WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                            December 13, 1999 (December 12, 1999)
                Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                   Delaware                      1-6560
         (State of Other Jurisdiction    (Commission File Number)
                of Incorporation

                       (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

                         45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 400
                            Dulles, Virginia 20166-7516
          (Address of Principal Executive Offices, Including Zip Code)

                                 (703) 478-5800
             (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

                                  Not Applicable
          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)


     On December 1, 1999, we consummated the previously announced disposition of
substantially  all  the assets and certain liabilities of our Dallas  Aerospace,
Inc. subsidiary to Turbine Airfoil Refurbishment Services, Inc., a subsidiary of
United Technologies Corporation, for approximately $57 million in cash.

     Additional  information regarding the disposition is set forth in  a  press
release included as an exhibit to this Report on Form 8-K.


(c)  Exhibits.

Exhibit No.    Description

2                         Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of October 22,  1999
               among  The Fairchild Corporation, Banner Aerospace, Inc.,  Dallas
               Aerospace,  Inc.,  and  United Technologies  Corporation,  acting
               through its Pratt & Whitney Division.

99.1                     Press Release of The Fairchild Corporation, dated
               December 1, 1999 (filed herewith).

99.2                     Unaudited pro forma consolidated statements of earnings
               for  the year ended June 30, 1999 and for the three months  ended
               October  3,  1999,  and unaudited pro forma consolidated  balance
               sheet as of October 3, 1999, giving effect to the disposition  of
               Dallas Aerospace.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  December 13, 1999

                         THE FAIRCHILD CORPORATION

                         By:  Donald E. Miller
                              Executive Vice President

                                                                       Exhibit 2

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      THIS  ASSET  PURCHASE  AGREEMENT,  dated  as  of  October  22,  1999  (the
"Agreement"),  is  among  The  Fairchild  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation
("Fairchild"), Banner Aerospace, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Parent"), Dallas
Aerospace,  Inc.,  a  Texas  corporation  ("Seller"),  and  United  Technologies
Corporation, a Delaware corporation, acting through its Pratt & Whitney Division

     WHEREAS, Parent is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fairchild.

      WHEREAS, Seller is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent principally engaged
in the business of buying, selling and leasing aircraft engines, buying, selling
and  brokering  new and used aircraft engine parts and related  aircraft  parts,
providing  aircraft engine repair management services and contracting as  engine
overhaul  providers,  all  with respect to Large Aircraft  Engines  (as  defined
herein) (the "Business").

      WHEREAS,  Seller wishes to sell and transfer to Purchaser (or an Affiliate
of  Purchaser), and Purchaser  (or an Affiliate of Purchaser) wishes to  acquire
from  Seller,  all of the assets of Seller, except for certain excluded  assets,
and   assume  certain  specified  liabilities,  as  further  described  in  this
Agreement, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.

       WHEREAS,   the  parties  to  this  Agreement  desire  to   make   certain
representations,  warranties and agreements in connection with the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and also to prescribe certain conditions thereto.

      NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements  and
undertakings  set  forth herein, and for other good and valuable  consideration,
the  receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties  hereto,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                              CERTAIN DEFINED TERMS

      1.1.  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement, the following  terms  shall
have the following meanings:

      "Accounts Receivable" shall mean all accounts, notes and other receivables
of  Seller  on  the  Closing  Date  other than receivables  listed  on  Schedule

     "Acquired Assets" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(a).

      "Acquired Contracts" shall mean all rights under Contracts to which Seller
is  a  party  or  by  which Seller is bound other than the Contracts  listed  on
Schedule 2.1(b)(2).

      "Acquired Intellectual Property" shall mean all Intellectual Property that
is  owned,  used  or  held for use by Seller in connection  with  the  Business,
including the name "Dallas Aerospace" but excluding the Banner-Dallas Logo.

     "Acquisition Proposal" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.14.

      "Administrative Services Agreement" shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.16.

      "Affiliate" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any other Person  that
directly  or  indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under  common  control
with such first Person.  For purposes of the definition of "Affiliate," the term
"control"  and other like terms mean, with respect to any Person,  ownership  or
control, directly or indirectly, of more than fifty percent (50%) of the  issued
and  outstanding  capital stock or other equity interest having ordinary  voting
power  to elect a majority of the board of directors or other governing body  of
such  Person,  irrespective of whether other securities or equity  interests  of
such  person  shall or might have such voting power upon the occurrence  of  any

      "Agreed Accounting Principles" shall mean GAAP consistently applied,  with
those modifications and adjustments set forth on Schedule 1.1(a).

     "Allocation Statement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(a).

     "Applicable Law" shall mean any domestic or foreign federal, state or local
statute, law, ordinance, rule, administrative interpretation, regulation, order,
writ,  injunction,  directive,  judgment, decree,  policy,  guideline  or  other
requirement  applicable to the Business, or to Seller or any of its  properties,
assets, officers, directors, employees or agents, as the case may be.

     "Assumed Liabilities" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2(a).

      "Bank  Leases" shall mean those Contracts described in Schedule  4.1  (cc)
hereto  pursuant  to  which Seller leases, as lessee, the engines  described  in
Schedule 4.1 (i).

      "Banner-Dallas Logo" shall mean the logo used by Parent  and  all  of  its
subsidiaries, including Seller, in connection with their respective businesses.

      "Benefit  Plan" shall mean any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan or  other  plan,
program,  arrangement  or policy (written or oral) relating  to  stock  options,
stock  purchases,  compensation (other than normal payroll practices),  deferred
compensation,  severance, fringe benefits or other employee benefits  maintained
or  contributed to, or required to be maintained or contributed to,  by  Parent,
Seller  or  any  Commonly Controlled Entity for the benefit of  any  present  or
former directors, officers or employees of Seller.

      "Books  and Records" shall mean all books of accounts, general, financial,
accounting and personnel records, files, invoices, present and former  customers
and  suppliers  lists and other data, whether in hard copy  or  computer  format
relating to the Business or to the Acquired Assets, and any information relating
to Taxes of the Business, including copies of any Tax Returns filed by Seller.

     "Business" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

      "Business Day" shall mean any day other than any Saturday, Sunday or other
day  on  which  commercial banks in New York, New York, or  Dallas,  Texas,  are
required or authorized by law or regulation to close.

      "Capital Lease" shall mean a lease of (or other arrangements conveying the
right  to  use)  real or personal property of Seller which  is  required  to  be
classified and accounted for as a capital lease or a liability on the face of  a
balance  sheet  of  Seller  in accordance with GAAP,  and  the  amount  of  such
obligation shall be the capitalized amount thereof in accordance with GAAP,  and
the  stated  maturity thereof shall be the earlier of (1) the date of  the  last
payment of rent or any other amount due under such lease, and (2) the first date
upon  which  such  lease may be terminated by the lessee without  payment  of  a
penalty;  provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, this definition
shall exclude the Operating Leases listed on Schedule 1.1(c) hereto.

      "Capital Lease Obligation" shall mean any obligation of Seller to pay rent
or other amounts under a Capital Lease.

     "CERCLA" shall mean the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C.  9601 et seq.

     "Closing" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

     "Closing Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

      "Closing Date Balance Sheet" shall mean, collectively, the Proposed  Final
Closing Date Balance Sheet and the Final Closing Date Balance Sheet.

     "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

      "Commonly  Controlled Entity" shall mean any Person  that,  together  with
Parent or Seller, is treated as a single employer under Section 414(b), (c), (m)
or (o) of the Code.

     "Competitive Business" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(a).

      "Contracts"  shall  mean  all contracts, leases,  indentures,  agreements,
commitments  and  all other legally binding arrangements, in each  case  whether
oral or written.

     "Conveyance Documents" shall mean any assignment and assumption agreements,
warranty deeds, bills of sale, endorsements and other instruments of conveyance,
transfer, assignment and further assurances.

     "Customer Leases" shall mean those Contracts described in Schedule 4.1 (ee)
hereto  pursuant to which Seller leases, as lessor, those engines  described  in
Schedule 4.1 (i) to the parties identified in such Schedule.

     "Designated Auditor" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b).

      "Doubtful Accounts" shall mean the accounts receivable listed on  Schedule

     "Employees'' shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

     "Employment  Contracts" shall mean all agreements between  Seller  and  any
Person   including,  without  limitation,  any  agreement  with   an   employee,
consultant, or other independent contractor relating to the terms and conditions
of  the  Person's employment with Seller, including the termination thereof,  or
any change in control with respect to Seller.

     "Employment Restriction Period" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

      "Environmental  Condition" shall mean the presence, whether  disclosed  or
undisclosed at the time of the Closing, and existing as of the Closing Date,  in
surface  water,  groundwater, drinking water supplies, land surface,  subsurface
strata,  above-ground or underground tanks or containers or ambient air  of  any
chemical substance or contaminating substance arising out of or related  to  the
operations or other activities of the Seller or any predecessor to the Seller in
title, interest or possession of property or line of business.

      "Environmental  Laws"  shall mean any and all applicable  treaties,  laws,
regulations,   ordinances,  enforceable  requirements,  binding  determinations,
orders,  decrees,  judgments, injunctions, permits,  approvals,  authorizations,
licenses  or  binding  agreements issued, promulgated or  entered  into  by  any
Governmental Entity, relating to the environment, preservation or reclamation of
natural  resources, or to the management, Release or threatened  Release  of  or
exposure  to Hazardous Substances, including CERCLA, the Federal Water Pollution
Control  Act,  33 U.S.C.  1251 et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42  U.S.C.   7401  et
seq.,  the  Toxic  Substances  Control  Act,  15  U.S.C.   2601  et  seq.,   the
Occupational  Safety  and  Health Act, 29 U.S.C.  651  et  seq.,  the  Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C.  11001 et seq.,  the
Safe  Drinking  Water  Act, 42 U.S.C.  300(f) et seq., the  Hazardous  Materials
Transportation  Act,  49 U.S.C.  1801 et seq., and any similar  or  implementing
state  or local law, and any applicable non-U.S. laws and regulations of similar
import, and any amendments or modifications to such laws or regulations  as  may
hereafter be promulgated.

      "Environmental  Liabilities" shall have the meaning set forth  in  Section

      "Environmental  Permits" shall mean all permits,  licenses,  approvals  or
authorizations  from any Governmental Entity required under  Environmental  Laws
for the operation of the Business.

      "Equipment"  shall  mean  all  personal property  and  interests  therein,
including  equipment,  machinery,  furniture, office  equipment,  communications
equipment, vehicles, spare and replacement parts, fuel, accessories,  tools  and
other tangible property.

      "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as

     "Excluded Assets'' shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(b).

      "Final  Closing Date Balance Sheet" shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.3(b).

     "Final Closing Date Net Asset Value" shall mean the book value of all
tangible assets reflected on the Final Closing Date Balance Sheet, less $575,000
and less the amount of all liabilities reflected on the Final Closing Date
Balance Sheet; provided, however, that the calculation for the Final Closing
Date Net Asset Value shall exclude (i) any Excluded Assets reflected on the
Final Closing Date Balance Sheet and (ii) any Retained Liabilities reflected on
the Final Closing Date Balance Sheet.

      "Financial  Statements"  shall  have the  meaning  set  forth  in  Section

     "GAAP" shall mean United States generally accepted accounting principles as
in effect on the date of this Agreement.

      "Governmental Entity" shall mean any court, administrative  or  regulatory
agency  or  commission,  crown corporation or other  governmental  authority  or
instrumentality, domestic, foreign or supranational.

      "Hazardous  Substances" shall mean all explosive or regulated  radioactive
materials  or  substances, hazardous or toxic materials,  wastes  or  chemicals,
petroleum  and petroleum products (including crude oil or any fraction thereof),
asbestos  or asbestos containing materials, and all other materials or chemicals
regulated  pursuant to any Environmental Law, including materials listed  in  49
C.F.R.   172.101 and materials defined as hazardous pursuant to Section  101(14)

      "HSR  Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act  of
1976, as amended.

      "Indebtedness" shall mean all (1) secured and unsecured debt for  borrowed
money,  (2)  obligations evidenced by notes, bonds, debentures or other  similar
instruments,  (3) reimbursement obligations with respect to letters  of  credit,
bankers'  acceptances  or similar facilities, (4) obligations  incurred  as  the
deferred   purchase   price   of  property,  (5)  Capital   Lease   Obligations,
(6) Operating Lease Liabilities, and (7) guaranties, assurances or other similar
obligations  (whether direct or indirect, contingent or otherwise) with  respect
to another Person's debts or obligations.

      "Indemnified  Loss" shall mean any Loss that is subject to indemnification
under Article VIII.

      "Indemnified Party" shall mean any Purchaser Indemnified Party  or  Seller
Indemnified Party entitled to indemnification under Article VIII.

      "Indemnifying  Party"  shall mean any party  to  this  Agreement  that  is
obligated to provide indemnification under Article VIII.

     "Intellectual Property" shall mean all domestic and foreign letters patent,
patents,  patent  applications,  docketed patent disclosures,  patent  licenses,
other    patent   rights,   trademarks,   trademark   registrations,   trademark
applications, trademark licenses, other trademark rights, service marks, service
mark  registrations,  service mark applications, service  mark  licenses,  other
service  mark  rights,  company names, trade names, trade name  licenses,  trade
dress,  brand names, brand marks, logos, slogans, ideas, processes,  copyrights,
copyright  registrations, copyright applications, Know-How,  Know-How  licenses,
computer software owned, computer software licenses, computer data, licenses and
sublicenses  granted  and  obtained with respect  thereto,  and  any  divisions,
extensions,  renewals, reissues, continuations, or continuations  in  part,  and
rights  thereunder,  remedies  against  infringement  thereof,  and  rights   to
protection of interests therein under the laws of all jurisdictions with respect
to any of the foregoing.

      "Inventory" shall mean any whole or disassembled engines, supplies,  parts
and other inventories.

      "Key  Employee  Restriction Period" shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.4(b).

      "Knowledge"  or  "knowledge" or "known" shall mean, with  respect  to  the
Seller  or  Seller Parties, the knowledge of any of the officers,  directors  or
employees of such party who are listed on Schedule 1.1(b).

      "Know-How" shall mean trade secrets, know-how (including product  know-how
and  use  and  application  know-how),  formulas,  processes,  product  designs,
inventions, specifications, quality control procedures, manufacturing, cost  and
pricing  data,  parts  trading  information,  engineering  and  other  drawings,
technology, technical information, safety information, lab journals, engineering
data and design and engineering specifications, research records, market surveys
and  promotional  literature,  customer and supplier  lists  and  similar  data,
including all depictions, descriptions, drawings and plans thereof.

     "Legal Proceeding" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(t).

     "Liability" shall mean any liability (whether known or unknown, asserted or
unasserted,  absolute  or  contingent,  accrued  or  unaccrued,  liquidated   or
unliquidated, and due or to become due), including any liability for Taxes.

      "Lien"  shall  mean any lien, mortgage, claim, charge, security  interest,
easement, right-of-way, limitation, restriction, pledge or other encumbrance  of
any kind or nature whatsoever.

      "Loss"  shall  mean any liability, debt, obligation, cost, demand,  claim,
charge,  cause  of  action,  suit,  proceeding, assessment,  interest,  expense,
deficiency,  fee,  damage,  penalty,  fine,  Tax,  or  loss,  whether  absolute,
contingent,  accrued  or  otherwise, including, without  limitation,  reasonable
attorneys', accountants', consultants' or experts' fees and disbursements.

      "Operating Leases" shall mean the leases of property, plant or  equipment,
including aircraft engines, set forth in Schedule 1.1(c).

     "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

      "Pension  Plan"  shall mean any employee pension benefit plan  within  the
meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA.

      "Permits"  shall  mean  all permits, licenses, franchises,  approvals  and
authorizations  from any Governmental Entity that are owned or  held  by  Seller
that  relate to the operation of the Business, including those items  listed  on
Schedule 4.1(h).

      "Permitted Liens" shall mean any (1) Liens for Taxes not yet due or  being
contested  in good faith, and for which adequate accruals or reserves have  been
established on the Valuation Date Balance Sheet, the Proposed Final Closing Date
Balance  Sheet  or the Final Closing Date Balance Sheet, as of their  respective
dates, (2) mechanics', workmen's, materialmen's, landlords', carriers' or  other
like  Liens,  in  each case arising in the ordinary course  of  business,  which
secure  payment  of  obligations which are not  past  due  or  which  are  being
diligently  contested  in good faith by appropriate proceedings  and  which  are
indemnified by Seller, (3) Liens which have arisen in the ordinary course of the
Business  and have not been incurred in connection with the borrowing of  money,
and  (4)  Liens  described on Schedule 4.1(d) (other than the  Credit  Agreement
Lien), (as defined in Schedule 4.1(d)).

