Exhibit 10(t)

                          OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA

IN THE MATTER OF THE FILING OF THE  )                 EL99-005
COMMISSION                          )

                             SETTLEMENT STIPULATION

         On April 26, 1999,  Black Hills Power and Light Company  ("BHPL") filed
with the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission  ("Commission") a confidential
electric  power service  contract with  deviation  between  itself and the South
Dakota State Cement Plant  Commission  ("Dacotah  Cement").  That  contract with
deviation  was  intended to replace and  supersede  the Electric  Power  Service
Agreement  between the parties  dated May 1, 1987, as amended by Amendment No. 1
to the Industrial Contract Service Agreement dated June 23, 1995.

         The Staff of the Commission ("Staff") and BHPL,  collectively  referred
to as  "Parties,"  upon the  execution  of this  Stipulation,  agree  that  this
Stipulation  resolves  all issues in this  docket  and  otherwise  as  addressed
herein.  The Parties  stipulate and agree that the Commission may enter an Order
consistent  with the  terms and  conditions  of this  Stipulation,  as set forth

         1.  Confidentiality.  The terms and  conditions  of the  contract  with
deviation   between  BHPL  and  Dacotah   Cement  shall  receive   "confidential
treatment,"  consistent  with the provisions of ARSD  20:10:13:09,  et seq., and
consistent with the terms and conditions of the filing made by BHPL on April 26,
1999,  except that as it concerns the  Stipulation  relative to the extension of
the rate freeze identified herein,  which may be made public by BHPL, the Staff,
or the Commission, as any of them deem it appropriate.

         2. Safety Net. In Docket  EL99-001,  BHPL sought the  approval of a new
general service large optional  combined account billing rate schedule.  In that
docket,  the Staff made  significant  inquiry  relative  to BHPL's plan to offer
benefits  to  some  of its  general  service  large  account  customers  and the
potential  impact that these  reductions to its general  service large customers
may potentially have on BHPL's "captive  customers" and the resulting need for a
safety net for such  captive  customers;  namely  BHPL's  residential  and small
business customers.  As a part of Docket No. EL99-001,  the Order entered by the
Commission specifically acknowledged the recommended "cautioned approval" of the
Commission  Staff  relative to  providing  benefits to large  customers  and the
potential impact on captive  customers.  In this docket,  BHPL has proposed rate
changes,  this time for a large  industrial  customer,  and the Staff has raised
additional  questions  relative  to  the  potential  impact  on  BHPL's  captive
customers  and the  concern  that cost  shifting  could occur as a result of the
changes in rates for industrial customers.

         3. Request for Waiver of Class Cost of Service Study  Requirement.  The
Parties  acknowledge  that the Order  approved  in EL99-001  provided  that BHPL
shall, in its next general rate  proceeding,  provide  comparison  class cost of
service studies for general service large customers,  reflecting revenues before
and after the  implementation of the tariff changes under EL99-001,  which study
was intended to assure that BHPL was not shifting  costs between its  respective
classes of service for the benefit of general service large class customers. The
Parties  agree that this may be  construed  as a general  rate  proceeding  and,
therefore,  request that the Commission  waive the  requirement for a comparison
class cost of service study.

         4.  Extension of Rate Freeze and Abeyance of Fuel and  Purchased  Power
Adjustment  Tariff.  The rate freeze  entered by an Order of the  Commission  in
EL95-003 on July 19, 1995, shall be extended from December 31, 1999,  subject to
the terms and conditions set forth below.

               (a)  BHPL  shall not file any  additional  applications  with the
                    Commission  if  this  Stipulation  is  approved,  which,  if
                    granted,  would  result in an increase  in revenues  for the
                    period  between  January 1, 2000  through  December 31, 2004
                    ("Rate Freeze Period");  provided,  however,  that this Rate
                    Freeze  Period does not prevent  BHPL from filing for a rate
                    increase to take effect  subsequent  to January 1, 2005,  or
                    from filing for a rate increase if BHPL's cost of service is
                    expected to increase as a result of an "Extraordinary Event"
                    as defined in paragraph 4(f) below;  nor is this Rate Freeze
                    Period   intended   to   prohibit   BHPL  from  filing  rate
                    applications that request changes in rates for reasons other
                    than to obtain a general rate increase.

