Barnes Group Inc.


                 In 1995, sales were $593 million, up 4% from 1994.  Sales in
                 1994 were $569 million, a 13% increase over 1993's level of
                 $502 million.

                 Associated Spring's 1995 sales increased 2% to $279 million,
                 following an increase of 17% in 1994.  In North America, sales
                 were down slightly, reflecting in part, a softening of the
                 U.S. durable goods market and labor issues at its Bristol,
                 Connecticut plant.  Internationally, the group reported very
                 strong sales growth, led by its Singapore operation which
                 continued its penetration of the electronics industry.  The
                 group's distribution business, which markets die springs and
                 precision stock springs, also reported good sales growth.

                 Bowman Distribution's 1995 sales were $217 million, up
                 slightly from 1994.  Sales in 1994 were $215 million, 11%
                 higher than 1993's level of $193 million.  Sales from Bowman
                 U.S., the group's largest business unit, kept pace with the
                 prior year.  Bowman's sales in Europe increased nearly 15%
                 reflecting progress in the development of new systems business
                 in the U.K.  Bowman's Canadian business showed slight
                 year-over-year gains in sales.

                 Barnes Aerospace's sales were $97 million in 1995, up 18% from
                 1994, following an increase of 7% in 1994.  Sharply higher
                 sales were reported by both the group's Advanced Fabrications
                 and Precision Machining businesses.  The sales of the group's
                 Repair and Overhaul business were marginally higher than 1994.

                 OPERATING INCOME

                 Consolidated operating income in 1995 was $48.8 million,
                 compared to $36.6 million in 1994 and $12.5 million in 1993.
                 As a result, operating income margin has risen significantly
                 to 8.2%, an improvement of nearly six percentage points in the
                 past two years.  The gain in operating income in 1995 resulted
                 primarily from cost reductions and productivity improvements
                 at Barnes Aerospace and Bowman Distribution, and sharply
                 higher sales volume in Barnes Aerospace.  Increased volume,
                 manufacturing efficiencies and overall containment of costs in
                 all three operating groups contributed to the 1994 gain.  The
                 continued focus on cost control led to lower selling and
                 administrative expenses, as a percent of sales, in both 1995
                 and 1994 compared to previous years.  Operating income in 1993
                 included provisions of $4.9 million for plant consolidations
                 and work force reductions.

                 Associated Spring's increase in operating income, to a record
                 $42.6 million, kept pace with its sales growth.  Strong profit
                 gains overseas, driven by higher sales volume and
                 manufacturing efficiencies, offset lower year-over-year
                 results in its North American manufacturing operations.

                 Bowman's operating income in 1995 of $17.4 million was $4.8
                 million above the 1994 level. This gain reflects sharply lower
                 selling and administrative expenses, primarily at Bowman U.S.

                 Barnes Aerospace's operating income was $5.0 million in 1995
                 compared to an operating loss of $1.8 million in 1994.  The
                 1994 operating loss included $1.1 million of severance costs
                 recognized in the fourth quarter.  The sharply higher profits
                 in 1995 reflect higher sales volume coupled with ongoing
                 productivity improvements and cost containment. The
                 improvements in sales volume, gross margins and operating
                 costs, resulted in the group reporting operating income for
                 four consecutive quarters.

                 Please refer to Note 13 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial
                 Statements on pages 26-27 for further information about the
                 company's operations by business segment.


                 Barnes Group Inc.


                 Other income was $4.4 million in 1995, $4.6 million in 1994
                 and $4.1 million in 1993 and includes $1.9 million, $2.3
                 million and $1.7 million, respectively, from the company's
                 investment in NASCO, a company jointly owned with NHK Spring
                 Co., Ltd. of Japan.  Interest income, another major component
                 of other income, increased 10% in 1995 to $1.4 million,
                 primarily due to higher levels of short-term investments in

                 Interest expense increased slightly in 1995, following a
                 decrease in 1994.  The impact of lower debt in 1995 was
                 largely offset by higher interest rates.

                 Other expenses increased in 1995, following a decrease in
                 1994, primarily due to higher foreign exchange and translation
                 losses.  These losses were $1.1 million, $0.5 million and $1.7
                 million in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

                 INCOME TAXES

                 The company's effective tax rate was 39.5% in 1995 compared
                 with 40.1% in 1994 and 47.8% in 1993.  Note 6 of the Notes to
                 Consolidated Financial Statements on page 22 contains an
                 explanatory table showing the factors affecting the company's
                 effective tax rate in each of these years.


                 Consolidated net income was $27.5 million in 1995, $20.3
                 million in 1994 and $4.4 million in 1993.  On a per share
                 basis, income for 1995 was $4.20 compared to $3.20 in 1994 and
                 $.70 in 1993.


                 Management believes that inflation during the 1993-1995
                 period did not have a material impact on the company's
                 historical financial statements.

                 FINANCIAL CONDITION

                 The company's financial condition, as presented in its
                 statement of cash flows and balance sheet, is strong.  The
                 following is a discussion of the significant elements of these
                 financial statements.

                 CASH FLOWS

                 Operating activities are the principal source of cash flow for
                 the company.  In 1995, operating activities generated a record
                 $47 million in cash flow, $10 million more than 1994 and $28
                 million more than 1993.  During the past three years,
                 operating activities provided over $104 million in cash which
                 the company used to pay dividends to stockholders and fund
                 significant investments in new plant and equipment.

                 Investing activities utilized cash of $37 million in 1995
                 compared with $31 million in 1994. Capital expenditures
                 increased to $36 million in 1995, 12% over 1994 and 61% over
                 1993.  Management continued to invest heavily to improve
                 quality and productivity while adding capacity.  During the
                 past three years the company has invested nearly $90 million
                 in new plant and equipment with over 65% of that at Associated
                 Spring.  In 1996, capital expenditures are expected to exceed
                 1995, with the level of investments in all three businesses
                 expected to increase.


                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 The company's financing activities used cash of $14 million in
                 1995 compared to $8 million in 1994.  The company continued to
                 use surplus cash generated by its U.S. operations to reduce
                 borrowings under short-term credit lines. Surplus cash from
                 foreign operations was used, in part, to fund strategic
                 investments in Mexico and Europe.  In 1995, the annual
                 dividend per share increased from $1.45 to $1.60.  As a
                 result, total cash dividends paid to the owners of the company
                 increased by 14% to $10 million.  Cash generated from the
                 exercise of employee stock options partially offset these


                 The company's liquidity, measured in terms of the level of
                 working capital, increased $7 million in 1995 to $95 million
                 at December 31, 1995.  The current ratio, a key measure of
                 liquidity, improved to 2.2 at December 31, 1995 compared to
                 2.0 at December 31, 1994.

                 In evaluating the company's working capital position,
                 consideration should be given to the fact that the majority of
                 its inventories are accounted for on a LIFO basis.  If these
                 inventories were stated on a current cost basis, their value
                 would have been higher by $13 million in both 1995 and 1994.

                 The company's ratio of interest-bearing debt to total
                 capitalization improved for the sixth consecutive year to 25%
                 at December 31, 1995 from 28% at December 31, 1994.  For this
                 purpose, total capitalization includes interest-bearing debt,
                 plus other long-term liabilities, accrued long-term retirement
                 benefits and stockholders' equity, excluding the guaranteed
                 ESOP obligation.

