provided, however, that the Trustee shall
         not be obligated to take any such action.  The Trustee may deliver
         documents to the Company or the Administrator by delivering the same,
         or by mailing the same, postage prepaid, addressed to the Company or
         the Administrator, as the case may be, at its principal place of

13.      Records and Accounting.  The Trustee shall keep adequate and accurate
         accounts of investments, receipts, disbursements and other transactions
         hereunder, and all accounts, books and records relating thereto shall
         be open at all reasonable times to inspection and audit by the
         Administrator and its authorized representatives.  The Trustee shall
         render to the Company and the Administrator in writing, at least once
         each twelve (12) months and at such times as required by the Plan and,
         in any event, within ninety (90) days after its removal or resignation
         as provided in Section 16 hereof, accounts of its transactions under
         this Agreement, and the Administrator may approve such accounts of the
         Trustee by an instrument in writing delivered to the Trustee.  In the
         absence of the filing in writing with the Trustee by the Administrator
         of exceptions or objections to any such account within six years after
         the receipt thereof, the Administrator shall be deemed to have approved
         such account; and in such case, or upon the written approval of the
         Administrator of any such account, the Trustee, to the extent permitted
         by applicable law, shall be released, relieved and discharged with
         respect to all matters and things set forth in such account.  The
         Trustee shall from time to time make such other reports and furnish
         such other information concerning the Trust (including valuations of
         each Investment Fund established pursuant to Section 6) to the
         Administrator as the Administrator may reasonably request or as may be
         required by the Plan. The Administrator shall arrange for each
         Investment Manager appointed pursuant to Section 8, and each insurance
         company, bank or other financial institution issuing contracts held by
         the Trustee pursuant to Section 9, to furnish the Trustee with such
         valuations and reports as are necessary to enable the Trustee to
         fulfill its obligations under this Section 13, and the Trustee shall be
         fully protected in relying upon such valuations and reports.  In any
         proceeding instituted by the Trustee, the Company or the Administrator
         or all of them  with respect to any account of the Trustee, only the
         Company, the Administrator and the Trustee shall be necessary parties.

14.      Trustee's Compensation and Expenses.  The Trustee shall be paid such
         reasonable  compensation as provided in the Fee Schedule attached to
         this Agreement.  The compensation of the Trustee and any reasonable
         expenses which are authorized and referenced herein, including
         reasonable attorneys' fees and the cost of any bond, surety or other
         security which may be required of the Trustee by ERISA, incurred by the
         Trustee in the performance of its duties, and all other proper charges
         and disbursements of the Trustee may be paid by the Company within
         thirty (30) days after so billed, and will automatically be deducted
         from the Trust if, upon the expiration of thirty (30) days, such fees
         are not separately paid by the Company.  With  respect to any expenses
         not referenced herein, the Trustee shall promptly notify the Company of
         the need for such expenses and shall request authorization from the
         Company to incur such expenses and receive reimbursement thereof in the
         manner described above.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if it is not
         reasonably possible for the Trustee to notify the Company prior to
         incurring any expenses not referenced herein, the Trustee is hereby
         authorized to incur such expenses and request reimbursement thereof,
         in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section, provided
         that the Trustee notifies the Company of the incurrance of such
         expenses as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter.  All expenses
         (including taxes pursuant to Section 22) of the Trust, other than those
         expenses which are paid by the Company, which are allocable to an
         Investment Fund established pursuant to Section 6 shall be charged to
         such Investment Fund.  All such expenses which are not so allocable
         shall be charged against each of the Investment Funds in the same
         proportion as the value of the assets held in such Investment Fund
         bears to the value of the total assets held in all of the Investment
         Funds. Any account maintenance or administration fees applicable to any
         Plan member's account which are not paid hereunder by the Company shall
         be charged against the interest of the Plan member and, in the case of
         a loan of a Plan member, if applicable, all expenses (including taxes
         pursuant to Section 22) of the Trust, other than those expenses which
         are paid by the Company, which are allocable to such loan, shall be
         charged against the interest of such Plan member under the Plan.

