WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                 FORM 8-K

                              CURRENT REPORT


 Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): May 5, 1999 (April 20,

                       Commission File Number 1-6560

                                 THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION
          (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

          (State or other jurisdiction of
     (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
          Incorporation or organization)

          45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 400
          Dulles, VA                                           20166
          (Address of principal executive offices)
     (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code          (703) 478-5800


      On  April  20, 1999, The Fairchild Corporation acquired  all  of  the
shares   of   stock  of  Kaynar  Technologies,  Inc.  ("KTI")  from   KTI's
shareholders, for approximately $222 million.  A merger agreement  for  the
transaction  was  entered into on December 26, 1998, and  was  approved  by
KTI's shareholders on March 24, 1999.

     The merger consideration was determined as follows:

     (1)  each share of KTI common stock (other than shares owned by
       or its subsidiaries) was converted into the right to receive $28.75

     (2)  each share of KTI preferred stock (other than shares owned by
       Fairchild or its subsidiaries) was converted into the right to receive
       $22.09 per share; and

     (3)  all outstanding stock options to acquire KTI common stock were
       converted into the right to receive $28.75 per stock option share,
less the
       exercise price for such stock option shares.

      In  addition to the merger consideration, Fairchild paid  KTI's  only
preferred  stockholder $28 million for a ten year covenant not to  compete,
and assumed and refinanced approximately $103 million of KTI debt.

     The merger consideration was financed by the following:

     (1)  Fairchild's cash resources;

     (2)  The sale of $225 million of Fairchild's 10 3/4% Senior Subordinated
       Notes Due 2009, to qualified investors under Rule 144A; and

     (3)  A new credit facility with Citicorp USA, Inc. and NationsBank, NA
       Administrative Agents.

      KTI designs, develops, and manufactures specialty fastener components
and  tooling  systems, with manufacturing facilities in the United  States,
Australia  and  Hungary.   Fairchild presently  intends  to  continue  such
operations,  subject however to cost savings to be achieved by  integrating
KTI's operations with Fairchild's existing fastener operations.

      Additional  information  is indicated in  Fairchild's  press  release
issued on April 20, 1999, which is included as Exhibit 99.1 to this Report.



     The  audited financial statements required by Item 7 (a) of  Form  8-K
are being filed as an exhibit to this Report and are incorporated herein by


The KTI Acquisition

      On  April  20,  1999, we completed the acquisition of all  of  Kaynar
Technologies, Inc. ("KTI") capital stock for approximately $222 million and
assumed approximately $103 million of KTI's existing debt. In addition, the
purchase  price  included $28 million for a covenant not  to  compete  from
KTI's largest shareholder. The acquisition was financed with existing cash,
the sale of $225 million of 10 3/4% senior subordinated notes (the "Notes")
and a new bank credit facility.

The Banner Merger

      On  April  8, 1999, we acquired the remaining 15% of the  outstanding
common  and preferred stock of Banner not already owned by us, through  the
merger  (the  ''Banner  Merger'') of Banner with one of  our  subsidiaries.
Under  the  terms  of  the Banner Merger, each share of Banner's  preferred
stock  was  converted into the right to receive one share of Banner  common
stock  and  each  share of Banner common stock (other than those  owned  by
Fairchild)  was  converted into the right to receive .7885  shares  of  our
Class A common stock. Banner is now our wholly-owned subsidiary.

Solair Divestiture

      On  December  31, 1998, Banner consummated the sale of Solair,  Inc.,
Banner's largest subsidiary in its rotables group, to Kellstrom Industries,
Inc.  in exchange for approximately $57.0 million in cash and a warrant  to
purchase 300,000 shares of common stock of Kellstrom.

Hardware Business Disposition

     On January 13, 1998, Banner completed the disposition of substantially
all  of  the  assets and certain liabilities of its hardware companies  and
PacAero unit (the ''Hardware Business'') to subsidiaries of AlliedSignal in
exchange  for  AlliedSignal common stock with an aggregate value  equal  to
approximately $369.0 million.

New Credit Facility

      Simultaneously with the consummation of the KTI Acquisition  and  the
sale  of  the  Notes, we entered into a new $325.0 million credit  facility
(the ''New Credit Facility'') which consists of a $225.0 million term loan,
and a $100.0 million revolving credit facility of which approximately $22.0
million  was  drawn upon consummation of the acqusition of  KTI  (excluding
approximately $19.0 million of outstanding letters of credit).

Use of Proceeds

     The proceeds from the offering, together with borrowings under the New
Credit  Facility  and certain other cash available to us, was  utilized  to
consummate the KTI Acquisition, to repay all amounts outstanding under  our
existing  credit facilities and to repay substantially all indebtedness  of
KTI.  The  KTI Acquisition, the Banner Merger, the sale of the  Notes,  the
sale of Solair and Banner's Hardware Business, entering into the New Credit
Facility and refinancing of the existing credit facilities and certain  KTI
indebtedness,  together with the payment of related fees and expenses,  are
collectively referred to in this Form 8-K as the ''Transactions.''


The  following  unaudited pro forma consolidated financial  statements  are
based  on  our historical financial statements and the historical financial
statements of KTI, in addition to those of certain other entities KTI or we
acquired in the respective periods presented. The following sets forth  our
unaudited pro forma statements of earnings for the twelve months ended June
30,  1998  and  the six months ended December 27, 1998. The  unaudited  pro
forma statements of earnings give effect to each of the Transactions as  if
such  Transactions occurred on July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998, respectively.
The  unaudited pro forma balance sheet as of December 27, 1998 gives effect
to  each of the Transactions as if they had occurred on such date.  The pro
forma  financial statements are presented for informational  purposes  only
and  are  not  intended  to  be  indicative of  either  future  results  of
operations  or  results that might have been achieved had the  Transactions
actually   occurred   on  the  dates  specified.  The   summary   unaudited
consolidated pro forma financial statements are qualified by and should  be
read  in  conjunction  with  the  financial statements  and  notes  thereto
included  in  our  June  30,  1998 Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  and  the
consolidated  financial statements of KTI, included as an exhibit  to  this
Form 8-K.

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION
                For The Six Months Ended December 27, 1998
                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                       Fairchild     KTI         KTI             Fairchild
                       Adjusted Adjusted Acquisition Refinancing Pro Forma
                           (a)    (b)       (c)   
Sales                 $271,401 $103,877 $  -        $  -        $ 375,278

Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales          205,320  72,753     (500)(d)    -          277,573
Selling, general &
administrative          48,932  15,566                 -           64,498
Amortization of
goodwill                 2,826     792    3,520        -            7,138

                       257,078  89,111    3,020        -          349,209

Operating income        14,323  14,766   (3,020)       -           26,069

Net interest expense   (14,147) (3,774)              (5,908)(d)   (23,829)
Investment income, net     834                       (1,476)(e)      (642)
Earnings (loss) before
taxes                    1,010  10,992   (3,020)     (7,384)        1,598
Income tax (provision)                            
benefit                   (414) (4,546)     315(f)    2,585(f)     (2,060)
Equity in earnings of
affiliates               1,689                             -        1,689
Earnings (loss) from 
continuing operations $  2,285  $ 6,446  $(2,705)    $ (4,799)   $  1,227

Earnings per share from continuing operations:
Basic                 $   0.09                                   $   0.05
Diluted                   0.09                                       0.05

Weighted average shares
Basic                   25,111                                     25,111
Diluted                 26,490                                     26,490

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION
                 For The Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1998
                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                      Fairchild      KTI        KTI              Fairchild
                       Adjusted Adjusted Acquistion Refinancing  Pro Forma
                          (a)      (b)        (c)
Sales                  $   556,652 $ 227,985 $ -       $ -       $   784,637

Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales              420,778  157,448   (1,000)(d) -           577,226
Selling, general &
administrative              96,805   31,300              -           128,105
Amortization of
goodwill                     5,740    1,632     7,040    -            14,412

