Exhibit 10.13

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

         1. Purpose of Plan and Effective Date. The effective date of this Black
Hills Corporation  Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan ("Plan") shall be the
1st day of June,  1999.  The  purpose  of the Plan is to provide  benefits  to a
select  group of  management  or highly  compensated  employees  who  contribute
materially to the continued  growth,  development and future business success of
the Company. It is the intention of Company that this Plan shall be administered
as an unfunded  benefit plan  established  and  maintained for a select group of
management or highly compensated employees.

         2.  Definitions.  For purposes of this Plan,  the following  phrases or
terms have the indicated  meanings unless  otherwise  clearly  apparent from the

                  (a)      "Beneficiary"  shall  mean the  person,  persons,  or
                           estate of a  Participant,  entitled  to  receive  any
                           benefits  subsequent  to the  death of a  Participant
                           under a Beneficiary  Designation form entered into in
                           accordance with the terms of this Plan.

                  (b)      "Base Salary" shall mean the  compensation  paid to a
                           Participant  by the Employer  during a calendar year,
                           including any compensation  reduction under a cash or
                           deferred  arrangement  under  Section  401(k)  of the
                           Internal  Revenue  Code or under a  flexible  benefit
                           program  under  Section 125 of the  Internal  Revenue
                           Code  but  not  including  any  amounts  paid  to the
                           Participant  as  overtime,   bonus,  commission,   or
                           incentive   compensation,   nor   reimbursements  and
                           expense allowances, fringe benefits, moving expenses,
                           nonqualified   deferred   compensation,   or  welfare

                  (c)      "Beneficiary  Designation"  shall  mean  the  form of
                           written agreement, by which the Participant names the
                           Beneficiary(ies) under the Plan.

                  (d)      "Board  of   Directors"   shall  mean  the  Board  of
                           Directors of Company.

                  (e)      "Change in Control"  shall mean any of the  following

                           (1)      An acquisition (other than directly from the
                                    Company) of any common  stock of the Company
                                    (the "Common Stock") by any "Person" (as the
                                    term person is used for  purposes of Section
                                    13(d) or 14(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange
                                    Act  of  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange
                                    Act"),  immediately  after which such Person
                                    has  "Beneficial   Ownership"   (within  the
                                    meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated under the
                                    Exchange  Act) of  thirty  percent  (30%) or
                                    more of the  Common  Stock  of the  Company;
                                    provided,  however, in determining whether a
                                    Change in Control has occurred, Common Stock
                                    which   is   acquired   in   a   "Noncontrol
                                    Acquisition" (as hereinafter  defined) shall
                                    not  constitute an  acquisition  which would
                                    cause a Change  in  Control.  A  "Noncontrol
                                    Acquisition"  shall mean an  acquisition  by
                                    (i) an  employee  benefit  plan  (or a trust
                                    forming a part  thereof)  maintained  by (A)
                                    the Company or (B) any  corporation or other
                                    Person  of which a  majority  of its  voting
                                    power  or  its  voting   equity   securities
                                    ("Voting  Securities") or equity interest is
                                    owned,   directly  or  indirectly,   by  the
                                    Company (for purposes of this definition,  a
                                    "Subsidiary"),   (ii)  the  Company  or  its
                                    Subsidiaries,   or  (iii)   any   Person  in
                                    connection  with a "Noncontrol  Transaction"
                                    (as hereinafter defined);

                           (2)      The individuals  who, as of January 1, 1997,
                                    are  members  of the Board  (the  "Incumbent
                                    Board"),  cease for any reason to constitute
                                    at least  two-thirds  of the  members of the
                                    Board;   provided,   however,  that  if  the
                                    election,  or nomination for election by the
                                    Company's  common  shareholders,  of any new
                                    director  was approved by a vote of at least
                                    two-thirds of the Incumbent Board,  such new
                                    director  shall,  for purposes of this Plan,
                                    be  considered  as a member of the Incumbent
                                    Board;  provided further,  however,  that no
                                    individual  shall be  considered a member of
                                    the  Incumbent   Board  if  such  individual
                                    initially  assumed  office  as a  result  of
                                    either  an actual  or  threatened  "Election
                                    Contest"   (as   described  in  Rule  14a-11
                                    promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other
                                    actual or threatened solicitation of proxies
                                    or  consents  by or on  behalf  of a  Person
                                    other  than the  Board (a  "Proxy  Contest")
                                    including   by  reason   of  any   agreement
                                    intended  to avoid or  settle  any  Election
                                    Contest or Proxy Contest; or

