AT 31 DECEMBER 1997, 1996 AND 1995

                      AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors
Nacanco Paketleme Sanayi ve
     Ticaret A.S.

1.  We have audited the accompanying US dollar balance
    sheets of Nacanco Paketleme Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
    ("the Company") at 31 December 1997, 1996 and 1995, and
    the related US dollar statements of income, of changes
    in shareholders' equity and of cash flows for the years
    then ended. These financial statements are the
    responsibility of the Company's management. Our
    responsibility is to express an opinion on these
    financial statements based on our audit.

2.  We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing
    standards generally accepted in the United States of
    America. Those standards require that we plan and
    perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
    whether the financial statements are free of material
    misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
    basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
    in the financial statements. An audit also includes
    assessing the accounting principles used, and
    significant estimates made by management, as well as
    evaluating the overall financial statement
    presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a
    reasonable basis for our opinion.

3.  In our opinion, the US dollar financial statements
    referred to above present fairly, in all material
    respects, the financial position of Nacanco Paketleme
    Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. at 31 December 1997, 1996 and
    1995 and the results of its operations, the changes in
    its shareholders' equity and its cash flows for the
    years then ended in conformity with the accounting
    principles generally accepted in the United States of

Basaran Serbest Muhasebeci
Mali Musavirlik Anonim Sirketi
a member of
Price Waterhouse

Z Uras, SMMM

Istanbul, 12 March 1998

                                           1997        1996        1995
                                        US$'000     US$'000     US$'000

Current assets:-
Cash and due from banks (Note 4)          14,376      16,632      14,103
Marketable securities                        392         394       1,360
Trade receivables (Note 5)                 4,875       7,585      10,050
Due from related companies (Note 16)          48           -          12
Inventories (Note 6)                      18,813      13,947      15,612
Other receivables and prepaid expenses       166         118         333
Deferred tax assets (Note 10)                112         247         395

Total current assets                      38,782      38,923      41,865

Long-term trade receivables                  103         114          82
Property, plant and equipment
  net (Note 7)                            35,636      36,230      32,633
Other long-term assets (Note 8)            4,383       1,401       1,892

Total assets                              78,904      76,668      76,472

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

                                          1997        1996        1995
                                       US$'000     US$'000     US$'000

Current liabilities:-
Trade payables (Note 9)                  2,546       2,328       3,371
Due to related companies (Note 16)         649       2,029       4,081
Short-term borrowings (Note 12)              -           -       2,000
Current portion of long-term
   borrowings (Note 12)                     54         103         186
Income taxes payable (Note 10)          11,216      12,582      11,512
Accrued expenses and other
   payables (Note 11)                      888       1,720       1,853

Total current liabilities               15,353      18,762      23,003

Long-term borrowings (Note 12)              54         206         559
Reserve for employment termination
   benefits (Note 13)                      411         360         289
Non-current deferred tax
   liability - net (Note 10)             1,330         513       1,107

Total liabilities                       17,148      19,841      24,958

Shareholders' equity:-
Share capital (Note 15)                 18,267      18,267      18,267
Retained earnings (Note 14)             43,489      38,560      33,247

Total shareholders' equity              61,756      56,827      51,514

Total liabilities and shareholders'
   equity                               78,904      76,668      76,472

Commitments and contingencies (Note 21)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

                                     1997        1996        1995
                                  US$'000     US$'000     US$'000
Net sales                          99,551     105,069      97,160
Cost of sales (Note 17)           (62,419)    (66,484)    (65,728)

Gross profit                       37,132      38,585      31,432

General and administrative
   expenses (Note 18)              (1,206)     (1,342)     (1,117)
Selling and marketing expenses       (481)       (356)       (238)
Royalty expenses (Note 20)         (1,603)     (1,603)     (1,595)

Operating profit                   33,842      35,284      28,482

Financial income - net (Note 19)    1,074       1,453       2,675
Other expenses                        (18)       (399)       (135)

Income before taxes and
   translation loss                34,898      36,338      31,022

Provision for taxes (Note 10)     (20,609)    (17,789)    (15,248)
Translation gain/(loss)             2,113        (430)       (311)