                           523,323  190,380     6,040    -           719,743

Operating income
                            33,329   37,605   (6,040)    -            64,894
Net interest expense                                             
                          (32,394)  (6,857)               (8,626)(d) (47,877)
Investment loss,
net                        (3,362)                        (1,475)(e)  (4,837)
Earnings before taxes      (2,427)   30,748   (6,040)    (10,101)     12,180
Income tax (provision)                                      
benefit                      2,406 (12,704)       630(f)   3,535(f)  (6,133)
Equity in earnings of
affiliates                   3,956                              -      3,956
Earnings (loss) from     
continuing operations    $3,935    $18,044  $(5,410)      $(6,566)  $ 10,003

Earnings per share from
continuing operations:
Basic                    $  0.17                                    $  0.44
Diluted                     0.16                                       0.41

Weighted average shares
Basic                     22,531                                     22,531
Diluted                   24,239                                     24,239

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION
                             December 27, 1998
                              (In thousands)

              Fairchild Banner Fairchild KTI        KTI                Fairchild
             Historical Merger  Adjusted Historical Acquisition Refinancing Pro

Cash (d) (e)   $16,063 $(1,101) $14,962 $ 1,893  $(276,904)    $276,904 $ 16,855
investments (f) 216,260         216,260      50               (200,659)   15,652
Net accounts
receivable       95,435         95,435   30,421                          125,856
Inventory       174,682        174,682   52,778                          227,460
Net current
assets of         1,670          1,670                                     1,670
Prepaid and other
current assets   52,870         52,870    4,115                          56,985
Total current
assets          556,980 (1,101) 555,879  89,257  (276,904)    76,245    444,477

Net fixed
assets          124,446         124,446  61,583                         186,029
Net assets held
for sale         20,794         20,794                                   20,794
Net noncurrent
assets of        10,945         10,945                                   10,945
Goodwill (c)    167,262 19,061 186,323  47,958   169,596                403,877
Investment in
affiliates       28,416         28,416                                   28,416
Prepaid pension
assets           62,246         62,246                                   62,246
Deferred loan
costs (g)         5,879          5,879    429                 4,762      11,070
investments (h)  36,398         36,398           (18,623)                17,775
Other assets (c) 70,275         70,275    132     28,000                 98,407
Total Assets $1,083,641$17,960$1,101,601 $199,359 $(97,931)  $81,007 $1,284,036 

Bank notes & 
current debt (i)$25,287        $25,287   $ 17,334           $(16,950) $ 25,671
Accounts payable
                 36,511         36,511      8,017                 -     44,528
Other accrued
expenses (j)
(k)             100,214         100,214    15,989   (8,822)  (4,547)   102,834
Total current
liabilities     162,012         162,012    41,340   (8,822) (21,497)   173,033
Long-term debt,
less current    278,229         278,229    80,818            106,600   465,647
debt (i)
Other long-term
liabilities      24,707         24,707                                  24,707
Retiree health
care liabilities 43,127         43,127                                  43,127
Noncurrent income
taxes           107,871        107,871     4,477                       112,348
Minority interest
in subsidiaries  28,075(28,066)      9                                       9

liabilities     644,021(28,066)615,955   126,635    (8,822)   85,103   818,871

Class A common
stock             2,671    298   2,969                                   2,969
Class B common
stock               262            262                                     262
Paid-in capital
                195,291  45,728 241,019                                241,019
Retained earnings
(l) (m)         294,222         294,222  72,724    (85,827)  (4,096)   277,023
Cumulative other
comprehensive    21,183         21,183              (3,282)             17,901
income (h)
Treasury stock,
at cost         (74,009)       (74,009)                                (74,009)
stockholders'   439,620  46,026 485,646  72,724    (89,109)  (4,096)   465,165
Total liabilities
& equity     $1,083,641 $17,960$1,101,601$199,359  $(97,931) $81,007$1,284,036


(a)   The  following two tables set forth the derivation of the ''Fairchild
  Adjusted''  unaudited pro forma results, representing the impact  of  the
  Banner Merger (completed in April 1999), Special-T Acquisition (effective
  January  1998), Solair Divestiture (completed in December 1998), and  the
  Hardware  Group  Divestiture (completed January 13, 1998),  as  if  these
  transactions had occurred at the beginning of each period presented:

                For The Six Months Ended December 27, 1998
                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                               Fairchild   Banner     Solair           Fairchild
                              Historical   Merger (2) Divestiture(1)   Adjusted
Sales                         $  299,720              $ (28,319)      $271,401

 Costs and expenses:
     Cost of sales
                                 246,986                (41,666)      205,320
     Selling, general &
administrative                    54,677                 (5,745)       48,932
     Amortization of goodwill 
(3)                                2,638        238         (50)        2,826
                                 304,301                (47,461)      257,078

     Operating income             (4,581)      (238)      19,142       14,323

Net interest expense             (14,147)                             (14,147)
 Investment income, net              834                                  834
 Earnings (loss) before taxes
                                 (17,894)      (238)      19,142        1,010
 Income tax (provision)
  benefit                          6,433                  (6,847)        (414)
 Equity in earnings of
affiliates                         1,689                                1,689
 Minority interest (5)                        
                                   2,135       445        (2,580)          -
 Earnings (loss) from      
continuing operations           $ (7,637)  $   207      $  9,715     $  2,285

 Earnings (loss) per share
from continuing operations:
     Basic                      $ (0.35)                           $  0.09
                                  (0.35)                              0.09

 Weighted average shares
     Basic                        22,129      2,982                 2,511
     Diluted                      22,129      3,855                26,490


                 For The Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1998
                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                          Banner AirRights Special-T  Solair  Group                          Hardwar
                Fairchild Merger Liquid-   Acquis-    Dives-  Dives-
                Historical       ation     ition      ture    ture Fairchild
                            (2)   (8)      (7)        (1)     (6)  Adjusted
Sales         $  741,176 $       $         $ 15,317 $(78,939)$(120,902)$556,652

Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales
                 554,670                      5,943 (63,645)  (76,190)  420,778
Selling, general
& administrative 135,594           4,395      5,399 (14,973)  (33,610)   96,805
Amortization of
goodwill (3)       5,469     477                269    (100)     (375)    5,740

                 695,733     477   4,395     11,611 (78,718) (110,175)  523,323
Operating income
                  45,443   (477)  (4,395)     3,706    (221)  (10,727)   33,329
Net interest expense
                 (42,7150                      (937)           11,258   (32,394)
Investment loss, net
                   (3,362)                                               (3,362)
Nonrecurring income
(4)               124,028                                   (124,028)  
Earnings before taxes
                  123,394   (477) (4,395)     2,769    (221) (123,497) (2,427)
Income tax
benefit           (48,659)         1,538     (1,290)    163    50,654    2,406
Equity in earnings of
affiliates          3,956                                                3,956
Minority interest (5)
                  (26,292)  2,244                        10   24,038
Earnings from
operations       $ 52,399  $1,767 $(2,857)   1,479     $(48) $(48,805) $ 3,935

Earnings per share
from continuing
                        $2.78                                         $0.17
                         2.66                                          0.16

      Weighted average
   shares outstanding:
                       18,834   2,982            715                 22,531
                       19,669   3,855            715                 24,239


(1)   Represents  the  elimination of Solair's operating  results  for  all
  periods presented.

(2)   Represents  the  effects of the merger between Banner  and  Fairchild
  whereby Fairchild acquired the remaining 15% interest of Banner. Fairchild
  issued approximately 2,981 shares of Fairchild Class A Common Stock as  a
  result  of the merger, resulting in an increase in Fairchild's equity  of
  $46,026.  In  addition,  Fairchild will record approximately  $19,061  of

(3)   Represents additional amortization of goodwill related to the  merger
  with Banner.