                           (3)      Approval by shareholders of the Company of:

                                    (i)     A    merger,     consolidation    or
                                            reorganization     involving     the
                                            Company,    unless   such    merger,
                                            consolidation or reorganization is a
                                            "Noncontrol      Transaction."     A
                                            "Noncontrol  Transaction" shall mean
                                            a    merger,     consolidation    or
                                            reorganization of the Company where:

                                            (A)      the   shareholders  of  the
                                                     Company, immediately before
                                                     such merger,  consolidation
                                                     or   reorganization,    own
                                                     directly   or    indirectly
                                                     immediately  following such
                                                     merger,   consolidation  or
                                                     reorganization,   at  least
                                                     seventy  percent  (70%)  of
                                                     the  combined  voting power
                                                     of the  outstanding  Voting
                                                     Securities      of      the
                                                     corporation  resulting from
                                                     such        merger       or
                                                     consolidation            or
                                                     reorganization         (the
                                                     "Surviving Corporation") in
                                                     substantially    the   same
                                                     proportion     as     their
                                                     ownership   of  the  Voting
                                                     Securities      immediately
                                                     before     such     merger,
                                                     consolidation            or

                                            (B)      the  individuals  who  were
                                                     members  of  the  Incumbent
                                                     Board  immediately prior to
                                                     the    execution   of   the
                                                     agreement   providing   for
                                                     such merger,  consolidation
                                                     or           reorganization
                                                     constitute     at     least
                                                     two-thirds  of the  members
                                                     of the  board of  directors
                                                     of      the       Surviving
                                                     Corporation,      or      a
                                                     corporation    beneficially
                                                     directly   or    indirectly
                                                     owning  a  majority  of the
                                                     Voting  Securities  of  the
                                                     Surviving Corporation, and

                                            (C)      no  Person  other  than (i)
                                                     the   Company,   (ii)   any
                                                     Subsidiary,    (iii)    any
                                                     employee  benefit  plan (or
                                                     any  trust  forming  a part
                                                     thereof)  maintained by the
                                                     Company,    the   Surviving
                                                     Corporation,     or     any
                                                     Subsidiary,   or  (iv)  any
                                                     Person   who,   immediately
                                                     prior   to   such   merger,
                                                     consolidation            or
                                                     reorganization          had
                                                     Beneficial   Ownership   of
                                                     thirty   percent  (30%)  or
                                                     more     of    the     then
                                                     outstanding          Voting
                                                     Securities), has Beneficial
                                                     Ownership of thirty percent
                                                     (30%)   or   more   of  the
                                                     combined  voting  power  of
                                                     the Surviving Corporation's
                                                     then   outstanding   Voting

                                    (ii) A complete  liquidation  or dissolution
                                         of the Company; or

                                    (iii)   An  agreement  for the sale or other
                                            disposition of all or  substantially
                                            all of the assets of the  Company to
                                            any Person other than (x) a transfer
                                            to a  Subsidiary  or (y) a  sale  or
                                            transfer  of  a  Subsidiary  by  the
                                            Company   except  if  such  sale  or
                                            transfer  would  be a sale or  other
                                            disposition of all or  substantially
                                            all of the assets of the Company.

                           (4)      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  (i) a Change
                                    in  Control  shall  not be  deemed  to occur
                                    solely  because  any  Person  (the  "Subject
                                    Person")  acquired  Beneficial  Ownership of
                                    more than the  permitted  amount of the then
                                    outstanding  Common Stock as a result of the
                                    acquisition  of Common  Stock by the Company
                                    which,  by reducing  the number of shares of
                                    Common Stock then outstanding, increases the
                                    proportional  number of shares  Beneficially
                                    Owned by the Subject Persons,  provided that
                                    if a Change in Control  would occur (but for
                                    the operation of this  sentence) as a result
                                    of the  acquisition  of Common  Stock by the
                                    Company, and after such stock acquisition by
                                    the Company,  the Subject Person becomes the
                                    Beneficial  Owner of any  additional  Common
                                    Stock which  increases the percentage of the
                                    then outstanding  Common Stock  Beneficially
                                    Owned by the Subject  Person,  then a Change
                                    in Control shall occur; and (ii) a Change in
                                    Control  shall not be deemed to occur unless
                                    and until all regulatory  approvals required
                                    to effect a Change in Control of the Company
                                    have been obtained.

