FEBRUARY 9, 1998
                          ARTICLE I

The  Fairchild  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Corporation"),  by  resolution of its Board  of  Directors,
adopted The Fairchild Corporation Stock Option Deferral Plan
(the "Plan"), effective as of February 9, 1998.

     wishes   to  provide  certain  Participants  with   the
     opportunity to defer payment of all of the compensation
     they  receive  in a particular year or years  from  the
     exercise   of   options  to  purchase  stock   in   the

1.2  EFFECTIVE  DATE  AND  TERM.   The  Plan  shall   become
     effective  as  of February 9, 1998, and shall  continue
     until  such  time as it is terminated by resolution  of
     the Board of Directors in accordance with Article V.

                         ARTICLE II
The  following terms have the following meanings unless  the
context clearly indicates otherwise:

2.1  "Beneficiary" is defined in Section 6.1.

2.2  "Benefit" is defined in Section 5.1.

2.3    "Board"   means  the  Board  of  Directors   of   the

2.4  "Compensation" means the excess value of a Stock Option
     (determined by the Fair Market Value of the  shares  of
     Stock  issuable  to a Participant upon  exercise  of  a
     Stock  Option,  less the Option Price  payable  by  the
     Participant pursuant to such Stock Option), where  such
     excess value has been deferred pursuant to the terms of
     this Plan.

2.5  "Committee"  means the Compensation  and  Stock  Option
     Committee   of   the  Board,  which   Committee   shall
     administer the Plan.

2.6   "Corporation" means The Fairchild Corporation and  its
corporate successors.

2.7  "Deferral  Date" means the date on which  any  deferred
     Compensation with respect to a Stock Option would  have
     been  received  by  a Participant if  no  Stock  Option
     Deferral Election had been made.

2.8  "Deferred   Compensation   Account,"   "Account,"    or
     "Subaccount" means the accounts maintained on the books
     of  the  Corporation for each Participant  pursuant  to
     this Plan.

2.9  "Deferred Compensation Unit" is defined in Section 4.2.

2.10 "Deferred Stock Option Election Form" means the form by
     which  an  eligible  person elects to  become  a  Stock
     Option  Deferral  Participant,  in  the  form  attached
     hereto  or as adopted by the Corporation from  time  to
2.11 "Designation  of Beneficiary Form" means  the  form  by
     which   a  Participant  designates  a  beneficiary   or
     beneficiaries  or  modifies a prior  designation  of  a
     beneficiary  or  beneficiaries, in  the  form  attached
     hereto  or as adopted by the Corporation from  time  to

2.12 "Distribution  Date"  means the date  designated  by  a
     Participant for the commencement of payment of  amounts
     credited to his Account.

2.13 "Dividend Equivalents" is defined in Section 4.3.

2.14 "Exchange  Act"  means the Securities Exchange  Act  of
     1934, as amended from time to time.

2.15 "Fair Market Value" is defined in Section 4.2.

2.16 "Option Price" is the price at which Stock Options  may
     be exercised, as per the terms of each Stock Option.

2.17 "Participant"  means  a  person  who   (i)   has   been
     designated   by  the  Committee  to  be   entitled   to
     participate in this Plan and (ii) is deemed  to  be  an
     "Accredited   Investor"  (as  defined   under   Federal
     Securities  Laws).   A  Participant  need  not  be   an
     employee     of    the    Corporation.     Participants
     participating   in   the  Plan   shall   provide   such
     certifications  and other evidence as  the  Corporation
     may  reasonably  require  to establish  that  they  are
     Accredited Investors.

2.18  "Plan" means this Stock Option Deferral Plan  and  any
amendments thereto.

2.19 "Rule 16b-3" means Rule 16b-3 of the General Rules  and
     Regulations  under the Exchange Act as  promulgated  by
     the Securities Exchange Commission or its successor, as
     amended and in effect from time to time.

2.20  "Stock" means the Corporation's Class A Common  Stock,
$.10 par value.

2.21 "Stock  Option" means options to purchase stock in  the
     Corporation,  approved  by the Corporation's  Board,  a
     committee of non-employee directors, or stockholders of
     the Corporation in compliance with Rule 16b-3.

2.22 "Stock  Option Deferral Election" means an election  to
     defer  payment  of Compensation on the  exercise  of  a
     Stock Option until a date specified by the Participant.