(4)   Represents  the  elimination of the Hardware Group nonrecurring  gain
  that occurred in January 1998.

(5)   Reflects  the  impact  on  Fairchild's  minority  interest  for  each
  transaction impacting Banner. Minority interest is ultimately reduced  to
  zero due to Fairchild obtaining a 100% interest in Banner.

(6)   Represents  the  elimination of the Hardware Group operating  results
  from July 1, 1997 through the time of divestiture, January 13, 1998.

(7)   Represents  the operating results of Special-T as if the  acquisition
  occurred at the beginning of fiscal 1998.

(8)  Represents the elimination of non-recurring proceeds received from the
  involuntary  conversion  of air rights over a  portion  of  the  property
  Fairchild owns and is developing in Farmingdale, New York.


(b)   The  following  two  tables set forth the  derivation  of  the  ''KTI
  Adjusted''  unaudited  pro  forma results  representing  the  results  of
  operations that have been adjusted for the acquisition of Marson (acquired
  October 1998), M&M (acquired July 1998), Eagle (acquired May 1998), and APS
  (acquired  February 1998) as if those transactions had  occurred  at  the
  beginning of each period presented.

                For The Six Months Ended December 31, 1998
                              (In thousands)

                              KTI      Marson        M&M         KTI
                          Historical Acquisition Acquisition  Adjusted

 Sales                     $  93,333    $  8,965     $ 1,579   $103,877

 Costs and expenses:
     Cost of sales
                              65,555       6,169       1,029     72,753
     Selling, general &
administrative                14,115       1,342         109     15,566
     Amortization of                                                   
goodwill                         492         263          37        792(1)

                              80,162       7,774       1,175     89,111

     Operating income
                              13,171       1,191         404     14,766

 Net interest expense                                                  
                             (2,763)       (891)       (120)    (3,774)(2)
     Earnings before
taxes                         10,408         300         284     10,992

 Income tax (provision)
benefit                      (4,164)       (253)       (129)    (4,546)

 Earnings from continuing   
operations                 $   6,244       $  47       $ 155   $  6,446


                 For The Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1998
                              (In thousands)

                           KTI    Marson   M&M    Eagle    APS     KTI
                         Histori Acquisi Acquisi Acquisi Acquisi Adjusted
                           cal     tion    tion    tion   tion      
 Sales                  $173,156 $28,032 $20,220 $ 2,134  $4,443$227,985

 Costs and expenses:
     Cost of sales
                         118,875  20,033  13,581   1,558   3,401 157,448
     Selling, general &
administrative            24,494   4,277   1,342     371     816  31,300
     Amortization of                                                     
goodwill                     369     796     448       -      19   1,632(1)

                         143,738  25,106  15,371   1,929   4,236 190,380

     Operating income
                          29,418   2,926   4,849     205     207  37,605

 Net interest expense                                                    
                         (2,578) (2,739) (1,384)    (42)   (114) (6,857)(2)
     Earnings before
taxes                     26,840     187   3,465     163      93  30,748

 Income tax (provision)
benefit                  (10,726)  (353) (1,505)    (70)    (50) (12,704)

 Earnings from      
continuing operations   $ 16,114  $(166)  $1,960    $ 93    $ 43 $18,044

(1)   Includes the pro forma incremental goodwill amortization of $162  and
  $843  for the six months ended December 31, 1998 and twelve months  ended
  June 30, 1998, respectively.

(2)  Includes the pro forma incremental interest expense of $637 and $2,648
  for  the six months ended December 31, 1998, and twelve months ended June
  30, 1998, respectively.


(c)   Represents  the  additional amortization of goodwill  and  intangible
  assets related to the acquisition of KTI by Fairchild.

(d)   Represents the net change in interest expense from the refinancing of
  certain debt facilities as follows:

                                         Six Months
                                           Ended      Twelve
                                          December    Months
                                          27, 1998     Ended
                                                     June 30,
            New Financing:

            Term Loan                       $ 9,523     $19,045
            Senior Subordinated              12,403      24,806
            Other Fees                        1,574       3,146

            Increase in interest             23,500      46,997

            Retired Debt:

            Fairchild credit                 10,752      13,290
            Banner credit facility            3,925           -
            KTI revolving line-of-              209         226
            KTI term loan                     2,706       4,161
            Retired public bonds in               -      20,694
            fiscal 1998

            Reduction in interest            17,592      38,371

            Net change in interest        $   5,908  $    8,626

  Interest  expense  under the new credit facility for  the  Term  Loan  is
  based  on  LIBOR  plus 3.25%, along with amortization of  debt  financing
  fees.  The  pro forma adjustments assumed an effective rate of  8.46%.  A
  variance  of  1/8%  in the interest rates would impact annual  Term  Loan
  interest expense by approximately $281.

(e)   Investment  income  was  eliminated to  the  extent  that  marketable
  securities were assumed to be liquidated. Such marketable securities will
  be liquidated to consummate the KTI Acquisition.

(f)  Represents an income tax benefit assuming an effective rate of 35%.


(a)  Represents the effects of the merger between Banner and Fairchild
  whereby Fairchild acquired the remaining 15% interest of Banner not already
  owned. Fairchild issued approximately 2,981 shares of Fairchild class A
  common stock as a result of the merger, resulting in an increase in
  Fairchild's equity of $46,026. In addition, Fairchild will record
  approximately $19,061 of goodwill. A $1,101 reduction in cash represents
  the estimated costs of the merger with Banner. An increase of $19,061 in
  goodwill represents the estimated excess of cost paid over fair value. The
  decrease in minority interest liability results from Fairchild acquiring
  all of the Banner common stock that Fairchild does not presently own.

(b)  Represents historical KTI balance sheet at December 31, 1998.
  Reflects the acquisition of KTI as follows:

                                                  December 27,

     Purchase price:
          Cash paid for KTI common stock, preferred stock and
          stock options, including Fairchild's original $13,574
          investment                               $ 235,133

          Cash paid for non-compete agreement         28,000
          Transaction fees                             7,187
          KTI debt assumed                            98,152

     Total purchase price                            368,472

     Net tangible assets acquired, excluding $98,152 debt assumed

     Excess purchase price over the preliminary estimated fair
     value of the net assets acquired                $245,554

     Preliminary allocation to non-compete agreement,
     amortized over 10 years                         $   28,000
     Preliminary allocation to goodwill, amortized over 40
     years (includes KTI goodwill assumed of $47,958) $ 217,554
     Elimination of KTI's goodwill assumed            $  47,958
     Goodwill recorded in transaction                 $ 169,596

(d)   Reflects  a  $247,011  payment for acquisition  of  KTI,  capitalized
  transaction fees, expensed internal transaction costs, net of $1,893 cash
  acquired and $28,000 for the covenant not to compete.

(e)  Represents the net increase in cash as follows:
                                                  December 27,

     Cash and proceeds from sale of investments $    200,659
     Net proceeds from issuance of senior
         subordinated notes                          218,812
     Net cash received from New Credit Facility      220,125
     Reduction in Fairchild credit facility refinanced (222,750)
     Reduction in Banner credit facility            (50,600)
     Reduction of KTI credit facilities             (87,000)
     Payment of accrued interest                     (2,342)

     Net cash impact                                $276,904

(f)    Reflects   cash  and  the  liquidation  of  $200,659  in  short-term
  investments to provide a source of funds for the acquisition.

(g)   Represents additional deferred loan fees of $11,070 relating  to  the
  financing costs of the new credit facility and the Notes, net of the write-
  off of $6,308 related to deferred loan fees associated with the refinanced
  credit facilities.

(h)   Represents elimination of Fairchild's $18,623 investment  in  KTI  as
  part  of  the  acquisition,  and subsequent consolidation,  of  KTI.  The
  unrealized  investment  gains of $3,282, net of a $1,767  tax  provision,
  included in cumulative other comprehensive income is eliminated.