      "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,  corporation,  partnership,  joint
venture, trust, business association, organization, Governmental Entity or other

      "Prepaid  Expenses"  shall mean any prepaid insurance,  interest,  leases,
rents,  taxes, advertising, operating supplies, deposits or other expenses,  and
any claims for refunds (excluding claims for refunds with respect to any Taxes).

      "Proposed  Final Closing Date Balance Sheet" shall have  the  meaning  set
forth in Section 2.3(b).

     "Protected Parties" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(b).

     "Purchase Price" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

      "Purchase  Price Adjustment" shall have the meaning set forth  in  Section

     "Purchaser" shall have the meaning set forth in the first paragraph of this

     "Purchaser Basket" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.2(b).

      "Purchaser Breach of Representation" shall have the meaning set  forth  in
Section 8.2(a).

     "Purchaser Cap" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.2(b).

      "Purchaser Indemnified Losses" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Purchaser Indemnified Parties" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Purchaser Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a materially adverse  effect
on the ability of the Purchaser to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

     "Real Property" shall mean all real property and interests in real property
owned, leased, used or held for use.

      "Release"  shall  mean any spill, emission, leaking,  pumping,  injection,
deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching, emanation or migration of any
Hazardous Substance in, into, onto or through the environment, including ambient
air,  surface  water,  ground  water, soils, land  surface,  subsurface  strata,
workplace or structure.

     "Required Consents" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.5.

     "Restricted Parties" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(a).

     "Restriction Period" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(a).

     "Retained Accounts Receivable" shall mean the accounts receivable listed on
Schedule 2.1(b)(1).

     "Retained Liabilities" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

     "Review Period" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b).

      "Seller" shall have the meaning set forth in the first paragraph  of  this

     "Seller Basket" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1(b).

      "Seller  Breach  of Representation" shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 8.1(a)(1).

     "Seller Cap" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1(b).

     "Seller Documents" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(b).

      "Seller  Indemnified Losses" shall have the meaning set forth  in  Section

      "Seller  Indemnified Parties" shall have the meaning set forth in  Section

      "Seller  Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a material adverse effect  on
the  business,  assets,  results of operations or  financial  condition  of  the
Business, including the value of the Acquired Assets, the amount of the  Assumed
Liabilities  or  the  ability of Seller to perform its  obligations  under  this
Agreement  except for any such changes resulting solely from changes in  general
economic, regulatory or political conditions or changes that affect the industry
in general.

     "Seller Parties" shall mean, collectively, Fairchild, Parent and Seller.

      "Tax"  or "Taxes" shall mean all federal, state, local, foreign  or  other
governmental taxes, assessments, duties, fees, levies or similar charges of  any
kind, including all environmental, excise, property, education, occupation, use,
intangibles,  sales,  value-added,  payroll, employment  and  other  withholding
taxes,  including all interest, penalties and additions imposed with respect  to
such amounts or for failure to timely file a Tax Return.

      "Tax  Liabilities"  shall mean all liabilities or  obligations  of  Seller
(including  under  any agreement relating to Taxes) for (1)  Taxes  for  taxable
periods  ending  on or before the Closing Date, and (2) Taxes for  the  portion,
ending on the Closing Date, of any taxable period that includes but does not end
on   the  Closing  Date,  including  any  Taxes  relating  to  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.  For purposes of calculating the amount of Taxes
described  in  clause  (2)  of  the  preceding  sentence,  the  Tax  Liabilities
attributable to any such portion shall be, in the case of any Tax, the amount of
any such Tax accruing, or with respect to the activities of Seller occurring, on
or  before  the Closing Date.  Tax Liabilities shall include all liabilities  or
obligations  for  Taxes  of Seller (including under any  agreement  relating  to
Taxes)  resulting directly or indirectly from the transactions  contemplated  by
this  Agreement, including all Taxes arising from the settlement of intercompany
accounts   pursuant  to  Section  5.13  or  the  recognition  of  any   deferred
intercompany  gain, provided, however, that Tax Liabilities  shall  not  include
Transfer Taxes.

     "Tax Return" shall mean any return (including information returns), report,
declaration or statement relating to Taxes, including any schedule or attachment
thereto or amendment thereof.

     "Third Party Claim" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.4(a).

      "Third  Party  Rights" shall mean any rights, claims, credits,  causes  of
action,  rights of set-off, or unliquidated rights under any manufacturers'  and
vendors' warranties that Seller has or may have against any Person not  a  party
to this Agreement.

      "Transfer  Taxes''  shall mean all transfer, stock transfer,  documentary,
stamp,  sales,  use,  registration  and  other  similar  Taxes  (including   all
applicable  real  estate  transfer Taxes and notary fees)  and  related  amounts
(including  any penalties, interest and additions to Tax) incurred in connection
with  the  transfer  of  the Acquired Assets from Seller to  Purchaser  pursuant

     "Valuation Date" shall mean March 31, 1999.

     "Valuation Date Balance Sheet" shall mean the balance sheet of the Business
as  of the Valuation Date, which is attached hereto as Schedule 4.1(c), prepared
in  accordance with GAAP, consistently applied, except as set forth on  Schedule

      "Welfare  Plan"  shall mean any employee welfare benefit plan  within  the
meaning of Section 3(1) of ERISA.

     "Year 2000 Compliant" means with respect to any Person, that all software
and hardware of such Person and its Affiliates used in connection with their
business (a) uses date data century recognition and, as appropriate, same
century and multi-century formulas and date values in each instance for all
calculations for which a date is used, (b) will not abnormally end or provide
invalid or incorrect results as a result of date data, specifically including
date data which represent or reference different centuries or more than one
century, and (c) otherwise conforms with the current industry standards in order
that such software will fully perform without any errors or other problems due
to the year being greater than 1999 (including, without limitation, errors or
other problems due to the year 2000 having three zeros in it or the year 2000
being a leap year).

      Section  1.2.    Other Terms.  Other initially capitalized  terms  may  be
defined elsewhere in the text of this Agreement and, unless otherwise indicated,
shall have such meaning throughout this Agreement.

     Section 1.3.   Other Definitional Provisions.  The words "hereof," "herein"
and "hereunder," and words of similar import, when used in this Agreement, shall
refer  to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of  this
Agreement.   All  references to Sections, Schedules  or  Exhibits  shall  be  to
Sections,  Schedules or Exhibits of this Agreement, unless otherwise  indicated.
Whenever  the  words  "included," "includes" or "including"  are  used  in  this
Agreement,  they  shall  be  deemed  to  be  followed  by  the  words   "without
limitation."  The terms defined in the singular shall have a comparable  meaning
when  used  in  the plural, and vice versa. All personal pronouns used  in  this
Agreement,  whether  used  in the masculine, feminine or  neuter  gender,  shall
include  all other genders where the context so requires.  Any accounting  terms
not  defined in this Agreement shall have their meanings under GAAP.  The  terms
"dollars", "Dollars" and "$" shall mean United States dollars.

                                   ARTICLE II

     Section 2.1.   Sale and Purchase of Acquired Assets.

     (a)  At the Closing, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth
in  this  Agreement, Parent agrees to cause Seller, and Seller agrees, to  sell,
assign, transfer, convey and deliver to Purchaser, free and clear of any and all
Liens,  other than Permitted Liens, and Purchaser agrees to purchase and  accept
from  Seller,  the Acquired Assets and all right, title and interest  of  Seller
therein.   The  term  "Acquired  Assets" means  all  of  the  assets,  business,
property,   buildings,   machines,  equipment,  tools,  appliances,   furniture,
fixtures, contracts, claims and other rights of Seller as of the Closing Date of
whatever kind and nature, tangible or intangible, real or personal, existing  or
hereafter  acquired,  and wherever located, other than the Excluded  Assets  (as
defined  in  Section  2.1(b)  below).   The  Acquired  Assets  include,  without
limitation, the following:

     (1)  all Accounts Receivable;

     (2)  all Acquired Contracts;

     (3)  all Acquired Intellectual Property;

     (4)  all Books and Records;

     (5)  all Equipment;

     (6)  all Inventory;

     (7)  all Permits;

     (8)  Prepaid Expenses relating to the Business as conducted in the ordinary
          course of business;

     (9)  all Real Property;

     (10) all Operating Leases;

     (11) all Third-Party Rights relating solely to the Acquired Assets; and

     (12) all goodwill associated with the Business or the Acquired Assets,
          together with the right to represent to third parties that Purchaser
          is the acquirer of the Business, except as set forth on Schedule

      (b)  Notwithstanding anything in Section 2.1(a) to the contrary, from  and
after  the Closing, Seller shall retain all of its right, title and interest  in
and  to,  and  there  shall  be  excluded from the sale,  assignment,  transfer,
conveyance and delivery to Purchaser, the following assets, business,  property,
buildings,   machines,   equipment,  tools,  appliances,  furniture,   fixtures,
contracts,  claims  and  other  rights of Seller  (collectively,  the  "Excluded

     (1)  the   Retained  Accounts  Receivable  that  are  listed  on   Schedule

     (2)  all rights under Contracts that are listed on Schedule 2.1(b)(2);

               (3)   all  Intellectual  Property  that  is  listed  on  Schedule

     (4)  all  corporate  records, permits, licenses, franchises, approvals  and
          authorizations  from  any  Governmental  Entity  that  are  listed  on
          Schedule 2.1(b)(4);

     (5)  all Prepaid Expenses relating to the Excluded Assets and other Prepaid
          Expenses that are listed on Schedule 2.1(b)(5).

     (6)  all Third-Party Rights that relate solely to Excluded Assets;

     (7)  all cash and cash equivalents held by Seller;

     (8)  all  Pension  Plans and all amounts held in respect  of  Pension  Plan

     (9)  all  rights of Seller under this Agreement or any Conveyance Documents
          delivered in connection with this Agreement;

     (10) any employment, consulting or similar agreement, and any Contracts
          with foreign sales agents, except as set forth on Schedule 2.1(b)(10);

     (11) all capital stock or other equity interests in any Person (including,
          but not limited to the capital stock of PB Herndon Aerospace, Inc.);

     (12) all rights, claims, demands and judgments relating solely to the
          Excluded Assets or the Retained Liabilities; and

     (13) the JT8D-219 Engine purchased by CIS Air Corporation, Engine Serial
          Number 718418.

     Section 2.2.   Transfer and Assumption of Assumed Liabilities.

     (a)   On  and  subject  to  the  terms and conditions  of  this  Agreement,
Purchaser  agrees  to  assume and become responsible for all  of  the  following
(collectively, the "Assumed Liabilities"):

     (1)  obligations and liabilities arising after the Closing Date  under  the
          Acquired  Contracts  in  respect of the period following  the  Closing
          Date; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary
          contained  in  this Agreement or any document delivered in  connection
          herewith,   Purchaser's  obligations  in  respect   of   the   Assumed
          Liabilities will not extend beyond the extent to which the Seller  was
          obligated in respect thereof and will be subject to Purchaser's  right
          to contest in good faith the nature and extent of any Liability; and

     (2)  all  trade accounts payable relating to the Business that arise in the
          ordinary  course of business of Seller and are reflected in the  Final
          Closing Date Balance Sheet.

     (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement
or any document delivered in connection herewith, Purchaser will not assume or
have responsibility for any obligation or liability of Seller not included
within the definition of Assumed Liabilities.  Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, Purchaser shall not assume and shall have no liability or
obligation with respect to the following:

     (1)  obligations and liabilities which arise from, are based upon or relate
          to any event, action or failure to act occurring prior to the Closing,
          including, without limitation, any breach or default by Seller under
          any Acquired Contract, any tort committed by Seller, or any violations
          of Applicable Law, including any Environmental Laws;

     (2)  any claims for injury to person or property attributable to any
          services rendered by Seller prior to the Closing, regardless of
          whether such claims are asserted prior to or after the Closing;

     (3)  any claims by any employee or former employee of Seller arising out of
          the employment or termination of employment of the employee or former
          employee on or prior to the Closing Date or as a result of the
          transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, without
          limitation, under any Benefit Plan;

     (4)  any third party claims with respect to occurrences or events that
          occurred on or prior to the Closing Date and relate to Seller, its
          employees or the Acquired Assets, including, without limitation, any
          pending litigation;

     (5)  any liabilities and obligations based in any way on agreements,
          arrangements or understandings made by or on behalf of Seller or the
          Seller Parties, for any brokerage fees, finder's fees, commissions or
          like payments in respect of the transactions contemplated by this

     (6)  any costs incurred by Purchaser in connection with any claims or
          disputes arising from the requirements of any applicable bulk sales

     (7)  any liabilities of the Seller for federal, state, local or foreign
          income, transfer, sales, use or other Taxes, including, without
          limitation, Taxes arising in connection with the consummation of the
          transactions contemplated hereby (including any Taxes arising because
          the Seller is transferring the Acquired Assets), subject to Section

     (8)  any liability of Seller for any unpaid Taxes of any Person (other than
          Seller), as a transferee or successor, by contract or otherwise;

     (9)  any liability to any Affiliate of Seller;

     (10) any liability or obligation of Seller under this Agreement (or any
          agreement between Seller and Purchaser entered into on or after the
          date of this Agreement);

     (11) any liability or obligation of Seller relating to any business
          previously owned by Seller; or

     (12) all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments, judgments,
          costs, penalties and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'
          fees, incident to the foregoing.

For  convenience of reference, the liabilities and obligations of the Seller not
being assumed by Purchaser as aforesaid are hereinafter collectively referred to
as the "Retained Liabilities".

     Section 2.3.   Purchase Price.

     (a)  On the Closing Date, in consideration of the sale, assignment,
transfer, conveyance and delivery of the Acquired Assets by Seller to Purchaser,
Purchaser shall pay to Seller in immediately available funds an amount (the
"Purchase Price") equal to $57,000,000.  The Purchase Price shall be subject to
adjustment in accordance with Section 2.3(b) below.

      (b)   Within  120 days after the Closing Date, Purchaser will prepare  and
deliver  to  Seller a proposed final balance sheet of the Business  and  setting
forth  the Acquired Assets and the Assumed Liabilities as of 12:01 a.m.  on  the
Closing  Date  containing the information specified on, and  in  the  format  of
Schedule  2.3(b)  hereto and prepared in accordance with the  Agreed  Accounting
Principles (the "Proposed Final Closing Date Balance Sheet"). Seller shall  have
the right to have its representatives observe the physical inventory expected to
be  performed  by Purchaser in connection with the preparation of  the  Proposed
Final Closing Date Balance Sheet.  Seller and its representatives shall have  60
days  (the  "Review Period") to review the Proposed Final Closing  Date  Balance
Sheet  and  all supporting papers and documentation and to suggest  changes,  if
any,  therein.  If  30  days  after the end of the  Review  Period,  Seller  and
Purchaser  are  able to agree on the manner in which all items on  the  Proposed
Final  Closing  Date  Balance Sheet should be treated, then the  Proposed  Final
Closing Date Balance Sheet with such modifications as have been mutually  agreed
to  by  Seller  and  Purchaser, shall be binding on both parties  and  shall  be
referred to as the "Final Closing Date Balance Sheet." If 30 days after the  end
of  the Review Period, Seller and Purchaser are unable to agree on the manner in
which  any  item  or  items should be treated in the preparation  of  the  Final
Closing  Date Balance Sheet in accordance with the Agreed Accounting Principles,
then  all  items remaining in dispute shall be submitted to Ernst &  Young,  LLP
(the "Designated Auditor").  Seller and Purchaser acknowledge and agree that the
Designated  Auditor in the case of a dispute concerning the preparation  of  the
Final  Closing  Date Balance Sheet shall only resolve any such  dispute  on  the
basis  of  the  Agreed Accounting Principles. Each party agrees to  execute,  if
requested by the Designated Auditor, a reasonable engagement letter.   All  fees
and  expenses  relating to the work, if any, to be performed by  the  Designated
Auditor  shall be borne equally by Seller and Purchaser.  The Designated Auditor
shall act as an arbitrator to determine only those issues still in dispute.  The
Designated  Auditor's  determination  shall  be  made  within  30  days  of  the
submission to the Designated Auditor of any disputed item and shall be set forth
in  a  written statement delivered to Seller and Purchaser and shall  be  final,
binding and conclusive.

