WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                 SCHEDULE 14A
                                (Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                   Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No._______ )

Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_| Preliminary Proxy Statement
|X| Definitive Proxy Statement
|_| Definitive Additional Materials
|_| Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X| No fee required.
|_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

   1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

   2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

   3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on
           which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was

   4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

   5) Total fee paid:

|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
    Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
    the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
    filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule
    and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount previously paid: _________________________________________________

    2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.: ___________________________

    3) Filing party: ___________________________________________________________

    4) Date filed: _____________________________________________________________


                           BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
                             1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
                           Hercules, California 94547

                           BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.

                            TO BE HELD APRIL 28, 1998

To the Stockholders of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.:

     The  annual  meeting of the  stockholders  of  Bio-Rad  Laboratories,  Inc.
("Bio-Rad" or the "Company")  will be held at the Company's  corporate  offices,
1000 Alfred Nobel Drive,  Hercules,  California  on Tuesday,  April 28, 1998, at
4:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, to consider and act on:

          (1) The  election  of two  directors  of the Company by the holders of
     outstanding  Class A Common Stock and five  directors of the Company by the
     holders of outstanding Class B Common Stock;

          (2) A proposal to ratify the  selection of Arthur  Andersen LLP as the
     Company's  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending  December  31,

          (3) A proposal to amend the 1994 Stock Option Plan; and

          (4) Such other  matters as may properly come before the meeting and at
     any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The Board of  Directors  of the  Company has fixed the close of business on
March 2, 1998,  as the record  date for the  determination  of the  stockholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at this annual meeting and at any adjournments
or  postponements  thereof.  The stock transfer books of the Company will not be

     All  stockholders  are invited to attend the annual meeting in person,  but
those who are  unable to do so are urged to  execute  and  return  promptly  the
enclosed Proxy in the provided  postage-paid  envelope.  Since a majority of the
outstanding  shares of each class of common stock of the Company must be present
or represented  at the annual  meeting to elect  directors and conduct the other
business  matters  referred to above,  your promptness in returning the enclosed
Proxy will be greatly  appreciated.  Your Proxy is revocable and will not affect
your right to vote in person in the event you attend the meeting and revoke your

     All  stockholders  who attend the annual  meeting in person are  invited to
join the Company for a reception  and a light dinner  immediately  following the

                                        By order of the Board of Directors
                                        BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.

                                        SANFORD S. WADLER, Secretary
Hercules, California
April 1, 1998

                           BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
                             1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
                           Hercules, California 94547

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                          INFORMATION REGARDING PROXIES

     The  enclosed  Proxy is  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Directors of
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Bio-Rad" or the "Company"),
in connection  with the annual meeting of stockholders of the Company to be held
at  the  Company's  corporate  offices,  1000  Alfred  Nobel  Drive,   Hercules,
California on Tuesday,  April 28, 1998, at 4:00 p.m., and at any adjournments or
postponements thereof. Solicitation of Proxies will be by mail at the expense of
the Company.  Copies of this Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  notice and
Proxy are first being mailed to stockholders on or about April 1, 1998.

     Shares for which a properly executed Proxy in the enclosed form is returned
will be voted at the meeting in accordance with the directions on such Proxy. If
no  voting  instructions  are  indicated  with  respect  to one or  more  of the
proposals, the Proxy will be voted in favor of the proposal(s). Any Proxy may be
revoked by the record  owner of the shares at any time prior to its  exercise by
filing with the  Secretary of the Company a written  revocation or duly executed
Proxy bearing a later date or by attending the meeting in person and  announcing
such revocation.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     The  securities of the Company  entitled to vote at the meeting  consist of
shares of its Class A Common  Stock and  Class B Common  Stock,  both  $1.00 par
value (collectively,  "Common Stock").  9,829,009 shares of Class A Common Stock
(9,654,560 net of Treasury  shares) and 2,591,569 shares of Class B Common Stock
(2,561,569 net of Treasury  shares) were issued and  outstanding at the close of
business on March 2, 1998. Only  stockholders of record at the close of business
on March 2, 1998 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the  meeting.  The
presence,  in person or by Proxy,  of the  holders of a  majority  of the voting
power will  constitute a quorum for the  transaction of business.  Each share of
Class A Common  Stock is entitled to one-tenth of a vote and each share of Class
B Common Stock is entitled to one vote,  except in the election of directors and
any other  matters  requiring  the vote of one or both  classes of Common  Stock
voting  separately.  The sum of one-tenth the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock and the number of shares of Class B Common Stock  constitutes  the "Voting
Power" of the Company.

     The  holders  of Class A Common  Stock,  voting as a  separate  class,  are
entitled  to elect two  directors.  The  holders of Class B Common  Stock,  also
voting as a separate class, are entitled to elect the other five directors.  The
affirmative  vote of the  holders  of a majority  of each class of Common  Stock
present in person or  represented  by Proxy is  necessary  for the  election  of
directors  by that  class.  The  stockholders  do not  have  any  right  to vote
cumulatively in any election of directors.

     On all other  matters  submitted  to a vote at the annual  meeting  (except
matters  requiring  the  vote of one or both  classes  voting  separately),  the
affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority of the Voting  Power  present in
person or represented by Proxy is necessary for approval. The Board of Directors
is not aware of any matters that might come before the meeting  other than those
mentioned in this Proxy Statement.  If, however, any other matters properly come
before the annual  meeting,  it is intended  that the  proxies  will be voted in
accordance with the judgment of the person or persons voting such proxies.

     Under the  Company's  Bylaws and Delaware  law: (1) shares  represented  by
proxies that reflect  abstentions or "broker non-votes" (i.e.,  shares held by a
broker or nominee  which are  represented  at the  meeting,  but with respect to
which such broker or nominee is not empowered to vote on a particular  proposal)
will be counted as shares that are present and  entitled to vote for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum;  (2) the director  nominees  receiving the
highest  number of votes,  up to the  number of  directors  to be  elected,  are
elected and,  accordingly,  abstentions,  broker  non-votes and


withholding of authority to vote will not affect the election of directors;  and
(3) proxies that reflect abstentions as to a particular proposal will be treated
as voted for purposes of determining the approval of that proposal and will have
the same effect as a vote  against  that  proposal,  while  proxies that reflect
broker non-votes will be treated as unvoted for purposes of determining approval
of that proposal and will not be counted as votes for or against that proposal.