(i)  Represents the net refinancing as follows:
                                                  December 27,

          Senior Subordinated Notes                  $  225,000
          New Credit Facility term loan                 225,000

          Debt issued                                $  450,000

          Fairchild credit facility                  $  222,750
          Banner credit facility                         50,600
          KTI revolving line of credit                   13,000
          KTI term loan                                  74,000

          Debt retired                               $  360,350

          Net debt issued                            $    89,650

          Short term net reduction                   $  (16,950)
          Long term net increase                     106,600

(j)   Represents  (i)  the reversal of $1,767 taxes accrued  on  unrealized
  holding gains associated with the Company's investment in KTI and (ii) tax
  benefits  of $7,055 associated with estimated internal transaction  costs
  that will be charged to earnings at closing.

(k)   Represents  the payment and reduction of accrued interest  associated
  with the retired debt and reduction of taxes payable associated with  the
  refinancing expenses.

(l)  Reflects the $72,724 elimination of KTI's historical retained earnings
  and  Fairchild's estimated internal transaction costs of $13,103, net  of
  $7,055 tax benefit, that will be expensed at closing.

(m)   Represents  the write-off of deferred financing costs,  net  of  tax,
  associated           with           the           retired           debt.


     The Exhibits to this Report are listed on the Exhibit Index, and are
incorporated herein by reference.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  May 5, 1999

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION

                              Colin M. Cohen
                              Senior Vice President
                              Chief Financial Officer

                               EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.    Description

2.1       Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and  among The Fairchild
          Corporation, Dah Dah, Inc. and Kaynar Technologies Inc., dated as
          of December 26, 1998.  (Incorporated by reference to Registrant's
          Report on Form 8-K, filed December 30, 1998.)

99.1      Press Release of The Fairchild Corporation, dated April 20, 1999.
          (Filed herewith.)

99.2      Financial statements, related notes thereto and Auditors' Report
          of  Kaynar Technologies, Inc. for the years ended December 31,
          1998, 1997 and 1996.

Exhibit 99.1

The Fairchild Corporation [FA] Becomes Global Leader in Aerospace Fastening
Devices as It Completes Acquisition of Kaynar Technologies Inc. [KTIC]

     Dulles, Virginia (April 20, 1999) - The Fairchild Corporation [NYSE:
FA] today completed its acquisition of Kaynar Technologies Inc. (KTI)
[NASDAQ: KTIC], creating the global industry leader in the manufacture and
distribution of aerospace fasteners and fastening devices. Fairchild
acquired KTI for approximately $261 million plus the assumption of debt.
The purchase was financed by Fairchild's cash resources, the sale of $225
million of senior subordinated notes and a new bank credit facility.

     "The acquisition of KTI creates the leading global aerospace fastener
company, offering the largest complementary product range to our worldwide
customers" said Jeffrey J. Steiner, Chairman and CEO of Fairchild. "The
combined company has annual revenues of nearly $800 million, with 17 plants
in North America, Europe and Asia, enabling us to source product and
service our customers from a local base," said Eric Steiner, President of
Fairchild. "Our revenue base is comprehensive: 38% of our sales are to new
aircraft and engine manufacturers, industrial and defense users provide
30%, and 32% originate from the aerospace aftermarket. This diversity of
customers will reduce our exposure to cyclical trends in our industry."

                        Exhibit 99.1 / PAGE 1 OF 2

     Fairchild announced that the integration of the two companies would
begin immediately. Fairchild expects to realize substantial benefits from
operational synergies and cost savings as a result of the combination. "We
are enthusiastic about the opportunity to meld the high productivity and
quality standards of the two companies," said Eric Steiner, noting that KTI
was selected as number eight on Forbes magazine's most recent list of the
"200 Best Small Companies" in the United States. Both companies have made
extensive investments in recent years, to improve plant and extend

     On April 8th Fairchild completed its merger with Banner Aerospace,
Inc. [NYSE: BAR] acquiring the remaining 15 percent of Banner's capital
stock it did not already own. Banner Aerospace, is an aftermarket
distribution company.

     The senior subordinated notes have not been registered under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended and may not be offered or sold in the
United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the
registration requirements.

     This news release contains forward-looking statements within the
meaning of Section 27-A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
Section 21-E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The
Company's actual results could differ materially from those set forth in
the forward-looking statements as a result of the risks associated with the
Company's business, changes in general economic conditions, and changes in
the assumptions used in making such forward-looking statements.

                        Exhibit 99.1 / PAGE 2 OF 2

To the Board of Directors of
  Kaynar Technologies Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Kaynar
Technologies Inc. (a Delaware corporation) and subsidiaries as of December
31, 1998 and 1997, and the related consolidated statements of income,
stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the
period ended December 31, 1998.  These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Kaynar
Technologies Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1998 and 1997, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended December 31, 1998, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Orange County, California
February 5, 1999

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 1 of 24



           FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998, 1997 AND 1996
                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                1998      1997      1996

Net sales (1)                                $185,512  $150,429   $99,023

Cost of sales                                 129,223   104,390    72,924
                                             --------  --------   -------
 Gross profit                                  56,289    46,039    26,099

Selling, general and administrative expenses   27,438    21,454    13,263
                                             --------  --------   -------
 Operating income                              28,851    24,585    12,836

Interest expense, net                           4,067     3,602     4,011
                                             --------  --------   -------
 Income before provision for income taxes      24,784    20,983     8,825

Provision for income taxes                      9,914     8,393     3,530
                                             --------  --------   -------
 Net income                                  $ 14,870  $ 12,590   $ 5,295
                                             ========  ========   =======
Earnings per share
  Basic                                       $   3.39  $   4.23   $  3.26
  Diluted                                     $   1.64  $   1.54   $  0.78
                                             ========  ========   =======
Weighted average number of shares of common stock and
 common stock equivalents
  Basic                                         4,382     2,967     1,594
  Diluted                                       9,085     8,173     6,800
                                             ========  ========   =======

(1) Including $13,038, $12,961 and $11,437 in 1998, 1997 and 1996,
  respectively, to a related party (see Note 15)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 2 of 24



                     AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1998 AND 1997
                          (Dollars in thousands)

                                                1998           1997
Current assets:
  Cash                                       $  1,893       $    675
  Marketable securities                              50        3,079
  Accounts receivable (1)                        30,421       23,293
  Inventories                                    52,778       34,231
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets       1,430          647
  Deferred tax asset                              2,685        1,006
                                               --------     --------
           Total current assets                  89,257       62,931
                                               --------     --------

Property, plant and equipment, at cost           76,035       41,048
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization(14,452)     (8,797)
                                               --------     --------
                                                 61,583       32,251
                                               --------     --------
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization of $1,104 and
  $480 at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively47,958       6,409
Other assets                                        561           65
                                               --------     --------
           Total assets                        $199,359     $101,656
                                               ========     ========

(1) Including $--982 and $1,846 in 1998 and 1997, respectively, from a
   related party (see Note 15), net of allowance for doubtful accounts of
   $703 and $310 in 1998 and 1997, respectively

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 3 of 24



                     AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1998 AND 1997
                          (Dollars in thousands)

                                                 1998           1997
Current liabilities:
  Revolving line-of-credit, to a related party
     (see Note 8)                               $ 13,000      $   -
  Current portion of long-term debt                4,054        1,021
  Current portion of capital lease obligations       280          272
  Accounts payable                                 8,017        9,969
  Accrued payroll and related expenses             8,115        8,546
  Other accrued expenses                           7,874        4,423
                                                --------     --------
           Total current liabilities              41,340       24,231
                                                --------     --------
Long-term liabilities:
  Long-term debt, primarily to a related
  party (see Note 8)                              80,624       26,372
  Capital lease obligations                          194          484
  Deferred tax liability                           4,477        1,136
                                                --------     --------
           Total long-term liabilities            85,295       27,992
                                                --------     --------
Commitments and contingencies (see Notes 8 and 12)