      (c)   The Purchase Price shall be subject to adjustment based on the Final
Closing  Date  Net Asset Value.  Within five (5) Business Days after  the  Final
Closing  Date  Balance Sheet has been determined: (1) if the Final Closing  Date
Net  Asset  Value is less than the Purchase Price, Seller shall pay to Purchaser
by  wire  transfer  of immediately available funds to an account  designated  by
Purchaser  an amount of cash equal to such difference, expressed as  a  positive
number  or  (2)  if the Final Closing Date Net Asset Value is greater  than  the
Purchase  Price, Purchaser shall pay to Seller by wire transfer  of  immediately
available  funds to an account designated by Seller an amount of cash  equal  to
such difference, provided that in no event shall the Purchase Price, as adjusted
pursuant to this paragraph, exceed $62,500,000.  Any payment pursuant to  clause
(1)  or (2) of this Section 2.3(c) shall be deemed an adjustment to the Purchase
Price  and  is  referred  to  herein  as the "Purchase  Price  Adjustment."   In
addition,  any  payment by Seller or Purchaser pursuant to this paragraph  shall
include  simple interest thereon from the Closing Date through the payment  date
calculated at the annual rate of ten and three-quarters percent (10.75%).

     Section 2.4.   Allocation of Purchase Price.

     (a)  On or before the earlier of (i) 30 days after the determination of the
Final  Closing Date Balance Sheet and (ii) June 15, 2000, Purchaser will prepare
and  Seller shall approve, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld,  an
allocation  statement allocating the consideration hereunder to the identifiable
Acquired  Assets  (including  the allocation to  the  covenant  not  to  compete
described  in  Section 5.4) for all purposes, including financial reporting  and
Tax  purposes, pursuant to Section 1060 of the Code and any other applicable Tax
laws (the "Allocation Statement").

     (b)  Parent, Seller and Purchaser shall file and cause to be filed all Tax
Returns, and execute such other documents as may be required by any taxing
authority, in a manner consistent with the Allocation Statement.  Purchaser
shall prepare the required Internal Revenue Service forms pursuant to Sections
1060 of the Code (and the Treasury Regulations thereunder) relating to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement based on the Allocation Statement,
and shall deliver such forms to Parent and Seller.  Parent, Seller and Purchaser
shall file, or cause the filing of, such forms with each relevant taxing

     Section 2.5.   Mail, Packages and Other Communications.  From and after the
Closing Date:

      (a)  Purchaser shall have the right to receive and open all mail, packages
and  other  communications addressed to Seller that  appear  to  relate  to  the
Business,  the  Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities, and  to  retain  all
mail,  packages  and  other  communications that relate  to  the  Business,  the
Acquired  Assets  or  the  Assumed Liabilities.   Purchaser  agrees  to  deliver
promptly  to  Seller  all  mail,  packages and  other  communications  that  are
addressed  to  Seller  and  received by Purchaser, but  do  not  relate  to  the
Business, the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities.

      (b)  Seller agrees promptly to deliver to Purchaser any mail, packages  or
other  communications received directly or indirectly by Seller that  relate  to
the Business, the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities.

                                   ARTICLE III
                                   THE CLOSING

      Section  3.1.    Closing.   The closing of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby  (the "Closing") shall take place at the offices of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene
&  MacRae, L.L.P., 125 West 55th Street, New York, New York 10019-5389, at 10:00
a.m.  (local  time),  on the fifth business day following  the  satisfaction  or
waiver of all of the conditions to the Closing set forth in Article VII,  or  at
such  other time, date and place as the parties hereto may mutually agree  upon.
The  Closing shall be deemed effective as of the opening of business in  Dallas,
Texas  on the date of the Closing at 12:01 a.m., or such other time and date  as
the parties hereto may mutually agree upon (the "Closing Date").

     Section 3.2.   Transactions To Be Effected at the Closing.  At the Closing:

     (a)  Parent shall cause Seller to, and Seller shall, execute and deliver to
Purchaser all Conveyance Documents as Purchaser may reasonably require, in  form
and  substance  reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser, in order to  vest  in  and
confirm to Purchaser good and marketable title in and to the Acquired Assets.

      (b)   Purchaser shall deliver to Seller the Purchase Price  and  any  duly
executed Conveyance Documents requiring execution and delivery by Purchaser.

      (c)   Parent  and  Seller  shall execute and  deliver  to  Purchaser,  and
Purchaser  shall  execute  and deliver to Parent  and  Seller,  all  such  other
documents  as  any  party or its counsel may reasonably  request  at  least  two
business days prior to the Closing Date to demonstrate satisfaction or waiver of
the conditions and compliance with the agreements set forth herein.

                                   ARTICLE IV

      Section 4.1.   Representations and Warranties of the Seller Parties.   The
Seller  Parties,  jointly and severally, represent and warrant to  Purchaser  as

     (a)  Organization, Standing and Power.  The Seller Parties are corporations
duly  organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the  laws  of  the
jurisdictions  in  which  they  are  incorporated.   Seller  has  the  requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease the Acquired Assets and  to  carry
on  the  Business as presently being conducted. The Seller is duly  licensed  or
qualified  to  do  business in each jurisdiction in  which  the  nature  of  the
Business  conducted  by it or the character or location of  the  properties  and
assets  owned,  leased or operated by it makes such qualification  or  licensing
necessary,  except  where the failure to be so licensed or qualified  would  not
have a Seller Material Adverse Effect.

      (b)  Authority.  The Seller Parties have all corporate power and authority
to  execute and deliver this Agreement and the other agreements, instruments and
certificates to be executed and delivered pursuant hereto to the extent a  party
thereto and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby  (all
such other agreements, instruments and certificates being hereafter collectively
referred to as the "Seller Documents").  The execution, delivery and performance
of  this Agreement and each of the Seller Documents to which it is a party,  and
the  consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, have been
duly  authorized  by all necessary corporate action on the part  of  the  Seller
Parties.   This Agreement has been, and on or prior to the Closing each  of  the
Seller Documents will be, duly and validly executed and delivered by each of the
Seller  Parties party to such Seller Documents, and this Agreement  constitutes,
and each of the Seller Documents when so executed and delivered will constitute,
assuming  the due authorization, execution and delivery thereof by the Purchaser
the  valid  and  legally binding obligation of each of the Seller Parties  party
thereto,  enforceable  against  each of the  Seller  Parties  party  thereto  in
accordance  with  its  terms and conditions, except  to  the  extent  that  such
enforceability  (i)  may  be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,
moratorium  or  other similar laws relating to creditors' rights  generally,  or
(ii) is subject to general principles of equity.

     (c)  Financial Statements.

     (1) Attached hereto as Schedule 4.1(c) are the unaudited balance sheets
          and statements of income of the Seller as of and for the fiscal years
          ended March 31, 1998 and March 31, 1999 (the "Financial Statements").
          Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(c)(1), the Financial Statements
          have been prepared in accordance with GAAP, applied on a consistent
          basis throughout the periods covered thereby, and present fairly the
          financial position of the Seller as of such dates and the results of
          operations of the Seller for such periods.

     (2)  All  Liabilities  reflected on the Valuation Date  Balance  Sheet  are
          related  to the Business and arose only out of, or were incurred  only
          in  connection  with,  the conduct of the Business.   All  Liabilities
          reflected  on the Closing Date Balance Sheets will be related  to  the
          Business  and  will  arise only out of, or will be  incurred  only  in
          connection  with,  the conduct of the Business and will  include  only
          liabilities that constitute Assumed Liabilities.

      (d)   Acquired Assets.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(d) (other than
the  Credit Agreement Lien) and except for any Permitted Liens, Seller has,  and
will  deliver to Purchaser at the Closing, good and marketable title in  and  to
the  Acquired  Assets, free and clear of all Liens. The Acquired Assets  include
all  properties  and  assets used in the Business and all assets  shown  on  the
Valuation Date Balance Sheet, except for properties disposed of in the  ordinary
course  of  business  and  the  Excluded Assets, and  the  Acquired  Assets  are
sufficient  to  permit Purchaser to carry out the Business in substantially  the
same manner as conducted by Seller prior to the Closing.

       (e)    Real   Property.   Seller  does  not  own   any   Real   Property.
Schedule  4.1(e)  contains a list of all Real Property leased  or  subleased  by
Seller  in  connection with the Business.  True and correct copies of  all  such
leases  have been provided to Purchaser prior to the date hereof.  With  respect
to each lease and sublease listed in Schedule 4.1(e):

     (1)  the lease or sublease is legal, valid, binding, enforceable, and in
          full force and effect;

     (2)  the lease or sublease will continue to be legal, valid, binding,
          enforceable, and in full force and effect on identical terms following
          the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby provided that
          any consents required thereunder are received and except for the
          guarantees listed as items 4 and 5 on Schedule 4.1(e)(2);

     (3)  the Seller is not, and to Seller's knowledge no other party to the
          lease or sublease, is in breach or default, and no event has occurred
          which, with notice or lapse of time, would constitute a breach or
          default or permit termination, modification, or acceleration

     (4)  the Seller is not, and to the Seller's knowledge no other party to the
          lease or sublease has repudiated any provision thereof;

     (5)  there are no disputes, oral agreements, or forbearance programs in
          effect as to the lease or sublease;

     (6)  to the Seller's knowledge with respect to each sublease, the
          representations and warranties set forth in subsections (1) through
          (5) above are true and correct with respect to the underlying lease;

     (7)  Seller has not assigned, transferred, conveyed, mortgaged, deeded in
          trust, or encumbered any interest in the leasehold or subleasehold;

     (8)  all facilities leased or subleased thereunder have received all
          approvals of governmental authorities (including licenses and permits)
          required in connection with the operation thereof and have been
          operated and maintained in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and
          regulations in all material respects;

     (9)  all facilities leased or subleased thereunder are supplied with
          utilities and other services necessary for the operation of said

     (10) except for leasehold improvements having a book value of approximately
          $61,000 as of September 30, 1999, none of the Acquired Assets
          constitute fixtures and may be removed by the Seller without the
          approval of, or any payment to, the owner of the leased facility; and

     (11) to Seller's knowledge the owner of the facility leased or subleased
          has: good and marketable title to the parcel of real property, free
          and clear of any security interest, easement, covenant, or other
          restriction, except for installments of special easements not yet
          delinquent and recorded easements, covenants, and other restrictions
          which do not impair the current use, occupancy, or value, or the
          marketability of title, of the property subject thereto.

      (f)   Insurance  Coverage.   Schedule  4.1(f)  sets  forth  the  following
information with respect to each insurance policy (including policies  providing
property, casualty, liability, errors and omissions, aircraft and hull, workers'
compensation coverage and bond and surety arrangements) relating to the Acquired
Assets,  the  Business or Seller's employees to which the Seller  has  been  and
Parent has, since April 1, 1999 been, a party, a named insured, or otherwise the
beneficiary of coverage:

     (1)  the name, address, and telephone number of the agent;

     (2)  the name of the insurer, the name of the policyholder, and the name of
          each covered insured;

     (3)  the policy number and the period of coverage;

     (4)  the scope (including an indication of whether the coverage was on a
          claims made, occurrence or other basis) and amount (including a
          description of how deductibles and ceilings are calculated and
          operate) of coverage; and

     (5)  a description of any retroactive premium adjustments or other
          loss-sharing arrangements.

         With  respect to each such insurance policy: (A) the policy  is  legal,
valid,  binding, enforceable, and in full force and effect; (B) neither  any  of
the  Seller  Parties nor any other party to the policy is in breach  or  default
(including  with respect to the payment of premiums or the giving  of  notices),
and  no event has occurred which, with notice or lapse of time, would constitute
such  a breach or default, or permit termination, modification, or acceleration,
under  the  policy; and (C) no party to the policy has repudiated any  provision
thereof.   The  Seller  has  been covered during the  last  five  (5)  years  by
insurance  in  scope and amount customary and reasonable for the  businesses  in
which  it  has  engaged  during  the  aforementioned  period.   Schedule  4.1(f)
describes any self-insurance arrangements affecting the Seller.

     (g)  Contracts. Schedule 4.1(g) lists the following contracts and other
agreements to which Seller is a party as of the date hereof:

     (1)  any agreement (or group of related agreements) for the lease of
          personal property to or from any Person providing for lease payments
          in excess of $25,000 per annum;

     (2)  any agreement (or group of related agreements) for the purchase or
          sale of raw materials, commodities, supplies, machinery, products,
          goods or other personal property, or for the furnishing or receipt of
          services, the performance of which will extend over a period of more
          than one year, result in a material loss to Seller, or  involve
          consideration in excess of $25,000, except for purchase orders for
          Inventory in the ordinary course of business not involving
          consideration in excess of $250,000;

     (3)  any agreement with any manufacturer, supplier or customer, not covered
          in subsections (1) or (2) above, providing for a discount or allowance
          in excess of $100,000 and each maintenance agreement between Seller
          and any of its customers;

     (4)  any agreement concerning a partnership or joint venture;

     (5)  any agreement (or group of related agreements) under which it has
          created, incurred, assumed, or guaranteed any Indebtedness in excess
          of $10,000 or under which it has imposed a security interest on any of
          its assets, tangible or intangible;

     (6)  any agreement concerning confidentiality (excluding those
          confidentiality agreements relating to the sale of the Business),
          noncompetition or any other restriction on conducting any business

     (7)  any Benefit Plan;

     (8)  any collective bargaining agreement;

     (9)  any agreement for the employment of any individual on a full-time,
          part-time, consulting, or other basis;

     (10) any agreement for the incurrence of any capital expenditure involving
          amounts in excess of $10,000;

     (11) any agreement relating to the acquisition or disposition of a material
          amount of assets or any business (by way of merger, consolidation,
          purchase or otherwise);

     (12) any agreement under which it has advanced or loaned any amount to any
          of its directors, officers, and employees outside the ordinary course
          of business;

     (13) any agreement under which the consequences of a default or termination
          could have a Seller Material Adverse Effect; or

     (14) any other agreement (or group of  related agreements) the performance
          of which involves consideration in excess of $50,000 or that is
          material to the Business.

          Seller has delivered to Purchaser a correct and complete copy of  each
written   agreement listed in Schedule 4.1(g) (as amended to date) and a written
summary  setting forth the terms and conditions of each oral agreement  referred
to  in Schedule 4.1(g). Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(g), with respect  to
each  such  agreement:  (A) the agreement is legal, valid, binding,  enforceable
against Seller, and in full force and effect; (B) the agreement will continue to
be  legal,  valid, binding, enforceable against Seller, and in  full  force  and
effect  on  identical  terms  following the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby; (C) Seller is not, and to the Seller's knowledge  no  other
party  to  such  agreement is, in breach or default, and no event  has  occurred
which  with  notice or lapse of time would constitute a breach  or  default,  or
permit termination, modification, or acceleration, under the agreement; and  (D)
no  party has repudiated any provision of the agreement.  Except as set forth in
Schedule 4.1(g), each of the Acquired Contracts is freely transferable by Seller
to Purchaser and no third party consents are required for such transfer.

       (h)   Permits.   Seller  holds  all  licenses,  franchises,  permits  and
authorizations (collectively, "Permits") necessary for the lawful ownership  and
use  of  its properties and assets and the conduct of its businesses  under  and
pursuant to every Applicable Law relating to the Seller, the Business or any  of
its  assets, properties or operations. All Permits held by Seller are listed  on
Schedule  4.1(h),  which  also sets forth the name of  the  Governmental  Entity
issuing  such Permit. Seller has complied with the terms and conditions of  each
such Permit, and is not in default under any such Permit, and neither Seller nor
any  of the Seller Parties knows of any outstanding violations of any Permit  or
has received notice asserting any such violation.  All Permits are valid and  in
good  standing and are not subject to any suspension, modification or revocation
or proceedings related thereto.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(h), each of
the  Permits  is freely transferrable by Seller to Purchaser and no Governmental
Entity consents are required for such transfer.