                 To supplement internal cash generation in the U.S., the
                 company maintains substantial bank borrowing facilities.  At
                 December 31, 1995, the company had $100 million of borrowing
                 capacity available under a revolving credit agreement which
                 expires in 2000.  In addition, the company has available $135
                 million in uncommitted, short-term bank credit lines, of which
                 $1.5 million was in use at December 31, 1995.  During 1995 and
                 1994, the company maintained long-term debt of $70 million
                 comprised, in part, of borrowings under its short-term bank
                 credit lines backed by its long-term revolving credit
                 agreement.  In December 1995, substantially all of the credit
                 line borrowings were replaced with the proceeds of a $25
                 million private placement with a final maturity in 2005.  This
                 was done to extend the maturity of the company's long-term
                 financing and to secure an additional block of committed
                 funding.  The company believes its bank credit facilities
                 coupled with cash generated from operations are adequate for
                 its anticipated future requirements.


                 In 1995, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting
                 Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,"
                 effective for years beginning after December 15, 1995.  Under
                 the provisions of this accounting standard, the company is not
                 required to change its method of accounting for stock-based
                 compensation.  Management expects to retain its current method
                 of accounting.


                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
                 Years Ended December 31,                      1995         1994         1993
                 Net sales                                 $592,509     $569,197     $502,292

                 Cost of sales                              382,150      366,455      323,950
                 Selling and administrative expenses        161,555      166,093      160,904
                 Plant closings and restructurings                -            -        4,900
                                                            543,705      532,548      489,754
                 Operating income                            48,804       36,649       12,538

                 Other income                                 4,373        4,611        4,117

                 Interest expense                             5,274        5,133        5,187
                 Other expenses                               2,453        2,205        3,077
                 Income before income taxes                  45,450       33,922        8,391
                 Income taxes                                17,966       13,606        4,008
                 Net income                                $ 27,484     $ 20,316     $  4,383
                 Per common share:
                   Net income                              $   4.20     $   3.20     $    .70
                   Dividends                               $   1.60     $   1.45     $   1.40
                 Average common shares outstanding        6,546,671    6,353,777    6,249,966

                 See accompanying notes.

                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 (Dollars in thousands)
                 December 31,                                         1995         1994
                 Current assets
                   Cash and cash equivalents                      $ 17,868     $ 22,023
                   Accounts receivable, less allowances
                     (1995 - $3,635; 1994 - $3,222)                 86,086       86,877
                   Inventories                                      56,749       50,845
                   Deferred income taxes                             8,344       12,147
                   Prepaid expenses                                  3,769        3,645
                    Total current assets                           172,816      175,537
                 Deferred income taxes                              24,308       23,854
                 Property, plant and equipment                     122,870      112,569
                 Goodwill                                           20,028       20,614
                 Other assets                                       21,527       19,382
                 Total assets                                     $361,549     $351,956

                 Current liabilities
                   Notes payable                                  $    509     $  7,903
                   Accounts payable                                 31,839       31,424
                   Accrued liabilities                              42,840       45,713
                   Guaranteed ESOP obligation-current                2,348        2,172
                    Total current liabilities                       77,536       87,212
                 Long-term debt                                     70,000       70,000
                 Guaranteed ESOP obligation                          7,491        9,839
                 Accrued retirement benefits                        68,824       66,817
                 Other liabilities                                   8,857       10,949
                 Stockholders' equity
                   Common stock - par value $1.00 per share
                      Authorized:  20,000,000 shares
                      Issued:  7,345,923 shares stated at           15,737       15,737
                   Additional paid-in capital                       27,360       27,772
                   Retained earnings                               136,092      118,938
                   Foreign currency translation adjustments        (10,656)      (8,715)
                   Treasury stock at cost (1995 - 791,205 shares;
                     1994 - 916,748 shares)                        (29,853)     (34,582)
                                                                   138,680      119,150
                   Guaranteed ESOP obligation                       (9,839)     (12,011)
                 Total stockholders' equity                        128,841      107,139
                 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity       $361,549     $351,956

                 See accompanying notes.

                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 (Dollars in thousands)
                 Years Ended December 31,                                1995        1994        1993
                 OPERATING ACTIVITIES:
                 Net income                                           $27,484     $20,316     $ 4,383
                 Adjustments to reconcile net income
                  to net cash from operating activities:
                   Depreciation and amortization                       26,750      23,733      23,094
                   Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment         (268)       (151)       (442)
                   Translation losses                                     290         356       1,459
                   Changes in assets and liabilities:
                    Accounts receivable                                   365      (9,411)     (4,504)
                    Inventories                                        (6,073)     (1,037)      1,599
                    Accounts payable                                      794       4,298       3,113
                    Accrued liabilities                                (2,664)      2,630      (6,369)
                    Deferred income taxes                               3,479        (485)      1,992
                    Other liabilities and assets                       (2,862)     (2,549)     (4,683)
                  Net cash provided by operating activities            47,295      37,700      19,642

                 INVESTING ACTIVITIES:
                  Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
                   and equipment                                        1,301       2,835       4,506
                  Capital expenditures                                (35,820)    (31,848)    (22,216)
                  Other                                                (2,057)     (2,252)     (3,014)
                  Net cash used by investing activities               (36,576)    (31,265)    (20,724)

                 FINANCING ACTIVITIES:
                  Net decrease in notes payable                        (7,389)     (2,653)     (4,377)
                  Proceeds from the issuance of common stock            5,849       3,956       1,706
                  Payments to acquire treasury stock                   (1,746)          -           -
                  Dividends paid                                      (10,491)     (9,223)     (8,756)
                  Net cash used by financing activities               (13,777)     (7,920)    (11,427)

                 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash flows         (1,097)       (621)     (2,430)
                 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (4,155)     (2,106)    (14,939)
                 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year        22,023      24,129      39,068
                 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             $17,868     $22,023     $24,129

                            See accompanying notes.


Barnes Group Inc.

                                              Additional                     Currency                   Guaranteed
                                   Common        Paid-In     Retained     Translation     Treasury            ESOP     Stockholders'
(Dollars in thousands)              Stock        Capital     Earnings     Adjustments        Stock      Obligation           Equity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
January 1, 1993                   $15,737        $29,502     $111,838        $ (5,138)    $(42,488)      $(15,876)         $ 93,575

Net income                                                      4,383                                                         4,383
Cash dividends                                                 (8,756)                                                       (8,756)
Employee stock plans                                (757)                                    2,670                            1,913
Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                                                  1,857             1,857
Income tax benefits on 
  unallocated ESOP dividends                                      203                                                           203
Translation adjustments                                                        (1,326)                                       (1,326)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1993                  15,737         28,745      107,668          (6,464)     (39,818)       (14,019)           91,849

Net income                                                     20,316                                                        20,316
Cash dividends                                                 (9,223)                                                       (9,223)
Employee stock plans                                (973)                                    5,236                            4,263
Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                                                  2,008             2,008
Income tax benefits on 
  unallocated ESOP dividends                                      177                                                           177
Translation adjustments                                                        (2,251)                                       (2,251)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1994                  15,737         27,772      118,938          (8,715)     (34,582)       (12,011)          107,139

Net income                                                     27,484                                                        27,484
Cash dividends                                                (10,491)                                                      (10,491)
Employee stock plans                                (412)                                    4,729                            4,317
Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                                                  2,172             2,172
Income tax benefits on 
  unallocated ESOP dividends                                      161                                                           161
Translation adjustments                                                        (1,941)                                       (1,941)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DECEMBER 31, 1995                 $15,737        $27,360     $136,092        $(10,656)    $(29,853)      $ (9,839)         $128,841

See accompanying notes.