15.      Litigation Involving Trust Assets.  If any asset of the Trust is, or
         while this Agreement is in effect becomes, subject to any claims or
         litigation (other than a routine claim for benefits brought by a
         Participant or Beneficiary against the Trust generally or a claim by
         the Company or the Administrator against the Trustee), the
         Administrator shall direct the Trustee to execute and deliver on behalf
         of the Trust such forms, pleadings, agreements or other documents
         necessary to the prosecution or defense of such claims or litigation.
         The Trustee shall have no authority to act on its own discretion with
         respect to such claim or litigation and shall have no duty to question
         any direction of the Administrator relating thereto.  Except as may
         otherwise be provided under ERISA, the Trustee shall be fully protected
         in acting in accordance with written directions of the Administrator,
         and shall be under no liability for any loss of any kind which may
         result by reason of any action taken or omitted by it in accordance
         with any direction of the Administrator, or by reason of inaction in
         the absence of written directions from the Administrator.  The
         Trustee's retention of counsel in order to monitor the progress of such
         claim or litigation (including, but not limited to, review of all
         pertinent documents), shall be separate from the counsel representing
         the Company or any other party in respect of such claim or litigation.
         The cost of such counsel shall be an expense of the Trust and shall be
         charged to the Trust as provided in Section 14 unless paid by the

16.      Resignation or Removal of Trustee.  The Trustee may resign at any time
         upon one hundred and twenty (120) days' written notice to the Company,
         and the Company may remove the Trustee at any time upon one hundred
         and twenty (120) days' written notice to the Trustee;  provided,
         however, that the parties may by written instrument waive such notice.
         The Trustee reserves the right at any time to resign immediately if the
         Company transfers the Plan's administration to a recordkeeper other
         than the recordkeeper designated in the Service Agreement, without the
         Trustee's prior written consent, by delivering to the Company a notice
         of resignation certified by the Trustee.  The Trustee further reserves
         the right at any time to resign immediately by delivering to the
         Company a notice of resignation certified by the Trustee if the assets
         of the Trust are not invested in investment products which are
         sponsored, underwritten or managed by affiliates of the Trustee,
         unless the Service Agreement allows such other products.  If the
         Trustee shall resign, be removed or for any other reason cease to be
         Trustee, the Company shall appoint a successor Trustee or Trustees to
         whom the Trustee, upon receipt of acceptance by such successor, shall
         promptly deliver all of the  assets of the Trust less any unpaid fees
         or expenses.  Subject to the foregoing provisions, any resignation or
         removal of the Trustee or appointment of a new Trustee shall be by
         instrument in writing and shall become effective on the date therein
         specified.  Any successor Trustee shall have the same powers and duties
         as the succeeded Trustee, subject to such changes as the Company may
         then determine.  Upon request of such successor Trustee or Trustees,
         the Company and the Trustee ceasing to act shall execute and deliver
         such instruments of conveyance and further assurance and do such things
         as may reasonably be required for more fully and certainly vesting and
         confirming in such successor Trustee or Trustees all the right, title
         and interest of the retiring Trustee in and to the assets of the Trust.
         The Trustee is authorized, however, to reserve such sums of money as
         may be reasonable for payment of its compensation and expenses
         (including legal fees) in connection with the settlement of its account
         or otherwise, and any balance of such reserve remaining after payment
         of such compensation and expenses shall be promptly paid over to the
         successor Trustee or Trustees.

17.      Duties of Trustee.  The Trustee shall discharge its duties with respect
         to the Trust solely in the interests of the Plan members and their
         beneficiaries and with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under
         the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acting in a like
         capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an
         enterprise of like  character and with like aims.  The duties of the
         Trustee shall be only those specifically undertaken by the Trustee
         pursuant to this Trust Agreement.  Otherwise, the Trustee shall have no
         responsibility for the administration of the Plan (including, but not
         limited to, the determination of Plan participation rights of employees
         of the Company, the determination of benefits of members of the Plan
         and the maintenance of individual accounts of members of the Plan).
         Except as otherwise provided by ERISA, in no event shall the Trustee be
         responsible for any act or omission of any other fiduciary of the Plan.
         The Trustee shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of any
         predecessors and successors in office.