     (i)  Inventory. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(i), Seller has good and
marketable title to all of the Inventory, free and clear of any Liens other than
Permitted Liens and free of any consignment or similar arrangement. All  of  the
aircraft engines owned or leased by Selleras of September 30, 1999 are listed on
Schedule  4.1(i).   Schedule 4.1(i) accurately describes  the  extent  to  which
aircraft engines owned or leased by Seller have been serviced in accordance with
Pratt & Whitney service bulletins issued prior to September 30, 1999 related  to
ICAO  noise regulations.  All items in Inventory (1) are reflected on the  Books
and  Records at their cost at the time of their respective acquisition, (2) have
been  produced  or  purchased in the ordinary course  of  business  and  (3)  if
acquired  on trade, such items of Inventory are documented as to what they  were
traded for and were acquired on an "arms-length basis" and recorded on the Books
and Records at the then current market value.

     (j)  Taxes. Parent and Seller have timely filed, after giving effect to any
extensions,  all Tax Returns required to be filed with respect to  the  Acquired
Assets  or the income or activities of the Business.  All Taxes attributable  to
the  Acquired Assets or the income or activities of the Business have been paid,
except for Taxes that are not yet due and payable and have been properly accrued
as current liabilities or are being properly contested in good faith.  No taxing
authority  is  asserting  any deficiency, and no Liens  for  Taxes  exist,  with
respect to the Acquired Assets or the income or activities of the Business.   No
Acquired  Asset is subject to a safe harbor lease under former Section 168(f)(8)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

     (k)  Environmental Matters.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(k):

     (1)  Seller has secured and is in compliance with, all Environmental
          Permits, all of which Environmental Permits are freely transferable
          under the circumstances of the transactions contemplated hereby, and
          Seller, with respect to the Business, is in compliance with all
          Environmental Laws;

     (2)  none of the Seller Parties or their respective Affiliates has received
          any outstanding and unresolved communication from any Governmental
          Entity that alleges that Seller, with respect to the Business, is not
          in compliance with any Environmental Laws or Environmental Permits;

     (3)  Parent and Seller have provided to Purchaser true and complete copies,
          or access to, all written environmental assessment materials and
          reports in their possession identified in Schedule 4.1(k) and provided
          with respect to the Business and the Acquired Assets;

     (4)  in respect of the operations of the Business, to the knowledge of the
          Seller Parties, none of the Seller Parties is the subject of federal,
          state, local or foreign investigation evaluating whether any remedial
          action is needed to respond to a Release of any Hazardous Substance
          into the environment or any private litigation alleging the need for
          such remedial action or seeking damages with respect to such a

     (5)  there is no past or present event, condition or circumstance that is
          likely to interfere with the conduct of the Business or that would
          interfere with compliance with any applicable Environmental Law or
          constitute a violation thereof at the locations included in the
          Acquired Assets, except as would not have a Seller Material Adverse

     (6)  there are no Hazardous Substances in any storage or disposal areas or
          facilities (whether active or inactive) at any of the locations
          included in the Acquired Assets of the Business, except as set forth
          in Schedule 4.1(k)(6);

     (7)  Seller is not subject to any actual or, to Seller's knowledge,
          potential proceeding under any Environmental Law with respect to any
          facility to which Seller has sent any Hazardous Substance off-site for
          re-use, recycling, reclamation, treatment, storage or disposal;

     (8)  except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(k)(8), Seller has not arranged for
          disposal of any Hazardous Substance in the course of engaging any
          entity to disassemble, recycle, sort or grade any turbine engine or
          turbine engine components;

     (9)  Seller has filed all notices required to be filed under any
          Environmental Law indicating past or present treatment, storage or
          disposal of a Hazardous Substance or reporting a spill or Release of a
          Hazardous Substance into the environment;

     (10) Seller has no contingent liabilities in respect of the Business as
          conducted at the locations included in the Acquired Assets relating to
          any Hazardous Substance;

     (11) there are no above ground or underground storage tanks on any location
          included in the Acquired Assets; and

     (12) Seller  has  delivered to Purchaser true and complete  copies  of  all
          reports  disclosing  the  presence  of  Hazardous  Substances  or  any
          Environmental  Condition  on any property  included  in  the  Acquired

      (l)   Brokers.   There is no investment banker, broker, finder,  financial
advisor or other intermediary, other than legal counsel, which has been retained
by  or  is authorized to act on behalf of Parent or Seller who might be entitled
to  any  fee  or  commission  from  Parent or  Seller  in  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement, except as  disclosed  in  Schedule

     (m)  Noncontravention. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(m), neither the
execution and the delivery of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby will (1) violate any constitution, statute,
regulation, rule, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, charge, or other
restriction of any government, governmental agency, or court to which any of the
Seller Parties is subject or any provision of the charter or bylaws of any of
the Seller Parties, or (2) conflict with, result in a breach of, constitute a
default under, result in the acceleration of, create in any Person the right to
accelerate, terminate, modify, or cancel, or require any notice under, any
agreement, contract, lease, license, instrument, or other arrangement to which
any of the Seller Parties is a party or by which any of the Seller Parties is
bound or to which any of their respective assets is subject (or result in the
imposition of any security interest upon any of such assets) except for
violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults which in the aggregate would not
have a Seller Material Adverse Effect.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(m)
none of the Seller Parties is required to give any notice to, make any filing
with, or obtain any authorization, acknowledgment, consent, or approval of any
third party, government or governmental agency in order to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     (n)  Events Subsequent to March 31, 1999.  Except as set forth on Schedule
4.1(n), since March 31, 1999 (1) Seller has operated the Business only in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; (2) there has been no
change in the Business or the financial condition, operations, results of
operations or future prospects of the Seller that has had or could reasonably be
expected to have a Seller Material Adverse Effect; (3) the Business has not
suffered any material damage, destruction or casualty loss (whether covered by
insurance or otherwise); and (4) there has not been any loss of any material
customer or supplier of the Business.

     (o)  Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(o),
Seller has no Liability (and to the Seller's knowledge there is no basis for any
present or future action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge,
complaint, claim, or demand against any of them giving rise to any Liability),
except for (1) Liabilities set forth on the face of the Valuation Date Balance
Sheet  and (2) Liabilities which have arisen after March 31, 1999 in the
ordinary course of business (none of which results from, arises out of, relates
to, is in the nature of, or was caused by any breach of contract, breach of
warranty, tort, infringement, or violation of law).

     (p)  Legal Compliance. Each of Seller and its predecessors has complied in
all material respects with all Applicable Laws and no action, suit, proceeding,
hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim, demand, or notice has been
filed or commenced against any of them alleging any failure so to comply.  There
is no unresolved violation, criticism or exception made in writing by any
Governmental Entity with respect to any report or statement by any Governmental
Entity relating to any examination of Seller.

     (q)  Intellectual Property.

     (1)  Seller owns or has the right to use pursuant to license, sublicense,
          agreement, or permission all Intellectual Property necessary or
          desirable for the operation of the Business as presently conducted and
          as presently proposed to be conducted. Each item of Intellectual
          Property owned or used by Seller immediately prior to the Closing
          hereunder will be owned or available for use by the Purchaser or its
          Affiliates on identical terms and conditions immediately subsequent to
          the Closing hereunder, subject, in the case of the Banner-Dallas Logo,
          to the provisions of Section 5.15 hereof. Seller has taken all
          necessary and desirable action to maintain and protect each item of
          Intellectual Property that it owns or uses.

     (2)  Seller has not interfered with, infringed upon, misappropriated, or
          otherwise come into conflict with any Intellectual Property rights of
          any Person, and none of Seller's stockholders and the directors and
          officers (and employees with responsibility for Intellectual Property
          matters) of Seller has ever received any charge, complaint, claim,
          demand, or notice alleging any such interference, infringement,
          misappropriation, or violation (including any claim that Seller must
          license or refrain from using any Intellectual Property rights of any
          third party). To the knowledge of  Seller, no third party has
          interfered with, infringed upon, misappropriated, or otherwise come
          into conflict with any Intellectual Property rights of the Seller.

     (3)  Schedule 4.1(q)(3)  identifies each patent or registration which has
          been issued to Seller with respect to any of its Intellectual
          Property, identifies each pending patent application or application
          for registration which Seller and its Affiliates has made with respect
          to any of its Intellectual Property, and identifies each license,
          agreement, or other permission which Seller has granted to any third
          party with respect to any of its Intellectual Property (together with
          any exceptions). The Seller has delivered to the Purchaser correct and
          complete copies of all such patents, registrations, applications,
          licenses, agreements, and permissions (as amended to date) and has
          made available to the Purchaser correct and complete copies of all
          other written documentation evidencing ownership and prosecution (if
          applicable) of each such item. Schedule 4.1(q)(3)  also identifies
          each trade name or unregistered trademark used by Seller in connection
          with any of its businesses. With respect to each item of Intellectual
          Property required to be identified in Schedule 4.1(q)(3):

                    (A) the Seller possesses all right, title, and interest in
          and to the item, free and clear of any security interest, license, or
          other restriction;

                    (B) the item is not subject to any outstanding injunction,
          judgment, order, decree, ruling, or charge;

                    (C) no action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation,
          charge, complaint, claim, or demand is pending or, to the knowledge of
          Seller, is threatened which challenges the legality, validity,
          enforceability, use, or ownership of the item; and

                    (D) Seller has not ever agreed to indemnify any Person for
          or against any interference, infringement, misappropriation, or other
          conflict with respect to the item.

     (4) Schedule 4.1(q)(4) identifies each item of Intellectual Property that
         any third party owns and that Seller uses pursuant to license,
         sublicense, agreement, or permission. Seller has delivered to
         Purchaser correct and complete copies of all such licenses,
         sublicenses, agreements, and permissions (as amended to date). With
         respect to each item of Intellectual Property required to be
         identified in Schedule 4.1(q)(4):

                    (A)  the license, sublicense, agreement, or permission
          covering the item is legal, valid, binding, enforceable, and in full
          force and effect;

                    (B)  the license, sublicense, agreement, or permission will
          continue to be legal, valid, binding, enforceable, and in full force
          and effect on identical terms following the consummation of the
          transactions contemplated hereby;

                    (C)  no party to the license, sublicense, agreement, or
          permission is in breach or default, and no event has occurred which
          with notice or lapse of time would constitute a breach or default or
          permit termination, modification, or acceleration thereunder;

                    (D)  no party to the license, sublicense, agreement, or
          permission has repudiated any provision thereof;

                    (E)  with respect to each sublicense, the representations
          and warranties set forth in subsections (A) through (D) above are true
          and correct with respect to the underlying license;

                    (F)  the underlying item of Intellectual Property is not
          subject to any outstanding injunction, judgment, order, decree,
          ruling, or charge;

                    (G)  no action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation,
          charge, complaint, claim, or demand is pending or, to the knowledge of
          Seller Parties, is threatened which challenges the legality, validity,
          or enforceability of the underlying item of Intellectual Property; and

                    (H)  Seller has not granted any sublicense or similar right
          with respect to the license, sublicense, agreement, or permission.

     (5)  Seller has not interfered with, infringed upon, misappropriated, or
          otherwise come into conflict with, any Intellectual Property rights of
          third parties as a result of the continued operation of the Business
          as presently conducted and as presently proposed to be conducted.

     (6)  The Seller Parties have no knowledge of any new products, inventions,
          procedures, or methods of manufacturing or processing that any
          competitors or other third parties have developed which reasonably
          could be expected to supersede or make obsolete any product or process
          of Seller.

      (r)  Tangible Assets. Schedule 4.1(r) lists the tangible personal property
included  in  the  Acquired Assets as of the date hereof,  excluding  Inventory.
Each  of the items of machinery, Equipment, and other tangible assets, excluding
Inventory,  included  in  the Acquired Assets is free  from  defects,  has  been
maintained   in   accordance  with  normal  industry  practice  and   regulatory
requirements, is in good operating condition and repair (subject to normal  wear
and  tear), and is suitable for the purposes for which it presently is used  and
presently is proposed to be used and its use is permitted by Applicable Law.

     (s)  Notes and Accounts Receivable. Schedule 4.1(s) sets forth all Accounts
Receivable and the aging thereof as of September 30, 1999.  Except as set forth
on Schedule 4.1(s), all Accounts Receivable are reflected properly on Seller's
Books and Records, are valid receivables subject to no claims, refusals to pay,
setoffs or counterclaims.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(s), as of the
date hereof (1) no Account Receivable has been outstanding for more than 120
days from the date of invoice and (2) to Seller's knowledge no account debtor is
insolvent or bankrupt.

     (t)  Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(t), (1) there are no
legal, administrative, arbitral or other proceedings, claims, suits, actions or
governmental or regulatory investigations of any nature (each a "Legal
Proceeding") that are pending or, to the knowledge of the Seller Parties,
threatened against or relating to Seller or any of its properties or assets or
the Business or that challenge the validity or propriety of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement; (2) there is no injunction, order, judgment,
decree, or regulatory restriction imposed upon Seller or any of its properties
or assets or the Business; and (3) the Seller Parties have no reason to believe
that any proceeding, claim, suit, action or investigation may be brought or
threatened against Seller or any of its properties or assets or the Business.
None of the matters disclosed on Schedule 4.1(t), individually or in the
aggregate, could reasonably be expected to have a Seller Material Adverse

     (u)  Product Warranty.  Each product manufactured, sold, leased, or
delivered by Seller has been in conformity with all applicable contractual
commitments, regulatory requirements and all express and implied warranties, and
Seller has no Liability (and to Seller's knowledge there is no basis for any
present or future action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge,
complaint, claim, or demand against any of them giving rise to any Liability)
for replacement or repair thereof or other damages in connection therewith,
subject only to the reserve for product warranty claims set forth on the face of
the Valuation Date Balance Sheet (rather than in any notes thereto) as adjusted
for the passage of time through the Closing Date in accordance with the past
custom and practice of Seller. No product manufactured, sold, leased, or
delivered by Seller is subject to any guaranty, warranty, or other indemnity
beyond the applicable standard terms and conditions of sale or lease. Schedule
4.1(u)  includes copies of the standard terms and conditions of sale or lease
for Seller (containing applicable guaranty, warranty, and indemnity provisions).

     (v)  Product Liability. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(v), Seller has
no Liability (and to Seller's knowledge there is no basis for any present or
future action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint,
claim, or demand against any of them giving rise to any Liability) arising out
of any injury to individuals or property as a result of the ownership,
possession, or use of any product manufactured, sold, leased, or delivered by
Seller or Parent.

     (w)  Employees.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(w), to the Knowledge
of the Seller Parties, no executive, key employee, or group of employees has any
plans to terminate employment with the Business or will refuse an offer of
employment from the Business.  Seller is not a party to or bound by any
collective bargaining agreement, nor has Seller experienced any strikes,
grievances, claims of unfair labor practices, or other collective bargaining
disputes relating to the Business. Seller has not committed any unfair labor
practice.  The Seller Parties have no knowledge of any organizational effort
presently being made or threatened by or on behalf of any labor union with
respect to employees of Seller.  No sex, age, or other discrimination  claim or
lawsuit has been brought against the Seller  and there are no facts or
circumstances known to the Seller that could reasonably be expected to give
rise to such claims or complaints. To the knowledge of the Seller, there is no
litigation pending related to employees or former employees, including leased
employees.  The Seller has complied in all material respects with all Applicable
Laws relating to the employment of labor including, without limitation,
those relating to hours, wages, independent contractors, and leased employees
working independently or pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement.  To the
Seller's knowledge, the Seller has no liability with respect to any
misclassification of a person as an independent contractor rather than an

     (x)  Employee Benefits.

     (1)  Schedule 4.1(x) lists each Benefit Plan that Seller maintains or to
          which Seller contributes or has any obligation to contribute.  With
          respect to each Benefit Plan required to be identified in Schedule

                    (A)  Each such Benefit Plan (and each related trust,
          insurance contract, or fund) complies in form and in operation in all
          respects with the applicable requirements of ERISA, the Code, and
          other Applicable Laws.

                    (B)  All required reports and descriptions (including, but
          not limited to, Form 5500 Annual Reports, summary annual reports, and
          summary plan descriptions) have been timely filed and distributed
          appropriately with respect to each Benefit Plan. The requirements of
          COBRA have been met with respect to each Benefit Plan which is a
          Welfare Plan.

                    (C)  All contributions (including all employer contributions
          and employee salary reduction contributions) which are due have been
          paid to each Benefit Plan which is a Pension Plan (including 401(k)
          plans) and all contributions for any period ending on or before the
          Closing Date which are not yet due have been paid to each such Benefit
          Plan or accrued in accordance with the past custom and practice of the
          Seller. All premiums or other payments for all periods ending on or
          before the Closing Date have been paid or accrued in accordance with
          the past custom and practice of the Seller with respect to each
          Benefit Plan which is a Welfare Plan.