     The following table presents certain  information as of March 2, 1998, with
respect  to Class A Common  Stock and  Class B Common  Stock  owned by:  (i) any
person who is known to the Company to be the beneficial  owner of more than five
percent of the outstanding  Common Stock of either class,  (ii) each director of
Bio-Rad,  (iii)  certain  executive  officers of Bio-Rad  named in the  "Summary
Compensation  Table"  of this  Proxy  Statement,  and  (iv)  all  directors  and
executive officers of Bio-Rad as a group.

                                           Class A Common Stock(1)                  Class B Common Stock
                                  -------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
   Name and, with Respect to       Number of Shares and         Percent     Number of Shares and         Percent
 Owner of 5% or More, Address     Nature of Ownership(2)       of Class     Nature of Ownership(2)       of Class
- --------------------------------  ----------------------       --------     --------------------         --------
Private Capital Management, Inc.     1,004,600 of record        10.4%         no shares owned                --
   3003 Tamiami Trail North          and beneficially
   Naples, FL 34103
Bernard A. Egan                      771,982 of record           8.0%         119,812 of record             4.7%
   1900 Old Dixie Highway            and beneficially                         and beneficially
   Fort Pierce, FL 34946
David and Alice N. Schwartz          1,609,030 of record        16.7%         1,733,701 of record          64.9%
   Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.        and beneficially(3)                      and beneficially(3)(5)
   1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
   Hercules, CA 94547
Norman Schwartz(4)                   106,104 of record           1.1%         209,132 of record             8.2%
   Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.        and beneficially(5)                      and beneficially
   1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
   Hercules, CA 94547
Steven Schwartz(4)                   81,174 of record            0.8%         147,727 of record             5.8%
   Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.        and beneficially                         and beneficially
   1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
   Hercules, CA 94547
James J. Bennett                     82,596 of record            0.9%         23,727 of record              0.9%
                                     and beneficially(5)                      and beneficially
George Bers                          10,498 of record            0.1%         no shares of record           0.0%
                                     and beneficially(5)                      and beneficially
Albert J. Hillman                    4,454 of record             0.0%         4,117 of record               0.2%
                                     and beneficially                         and beneficially
Philip L. Padou                      no shares owned of           --          no shares owned of             --
                                     record or beneficially                   record or beneficially
Sanford S. Wadler                    14,313 of record            0.1%         no shares owned of             --
                                     and beneficially(5)                      record or beneficially
Burton A. Zabin                      9,808 of record             0.1%         59,664 of record              2.3%
                                     and beneficially(5)                      and beneficially
All directors and executive          1,837,053 of record        18.9%         2,030,341 of record          76.0%
officers as a group (11 persons)     and beneficially(5)                      and beneficially(5)

- ----------
(1)  Excludes Class A Common Stock that may be acquired on conversion of Class B
     Common Stock. Class B Common Stock may be converted to Class A Common Stock
     on a  one-for-one  basis  and,  if fully  converted,  would  result  in the
     following  percentage  ownership of Class A Common Stock:  Private  Capital
     Management,  Inc. 8.2%;  Bernard A. Egan 7.3%;  David and Alice N. Schwartz
     27.1%;  Norman Schwartz 2.6%;  Steven Schwartz 1.9%; James J. Bennett 0.9%;
     George Bers 0.1%; Albert J. Hillman 0.1%; Philip L. Padou 0.0%;  Sanford S.
     Wadler 0.1%; Burton A. Zabin 0.6%; and all directors and executive officers
     as a group 31.3%.  Management considers any substantial  conversions by the
     executive officers or directors listed in the table to be highly unlikely.
(2)  Except as otherwise indicated and subject to applicable  community property
     and similar statutes, the persons listed as beneficial owners of the shares
     have sole voting and investment power with respect to such shares.
(3)  David  and  Alice N.  Schwartz  each  have a  one-half  community  property
     interest in these shares.
(4)  Norman  Schwartz  and  Steven  Schwartz  are  sons of  David  and  Alice N.
(5)  Includes  shares  with  respect  to which  such  persons  have the right to
     acquire beneficial  ownership  immediately or within sixty days of March 2,
     1998,  under the Company's  employee  stock  purchase plan and stock option
     agreements,  as follows:  Norman Schwartz,  13,127 Class A shares; James J.
     Bennett,  11,251 Class A shares; George Bers, 6,939 Class A shares; Sanford
     S. Wadler, 9,750 Class A shares; Burton A. Zabin, 5,626 Class A shares; all
     directors and executive  officers as a group,  46,943 Class A Common Stock;
     and David Schwartz, 109,658 Class B Common Stock.


                            I. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Board of Directors  has seven  members.  Management  has  nominated the
seven persons listed in the following  table as the candidates of the respective
class of Common Stock  indicated.  All are  currently  directors of the Company,
with terms expiring as of the date of the annual meeting of  stockholders  or on
election and  qualification  of their  successors.  David  Schwartz and Alice N.
Schwartz  are husband and wife;  Norman  Schwartz is their son. No other  family
relationships  exist among the  Company's  current and  nominated  directors  or
executive  officers.  As husband  and wife,  David and Alice N.  Schwartz  share
equally in all remuneration and other benefits accorded to either of them by the

     The  directors  elected at this  meeting  will serve  until the next annual
meeting of  stockholders  or until their  respective  successors are elected and
qualified.  It is the  intention  of the persons  named in the Proxy to vote the
shares subject to such Proxy for the election as directors of the persons listed
in the following table.  Although it is not  contemplated  that any nominee will
decline or be unable to serve as a director, in the event that at the meeting or
any adjournments or  postponements  thereof any nominee declines or is unable to
serve, the persons named in the enclosed Proxy will, in their  discretion,  vote
the  shares  subject  to such  Proxy for  another  person  selected  by them for

                             Class of
                           Common Stock                   Present Principal Employment            Director
          Name               to Elect       Age          and Prior Business Experience             Since
- -----------------------    ------------     ---      ----------------------------------------     --------
James J. Bennett              Class B       69       Executive Vice President and Chief             1977
                                                     Operating Officer of the Company,
                                                     since 1993; Vice President and Group
                                                     Manager, Clinical Diagnostics of the
                                                     Company from 1985 to 1993; Vice
                                                     President and Chief Operating Officer of
                                                     the Company from 1977 to 1985.