Stockholders' equity:
  Series C Convertible Preferred stock; $0.01 par value;
    Authorized--10,000,000; issued and outstanding-4,206,000 and 5,206,000
    shares at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively42           52
  Common stock; $0.01 par value; Authorized--20,000,000 shares; issued
    and outstanding--5,090,142 and 3,694,000 shares at December 31, 1998
    and 1997, respectively                            51           37
  Additional paid-in capital                      37,821       28,973
  Retained earnings                               36,264       21,394
  Accumulated other comprehensive income         (1,454)      (1,023)
                                                --------     --------
           Total stockholders' equity             72,724       49,433
                                                --------     --------
   Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $199,359     $101,656
                                                ========     ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 4 of 24



                          (Dollars in thousands)

           Preferred Stock                   Accumlated         
                 Stock       Common     Addi-   Comp            Comp
                 Series C    Stock      tional  prehen          prehen
                                         Paid-In sive   Retained sive
                 Shares  Amt Shares  Amt Capital Income Earnings In-
                                                                come Total
BALANCE, December 31, 1995
                   5,206 $52  1,594  $16 $ 1,432        $ 3,639 $18  $ 5,157
Comprehensive Income:
Net income                                      $ 5,295   5,295        5,295
Currency Translation                                270         270      270
Comprehensive Income                            $ 5,565

Dividends declared                                          (96)

BALANCE, December 31,1996
                  5,206  52  1,594   16  1,432            8,838 288   10,626

Comprehensive Income:
Net income                                     $12,590   12,590       12,590
Currency Translation                            (1,311)      (1,311)  (1,311)
Comprehensive Income                           $11,279

Common stock issuance        2,100   21  27,541                       27,562

Dividends declared                                        (34)           (34)

BALANCE, December 31, 1997
                  5,206  52  3,694   37  28,973        21,394 (1,023) 49,433

Comprehensive Income:
Net income                                    $14,870 14,870          14,870
Currency Translation                             (431)          (431)   (431)
Comprehensive Income                          $14,439

Conversion of Preferred
                (1,000)(10) 1,000    10    
Common stock issuance
                 -       -    396     4   8,848                         8,852

BALANCE, December 31, 1998
                 4,206 $42  5,090   $51 $37,821      $36,264 $(1,454) $72,724

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 5 of 24

           FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998, 1997 AND 1996
                          (Dollars in thousands)

                                                   1998     1997     1996
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                    $14,870   $12,590 $ 5,295
  Adjustments to reconcile net income
  to net cash provided by
    operating activities-
  Depreciation and amortization                   6,772     3,818   2,613
  Increase (decrease) in deferred income taxes      680     (990)     186
  (Gain) loss on sale of property,
     plant and equipment                           (124)     154       34
  Changes in operating assets and
 liabilities, net of acquisitions-
    (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable     962    (7,990) (2,505)
     Increase in inventories                    (7,190)   (4,346) (6,867)
    (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses
     and other current assets                     (112)        32    (152)
    (Increase) decrease in other assets           (211)       187     181
     Increase (decrease) in accounts payable    (5,657)     3,800   2,361
     Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses    (3,222)     4,946   3,172
                                                -------   ------- -------
Net cash provided by operating activities         6,768    12,201   4,318
                                                -------   ------- -------
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of property, plant and equipment      (18,322)  (17,909) (6,850)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and
 equipment                                          403        92      43
Net redemptions (purchases) of marketable
 securities                                       3,029    (3,079)      -
Acquisitions, net of acquired cash
 of $421 in 1998                                (49,203)       -  (12,160)
(Increase) decrease in intangible assets        (669)       638    (1,231)
                                                -------   ------- -------
Net cash used in investing activities           (64,762)  (20,258)(20,198)
                                                -------   ------- -------
Cash flows from financing activities:
Net borrowings (payments) on line-of-credit,
 from a related party                            13,000     (746)  (3,560)
Borrowings on long-term debt, primarily from
 a related party                                 52,882      501   21,245
Payments on long-term debt, primarily from
 a related party                                 (6,345) (20,263)    (898)
Net principal (payments) borrowings on
 capital lease obligations                         (303)     795      (55)
Net proceeds from issuance of common stock        -       27,562       -
                                                -------   ------- -------
Net cash provided by financing activities        59,234     7,849  16,732
                                                -------   ------- -------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash            (22)    (26)         5
                                                -------   ------- -------
Net increase (decrease) in cash                   1,218     (234)     857

Cash, beginning of period                           675       909      52
                                                -------   ------- -------
Cash, end of period                             $ 1,893   $   675 $   909
                                                =======   ======= =======

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 6 of 24

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
    Cash paid during the period for:
      Interest                                $ 3,094     $ 3,943 $ 3,787
                                                =======   ======= =======
      Income taxes                              $12,844   $ 8,395 $ 2,841
                                                =======   ======= =======

Noncash financing activities:
Capital lease obligations assumed for the
   purchase of equipment                        $   -     $   507 $   355
                                                =======   ======= =======
Borrowings on long-term debt for preferred
   stock dividends                              $   -     $    34 $    96
                                                =======   ======= =======
Common stock issued in connection with
acquisitions of businesses                      $ 8,852   $   -     $   -
                                                =======   ======= =======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 7 of 24

                     DECEMBER 31, 1998, 1997 AND 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

1.   Nature of Operations and Recent Developments

Kaynar  Technologies Inc. (the "Company") is a leading precision fabricator
that   designs,  develops  and  manufactures  a  wide  range  of  specialty
components and tooling systems and provides related services used primarily
by  original equipment manufacturers ("OEM's") and their subcontractors  to
produce aircraft and defense products.  In addition, the Company serves the
automotive,  electrical and other industrial markets and  their  associated

On  December 26, 1998, the Company entered into a merger agreement with The
Fairchild  Corporation  ("Fairchild") in which the Company  will  become  a
wholly  owned subsidiary of Fairchild (the "Fairchild Merger").   Upon  the
effectiveness  of  the  Fairchild Merger, each  outstanding  share  of  the
Company's  common stock, with the exception of shares held by  stockholders
who  properly  exercise  dissenters'  rights  under  the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law  and  shares  held by Fairchild,  will  be  cancelled  and
converted  into  the right to receive $28.75 in cash.  The closing  of  the
Fairchild  Merger  is  subject to certain conditions, including  regulatory
approval, financing and approval of the Company's stockholders.
2.   Business Combinations

On  July  28,  1998, the Company acquired all of the issued and outstanding
common stock of
M  &  M Machine & Tool Company Co. ("M & M").  M & M, located in Huntington
Beach,  California,  specializes in the machining of structural  components
and assemblies for aircraft which include pylons, flap hinges, struts, wing
fittings, landing gear parts, spars, and many others.  As consideration for
this  acquisition, the Company paid the M & M stockholders $12,441 in  cash
and  376,142  shares of the Company's common stock valued  at  $8,294.   In
addition, the Company will pay additional consideration of $2,000  (60%  in
cash  and  40%  in shares of KTI common stock) based on M  &  M's  recasted
earnings  before  interest,  taxes and transaction  costs  related  to  the
acquisition  for its fiscal year ended October 31, 1998 (which was  accrued
for  and included in other accrued expenses as of December 31, 1998).   The
purchase price exceeded the fair value of the net assets by $17,850,  which
is being allocated as goodwill and amortized using the straight-line method
over  40  years.  The M & M acquisition has been accounted  for  under  the
purchase method of accounting and, accordingly, the operating results of  M
&  M  have been included in the Company's results of operations since late-
July 1998.