2.23 "Stock Option Deferral Participant" means a Participant
     who  has made a Stock Option Deferral Election and  who
     has  been  designated by the Committee as  eligible  to
     participate in the Plan.

                         ARTICLE III

3.1  ELIGIBILITY.   Participation  in  the  Plan  shall   be
     limited to eligible Participants (as defined in Section
     2.17 hereof).  The Committee shall have full discretion
     in determining such eligibility.

     During the period in which this Plan remains in effect,
     each  Participant may elect to defer Compensation  from
     the  exercise of Stock Options by completing a Deferred
     Stock  Option Election Form and providing same  to  the
     Corporation prior to the exercise of such Stock Option.

     Upon  a  Participant's election to defer  Compensation,
     the Corporation shall (in lieu of issuing Stock to such
     Participant  upon  exercise  of  the  applicable  Stock
     Option)  credit the Participant's Deferred Compensation
     Account  with Deferred Compensation Units,  as  further
     provided in Article IV.

                         ARTICLE IV
                   ACCOUNTS AND INVESTMENT

4.1  DEFERRED  COMPENSATION ACCOUNTS. The Corporation  shall
     establish  on  its  books  the  necessary  accounts  to
     reflect accurately the Corporation's liability to  each
     Participant  who  has deferred Compensation  under  the
     Plan.   To each Deferred Compensation Account shall  be
     credited,  as  applicable, Deferred Compensation  Units
     (as   provided  in  Section  4.2  below)  and  Dividend
     Equivalents   (as  provided  in  Section  4.3   below).
     Payments  to  the Participant under the Plan  shall  be
     debited to the appropriate Accounts.

     A  Participant who has elected to defer Compensation on
     the exercise of a Stock Option shall have the amount of
     such  Compensation  credited to  his  or  her  Deferred
     Compensation   Account   in  the   form   of   Deferred
     Compensation Units.
     As used herein, "Deferred Compensation Units" means the
     right to receive a specified number of shares of Stock,
     determined by dividing the deferred Compensation by the
     Fair Market Value of the Corporation's Stock as of  the
     Deferral Date.
     For  purposes  of the Plan, "Fair Market  Value"  shall
     mean  the fair market value of a share of the Stock  as
     of a given date measured as (i) the closing price of  a
     share  of the Stock on the principal exchange on  which
     shares of Stock are then trading, if any, on such date,
     or, if shares were not traded on such date, then on the
     next   preceding  trading  day  during  which  a   sale
     occurred; or (ii) if such Stock is not publicly  traded
     on  an  exchange or a successor quotation  system,  the
     mean  between the closing bid and asked prices for  the
     Stock on the trading date closest to the Deferral  Date
     as  determined in good faith by the Committee; or (iii)
     if  the  Stock is not publicly traded, the fair  market
     value  established  by  the Committee  acting  in  good

     If Deferred Compensation Units exist in a Participant's
     Deferred Compensation Account on a dividend record date
     for  the  Stock, Dividend Equivalents shall be credited
     to  the  Participant's  Account  on  the  corresponding
     dividend payment date.
     As  used herein, "Dividend Equivalents" means the right
     of  a  Participant  to  receive a specified  number  of
     shares  of  Stock, equal to (i) (a) the per share  cash
     dividends  declared  by the Corporation  from  time  to
     time,   multiplied  by  (b)  the  number  of   Deferred
     Compensation  Units  credited to  the  Account  of  the
     Participant as of each applicable dividend record date,
     divided  by  (ii) the Fair Market Value on the  related
     dividend payment date.
4.4  RECAPITALIZATION.  In the event of any  change  in  the
     Corporation's Stock outstanding, by reason of any stock
     split    or    dividend,   recapitalization,    merger,
     consolidation,  combination, or exchange  of  stock  or
     similar  corporate change, such equitable  adjustments,
     if  any, by reason of any such change, shall be made in
     the  number of Deferred Compensation Units credited  to
     each Participant's Deferred Compensation Account.
4.5  VESTING.  At all times a Participant shall have a  100%
     nonforfeitable right to the amounts credited to his  or
     her    accounts,   irrespective   of   any   continuing
     relationship   between   the   Participant   and    the

4.6  STOCK  OWNERSHIP.  Until such time as shares  of  Stock
     which a Participant is entitled to receive pursuant  to
     Deferred  Compensation Units and  Dividend  Equivalents
     are  distributed to the Participant as  per  Article  V
     hereof,  the Participant shall not be entitled to  vote
     such  shares,  receive dividend with  respect  to  such
     shares (except in the form of Dividend Equivalents,  as
     provided  in  Section  4.3), or  have  other  ownership
     interest in such shares.