                    (D)  Each Benefit Plan which is a Pension Plan and which is
          intended to be tax qualified meets the requirements of a "qualified
          plan" under Code Section 401(a), has received, within the last three
          years, a favorable determination letter from the Internal Revenue
          Service that it is a "qualified plan," and Seller is not aware of any
          facts or circumstances that could result in the revocation of such
          determination letter.

                    (E)  The market value of assets under each Benefit Plan
          which is a defined benefit Pension Plan (other than any multiemployer
          plan) equals or exceeds the present value of all vested and nonvested
          liabilities thereunder determined in accordance with PBGC methods,
          factors, and assumptions applicable to a Pension Plan terminating on
          the date for determination.

                    (F)  The Seller has delivered to Purchaser correct and
          complete copies of the plan documents and summary plan descriptions,
          the most recent determination letter received from the Internal
          Revenue Service, the most recent Form 5500 Annual Report (and the
          Form 5500 Annual Report for the last three (3) years), actuarial
          valuations, and all related trust agreements, insurance contracts,
          and other funding agreements which implement each Benefit Plan.

     (2)  With respect to each Benefit Plan that Seller and any present ERISA
          Affiliate  maintains or has maintained in the three year period
          preceding the Closing Date or to which any of them contributes, has
          contributed in the three year period preceding the Closing Date, or
          has been required to contribute in the three year period preceding the
          Closing Date:

                    (A)  There have been no prohibited transactions with respect
          to any Benefit Plan. No fiduciary has any Liability for breach of
          fiduciary duty or any other failure to act or comply in connection
          with the administration or investment of the assets of any Benefit
          Plan. No action, suit, proceeding, hearing, or investigation with
          respect to any Benefit Plan (other than routine claims for benefits)
          is pending or  threatened. Parent and Seller have no knowledge of any
          basis for any such action, suit, proceeding, hearing, or

                    (B)   There are no "accumulated funding deficiencies" within
          the meaning of Section 302 of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code.

                    (C)   No  "reportable event" (within the meaning of  Section
          4043 of ERISA) has occurred with respect to any Benefit Plan.

     (3)  Seller does not contribute to, has not contributed to within the last
          ten years, nor ever has been required to contribute to within the last
          ten years any multiemployer plan or has any Liability (including
          withdrawal liability as defined in ERISA Section 4201) under any
          multiemployer plan.  No Benefit Plan is a multiemployer plan within
          the meaning of Section 3(37) of ERISA.

     (4)  Seller does not maintain nor has maintained or contributed within the
          last ten years, nor has been required to contribute to within the last
          ten years any Benefit Plan providing medical, health, or life
          insurance or other welfare-type benefits for current or future retired
          or terminated employees, their spouses, or their dependents (other
          than in accordance with Code Section 4980B and applicable state laws).

     (5)  Except for bonuses of approximately $394,000 in the aggregate referred
          to  in Section 6.1(c) and any vesting by Seller referred to in Section
          6.1(d),   no  benefit  under  any  Benefit  Plan,  including,  without
          limitation, any severance or parachute payment plan or agreement, will
          be  established or become accelerated, vested or payable by reason  of
          any transaction contemplated under this Agreement.

     (6)  The  Seller  does  not  maintain or contribute to  (nor  has  it  ever
          maintained  or  contributed to within the  last  ten  years)  and  the
          Employees  do not participate in any Benefit Plan which is  a  defined
          benefit Pension Plan.

     (y)  Certain Business Relationships With the Seller. Except as set forth in
Schedule 4.1(y), Seller has not been involved in any business arrangement or
relationship with its Affiliates or Parent within the past 12 months, and no
Affiliate of Parent or Seller provides any service, or owns any asset, tangible
or intangible, which is used in the Business.

     (z)  Ownership of Capital Stock; Subsidiaries.  The Parent owns
beneficially and of record all of the outstanding capital stock of Seller.
Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(z), the Seller does not have any
subsidiaries and does not own, directly or indirectly, any equity or other
ownership interest in any Person.

     (aa) Regulatory Documents. Since January 1, 1994, Seller has timely filed
all material forms, reports, registration statements, schedules and other
documents, together with any amendments required to be made with respect
thereto, that were required to be filed with any Governmental Entity, including
the United States Federal Aviation Administration, and has paid all fees and
assessments due and payable in connection therewith.

     (bb) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  Seller is familiar with the provisions
of  the  US  Foreign  Corrupt Practices Act including, without  limitation,  the
provisions  of  U.S.C.  78  dd-2  and that  it  has  not  made  any  payment  or
transferred  anything of value, directly or, to Seller's knowledge,  indirectly,
including without limitation through its representatives or agents, (1)  to  any
governmental   official   or  employee  (including   employees   of   government
corporations), (2) to any officer, director, employee or representative  of  any
actual  or  potential  customer  of Seller, (3) to  any  officer,  directors  or
employee of Seller or any of its affiliates, or (4) to any other Person if  such
payment or transfer would violate the laws of the country in which made  or  the
laws of the United States.  It is the intent of the parties that no payments  or
transfers  of value shall be made which have the purpose or effect of public  or
commercial  bribery,  acceptance of or acquiescence in extortion,  kickbacks  or
other unlawful or improper means of obtaining business.

     (cc) Bank Leases. Schedule 4.1(cc) sets forth all Bank Leases to which the
Seller is a party. With respect to each Bank Lease required to be identified in
Schedule 4.1(cc):

     (1)  each is in full force and effect and Seller has not made or consented
          to any amendment, supplement, rider, or waiver thereto and each Bank
          Lease constitutes the entire understanding between the parties thereto
          with respect to the leasing of each engine thereunder;

     (2)  Seller is not in breach or default under any of the Bank Leases, nor
          has any event occurred which, with the giving of notice or the mere
          passage of time (or both), would constitute a default or breach event
          under any of them;

     (3)  Seller has no claims against any of the lessors under any of the Bank

     (4)  Seller has paid in full all rent and other monetary obligations owing
          under each of the Bank Leases and has maintained the leased property
          and provided for maintenance reserves as provided in the Agreed
          Accounting Principles;

     (5)  no prepayments of rent have been made under any of the Bank Leases;

     (6)  as of the date hereof, Seller has not exercised any of the purchase
          options referred to in any of the Bank Leases; and

     (7)  there are no liens on any of the engines under any of the Bank Leases
          other than those expressly permitted by the terms thereof.

     (dd) Year 2000 Plan.   Seller has provided Purchaser with a complete and
accurate copy of its written plan to become Year 2000 Compliant, including
current estimates of the anticipated costs associated with implementing all
necessary modifications and replacements of software and hardware owned by, used
by, or licensed or leased by or to Seller. Assuming the due implementation of
the foregoing Year 2000 compliance plans, the year 2000 problem will not result
in a Seller Material Adverse Effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Seller
does not make any representation with respect to the effect on the Seller of any
failure by any third party to become Year 2000 Compliant.  The Seller has sent
questionnaires to all third parties which it does any material amount of
business with and has provided copies of the responses received to Purchaser.

      (ee)  Customer Lease Agreements. Schedule 4.1(ee) sets forth all  Customer
Leases to which the Seller is a party.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.1(ee),
with  respect  to  each  Customer Lease required to be  identified  in  Schedule

     (1)  each  is in full force and effect and Seller has not made or consented
          to  any  amendment,  supplement, rider, or waiver  thereto,  and  each
          Customer  Lease  constitutes  the  entire  understanding  between  the
          parties thereto with respect to the leasing of each engine thereunder;

     (2)  no  breach  or default under any of the Customer Leases has  occurred,
          nor  to  Seller's  knowledge has any event occurred  which,  with  the
          giving  of  notice  or  the  mere passage of  time  (or  both),  would
          constitute a default or breach event under any of them;

     (3)  none  of  the  parties named as a "lessee" under any of  the  Customer
          Leases  has  asserted any claims against the Seller under any  of  the
          Customer  Leases  including without limitation with  respect  to  such
          lessee's obligation to maintain the leased property;

     (4)  Seller  has  received in full all rent and other monetary  obligations
          owing under each of the Customer Leases;

     (5)  except for deposits in the ordinary course of business, no prepayments
          of rent have been made under any of the Customer Leases;

     (6)  to  Seller's knowledge, none of the property leased under the Customer
          Leases  has been subleased by the customer to any other party or  made
          subject to any bailment;

     (7)  to Seller's knowledge all engines leased under a Customer Lease have
          been  maintianed in accordance with the terms and conditions  of  each
          respective  Customer  Lease and there are no claims  by  creditors  of
          lessees  seeking to attach or foreclose on any property  leased  under
          the Customer Leases;

     (8)  Seller  has filed UCC-1 financing statements naming itself as  secured
          party with respect to all property leased under the Customer Leases;

     (9)  none  of the Customer Leases contains any right in favor of any lessee
          thereunder to purchase any of the engines leased; and

     (10) there  are  no  liens on any of the engines under any of the  Customer
          Leases other than those expressly permitted by the terms thereof.

      Section  4.2.    Representations and Warranties of  Purchaser.   Purchaser
represents and warrants to Parent and Seller as follows:

      (a)   Organization, Standing and Power.  Purchaser is a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in good  standing  under  the  laws  of  the
jurisdiction in which it is incorporated.  Purchaser has the requisite corporate
power and authority to carry on its business as presently being conducted.

     (b)  Authority.  Purchaser has all corporate power and authority to execute
and   deliver   this  Agreement  and  the  other  agreements,  instruments   and
certificates to be executed and delivered pursuant hereto and to consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby  (all  such  other  agreements,
instruments  and certificates being hereafter collectively referred  to  as  the
"Purchaser Documents"). The execution and delivery of this Agreement and each of
the  Purchaser  Documents and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
hereby  and thereby, have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action
on  the  part  of  Purchaser. This Agreement has been, and on or  prior  to  the
Closing  each of the Purchaser Documents will be, duly and validly executed  and
delivered  by  the Purchaser, and this Agreement constitutes, and  each  of  the
Purchaser Documents when so executed and delivered will constitute, assuming the
due  authorization, execution and delivery thereof by the Seller  Parties  party
thereto,  the valid and legally binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable
against the Purchaser in accordance with its terms and conditions, except to the
extent  that  such enforceability (i) may be limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other similar laws relating to creditors'  rights
generally, or (ii) is subject to general principles of equity.

     (c)  Noncontravention. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.2(c), to
Purchaser's knowledge neither the execution and the delivery of this Agreement,
nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will (1) violate
any constitution, statute, regulation, rule, injunction, judgment, order,
decree, ruling, charge, or other restriction of any government, governmental
agency, or court to which the Purchaser is subject or any provision of the
charter or bylaws of the Purchaser, or (2) conflict with, result in a breach of,
constitute a default under, result in the acceleration of, create in any Person
the right to accelerate, terminate, modify, or cancel, or require any notice
under, any agreement, contract, lease, license, instrument, or other arrangement
to which the Purchaser is a party or by which the Purchaser is bound or to which
any of their respective assets is subject (or result in the imposition of any
security interest upon any of such assets), except, in each case, for
violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults which in the aggregate would not
have a Purchaser Material Adverse Effect.  Except as set forth in Schedule
4.2(c)(3), Purchaser is not required to give any notice to, make any filing
with, or obtain any authorization, acknowledgment, consent, or approval of any
third party, government or governmental agency in order to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     (d)  Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.2(d), there are no Legal
Proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of Purchaser, threatened against the
Purchaser with respect to which there is a reasonable likelihood of a
determination which would have a Purchaser Material Adverse Effect.

      (e)   Brokers.   There is no investment banker, broker, finder,  financial
advisor or other intermediary, other than legal counsel, which has been retained
by  or is authorized to act on behalf of Purchaser who might be entitled to  any
fee   or   commission  from  Purchaser  in  connection  with  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, except as disclosed in Schedule 4.2(e).

      (f)   Adequate Funds.  Purchaser has sufficient internally generated funds
and/or committed funding to pay the Purchase Price.

                                    ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1.   Conduct of Business.  During the period from the date hereof
to  the  Closing  Date,  except as expressly provided in this  Agreement  or  as
Purchaser shall otherwise consent in writing prior to the occurrence of the  act
or  event to which the consent relates, Fairchild and Parent shall cause  Seller
to,  and  Seller shall, conduct the Business in the ordinary course of  business
consistent with past practices, including with respect to leasing, acquiring and
selling  engines and parts, and capital expenditures relating to  the  Business,
and  use  its  commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact the  business,
organization and reputation of the Business, keep available the services of  its
employees,  and preserve the Business's relationships with suppliers,  customers
and others having business dealings with the Business.  Notwithstanding anything
in  the  foregoing  sentence to the contrary, during the period  from  the  date
hereof  to  the  Closing Date, (i) Seller shall manage the  net  assets  of  the
Business in such a way as it deems reasonably prudent to cause the Final Closing
Date  Net  Asset  Value not to exceed $62,500,000 and (ii) except  as  otherwise
expressly contemplated by this Agreement or as Purchaser shall otherwise consent
in  writing  prior  to the occurrence of the act or event to which  the  consent
relates, Fairchild and Parent shall cause Seller to, and Seller shall:

      (a)   not sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any of the Acquired
Assets  except  pursuant  to existing Contracts, or in the  ordinary  course  of
business  consistent with past practice or grant or suffer or agree to grant  or
suffer, any lien on any of its assets other than Permitted Liens;

     (b)  other than as required by the terms of any existing Contract or as set
forth   in  Schedule  5.1(b),  not  (1)  enter  into  any  employment,  deferred
compensation, severance, retirement or other similar agreement with any employee
of the Business (or any amendment to any such existing agreement), (2) grant any
severance  or  termination pay to any such employee,  (3)  make  any  change  in
compensation  or other benefits (other than changes in respect of non-management
employees made in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice)
payable  to any such employee pursuant to any severance or retirement  plans  or
policies,  or  (4) transfer any employee of the Business out of or transfer  any
employee  into, the Business (other than the hiring and firing of non-management
employees in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice  upon
prompt written notice to Purchaser);

      (c)   not make any Tax election or settle any claim relating to Taxes,  in
each case with respect to the Business;

     (d)  not merge with or into or consolidate with, or agree to merge with or
into or consolidate with, any other Person;

     (e)  not waive, or agree to waive, any right or claim either involving more
than $10,000 or outside the ordinary course of business and other than for
Retained Liabilities;

     (f)  except as otherwise contemplated by the Agreed Accounting Principles,
not make, or agree to make, any material change in its accounting methods or
practices for Tax or accounting purposes or make, or agree to make, any material
change in depreciation or amortization policies or rates adopted by it for Tax
or accounting purposes, including, without limitation, any change in its methods
of revenue recognition, allocation of costs, inventory and cost of sales, or
accounting for gross margin, including with respect to leasing and selling parts
from purchased engines and bulk lots, unless otherwise required by law or GAAP;

     (g)  not materially change, or agree to materially change, any of its
business policies or practices that relate to the Business, including, without
limitation, sales and marketing, personnel, budget or product development

     (h)  except as set forth on Schedule 5.1(h) not make any capital investment
in, any loan to, or any acquisition of the securities or assets of, any other
Person (or series of related capital investments, loans, and acquisitions)
either involving more than $25,000 or outside the ordinary course of business,
including, without limitation, any loan or advance to the Seller's Affiliates,
officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents or other;

     (i)  except as set forth in Schedule 5.1(i) or in amounts less than $25,000
in the aggregate, not incur or assume, or agree to incur or assume, any
liability or obligation (whether or not currently due and payable) relating to
the Business or any of its assets other than Retained Liabilities;

     (j)  enter into, or agree to enter into, any contract, agreement or
arrangement with any of its Affiliates except in the ordinary course of business
consistent with past practice; provided that no assets of the Seller will be
transferred or assigned to an Affiliate of the Seller, except as set forth on
Schedule 5.1(j) hereto;

     (k)  except as set forth on Schedule 5.1(k), not create, renew, amend,
terminate or cancel, or take any other action that may result in the creation,
renewal, amendment, termination or cancellation of, any lease or Contract,
except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

     (l)  not take any action impairing its rights under any Contract other than
in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

     (m)  except as set forth on Schedule 5.1(m), not adopt, amend, renew or
terminate any employee benefit plan or any other employee program, agreement,
arrangement or policy between Seller and one or more of its employees, other
than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

     (n)  not commit any act or omission which constitutes a breach or default
under any Contract or material license to which it is a party or by which it or
any of its properties or assets is bound;

     (o)  not enter into any new line of business unrelated to the Business as
currently conducted;

     (p)  not acquire or agree to acquire in any manner, including by way of
merger, consolidation, purchase of an equity interest or assets, any business or
any corporation, partnership, association or other business organization or
division thereof;

     (q)  not delay or postpone the payment of accounts payable and other
Liabilities outside the ordinary course of business;

     (r)  not agree (by contract or otherwise) to do any of the foregoing; and

     (s)  continue Seller's ongoing program to separate all servicable items of
Inventory from unserviceable items of Inventory.