Albert J. Hillman             Class A       66       Of Counsel  in the law firm of  Townsend       1980
                                                     and  Townsend  and Crew  since  1995 and
                                                     partner  in the firm  from 1965 to 1995,
                                                     which firm serves as patent  counsel for
                                                     the Company.

Philip L. Padou               Class A       63       Retired since 1991;  Vice  President and       1980
                                                     Chief  Financial  Officer of Ozier Perry
                                                     and   Associates   (a  risk   assessment
                                                     software and  consulting  company)  from
                                                     1987 to 1991.

Alice N. Schwartz             Class B       71       Retired since 1979;  Research Associate,       1967
                                                     University of  California,  from 1972 to

David Schwartz                Class B       74       President of the Company since 1957.           1957

Norman Schwartz               Class B       48       Vice President of the Company since 1989       1995
                                                     and Group Manager,  Life Science;  Group
                                                     Manager,  Clinical  Diagnostics  of  the
                                                     Company from 1993 to 1997.

Burton A. Zabin               Class B       62       Vice  President  of  the  Company  since       1968
                                                     1982; Group Manager, Life Science of the
                                                     Company from 1982 to 1997.


     In January 1997, the Company entered into a non-competition  and employment
continuation agreement with James J. Bennett pursuant to which management of the
Company  has agreed to  nominate  him as  director  for a period of three  years
following his resignation from his present position. See "Executive Compensation
and Other Information."

     In addition to James J. Bennett, David Schwartz, Norman Schwartz and Burton
A. Zabin,  the following  persons were executive  officers of the Company during
all or part of 1997:  George Bers,  Thomas C.  Chesterman,  Ronald W. Hutton and
Sanford S. Wadler.  George Bers (age 47),  Vice  President  and Group Manager of
Clinical  Diagnostics,  was Group Manager of the Molecular Bioscience Group from
1995 to 1997 and was  appointed  Vice  President in 1996.  Previously,  he was a
division manager within Bio-Rad from 1991 to 1996. Thomas C. Chesterman (age 38)
was appointed Treasurer in 1996 and named Chief Financial Officer in March 1997.
Prior to joining Bio-Rad,  he was Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of
NordicTel  Holdings AB (Sweden) from 1993 to 1996, and was Managing  Director of
Finance with AirTouch  Communications  from 1990 to 1993.  Ronald W. Hutton (age
40) was appointed Treasurer in 1997. Previously,  he was Director of Treasury at
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation from 1993 to 1997. Sanford S. Wadler (age
51) has been General  Counsel and Secretary  since 1989 and was  appointed  Vice
President in 1996.

     The above-named  individuals  also serve in various  management  capacities
with  wholly-owned  subsidiaries of Bio-Rad.  David  Schwartz,  by virtue of his
Common Stock  ownership (see  "Principal and Management  Stockholders")  and his
position  as a director  and the  President  of  Bio-Rad,  may be deemed to be a
control person of the Company.


     The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  has an  Audit  Committee  and a
Compensation  Committee.  The Board of Directors has no nominating  committee or
other  committees  performing  similar  functions.  During  1997,  the  Board of
Directors held a total of twelve  meetings  (including  regularly  scheduled and
special  meetings) and no director  attended fewer than 92% of such meetings and
meetings of any committee on which such director served.

     The Audit  Committee  is composed of Philip L. Padou and met three times in
1997.  The Audit  Committee  recommends to the Board of Directors the firm to be
employed by the Company as its independent auditors and is primarily responsible
for approving the services performed by the Company's  independent  auditors and
for reviewing and evaluating the Company's accounting policies and its system of
internal accounting controls.

     The  Compensation  Committee,  consisting  of two  non-employee  directors,
Albert J. Hillman and Philip L. Padou,  met two times in 1997. The  Compensation
Committee reviews and approves the Company's executive  compensation policies. A
more  complete  discussion  is  provided  in the  "Report  of  the  Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors" of this Proxy Statement.

                            COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

     In 1997,  Townsend  and  Townsend  and Crew,  the  patent law firm of which
Albert J. Hillman is Of Counsel,  rendered  legal  services to the Company.  The
Board of Directors  has relied upon the Company's  General  Counsel to determine
that the services of Townsend  and  Townsend and Crew were  provided on terms at
least as fair to the Company as if they had been  provided  by a  non-affiliate.
The General  Counsel is  responsible  for the management of all of the Company's
relationships with providers of legal services.


     Pursuant to the policy of the Board of Directors of Bio-Rad,  directors who
are not also  employees  of Bio-Rad are paid for  serving as  directors a fee of
$1,250 per month plus $100 for any meetings in excess of sixteen per year. Audit
Committee members are paid $625 per month.

     The Company has entered into  employment and  non-compete  agreements  with
James J.  Bennett and Burton A. Zabin.  See  "Executive  Compensation  and Other
Information - Other Executive Compensation."

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     The  Board  of  Directors   recommends  that  you  vote  FOR  the
     above-named  director nominees for the class or classes of Common
     Stock that you hold.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The following  Summary  Compensation  Table presents  compensation  paid or
accrued by the Company for services  rendered during 1997, 1996 and 1995 for the
CEO and the four other most highly compensated executive officers of the Company
("Named  Executive  Officers")  whose  total  annual  salary and bonus  exceeded
$100,000 in 1997.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                     Long-Term Compensation(2)
                                             Annual Compensation(1)                Shares
    Name and                        ----------------------------------------     Underlying          All Other
    Principal Position                Year         Salary           Bonus        Options(3)       Compensation(4)
- --------------------------------    --------    -----------     ------------     ----------       --------------
David Schwartz                        1997       $525,238         $      0         35,425             $8,000
President                             1996       $519,267         $ 87,200         36,750             $7,500
                                      1995       $494,078         $111,600         36,450             $7,500

James J. Bennett                      1997       $437,677         $      0          7,500             $8,000
Executive Vice President              1996       $419,821         $ 73,468          7,500             $7,500
and Chief Operating Officer           1995       $393,299         $ 91,063          7,500             $7,500

Sanford S. Wadler                     1997       $259,374         $      0          3,000             $8,000
Vice President,                       1996       $247,367         $ 36,944          3,000             $7,500
General Counsel                       1995       $216,751         $ 67,489          3,000             $7,500
and Secretary

Norman Schwartz                       1997       $228,893         $ 12,784          3,750             $8,000
Vice President and                    1996       $208,105         $ 56,557          3,750             $7,500
Group Manager                         1995       $199,998         $ 23,409          3,750             $7,500