                          ARTICLE V
     FORM.   The  number  of shares of Stock  equal  to  the
     number  of  Deferred  Compensation Units  and  Dividend
     Equivalents (in each case, rounded down to the  nearest
     whole  unit)  credited  to each Participant's  Deferred
     Compensation  Account  (collectively,  the  "Benefit"),
     shall  be distributed to the Participant on the date(s)
     selected  by  the Participant pursuant to  his  or  her
     Deferred  Stock  Option Election  Form.   The  date  of
     distribution  selected by the Participant  must  be  no
     earlier than seven (7) months from the Deferral Date.
5.2  DISTRIBUTION   UPON  DEATH.   In   the   event   of   a
     Participant's  death,  the Corporation  shall  pay  the
     entire  remaining Benefit, in a lump sum  (or,  in  the
     event  of  a Participant's death after commencement  of
     the  payment  of  the Benefit under  Section  5.1,  the
     remaining balance of the Benefit, in a lump sum) to the
     Participant's   Beneficiary   as   selected   by    the
     Participant  pursuant  to his  or  her  Designation  of
     Beneficiary Form.

     In the event of a Change of Control (as defined below),
     the   Corporation  shall  pay  the   Benefit   to   the
     Participant in one lump sum.  If the transaction giving
     rise to a Change of Control was approved in advance  by
     a  majority of the Board, payment of the Benefit  shall
     be  made  at the closing of such transaction.   If  the
     transaction giving rise to a Change of Control was  not
     approved in advance by a majority of the Board, payment
     of  the  Benefit  shall  be made immediately  upon  the
     occurrence of the event or transaction giving  rise  to
     the Change of Control.

     For  purpose  of  this Section, a "Change  of  Control"
     means the occurrence of any of the following events:

     (i)  Any  Person (as defined below), other than one  or
          more  Permitted Holders (as defined below), is  or
          becomes  the Beneficial Owner (as defined  below),
          directly  or indirectly, of more than 20%  of  the
          total  voting  power (the "Vote")  of  the  Voting
          Stock  (as defined below) of the Corporation,  and
          the Permitted Holders "beneficially own", directly
          or   indirectly,   in  the  aggregate   a   lesser
          percentage of the Vote of all the Voting Stock  of
          the  Corporation than such other Person; provided,
          however,  such  other Person shall  be  deemed  to
          beneficially own all Voting Stock of a corporation
          held   by   any  other  corporation  (the  "parent
          corporation"), if such other Person  "beneficially
          owns",  directly or indirectly, more than  20%  of
          the  Vote  of  the  Voting Stock  of  such  parent
          corporation,    and    the    Permitted    Holders
          "beneficially own", directly or indirectly, in the
          aggregate a lesser percentage of the Vote  of  the
          Voting Stock of such parent corporation;

     (ii) During   any  period  of  two  consecutive  years,
          individuals  who  at  the beginning  of  any  such
          period  constituted the Board of Directors of  the
          Corporation (together with any new directors whose
          election  by  such Board or whose  nomination  for
          election  by  the shareholders of the  Corporation
          was  approved  by  a  vote of a  majority  of  the
          directors of the Corporation then still in  office
          who were either directors at the beginning of such
          period   or  whose  election  or  nomination   for
          election was previously so approved) cease for any
          reason  to constitute a majority of the Board   of
          Directors of the Corporation then in office;

     (iii)      The  Corporation consolidates with or merges
          with  or  into  another  Person,  pursuant  to   a
          transaction  (a)  in which the outstanding  Voting
          Stock  of  the  Corporation  is  changed  into  or
          exchanged  for cash, securities or other  property
          (other   than  any  such  transaction  where   the
          outstanding  Voting  Stock of the  Corporation  is
          changed into or exchanged for Voting Stock of  the
          surviving  corporation),  and  (b)  in  which  the
          holders  of  the Vote of the Voting Stock  of  the
          Corporation  immediately prior to such transaction
          own,  directly or indirectly, less than a majority
          of  the  Vote of the Voting Stock of the surviving
          Person immediately after such transaction, and (c)
          by  which  an  event described in  Section  5.3(i)
          shall have occurred; or