                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 (All dollar amounts included in the notes are stated in 
                 thousands except per share data and the tables in Note 13.)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. SUMMARY OF    GENERAL:  The preparation of financial statements requires
   SIGNIFICANT   management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
   ACCOUNTING    reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the
   POLICIES      financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and
                 expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could
                 differ from those estimates.

                 CONSOLIDATION:  The accompanying consolidated financial
                 statements include the accounts of the company and all of its
                 subsidiaries.  Intercompany transactions and account balances
                 have been eliminated.  The company accounts for its 45%
                 investment in the common stock of NASCO, an automotive
                 suspension spring company jointly owned with NHK Spring Co.,
                 Ltd. of Japan, under the equity method.  Other income in the
                 accompanying income statements includes $1,897, $2,314 and
                 $1,734 for the years 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively, of
                 income from the company's investment in NASCO.

                 REVENUE RECOGNITION:  Sales and related cost of sales are
                 recognized when products are shipped to customers.

                 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS:  All highly liquid investments
                 purchased with a maturity of three months or less are cash
                 equivalents and are carried at fair market value.

                 INVENTORIES:  Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or
                 market.  The last-in, first-out (LIFO) method was used to
                 accumulate the cost of all U.S.  inventories which represent
                 69% of total inventories.  The cost of foreign subsidiary
                 inventories was determined using the first-in, first-out
                 (FIFO) method.

                 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT:  Property, plant and equipment
                 is stated at cost.  Depreciation is provided using accelerated
                 methods over estimated useful lives ranging generally from 20
                 to 50 years for buildings and 3 to 17 years for machinery and
                 equipment.  Maintenance and repairs charged to expense were
                 $15,396, $16,341 and $12,966 in 1995, 1994 and 1993,

                 GOODWILL:  Goodwill represents the excess purchase price over
                 the net assets of companies acquired in business combinations.
                 Goodwill acquired since 1970 is being amortized on a
                 straight-line basis over 40 years; similar investments for
                 businesses acquired prior to 1970 (approximately $5,200) are
                 not being amortized.  The company has determined that there is
                 no indication of any impairment in the value of goodwill.
                 Accumulated amortization was $7,588 and $7,002 at December 31,
                 1995 and 1994, respectively.

                 FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION:   Assets and liabilities of
                 foreign operations, except those in countries with high rates
                 of inflation, are translated at year-end rates of exchange;
                 revenue and expenses are translated at average annual rates of
                 exchange.  The resulting translation gains and losses are
                 reflected in foreign currency translation adjustments within
                 stockholders' equity.

                 For operations in countries that have high rates of inflation, 
                 translation gains and losses are included in net income.  
                 These losses, along with those generated from foreign 
                 currency transactions, were $1,078, $550 and $1,661 in
                 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.
                 INCOME PER COMMON SHARE:  Income per common share is based on
                 the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
                 during the year.  The effect of common stock equivalents
                 (stock options) is not material.  For purposes of calculating
                 income per share, Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) shares
                 are considered outstanding.


                 Barnes Group Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. INVENTORIES   Inventories at December 31, consisted of:

                                                                 1995       1994
                 Finished goods                               $28,541    $28,769
                 Work-in-process                               16,222     13,697
                 Raw materials and supplies                    11,986      8,379
                                                              $56,749    $50,845

                 Inventories valued by the LIFO method aggregated $39,219 and
                 $37,781 at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  If LIFO
                 inventories had been valued using the FIFO method, they would
                 have been $12,632 and $12,639 higher at those dates.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. PROPERTY,     Property, plant and equipment at December 31, consisted of:

                                                                 1995       1994
                 Land                                        $  5,412   $  5,651
                 Buildings                                     60,064     59,727
                 Machinery and equipment                      232,356    210,807
                                                              297,832    276,185
                 Less accumulated depreciation                174,962    163,616
                                                             $122,870   $112,569

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. ACCRUED       Accrued liabilities at December 31, consisted of:

                                                                 1995       1994
                 Payroll and other compensation              $ 12,699   $ 15,033
                 Postretirement/postemployment benefits         6,541      7,631
                 Vacation pay                                   4,460      4,500
                 Accrued income taxes                           5,006      3,927
                 Pension and profit sharing                     2,017      1,707
                 Other                                         12,117     12,915
                                                             $ 42,840   $ 45,713

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. DEBT AND      Long-term debt at December 31, consisted of:

                                                          1995              1994
                                                   Carrying      Fair   Carrying
                                                     Amount     Value     Amount
                 9.47% Notes                        $36,923   $40,228    $40,000
                 7.13% Notes                         25,000    25,302          -
                 Borrowings under lines of credit     1,077     1,077     23,000
                 Other                                7,000     7,000      7,000
                                                    $70,000   $73,607    $70,000

                 The 9.47% Notes are payable in thirteen semi-annual payments
                 of $3,077 beginning on September 16, 1995, while the 7.13%
                 Notes are payable in four equal installments of $6,250
                 beginning on December 5, 2002.  The fair values of these notes
                 are determined using discounted cash flows based upon the
                 company's estimated current interest rate for similar types of
                 borrowings.  The carrying values of other long-term debt,
                 notes payable and guaranteed ESOP obligation approximate their
                 fair value.


                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 The company has a revolving credit agreement with five banks
                 that allows borrowings up to $100,000 under notes due December
                 6, 2000.  A commitment fee of .17% per annum is paid on the
                 unused portion of the commitments.  The company had no
                 borrowings under this agreement at December 31, 1995 and 1994.

                 The company has available $135,000 in uncommitted, short-term
                 bank credit lines, of which $1,500 and $30,000 were in use at
                 December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  The interest rate
                 on these borrowings was 6.1% and 6.2% at December 31, 1995 and
                 1994, respectively.

                 At December 31, 1995, the company classified $1,077 of
                 borrowings under its lines of credit and $6,154 of its 9.47%
                 Notes due within one year as long-term debt.  The company has
                 both the intent and the ability, through its revolving credit
                 agreement, to refinance these amounts on a long-term basis.

                 During 1995, the company had outstanding an interest rate
                 swap, a form of derivative, which effectively converted
                 $18,462 of its fixed rate 9.47% Notes to floating rate debt
                 with interest equal to LIBOR plus 83 basis points.  The
                 effective interest rate on this floating rate portion was 6.7%
                 and 7.3% at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  This
                 swap decreases as the Notes are repaid.  The fair value of the
                 swap is determined based upon current market prices and was
                 $1,914 at December 31, 1995.  The company does not use
                 derivatives for trading purposes.

                 The company guaranteed $9,953 of letters of credit, bank
                 borrowings and capital lease obligations related to its 45%
                 investment in NASCO.  In addition, the company has other
                 outstanding letters of credit totaling $7,004 at December 31,

                 The required principal payments on the Notes are $6,154 in
                 each of the next five years.  As noted above, the 1996
                 maturity has been classified as long-term.

                 Certain of the company's debt arrangements contain
                 requirements to maintain minimum levels of working capital and
                 net worth, which as a result, place limitations on dividend
                 payments and acquisitions of the company's common stock.
                 Under the most restrictive covenant in any agreement, $43,118
                 was available for dividends or acquisitions of common stock at
                 December 31, 1995.