George Bers                           1997       $224,003         $      0          3,750             $8,000
Vice President and                    1996       $203,605         $  7,632          3,750             $7,500
Group Manager                         1995       $185,004         $ 31,624          3,750             $7,500

- ----------
(1)  All Other  Annual  Compensation  amounts  for each of the  Named  Executive
     Officers were less than the amounts required for separate reporting and are
     included in salary.
(2)  There were no Restricted Stock awards.
(3)  Amounts  reported for 1995 have been  restated to reflect the 3-for-2 stock
     split effected in the form of a 50% stock dividend in May 1996.
(4)  Amounts reported are contributions made pursuant to the Employees' Deferred
     Profit Sharing  Retirement Plan. A more complete  discussion is provided in
     the section titled "Profit  Sharing Plan  Contributions"  of the "Report of
     the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors"  in this  Proxy


     The following table presents  certain  information  regarding stock options
granted to the Named Executive Officers in 1997.

                                             OPTION GRANTS IN 1997

                                                                                 Potential Realizable Value at
                                              Individual Grants                     Assumed Annual Rates of
                             -------------------------------------------------     Stock Price Appreciation
                              Number of   % of Total                                  for Option Term(2)
                             Securities     Options                              -----------------------------
                             Underlying   Granted to   Exercise                     Assumed          Assumed
                               Options     Employees     Price     Expiration    Appreciation     Appreciation
          Name               Granted(1)     in 1997    ($/Share)      Date           of 5%           of 10%
- --------------------------   ----------    ---------   ---------  ------------   ------------      -----------
David Schwartz                  3,064         2.1%      $34.79      02/05/02       $ 20,984         $ 54,395
                               32,361        22.0%      $31.63      02/05/02       $323,891         $676,762
James J. Bennett                3,407         2.3%      $32.63      02/05/02       $ 30,693         $ 67,843
                                4,093         2.3%      $32.63      02/05/02       $ 36,873         $ 81,503
Sanford S. Wadler               3,000         2.0%      $32.63      02/05/02       $ 27,026         $ 59,739
Norman Schwartz                 3,750         2.6%      $35.89      02/05/02       $ 21,558         $ 62,448
George Bers                     3,750         2.6%      $32.63      02/05/02       $ 33,783         $ 74,673

- ----------
(1)  All stock  options  granted in 1997 are  incentive  stock  options with the
     exception of non-qualified stock options for 32,361 shares granted to David
     Schwartz and 4,093 shares granted to James J. Bennett.  The exercise prices
     are  equal to at  least  100% of the fair  market  value of the  underlying
     securities at the time such options were granted. All shares subject to the
     above  options are Class A Common  Stock with the  exception  of all of the
     options granted to David Schwartz, which were for Class B Common Stock. All
     stock  options have a term of five years and become  exercisable  at a rate
     not greater than 25% per annum commencing one year after the date of grant.
     In 1997,  options to purchase  58,175  shares were granted to all executive
     officers as a group,  and options to purchase 88,875 shares were granted to
     all other employees.
(2)  Potential  realizable  value is based on an assumption that the stock price
     of the  applicable  class of Common  Stock  appreciates  at the annual rate
     shown  (compounded  annually)  from the date of grant  until the end of the
     five  year  option  term.   These  numbers  are  calculated  based  on  the
     requirements  promulgated by the Securities and Exchange  Commission and do
     not reflect the Company's estimate of future stock price growth.

     The  following  table  presents the number of shares for which options were
exercised,  as well as the number of exercisable and unexercisable  options held
by the Named Executive Officers at December 31, 1997.

                     AGGREGATE OPTION EXERCISES IN 1997 AND
                         DECEMBER 31, 1997 OPTION VALUES

                                                                Number of
                                                          Securities Underlying        Value of Unexercised
                                                           Unexercised Options         In-The-Money Options
                             Shares                       at December 31, 1997        at December 31, 1997(1)
                            Acquired       Value       --------------------------  -----------------------------
          Name             on Exercise    Realized     Exercisable  Unexercisable   Exercisable    Unexercisable
- ------------------------   -----------   -----------   -----------  -------------   -----------    -------------
David Schwartz               36,000      $477,838.80     67,576        113,049      $866,722.95     $661,317.82

James J. Bennett             10,500      $203,941.88      5,625         18,750      $ 29,681.25     $ 64,846.88

Sanford S. Wadler             1,650      $ 25,921.50      6,750         7,500       $ 91,567.50     $ 25,938.75

Norman Schwartz               1,650      $ 25,382.49      9,377         9,373       $121,045.60     $ 28,299.28

George Bers                   3,559      $ 72,622.68      3,376         9,186       $ 33,989.27     $ 28,898.96

- ----------
(1)  The  closing  prices of Class A Common  Stock  and Class B Common  Stock at
     December 31, 1997 were $26.125 and $29.00 per share, respectively.


Other Executive Compensation

     In January 1997, the Company entered into a non-competition  and employment
continuation  agreement with James J. Bennett,  its Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating  Officer.  Under the terms of this  Agreement,  James J. Bennett
will give the  Company  six months  notice of any  intention  to resign from his
present  position  and will not compete with the Company for two years after the
end of his  employment  with Bio-Rad.  Management  has agreed to nominate him as
director for a period of three years following his resignation  from his present
position.  Following his resignation from his present position, he will continue
to serve as an employee  taking on mutually  agreed  tasks for six weeks in each
twelve-month  period  for up to five years  from his  resignation.  For this six
weeks,  he  will  be  paid  his  weekly  salary  in  effect  at the  time of his
resignation  plus $2,500 per week.  For mutually  agreed  assignments  extending
beyond the six  weeks,  or if he does not remain a  director,  his  compensation
would be at his  weekly pay rate in effect at the time of his  resignation  from
his present  position.  He will be entitled to exercise his stock  options for a
period of two years after the end of his employment with Bio-Rad.

