Washington, D.C.  20549
                            FORM 8-K
                         CURRENT REPORT
             Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934
        Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):
                  April 9, 1999 (April 7, 1999)
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
         Delaware             1-6560
- ------------------------   -----------------------
(State of Incorporation)  (Commission File Number)

- ------------------------------------
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 300
Dulles, Virginia                                  20166-7516
- ---------------------------------------       ---------------
(Address of principal executive offices)         (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  703-478-5800

                           PAGE 1 OF 5

Reserve for Fairchild Technologies Division

     On April 7, 1999, Fairchild announced that in its fiscal
third quarter ended March 28, 1999, it will reserve the gain of
$32.73 million from the sale of 5,571,088 common shares of
AlliedSignal, Inc., against expenses expected to be incurred by
Fairchild in connection with the disposition of its Fairchild
Technologies Division.  For some time, the Fairchild Technologies
Division has been hindered by problems in the Asian market, and
has been accounted for as a discontinued operation since
February, 1998. There is no assurance that the $32.73 million
reserve will be sufficient to cover such expenses.
     Additional information is indicated in Fairchild's press
release issued on April 7, 1999, which is included as Exhibit
99.1 to this Form 8-K.

Merger of Banner Aerospace into Fairchild

     On  April  8,  1999,  Banner  Aerospace,  Inc.  merged  with
Fairchild  and  Fairchild acquired the remaining  15  percent  of
Banner that it did not already own.  Banner is now a wholly-owned
subsidiary  of  Fairchild.  Each share of Banner preferred  stock
was  converted into one share of Banner Common Stock;  and,  each
share  of  Banner  common  stock,  other  than  stock  owned   by
Fairchild,  was converted into the right to receive .7885  shares
of  Fairchild's  Class  A  common stock.   Fairchild  will  issue
approximately  2,981,452 shares of its Class A  common  stock  in
exchange for the outstanding shares of Banner common stock.    In
addition, each outstanding option to acquire Banner common  stock
under Banner's stock option plans was converted into the right to
purchase  on exercise the number of shares of Fairchild  Class  A
common   stock   that   they  would  have  received   as   merger
consideration had the options been exercised before  the  merger,
except  that  each  option, to the extent not  then  exercisable,
became exercisable in full on the date of the merger.
Additional information is indicated in Fairchild's press  release
issued on April 8, 1999, which is included as Exhibit 99.2 to
this Form 8-K.
                           PAGE 2 OF 5


(c)  Exhibits

     99.1 Press Release of The Fairchild Corporation, dated April
          7, 1999.

          99.2 Press Release of The Fairchild Corporation, dated
          April 8, 1999.

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 12 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report
to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly

Dated:  April 9, 1999

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION

                         By:  _________/s/___________
                              Donald E. Miller
                              Executive Vice President

                           PAGE 3 OF 5

Exhibit 99.1
Press Release dated April 7, 1999

       Dulles,   Virginia  (April  7,  1999)  --   The  Fairchild
Corporation  [Nyse: FA] announced today that in its fiscal  third
quarter ended March 28, 1999, it will reserve the gain of  $32.73
million  from the sale of 4,571,088 common shares of AlliedSignal
Inc.,  received  by  Banner Aerospace,  Inc.  in  January,  1998,
against  expenses to be incurred in connection with  dispositions
of  its  Fairchild  Technologies Division.  For  some  time,  the
Fairchild Technologies Division has been hindered by problems  in
the  Asian  market, and since February, 1998, has been  accounted
for as a discontinued operation.

      "The  Company  has  taken  action to  reduce  substantially
expense at Fairchild Technologies, while continuing to pursue its
sale  and  merger options with various interested parties,"  said
Dr. Eric I. Steiner, President and Chief Operating Officer of The
Fairchild Corporation.

      The  Fairchild Corporation is a leading worldwide aerospace
and   industrial  fastener  manufacturer,  and  aerospace   parts
     This news release contains forward-looking statements within
the  meaning  of Section 27-A of the Securities Act of  1933,  as
amended, and Section 21-E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as  amended. The Company's actual results could differ materially
from  those  set  forth in the forward-looking  statements  as  a
result  of  the  risks  associated with the  Company's  business,
changes  in  general  economic conditions,  and  changes  in  the
assumptions used in making such forward-looking statements.

                           PAGE 4 OF 5

Exhibit 99.2
Press Release dated April 8, 1999

The Fairchild Corporation [Nyse: FA] Completes Acquisition of
Banner Aerospace, Inc. [Nyse: BAR]

       Dulles,   Virginia  (April  8,  1999)  --  The   Fairchild
Corporation [Nyse: FA] announced today that it has completed  the
acquisition  of  Banner Aerospace, Inc. [Nyse:  BAR],  which  now
becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fairchild. Under the merger,
Fairchild  acquired the remaining 15 percent of Banner  Aerospace
capital stock it did not already own.

      Each  share of Banner Aerospace common stock was  converted
into  the  right  to  receive .7885 shares of Fairchild  Class  A
Common  Stock.   As a result of the transaction,  Fairchild  will
issue approximately 2,981,452 shares of its Class A Common Stock.

      The  Fairchild Corporation is a leading worldwide aerospace
and   industrial  fastener  manufacturer,  and  aerospace   parts
distributor.    Banner   Aerospace  provides   distribution   and
aftermarket services to the aviation industry.
     This news release contains forward-looking statements within
the  meaning  of Section 27-A of the Securities Act of  1933,  as
amended, and Section 21-E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as  amended. The Company's actual results could differ materially
from  those  set  forth in the forward-looking  statements  as  a
result  of  the  risks  associated with the  Company's  business,
changes  in  general  economic conditions,  and  changes  in  the
assumptions used in making such forward-looking statements.

                           PAGE 5 OF 5