     (iv) The Corporation is liquidated or dissolved, or all
          or substantially all of its directly or indirectly
          held  assets are sold or otherwise conveyed  to  a
          third  party  other  than one  or  more  Permitted

     "Beneficial Owner" has the meaning set forth  in  Rules
     13d-3  and 13d-5 under the Exchange Act, except that  a
     person  shall be deemed to be the Beneficial  Owner  of
     all  shares  that  any such Person  has  the  right  to
     acquire,  whether such right is exercisable immediately
     or  only  after  the  passage of time;  and  the  terms
     "beneficial  ownership"  and "beneficially  owns"  have
     meanings correlative to the foregoing;

     "Permitted  Holders" means Jeffrey J. Steiner  and  his
     "associates"  (as  defined  in  Rule  12b-2  under  the
     Exchange   Act)  or  any  other  person   directly   or
     indirectly controlled by Jeffrey J. Steiner.

     "Person" shall be as defined in Section 13(d) and 14(d)
of the Exchange Act.

     "Voting  Stock"  means, with respect to a  corporation,
     (i)  all  classes of capital stock then outstanding  of
     such  corporation  entitled to  vote  in  elections  of
     directors,  and  (ii) any security which  may,  at  the
     option  of  the holder, be converted into or  exchanged
     for Voting Stock.
     In  the  event  a  Participant's  employment  with  the
     Corporation (or any of its subsidiaries) is  terminated
     other  than  by  the  Participant's own  election,  the
     Corporation shall pay the entire remaining  Benefit  to
     the  Participant  in one lump sum, within  thirty  days
     after such employment termination.

                         ARTICLE VI
6.1  BENEFICIARY.  "Beneficiary" shall mean any one or  more
     persons,   corporations,  trusts,   estates,   or   any
     combination  thereof, last designated by a  Participant
     to  receive the Benefit provided under this Plan.   Any
     designation made hereunder shall be revocable, shall be
     in  writing, either on a facsimile of the form  annexed
     hereto  and  shall be effective when delivered  to  the
     Committee  at its principal office.  If the  Committee,
     in its sole discretion, determines that there is not  a
     valid   designation,  the  Beneficiary  shall  be   the
     executor or administrator of the Participant's estate.
6.2  NON-ASSIGNABILITY.  The interest of any Participant and
     Beneficiary   under   this   Plan   (other   than   the
     Corporation)  shall not be subject  in  any  manner  to
     anticipation,  alienation, sale, transfer,  assignment,
     pledge, attachment or encumbrance, or to the claims  of
     creditors of such person, and any attempt to effectuate
     any  such  actions shall be void; nor  shall  any  such
     amount   be  in  any  manner  subject  to  the   debts,
     contracts,  liabilities, engagements, or torts  of  the
6.3  INTEREST  OF  PARTICIPANT.   The  Participant  and  any
     Beneficiary  shall,  in respect  to  Accounts  and  any
     Benefit  to  be  paid, be and remain simply  a  general
     unsecured  creditor  of  the Corporation  in  the  same
     manner  as  any  other creditor having a general  claim
     against   the  Corporation.   At  no  time  shall   the
     Participant  be  deemed to have  any  right,  title  or
     interest,  legal  or equitable, in  any  asset  of  the
     Corporation, including, but not limited to, any Stock.
6.4  WITHHOLDING.  The participants and their Beneficiaries,
     distributees, and personal representatives,  will  bear
     all Federal, foreign, state, local, or other income  or
     other  taxes imposed on amounts paid under  this  Plan.
     All  such taxes shall be computed by, and remitted  to,
     the  Corporation at each Payment Date, for  deposit  by
     the    Corporation   with   the   appropriate    taxing

6.5  CONSENT.   By  electing to become a  Participant,  each
     Participant  shall  be  deemed  conclusively  to   have
     accepted  and consented to all the terms of  this  Plan
     and all actions or decisions made by the Corporation or
     the  Committee with regard to the Plan.  Such terms and
     consent  shall  also apply to and be binding  upon  the
     Beneficiaries,     distributees,      and      personal
     representatives  and other successors  in  interest  of
     each Participant.