               (f)  "Committee"  shall mean the  Compensation  Committee  of the
                    Board of Directors.

               (g)  "Company" shall mean Black Hills Corporation, a South Dakota
                    corporation,  with  principal  offices in the State of South

               (h)  "Elective  Contribution"  means that part of a Participant's
                    compensation  that such  Participant  has  elected  to defer
                    pursuant to Section 4.1.

               (i)  "Incentive   Contribution"   means   that   portion   of   a
                    Participant's  award under the  Company's  Short Term Annual
                    Incentive Plan ("STIP") which the Participant has elected to
                    defer under the STIP and under Section 4.2.

               (j)  "Employer"  shall mean the Company and any  Subsidiary  that
                    duly adopts the Plan.

               (k)  "Employee"  shall  mean  any  person  who is in the  regular
                    full-time  employment  of the  Company or a  Subsidiary,  as
                    determined  by the  personnel  rules  and  practices  of the
                    Company or a Subsidiary.  The term does not include  persons
                    who are  retained by the Company or a  Subsidiary  solely as

               (l)  "Participant"  shall mean an  Employee  who is  selected  to
                    participate in the Plan.

               (m)  "Participant's  Account" shall mean the  memorandum  account
                    established   and   maintained   by  the  Company  for  each
                    Participant with respect to the Participant's total interest
                    in  the  Plan  resulting  from  the  Participant's  Elective
                    Contributions and Incentive  Contributions plus the earnings

               (n)  "Plan  Year"  shall  mean the Plan's  accounting  year of 12
                    months  beginning  on January 1 and ending on the  following
                    December 31.

               (o)  "Retirement" and "Retire" shall mean severance of employment
                    with Employer, for any reason.

               (p)  "Subsidiary"  shall mean any business  organization in which
                    Company,  directly  or  indirectly,  owns a majority  of its
                    voting power or voting equity  securities or equity interest
                    and which the Board of Directors  designates as a Subsidiary
                    for purposes of this Plan.

         3.  Eligibility  and  Participation.   In  order  to  be  eligible  for
participation  in the Plan, an Employee must be selected by the  Committee.  The
Committee, in its sole and absolute discretion,  shall determine eligibility for
participation  from among  management  or highly  compensated  employees  of the
Employer in accordance with the purposes of the Plan.

         4.       Contributions.

                  4.1  Elective  Contributions.  Each  Participant  may elect to
defer up to 50% of the  Participant's  Base Salary. An election to defer must be
made in writing prior to the beginning of a Plan Year; provided, that (a) in the
Plan  Year in which the Plan is first  implemented,  a  Participant  may make an
election to defer compensation  earned subsequent to the election within 30 days
after  the date  the  Plan is  effective  and (b) in the  first  year in which a
Participant  becomes  eligible to  participate  in the Plan,  the newly eligible
Participant may make an election to defer compensation  earned subsequent to the
election within 30 days after the date the Participant  becomes  eligible.  This
election shall be irrevocable  for that Plan Year and shall continue to be valid
unless  subsequently  revoked for the following Plan Years.  The amount by which
the Participant's  Base Salary is reduced shall be that  Participant's  Elective
Contribution and shall be allocated to that  Participant's  Account on a monthly

                  4.2  Incentive  Contributions.  In  addition  to the  Elective
Contributions,  a  Participant,  if eligible under the STIP, may elect under the
terms of the  Company's  STIP,  to defer the  receipt of all or any portion of a
Participant's award thereunder, including shares of Company stock. The amount of
the award deferred under the STIP shall be allocated to a Participant's Account.
In the event that  Participant  defers a stock  award  under the STIP,  then the
Company  shall  establish  within  the  Participant's  Account  a  common  stock
equivalent  memorandum  account  ("Stock  Account")  and shall  credit the Stock
Account with Company common stock equivalents, including fractional equivalents.
Appropriate  adjustments  shall be made to the Stock  Account for stock  splits,
stock  dividends,   mergers,   consolidation  and  other  similar  circumstances
affecting the Company common stock.