Net income for the year            16,402      18,119      15,463

Weighted average number of shares
 with TL1,000 face value each
 (Note 2)                     166,500,000 166,500,000 166,500,000

Earning per share in US
 dollars (Note 2)                   0.099       0.109       0.092

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

                                Share    Retained
                              capital    earnings     Total
                              US$'000     US$'000   US$'000

1 January 1995                 18,267      20,721    38,988
Dividends paid                      -     (2,937)   (2,937)
Net income for the year             -      15,463    15,463

31 December 1995               18,267      33,247    51,514

Dividends paid                      -    (12,806)  (12,806)
Net income for the year             -      18,119    18,119

31 December 1996               18,267      38,560    56,827

Dividends paid                      -    (11,473)  (11,473)
Net income for the year             -      16,402    16,402

31 December 1997               18,267      43,489    61,756

                                             1997        1996      1995
                                          US$'000     US$'000   US$'000
Cash flows from operating activities:-
Net income                                 16,402      18,119    15,463
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
net cash provided by operating activities :-

Depreciation for the year                   2,804       2,413     2,125
Reserve for employment termination benefits    51          71       136
Loss/(gain) on sale of property,
   plant and equipment                        (11)         25        (8)
Decrease/(increase) in trade receivables    2,710       2,465    (4,827)
Decrease in due from related parties          (48)         12         5
Decrease in other receivables and
   prepaid expenses                           (48)        215       794
Decrease/(increase) in inventories         (4,866)      1,665    (1,119)
Decrease in long-term assets               (2,982)        491     1,224
(Decrease)/increase in trade payables         218      (1,043)      427
(Decrease)/increase in due to related
   parties                                 (1,380)     (2,052)    2,355
(Decrease)/increase in accrued expenses      (832)       (133)    1,182
Change in taxes                              (414)        616     2,872

Total adjustments                          (4,798)      4,745     5,166

Net cash provided by operating activities  11,604      22,864    20,629

Cash flows used in investing activities:-
Capital expenditure                        (2,210)     (6,407)   (3,411)
Proceeds from sale of property,
   plant and equipment                         22         372       114
Investment in subsidiaries                      -         (24)      (24)

Net cash used in investing activities      (2,188)     (6,059)   (3,321)

Cash flows from financing activities:-
Dividends paid                            (11,473)    (12,806)   (4,721)
Payments of bank borrowings                  (201)     (2,436)   (2,400)

Net cash used in financing activities     (11,674)    (15,242)   (7,121)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
   cash equivalents                        (2,258)      1,563    10,187

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
 of the year                               17,026      15,463     5,276
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
 the year                                  14,768      17,026    15,463

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:-
Cash paid during the year for:
 Interest                                      45         234       502
 Income taxes                               8,595      18,355     7,612

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.


Nacanco Paketleme Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. ("the Company") was
established on 10 April 1988 and is registered in Manisa,
Turkey. Its primary activity is the production and sale of
customized steel and aluminum cans for soft drinks and beer.
The Company is 65% owned by Pechiney S.A.
(Note 15).


The Company maintains its books of account both in Turkish
lira based on the Turkish Commercial Code, tax legislation
and Turkish Standard Chart of Accounts and in US dollars in
accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States of America (US GAAP) (Note 3).

Dividends, when declared, are paid in Turkish lira.  There
are no exchange restrictions with respect to the Turkish

The following significant accounting policies have been
applied in the preparation of these financial statements.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash, due from banks and
marketable securities with original maturities of less than
three months.

Marketable securities

Marketable securities consist of reverse repurchase
agreements on Turkish government bonds and treasury bills
with a predetermined sale price at fixed future dates and
are stated at cost plus accrued interest.


Inventories are stated at is the lower of actual cost or net
realizable value.  Cost is determined using the standard
costing method for all inventories.  At the year end, price
and value differences between standard costs and actual
costs are allocated between inventories on hand and the cost
of goods sold.  The cost elements included in the inventory
are materials, labor and an appropriate amount of overhead
(Note 6).