                 Interest paid was $5,661, $5,626 and $5,496 in 1995, 1994 and
                 1993, respectively.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. INCOME        The components of income before income taxes and the provision
   TAXES         for income taxes follow:

                                                       1995       1994      1993

                 Income before income taxes:
                   U.S.                             $31,722    $23,639    $6,212
                   International                     13,728     10,283     2,179
                                                    $45,450    $33,922    $8,391
                 Income tax provision:
                   U.S. - federal                   $ 7,668    $ 7,975    $ (743)
                   U.S. - state                       1,363      1,639      (172)
                   International                      5,456      4,477     2,931
                                                     14,487     14,091     2,016
                   U.S. - federal                     2,479       (403)    1,383
                   U.S. - state                       1,056        355       626
                   International                        (56)      (437)      (17)
                                                      3,479       (485)    1,992
                                                    $17,966    $13,606    $4,008

                 Barnes Group Inc.


                 Deferred income tax assets and liabilities at December 31,
                 consist of the tax effects of temporary differences related to
                 the following:

                                                            Assets              Liabilities
                                                        1995       1994       1995       1994
                 Allowance for doubtful accounts     $ 1,296    $ 1,197    $   (10)   $    (7)
                 Depreciation and amortization        (6,460)    (7,155)     1,980      1,826
                 Inventory valuation                   3,127      6,295        775        594
                  postemployment costs                28,921     29,234       (435)         -
                 Tax loss carryforwards                7,665      6,672          -          -
                 Other                                 4,742      5,744      1,163      1,050
                                                      39,291     41,987      3,473      3,463
                 Valuation allowance                  (6,639)    (5,986)         -          -
                                                     $32,652    $36,001    $ 3,473    $ 3,463

                 Current deferred income taxes       $ 8,344    $12,147    $   765    $   587
                 Noncurrent deferred
                  income taxes                        24,308     23,854      2,708      2,876
                                                     $32,652    $36,001    $ 3,473    $ 3,463

                 The components of the net deferred income tax balances
                 recognized in the accompanying balance sheets at December 31,

                                                                              1995       1994
                 Total deferred income tax assets                          $53,307    $56,892
                 Total deferred income tax asset valuation allowance        (6,639)    (5,986)
                 Total deferred income tax liabilities                     (17,489)   (18,368)
                                                                           $29,179    $32,538

                 A portion of the deferred income tax assets can be realized
                 through carrybacks and reversals of existing taxable temporary
                 differences with the remainder, net of the valuation
                 allowance, dependent on future income.  Management believes
                 that sufficient income will be earned in the future to realize
                 the remaining net deferred income tax assets.

                 The company has not recognized deferred income taxes on
                 $69,092 of undistributed earnings of its international
                 subsidiaries since such earnings are considered to be
                 reinvested indefinitely.  If the earnings were distributed in
                 the form of dividends, the company would be subject to both
                 U.S. income taxes and foreign withholding taxes. Determination
                 of the amount of this unrecognized deferred income tax
                 liability is not practicable.

                 Barnes Group Inc.


                 A reconciliation of the U.S. federal statutory income tax 
                 rate to the consolidated effective income tax rate follows:

                                                                   1995     1994     1993
                 U.S. federal statutory income tax rate            35.0%    35.0%    35.0%
                 Effect of graduated rates                            -        -     (1.0)
                 State taxes (net of federal benefit)               3.5      3.8      3.6
                 Foreign losses without tax benefit                 2.7      4.0     25.2
                 Translation losses                                 0.2      0.4      5.9
                 Research and development tax credits                 -     (0.3)    (1.8)
                 Foreign tax rates                                 (1.6)    (3.1)    (5.2)
                 NASCO income                                      (1.0)    (2.0)    (5.9)
                 Goodwill amortization                              0.5      0.7      2.7
                 Income tax benefit of allocated ESOP dividends    (0.8)    (0.9)    (3.2)
                 Enacted rate change                                  -        -     (9.5)
                 Other                                              1.0      2.5      2.0
                 Consolidated effective income tax rate            39.5%    40.1%    47.8%

                 Income taxes paid, net of refunds, were $13,269, $8,848 and
                 $4,255 in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. COMMON STOCK  In 1995, 1994 and 1993, 167,779, 135,692 and 70,504 shares of
                 common stock were issued from treasury for the exercise of
                 stock options, purchases by the Employee Stock Purchase Plan
                 and various other incentive awards.  Also in 1995, the company
                 acquired 42,236 shares of the company's common stock from its
                 Guaranteed Stock Plan at a cost of $1,746.  These acquired
                 shares were placed in treasury.

                 Each share of outstanding common stock contains a dividend
                 distribution right (Right) which entitles the holder to
                 purchase 1/100 of a share of Series A Junior Participating
                 Preferred Stock for one hundred dollars.

                 Separate rights certificates will be mailed to stockholders if
                 a person or group acquires or commences a tender or exchange
                 offer for 50% or more of the outstanding shares of the
                 company's common stock.  The Rights, which have no voting or
                 dividend rights, expire July 29, 1996 and may be redeemed by
                 the company at a price of five cents per Right at any time
                 until the tenth day following public announcement that a
                 person or group has acquired or intends to acquire 50% or more
                 of the outstanding common stock.

                 If, following the acquisition by a person or group of 50% or
                 more of the outstanding shares of the company's common stock,
                 the company is acquired in a merger or other business
                 combination or 50% or more of the company's assets or earning
                 power is sold or transferred, each outstanding Right becomes
                 exercisable for common stock or other securities of the
                 acquiring entity having a value of twice the exercise price of
                 the Right.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. PREFERRED     At December 31, 1995 and 1994, the company had 3,000,000
   STOCK         shares of $1 par value preferred stock authorized, none of
                 which were outstanding.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. STOCK PLANS   All U.S. salaried and non-union hourly employees are eligible
                 to participate in the company's Guaranteed Stock Plan (GSP).
                 The GSP provides for the investment of employer and employee
                 contributions in the company's common stock.  The company
                 guarantees a minimum rate of return on certain GSP assets.

                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 The GSP is a leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
                 In 1989, the GSP purchased 579,310 shares of the company's
                 common stock at a cost of $21,000 using the proceeds of a loan
                 guaranteed by the company.  These shares are held in trust and
                 are issued to employees' accounts in the GSP as the loan is
                 repaid.  Principal and interest on the GSP loan are being paid
                 in quarterly installments through 1999.  The loan bears
                 interest based on LIBOR.  At December 31, 1995 the interest
                 rate was 6.7%.  Interest of $747, $653 and $592 was incurred
                 in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

                 Contributions and certain dividends received are used in part
                 by the GSP to service its debt.  Contributions include both
                 employee contributions up to a maximum of 10% of eligible pay
                 and company contributions.

                 The company contributions are equal to the amount required by
                 the Plan to pay the principal and interest due under the Plan
                 loan plus that required to purchase any additional shares
                 required to be allocated to participant accounts, less the sum
                 of participant contributions and dividends received by the
                 GSP.  The GSP used $1,459, $1,323 and $1,277 of company
                 dividends for debt service in 1995, 1994 and 1993,
                 respectively.  The company expenses all cash contributions
                 made to the GSP.  Compensation expense was $2,245, $2,268 and
                 $2,452 in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  In addition to
                 the company shares held in trust, the GSP also purchases the
                 company's common stock on the open market to meet its
                 requirements.  As of December 31, 1995, the GSP held 1,158,819
                 shares of the company's common stock, of which 224,968 shares
                 were unallocated.