         5. Earnings on Participant's Account. Each Participant may, at the time
of  his   deferral   election,   choose  to  allocate  the  amount  of  Elective
Contributions  deferred and the amount of the Incentive  Contributions  deferred
(except for the Company stock deferred) into certain  categories of hypothetical
investments to be determined by the Participant as are available under the range
of  investments  as may be allowed by any  third-party  service  provider to the
Plan,  or  trustee,  if any,  or if none,  from  the  range  of  investments  as
determined  by the  Committee in its  discretion.  The amounts  deferred  into a
Participant's  Account shall change in value based upon the allocated underlying
hypothetical investments, including Company Stock.

         6. Payment of Benefit.  Upon Retirement of a Participant,  the Employer
shall  pay to or cause to be paid to such  Participant  the then  amount  in the
Participant's Account. At the time that a Participant makes a deferral election,
the Participant shall choose from the following payment options:  (a) a lump sum
payment  to be paid  within 30 days of  Retirement,  or (b)  annual  or  monthly
installment  payments  over a period of years  designated by Employee but not to
exceed 15 years.  Once payments  hereunder have begun, the payment option chosen
is irrevocable. In the event that a Participant has elected a payment option and
desires to change the same prior to such payment  option  becoming  irrevocable,
Participant  may make a request of the  Committee to change the payment  option;
provided,  that such  request  shall not  become  effective  until the Plan Year
subsequent to the Plan Year in which the request is made.

         If the installment payment is elected,  the first payment shall be made
in cash to  Employee  on the 1st day of  January  following  the  date on  which
Employee  Retires.  Annual  payments for each  succeeding  year shall be paid to
Employee on the first January of each succeeding year. Monthly payments shall be
made on the  first  day of  each  month.  Subsequent  to the  first  installment
payment,  accrued  interest on the unpaid  accumulated  balance will be added to
each  subsequent  payment based on  amortization  over the term of payment.  The
interest rate to be used shall be equal to the seven year United States Treasury
Bond yield as determined on the Retirement date.

         In the event of  Employee's  death after  Retirement,  and in the event
installment  payments had been elected,  the payments  shall be made as provided
herein on each payment date established and shall continue until paid in full to
Participant's Beneficiary; provided, however, that Participant's Beneficiary, or
personal  representative,  as the case may be, shall have the option, by written
notice given to Company within 12 months after  Participant's  death, to receive
any remaining  installment  payments in a lump sum. If such option is exercised,
the lump sum shall be paid within 60 days thereafter.

         7. Payment of Benefits upon  Unforeseeable  Emergency.  Notwithstanding
paragraph  6 above,  in the event of an  Unforeseeable  Emergency  as  hereafter
defined,  a Participant may withdraw amounts from the  Participant's  Account to
the  extent  reasonably  needed  to  satisfy  the  Unforeseeable  Emergency.  In
addition,  in the event of an  Unforeseeable  Emergency,  Participant  may cease
contributions during a Plan Year  notwithstanding  Section 4.1. For the purposes
of this paragraph an "Unforeseeable Emergency" is a severe financial hardship to
the  Participant  resulting from a sudden and unexpected  illness or accident of
the Participant or a dependent (as defined in Internal  Revenue Code ss. 152(a))
of the Participant, loss of the Participant's property due to casualty, or other
similar  extraordinary  and unforeseeable  circumstances  arising as a result of
events  beyond  the  control of the  Participant.  The  circumstances  that will
constitute an  Unforeseeable  Emergency will depend upon the facts of each case,
but, in any case, payment may not be made to the extent that such hardship is or
may be  relieved--(a)  through  reimbursement  or  compensation  by insurance or
otherwise;  (b) by liquidation of the  Participant's  assets,  to the extent the
liquidation of such assets would not itself cause severe financial hardship;  or
(c) by  cessation  of  Contributions  under the Plan.  Examples  of what are not
considered  to  be an  Unforeseeable  Emergency  include  the  need  to  send  a
Participant's child to college or the desire to purchase a home.