18.      Indemnification.  The Company hereby agrees to indemnify and hold
         harmless the Trustee from and against any losses, damages, liabilities,
         claims, costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees) which the Trustee
         may incur by reason of this Trust Agreement, (including, without
         limitation, by reason of the Trustee's making benefit payments pursuant
         to fraudulent or unauthorized instructions) excepting only losses,
         damages, liabilities, claims, costs or expenses arising from the
         Trustee's negligence, willful misconduct, breach of this Agreement or
         violation of the Code, ERISA, other applicable federal law or
         Massachusetts law.  A waiver by the Trustee of any signature guarantee
         requirement relating to the investments held hereunder, or the
         provision of services through the Internet or other electronic means,
         shall not, in and of itself, be construed as negligence or willful
         misconduct on the part of the Trustee.  The Trustee shall indemnify
         and hold harmless the Company from and against any losses, damages,
         liabilities, claims, costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees)
         which the Company may incur by reason of the Trustee's negligence,
         willful misconduct, breach of this Agreement or violation of the Code,
         ERISA, other applicable federal law or Massachusetts law.  The
         provisions of this Section 18 shall survive the termination of this

19.      Amendment or Termination.  The Company reserves the right at any time
         and from time to time to amend, in whole or in part, any or all of the
         provisions of, or to terminate, this Agreement by delivering to the
         Trustee a copy of an amendment or a notice of termination certified by
         an officer of the Company; provided, that no such amendment which
         affects the rights, duties or responsibilities of the Trustee may be
         made without its consent, and provided further that no such amendment
         shall authorize or permit any part of the corpus or income of the
         Trust to be used for or diverted to purposes other than those set forth
         in Section 3.  Any such amendment shall be effective upon delivery to
         the Trustee unless a different effective date is specifically stated
         and any such amendment may be made retroactively as shall be permitted
         under applicable law. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Trustee,
         upon direction of the Administrator shall liquidate the Trust to the
         extent required for distribution and, after the final account of the
         Trustee has been approved and settled, shall distribute the balance of
         the Trust remaining in its hands as directed by the Administrator or in
         the absence of such direction, as may be directed by a judgment or
         decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.  Following any such
         termination the powers of the Trustee hereunder shall continue as long
         as any of the assets of the Trust remain in its hands, but only as to
         those assets which during such time remain in the Trust.

20.      Additional Participating Companies.  Any affiliate or subsidiary of the
         Company may, with the consent of the Company, become a participating
         employer by action of the board of directors of such affiliate or
         subsidiary to adopt the Trust as a trust for the benefit of its
         employees.  Each such additional participating employer shall be deemed
         the "Company" hereunder and shall have and exercise all the rights,
         powers, and duties thereof with respect to the Trust as applied to
         itself and its employees and that part of the Trust which represents
         the interest of members employed by it; provided, however, that each
         such additional participating employer hereby delegates all such
         rights, powers, and duties, including amendment or termination of the
         Trust, to The Fairchild Corporation acting alone, except as such
         additional participating employer may exercise the same for itself
         with the written approval of The Fairchild Corporation provided to the

21.      Spendthrift Provision.  Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, to
         the maximum extent permitted by law, beneficial interests in the Trust
         of members under the Plan shall not be assignable nor subject to
         alienation, sale, transfer, pledge, encumbrance, mortgage, attachment,
         execution, levy or receivership, nor shall they pass to any trustee in
         bankruptcy or be reached or applied by any legal process for the
         payment of any obligations of any such person; provided, however, that
         nothing herein shall prevent a member from assigning his interest in
         the Trust as security for the repayment of any loan made to him from
         the Trust pursuant to the Plan, and further provided that nothing
         herein shall prevent the Trustee from making payments, as directed by
         the Administrator, in accordance with a Qualified Domestic Relations
         Order, as that term is defined in Section 414(p) of the Code.  Any
         attempt at any other assignment, alienation, sale, transfer, pledge,
         encumbrance, mortgage, attachment, execution or levy shall be void and

22.      Payment of Taxes.  The Trustee may pay out of the Trust (or the
         appropriate Investment Fund or Funds) any and all taxes of any and all
         kinds, including without limitation property taxes and income taxes
         levied or assessed under existing or future laws upon or in respect of
         the Trust or any monies, securities or other property forming a part
         thereof or the income therefrom subject to the terms of any agreements
         or contracts made with respect to trust investments which make other
         provision for such tax payments.  The Trustee may assume that any taxes
         assessed on or in respect of the Trust or its income are lawfully
         assessed unless the Administrator shall in writing advise the Trustee
         that in the opinion of counsel for the Company such taxes are or may be
         unlawfully assessed.  In the event that the Administrator shall so
         advise the Trustee, the Trustee will, if so requested in writing by the
         Administrator contest the validity of such taxes in any manner deemed
         appropriate by the Company or its counsel but at the expense of the
         Trust; or the Company may contest the validity of any such taxes at
         the expense of the Trust and in the name of the Trustee; and the
         Trustee agrees to execute all documents, instruments, claims, and
         petitions necessary or advisable in the opinion of the Company or its
         counsel for the refund, abatement, reduction or elimination of any such
         taxes.  At the direction of the Administrator, the Trustee shall
         collect all income tax to be withheld from any benefit payments from
         the Trust and shall report and pay over such taxes to the Internal
         Revenue Service and any applicable state taxing authorities, except for
         payments made directly by an insurer to a Plan member or beneficiary
         under an annuity or insurance contract, if applicable.