               (b)  Staff enters into this  Stipulation  in the public  interest
                    and  in  the  interest  of  BHPL's  South  Dakota   electric
                    customers in order to provide for the  continued  protection
                    of rate stability  during the Rate Freeze Period,  and Staff
                    agrees that BHPL  should  continue to pursue and realize the
                    benefits of those  opportunities  available  to BHPL and its
                    unregulated  affiliates and subsidiaries,  to make BHPL more
                    efficient and competitive over the long term, to the benefit
                    of BHPL's South Dakota customers.

               (c)  BHPL shall not include a fuel and purchased power adjustment
                    tariff,  nor shall BHPL make any  application to reinstate a
                    fuel and purchased  power  adjustment  tariff to take effect
                    prior  to  January  1,  2005;   however,  in  the  event  an
                    Extraordinary  Event  arises,  this  restriction  shall  not
                    apply,   subject  to  the  terms  and   conditions   of  the
                    Extraordinary Event.

               (d)  In  consideration  for the  commitment to forgo the fuel and
                    purchased  power  adjustment  tariff,  except  as  otherwise
                    provided  herein,  and consistent  with the Order  Approving
                    Settlement Agreement and that certain Settlement Stipulation
                    in  EL95-003,   BHPL  shall   continue  to  retain   without
                    adjustment  to rates  charged to its South Dakota  customers
                    all revenues  and  benefits  realized by it from the sale of
                    wholesale   capacity   and   energy,   including,    without
                    limitation,  sales to MDU for its Sheridan, Wyoming load and
                    any and all other sales of  wholesale  capacity or energy by
                    BHPL.  BHPL may effect a transfer  and/or  assignment of any
                    right which BHPL has in any sale of  wholesale  capacity and
                    energy, including,  without limitation, sales to MDU for its
                    Sheridan,  Wyoming  load,  sales  to the  City of  Gillette,
                    Wyoming,  or any other sale of wholesale  capacity or energy
                    without a review of the consideration,  if any, between BHPL
                    and any affiliate or subsidiary of Black Hills  Corporation,
                    subject   to  the  Staff  and   Commission   reviewing   the
                    reasonableness   and   prudency  of  such   actions  in  any
                    subsequent  general rate proceeding  which is initiated with
                    the intent to raise or reduce  rates when  compared to those
                    in effect as a result of this  Stipulation.  This  provision
                    shall  continue to apply to BHPL's tariffs until modified by
                    a lawful Order of the Commission.

               (e)  BHPL has indicated  that during the Rate Freeze  Period,  it
                    may enter into power purchase transactions or power resource
                    transfers with its  affiliated  exempt  wholesale  generator
                    ("EWG"),  as defined and  regulated in Section  32(k) of the
                    Public  Utility  Holding  Company Act  ("Act"),  and for the
                    purposes  of  the  Act,   Staff  and  BHPL  agree  that  the
                    Commission has sufficient regulatory  authority,  resources,
                    and  access  to the  books  and  records  of  BHPL  and  its
                    associates,  affiliates,  and  subsidiaries  to exercise its
                    duties under the referenced provisions of the Act. Staff and
                    BHPL  agree  that  Staff  and   Commission  may  review  the
                    reasonableness  and prudency of such purchases  between BHPL
                    and its affiliated EWG in any general rate proceeding  which
                    is  initiated  with the intent to raise or reduce rates when
                    compared to those in effect as a result of this Stipulation.

               (f)  An  Extraordinary  Event is the  occurrence  of one of those
                    items enumerated below:

                           (1)      New  federal,  state or  local  governmental
                                    requirements   or   governmental    charges,
                                    including, but not limited to, income taxes,
                                    taxes  or   charges   imposed   on   energy,
                                    emissions,  environmental  extranalities  or
                                    reclamation   obligations,   imposed   after
                                    January  1,   2000,   upon  BHPL  or  Wyodak
                                    Resources  Development Corp. that project to
                                    cause  BHPL's  cost of  service to its South
                                    Dakota  customers  to increase in a material
                                    amount.  Increases in the cost of service of
                                    less than $2,000,000 will be presumed not to
                                    be  material   for  the   purposes  of  this

                           (2)      Forced  outages,  caused by an act of nature
                                    or criminal  activity or resulting from fire
                                    or  explosion  from any cause,  occurring to
                                    both the Wyodak  Plant and Neil Simpson Unit
                                    #2   which   are   projected   to   continue
                                    simultaneously  over a period  exceeding  60

                           (3)      Forced outage occurring to either the Wyodak
                                    Plant or NS #2  which  has  continued  for a
                                    period of three  months and is  projected to
                                    be nine months or more.