                 For financial statement purposes, the company reflects its
                 guarantee of the GSP's debt as a liability with a like amount
                 reflected as a reduction of stockholders' equity.

                 The company also has an Employee Stock Purchase Plan under
                 which eligible employees may elect to have up to 10% of base
                 compensation deducted from payroll for the purchase of the
                 company's common stock at 85% of market value on the date of
                 purchase.  The maximum number of shares which may be purchased
                 under the Plan is 675,000.  During 1995, 21,012 shares (22,367
                 and 23,737 shares in 1994 and 1993, respectively) were
                 purchased.  As of December 31, 1995, 221,871 shares may be
                 issued in the future.

                 The 1991 Barnes Group Stock Incentive Plan authorizes the
                 granting of incentives to officers and other executives in the
                 form of stock options, stock appreciation rights, incentive
                 stock rights and performance unit awards.  A predecessor plan
                 which provided for similar incentives expired in 1991.
                 Options granted under that plan continue to be exercisable and
                 any options which terminate without being exercised become
                 available for grant under the 1991 Plan.  A maximum of 660,926
                 common shares are subject to issuance under this plan after
                 December 31, 1995.  Data relating to grants under these plans

                 Options                                       1995        1994
                 Outstanding, January 1                     644,554     713,696
                 Granted                                     79,100     117,300
                 Exercised (at $17.96 to $38.38)            146,046     108,464
                 Cancelled                                   77,252      77,978
                 Outstanding, December 31 (at $20.83
                   to $42.13)                               500,356     644,554
                 Exercisable, December 31 (at $20.83 
                   to $38.38)                               142,400     237,120
                 Available for future grants, December 31   160,570     162,418

                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 Under the Non-employee Director Deferred Stock Plan each 
                 non-employee director is awarded 2,000 shares of the company's
                 common stock upon retirement.  In 1994, 4,000 shares were
                 issued under this plan.  No shares were issued in 1995 or
                 1993.  As of December 31, 1995, 20,000 shares were reserved
                 for issuance under this plan.

                 Total shares reserved for issuance under all stock plans
                 aggregated 902,797 at December 31, 1995.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. PENSION      The company has noncontributory defined benefit pension plans
    PLANS        covering a majority of its worldwide employees at Associated
                 Spring, Bowman Distribution and its Executive Office.  Plan
                 benefits for salaried and non-union hourly employees are based
                 on years of service and average salary.  Plans covering union
                 hourly employees provide benefits based on years of service.
                 The company funds U.S. pension costs in accordance with the
                 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
                 Plan assets consist primarily of common stocks and fixed
                 income investments.

                 Pension expense consisted of the following:

                                                       1995      1994      1993
                 Service cost                      $  4,836  $  5,282  $  4,467
                 Interest cost                       15,907    15,290    14,946
                 Actual (return) loss on 
                   plan assets                      (43,256)      941   (25,875)
                 Net amortization and deferral       22,960   (20,295)    7,308
                                                   $    447  $  1,218  $    846

                 The funded status of the plans at December 31, is set forth 

                                                                1995       1994
                 Plan assets at fair value                  $247,915   $216,767
                 Actuarial present value of
                  benefit obligations:
                   Vested benefits                           201,231    176,219
                   Nonvested benefits                          4,124      3,856
                   Accumulated benefit obligations           205,355    180,075
                   Additional benefits based on projected
                    future salary increases                   23,026     20,324
                   Projected benefit obligations             228,381    200,399
                 Plan assets greater than projected
                  benefit obligations                       $ 19,534   $ 16,368

                 Reconciliation to net pension asset recognized in the
                 accompanying balance sheets:

                                                                1995       1994
                 Plan assets greater than projected 
                  benefit obligations                       $ 19,534   $ 16,368
                 Adjustments for unrecognized:
                   Net gains                                  (6,512)    (2,901)
                   Prior service costs                         4,591      4,859
                   Net asset at transition                    (9,043)   (10,639)
                                                             (10,964)    (8,681)
                 Net pension asset                          $  8,570   $  7,687


                 Barnes Group Inc.


                 Significant assumptions used in determining pension expense 
                 and the funded status of the plans were:

                                                           1995    1994    1993
                 Weighted average discount rate            7.25%   8.25%   7.50%
                 Increase in compensation                  5.25%   5.25%   5.25%
                 Long-term rate of return on plan assets   9.00%   9.00%   9.00%

                 The reduction in the weighted average discount rate, from
                 8.25% to 7.25%, increased the projected benefit obligations by
                 approximately $23,016 at December 31, 1995 and will increase
                 annual pension expense by $712.

                 The company has defined contribution plans covering employees
                 of Barnes Aerospace and field sales employees of Bowman
                 Distribution's U.S. operation. Company contributions under
                 these plans are based primarily on the performance of the
                 business unit and employee compensation. Total expense
                 amounted to $1,748, $1,431 and $1,566 in 1995, 1994 and 1993,

                 The pension agreement between the company and the union
                 representing the three largest Associated Spring plants became
                 subject to renegotiation during the first quarter of 1995.
                 Pension negotiations have been delayed, in part, due to
                 negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement
                 covering workers at Associated Spring's largest plant. The
                 pension negotiation could be further delayed by the fact that
                 the labor agreement covering workers at another large
                 Associated Spring plant is scheduled for renegotiation in
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. POSTRE-      The company provides certain medical, dental and life
    TIREMENT     insurance benefits for a majority of its retired employees in
    HEALTHCARE   the U.S. and Canada. It is the company's practice to fund
    AND LIFE     these benefits as incurred.
    BENEFITS     Postretirement benefit expense consisted of the following:

                                                     1995       1994       1993
                 Service cost                     $   679    $   874    $   792
                 Interest cost                      5,594      5,199      5,840
                 Net amortization                    (158)      (158)         -
                                                  $ 6,115    $ 5,915    $ 6,632

                 The amounts included in the accompanying balance sheets at
                 December 31, were as follows:

                                                     1995       1994       1993
                 Accumulated benefit obligations:
                  Retirees                        $57,160    $50,917    $48,199
                  Employees eligible to retire      6,904      6,209      8,334
                  Employees not eligible to retire 13,654     12,020     15,204
                  Unrecognized prior service cost   1,021      1,245      1,403
                  Unrecognized net loss            (7,339)      (986)    (4,823)
                                                  $71,400    $69,405    $68,317

                 Postretirement benefit obligations included in:
                  Accrued liabilities             $ 5,673    $ 5,300    $ 5,200
                  Accrued retirement benefits      65,727     64,105     63,117
                                                  $71,400    $69,405    $68,317

                 A deferred tax asset is included in the accompanying balance
                 sheets recognizing the future tax benefit of the 
                 postretirement benefit obligations (See Note 6).  

                 Barnes Group Inc.


                 Cash payments made in 1995, 1994 and 1993 for postretirement
                 benefits were $5,210, $4,828 and $4,597, respectively.

                 The company's accumulated benefit obligations take into
                 account certain cost-sharing provisions. The annual assumed
                 rate of increase in the cost of covered benefits (i.e.,
                 healthcare cost trend rate) is assumed to be 10.0% for 1995,
                 gradually reducing to 5.0% by the year 2001. A one percentage
                 point increase in the assumed healthcare cost trend rate would
                 increase the accumulated benefit obligations by approximately
                 $6,664 at December 31, 1995, and would have increased 1995
                 expense by approximately $815.

