DEFERRED BONUS PLAN
 January 21,1998; Amended January 7, 1999; and Amended April 8,

Section 1.       Purpose

This Plan permits Recipients to elect to defer payment of their

Section 2.       Definitions

(a)      "Bonus" means the amount of Bonus (payable in shares of
         Inc. common stock) a Participant is entitled to receive
as determined
         by the Committee in connection with 1998 or 1999
         Transactions .

(b)      "Bonus Deferral Election" means an election to defer
payment of a
         Bonus until a date specified by the Participant, which
date shall not
         be later than December 31, 2005.

(c)      "Bonus Deferral Participant" means a Recipient who has
made a Bonus
         Deferral Election and who has been designated by the
Committee as
         eligible to participate in the Plan.

(d)      "Committee" means the Compensation and Stock Option
Committee of the
         Board, which Committee shall administer this Plan, as
provided in
         Section 10 hereof.

(e)      "Corporation" means Banner Aerospace, Inc. and its

(f)      "Deferred Bonus" means Bonus deferred pursuant to the
terms of this

(g)      "Deferred Bonus Account" means the account or accounting
entry which
         signifies the total amount of Deferred Bonus for a
particular fiscal
         year with respect to each Bonus Deferral Participant.

(h)      "Deferred Bonus Election Form" means the form by which
an eligible
         person elects to become a Bonus Deferral Participant.

(i)      "Designation of Beneficiary Form" means the form by
which a
         Participant designates a beneficiary or beneficiaries,
or modifies a
         prior designation of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.


(j)      "Participant" means a Recipient who is a Bonus Deferral

(k)      "Plan" shall mean this Deferred Bonus Plan, or any
amendment thereto.

(1)      "Payment Date" means each date the Participant elects to
         payment of all or a portion of the Deferred Bonus.

(m)      "Recipient" means a person who (i) has been designated
by the
         Committee to be entitled to participate in this Plan,
and (ii) is
         deemed to be an "Accredited Investor"(as defined under
         Securities Laws). A Recipient need not be an employee of
         Corporation. Recipients participating in the Plan shall
provide such
         certifications and other evidence as the Corporation may
         require to establish that they are Accredited Investors.

(n)      "Undistributed Balance" of any Deferred Bonus means that
portion of
         any Deferred Bonus which has not been distributed to the
Bonus Deferral
         Participant by dint of his or her Bonus Deferral

Section 3.         Eligibility

     Each Recipient, or other person deemed eligible to receive a
Bonus as
determined by the Committee, is eligible to make a Bonus Deferral
Election and
become a Bonus Deferral Participant.

Section 4.         Participation

     In order to participate in the Plan, a Recipient must make a
valid Bonus
Deferral Election by executing and filing with the Corporation,
before the
period of time for which the Recipient would otherwise be
eligible to receive
the Bonus being deferred, a Bonus Deferral Election Form and a
Designation of
Beneficiary From.

     A Participant's Bonus Deferral Election defers payment of
Bonus awarded
after the date of the adoption of the Plan to the Payment Date
designated by
the Participant. Interest shall be paid by the Corporation on the
Balance of any Deferred Bonus at 8% per annum, compounded
annually, as computed
in accordance with Section 5. The Bonus Deferral Election is
irrevocable, but
each Participant may at any time or from time to time amend the
designation of
beneficiary or beneficiaries.

      Each  Participant may, at any time or from  time  to  time,
amend  the  designation  of  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries.   In
addition, each Participant may, at any time or from time to time,
amend the Bonus Deferral Election; provided, however, that:   (i)
such amendments are made before the applicable bonus is otherwise
payable;  (ii)  such  amendments may  only  extend  the  deferral
period,  and may not shorten the deferral period; and  (iii)  the
deferral period may not, in any event, extend beyond December 31,


     The Corporation shall establish a single Deferred Bonus
Account and shall
credit to that Deferred Bonus Account the Bonus designated by
each and all

Section 5.         Payment of Accounts and Method of Computation

     Except as provided in Section 7 below, payment shall be made
to each
Participant from the Deferred Bonus Account on the Payment Date
specified in
that Participant's Deferral Bonus Election Form.

Section 6.         Form of Bonus and Payment

     The Bonus eligible to be deferred represents a fixed number
of shares of
common stock of AlliedSignal Inc. owned by the Corporation. The
closing stock
price of such stock on the date the Bonus is awarded by the
Committee will be
used to calculate interest under Section 4, which amount will be
increased by
interest earned in prior periods for purposes of computing the
annual interest
to be calculated under Section 4. Any dividends payable on such
stock during
the deferral period shall be paid for the benefit of the
Corporation. The
number of Shares shall be adjusted to give effect to any stock
splits or other
recapitalization events of AlliedSignal Inc., which could affect
the number of
Shares held during the deferral period. Distributions of Bonus to
a Participant
shall be made in kind. Distributions of interest to a Participant
shall be made
in cash at such time and in such proportion as payments of Bonus,
as designated
on the Participant's Bonus Deferral Election.