Property, plant and equipment and related depreciation

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost (Note 7).
The depreciation for property, plant and equipment is
provided for on a straight-line basis which approximates the
estimated useful lives of such assets as follows :-
Buildings                                 2
Machinery and equipment                 5.8
Furniture and fixtures                   33
Motor vehicles                           33


Related companies

For the purpose of the financial statements, shareholders,
the investee company and the companies and parties
identified by the Company as being controlled by/affiliated
with them are considered and referred to as related
companies (Note 16).

Income taxation

Income taxes are recorded using the liability method.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded with
respect to differences between the basis of assets and
liabilities for tax purposes and financial reporting
purposes.  Valuation allowances in respect of deferred tax
assets are recorded when it is considered more likely than
not that such deferred tax assets will not be realized (Note

Forward contracts

Forward contracts represent US dollar hedges against firm
raw material purchase commitments denominated in
Deutschemarks. Gains or losses on such forward contracts are
treated as elements of the cost of raw materials purchased.

Employment termination benefits

Employment termination benefits, as required by Turkish
Labor Law, are recognised in the financial statements as
they are earned.  The total provision represents the vested
benefit obligation assuming the termination of the
employment of all employees eligible for such termination
benefits at the balance sheet date (Note 13).

Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognised on the shipment of goods.

Disclosure about fair value of financial instruments

The fair values of certain financial instruments carried at
cost, including cash and due from banks, deposits with
banks, marketable securities and short term loans are
considered to approximate their respective carrying values
due to their short-term nature.

The carrying value of trade receivables are estimated to be
their fair values.

Balances denominated in foreign currencies are translated at
year-end exchange rates.

Fair value of derivatives and foreign exchange instruments
(Note 21) are based on the values of the underlying


Earnings per share

Earnings per share disclosed in the accompanying statement
of income are determined by dividing net income by the
average number of shares in existence during the year

Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues
and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results
could differ from those estimates.


The functional currency of the Company is the Turkish lira.
Primarily all revenues are denominated in Turkish lira
generally with purchase prices tied to the US dollar
exchange rates.  A significant portion of purchases are
denominated in other currencies, primarily the US dollar and
the Deutschmark.

The Turkish lira has experienced significant inflation since
prior to the inception of the Company.  Annual inflation in
Turkey for the year ended 31 December 1997 was 91.0% (1996 :
84.9%, 1995: 64.9%) based on the nationwide wholesale price index
(WPI) announced by the state institute of statistics of the
Republic of Turkey.

Because the economy of Turkey has been highly inflationary,
the Company has selected the US dollar as its reporting
currency for international reporting purposes.  The
translation of the financial statements has been done in
accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board
Statement Number 52 "Foreign Currency Translation" for
entities in highly inflationary economies by translating
transactions denominated in other than the US dollar at the
exchange rate on the transaction date.  Gains and losses on
foreign currency translations are recorded to the statement
of income in the period that they occur.  Assets and
liabilities denominated in other than the US dollar are
translated into the US dollar at period end exchange rates.


                                    1997        1996        1995
                                 US$'000     US$'000     US$'000
Cash on hand                           1           2           6

Due from banks:-
Demand deposits- US$                   -         174           5
               - TL                   92         136          28
               - other currency        -          90          76
Time deposits  - US$              14,283      14,680      13,693
               - TL                    -          27         295
               - other currency        -       1,523           -

                                  14,376      16,632      14,103


                                           1997        1996        1995
                                        US$'000     US$'000     US$'000
Maksan Mesrubat ve Kutulama San. A.S.     1,920       1,975       2,077
Fruko Tamek Meyva Sulari San. A.S.          755       1,747       1,323
G??ney Biracilik ve Malt San. A.S.          740         738       1,055
Ege Biracilik ve Malt San. A.S.             550         611       1,429
T Tuborg Bira ve Malt San. A.S.             255         797       1,601
Ektam Kibris Ltd.                           244           -           -
Erciyes Biracilik ve Malt San.A.S.           56           -         701
Post-dated cheques                            -         219           -
Other                                       355       1,498       1,864

                                          4,875       7,585      10,050


                                1997        1996        1995
                             US$'000     US$'000     US$'000
Raw materials                 2,377       2,025       1,472
Finished goods                6,399       4,743       5,374
Ends                          2,007       1,093         147
Goods in transit              7,172       5,003       7,336
Spare parts                     849       1,083       1,283
In process                        9           -           -