                 Discount rates of 7.25%, 8.25% and 7.5% were used in
                 determining the accumulated benefit obligations at December
                 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively. While the reduction in
                 the weighted average discount rate from 8.25% to 7.25%
                 increased the accumulated benefit obligations by $7,213 at
                 December 31, 1995, it will have only a minor impact on the
                 1996 expense.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. LEASES       Rent expense was $5,866, $6,072 and $5,256 for 1995, 1994 and
                 1993, respectively. Minimum rental commitments under
                 noncancellable leases (principally for buildings and
                 equipment) in years 1996 through 2000 are $3,089, $2,198,
                 $1,601, $1,023, $837 and $4,895 thereafter.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. INFORMATION  The company operates three businesses:
    SEGMENTS     Associated Spring: manufactures and distributes custom-made
                 springs and other close-tolerance engineered metal components
                 principally to the transportation, electronics and industrial
                 markets. Associated Spring's custom metal parts are sold in
                 the United States and through its foreign subsidiaries.
                 Foreign manufacturing operations are located in Brazil,
                 Canada, Mexico and Singapore. The automotive and automotive
                 parts industries constitute Associated Spring's largest

                 Bowman Distribution: distributes fast-moving, consumable
                 repair and replacement products for industrial, heavy
                 equipment and transportation maintenance markets. Bowman
                 Distribution's operations and markets are located primarily in
                 the United States.  Other important locations include Canada
                 and Europe.

                 Barnes Aerospace: manufactures precision machined parts and
                 fabricated assemblies, and refurbishes jet engine components
                 for the aircraft and aerospace industries. Barnes Aerospace's
                 operations and markets are located primarily in the United

                 Sales between the business segments and between the geographic
                 areas are accounted for on the same basis as sales to
                 unaffiliated customers. Operating income includes net sales
                 less cost of sales, selling and administrative expenses and
                 the cost of plant closings and restructurings. In 1993, plant
                 closings and restructurings included $3,400 for combining
                 operations of the Aerospace machining units and $1,500 for the
                 consolidation of Associated Spring's operations in Mexico.
                 Other income and expenses are not included in operating
                 income. Corporate assets consist of cash and cash
                 equivalents, deferred income taxes, other assets,
                 transportation equipment and the Executive Office building.
                 Included in the 1995 identifiable international assets are the
                 assets of manufacturing facilities in Singapore ($19,200),
                 Brazil ($14,100), Canada ($18,000) and Mexico ($10,300) and
                 distribution facilities in Canada ($13,100), United Kingdom
                 ($16,300) and France ($8,000). Associated Spring's operation
                 in Singapore was an important contributor to the company's
                 international operating income during each of the three years

Barnes Group Inc.


The following tables set forth information about the company's operations by its
three business segments and by geographic area:


                                                             Net Sales                Operating Income
(Dollars in millions)                                  1995     1994     1993       1995     1994     1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Associated Spring                                    $279.0   $272.4   $233.0     $ 42.6   $ 41.7   $ 28.6
Bowman Distribution                                   217.0    215.1    193.2       17.4     12.6      6.7
Barnes Aerospace                                       97.3     82.3     77.0        5.0     (1.8)    (4.5)
Intersegment sales                                     (0.8)    (0.6)    (0.9)         -        -        -
                                                     $592.5   $569.2   $502.3       65.0     52.5     30.8
Plant closings and restructurings                                                      -        -     (4.9)
Corporate expenses                                                                 (16.2)   (15.9)   (13.4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income                                                                  $ 48.8   $ 36.6   $ 12.5

                           Identifiable Assets         Capital Expenditures         Depreciation Expense
(Dollars in millions)     1995     1994     1993       1995     1994     1993       1995     1994     1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Associated Spring       $160.3   $144.7   $124.3     $ 24.2   $ 23.7   $ 11.1     $ 11.6   $  9.0   $  7.7
Bowman Distribution       79.2     86.0     80.7        3.6      4.3      5.6        4.1      3.1      2.9
Barnes Aerospace          87.0     85.6     90.0        7.8      3.7      5.4        7.2      7.5      8.0
Corporate                 35.0     35.7     38.3        0.2      0.1      0.1        0.3      0.2      0.3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        $361.5   $352.0   $333.3     $ 35.8   $ 31.8   $ 22.2     $ 23.2   $ 19.8   $ 18.9


                                                             Net Sales                Operating Income
(Dollars in millions)                                  1995     1994     1993       1995     1994     1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Domestic                                             $463.4   $454.8   $404.8     $ 51.3   $ 45.0   $ 28.4
International                                         137.9    121.9    103.1       13.7      7.5      2.4
Sales between geographic areas                         (8.8)    (7.5)    (5.6)         -        -        -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     $592.5   $569.2   $502.3     $ 65.0   $ 52.5   $ 30.8

                                                                                     Identifiable Assets
(Dollars in millions)                                                               1995     1994     1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Domestic                                                                          $227.5   $226.6   $210.3
International                                                                       99.0     89.7     84.7
Corporate                                                                           35.0     35.7     38.3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  $361.5   $352.0   $333.3

                 Barnes Group Inc.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. CONTINGENCY  In December, 1991, the company was notified by the McDonnell
                 Douglas Corporation that McDonnell Douglas was terminating for
                 default an $8,200 contract with the company's Advanced
                 Fabrication division.  In 1992, the company wrote off $4,000
                 of net assets related to this contract previously included in
                 its financial statements.  The company believed from the onset
                 that it had legitimate defenses to the default claim.  In
                 June, 1995, this dispute was settled to the satisfaction of
                 both parties with no further financial impact on the results
                 of operations or on the financial position of the company.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                 In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets
                 and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in
                 stockholders' equity and of cash flows present fairly, in all
                 material respects, the financial position of Barnes Group Inc.
                 and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the
                 results of their operations and their cash flows for the years
                 then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting
                 principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility
                 of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express
                 an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.
                 We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with
                 generally accepted auditing standards which require that we
                 plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
                 about whether the financial statements are free of material
                 misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
                 evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
                 financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used
                 and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating
                 the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that
                 our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion
                 expressed above.  The financial statements of Barnes Group
                 Inc. for the year ended December 31, 1993 were audited by
                 other independent accountants whose report dated January 28,
                 1994 expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements.

                 /s/ PRICE WATERHOUSE LLP

                 Hartford, Connecticut
                 January 23, 1996

Barnes Group Inc.

                                                     First            Second             Third            Fourth              Full
(Dollars in millions except per share data)        Quarter           Quarter           Quarter           Quarter              Year
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                           $158.6            $151.0            $141.7            $141.2            $592.5
Gross profit*                                         57.7              54.8              49.8              48.1             210.4
Operating income                                      14.5              13.4              11.1               9.8              48.8
Net income                                             8.3               7.3               6.3               5.6              27.5
Per Common Share:
Net income                                            1.29              1.12               .95               .84              4.20
Dividends                                              .40               .40               .40               .40              1.60
Market prices (high-low)                    $44 3/8-36 1/4    $45 3/4-40 1/4            $43-40    $40 7/8-35 7/8    $45 3/4-35 7/8

Net sales                                           $142.1            $143.2            $140.3            $143.6            $569.2
Gross profit*                                         51.4              51.4              50.6              49.3             202.7
Operating income                                       8.8               9.6              10.2               8.0              36.6
Net income                                             4.9               5.5               5.4               4.5              20.3
Per Common Share:
Net income                                             .78               .87               .84               .71              3.20
Dividends                                              .35               .35               .35               .40              1.45
Market prices (high-low)                    $31 1/2-29 1/2    $37 3/4-29 3/4        $38-33 5/8    $39 7/8-35 1/2    $39 7/8-29 1/2

Note:  The fourth quarter of 1994 includes a pretax charge of $1.1 or $.10 per
common share for severance costs at Barnes Aerospace.

