
                         STINBES LIMITED
     This  Amendment  of Warrant Agreement (the  "Amendment")  is
made  as  of  February 9, 1998, for the purpose of modifying  (as
provided below) the Warrant Agreement dated as of March 13,  1986
(the  "Warrant  Agreement"), between The  Fairchild  Corporation,
p/k/a  Banner  Industries,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Company"), and Stinbes Limited. Capitalized terms used  but  not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to  them
in the Warrant Agreement.

A.   On  March  13,  1986, the Company entered into  the  Warrant
     Agreement with Drexel Burnham Lambert ("DBL"), and (pursuant
     to  the  terms  of  the  Warrant Agreement)  issued  to  DBL
     warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 200,000 shares of
     either  Class A or Class B common stock of the Company  (the
     "Warrants").   The Warrants were issued in conjunction  with
     DBL  acting  as the underwriter for the public  offering  of
     certain of the Company's debentures.

B.   Pursuant  to  a  Purchase and Sale  Agreement  dated  as  of
     January 4, 1989, Jeffrey J. Steiner ("Steiner"), DBL and the
     Company,   Steiner  purchased  187,500  Warrants  from   DBL
     (subject  to  all  the  benefits and obligations  under  the
     Warrant Agreement).

C.   Section  5.1  of  the Warrant Agreement  provides  that  the
     Warrant  Price and the number of Warrant Shares are  subject
     to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events pursuant
     to  the  terms  of Section 9 of the Warrant  Agreement.   In
     June,  1989,  as a result of a two-for-one stock  split  (an
     adjustable  event  as defined in Section 9  of  the  Warrant
     Agreement) the number of Warrant Shares in favor of  Steiner
     was   increased  to  375,000,  and  the  Warrant  Price  was
     decreased to $7.67 per share.

D.   On September 12, 1991, the Board of Directors of the Company
     voted  to  renew  the Warrants issued in favor  of  Steiner,
     which had expired on March 13, 1991, for an extended term to
     expire  on March 13, 1993.  On March 8, 1993, the  Board  of
     Directors of the Company voted to extend the Expiration Date
     of  the  Warrants to March 13, 1995.  On February 16,  1995,
     the  Board  of Directors of the Company voted to extend  the
     Expiration Date of the Warrants to March 13, 1997.
E.   On  March 22, 1993, Steiner assigned the Warrants to  Bestin
     Ltd.  On May 31, 1993, Bestin Ltd. assigned the Warrants  to
     Stinbes  Limited.   Stinbes  Limited  is  an  affiliate   of

F.   By  Board  action taken on February 21, 1997, and  again  on
     September  11, 1997, and September 26, 1997,  the  Board  of
     Directors of the Company voted to extend the Expiration Date
     of  the Warrants to March 13, 2002, subject to the following
     modifications:  (i) effective as of February 21,  1997,  the
     Expiration  Date  of  any issued Warrants,  outstanding  and
     unexpired  on  that  date, shall be  March  13,  2002;  (ii)
     effective  as of February 21, 1997, the Warrant Price  shall
     be  $7.67  per share, increased by two tenths  of  one  cent
     ($.002) for each day subsequent to March 13, 1997, but fixed
     at $7.80 per share after June 30, 1997.
G.   On  February 9, 1997, the Board voted to modify the  Warrant
     Agreement to: (i) revise the window periods during which the
     Warrants  may  be  exercised; and (ii) to provide  that  the
     payment  of the Warrant Price may be made in shares  of  the
     Company's Class A or Class B Common Stock.

H.   Section  17  of  the  Warrant Agreement  provides  that  the
     Company and the Holder may, from time to time, supplement or
     amend the Warrant Agreement in any manner which "the Company
     may  deem  necessary  or desirable and which  shall  not  be
     inconsistent with the provisions of the Warrants  and  which
     shall not adversely affect the interest of the Holders."

NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the  mutual
agreements  herein, and for other good and valuable consideration
(the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged),  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

1.   Effective as of February 9, 1998,  the Warrants may  not  be
     exercised  except within the following window periods:   (a)
     within  365  days  after the merger of  Shared  Technologies
     Fairchild  Inc.  with AT&T Corporation, MCI  Communications,
     Worldcom  Inc.,  Teleport  Communications  Group,  Inc.,  or
     Intermedia Communications Inc.; (b) within 365 days after  a
     change  of  control  of  the  Company,  as  defined  in  the
     Fairchild  Holding Corp. Credit Agreement with Citicorp  et.
     al.;  or  (c) within 365 days after a change of  control  of
     Banner  Aerospace, Inc., as defined in the Banner Aerospace,
     Inc.  Credit Agreement with Citicorp. et. al.  In  no  event
     may the Warrants be exercised after March 13, 2002.

2.   Effective as of February 9, 1998, the payment of the Warrant
     Price  may  be  made in cash or in shares of  the  Company's
     Class  A or Class B Common Stock valued at Fair Market Value
     at  the  time  of  exercise,  or combination  thereof.   For
     purposes hereof, "Fair Market Value" shall mean, in  respect
     of  any  share  of the Company's Common Stock,  the  closing
     price  of the Company's Common Stock as reported on the  New
     York  Stock Exchange Composite Tape on the last trading  day
     immediately preceding the day of exercise of the Warrant.

3.   Effective  as  of  February 9, 1998, each reference  in  the
     Warrant Agreement to "this Agreement" "hereunder", "hereof",
     "herein",  or  words  of like import shall  mean  and  be  a
     reference to the Warrant Agreement, as amended, extended  or
     modified  previously or hereby, and each  reference  to  the
     Warrant  Agreement  and  any other document,  instrument  or
     agreement executed and/or delivered in connection  with  the
     Warrant  Agreement  shall mean and be  a  reference  to  the
     Warrant   Agreement  as  amended,  extended,   or   modified
     previously or hereby.

4.   Except   as   specifically  modified  herein,  the   Warrant
     Agreement  shall  remain in full force  and  effect  and  is
     hereby ratified and confirmed.

5.   This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
to  be  executed  by  their  respective officers  thereunto  duly
authorized as of the date first written above.

By:  Donald E. Miller
       Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary

By: David Faust
      Vice President