         8.       Death Benefit and Disability Benefits.

                  8.1 Amount and Payment of Death Benefit. If a Participant dies
before Retirement,  the Employer will pay or cause to be paid as a death benefit
to such Participant's Beneficiary the balance of the Participant's Account, in a
lump sum.

         Proof of death in a form determined acceptable by the Committee must be

                  8.2 Total  Disability.  If a Participant  becomes  totally and
permanently disabled before he or she ceases to be employed by the Employer, the
balance of the Participant's Account shall be paid in a lump sum; provided, that
the Committee, in its sole discretion, may pay out Participant's Account balance
in installments.

         The  determination  of total and permanent  disability  for purposes of
this  section,  shall  be  made  by the  Committee  in  its  sole  and  absolute

                  8.3 Time of  Payment.  The benefit  paid under  Section 8.1 or
Section 8.2 shall be paid as soon as possible following the Participant's  death
or the date on which the  Committee  determines  a  Participant  is  totally  or
permanently disabled but not later than 12 months following  Participant's death
or determination of total or permanent disability.

         9.  Change  in  Control.  In  the  event  of a  Change  in  Control,  a
Participant  shall  have the  option to request  immediate  distribution  of the
Participant's   Account  as  if   Participant   had  Retired,   whether  or  not
Participant's  employment  status with  Company or any  successor of Company has

          10.   Beneficiary.   Participant  shall  designate  a  Beneficiary  or
Beneficiaries  to receive  benefits under the Plan by completing the Beneficiary
Designation.  If more than one Beneficiary is named, the shares or precedence of
each  Beneficiary  shall be  indicated.  A  Participant  shall have the right to
change  the  Beneficiary  by  submitting  to  the  Committee  a new  Beneficiary
Designation.  The  Beneficiary  Designation  must be  approved in writing by the
Committee;  however,  upon  the  Committee's  acknowledgment  of  approval,  the
effective date of the Beneficiary  Designation shall be the date it was executed
by the Participant.  If the Committee has any doubt as to the proper Beneficiary
to receive  payments,  it shall have the right to  withhold  payments  until the
matter is finally adjudicated or to interplead the Participant's  Account into a
court of competent jurisdiction.  Any payment made by the Employer in good faith
and  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Plan  and a  Participant's
Beneficiary  Designation  shall fully  discharge the Employer and Committee from
all further obligations with respect to the payment.

         11.      Source of Benefits.

                  11.1 Benefits  Payable from General  Assets.  Amounts  payable
shall be paid exclusively from the general assets of the Employer, and no person
entitled to payment shall have any claim,  right,  security  interest,  or other
interest in any fund, trust, account, or other asset of the Employer that may be
looked to for  payment.  The  Employer's  liability  for the payment of benefits
shall be  evidenced  only by this Plan.  In all events,  it is the intent of the
Employer  that the Plan be treated as unfunded for tax purposes and for purposes
of Title I of ERISA.

                  11.2 Investments to Facilitate  Payment of Benefits.  Although
the Employer is not  obligated to invest in any specific  asset or fund in order
to provide the means for the  payment of any  liabilities  under this Plan,  the
Employer  may  elect  to do so and may  also  elect to  acquire  life  insurance
policies on any Participant or create a "Rabbi" trust.

         The Participant also  understands and agrees that the  participation of
Participant, in any way, in the acquisition of any insurance policy or any other
general  asset by the  Employer  shall not  constitute a  representation  to the
Employee, the designated recipient,  or any person claiming through the Employee
that any of them has a special or beneficial interest in the general asset.

                  11.3  Employer   Obligation.   The  Employer   shall  have  no
obligation of any nature  whatsoever to a Participant under this Plan other than
what is specifically stated in the Plan.