*Sales minus cost of sales.

Barnes Group Inc.

                                                                                             1995           1994           1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss)
 Continuing operations                                                                     $   4.20       $   3.20       $    .70
 Effect of accounting changes                                                                     -              -              -
 Discontinued operations                                                                          -              -              -
 Net income (loss)                                                                             4.20           3.20            .70
Dividends paid                                                                                 1.60           1.45           1.40
Stockholders' equity before deduction of guaranteed
 ESOP obligation (at year-end)                                                                21.16          18.53          16.82
Stock price (at year-end)                                                                        36             38         31 1/4
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR (in thousands)
Net sales                                                                                  $592,509       $569,197       $502,292
Operating income                                                                             48,804         36,649         12,538
  As a percent of sales                                                                         8.2%           6.4%           2.5%
Income from continuing operations before income taxes
  and effect of accounting changes                                                         $ 45,450       $ 33,922       $  8,391
Income taxes                                                                                 17,966         13,606          4,008
Income from continuing operations before
  effect of accounting changes (8)                                                           27,484         20,316          4,383
  As a percent of average stockholders' equity
    before deduction of guaranteed ESOP obligation                                             20.8%          18.0%           4.1%
Effect of accounting changes                                                               $      -       $      -       $      -
Net income (loss)                                                                            27,484         20,316          4,383
Net income (loss) applicable to common stock                                                 27,484         20,316          4,383
Depreciation and amortization                                                                26,750         23,733         23,094
Capital expenditures                                                                         35,820         31,848         22,216
Average common shares outstanding                                                             6,547          6,354          6,250
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working capital                                                                            $ 95,280       $ 88,325       $ 87,011
Current ratio                                                                              2.2 to 1       2.0 to 1       2.1 to 1
Property, plant and equipment                                                              $122,870       $112,569       $103,043
Total assets                                                                                361,549        351,956        333,296
Long-term debt                                                                               70,000         70,000         70,000
Stockholders' equity before deduction of
  guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                                138,680        119,150        105,868
Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                                    9,839         12,011         14,019
Stockholders' equity                                                                        128,841        107,139         91,849
Debt as a percent of total capitalization (9)                                                  24.6%          28.3%          30.5%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Employees                                                                                     3,880          4,181          4,357


(1) All per-share data, other than earnings per common share, are based on
    common shares outstanding at the end of each year. Earnings per common share
    are based on weighted average common shares outstanding during each year.

(2) Includes a $3.4 million pretax, $2.0 million after-tax charge ($.33 per 
    share) against income related to the plant consolidation and work force 
    reduction at Barnes Aerospace and a $1.5 million charge without tax 
    benefit ($.24 per share) for a plant consolidation at Associated Spring's 
    Mexican operations.

(3) Includes a $17.8 million pretax, $10.7 million after-tax charge ($1.73 
    per share) against income related to the costs of plant closings at 
    Associated Spring, Barnes Aerospace charges on a terminated contract and 
    restructuring of Bowman U.S. sales organization. These charges were 
    partially offset by a $5.0 million pretax gain, $3.7 million after-tax
    ($.60 per share) from the sale of Bowman's Pioneer division.

(4) Barnes Group adopted three new accounting standards in 1992 retroactive to
    the beginning of the year. Included is a one-time $39.7 million after-tax
    charge ($6.41 per share) to comply with FAS 106 and 112 which changes the
    accounting for certain postretirement and postemployment benefits to the
    accrual method and an additional $1.0 million income tax charge ($.15 per
    share) for FAS 109, which changed income tax accounting.


    1992(3)(4)    1991           1990          1989(5)       1988          1987(6)       1986(7)       1985
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$    .94      $   2.60       $   2.76      $   1.94      $   3.06      $   2.80      $   2.57      $   2.27
   (6.56)            -             -              -             -             -             -             -
       -             -             -              -             -             -             -          (.60)
   (5.62)         2.60           2.76          1.94          3.06          2.80          2.57          1.67
    1.40          1.40           1.40          1.40          1.20          1.15          1.00           .85

   17.59         25.31          23.88         21.96         20.35         17.91         19.27         17.68
  30 1/2        35 3/8         25 7/8            29        35 5/8            32        30 1/2        27 1/2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$529,073      $535,660       $545,857      $511,221      $496,060      $458,016      $439,727      $431,762
   7,259        37,982         41,198        33,990        43,702        42,265        43,056        40,767
     1.4%          7.1%           7.5%          6.6%          8.8%          9.2%          9.8%          9.4%

$  7,671      $ 28,849       $ 29,952      $ 23,118      $ 33,175      $ 34,576      $ 35,336      $ 33,574
   1,838        12,926         13,163        10,745        14,327        16,736        18,733        17,157

   5,833        15,923         16,789        11,114        16,711        17,700        16,603        16,417

     5.1%         10.5%          12.0%          9.0%         15.9%         14.0%         14.0%         13.4%
$(40,695)     $     -        $      -      $      -      $      -      $      -      $      -      $ (4,324)
 (34,862)       15,923         16,789        12,373        18,848        17,840        16,603        12,093
 (34,862)       15,923         16,789        11,114        16,711        17,700        16,603        12,093
  23,741        23,159         22,044        18,167        16,626        15,470        14,511        13,486
  16,238        19,099         21,615        18,218        21,821        22,457        18,803        16,232
   6,202         6,127          6,078         5,733         5,465         6,321         6,461         7,223
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$ 93,500      $102,995       $ 94,087      $ 89,194      $102,126      $ 85,991      $ 54,659      $ 54,077
2.0 to 1      2.2 to 1       1.9 to 1      1.9 to 1      2.3 to 1      2.0 to 1      1.5 to 1      1.6 to 1
$104,437      $114,299       $114,717      $107,491      $100,403      $ 96,066      $ 87,613      $ 87,662
 348,346       341,857        342,383       328,116       311,876       297,946       277,828       253,586
  70,000        78,428         78,714        79,088        79,287        73,853        32,285        29,837

 109,451       156,407        145,614       133,218       112,810        97,103       123,025       113,978
  15,876        17,594         19,182        20,650             -             -             -             -
  93,575       138,813        126,432       112,568       112,810        97,103       123,025       113,978
    31.2%         36.5%          39.8%         41.1%         37.7%         39.7%         28.5%         22.9%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   4,051         4,478          4,744         4,799         4,770         4,712         4,697         4,845

(5)  Includes a $6.5 million pretax, $3.9 million after-tax charge ($.68 per share) against income related 
     to restructuring costs at Associated Spring.

(6)  Includes a $2.9 million pretax, $1.6 million after-tax charge ($.26 per share) against income related 
     to the transition costs involved in modernizing Associated Spring's valve spring production
     facilities in North America.