      Section  5.2.    Access to Information.  During the period from  the  date
hereof  to the Closing Date, Parent and Seller shall provide Purchaser  and  its
employees, accountants, counsel and other representatives reasonable access upon
request  during  normal business hours to the properties, books, Contracts,  Tax
Returns  and  records  of the Business, and, during such period,  shall  furnish
promptly  to Purchaser any information concerning the Business as Purchaser  may
reasonably  request.  After the Closing, and for a period of  up  to  seven  (7)
years  from the date thereof, Parent and Seller, on the one hand, and Purchaser,
on the other, shall afford the other and its representatives access upon request
during  normal business hours to all properties, books, Contracts,  Tax  Returns
and records of or relating to the Business in order to allow such other party to
comply with its obligations under, or to remedy breaches of representations  and
warranties set forth in this Agreement.

     Section 5.3.   Legal Requirements.  Parent, Seller and Purchaser shall take
all  reasonable actions necessary to comply promptly with all legal requirements
which  may  be  imposed  on  it or any of its Affiliates  with  respect  to  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement (including the prompt filing of  the
premerger notification report under the HSR Act or under any comparable  foreign
laws  or  regulations and the furnishing of all information required thereunder)
and  will promptly cooperate with and furnish information to each other  and  to
other parties in connection with any such legal requirements.

     Section 5.4.   Noncompetition.

      (a)   During the period commencing on the Closing Date and ending  on  the
fourth  anniversary thereof (the "Restriction Period"), neither Parent  nor  any
Affiliate  thereof (collectively, the "Restricted Parties") shall,  directly  or
indirectly,  engage  in any Competitive Business (as defined  below);  provided,
however,  that  the  foregoing  restriction  shall  not  apply  to  any  of  the
following:  (1)  any Restricted Party may acquire any Person  or  business  that
engages  in a Competitive Business, provided that (A) such Competitive  Business
does  not  constitute more than 10% of the business of the  acquired  Person  or
business  (based  on  the sales of the acquired Person or  business  during  the
preceding  four  (4) full calendar quarters), (B) the Restricted  Party  divests
that  portion of the acquired Person or business that engages in the Competitive
Business  within  six  (6)  months after the acquisition  thereof  and  (C)  the
Restricted  Party operates such Competitive Business consistent  with  the  past
practice  of  such  Competitive Business during the  six  (6)  months  prior  to
divestiture in accordance with (B) above, and (2) any Restricted Party  may  own
10%  or  less  of  the issued and outstanding capital stock of  any  Competitive
Business,  for investment purposes only, provided that the securities owned  are
listed  on  a  U.S.  or foreign national securities exchange or  on  the  NASDAQ
National  Market  or the NASDAQ Small Cap Market.  As used herein,  "Competitive
Business"  means the following: (i) buying, selling and leasing  Large  Aircraft
Engines;  (ii) buying, selling and brokering new and used aircraft engine  parts
relating  to Large Aircraft Engines (other than (A) fasteners, (B) latches,  (C)
fluid  fittings,  (D)  precision  machined parts  presently  or  in  the  future
manufactured  by  any  Restricted Party not to exceed  $10  million  in  revenue
annually  and (E) consumables and expendables); (iii) providing aircraft  engine
repair  management  services  relating  to  Large  Aircraft  Engines;  and  (iv)
contracting  as engine overhaul providers for Large Aircraft Engines.   As  used
herein,  "Large  Aircraft  Engines"  means  (A)  aircraft  engines  capable   of
generating 14,000 or more pounds of thrust including, without limitation, all of
the  following  engine  types: Pratt & Whitney JT3  (notwithstanding  its  lower
thrust  capability  but only as used on McDonnell Douglas  DC-8  or  Boeing  707
airplanes),  JT8  and JT9 (all models); CFM56 (all models) and General  Electric
CF6  (all  models)  as  well as (B) airplane engines that  are  not  capable  of
generating more than 14,000 pounds of thrust but that are primarily designed for
airplanes that carry more than 100 passengers.

     (b)  During the period commencing on the Closing Date and (1) ending on the
fourth   anniversary  of  the  Closing  Date  (the  "Key  Employee  Restricition
Period"),  no Restricted Party shall, directly or indirectly, employ or  solicit
for  employment any Employee listed on Schedule 5.4 (b)(1) and (2) ending on the
second anniversary of the Closing Date (the "Employment Restriction Period"), no
Restricted Party shall, directly or indirectly, employ or solicit for employment
any other Employee, other than non-management Employees performing only clerical
or  administrative duties (the employees listed on Schedule 5.4 (b)(1) and  such
other  employees  for  whom  restricitions apply  hereinafter  are  referred  to
collectively as the "Protected Parties"); provided, however, that the  foregoing
employment  restrictions shall not apply to the soliciatation or  employment  of
(i)  any  Employees  who are not identified as Protected Parties,  or  (ii)  any
Employees whose employment is terminated by the Purchaser after the Closing Date
without cause.

     (c)  If any provision of this Section 5.4 as applied to any party or to any
circumstance  is  adjudged by a court to be invalid or unenforceable,  the  same
will  in  no way affect any other circumstance or the validity or enforceability
of  this Agreement.  If any such provision, or any part thereof, is held  to  be
unenforceable  because of the duration of such provision  or  the  area  covered
thereby,  the parties agree that the court making such determination shall  have
the  power to reduce the duration or area of such provision, or delete  specific
words  or phrases, and, in its reduced form, such provision shall be enforceable
and enforced.

      (d)   The parties acknowledge and agree that a breach of this Section  5.4
will  cause  irreparable damage to the Protected Parties, and  that,  upon  such
breach,  the Protected Parties shall be entitled to injunctive relief,  specific
performance or other equitable relief; provided, however, that this shall in  no
way limit any other remedies which the Protected Parties may have.

    Section  5.5.     Consents.  If any Acquired Contract or Permit  is  by  its
terms  not  assignable, or is not assignable without the consent  of  any  party
thereto,  or  is  by its terms terminable or cancelable upon assignment,  Parent
shall  cause Seller to, and Seller shall use reasonable best efforts  to  obtain
the  consent  or  approval of any required party to effect such assignment.   If
such consent or approval cannot be obtained, this Agreement shall not constitute
an agreement to effect such assignment.  Except for the consents or approvals to
assignment  identified with an "" in Schedule 4.1(g) (the "Required  Consents"),
if  Parent  and  Seller  are unable to obtain the consent  or  approval  to  the
assignment  of  any Acquired Contract or Permit prior to the Closing,  then  the
Closing  shall  nevertheless  take place and,  thereafter,  Parent  shall,  upon
request of Purchaser, use its reasonable best efforts to provide Purchaser  with
the benefits and burdens of any such Acquired Contract or Permit that would have
accrued  to  and  would  have been the obligation of  Purchaser  if,  after  the
Closing,  such consent or approval had been obtained, and for such purpose,  but
without  limitation, Parent and Seller, on the one hand, and Purchaser,  on  the
other,  shall  execute and deliver to the other, reasonably promptly  after  any
such  request, such documents or instruments as the other or the other's counsel
may reasonably request as necessary for such purpose.

     Section 5.6.   Notices of Certain Events.  Each party hereto shall promptly
notify the other parties of:

      (a)   any notice or other communication from any Person alleging that  the
consent of such Person is or may be required in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement;

      (b)   any  notice or other communication from any Governmental  Entity  in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

      (c)   any  actions, suits, claims, investigations or proceedings commenced
or,   to  its  knowledge,  threatened,  relating  to  the  consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 5.7.   Tax Matters.

     (a)  All Transfer Taxes imposed on account of or resulting from the sale of
the  Acquired  Assets to the Purchaser, including all sales  and  other  similar
transfer  Taxes  and all filing or recording fees, shall be  shared  equally  by
Purchaser and Seller, except for any documentary stamp tax imposed by the  State
of Florida, which shall be paid by Seller.

     (b)  Purchaser shall retain the Books and Records for a period of seven (7)
years following the Closing Date and shall not dispose of any material Books and
Records  thereafter,  except in accordance with Purchaser's  policies  governing
record  retention and destruction of records and after giving thirty (30)  days'
notice  to  Parent and Seller.  Purchaser shall provide Parent  or  Seller  with
copies  of any Books and Records as Parent or Seller may reasonably request,  at
the  cost  and expense of Parent or Seller, reasonably promptly after  any  such
request.    Purchaser  and  Parent  shall,  and  shall  cause  their  respective
Affiliates to, cooperate in the preparation of Tax Returns and in the conduct of
audits  and examinations, which cooperation shall include making relevant  books
and  records  reasonably available and providing reasonable access to  necessary

     (c)   Purchaser  shall be responsible for and shall pay any and  all  Taxes
arising  or resulting from the conduct of the Business or the ownership  of  the
Acquired Assets after the Closing Date (excluding, without limitation, the  sale
of  the  Business and the Acquired Assets on the Closing Date pursuant  to  this
Agreement).   If, prior to the Closing, the Seller has paid any Tax relating  to
any  Acquired Asset for any taxable period that includes (but does not  end  on)
the Closing Date, Purchaser shall reimburse the Seller for such payment on a pro
rata basis determined by the number of days in such taxable period beginning  on
and  after the Closing Date divided by the total number of days in such  taxable
period.   If,  after  the Closing, the Purchaser pays any Tax  relating  to  any
Acquired  Asset for any taxable period that includes (but does not end  on)  the
Closing  Date,  the Seller and Parent shall jointly and severally reimburse  the
Purchaser for such payment on a pro rata basis determined by the  number of days
in  such taxable period prior to (but not including) the Closing Date divided by
the total number of days in such taxable period.

      (d)   Purchaser, Parent and Seller intend that the Purchaser's acquisition
of  the  Business and Acquired Assets from the Seller pursuant to this Agreement
shall  be  a  taxable transaction, and each of the parties agrees to treat  such
acquisition  in  such manner for all Tax purposes, including without  limitation
for all purposes on any federal or state income or franchise Tax Return filed by
any  party after the Closing Date.  Parent, Seller and Purchaser mutually  agree
to  the allocation of the Purchase Price among the Acquired Assets in accordance
with Code Section 1060.  In the event of an adjustment to the Purchase Price  as
provided  in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, any such adjustment due to a  change
in  a  particular class of Acquired Assets shall be allocated on  a  dollar  for
dollar  basis to the applicable class.  The parties shall mutually agree to  the
allocation of such adjustment within sixty (60) days after the determination  of
such  adjusted  Purchase  Price.   Each of the  parties  agree  to  report  this
transaction for tax purposes in accordance with such allocation of the  Purchase
Price  or  the  adjusted Purchase Price, including without  limitation  for  all
purposes  on  any federal or state income or franchise Tax Return filed  by  any
party after the Closing Date.

      Section 5.8.   Insurance.  During the period from the date hereof  to  the
Closing Date, Parent shall cause Seller to, and Seller shall, maintain insurance
policies with respect to the Acquired Assets, the Business and its employees  at
presently existing levels and shall pay any premiums due.

      Section  5.9.   Financial Information.  After the Closing, upon reasonable
written  notice, each of Parent and Seller, on the one hand, and  Purchaser,  on
the  other,  shall furnish, and cause their respective accountants, counsel  and
other  representatives  to furnish, to the other party and  such  other  party's
respective accountants, counsel and other representatives access, during  normal
business hours, to such information (including records pertinent to the Business
and  the  Retained Accounts Receivable) and assistance relating to the  Business
and  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  as  is  reasonably  necessary  for
financial reporting and accounting matters and the preparation and filing of any
reports   or   forms  (including  filings  with  the  Securities  and   Exchange

      Section 5.10.  Bulk Transfer Laws.  Purchaser hereby waives, to the extent
applicable, compliance by Parent and Seller with the provisions of any so-called
"bulk  transfer law" or similar law of any jurisdiction in connection  with  the
sale  of  the  Acquired Assets by Seller to Purchaser.  Parent and Seller  shall
jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser against any and  all
liabilities  (other  than Assumed Liabilities) that may  be  asserted  by  third
parties  against  Purchaser  as a result of noncompliance  with  any  such  bulk
transfer law or other Applicable Law.

      Section  5.11.   Further  Assurances and Cooperation  After  the  Closing;
Certain Termination Costs.

      (a)   From  and after the Closing, each party shall, at its own  cost  and
expense,  unless  such  costs  and  expenses have  otherwise  specifically  been
allocated  pursuant  to this Agreement, use commercially reasonable  efforts  to
effect  the transfer of the Acquired Assets from Seller to Purchaser, and  shall
promptly  execute  and deliver any Conveyance Documents that any  party  or  its
counsel may reasonably request in connection therewith.

      (b)   In  the event that, at any time after the Closing, any party becomes
aware  that any Acquired Assets were inadvertently not transferred by Seller  to
Purchaser at the Closing, such party shall promptly notify the other parties  to
that  effect,  and  all  parties shall reasonably  cooperate  to  transfer  such
Acquired Assets from Seller to Purchaser.  In the event that, at any time  after
the Closing, any party becomes aware that any Excluded Assets were inadvertently
transferred  by  Seller to Purchaser at the Closing, such party  shall  promptly
notify  the  other  parties  to that effect, and all  parties  shall  reasonably
cooperate  to  transfer such Excluded Assets from Purchaser  to  Parent  or  any
designees  thereof.   Purchaser shall promptly transfer to  Seller  any  amounts
received  by  Purchaser  after the Closing in respect of the  Retained  Accounts
Receivable and Seller shall promptly transfer to Purchaser any amounts  received
by Seller after the Closing in respect of the Accounts Receivable.

     (c)  Seller shall not seek to attach any property leased under any Customer
Lease  in connection with the collection of any accounts receivable retained  by
Seller related to the Business.

     (d)  Purchaser shall use its reasonable best efforts to collect the
Accounts Receivable and will consult with Seller with respect to any claims,
refusals to pay, setoffs or counterclaims relating to any Accounts Receivable.

     (e)  Purchaser shall promptly reimburse Seller for fifty percent (50%) of
the costs  arising from the termination of the agreements listed on Schedule
4.1(g) between  Seller and sales representatives, brokers and consultants that
are not assigned to Purchaser hereunder.

     Section 5.12.  Public Announcements.  Prior to the Closing Date, Parent and
Purchaser  agree to consult with each other before any party hereto  or  any  of
their  respective  Affiliates  issues any press  release  or  makes  any  public
statement with respect to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby
and,  except as may be required by applicable law or any listing agreement  with
any  national securities exchange, will not issue, or permit to be  issued,  any
such  press  release  or make, or permit to be made, any such  public  statement
prior  to  such consultation. After the Closing Date, Purchaser and  the  Seller
Parties  may issue any press release or make any other public statement  related
to  this  Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and make any  filing
with the Securites Exchange Commission (the "SEC") or other regulatory authority
as  required by Applicable Law; provided, however, that the Seller Parties shall
not  issue  any  press  release  or make public statements  unless  approved  by
Purchaser or required to be issued or filed by SEC rules or the rules of (i) the
national  securities  exchange (x) the Nasdaq National Market,  (y)  the  Nasdaq
SmallCap  Market  or  (z)  such  other securities  market,  which  at  the  time
constitutes the principal securities market for the Seller's common stock.