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 8 of 24

On October 27, 1998, the Company acquired all of the issued and outstanding
common  stock  of Marcliff Corporation which holds all of  the  issued  and
outstanding  capital  stock of Marson Creative Fastener,  Inc.  ("Marson").
Located  in  Stoughton,  Massachusetts, Marson designs,  manufactures,  and
markets  a broad line of blind rivets, threaded inserts, and setting  tools
primarily  for industrial markets.  As consideration for this  acquisition,
the  Company paid the Marson stockholders $34,000 in cash (of which  $9,058
was  used to pay off Marson's outstanding debt as of the acquisition date).
In  addition, the Company will pay additional consideration of $1,111 based
on  Marson's  closing balance sheet as of the acquisition date  (which  was
accrued  for  and  included in other accrued expenses as  of  December  31,
1998).   The  purchase price exceeded the fair value of the net  assets  by
$23,217,  which  is  being allocated as goodwill and  amortized  using  the
straight-line  method  over  40 years.  The  Marson  acquisition  has  been
accounted for under the purchase method of accounting and, accordingly, the
operating results of Marson have been included in the Company's results  of
operations since late-October 1998.

3.   Pro Forma Financial Information (unaudited)

The  following  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  statements  of  income
information present the results of the Company's operations for  the  years
ended  December 31, 1998 and 1997 as though the acquisitions of M &  M  and
Marson had occurred as of the beginning of each respective calendar year:

                   1998       1997

Net sales          $220,374    $195,654

Net income          15,971       14,047
Earnings per share
       Basic          3.42         4.16
       Diluted        1.71         1.64

The  pro forma results have been prepared for comparative purposes only and
are  not necessarily indicative of the actual results of operations had the
acquisitions taken place at the beginning of the fiscal year or the results
that  may  occur  in the future.  The pro forma results include  additional
interest  on borrowed funds, additional amortization of goodwill  resulting
from the acquisitions and the change in salary and benefit costs of certain
officers of the acquired companies.

                        Exhibit 99.2 / Page 9 of 24

4.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     a.   Use of Estimates in Financial Statements

     The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with  generally
     accepted  accounting principles requires management to make  estimates
     and  assumptions  that  affect  the reported  amounts  of  assets  and
     liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
     date  of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues
     and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ
     from those estimates.

     b.   Principles of Consolidation

     The  consolidated financial statements include the accounts of  Kaynar
     Technologies Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries.  All  significant
     intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.

     c.   Revenue Recognition

     Sales  and related costs are recorded by the Company upon shipment  of
     product.   Revenues  related to the rental  of  the  Company's  K-FAST
     tools, which are not significant, are recognized monthly over the term
     of  the  lease.  Revenues related to the Company's APS business  unit,
     which  are  not  significant, are recognized based  on  percentage  of

     d.   Currency Translation Adjustment

     Assets  and  liabilities  of the Company's  foreign  subsidiaries  are
     translated  into  United  States  dollars  at  the  year-end  rate  of
     exchange.   Income  and expense items are translated  at  the  average
     rates  of  exchange for the period.  Gains and losses  resulting  from
     translating foreign currency financial statements are accumulated in a
     separate   component  of  stockholders'  equity.    Foreign   currency
     transaction   gains  and  losses  are  included  in  the  consolidated
     statements of income.

     e.   Marketable Securities

     The Company invests excess cash in a money market fund that invests in
     short term (maturities of 397 days or less) direct obligations of  the
     U.S. Treasury.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 10 of 24

     f.   Inventories

     Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost  or  market,  with  cost
     determined  on  a first-in, first-out (FIFO) method and  market  based
     upon  the  lower  of  replacement cost or estimated realizable  value.
     Inventory costs include material, labor and factory overhead.

     g.   Property, Plant and Equipment

     Depreciation is computed principally on the straight-line  method  over
     the estimated useful lives of the depreciable assets (ranging from five
     to  ten years).  Cost and accumulated depreciation for property retired
     or  disposed of are removed from the accounts and any gains  or  losses
     are  reflected  in  operations.  Major renewals  and  betterments  that
     extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized.

     h.   Intangible Assets

     Intangible  assets  primarily represent the excess of  purchase  price
     over  fair value of net assets acquired and related acquisition  costs
     incurred in the acquisitions of Recoil, M & M and Marson.  Intangibles
     are  amortized  using  the  straight-line  method  from  the  date  of
     acquisition  over  the  expected period  to  be  benefited,  currently
     estimated  between  20  and  40  years.   The  Company  assesses   the
     recoverability  of intangible assets in accordance with  Statement  of
     Financial  Accounting  Standards (SFAS) No. 121  "Accounting  for  the
     Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets  to  be
     Disposed Of."

     i.   Fair Value of Financial Instruments

     The   carrying  amounts  of  cash,  marketable  securities,   accounts
     receivable  and accounts payable approximate their fair  value  as  of
     December  31,  1998 and 1997.  The carrying amounts  of  the  line-of-
     credit  and  long-term debt approximate fair value as the  obligations
     bear  interest  at  rates that fluctuate with  the  market  rate.  The
     carrying  amount  of the term loans approximates  fair  value  as  the
     obligation  compares favorably with fixed rate obligations that  would
     be currently available to the Company.

     j.   Income Taxes

     The  Company  accounts for income taxes under SFAS No. 109 "Accounting
     for  Income Taxes," which requires an asset and liability approach  in
     accounting for income taxes payable or refundable at the date  of  the
     financial  statements  as  a  result of  all  events  that  have  been
     recognized  in  the  financial  statements  and  as  measured  by  the
     provisions of enacted laws.
                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 11 of 24

     k.   Earnings per Share

     Basic  earnings per share is computed by dividing net income available
     to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares
     outstanding.   Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing  net
     income  by  the  weighted average number of common shares  outstanding
     plus  the  dilutive effect of other securities.  The  Company's  other
     securities  are  (i)  Series C Convertible Preferred  stock  and  (ii)
     outstanding common stock options.

     The table below details the components of the basic and diluted
     earnings per share ("EPS") calculations:

                               Years ended December 31,
                          1998             1997           1996
              ----------------     ---------------   ----------------
                   Income Shares     Income Shares   Income Shares
                                (Amounts in thousands)
Basic EPS
Net income           $14,870   4,382 $12,590  2,967   $5,295 1,594
Less: dividends on
 previously issued
 preferred stock                        (34)             (96)   
                     -------   ----- -------  -----   ------ -----
Income available to
common stockholders   14,870   4,382  12,556  2,967    5,199 1,594

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 12 of 24

     Effect of Dilutive
       Series C Convertible
         Preferred stock-    4,688      34  5,206       96 5,206
       Options and other-       15     -      -        -     -
                   -------   ----- -------  -----   ------ -----
     Diluted EPS   $14,870   9,085 $12,590  8,173   $5,295 6,800
                   =======   ===== =======  =====   ====== =====

     l.   New Accounting Pronouncements

     In  June  1998,  the  FASB  issued Statement of  Financial  Accounting
     Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and  Hedging
     Activities," effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.
     The Company does not believe the adoption of this standard will have a
     material impact on the Company's results of operations.