                           (4)      The  Consumers  Price Index,  All Urban,  as
                                    compiled by the United States  Department of
                                    Labor  increases  to a monthly  rate for six
                                    consecutive  months which if continuing  for
                                    the  following  six months would result in a
                                    10 percent or more annual inflation rate.

                           (5)      The  loss  of a  South  Dakota  customer  or
                                    revenue   from  an  existing   South  Dakota
                                    customer that, if projected, would result in
                                    a loss of revenue to BHPL of  $2,000,000  or
                                    more during any 12-month period.

                           (6)      If BHPL's  cost of coal to its South  Dakota
                                    customers  increases  and  is  projected  to
                                    increase  by more than  $2,000,000  over the
                                    cost for the most recent calendar year.

                           (7)      Electric  deregulation as a result of either
                                    federal or state  mandate  which  allows any
                                    customer  of BHPL to choose its  provider of
                                    electricity  at any  time  during  the  Rate
                                    Freeze Period.

               (g)  BHPL  represents  that during the Rate Freeze Period it will
                    not  purchase   fuel  and  electric   power  which  will  be
                    intentionally priced artificially low during the Rate Freeze
                    Period  and  artificially  high  following  the Rate  Freeze
                    Period,  with the result that  customers  following the Rate
                    Freeze Period would be subsidizing  power costs of customers
                    during the Rate Freeze Period.

         5.       Reduction in Taxes During Rate Freeze Period.

         If any  material  reduction  in federal,  state,  or local taxes occurs
which is projected  to  materially  reduce  BHPL's cost of service for its South
Dakota  customers,  the  Commission  shall have the right in its  discretion  to
modify the stipulation to adjust the rates to reflect the tax changes. Decreases
in the cost of  service  of less than  $1,000,000  would be  presumed  not to be
material for purposes of this paragraph.

         6.       General Conditions.

                  (a)      Except for  ratemaking  principles  set forth herein,
                           this  Stipulation  shall not be deemed to  constitute
                           any precedential  value after the Rate Freeze Period,
                           including,   but  not   limited  to,   treatment   of
                           off-system  energy and  capacity  sales  revenues and

                  (b)      The approval of this  Stipulation  by the  Commission
                           shall not in any respect  constitute a  determination
                           by the Commission as to the merits of any allegations
                           or contentions made in this proceeding.

                  (c)      The  Stipulation  is expressly  conditioned  upon the
                           Commission's acceptance of all the provisions hereof,
                           without change or a condition  which is  unacceptable
                           to any Party.

                  (d)      Discussions  among BHPL and Staff which produced this
                           Stipulation  have been  conducted  with the customary
                           understanding  that  all  offers  of  settlement  and
                           discussions relating thereto are privileged and shall
                           not be used in any  manner  in  connection  with this
                           proceeding or otherwise, except as required by law.

                  (e)      This Stipulation includes all terms of Settlement and
                           is submitted on the  condition  that in the event the
                           Commission imposes any change in or condition to this
                           Stipulation  which is unacceptable to any Party, this
                           Stipulation  shall be deemed  withdrawn and shall not
                           constitute any part of the record in this  proceeding
                           or any  other  proceeding  nor be used for any  other

                  (f)      This  Stipulation  shall be binding  upon the parties
                           hereto and upon their respective successors, assigns,
                           agents and representatives.

                  (g)      It  is   understood   that  Staff  enters  into  this
                           Stipulation  for the benefit of BHPL's  South  Dakota
                           customers affected hereby and in the public interest.

         7. Statement R. For informational purposes, BHPL shall continue to make
annual  filings with the  Commission of the Statement R computation as presented
in Docket  EL95-003 to monitor  earnings  derived from  affiliated coal sales to

         8. Commission  Approval.  Each of the Parties request the Commission to
enter its order  approving this  Stipulation  and grant the waiver  requested in
paragraph  3.  Failure of the  Commission  to enter such order  shall cause this
Stipulation to become null and void.

         Dated June _____, 1999.

LIGHT COMPANY                                        COMMISSION

By  ________________________                By ____________________________
    John K. Nooney, Attorney                   Camron Hoseck, Attorney