6.6  SEVERABILITY.  In the event any provision of this  Plan
     would  serve  to  invalidate the Plan,  that  provision
     shall be deemed to be null and void, and the Plan shall
     be  construed  as if it did not contain the  particular
     provision that would make it invalid.

6.7  FUNDING.   This Plan shall not be a funded  plan.   The
     Corporation shall not set aside any funds, or make  any
     investments  or  set  aside  stock,  for  the  specific
     purpose  of  making  payments  under  the  Plan.    All
     Benefits  paid  under the Plan shall be paid  from  the
     general  assets  of the Corporation.  Benefits  payable
     under  the  Plan  may be reflected  on  the  accounting
     records  of the Corporation, but such accounting  shall
     not be construed to create or require the creation of a
     trust,  custodial  or escrow account.   Notwithstanding
     the  foregoing,  the  Corporation shall  at  all  times
     maintain  a  sufficient number of shares of  authorized
     Stock  to  distribute in satisfaction of  all  Deferred
     Compensation Units.

6.8  EXCLUSIVITY OF PLAN.  This Plan is intended solely  for
     the   purpose   of   deferring  compensation   to   the
     Participants  to the mutual advantage of  the  parties.
     Nothing contained in this Plan shall in any way  affect
     or  interfere  with  the  right  of  a  Participant  to
     participate  in any other benefit plan in which  he  or
     she may be entitled to participate.

6.9  NO  RIGHT  TO CONTINUED SERVICE.  This Plan  shall  not
     confer  any right to continued service of a Participant
     with the Corporation.

6.10 NOTICE.   Each  notice  and other communication  to  be
     given  pursuant  to this Plan shall be in  writing  and
     shall  be deemed given only when (a) delivered by hand,
     (b) transmitted by telex or telecopier (provided that a
     copy  is  sent  at  approximately  the  same  time   by
     registered   or   certified   mail,   return    receipt
     requested), (c) received by the addressee, if  sent  by
     registered or certified mail, return receipt requested,
     or by Express Mail, Federal Express, or other overnight
     delivery  service, to the Corporation at its  principal
     office  and to a Participant at the last known  address
     of  such  Participant  (or to  such  other  address  or
     telecopier  number  as a party may  specify  by  notice
     given to the other party pursuant to this Section).

6.11 CLAIMS PROCEDURES.  If a Participant or a Participant's
     Beneficiary  does not receive benefits to which  he  or
     she  believes  he or she is entitled, such  person  may
     file  a  claim  in  writing with  the  Committee.   The
     Committee  shall  establish a  claims  procedure  under

     (a)  the   Committee  shall  be  required  to   provide
          adequate  notice in writing to the Participant  or
          the  Beneficiary whose claim for benefits has been
          denied,  setting forth specific reasons  for  such
          denial,  written  in  a manner  calculated  to  be
          understood  by the Participant or the Beneficiary;
     (b)  the    Committee   shall   afford   a   reasonable
          opportunity  to the Participant or the Beneficiary
          whose  claim  for Benefits has been denied  for  a
          full  and  fair  review by the  Committee  of  the
          decision denying the claim.
6.12 DELAWARE LAW CONTROLLING.  This Plan shall be construed
     in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

6.13 BINDING ON SUCCESSORS.  This Plan shall be binding upon
     the  Participant  and  the  Corporation,  their  heirs,
     successors, legal representatives, and assigns.

                         ARTICLE VII
7.1  The  Plan shall be administered by the Committee.   The
     Committee  shall  act  by vote of  a  majority  of  its
     members or by unanimous written consent.  The Plan  may
     be  amended, modified, or terminated by the  Committee,
     except  that no such action shall (without the  consent
     of   the  Participant,  or,  if  the  Participant   has
     deceased,    any    Beneficiary    or    Beneficiaries,
     distributees,  or  personal representative)  alter  the
     rights  of  a Participant with respect to the  Deferred
     Account established pursuant to this Plan prior to  the
     date of such amendment, modification, or termination.