5.   Inventories.  Inventories consist of the following at December 31,
1998 and 1997:

                                          1998        1997

     Raw materials                      $ 3,772      $ 2,593
     Work in progress                    14,245       11,012
     Components                           8,611        5,325
     Finished goods                      18,901        9,550
     Supplies and small tools             7,249        5,751
                                        -------      -------
                                        $52,778      $34,231
                                        =======      =======

6.   Property, Plant and Equipment.  Property, plant and equipment consists
     of the following at December 31, 1998 and 1997:

                                Years of
                              Useful Life       1998       1997
     Land                           -        $ 1,787     $    32
     Buildings                     20          1,799         -
     Machinery and equipment     5 to 10      49,911      20,083
     Equipment rented to others     7          8,534       8,581
     Leasehold improvements   Lease term       5,432       1,315
     Construction in progress       -          8,572      11,037
                                             -------     -------
                                              76,035      41,048
Accumulated depreciation and amortization    (14,452) (8,797)
                                             -------     -------
                                             $61,583     $32,251
                                             =======     =======

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 13 of 24

7.   Income Taxes.  The components of the net accumulated deferred income
     tax (asset) liability at December 31, 1998 and 1997 are as follows:

                                            1998       1997

     Current deferred tax (asset) liability:
       Inventory reserves                $(1,369)   $   (87)
       Accrued vacation                     (706)      (449)
       Other                                (610)      (470)
                                          -------    -------
                                         $(2,685)   $(1,006)
                                          =======    =======
     Long-term deferred tax (asset) liability:
       Depreciation                       $ 4,477    $ 1,136
                                          =======    =======

The provision for income taxes includes income taxes currently payable and
those deferred due to temporary differences between the financial
statements and tax basis of assets and liabilities.  The provision differs
from the statutory rates primarily due to permanent differences.  The
provision for income taxes for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and
1996, consists of the following:

                                  1998      1997       1996
     Current provision:
       Federal                  $7,083     $7,716     $2,590
       State                     1,500      1,400        720
       Foreign                      33        267          -
     Deferred provision:
       Federal                   1,061      (707)         69
       State                       237      (283)        151
                                ------     ------     ------
                                $9,914     $8,393     $3,530
                                ======     ======     ======

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 14 of 24

Variations from the federal statutory rate for the years ended December 31,
1998, 1997 and 1996, are as follows:

                          1998           1997               1996
                     ---------------     ------------     -----------
                           Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent

[S]                        [C]    [C]     [C]    [C]     [C]     [C]
Federal statutory rate     $8,675   35.0% $7,344  35.0%  $3,001   34.0%
State income taxes,
net of federal benefit      1,129    4.5     726   3.5      485    5.5
Foreign sales
corporation benefit          (552)  (2.2)   (220) (1.0)    (141)  (1.6)
Foreign losses not currently
benefited                     161    0.6     115    0.5     -      -
Utilization of foreign
   losses                     (26)  (0.1)   (114)  (0.5)    -    -
Non-deductible expenses       212    0.9     173    0.8      94    1.1
Other                         315    1.3     369    1.7      91    1.0
                           ------  -----  ------  -----  ------  -----
                           $9,914   40.0% $8,393   40.0% $3,530   40.0%
                           ======  =====  ======  =====  ======  =====

8.   Debt Arrangements

The Company entered into a Third Restated and Amended Credit Agreement on
October 23, 1998 (the "Third Credit Agreement") with its primary lender
General Electric Capital Corporation ("GECC") which has a wholly owned
subsidiary, CFE, Inc. ("CFE"), that owned all of the outstanding shares of
the Company's Series C Preferred stock and one million shares of the
Company's common stock as of December 31, 1998.  The Third Credit Agreement
contains significant financial and operating covenants, including
limitations on the ability of the Company to incur additional indebtedness
and restrictions on, among other things, the Company's ability to pay
dividends or take certain other corporate actions.  The Third Credit
Agreement also requires the Company to be in compliance with certain
financial ratios.  In addition to the Term Loan under the Third Credit
Agreement ("Term Loan"), the Company has entered into promissory notes with
other lenders for the purchase of certain property, machinery and equipment
("The Notes").

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 15 of 24

The following schedule summarizes the future annual minimum principal
payments due under the Term Loan and The Notes as of December 31, 1998:

                Term         The
                Loan       Notes       Total
     1999     $ 1,700     $ 2,354     $ 4,054
     2000       1,700       2,178       3,878
     2001       1,700       1,495       3,195
     2002       1,700       1,177       2,877
     2003      67,200         789      67,989
        Thereafter-         2,685       2,685
              -------     -------     -------
              $74,000     $10,678     $84,678
              =======     =======     =======

Debt arrangements are described as follows:

     a.   Term Loan

     On October 23, 1998, the Company entered into the Third Credit
     Agreement which amended its existing Term Loan with GECC, increasing
     the borrowing capacity of the Term Loan to $74,000.  The Term Loan
     bears interest, payable every 30 to 90 days, at LIBOR rate plus one
     and one-half percent (which was 6.8 percent at December 31, 1998).
     Principal payments of $425 are due quarterly through October 1, 2002,
     with a final payment of $67,200 due January 3, 2003.  At December 31,
     1998 and 1997, outstanding principal under the Term Loan totaled
     $74,000 and $25,525, respectively.  Interest expense on the Term Loan
     for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 was approximately
     $2,712, $2,498 and $2,400, respectively.  The Term Loan is secured by
     substantially all of the Company's assets.

     b.   The Notes

     The Company has promissory notes with financing institutions, which
     are secured by certain property, machinery and equipment.  At December
     31, 1998 and 1997, the outstanding principal under the Notes was
     $10,678 and $1,868, respectively.  The Notes bear interest at interest
     rates ranging from 4.9 percent to 10.5 percent per annum.  Monthly
     payments are payable through June 1, 2008.

     c.   Line-of-Credit

     The line-of-credit with GECC (the "LOC") is a $25,000 revolving credit
     facility, limited by the lesser of the sum of specified portions of
     qualified accounts receivable and inventory, and $25,000.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 16 of 24

     Interest is payable every 30 to 90 days at LIBOR rate plus one and one-
     half percent (which was 7.1 percent at December 31, 1998).  The LOC,
     which expires January 3, 2003, had $13,000 outstanding at December 31,
     1998 and had no borrowings at December 31, 1997.  Interest expense on
     LOC for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 was
     approximately $497, $129 and $682, respectively.

9.   Series C Convertible Preferred Stock

Each share of the Series C Preferred stock is convertible at any time into
one share of common stock.  The conversion rate is subject to certain anti-
dilutive adjustments.  The Series C Preferred stock will participate in any
dividends paid on the common stock as if the Series C Preferred stock had
been converted into common stock.

In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, the
holders of the Series C Preferred stock will be entitled to receive a
liquidation preference out of the assets available for distribution in an
amount equal to $0.22 per share, plus any accrued and unpaid dividends,
before any distribution is made to the holders of the common stock.

On June 26, 1998, CFE elected to convert one million such shares into one
million shares of common stock of the Company in accordance with the terms
of the Series C preferred stock.

10.  Stock Incentive Plan

In 1997, the Company adopted the Kaynar Technologies Inc. 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan (the "Plan") which authorized 500,000 stock option grants to
purchase the Company's common stock.

The Company has granted 115,400 options in 1997 and 147,900 options in 1998
with a weighted average exercise price of $24.77 and $11.71, respectively,
under the Plan (of which 9,200 options with an exercise price of $25.00
were cancelled during 1998).  These options were issued at fair market
value at the time of grant.  Option grants are made at the discretion of
the Board of Directors.  Options vest at 25 percent per year (beginning one
year from the grant date), may be exercisable in whole or in installments,
and expire five years from the grant date.  The weighted average exercise
price of options outstanding as of December 31, 1998 is $17.16.  The
weighted average contractual life of options outstanding as of December 31,
1998 is 4.3 years.  The weighted average exercise price of options
exercisable as of December 31, 1998 is $24.75.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 17 of 24

Characteristics of options outstanding at December 31, 1998 are presented
in the table below:

     Exercise   Contractual    Options     Options
      Price        Life      Outstanding  Exercisable
     $ 9.25    4.8 years    119,000          -
     $14.50    3.3 years      3,000       750
     $15.88    4.8 years     12,000          -
     $19.00    4.6 years      3,000          -
     $25.00    3.7 years    102,000       25,500
     $26.75    4.1 years      1,500          -
     $27.75    4.2 years     12,400          -
     $29.50    3.8 years      1,200       300
                             254,100       26,550