     In August 1997,  the Company  entered into an  employment  and  non-compete
agreement with Burton A. Zabin, a Vice President of the Company. Under the terms
of this  agreement,  he will be employed by the  Company  until March 18,  2001,
unless  he gives the  Company  six  months  notice  of his  intention  to resign
earlier,  and he will not compete with the Company during the period ending four
years after his scheduled  termination  of employment  with Bio-Rad.  During the
term of this  agreement,  he will make  himself  available  to the  Company on a
flexible time basis for an average of one hundred  thirty-five  days during each
twelve month period (and, in the case of the final period, nine month period) to
undertake reasonable assignments provided to him which utilize his knowledge and
experience in the life science research  market.  He will receive a salary equal
to  one-half  of the salary he was  receiving  just prior to  entering  into the
agreement. He will not participate in bonus or stock programs of the Company. He
will be entitled to exercise  his stock  options for a period of two years after
the end of his  employment  with  Bio-Rad.  He will  remain a  director  for the
remainder of his current term.

                            AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     The  Compensation  Committee is composed of Albert J. Hillman and Philip L.
Padou. The Company currently has no interlocking  relationships involving any of
its  Compensation  Committee  members  and no  executive  officer of the Company
serves on the Compensation Committee.  James J. Bennett, David Schwartz,  Norman
Schwartz  and  Burton  A.  Zabin  participate  in  general  Board of  Directors'
discussions of compensation,  bonuses and stock options. David, Norman and Alice
N.  Schwartz  were absent from and did not  participate  in the  discussions  or
decisions concerning the President's compensation.

                            OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The  Compensation  Committee was formed in December 1993.  This report also
refers to decisions made by Philip L. Padou, Albert J. Hillman and other members
of the Board of Directors prior to the formation of the Compensation  Committee.
The  function  of the  Compensation  Committee  is to  review  and  approve  the
compensation   arrangements  for  the  Company's   senior   management  and  any
compensation plans in which the executive officers and directors are eligible to


Objectives and Overview

     The overall objectives of the Company's executive compensation programs are

          o    Attract, retain and motivate key executive talent;

          o    Reward key executives based on business performance;

          o    Align executive  incentives  with the interests of  stockholders;

          o    Encourage the achievement of Company objectives.

     Executive  compensation  consists of four  components:  1) base salary;  2)
annual and special incentive bonus payments; 3) long-term incentives in the form
of stock options; and 4) contributions to the Company's profit sharing plan. The
Company strives to provide a competitive  total  compensation  package to senior
management based on professionally compiled surveys of broad groups of companies
of comparable size within related industries.

Base Salary

     Each year, the Company obtains studies of  compensation  trends,  practices
and levels  from a variety of  nationally  recognized  independent  compensation
surveys in order to determine the  competitiveness  of the pay structure for its
senior  managers.  Within the  comparative  groups of  companies  surveyed,  the
Company sets executive base salaries and total  compensation  near and below the
arithmetic mean of the surveys,  respectively.  Each  executive's base salary is
determined by an  assessment  of the  executive's  job  description  and current
salary in  relation  to the salary  range  designated  for the  position  in the
compensation surveys.  Adjustments are made when necessary to reflect changes in
responsibilities or competitive industry pressures. Each executive's performance
is evaluated annually to determine individual merit increases within the overall
guidelines  established  in each year's budget  process.  For 1997,  the Company
merit increase guideline was 4.5% and was based on the compensation surveys.

Incentive Bonus Payments

     Executive  officers of the Company,  including the President,  are eligible
for an annual incentive bonus and special bonuses, determined as a percentage of
the officers' eligible wages.  Annual bonuses are awarded to executive officers,
including the President and other key employees of the Company and its operating
units,  who meet  certain  annual  Company  and  operating  unit goals which are
previously  established by senior  management.  The performance  factors used in
calculating  bonuses include sales volume and return on controllable  assets, as
measured against annual objectives.  Performance goals have been established for
the Company as a whole and for each operating unit. Bonuses are determined using
these performance factors and comparisons to competitive industry standards. The
bonus  calculation is weighted  between  Company  performance and operating unit
performance according to the responsibilities of each executive.  In addition to
the  annual  incentive  bonuses,  special  bonuses  are  awarded by the Board of
Directors in  recognition of other  specific  business  actions taken during the
year which contributed to the strategic growth, profitability or competitiveness
of the Company.  In the past,  these  bonuses have been awarded for  significant
achievements,  such as successfully  completing acquisitions or divestitures and
settling legal  disputes.  Such bonuses may be  distributed  over several years.
Incentive bonuses may be awarded in cash and/or stock.

     Bonuses for  performance in 1997 were awarded in March 1998 and ranged from
0% to 19.5% of base  salaries.  Bonuses for 1996 were  awarded in March 1997 and
ranged from 1.9% to 27.2% of base salaries.  Because bonuses are based on growth
and  profitability,  trends in bonus awards  generally  track operating unit and
Company performance.  Special bonuses are awarded only on completion of specific
projects or transactions.


Long-Term Incentives

     The Company  provides its executive  officers and other key employees  with
long-term  incentive  compensation  through the granting of stock  options.  The
Company believes that stock options provide the Company's key employees with the
opportunity  to purchase and  maintain an equity  interest in the Company and to
share in the appreciation of the value of the stock.  Stock options are intended
to align executive  interests with the interests of  stockholders  and therefore
directly motivate senior management to maximize long-term stockholder value. The
stock  options  also create an incentive to remain with the Company for the long
term because the options are vested over a four-year period. Because all options
are granted at no less than the fair market value of the underlying stock on the
date of grant, stock options provide value to the recipients only when the price
of Bio-Rad Common Stock increases over time.

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  delegated   certain   responsibilities   of
administration  of the  Company's  stock  option plans to the Stock Option Award
Committee. The Stock Option Award Committee is composed of Albert J. Hillman and
Philip L. Padou and is responsible for  determining the timing and  distribution
of grants  subject to the terms of the current  option  plans.  The Stock Option
Award  Committee  also  determines  the total  number of shares  granted and the
allocation  of  shares  to  individual  executive  officers  and key  employees.
Recommendations   from  senior  management  and  other  factors  are  considered
including:  the responsibility level, individual performance and contribution to
the Company's  business of each officer and key employee.  The option grants are
submitted to the Board of Directors  for  ratification  and the date of grant is
the date of the  Board  of  Directors  meeting.  In 1997,  the  Company  granted
approximately 147,050 options to a group of about 263 executive officers and key

Profit Sharing Plan Contributions

     The  Company's  employees  who are  directors  or officers  are entitled to
participate in the Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Employees' Deferred Profit Sharing
Retirement  Plan ("Profit  Sharing Plan") on the same basis as all other Company
employees.  The Profit  Sharing  Plan  covers  all  full-time  employees  of the
Company, or any of its participating  subsidiaries,  who have completed one year
of service. Contributions to the Profit Sharing Plan are determined each year by
the Board of  Directors  in its sole  discretion  and are  allocated  among each
participant  based on the ratio his or her  compensation  bears to the aggregate
compensation of all  participants.  For 1997, the Board of Directors  approved a
contribution of 5% of eligible compensation.  Participants are vested 100% after
five  years  of  service,  but  funds  are  not  distributed  until  retirement,
termination of employment with the Company or as required by regulation or law.

