CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

          We consent to the incorporation by reference in the  Registration
          Statements on Form S-8 (No. 2 -56437, pertaining to the  Employee
          Stock Purchase Plan,  No. 2-91285, pertaining to  the 1981 Stock
          Incentive Plan,  Nos. 33-20932 and  33-30229, pertaining  to the
          Guaranteed Stock Plan, and the unnumbered  one filed on July  18,
          1994 pertaining to the 1991 Stock Incentive Plan) of Barnes Group
          Inc. of our  report dated January  28, 1994 with  respect to  the
          consolidated financial statements  of Barnes Group  Inc. for  the
          year ended December 31,  1993, included in  the Annual Report  on
          Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.

                                                     /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP
                                                         ERNST & YOUNG LLP

          Hartford, Connecticut
          March 4, 1996