BARNES GROUP INC.

                                 LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES

          Operating Subsidiaries of the Company:

                                                  Jurisdiction of
                    Name                           Incorporation 
                    ----                          ---------------
          Associated Spring-Asia PTE. LTD.          Singapore
          Associated Spring SPEC Limited            United Kingdom
          Barnes Group (Bermuda) Limited            Bermuda
          Barnes Group Canada Inc.                  Canada
          Barnes Group Holding B.V.                 Netherlands
          Bowman Distribution Europe Limited        United Kingdom
          Bowman Distribution France S.A.           France
          Resortes Mecanicos, S.A.                  Mexico
          Ressorts SPEC, EURL                       France
          Stumpp & Schuele do Brasil Industria e    Brazil
            Comercio Limitada
          Windsor Airmotive Asia PTE. LTD.          Singapore

                   Associated Spring SPEC Limited is wholly-owned by Bowman
          Distribution Europe Limited.  Ressorts SPEC, EURL is wholly-owned
          by Bowman Distribution France S.A.   Windsor Airmotive Asia  PTE.
          LTD. is  wholly-owned by  Barnes  Group Canada  Inc.   Associated
          Spring-Asia  PTE. LTD.,  Resortes Mecanicos,  S.A., and  Stumpp &
          Schuele do Brasil Industria  e Comercio Limitada are wholly-owned
          by Barnes Group  (Bermuda) Limited.   Barnes  Group Canada  Inc.,
          Bowman  Distribution  Europe  Limited,  and  Bowman  Distribution
          France S.A. are wholly-owned by Barnes Group Holding B.V.  Barnes
          Group (Bermuda) Limited and Barnes Group Holding B.V. are wholly-
          owned by Barnes Group Inc.   The Company's consolidated financial
          statements  include all of  the above-named subsidiaries.   For a
          statement of the principles  of consolidation applicable to these
          subsidiaries, see note 1  of the Notes to Consolidated  Financial
          Statements on page 18 of the 1994 Annual Report to Stockholders.