         12. Termination of Employment. This Plan does not obligate the Employer
to continue the employment of a Participant  with the Employer nor does it limit
the  right of the  Employer  at any time and for any  reason  to  terminate  the
Participant's  employment.  Termination of a  Participant's  employment with the
Employer for any reason,  whether by action of the Employer or otherwise,  shall
immediately terminate a Participant's  continued  participation in this Plan. In
no event shall this Plan by its terms or  implications  constitute an employment
contract of any nature whatsoever between the Employer and a Participant.

         13.      Terminations, Amendments, Modification or Supplement of Plan.

                  13.1 Termination,  Amendment and  Modifications.  The Employer
reserves the right to terminate,  amend,  modify or supplement this Plan, wholly
or  partially,  and from time to time,  at any time.  Such  right to  terminate,
amend,  modify,  or supplement  this Plan shall be exercised for the Employer by
the Board of Directors; provided, however, that no action to terminate this Plan
shall be taken except upon written  notice to each  Participant  to be affected,
which  notice  shall be given not less  than 30 days  prior to the  action.  Any
action under this Section 14.1 shall not affect rights previously  accrued under
this Plan.

                  13.2  Rights  and  Obligations  Upon  Termination.   Upon  the
termination of this Plan by the Board of Directors,  the  Participant's  Account
shall  be paid as if the  Participant  had  Retired  as of the date the Plan was

         14.  Other  Benefits  and  Agreements.  The  benefits  provided  for  a
Participant and any Beneficiary hereunder and under this Plan are in addition to
any other benefits available to such Participant under any other program or plan
of the Employer for its  employees,  and,  except as may  otherwise be expressly
provided for, this Plan shall  supplement  and shall not supersede,  modify,  or
amend any other program or plan of the Employer or a Participant.

         15.  Restrictions on Alienation of Benefits.  No right or benefit under
this Plan shall be subject to sale, assignment, or encumbrances, and any attempt
to sell,  assign,  or  encumber  the Plan  shall  be void.  No right or  benefit
hereunder  shall in any manner be liable for or subject to the debts,  contract,
liabilities, or torts of the person entitled to such benefit. If any Participant
or  Beneficiary  under  this Plan  should  become  bankrupt  or attempt to sell,
assign,  or encumber  any right to a benefit  under this Plan then such right or
benefit  shall,  in the  discretion of the  Committee,  terminate,  and, in that
event,  the  Committee  shall  hold or apply  the same or any part of it for the
benefit  of  the  Participant  or  Beneficiary,  or  the  Participant's  spouse,
children, or other dependents,  in a manner and in a portion that the Committee,
in its sole and absolute discretion, may deem proper.

         16.  Withholding.  There shall be deducted from all benefits paid under
this Plan the amount of any taxes required to be withheld by any federal,  state
or local government.  The Participants and their Beneficiaries will bear any and
all federal,  foreign,  state,  local or other income or other taxes  imposed on
amounts paid under this Plan.

         17. Administration of this Plan.

                  17.1 Appointment of Committee.  The general  administration of
this Plan, as well as its  construction and  interpretation,  shall be vested in
the  Committee  or its  successor,  as the members of which are  designated  and
appointed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                  17.2  Committee  Rules and Powers --  General.  Subject to the
provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall from time to time establish  rules,
forms,  and  procedures for the  administration  of this Plan.  Such  decisions,
actions and records of the Committee  shall be  conclusive  and binding upon the
Employer and all persons  having or claiming to have any right or interest in or
under the Plan.

                  17.3  Reliance  on  Certificate,   Etc.  The  members  of  the
Committee  and the officers and  directors of the Employer  shall be entitled to
rely on all certificates and reports made by any duly appointed accountants, and
on all opinions  given by any duly appointed  legal counsel.  Such legal counsel
may be counsel for the Employer.

                  17.4  Determination  of  Benefits.  In  addition to the powers
specified,  the Committee shall have the power to compute and certify under this
Plan the amount and kind of benefits  from time to time payable to  Participants
and their Beneficiaries and to authorize all disbursements for such purposes.

                  17.5  Information  to  Committee.  To enable the  Committee to
perform its functions,  the Employer shall supply full and timely information to
the Committee on all matters relating to the  compensation of all  Participants,
their retirement,  death or other cause for termination of employment,  and such
other pertinent facts as the Committee may require.