                             18,813      13,947      15,612


                       January                                    December                                   
                       1, 1997  Additions  Disposals  Transfers   31,1997
                       US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000   US$'000
Land                       294          -          -         -        294
Buildings                4,751          -          -         -      4,751
Machinery and equipment 38,889        773          -     1,486     41,148
Motor vehicles             284          8        (36)       48        304
Furniture and fixtures     477          -          -       229        706

                        44,695        781        (36)    1,763     47,203

Construction in progress 1,417      1,429          -    (1,763)     1,083

                        46,112      2,210        (36)       -      48,286

Less :
Accumulated depreciation(9,882)    (2,804)        36        -     (12,650)
Net book value          36,230                                     35,636

                       January                                    Decmeber
                       1, 1996  Additions  Disposals  Transfers   31, 1996
                       US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000
Land                       294          -          -          -        294
Buildings                4,751          -          -          -      4,751
Machinery and equipment 31,131          -       (442)     8,200     38,889
Motor vehicles             239          -        (12)        57        284
Furniture and fixtures     463          -          -         14        477

                        36,878          -       (454)     8,271     44,695

Construction in progress 3,281      6,407          -     (8,271)     1,417

                        40,159      6,407       (454)         -     46,112

Less :Accumulated
  depreciation          (7,526)    (2,413)        57          -     (9,882)
Net book value          32,633                                      36,230

                       January                                    December
                       1, 1995  Additions  Disposals  Transfers   31, 1995
                       US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000

Land                       294          -          -         -        294
Buildings                4,751          -          -         -      4,751
Machinery and equipment 30,712          -       (105)      524     31,131
Motor vehicles             247         25        (33)        -        239
Furniture and fixtures     456          -         (3)       10        463

                        36,460         25       (141)      534     36,878

Construction in progress   429      3,386          -      (534)     3,281

                        36,889      3,411       (141)        -     40,159

Less : Accumulated
 depreciation           (5,436)    (2,125)        35         -     (7,526)
Net book value          31,453                                     32,633


The mortgage on real estate, amounting to approximately US$430 (1996: US$821,
1995: US$1,482), has been given to the Manisa Chamber of Commerce.

In 1995, the Company gave a sequestration right on its
building and machinery to the customs authorieties as
collateral against its import commitments (Note 21).  The
limit of the global sequestration right on the Company's
building and machinery amounts to TL265.5 million (some
US$1.3 million).  The usage amounted to US$1,292 at 31
December 1997
(1996: US$1,162, 1995: US$1,782).


                                     1997    1996      1995
                                  US$'000 US$'000   US$'000

Up-front payment for volume
discount - net of amortization      4,383   1,294     1,642
Others                                  -     107       250

                                    4,383   1,401     1,892

The Company made a special sales agreement with Fruko-Tamek
Meyva Sulari Sanayi A.S. ("Fruko") in 1994.  According to
the agreement, the Company paid US$2,000,000 to Fruko as a
prepayment for volume discount on future sales of a
specified number of units.  Effective from 1 January 1995,
the prepaid discounts have been subject to amortisation
based on the quantity of goods sold to Fruko.

At April 1997, this agreement was renewed for eight years
concluding at year end 2004.  The Company made the new
agreement with Fruko and Ektam Kibris Limited.  According to
the agreement, the Company paid an additional DM6,000,000
(some US$3,481,863) as a prepayment for volume discount on
future sales of a specified number of units in addition to
the remaining US$1,294,159 from the first sale agreement.
Effective from 1 January 1997, the prepaid discounts have
been subject to amortization with the new amortization rate
calculated by using the total quantity of goods to be sold.


                                     1997    1996      1995
                                  US$'000 US$'000   US$'000

Alcan Deutschland GmbH              1,332       -       891
Rasselstein AG                          -   1,263       558
Le Fer Blanc S.A.                       -       -       993
Other                               1,214   1,065       929

                                    2,546   2,328     3,371

Alcan Deutschland GmbH and Pechiney Rhenalu SA are the
Company's main aluminium suppliers while Rasselstein AG and
Hoogovens S-AAL BV are the Company's main coil supplier.
Other payables comprise of trade payables to miscellaneous
foreign and domestic suppliers for purchases of raw and
auxiliary materials.