Section 7.         Death of a Participant

     Upon the death of a Participant, the full amount held for
him or her in
the Deferred Bonus Account shall be paid to the beneficiary or
beneficiaries of
such Account designated by the Participant on his last submitted
Designation of
Beneficiary Form for such account.

Section 8.         Participant's Rights Unsecured

     The right of the Participant or any beneficiary of a
Participant to
receive any distribution hereunder shall be an unsecured claim
against the
general assets of the Corporation. Notwithstanding anything
herein to the
contrary, the Corporation shall not sell, transfer or otherwise
alienate the
Deferred Bonus Account, and the stock held therein, except for
distributions to
Participants or their beneficiary or beneficiaries in accordance
with this
Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may vote the
stock of
AlliedSignal, Inc. which is subject to the Plan, participate in
reorganizations, recapitalizations, mergers or other events and
receive all
proceeds in liquidation of AlliedSignal Inc.


Section 9.         Participant's Interest is Nonforfeitable

     The interest of a Participant or any beneficiary of a
Participant in his
Deferred Bonus Account shall in all events be vested and
irrespective of any continuing relationship between the
Participant and the

Section 10.        Administration of the Plan - Committee

     The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The
Committee shall act
by vote of a majority of its members or by unanimous written
consent. The Plan
may be amended, modified, or terminated by the Committee, except
that no such
action shall (without the consent of the Participant, or, if the
has deceased, any beneficiary or beneficiaries, distributed or
representative) alter the rights of a Participant with respect to
the Deferred
Bonus Account established pursuant to this Plan prior to the date
of such
amendment, modification or termination.

Section 11.        Alienation

     Neither the Deferred Bonus Account nor any amount, the
payment of which
has been deferred under this Plan, shall be subject in any manner
to the
Participant's or his creditor's sale, transfer, levy or charge,
and any attempt
by such Participant or his creditors to so alienate, sell,
transfer, levy or
charge the same shall be void; nor shall any such amount be in
any manner
subject to the debts, contracts, liabilities, engagements or
torts of the

Section 12.        Taxes

     The Participants and their beneficiaries, distributees, and
representative will bear all Federal, foreign, state, local or
other income or
other taxes imposed on amounts paid under this Plan. All such
taxes shall be
computed by, and remitted to, the Corporation at each Payment
Date, for deposit
by the Corporation with the appropriate taxing jurisdiction.

Section 13.        Consent

     By electing to become a Participant, each Recipient shall be
conclusively to have accepted and consented to all the terms of
this Plan and
all actions or decisions made by the Corporation, or the
Committee with regard
to the Plan. Such terms and consent shall also apply to and be
binding upon the
beneficiaries, distributees, and personal representatives and
other successors
in interest of each Participant.


Section 14.        Severability

     In the event any provision of this Plan would serve to
invalidate the
Plan, that provision shall be deemed to be null and void, and the
Plan shall be
construed as if it did not contain the particular provision that
would make it

Section 15.        Applicable Law

The Plan shall be interpreted and construed under the laws of the
State of

Section 16.        No Right of Continuing Employment

     Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring
upon the
Participant the right to continue in the employment of the

Amendment Date April 8, 1999

On April 8, 1999, Banner became a wholly-owned subsidiary of The
Fairchild Corporation.  The Boards of Directors of Fairchild and
Banner amended the Banner Deferred Bonus Plan to provide as
follows, effective as of May 21, 1999:

          1.   The Plan shall henceforth be administered by the
          Fairchild Compensation & Stock Option Committee rather
          than the Banner Compensation & Stock Option Committee.

          2.   The shares of AlliedSignal common stock presently
          held in each Participant's Deferred Bonus Account  may
          be sold, at the election of the Fairchild Board, and
          proceeds from such sale may be reinvested in other
          securities.  Each Participant's Deferred Bonus Account
          shall be credited with the proceeds or new securities,
          as applicable, from the sale and reinvestments of the
          AlliedSignal shares presently credited to such
          Participant's account.

          3.   In the future, the Fairchild Board may authorize
          further sales and reinvestments of any securities held
          at any time in each Participant's Deferred Bonus
          Account, and such Participant's account shall be
          credited with the proceeds or securities from any such
          sales and reinvestments.

          4.   Upon a Participant's request, the Participant
          shall be notified of the type and number of securities
          held in his/her Deferred Bonus Account.

          5.   Upon termination of each Participant's bonus
          deferral period, he/she shall be entitled to receive
          accrued interest (as provided in the Plan), and the
          proceeds or securities (as the case may be) credited to
          his/her Deferred Bonus Account as per paragraphs 2 and
          3 above.