      Section  5.13.  Efforts of Parties to Close.  During the period  from  the
date of this Agreement through the Closing Date, each party hereto shall use its
reasonable  best efforts to fulfill or obtain the fulfillment of the  conditions
precedent to the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, including
the  execution and delivery of any documents, certificates, instruments or other
papers  that  are  reasonably required for the consummation of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.   During the period from the date of  this  Agreement  and
continuing through the Closing, except as required by applicable law or with the
prior  written consent of the other parties to this Agreement, no party to  this
Agreement shall take any action which, or fail to take any reasonable action the
failure  of  which to be taken, would, or would reasonably be expected  to,  (a)
result  in any of the representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement
on the part of the party taking or failing to take such action being or becoming
untrue in any material respect; (b) result in any conditions to the Closing  set
forth in Article VII not being satisfied; (c) result in a material violation  of
any provision of this Agreement; or (d) adversely affect or materially delay the
receipt of any of the requisite regulatory approvals.

     Section 5.14  Third Party Proposals.  None of the Seller Parties, or any of
their  respective  Affiliates and agents shall directly or  indirectly  solicit,
encourage  or  facilitate inquiries or proposals, or enter into  any  definitive
agreement,  with  respect to, or initiate or participate in any negotiations  or
discussions with any Person concerning, any acquisition or Purchase of all or  a
substantial portion of the assets of, or of any equity interest in,  the  Seller
or any merger or business combination with the Seller other than as contemplated
by  this  Agreement (each, an "Acquisition Proposal") or furnish any information
to  any  such  Person.  The Seller, and any of their respective  Affiliates  and
agents  shall notify Purchaser within three (3) Business Days if any Acquisition
Proposal  (including the terms thereof) is received by, any such information  is
requested  from,  or  any  such negotiations or discussions  are  sought  to  be
initiated with, any of the Seller Parties, or any of their respective Affiliates
and  agents.   The  Seller  Parties  shall, and  shall  cause  their  respective
Affiliates,  officers, directors, employees, representatives  and  advisors  to,
immediately  cease or cause to be terminated any existing activities,  including
discussions or negotiations with any parties, conducted prior to the date hereof
with  respect to any Seller Parties Acquisition Proposal and shall seek to  have
all materials distributed to such Persons by the Seller Parties, or any of their
respective  Affiliates or agents returned to the Seller promptly.  None  of  the
Seller Parties, or any of their respective Affiliates shall amend, modify, waive
or   terminate,   or  otherwise  release  any  Person  from,   any   standstill,
confidentiality or similar agreement or arrangement currently  in  effect.   The
Seller  Parties  shall  cause  their  respective  officers,  directors,  agents,
advisors and Affiliates to comply with the provisions of this Section 5.14.

     Section 5.15.  Use of Logo.

     (a)  Parent and Seller hereby, jointly and severally, grant to Purchaser at
no  charge hereunder a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable  license,
without  the  right to sublicense, to use, subject to the approval described  in
paragraph  (c)  of this Section 5.15, the Banner-Dallas logo (the "Banner-Dallas
Logo")  to the extent, and only to the extent, that such use is for the  purpose
of  effecting  the transition of the Business to Purchaser, which shall  include
notifying  third  parties having a contractual or other  relationship  with  the
Business,  making  public announcements of the consummation of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  including  press  releases  and  notices  to   customers,
potential  customers, employees, and intermediaries, and regulatory authorities,
and as necessary to provide services to customers of the Business. The foregoing
license granted to Purchaser shall allow the Purchaser to use any and all boxes,
stationery, envelopes, invoices, brochures, business forms, packaging  materials
and  other business supplies imprinted with the Banner-Dallas Logo in connection
with the conduct of the Business.

     (b)  The license granted hereunder shall terminate six (6) months after the
Closing Date or termination of this Agreement, whichever is earlier.  After
expiration or termination of the license granted hereunder, Purchaser will
refrain from further use of the Banner-Dallas Logo or any further direct or
indirect reference to it, or any substantially similar mark or symbol.

      Section 5.16.  Transitional Administrative Services. Seller Parties  shall
perform those administrative services necessary to transition the Business  from
Seller  to  Purchaser  including, but not limited to, services  related  to  the
administration  of  401(k) plan, payroll, benefits, and any other  service  that
Purchaser may reasonably request and as further set forth on Schedule  5.16  for
the consideration set forth on Schedule 5.16.  The parties agree to negotiate in
good   faith  a  mutually  acceptable  administrative  services  agreement  (the
"Administrative  Services  Agreement") incorporating  the  terms  set  forth  on
Schedule 5.16 prior to Closing.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                           EMPLOYEES AND BENEFIT PLANS

     Section 6.1.   Employees.

     (a)   Purchaser  will  make offers of employment to all  active   employees
listed  on  Schedule  6.1(a) (the "Employees").  All expenses  relating  to  the
compensation  and  benefits of the selected Employees who  become  employees  of
Purchaser  with  respect to their employment by Purchaser  from  and  after  the
Closing Date shall be borne by Purchaser.

      (b)   Upon  completion  of the Benefit Transition Period,  as  defined  in
Schedule 5.16, Purchaser shall provide all Employees hired by Purchaser with the
employee benefits set forth on Schedule 6.1(b).

      (c)   Seller shall pay all obligations related to the Employment Contracts
listed  in  Schedule  2.1(b)(10) that may result  because  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  including  payment  of  bonuses  aggregating
approximately $394,000 that are payable in connection with a change  in  control
of  the  Business.   Seller shall also pay all accrued salary, bonus,  vacation,
sick  time  and  other  amounts or benefits due as of the Closing  Date  to  the
Employees to be hired by Purchaser.

     (f)  Seller  shall fully vest all Employees in the Pension Plans as of  the
          Closing Date.

     (e)   Seller and Purchaser shall mutually cooperate with Purchaser in order
to  permit  Employees  to elect to rollover their respective  assets  under  the
"Amended and Restated Banner Aerospace, Inc. Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan  and
Trust" into Purchaser's employee benefit plans as described in Schedule 6.1(b).

                                   ARTICLE VII
                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

      Section 7.1.   Conditions to Each Party's Obligations.  The obligation  of
Parent, Seller and Purchaser to consummate the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement to occur at the Closing shall be subject to the satisfaction or waiver
thereby prior to the Closing of each of the following conditions:

      (a)  HSR and Other Approvals.  Any applicable waiting period under the HSR
Act  relating to the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired or been
terminated, and all other material authorizations, consents, orders or approvals
of,  or  regulations, declarations or filings with, or expirations of applicable
waiting   periods  imposed  by  any  Governmental  Entity  necessary   for   the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been obtained or
filed or shall have occurred.

      (b)   No  Injunctions or Restraints.  No court or Governmental  Entity  of
competent  jurisdiction  shall have enacted, issued,  promulgated,  enforced  or
entered  any  statute, rule, regulation, judgment, decree, temporary restraining
order,  preliminary  or  permanent  injunction  or  other  legal  restraint   or
prohibition  which  is  in  effect  on  the  Closing  Date  and  prohibits   the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      Section 7.2.   Conditions to the Obligations of Purchaser.  The obligation
of  Purchaser  to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement  to
occur  at  the  Closing shall be subject to the satisfaction or  waiver  thereby
prior to the Closing of each of the following conditions:

     (a)  Representations and Warranties.  The representations and warranties of
the  Seller Parties set forth in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all
material  respects as of the date of this Agreement and as of the  time  of  the
Closing  as  though  made  at  and  as of such  time,  except  in  the  case  of
representations and warranties made as of a specific date, which shall  be  true
and  correct in all material respects as of such date, and Purchaser shall  have
received  a certificate to such effect from the Seller Parties, signed  in  each
case by an authorized officer thereof.

     (b)  Performance of Obligations of Seller Parties. The Seller Parties shall
have  performed  or complied in all material respects with all  obligations  and
covenants required to be performed or complied with by the Seller Parties  under
this  Agreement  prior  to  the Closing, and Purchaser  shall  have  received  a
certificate to such effect from the Seller Parties, signed in each  case  by  an
authorized officer thereof.

      (c)   Conveyance  Documents.  Parent or Seller  shall  have  delivered  to
Purchaser such Conveyance Documents as Purchaser deems reasonably necessary  and
appropriate  to vest in Purchaser all of Seller's right, title and  interest  in
and to the Acquired Assets.

     (d)  Other Documents.  The Seller Parties shall have furnished to Purchaser
such  other  documents relating to the Seller Parties' corporate  existence  and
authority (including copies of resolutions of the respective boards of directors
of  the Seller Parties), absence of Liens (other than Permitted Liens), and such
other matters as Purchaser may reasonably request at least two (2) business days
prior to the Closing Date.

      (e)   Legal Opinion.  Purchaser shall have received the opinion of  Cahill
Gordon  & Reindel, Seller's counsel, dated as of the Closing Date, substantially
in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 7.2(e).

     (f)  Consents. Seller shall have obtained all of the Required Consents in a
form  reasonably  acceptable to Purchaser and shall have given all  notices  to,
made  all  filings  with,  and  obtained all  authorizations,  acknowledgements,
consents,  and  approvals of any third party, government or Governmental  Entity
specified on Schedule 4.1(m) items (1) and (2).

     (g)  No Material Adverse Change.  Except as set forth on Schedule 7.2(g),
since March 31, 1999, no event shall have occurred which has had or could
reasonably be expected to have a Seller Material Adverse Effect.

     (h)  Administrative Services Agreement.  Parent and Purchaser shall have
entered into the Administrative Services Agreement.

     (i)   Other  Documents.   Seller  shall  have  executed  and  delivered  to
Purchaser  (i)  all documents to be delivered at the Closing in accordance  with
the  terms  of  this Agreement and (ii) such other documents and instruments  as
Purchaser  may  reasonably request and which Seller can obtain  with  reasonable
best  efforts  in  order  to consummate the transactions  contemplated  by  this

      (j)   Release of Liens.  Seller shall have provided evidence to  Purchaser
that  all  Liens  to which the Acquired Assets are subject have  been  released,
other than Permitted Liens.

      Section  7.3.   Conditions to the Obligations of Parent and  Seller.   The
obligation  of Parent and Seller to consummate the transactions contemplated  by
this  Agreement to occur at the Closing shall be subject to the satisfaction  or
waiver thereby prior to the Closing of each of the following conditions:

     (a)  Representations and Warranties.  The representations and warranties of
Purchaser set forth in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all  material
respects  as of the date of this Agreement and as of the time of the Closing  as
though  made  at and as of such time, except in the case of representations  and
warranties  made as of a specific date, which shall be true and correct  in  all
material  respects as of such date; and Parent shall have received a certificate
to such effect from Purchaser, signed by an authorized officer thereof.

      (b)   Performance  of  Obligations  of Purchaser.   Purchaser  shall  have
performed  or  complied  in  all  material respects  with  all  obligations  and
covenants  required  to be performed or complied with by  Purchaser  under  this
Agreement  prior  to the Closing, and Parent and Seller shall  have  received  a
certificate  to  such  effect from Purchaser, signed by  an  authorized  officer

      (c)   Conveyance Documents.  Purchaser shall have delivered to Parent  and
Seller such Conveyance Documents requiring execution and delivery by Purchaser.

      (d)   Legal  Opinion.  Seller shall have received the opinion of  LeBoeuf,
Lamb,  Greene  &  MacRae, L.L.P., Purchaser's counsel, dated as of  the  Closing
Date, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 7.3(d).

      (e)  Other Documents.  Purchaser shall have furnished to Parent and Seller
such  other documents relating to Purchaser's corporate existence and  authority
(including  copies of resolutions of Purchaser's board of directors),  and  such
other  matters  as  Parent or Seller may reasonably request  at  least  two  (2)
business days prior to the Closing Date.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     Section 8.1.   Indemnification by Seller Parties.

      (a)  Subject to all the terms and conditions of this Article VIII, each of
the  Seller Parties, jointly and severally, agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless  Purchaser  and its Affiliates and each of their  respective  officers,
directors, employees and agents (the "Purchaser Indemnified Parties")  from  and
against  any  Loss imposed on, sustained, incurred or suffered  by  or  asserted
against any of the Purchaser Indemnified Parties for or on account of or arising
from  or  in  connection with or otherwise with respect to any of the  following
(Collectively, the "Purchaser Indemnified Losses"):

     (1)  any inaccuracy in, failure or breach of any representation or warranty
          by  any  of  the Seller Parties contained in this Agreement (it  being
          agreed that solely for purposes of establishing whether any matter  is
          indemnifiable  pursuant  to this Article VIII,  the  accuracy  of  the
          representations  and  warranties  of  the  Seller  Parties  shall   be
          determined  without  regard  to any qualifications  as  to  knowledge,
          materiality  or Seller Material Adverse Effect) (a "Seller  Breach  of

     (2)  any  breach  or  nonperformance of any covenant of any of  the  Seller
          Parties  contained  in  this Agreement or  in  any  other  agreements,
          instruments  or  certificates to be executed  and  delivered  pursuant
          hereto; and

     (3)  any and all Retained Liabilities and Environmental Liabilities.

     (b)   The  Seller Parties shall not be liable to the Purchaser  Indemnified
Parties  for  any Purchaser Indemnified Losses arising from a Seller  Breach  of
Representation, except to the extent that the aggregate amount of all  Purchaser
Indemnified  Losses  exceeds a threshold of $800,000 (the "Seller  Basket"),  at
which  point  the  Seller Parties will be obligated to indemnify  the  Purchaser
Indemnified Parties from and against all Purchaser Indemnified Losses in  excess
of the Seller Basket.  In the absence of fraud or willful misconduct on the part
of the Seller Parties, the Seller Parties shall not have liability for Purchaser
Indemnified Losses arising from a Seller Breach of Representation in  excess  of
the  total  Purchase  Price, as adjusted by the Purchase Price  Adjustment  (the
"Seller Cap").  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Seller Basket and Seller  Cap
shall   not  apply  to  Losses  arising  from  or  related  to  Taxes,  Retained
Liabilities,  Bank  Leases  or  indemnification  obligations  with  respect   to
Environmental Liabilities, as provided in Section 8.1 (c).

      (c)   Environmental Indemnity.  Seller Parties shall jointly and severally
indemnify  the  Purchaser Indemnified Parties, and hold them harmless  from  any
Loss  suffered or incurred by any such Purchaser Indemnified Party arising  from
or related to the following (collectively, "Environmental Liabilities"):

     (1) any  claim  by  any  governmental authority or  private  party  of  any
         violation of any Environmental Law associated with the Acquired  Assets
         or  the  Business or operations of Seller occurring before the  Closing

     (2) any  breach  of any representation or warranty of Seller  contained  in
         this  Agreement  or in any Schedule, certificate, instrument  or  other
         document delivered pursuant hereto relating to environmental matters;

     (3)  any claim for personal injury or property damage or any claim asserted
          under  any Environmental Law, arising out of or related to on-site  or
          off-site  disposal,  recycling or storage  of  a  Hazardous  Substance
          generated  before  the  Closing Date  by  the  Seller  or  any  entity
          determined  to have been under control of Seller for the  purposes  of
          determining liability under any Environmental Law;

     (4)  any claim for personal injury or property damage or any claim asserted
          under  any Environmental Law, arising out of any transaction involving
          Seller determined to have constituted an arrangement for disposal of a
          Hazardous Substance;

     (5)  containment, removal, remedy, clean up, response or abatement  arising
          from  any  Environmental  Condition at any property  included  in  the
          Acquired Assets.

           Seller's  obligations  pursuant  to  this  Section  8.1(c)  shall  be
enforceable   notwithstanding  whether  any  such  liability  or   Environmental
Condition  was disclosed to Purchaser in this Agreement or otherwise, was  known
to  Purchaser  or is the subject of current litigation or proceedings.   In  the
event of a dispute regarding whether an Environmental Condition occurred or  was
exacerbated  by  activities of the Company or other persons  after  the  Closing
Date,  Seller shall have the obligation to demonstrate that any additional cost,
liability or expense for the containment, removal, remedy, clean up, response or
abatement  of the Environmental Condition was the result of activities following
the Closing Date.

     Section 8.2.   Indemnification by Purchaser.

           (a)   Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold  harmless
Parent,  Seller  and  their respective Affiliates and each of  their  respective
officers,  directors,  employees, and agents (the "Seller Indemnified  Parties")
against,  and agrees to hold them harmless from, any Loss imposed on, sustained,
incurred  or  suffered  by  or asserted against any of  the  Seller  Indemnified
Parties  for or on account of or arising from or in connection with or otherwise
with  respect  to  any  of the following (collectively, the "Seller  Indemnified

     (1)  any Assumed Liability;

     (2)  any inaccuracy in, failure or breach of any representation or warranty
          by  Purchaser  contained in this Agreement (it being agreed  that  for
          purposes  of establishing whether any matter is indemnifiable pursuant
          to  this  Article  VIII,  the  accuracy  of  the  representations  and
          warranties of the Purchaser shall be determined without regard to  any
          qualifications  as  to  knowledge, materiality or  Purchaser  Material
          Adverse Effect) (a "Purchaser Breach of Representation");

     (3)  any breach of any covenant of Purchaser contained in this Agreement or
          in  any  other agreements, instruments or certificates to be  executed
          and delivered pursuant hereto; or

     (4)  any claims by Employees with respect to their employment by Purchaser
          after the Closing Date.