The corporation tax rate (including fund premiums) is 27.5%,
whereas the minimum effective rate on the total income of a
company before exemptions, if any, is 22%.  Investment
incentive allowance, income from participations and income
from investment funds are not subject to corporate tax,
however investment incentive allowance is subject to a
withholding tax of 16.5%.

Income after corporation tax (including fund premiums),
adjusted for certain exemptions and deductions, is subject
to withholding tax at 11% for quoted companies (companies
with a minimum of 15% of their nominal share capital held by
the public) and 22% for other companies.  Thus, the standard
total effective rate is 44% for the Company at 31 December

Interest income on Turkish government bonds and Treasury
bills is subject to corporation tax, but is partially exempt
from the withholding tax. The partial exemption is
determined according to the proportion of the interest
income to total income.

The total provison for taxes reflected in the accompanying
financial statements differs from the amounts computed by
applying the above mentioned standard effective rates as

                                   1997      1996      1995
                                US$'000   US$'000   US$'000

Provision for tax with
effective tax rate of 44%        15,355    15,989    13,650
Effect of remeasurement in US$    5,254     1,800     1,598
Provison for taxes in the accompanying
   financial statements          20,609    17,789    15,248

Taxes payable calculated by the Company at 31 December 1997,
1996 and 1995 in Turkish lira and converted into US dollars
at the exchange rate prevailing at that date are as follows

                                   1997      1996      1995
                                US$'000   US$'000   US$'000

Statutory taxation               13,756    14,702    12,884
Prepaid taxes                   (2,540)   (2,120)   (1,372)

Statutory income taxes
 payable - net                  11,216    12,582    11,512


Deferred taxes:-

The breakdowns of cumulative timing differences and
resulting deferred tax assets/liabilities provided at 31
December 1997, 1996 and 1995 using the prevailing/expected
future tax rates, were as follows:-

                       timing differences      Deferred tax
                        (income)/ expense      assets/(liabilities)
                               TL million      TL millionUS$'
Current timing differences:-
Accrual for export discounts
  to be given                       3,403     1,497        7
Accrual for professional fees       6,132     2,698       13
Accrual for customer claims             -         -        -
Accrual for free cans to be given  14,869     6,542       32
Accrual for other expenses         27,552    12,123       60

                                             22,860      112
Non-current timing differences:-
Adjustment for depreciation of fixed assets
  according to their
  useful lives                   (702,755) (309,212)  (1,511)

Reserve for employment
 termination benefits              84,187   37,0421       81

                                          (272,170)  (1,330)

                       timing differences      Deferred tax
                       (income)/ expense       assets/(liabilities)
                               TL million      TL million
Current timing differences:-
Accrual for export discounts
   to be given                     41,891    18,432       171
Accrual for professional fees       9,783     4,304        40
Accrual for customer claims         6,672     2,936        27
Accrual for free cans to be given       -         -         -
Accrual for other expenses          1,906       839         9

                                             26,511       247
Non-current timing differences:-
Adjustment for depreciation of fixed assets
according to their useful lives   (160,350) (70,554)     (656)

Reserve for employment
 termination benefits               35,074    15,432      143

                                             (55,122)     (513)


                       timing differences        Deferred tax
                       (income)/ expense         assets/(liabilities)
                              TL million   TL million   US$'000
Current timing differences:-
Accrual for export discounts
  to be given                      20,825     8,925       154
Accrual for professional fees       2,975     1,309        22
Accrual for customer claims         6,248     2,749        46
Accrual for free cans to be given  18,743     8,247       139
Accrual for other expenses          4,633     2,038        34

                                             23,268       395
Non-current timing differences:-

Adjustment for depreciation of fixed assets
according to their useful lives   (166,819) (73,400)   (1,234)

Reserve for employment
 termination benefits               17,171     7,555      127

                                             (65,845)   (1,107)

Tax charges in the accompanying statements of income, which
was calculated in Turkish lira on a monthly basis throughout
the year, and converted into US dollars at the monthly
average rates, amounted to US$20,609,000 in total at 31
December 1997 (1996: US$17,789,000,
1995: US$15,248,000), including the effects of deferred tax
debits of US$1,422,000 (1996: credits of US$633,000, 1995:
credits of US$1,762,000).