President's Compensation

     For  1997,  the  Compensation   Committee  was  primarily  responsible  for
determining  and  approving  the  President's   compensation.   The  President's
compensation was compared with compensation of other CEOs in the above mentioned
surveys  and proxy  statements  for  comparable  companies.  The salary of David
Schwartz is typically  set within the mid-range of CEO's  salaries  surveyed for
comparable  companies.  There was no change to the salary of David  Schwartz  in
1997. His salary was increased 5% in 1996. There was no change in 1995.

     The  President's  annual bonus is based on the achievement of the Company's
financial goals. The same performance  criteria are used to calculate his annual
bonus as those established for other eligible executive officers. These criteria
are discussed above under Incentive Bonus Payments. No bonus was paid or will be
paid in 1998 based on previously  established  growth and profitability  targets
for 1997.

     In 1997,  David  Schwartz  was  granted  a  non-qualified  stock  option to
purchase 32,361 shares of Class B Common Stock and an incentive stock option for
3,064 shares of Class B Common Stock. The exercise prices of the options were at
least 100% of the market  price on the date of grant.  Pursuant  to the  general
restrictions  of the option plan,  vesting of incentive stock options granted to


David  Schwartz  is limited to $100,000  per year which  results in vesting at a
slower rate than other optionees.  This option grant was comparable with options
granted to CEO's of similar size companies.

     To the  extent  readily  determinable  and as  one  of the  factors  in its
consideration of compensation matters, the Compensation  Committee considers the
anticipated  tax  consequences  to the Company and to its  executives of various
payments  and  benefits.   Some  types  of   compensation   payments  and  their
deductibility  (e.g.,  the spread on exercise of  non-qualified  options) depend
upon the timing of an  executive's  vesting or  exercise of  previously  granted
rights.  Further,  interpretations  of and  changes  in the tax laws  and  other
factors   beyond  the   Compensation   Committee's   control   also  affect  the
deductibility  of  compensation.  For these and other reasons,  the Compensation
Committee will not necessarily  limit executive  compensation to that deductible
under Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code. The  Compensation  Committee
will  consider   various   alternatives  to  preserving  the   deductibility  of
compensation  payments and benefits to the extent reasonably  practicable and to
the extent consistent with its other compensation objectives.

                           The Compensation Committee

                           Albert J. Hillman
                           Philip L. Padou


                             STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following  graph compares the cumulative  stockholder  returns over the
past five years for the  Company's  Class A Common  Stock,  the  American  Stock
Exchange Market Value Index and a selected peer group, assuming $100 invested on
December 31, 1992, and reinvestment of dividends:


                        1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997
                        ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
        Bio-Rad         $100    $ 59    $164    $251    $265    $231
        Peer Group (1)  $100    $102    $113    $160    $184    $203
        Amex Market
          Value Index   $100    $120    $109    $137    $146    $177

- ----------
(1)  The  peer  group  consists  of  the  following  public  companies:  Beckman
     Instruments;  Becton  Dickinson;  Diagnostic  Products;  KLA  Tencor;  Life
     Technologies; Millipore; and Perkin-Elmer. Companies in the peer group were
     chosen to reflect Bio-Rad's  participation in three different markets: life
     science research products, clinical diagnostics and analytical instruments.
     No single public or private  company has a comparable mix of products which
     serve the same  markets.  In many cases,  only one division of a peer group
     company  competes in the same  markets as Bio-Rad.  Collectively,  the peer
     group reflects products and markets similar to those of Bio-Rad.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
the Company's  directors and executive  officers,  and persons who own more than
ten  percent  of  a  registered  class  of  the  Company's   equity   securities
("Insiders"),  to file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of Common Stock
of the Company.  Insiders are required by SEC regulations to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) reports which they file.

     To the Company's  knowledge,  based solely upon its review of the copies of
such reports furnished to the Company and written  representations  from certain
Insiders that no other reports were required,  during fiscal year ended December
31, 1997,  all Section  16(a) filing  requirements  applicable  to Insiders were
complied with, with the exceptions that two filings reflecting certain transfers
(Form 4) within the Schwartz family were delayed.



     The Board of Directors has selected Arthur Andersen LLP, independent public
accountants,  to serve as Bio-Rad's auditors for the fiscal year ending December
31, 1998. A  representative  of Arthur Andersen LLP is expected to be present at
the annual meeting of  stockholders  to make a statement if he or she desires to
do so and to respond to appropriate questions.

     Although  it  is  not  required  to  do  so,   Bio-Rad  wishes  to  provide
stockholders  with the  opportunity to express their opinion on the selection of
auditors,  and  accordingly  is submitting a proposal to ratify the selection of
Arthur  Andersen LLP. If the  stockholders  should fail to ratify this proposal,
the Board of Directors will consider the selection of another auditing firm.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     The Board of Directors  recommends that you vote FOR ratification
     of Arthur Andersen LLP to serve as the Company's auditors for the
     fiscal year ending December 31, 1998.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     In 1994, the  stockholders  of Bio-Rad  approved the 1994 Stock Option Plan
(the  "Plan")  authorizing  grants  to key  employees  (including  officers  and
directors who are also  employees) of incentive  stock options and  nonqualified
stock  options to purchase a maximum of 675,000  shares of Class A Common Stock,
Class B Common Stock or a combination  thereof.  The persons to whom options are
granted under the Plan, the number of shares subject to such options,  the terms
thereof,  and any  amendments  thereto,  are  determined at the  discretion of a
committee consisting of two or more members of the Board of Directors subject to
the limitations of the Plan.