         18. Claims. All claims for benefits under the Plan shall be made to the
Committee.  If the Committee denies a claim, the Committee may provide notice to
the  Participant or beneficiary,  in writing,  within 90 days after the claim is
filed unless special  circumstances  require an extension of time for processing
the claim, not to exceed an additional 90 days. If the Committee does not notify
the Participant or Beneficiary of the denial of the claim within the time period
specified above,  then the claim shall be deemed denied.  The notice of a denial
of a claim  shall be  written in a manner  calculated  to be  understood  by the
claimant  and shall set forth (1)  specific  references  to the  pertinent  Plan
provisions  on which the denial is based;  (2) a description  of any  additional
material or  information  necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim and an
explanation as to why such  information is necessary;  and (3) an explanation of
the Plan's claim procedure.

         Within 60 days after receipt of the above material,  the claimant shall
have a reasonable  opportunity to appeal the claim denial to the Committee for a
full and fair review. The claimant or his duly authorized representative may (1)
request a review upon  written  notice to the  Committee;  (2) review  pertinent
documents; and (3) submit issues and comments in writing.

         A decision on the review by the  Committee  will be made not later than
60 days after  receipt of a request for  review,  unless  special  circumstances
require  an  extension  of  time  for  processing  (such  as the  need to hold a
hearing),  in which case a decision  shall be rendered as soon as possible,  but
not later than 120 days after  receipt of a request for review.  The decision on
review shall be in writing and shall include  specific reasons for the decision,
written in a manner  calculated to be  understood  by the  claimant,  as well as
specific  references to the pertinent  Plan  provisions on which the decision is

         19.      Miscellaneous.

                  19.1  Execution of Receipts and  Releases.  Any payment to any
Participant, a Participant's legal representative,  or Beneficiary in accordance
with the  provisions  of this Plan  shall,  to the  extent  thereof,  be in full
satisfaction  of all claims  against the Employer.  The Employer may require the
Participant,  legal representative,  or Beneficiary, as a condition precedent to
payment, to execute a receipt and release in a form it may determine.

                  19.2 No Guarantee of Interests.  Neither the Committee nor any
of its members  guarantees the payment of any amounts which may be or become due
to any person or entity under this Plan.  The  liability of the Employer to make
any  payment  under  this Plan is limited  to the then  available  assets of the

                  19.3  Employer  Records.  Records  of  the  Employer  as  to a
Participant's  employment,  termination of employment  and the reason  therefor,
re-employment,   authorized  leaves  of  absence,   and  compensation  shall  be
conclusive on all persons and entities, unless determined to be incorrect.

                  19.4 Evidence. Evidence required of anyone under this Plan and
any Plan Agreement executed may be by certificate, affidavit, document, or other
information  which the person or entity  acting on it  considers  pertinent  and
reliable, and signed, made, or presented by the proper party or parties.

                  19.5     Administration Expenses.  The Company shall bear all
costs and expenses necessary to administer the Plan.

                  19.6 Notice. Any notice which shall or may be given under this
Plan  shall be in writing  and shall be mailed by United  States  mail,  postage
prepaid.  If  notice  is to be  given  to the  Employer,  such  notice  shall be
addressed to the Employer at:

                             Black Hills Corporation
                                 P. O. Box 1400
                              Rapid City, SD 57709

marked to the attention of the Secretary of Black Hills Corporation.

                  19.7  Change of  Address.  Any party  may,  from time to time,
change the address to which notices shall be mailed by giving  written notice of
such new address.

                  19.8 Effect of  Provisions.  The provisions of this Plan shall
be binding  upon the  Employer  and its  successors  and  assigns,  and upon the
Participant, Beneficiaries, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators.

                  19.9  Headings.  The  titles  and  headings  of  Articles  and
Sections  are  included  for  convenience  of  reference  only and are not to be
considered in the construction of the provisions hereof.

                  19.10  Governing  Law. All  questions  arising with respect to
this Plan shall be  determined  by  reference  to the laws of the State of South
Dakota unless preempted by federal law.

                                              BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                              By: /s/ Daniel P. Landguth
                                              Its Chairman, President & CEO