In Turkey, there is no procedure for the final agreement of
tax assessments. Tax returns are filed within four months of
the end of the year to which they relate. The tax
authorities may, however, examine the accounting records
and/or revise assessments within five years.


                               1997        1996        1995
                            US$'000     US$'000     US$'000
Value added tax payable           -         658         605
Payroll and withholdings        594         571         243
Other                           294         491       1,005

                                888       1,720       1,853

                                                 1997     1996     1995
                   Maturity  Interest rate %  US$'000  US$'000  US$'000
Short-term borrowings:-
Citibank N.A. Izmir
                  6 July 1996 Libor plus 1.25       -        -    2,000

Long-term borrowings:-
Sinai Yatirim ve
   Kredi Bankasi A.O.
              31 August 1999               25     108       309      745
Less: Current portion of
   long-term borrowings                           (54)     (103)    (186)

Long-term borrowings                               54       206      559

At 31 December 1997, the letters of guarantee provided to
Sinai Yatirim ve Kredi Bankasi A.O. for the above borrowing
amounted to US$211,000 (1996: US$402,000, 1995: US$969,000).


There are no agreements for pension commitments other then
the legal requirement as explained below.

Under Turkish labor law, as supplemented by union
agreements, the Company is required to pay termination
benefits to each employee who has completed one year of
service and whose employment is terminated without due
cause, who retires, completes 25 years of service (20 years
for women), is called up for military service or dies. The
amount payable consists of one month's salary, limited to
US$511 (1996: US$496, 1995: US$526) for each year of
service. The Company has calculated the reserve in
accordance with these limits.  At 31 December 1997, the
Company's total earned benefits calculated on this basis
were US$411,000 (1996: US$360,000, 1995: US$289,000).  With
effect from 1 January 1998 the limit has been increased to
US$732 for each year of service.


Retained earnings, as per the statutory financial
statements, other than legal reserves are available for
distribution, subject to the legal reserve requirements
referred to below.

The legal reserves consist of first and second legal
reserves, appropriated in accordance with the Turkish
Commercial Code (TCC). The TCC stipulates that the first
legal reserve is appropriated out of statutory profits at
the rate of 5% per annum, until the total reserve reaches
20% of the issued and fully paid-in share capital. The
second legal reserve is appropriated at the rate of 10% per
annum of all cash distributions in excess of 5% of the paid-
in share capital. Under the TCC, the legal reserves are not
available for distribution unless they exceed 50% of the
paid-in share capital but may be used to offset losses in
the event that the general reserve is exhausted.

Dividend distribution is made by the Company in Turkish lira
in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) after
deducting taxes and setting aside the legal reserves as
discussed above.


In the accompanying financial statements, legal reserves are
not presented separately, but included in 'Retained
Earnings'. At 31 December 1997, 1996 and 1995, the legal
reserves per the statutory financial statements amounted to
TL340,748 million (some US$1,664,000) and TL171,750 million
(some US$1,598,000 at the exchange rate prevailing at 31
December 1996)  and TL67,397 million(some US$1,133,000 at
the exchange rate prevailing at 31 December 1995),
respectively.  At 31 December 1997, 1996 and 1995,
unappropriated profits other than legal reserves per the
statutory financial statements amounted to TL218,583 million
(some US$1,067,000) and TL11,104 million (some US$103,000 at
the exchange rate prevailing at 31 December 1996) and
TL216,262 million (some US$3,635,000 at the exchange rate
prevailing at 31 December 1995), respectively.