The Amendment

     Subject to stockholder approval, the Board has approved an amendment to the
Plan  increasing  the number of shares  available for the grant of options under
the Plan by 500,000 (to a new maximum of 1,175,000). The Board believes that the
increase  in the number of shares  available  for  issuance  under the Plan will
enable the Company to remain  competitive by continuing to provide  incentive to
key employees with participation in the Plan and is appropriate, considering the
expansion of the Company and the  resulting  addition of new key  employees  who
will be  eligible  to  participate  in the  Plan.  The  amendment  also  makes a
corresponding  increase in the maximum number of options which may be granted to
any  officer or  director of the Company by 250,000 (to a new maximum of options
to purchase 587,500 shares) to keep this limitation proportionate to the amended
total number of shares available for the grant of options.

Description of the Plan

     The following is a general summary of the principal provisions of the Plan,
including the amendment described above. A copy of the proposed amendment is set
forth in Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.  This summary is not intended to be
complete  and  reference  should  be made to the  Plan as it is  proposed  to be
amended for a complete  statement of its terms and  provisions.  Any stockholder
who  desires  to review the text of the Plan can obtain a copy by writing to the
Company's Secretary.

     Under  the  Plan,  options  may  be  granted  to key  employees  (including
employees  who are officers or  directors)  of the Company and its  subsidiaries
selected  from time to time by the Board or a  committee  of the Board.  Through
1997, options have been granted for a total of approximately 582,837 shares to a


group of  approximately  275 key employees.  As of December 31, 1997, there were
options  authorized  and  available  for grant  covering  approximately  285,122
shares.  Employees  may receive  either  incentive  stock options  ("ISOs"),  or
non-qualified  stock options  ("NSOs") but no officer or director of Bio-Rad may
be  granted  options  under the Plan  representing  in excess of the  individual
limitation  set forth in the Plan.  Currently,  the  limitation  is  options  to
purchase  337,500  shares in the  aggregate  and the  proposed  amendment  would
increase that to options to purchase  587,500 shares in the aggregate.  The Plan
provides that no option may be granted after March 1, 2004.

     The Plan provides that the option  exercise price per share shall be set on
the date of grant and shall not be less than the fair market value of the Common
Stock on the date of  grant.  In the  case of any  holder  of 10% or more of the
total combined voting power of the Company, the exercise price of an ISO must be
at least 110% of the fair market value of the stock on the date of grant.

     Beginning  one year  after the date of grant,  options  become  exercisable
according  to a vesting  schedule.  Vesting is  generally at the rate of 25% per
year.  The Plan  limits the  vesting of an ISO for any  individual  optionee  to
$100,000 per year (measured at the time of the option grant).

     Options  expire  five years from the date of grant or upon  termination  of
employment  with the Company.  Options are typically  exercisable (to the extent
vested) for a specified  period after an employee's  death, or retirement but in
no case beyond the original term of the option.

     No  optionee,  as such,  will have any rights as a  stockholder  of Bio-Rad
except with respect to shares of Class A or Class B Common Stock received on any
exercise of an option.  The options are not transferable or assignable except by
will or the laws of descent and distribution.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

     The following is a general  summary of the current  material  U.S.  federal
income tax  consequences to U.S.  participants in the Plan. The summary does not
discuss  all  aspects of  federal  income  taxation  that may be  relevant  to a
particular  participant  in  light  of such  participant's  personal  investment
circumstances, nor does it describe state or other tax consequences.

     Incentive Stock Option ("ISO"). There is no taxable income recognized by an
optionee when an ISO is granted to him.  Under Sections 421 and 422 of the Code,
recipients  of ISOs  generally  are not  taxable on their  receipt of stock upon
exercise of the ISO if the ISO and the option stock are held for two years after
the date of grant and one year after the date the shares were transferred to the
optionee upon exercise.  If the shares  disposed of before the expiration of the
shares on the date of the  option's  exercise  will be taxed at ordinary  income
rates, the balance of the gain, if any, measured from the exercise date, will be
taxed as  capital  gain.  In that  event,  the  Company  will be  entitled  to a
corresponding tax deduction equal to the ordinary income, if any, realized by an

     Nonqualified Stock Option ("NSO").  The recipient of NSOs granted under the
Plan will not have  taxable  income upon the grant of the  option,  nor will the
Company be entitled to any  deduction.  Generally,  upon  exercise of a NSO, the
optionee  will  realize  ordinary  income and the Company  will be entitled to a
deduction in an amount equal to the amount by which the fair market value of the
stock at the date of exercise  exceeds the option  exercise  price.  The Company
will be required to withhold  taxes on ordinary  income  realized by an optionee
upon the exercise of a NSO.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     The Board of Directors  recommends that you vote FOR the proposed
     amendment to the 1994 Stock Option Plan.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                IV. OTHER MATTERS

     At the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the Board of Directors does not know
of any business to be presented for consideration at the meeting other than that
described  above. If any other business should properly come before the meeting,
the shares  represented by Proxies will be voted in accordance with the judgment
of the persons named in such Proxies.

     The annual  report of the Company  for the year ended  December  31,  1997,
including financial statements,  has been mailed or is being mailed concurrently
with this Proxy  Statement,  to all stockholders of the Company as of the record
date for the annual meeting.

     Stockholders of record on March 2, 1998 may obtain copies without charge of
the Company's annual report on Form 10-K (excluding exhibits) filed with the SEC
by contacting:

                           Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
                           Attn.: Corporate Secretary
                             1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
                               Hercules, CA 94547


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Proposals  intended  to be  presented  by  stockholders  at the 1999 annual
meeting  must be  received  by the  Company  for  inclusion  in the  1999  Proxy
Statement not later than December 30, 1998.

                                        By order of the Board
                                        of Directors  BIO-RAD
                                        LABORATORIES, INC.

                                        SANFORD S. WADLER, Secretary

Hercules, California
April 1, 1998


                                   APPENDIX A

                             1994 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     This  Amendment to the Bio-Rad  Laboratories,  Inc.  1994 Stock Option Plan
(the  "Amendment")  is  adopted  by  Bio-Rad  Laboratories,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), effective as of _______________, 1998.


     A.   The  Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan (the "Stock  Option  Plan") was
          adopted by the Board of Directors  (the  "Board") on February 2, 1994,
          and approved by the stockholders of the Company on April 26, 1994.

     B.   The Stock Option Plan  currently  states that shares of the  Company's
          Class A common  stock or Class B common  stock  (the  "Common  Stock")
          subject  to the Stock  Option  Plan  shall not  exceed  675,000.  This
          amendment  increases  the  aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock
          subject to the Stock Option Plan from 675,000 to 1,175,000.