(7)  Barnes Group changed its U.S. pension cost accounting to comply with FAS 87.  The effect was to 
     increase net income by $2.2 million ($.33 per share).

(8)  Adjusted for preferred dividends in 1989, 1988 and 1987.

(9)  Debt includes all interest-bearing debt and total capitalization includes interest-bearing debt, 
     accrued long-term retirement benefits, other long-term liabilities, preferred stock and stockholders' 
     equity, excluding the guaranteed ESOP obligation.



                 Barnes Group Inc.

                 Chairman of the Board

               * WALLACE BARNES
                 Retired Chairman of the Board

            + ++ GARY G. BENANAV
                 Executive Vice President
                 Aetna Life and Casualty Company 
                 Hartford, Connecticut

               * WILLIAM S. BRISTOW, JR.
                 W. S. Bristow & Associates, Inc.
                 Rollinsford, New Hampshire

            * ++ ROBERT J. CALLANDER
                 Executive in Residence
                 Columbia University
                 School of Business

                 Retired Vice Chairman
                 Chemical Banking Corporation
                 New York, New York

               * GEORGE T. CARPENTER
                 The S. Carpenter
                 Construction Company
                 Bristol, Connecticut

            + ++ DONNA R. ECTON
                 Chairman, President and
                 Chief Executive Officer
                 Business Mail Express, Inc.
                 Reston, Virginia

            + ++ MARCEL P. JOSEPH
                 Chairman of the Board
                 Augat Inc.
                 Mansfield, Massachusetts

               * THEODORE E. MARTIN
                 President  and
                 Chief Executive Officer

            + ++ JUAN M. STETA
                 Counsel to the law firm of
                 Santamarina y Steta
                 Mexico, D.F., Mexico

               + K. GRAHAME WALKER
                 Chairman and
                 Chief Executive Officer
                 The Dexter Corporation
                 Windsor Locks, Connecticut

               * A. STANTON WELLS
                 Retired President and
                 Chief Executive Officer


                 THEODORE E. MARTIN
                 President and
                 Chief Executive Officer

                 THOMAS O. BARNES
                 Senior Vice President - 

                 JOHN E. BESSER
                 Senior Vice President -
                 Finance and Law

                 JOSEPH R. KOWALCHIK
                 Senior Vice President -
                 Human Resources

               + JOHN J. LOCHER
                 Vice President, Treasurer

                 MARY LOUISE BEARDSLEY
                 Associate General Counsel 
                 and Secretary

                 FRANCIS C. BOYLE, JR.
                 Assistant Controller


                 ALI A. FADEL
                 Vice President, Barnes Group Inc., 
                 and President, Associated Spring

                 LEONARD M. CARLUCCI
                 Vice President, Barnes Group Inc.,
                 and President, Bowman Distribution

                 THEODORE E. MARTIN
                 (Acting) President, Barnes Aerospace



                Barnes Group Inc.

OPERATIONS      Executive Office
                Bristol, Connecticut

                ASSOCIATED SPRING
                Bristol, Connecticut

                Manufacturing Plants
                North America:
                Bristol, Connecticut
                Saline, Michigan
                Syracuse, New York
                Arden, North Carolina
                Corry, Pennsylvania
                Dallas, Texas
                Milwaukee, Wisconsin
                Burlington, Ontario, Canada
                Mexico City, Mexico

                South America:
                Campinas, Brazil

                Republic of Singapore

                Distribution Operations
                United States:
                Maumee, Ohio
                Cerritos, California
                Ypsilanti, Michigan
                Arlington, Texas
                New Berlin, Wisconsin

                United Kingdom:


                Cleveland, Ohio

                Distribution Centers
                United States:
                Bakersfield, California
                Norcross, Georgia
                Rockford, Illinois
                Elizabethtown, Kentucky
                Edison, New Jersey
                Arlington, Texas
                Auburn, Washington

                Concord, Ontario
                Edmonton, Alberta
                Moncton, New Brunswick
                St. Laurent, Quebec

                Distribution Operations
                United Kingdom:

                Voisins Le Bretonneux

                BARNES AEROSPACE
                Windsor, Connecticut

                Manufacturing Plants
                United States:
                East Granby, Connecticut
                Windsor, Connecticut
                Lansing, Michigan
                Ogden, Utah

                Republic of Singapore

INFORMATION     Shareholder Inquiries/
                Address Changes/Consolidations
                Chemical Mellon Shareholder
                Services, L.L.C.
                P.O. Box 590
                Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
                (Continental U.S. only)
                or 1-412-236-8000
                For Hearing Impaired

                Lost Certificates/Replacements
                Chemical Mellon Shareholder
                Services, L.L.C.
                Estoppel Department
                P.O. Box 467
                Washington Bridge Station
                New York, NY 10033

                Certificate Transfers
                Chemical Mellon Shareholder
                Services, L.L.C.
                P.O. Box 469
                Washington Bridge Station
                New York, NY 10033

                All certificates should be sent
                registered mail.

                Dividend Investment/
                Shareholder Investment Plans
                Dividends on Barnes Group common 
                stock may be automatically invested
                in additional shares.
                Further information can be
                obtained from:

                Mellon Securities Trust Company
                c/o Chemical Mellon
                Shareholder Services, L.L.C.
                P. O. Box 750
                Pittsburgh, PA 15230
                (Continental U.S. only)
                or 1-412-236-8000

                For Hearing Impaired

                Hand Deliveries
                Chemical Mellon Shareholder
                Services, L.L.C.
                120 Broadway, 13th Floor
                New York, NY 10271

                STOCK EXCHANGE
                New York Stock Exchange
                Stock Trading Symbol: B

                Price Waterhouse LLP
                One Financial Plaza
                Hartford, CT 06103

                ANNUAL MEETING
                Barnes Group Inc. annual
                meeting of stockholders will be held 
                at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 3, 1996, 
                at The Travelers Education Center, Hartford, CT.

                Barnes Group welcomes inquiries from stockholders, 
                analysts and prospective investors. 10-K Reports 
                are available on request. Contact:

                John F. Sand
                Barnes Group Inc.
                123 Main St., P.O. Box 489
                Bristol, CT 06011-0489



This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the
consolidated balance sheet of Barnes Group Inc. as of December 31, 1995, the
related consolidated statement of income, Note 3 to the consolidated financial
statements and Schedule VIII of Form 10-K and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to such financial statements, note and schedule.
<PERIOD-TYPE>                   YEAR
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          DEC-31-1995
<PERIOD-START>                             JAN-01-1995
<PERIOD-END>                               DEC-31-1995
<CASH>                                          17,868
<SECURITIES>                                         0
<RECEIVABLES>                                   89,721
<ALLOWANCES>                                     3,635
<INVENTORY>                                     56,749
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                               172,816
<PP&E>                                         297,832
<DEPRECIATION>                                 174,962
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                 361,549
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                           77,536
<BONDS>                                         77,491
<COMMON>                                        15,737
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                          0
<OTHER-SE>                                     113,104
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                   361,549
<SALES>                                        592,509
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                               592,509
<CGS>                                          382,150
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                  382,150
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                     0
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                 1,577
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                               5,274
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                 45,450
<INCOME-TAX>                                    17,966
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                             27,484
<DISCONTINUED>                                       0
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                            0
<NET-INCOME>                                    27,484
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                     4.20
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     4.20