The  Company accounts for the Plan under APB Opinion No. 25.  SFAS No.  123
"Accounting  for Stock-Based Compensation" was issued by the FASB  in  1995
and, if fully adopted, changes the methods for recognition of cost on plans
similar  to  those of the Company.  Adoption of SFAS No. 123  is  optional,
however  pro  forma  disclosures as if the Company  had  adopted  the  cost
recognition  method are required.  Had compensation cost for stock  options
awarded  under the Plan been determined consistent with SFAS No.  123,  the
Company's  net income would have reflected the following pro forma  amounts
as of December 31, 1998 and 1997:

                                          1998         1997
      Net Income:      As Reported      $14,870      $12,590
                       Pro Forma        $14,417      $12,439

      Basic EPS:       As Reported        $3.39        $4.23
                       Pro Forma          $3.29        $4.18

      Diluted EPS:     As Reported        $1.64        $1.54
                       Pro Forma          $1.59        $1.52

For the above pro forma disclosures, the fair value of each option grant is
estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model
with the following assumptions: weighted average risk-free interest rate of
5.0 percent; a weighted average volatility of 56.5 percent; estimated
option life of 4 years; and no expected dividend yield.  The weighted
average fair value of the Company's stock options granted in 1998 and 1997
was $5.68 and $12.02, respectively.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 18 of 24

11.  Savings and Retirement Plan

The Company sponsors a defined contribution plan (the "Retirement Plan"),
which provides benefits to all employees who have completed six months of
service.  Employees may make contributions between one and 21 percent of
their annual compensation.  The Company may make contributions to the
Retirement Plan at its discretion.

The Company contributed approximately $1,461, $988 and $577 to the
Retirement Plan in the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996,

12.  Commitments and Contingencies

     a.   Operating Leases

     The Company leases certain facilities and equipment under long-term
     operating leases with varying terms.  The leases generally provide
     that the Company pay taxes, maintenance and insurance costs, and some
     leases contain renewal and/or purchase options.  Total rental expense
     under operating leases totaled approximately $1,975, $1,231 and $1,187
     in the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
     Minimum rental expenses on commitments for the years subsequent to
     December 31, 1998, are as follows:

           Year ending December 31,
             1999                               $ 2,125
             2000                                 1,927
             2001                                 1,696
             2002                                 1,519
             2003                                 1,006
            Thereafter                           2,108
                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 19 of 24

     b.   Capital Leases

     The Company has entered into capital lease agreements for equipment.
     Future lease payments due under the agreements are as follows:

          Year ending December 31,
            1999                                            $307
            2000                                            163
            2001                                            36
            Amounts representing interest                  (32)
            Current portion                               (280)

     c.   Purchase Commitments

     The Company has certain one-year purchase commitments which require
     that all purchases of particular raw materials be purchased from
     various vendors at a fixed price, none of which exceeded fair market
     value as of December 31, 1998.

     d.   Contingencies

     The Company is, from time to time, subject to claims and disputes for
     legal, environmental and other matters in the normal course of its
     business.  While the results of such matters cannot be predicted with
     certainty, management does not believe that the final outcome of any
     pending matters will have a material effect on the consolidated
     financial position and results of operations.

13.  Significant Customers

For the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, two customers
accounted for approximately 20 and 7 percent, 24 and 9 percent and 18 and
12 percent of net sales, respectively.  No other customer accounted for 10
percent or more of net sales in any of the three years ended December 31,
1998.  Accounts receivable balances from these same two customers accounted
for approximately 10 and 7 percent of accounts receivable at December 31,
1998 and 14 and 8 percent of accounts receivable at December 31, 1997.  No
other customer represents 10 percent or more of the Company's gross
accounts receivable at December 31, 1998 and 1997.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 20 of 24

14.  Geographic Sales Information

Net sales for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 were made to
geographic regions as follows:
                         1998            1997             1996
                    ----------------                 ---------------- ------
- ----------
                    Amount Percent   Amount Percent  Amount Percent

United States     $156,834   84.5% $126,845   84.4% $85,069  85.9%
Europe              16,487    8.9    13,255    8.8    8,378   8.5
Pacific Rim          6,683    3.6     5,219    3.4    2,256    2.3
Other                5,508    3.0     5,110    3.4    3,320    3.3
                  -------- ------  -------- ------  ------- ------
                  $185,512  100.0% $150,429  100.0% $99,023  100.0%

Sales for the Company's foreign operations represented less than 10 percent
of net sales during each of the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 21 of 24

15.  Related Party Matters

As discussed in Note 8, the primary lender to the Company is GECC which has
a wholly-owned subsidiary CFE.  CFE owns 100 percent of the outstanding
Series C Convertible Preferred Stock and one million shares of the
Company's common stock.

GECC is also an affiliated entity to a customer (the Aircraft Engines
Division of General Electric Co.) that accounted for approximately 7, 9 and
12 percent of 1998, 1997 and 1996 net sales, respectively, and 7 and 8
percent of accounts receivable at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 22 of 24

16.  Industry Segment Information

The Company is currently segmented into eight business units.  The
Company's Kaynar, Microdot, M & M, Eagle, APS and K-FAST business units
design and manufacture products that are sold principally to the commercial
aircraft and defense industries.  The Company's Recoil and Marson business
units design and manufacture inserts, blind rivets and related installation
tools used primarily in the automotive, electrical and other non-aerospace
industries.  The following table illustrates the Company's financial data
by industry segment for the past three years.

                                For the Years Ended December 31,
Sales by Segment:
Commercial Aircraft
  and Defense (2)            $169,401 $137,889  $95,156
     Industrial (1)(3)         16,111   12,540    3,867
                             -------- --------  -------
Total Sales                  $185,512 $150,429  $99,023

Operating Income by Segment:
Commercial Aircraft and
  Defense (2)               $ 30,192  $ 25,892  $13,464
     Industrial (1)(3)         1,783     1,645      238
     Corporate Expenses       (3,124)  (2,952)    (866)
                             -------- --------  -------
Total Operating Income       $ 28,851 $ 24,585  $12,836

Depreciation and Amortization by Segment:
Commercial Aircraft and
  Defense (2)               $  5,822  $  3,209  $ 2,304
     Industrial (1)(3)           950       609      309
                             -------- --------  -------
Total Depreciation and
 Amortization                $  6,772  $  3,818  $ 2,613

Total Assets by Segment:
Commercial Aircraft and
Defense (2)                  $144,817 $ 86,571 $58,429
     Industrial (1)(3)         54,542   15,085  15,260
                             -------- --------  -------
Total Assets                 $199,359 $101,656  $73,689

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 23 of 24

(1) In August 1996, the Company purchased its Recoil business unit which
  has been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting and,
  accordingly, their operating results have been included in the results
  of operations since mid-August 1996.

(2) In July 1998, the Company purchased its M & M business unit which has
  been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting and,
  accordingly, their operating results have been included in the results
  of operations since late-July 1998.

(3) In October 1998, the Company purchased its Marson business unit which
  has been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting and,
  accordingly, their operating results have been included in the results
  of operations since late-October 1998.

17.  Quarterly Financial Data (unaudited)

                        Three months ended
1998                    March 29   June 28 September 27December 31
Net sales               $45,355   $46,824   $45,293   $48,040

Gross profit             13,881    14,630    13,458    14,320

Net income                4,275     4,351     3,402     2,842

Basic earnings per share   1.15      1.16      0.69      0.56

Diluted earnings per share 0.48      0.49      0.37      0.31

Stock price per share
  High                     29.50     34.50     24.00     27.50
  Low                      24.00     22.25     11.50      8.00

                        Three months ended
1997                    March 30   June 29 September 28December 31

Net sales               $32,202   $37,250   $37,884   $43,093

Gross profit              9,233    11,036    11,903    13,867

Net income                2,169     2,933     3,388     4,100

Basic earnings per share   1.35      1.03      0.92      1.11

Diluted earnings per share 0.32      0.36      0.38      0.46

Stock price per share
  High                      -        19.87     30.25     34.12
  Low                       -        14.50     18.50     24.50

                       Exhibit 99.2 / Page 24 of 24