     C.   The Stock Option Plan currently  states that no officer or director of
          the Company  shall be granted  options to purchase  more than  337,500
          shares of Common Stock. To keep this limitation  proportionate  to the
          amended  number  of shares  subject  to the Stock  Option  Plan,  this
          amendment  increases the individual  limitation to options to purchase
          587,500 shares of Common Stock in the aggregate.

     D.   Section 9 of the Stock Option Plan  provides  that the Board may amend
          the Stock  Option  Plan,  subject in certain  instances  to receipt of
          approval of the stockholders of the Company.

     E.   Effective  March 11, 1998, the Board  unanimously  recommended and the
          Board unanimously  adopted this Amendment in the form given below (the

     F.   The Amendment was approved by the  stockholders  of the Company at its
          Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on April 28, 1998.


     1.   Section 4 of the Stock  Option  Plan is hereby  amended to read in its
          entirety as follows:

          4 Shares Subject to Plan

          Options  may be  granted  by the  Company  from  time  to  time to Key
     Employees  to purchase an  aggregate  of up to  1,175,000  shares of Stock,
     which shares may be shares of either Class A or Class B Common  Stock,  and
     that  number of shares of each such Class  shall be  reserved  for  options
     granted  under the Plan  (subject to  adjustment  as provided in  paragraph
     7(g));  provided,  that no  officer or  director  of the  Company  shall be
     granted  options to purchase an aggregate  of more than  587,500  shares of
     Stock.  If any option granted under the Plan  terminates,  expires or, with
     the consent of the  optionee,  is canceled,  new options may  thereafter be
     granted covering such shares.

     The  undersigned,  Sanford S.  Wadler,  Secretary  of the  Company,  hereby
certifies  that the  Board  and the  stockholders  of the  Company  adopted  the
foregoing Amendment as stated above.

     Executed at Hercules, California this _______ day of __________, 1998.

                                        Sanford S. Wadler, Secretary


                                  APPENDIX B
                             CLASS A FRONT OF CARD:

Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors for the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
April 28, 1998

     The  undersigned  does hereby  appoint DAVID SCHWARTZ and SANFORD S. WADLER
and each of them, attorneys-in-fact and agents with full powers of substitution,
for and in the name, place and stead of the  undersigned,  to vote as proxies or
proxy  all the  shares of Class A Common  Stock of  Bio-Rad  Laboratories,  Inc.
("Bio-Rad"),  to be held at the Company's  corporate offices,  1000 Alfred Nobel
Drive,  Hercules,  California,  on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at 4:00 p.m., Pacific
Daylight Time, and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof:

                          USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.
                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side.)

                             CLASS A BACK OF CARD:

This proxy  will be voted as  specified  below.  If no voting  instructions  are
indicated with respect to one or more of the proposals,  the proxy will be voted
in  favor of the  proposal(s).  This  proxy  confers  authority  for each of the
persons  indicated  on the reverse to vote in his  discretion  on other  matters
which may properly come before the meeting.  The Board of Directors recommends a
Vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3.

(1)  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS                     For      Withhold     For All
     ALBERT J. HILLMAN, PHILIP L. PADOU        All        All         Except
                                               |_|        |_|           |_|

- ---------------------------------------

(Instruction:  To  withhold  authority  to vote for any  nominee(s),  write  the
name(s) of such nominee(s) above.)

(2)  PROPOSAL to ratify the  selection  of Arthur  Andersen  LLP to serve as the
     Company's independent auditors.
                                               For      Withhold      Abstain
                                               |_|        |_|           |_|

(3)  PROPOSAL  to amend the 1994 Stock  Option  Plan to  increase  the number of
     shares available by 500,000.
                                               For      Withhold      Abstain
                                               |_|        |_|           |_|

Receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  and proxy statement is
hereby  confirmed.  Please sign  exactly as your name  appears  hereon or on the
stock certificate.  Executors,  administrators or trustees should indicate their
capacities.  If stock is held in joint names,  both  registered  holders  should
sign. No witness or notarization is necessary.

                    Date:                      ---------------------------------

                    Signature:                 ---------------------------------

                    Signature, if held jointly:---------------------------------

                                  APPENDIX C
                             CLASS B FRONT OF CARD:

Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors for the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
April 28, 1998

     The  undersigned  does hereby  appoint DAVID SCHWARTZ and SANFORD S. WADLER
and each of them, attorneys-in-fact and agents with full powers of substitution,
for and in the name, place and stead of the  undersigned,  to vote as proxies or
proxy  all the  shares of Class B Common  Stock of  Bio-Rad  Laboratories,  Inc.
("Bio-Rad"),  to be held at the Company's  corporate offices,  1000 Alfred Nobel
Drive,  Hercules,  California,  on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at 4:00 p.m., Pacific
Daylight Time, and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof:

                          USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.
                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side.)

                             CLASS B BACK OF CARD:

This proxy  will be voted as  specified  below.  If no voting  instructions  are
indicated with respect to one or more of the proposals,  the proxy will be voted
in  favor of the  proposal(s).  This  proxy  confers  authority  for each of the
persons  indicated  on the reverse to vote in his  discretion  on other  matters
which may properly come before the meeting.  The Board of Directors recommends a
Vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3.

(1)  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS                     For      Withhold     For All
     JAMES J. BENNETT, ALICE N. SCHWARTZ,      All        All         Except
     DAVID SCHWARTZ, NORMAN SCHWARTZ,          |_|        |_|           |_|

- -----------------------------------------
(Instruction:  To  withhold  authority  to vote for any  nominee(s),  write  the
name(s) of such nominee(s) above.)

(2)  PROPOSAL to ratify the  selection  of Arthur  Andersen  LLP to serve as the
     Company's independent auditors.
                                               For      Withhold      Abstain
                                               |_|        |_|           |_|

(3)  PROPOSAL  to amend the 1994 Stock  Option  Plan to  increase  the number of
     shares available by 500,000.
                                               For      Withhold      Abstain
                                               |_|        |_|           |_|

Receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  and proxy statement is
hereby  confirmed.  Please sign  exactly as your name  appears  hereon or on the
stock certificate.  Executors,  administrators or trustees should indicate their
capacities.  If stock is held in joint names,  both  registered  holders  should
sign. No witness or notarization is necessary.

                    Date:                      ---------------------------------

                    Signature:                 ---------------------------------

                    Signature, if held jointly:---------------------------------