     (b)  Purchaser shall not be liable to the Seller Indemnified Parties for
any Seller  Indemnified  Losses arising from a Purchaser Breach  of
Representation, except  to the extent that the aggregate amount of all Seller
Indemnified Losses exceeds  a  threshold of $800,000 (the "Purchaser Basket"),
at which  point  the Purchaser  shall be obligated to indemnify the Seller
Indemnified  Parties  from and against all Seller Indemnified Losses in excess
of the Purchaser Basket.  In the  absence  of  fraud or willful misconduct on
the part of the Purchaser,  the Purchaser shall not have liability for Seller
Indemnified Losses arising from  a Purchaser  Breach  of Representation in
excess of the total Purchase  Price,  as adjusted   by   the   Purchase   Price
Adjustment   (the   "Purchaser   Cap"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Purchaser Basket and Purchaser Cap shall  not apply to Assumed Liabilities.

      Section  8.3.    Survival  of  Indemnity.  All rights  to  indemnification
hereunder  shall  (a)  expire upon the expiration of the applicable  statute  of
limitations with respect to all indemnification for Taxes; (b) expire  upon  the
expiration  of  the  applicable time limitation set forth  in  Section  9.2  for
indemnification  claims  related  to certain  breaches  of  representations  and
warranties;  and  (c) continue indefinitely with respect to indemnification  for
Retained  Liabilities, Assumed Liabilities and Environmental  Liabilities.   Any
matter  as to which a claim has been asserted by formal notice pursuant to  this
Article  VIII  and within the time limitation, if any, applicable by  reason  of
this  Section 8.3 or Section 9.2 that is pending or unresolved the  end  of  any
applicable  limitation  period under Applicable Law and  shall  continue  to  be
covered  by  this  Article  VIII  notwithstanding  any  applicable  statute   of
limitations  (which  the  parties hereby waive) until  such  matter  is  finally
terminated  or otherwise resolved by the parties under this Agreement  or  by  a
court  of  competent jurisdiction and any amounts payable hereunder are  finally
determined and paid.

     Section 8.4.   Matters Involving Third Parties.

      (a)  An Indemnifying Party will not have any liability under the indemnity
provisions  of this Article VIII with respect to a particular matter  (a  "Third
Party  Claim")  which may give rise to a claim for indemnification  against  any
Indemnifying  Party  under this Article VIII unless a notice  setting  forth  in
reasonable detail the breach or other matter which is asserted has been given to
the Indemnifying Party, which notice shall be given promptly; provided, however,
that no delay on the part of the Indemnified Party in notifying any Indemnifying
Party  shall relieve the Indemnifying Party from any obligation hereunder unless
(and then solely to the extent) the Indemnifying Party thereby is prejudiced.

     (b)  Any Indemnifying Party will have the right to defend the Indemnified
Party against the Third Party Claim with counsel of its choice reasonably
satisfactory to the Indemnified Party so long as (1) the Indemnifying Party
notifies the Indemnified Party in writing within 30 days after the Indemnified
Party has given notice of the Third Party Claim that the Indemnifying Party will
assume the defense of the Third Party Claim, (2) the Third Party Claim involves
only money damages and does not seek an injunction or other equitable relief
which could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
Purchaser's conduct of the Business, (3) settlement of, or an adverse judgment
with respect to, the Third Party Claim is not, in the good faith judgment of the
Indemnified Party, likely to establish a precedential custom or practice adverse
to the continuing business interests of the Indemnified Party, and (4) the
Indemnifying Party conducts the defense of the Third Party Claim actively and

     (c)  So long as the Indemnifying Party is conducting the defense of the
Third Party Claim in accordance with Section 8.4(b) above, (1) the Indemnified
Party shall have the right, but not the obligation to, retain separate co-
counsel at its sole cost and expense and participate in the defense of the Third
Party Claim, (2) the Indemnified Party will not consent to the entry of any
judgment or enter into any settlement with respect to the Third Party Claim
without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party (not to be withheld
or delayed unreasonably), and (3) the Indemnifying Party will not consent to the
entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with respect to the Third
Party Claim without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party (not to
be withheld or delayed unreasonably).

     (d)   In the event any of the conditions in Section 8.4 above is or becomes
unsatisfied, however, (1) the Indemnified Party may defend against, and  consent
to  the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with respect to,  the
Third  Party  Claim;  provided, however, that the  Indemnified  Party  will  not
consent  to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with  respect
to  the  Third Party Claim without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying
Party (not to be withheld or delayed unreasonably), (2) the Indemnifying Parties
will reimburse the Indemnified Party promptly and periodically for the costs  of
defending  against the Third Party Claim (including reasonable  attorneys'  fees
and  expenses), and (3) the Indemnifying Parties will remain responsible for any
Losses the Indemnified Party may suffer resulting from, arising out of, relating
to,  in  the nature of, or caused by the Third Party Claim to the fullest extent
provided in this Article VIII.

      (e)  The  Seller  Parties,  the Purchaser and each  of  their  affiliates,
successors  and  assigns shall cooperate with each other in the defense  of  any
suit,  action, investigation, proceeding or Third Party Claim and, during normal
business  hours,  shall afford each other access to their respective  books  and
records  and employees relating to such suit, action, investigation,  proceeding
or  claim  and shall furnish each other all such further information  that  they
have  the  right and power to furnish as may reasonably be necessary  to  defend
such  suit,  action,  investigation, proceeding or claim.   Upon  entry  of  any
judgment or settlement with respect to a Third Party Claim, the Seller shall, if
requested  by  Parent  or  Fairchild, sign a release  agreement  confirming  the
release  of  Parent  or Fairchild, subject to the terms and conditions  of  this
Agreement,  of  any  rights in or claims made in relation to  such  Third  Party

     Section   8.5.     Other   Indemnification   Provisions.    The   foregoing
indemnification  provisions are in addition to, and not in  derogation  of,  any
statutory,  equitable, or common law remedy (including, without limitation,  any
such remedy arising under Environmental Laws) any party may have with respect to
any other party, or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section  8.6.    Miscellaneous.  The procedures set forth  in  Section  8.4
above  shall  apply solely with respect to Third Party Claims and shall  not  be
deemed  to apply to, or otherwise affect or limit, an Indemnified Party's rights
under this Agreement with respect to any claim other than a Third Party Claim.

      Section  8.7    Losses Net of Insurance.  If an Indemnified Party receives
payment  under  an  insurance policy with respect  to  a  Loss  for  which  such
Indemnified  Party  had previously received full payment  from  an  Indemnifying
Party  hereunder, and at the time the Indemnified Party receives such  insurance
payment  there  is no outstanding claim for indemnification by such  Indemnified
Party  hereunder that has not been fully paid, then the Indemnified Party  shall
reimburse  the  Indemnifying Party that paid the Loss an  amount  equal  to  the
insurance  payment  received minus any costs incurred to obtain  such  insurance
payment, without interest.

      Section  8.8    Subrogation.  In the event an Indemnifying Party shall  be
obligated to indemnify the Indemnified Party pursuant to this Article VIII,  the
Indemnifying  Party shall, upon payment of such Indemnified  Loss  in  full,  be
subrogated to all rights of the Indemnified Party with respect to the claims  to
which  such  indemnification relates; provided, however, that  the  Indemnifying
Party  shall only be subrogated to the extent of any amounts paid by it pursuant
to this Article VIII in connection therewith.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

     Section 9.1.   Termination.

     (a)  This Agreement may be terminated and the transactions contemplated
hereby abandoned at any time prior to the Closing by mutual written consent of
Parent, Seller and Purchaser.

     (b)  The Purchaser may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to
Seller at any time prior to the Closing in the event Seller has breached any
representation, warranty or covenant contained in this Agreement in any material
respect (which breach is not cured within 15 Business Days after receipt by the
Seller of a written notice of such breach from the Purchaser specifying the
breach and requesting that it be cured).

     (c)   Seller  may  terminate  this Agreement by giving  written  notice  to
Purchaser  at any time prior to Closing in the event Purchaser has breached  any
representation, warranty or covenant contained in this Agreement in any material
respect (which breach is not cured within 15 Business Days after receipt by  the
Purchaser  of  a  written notice of such breach from the Seller  specifying  the
breach and requesting that it be cured).

      (d)   If  the  Closing does not occur on or before March  31,  2000,  this
Agreement  may be terminated and the transactions contemplated hereby  abandoned
upon  written notice by any party to the other parties, provided that the  party
seeking  termination  is not in material breach of any of  its  representations,
warranties, covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement.

      (e)   If  this  Agreement is terminated and the transactions  contemplated
hereby  are abandoned pursuant to this Section 9.1, this Agreement shall  become
null  and void and of no further force and effect, except for the provisions  of
this  Section 9.1, Section 5.12 (relating to public announcements), and  Section
9.3   (regarding  certain  expenses  and  the  Confidentiality   Agreement   (as
hereinafter  defined) shall remain in full force and effect.   Nothing  in  this
Section  9.1  shall  be deemed to release any party from any liability  for  any
breach by such party of the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

     Section 9.2.   Survival of Representations and Warranties.

           (a)   All of the representations and warranties of the Seller Parties
contained in this Agreement shall survive the Closing and continue in full force
and  effect for a period of two (2) years thereafter, except for Sections 4.1(b)
and  the  first sentence of 4.1(d) which will continue in full force and  effect
forever  and  Section 4.1(j), which shall survive until the  expiration  of  the
applicable statute of limitations.  All of the representations and warranties of
Purchaser contained in this Agreement shall survive the Closing and continue  in
full  force  and  effect  for a period of two (2) years thereafter,  except  for
Section  4.2(b),  which  shall survive forever.  The agreements  of  the  Seller
Parties and Purchaser contained in this Agreement shall in each case survive the
Closing  until  they are otherwise terminated, whether by their terms  or  as  a
matter of applicable law.

     (b)   Neither  Seller  Parties  nor Purchaser  makes,  nor  has  made,  any
representation  or  warranty  relating to the transactions  contemplated  hereby
other  than  those  contained in this Agreement and the Schedules  and  Exhibits
attached hereto and the Seller Documents or the Purchaser Documents, as the case
may  be.  Certain information set forth in the Schedules is included solely  for
identification  and  informational purposes  and  may  not  be  required  to  be
disclosed  pursuant to this Agreement.  The disclosure of any information  shall
not  be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment that such information is required
to  be  disclosed in connection with the representations and warranties made  by
Seller  Parties  or Purchaser in this Agreement, nor shall such  information  be
deemed to establish a standard of materiality.  Matters disclosed in any section
of  the  Schedules  with respect to any representation and  warranty  of  Seller
contained herein shall be deemed disclosed with respect to other representations
and  warranties  of Seller to the extent that it is reasonably apparent  on  the
face  of  such  Schedules  that the disclosures therein  relate  to  such  other
representations and warranties.

     Section 9.3.   Expenses.  Whether or not the Closing takes place, all costs
and  expenses  incurred in connection with this Agreement and  the  transactions
contemplated hereby shall be borne by the party incurring such cost  or  expense
(including,  without limitation, the fees and expenses of such  party's  agents,
representatives,  counsel and accountants), unless such cost  or  expense  shall
have otherwise been specifically allocated pursuant to this Agreement.

      Section  9.4.    Notices.  All notices and other communications  hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally, delivered
by  express  courier  (with confirmation), telecopied  (with  confirmation),  or
mailed by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) to the parties
at  the  following  addresses (or at such other addresses as the  parties  shall
specify by notice):

     If to Parent or Seller:                 Banner Aerospace, Inc.
                                   45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 400
                                   Dulles, Virginia  20166
                                   Attention:  Donald E. Miller
                                   Fax No. (703) 478-5795

     If to Purchaser:                   United Technologies Corporation
                                   Pratt & Whitney Division
                                   400 Main Street
                                   East Hartford, CT  06108
                                   Attention:  Deputy General Counsel
                                   Fax No.  (860) 565-3858

     Section 9.5.   Assignment.  Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or
obligations  hereunder may be assigned by any of the parties hereto without  the
prior  written  consent of the other parties; provided, however, that  Purchaser
may  assign  its  rights  and obligations hereunder to any  of  its  Affiliates.
Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to
the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors
and assigns.

      Section  9.6.   Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Service of Process.   This
Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the
laws  of  the State of New York, without regard to the choice of law  provisions
thereof.   Each party hereto irrevocably consents to the exclusive  jurisdiction
of  the  courts  of the State of New York and the United States  federal  courts
situated  in the State of New York in connection with any action to enforce  the
provisions of this Agreement, to recover damages or other relief for  breach  or
default  under this Agreement, or otherwise arising under or by reason  of  this
Agreement.   Each party agrees that service of any process, summons,  notice  or
document  by U.S. registered mail to such party's address set forth  in  Section
9.4 shall be effective service of process for any action, suit or proceeding  in
the  State of New York with respect to any matters to which it has submitted  to
jurisdiction  as  set forth above in the immediately preceding  sentence.   EACH


       Section  9.8.    Miscellaneous.   This  Agreement  (a)  along  with   the
Confidentiality  Agreement  by  and  between  Parent  and  United   Technologies
Corporation,  dated  as  of  May  5,  1999  (the  "Confidentiality  Agreement"),
constitutes  the  entire  agreement of the parties,  and  supersedes  all  prior
written  and  oral  agreements and understandings between or  among  them,  with
respect  to  the subject matter hereof, (b) may be amended, modified  or  waived
only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is
sought,  (c)  is not intended to confer upon any person other than  the  parties
hereto any rights or remedies hereunder, and the consent of third parties  shall
not be required for the amendment or termination of this Agreement or any right,
interest  or  obligation  hereunder, and (d) may be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement.   The
parties  agree  that the Confidentiality Agreement shall terminate  at  Closing.
The table of contents and section headings of this Agreement, and any references
thereto, have been inserted for convenience of reference only and shall  not  be
deemed  to be a part of this Agreement.  Any term or provision of this Agreement
which  is  invalid  or  unenforceable in any  jurisdiction  shall,  as  to  that
jurisdiction,   be   ineffective   to  the  extent   of   such   invalidity   or
unenforceability without affecting the validity or enforceability of  any  other
term or provision hereof in that or any other jurisdiction.  If any provision of
this  Agreement  is  so  broad as to be unenforceable, the  provision  shall  be
interpreted so as to be enforceable.

      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto have caused this Agreement
to be executed by a duly authorized officer as of the date first above written.

               By:  Donald E. Miller
                    Executive Vice President

               BANNER AEROSPACE, INC.
               By:  Warren D. Persavich
                    Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

               DALLAS AEROSPACE, INC.
               By:  Warren D. Persavich
                    Vice President

               UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION, acting through its
               By:  Ari Bousbib

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                              Contact:  David Wynne-Morgan, 212-308-6700
                              or Allan Priaulx, WMC Communications, Ltd.
                              T: 212/687-1977  Email:

The Fairchild Corporation [nyse: fa] Closes Sale of Assets of Dallas Aerospace,

     Dulles, Virginia  (December 1, 1999) -- The Fairchild Corporation [NYSE:
FA] announced today  that it had closed the sale of the assets of its Dallas
Aerospace, Inc. subsidiary for approximately  $57 million in cash, to United
Technologies Corporation [NYSE:UTX ]. Dallas Aerospace sells and leases aircraft
engines and parts.

     The Fairchild Corporation, through its Fairchild Fasteners division, is the
leading worldwide manufacturer and supplier of precision fastening systems used
in the construction and maintenance of commercial and military aircraft.
Fairchild Fasteners has manufacturing facilities as well as sales/design
customer teams based in the United States, Germany, France, Portugal, Hungary,
Australia and the United Kingdom.

     This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 27-A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21-E of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  The Company's actual results could
differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements as a
result of the risks associated with the Company's business, changes in general
economic conditions, and changes in the assumptions used in making such forward-
looking statements.