The Company's authorized capital consists of 166,500,000
shares of TL1,000 each, which are fully paid up. The
Company's paid-in share capital and shareholding structure
in terms of Turkish lira at 31 December 1996 and 1995 were
as follows:-

                     1997             1996                     1995
             TL million Share(%) TL million Share(%) TLmillion  Share (%)
Pechiney S.A      108,225 65.00          -       -           -       -
  International S.A.    -     -    108,225   65.00     108,219    65.00
RHI Holdings
  Incorporated     53,055 31.87     53,055   31.87      53,055    31.87
Jeffrey Steiner     5,220  3.13      5,220    3.13       5,220     3.13
National Can
  Puerto Ric   o        -     -          -       -           3        -
American National
  Can Company           -     -          -       -           3        -

                 166,500 100.00    166,500  100.00     166,500   100.00

Capital at historical
 US dollar value  18,267            18,267              18,267


                             1997          1996        1995
                          US$'000       US$'000     US$'000
Due from related companies:-

Pechiney Rhenalu               23             -           -
American National Can Company  24             -           -
Nacanco China                   -             -          12
Nacanco France S.A.             1             -           -
                               48             -          12

Due to related companies:-

Pechiney Rhenalu                -         1,417         103
Nacanco France S.A.           591           453       1,053
American National Can Company  30           106       2,579
Nacanco UK                     18            53          61
Nacanco Italy                   -             -         280
Nacanco Germany                 -             -           5
Nacanco Dunkerque               3             -           -
Nacanco Limited                 7             -           -

                              649         2,029       4,081

Sales to related companies:-

Pechiney Rhenalu
 scrap aluminium            1,682         1,497         772
Nacanco Iberica
 aluminium cans                 -             -         259

                            1,682         1,497       1,031

Purchases from related companies:-

Pechiney Rhenalu
 aluminium coils           14,929        12,329       3,080
Nacanco France S.A. - ends  8,816        11,114      16,676
Sitac - ends/cans           4,231         4,662           -
Nogara - ends/cans              -           857           -
American National Can
 Company - spare parts        460           633          709
Nacanco Ireland - ends/cans 5,052           241         190
Nacanco UK - ends             381             -         627
Nacanco Italy - cans            -             -         604

                           33,869        29,836      21,886


Property, plant and equipment purchases:-
American National Can Company 192         3,054       2,550
Nacanco UK                     87           106           -
Nacanco Germany                 -             3          64
Nacanco Spain                   -             1           -
Nacanco Italy                   -             -          11

                              279         3,164       2,625

Other charges to the Company:-

Royalty expenses            1,250         1,250       1,250


Cost of sales comprises the following:-

                             1997          1996        1995
                          US$'000       US$'000     US$'000
Direct material costs      50,173        52,353      52,183
Labor                       5,960         7,601       4,028
Depreciation                2,656         2,602       2,267
Other overheads             3,630         3,928       7,250

                           62,419        66,484      65,728


                             1997          1996        1995
                          US$'000       US$'000     US$'000
Salaries                      531           652       434
Fringe benefits                97            70        97
Travel expenses                92           102        70
Communication expenses         89            93       109
Other                         397           425       407

                            1,206         1,342     1,117


                             1997          1996        1995
                          US$'000       US$'000     US$'000
Financial income:-
Interest income on
 bank deposits                  869         928       2,003
Interest income on
 marketable securities          185         303         798
Other                            74         384         376

                              1,128       1,615       3,177
Financial expenses:-
Interest expense on borrowings   54         162         502

Financial income - net        1,074       1,453       2,675


The Company had a technical assistance and trademark license
agreement with the American National Can Company for a
period of five years from 4 April 1988. The agreement
included a clause stating that the agreement would be
automatically renewed for the subsequent years unless 12
months' written notice was given by either party. The
parties drew up an amendment to the existing contract
effective from 1 January 1994, changing the annual royalty
amounting to US$1,250,000. The amendment was approved by the
Foreign Investment Department of Treasury and of the
Republic of Turkey. Royalty is subject to withholding tax at
the rate of 22% including fund premiums which the Company is
also liable to pay. At 31 December 1997, royalty expenses
including withholding tax amounted to US$1,603,000 (1996:
US$1,603,000, 1995: US$1,595,000).


The commitments and contingent liabilities of the Company
are summarised as follows:-

                             1997          1996        1995
                          US$'000       US$'000     US$'000
Letters of guarantee          874         1,686       4,089
Sequestration rights
 (Note 7)                   1,292         1,162       1,782
Mortgage given (Note 7)         -             1           1

                            2,166         2,849       5,872


- -As of 1 January 1998, the withholding tax rate for royalty
 was reduced from 22% to 11% including fund premiums which
 the Company is also liable to pay.