23.      Successor to Company or Trustee. Any successor to all or a major part
         of the business of the Trustee, by whatever form or manner resulting,
         shall succeed to all the rights, powers and duties hereunder of the
         Trustee. The Trustee shall timely notify the Company of any such
         successor not under common control with Putnam. Any successor to all or
         a major part of the business of the Company, by whatever form or manner
         resulting, may continue the Plan and Trust by executing any required
         amendments thereto, and thereupon such successor shall succeed to all
         the rights, powers and duties hereunder of the Company.

24.      Construction. In any question of interpretation or other matter of
         doubt, the Trustee, the Administrator and the Company may rely upon the
         opinion of counsel for the Company or any other attorney at law
         designated by the Company with the approval of the Trustee. The
         provisions of this Agreement shall be construed, administered and
         enforced according to the laws of the United States and, to the extent
         permitted by such laws, by the laws of The Commonwealth of
         Massachusetts. All contributions to the Trust shall be deemed to be
         made in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

25.      Impossibility of Performance. In case it becomes impossible for the
         Company, the Administrator or the Trustee to perform any act under this
         Agreement, that act shall be performed which in the judgment of the
         Administrator will most nearly carry out the intent and purpose of the
         Plan and Trust. All parties to this Agreement or in any way interested
         in the Trust shall be bound by any acts performed under such condition.

26.      Definition of Words.  Feminine or neuter pronouns shall be substituted
         for those of the masculine form, and the plural shall be substituted
         for the singular, in any place or places herein where the context may
         require such substitution or substitutions.

27.      Titles.  The titles of Sections are included only for convenience and
         shall not be construed as part of this Agreement or in any respect
         affecting or modifying its provisions.

28.      Notice of Plan Amendment.  Notices to Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company
         regarding Plan amendments should be addressed to:

         Cynthia O. Parr
         Senior Vice President/Senior Counsel
         Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company
         One Post Office Square
         Boston, MA  02109

29.      Execution of Agreement.  This Agreement may be executed in any number
         of counterparts and each fully executed counterpart shall be deemed an

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been signed and sealed for and in behalf
of the Company and the Trustee by their duly authorized officers as of the
___28th____ day of _______January______________, 2000_____.

                            the fairchild corporation

Marla DeCrisco                                By:   /s/ John L. Flynn
- ---------------                                     -----------------
Witness                                       Title: Senior Vice President, Tax

                                              PUTNAM FIDUCIARY TRUST COMPANY

                                              By: /s/ Tina Campbell
Lori Serghilli
Witness                                       Title: Vice President

             savings plan for employees of the fairchild corporation
                          TRUST AGREEMENT FEE SCHEDULE

The following services associated with the Trust Agreement are subject to the
fees specified below. The Company agrees to pay the Trustee fees and expenses as

1.       Trust Distributions:

         This fee is waived.

2.       Trustee Services:

         The annual fee is waived for trustee services provided by Putnam
         Fiduciary Trust Company on those assets of the Trust which are Outside
         Assets, except for Company Stock.

         The Company agrees to pay the Trustee for trustee services provided by
         Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company for Company Stock held in the Trust as

         .05% on stock up to $50 Million .025% on stock from $50 to $100 Million
         .01% on stock over $100 Million

         Fees for Trustee services will be billed quarterly based upon the value
         of the assets as determined on the last business day of each month (not
         applicable for flat fees).

3.       Company Stock:

         $18.00 per stock certificate issued.  This fee includes the preparation
         and mailing of IRS Form 1099-R.

         Maximum of $.03 per share, with $5.00 minimum per trade settlement of
         buy and sell trades in Company Stock.

         $.50 per Participant for proxy solicitation cost plus out of pocket