Securities and Exchange Commission
                        Washington, D.C.  20549
                               Form 10-Q


     For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1998.


        SECURITIES ACT OF 1934

     For the transition period from _______________ to _______________.

     Commission File Number 1-7978
                     Black Hills Corporation
 Incorporated in South Dakota      IRS Identification Number 46-0111677

                        625 Ninth Street
                Rapid City, South Dakota  57709

         Registrant's telephone number (605)-348-1700

        Former name, former address, and former fiscal year 
                if changed since last report

Indicate  by  check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be  filed  by  Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months  (or for such shorter period
that the registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

              Yes     X                No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common stock as of the last practicable date.

          Class                          Outstanding at April 30, 1998

Common stock, $1.00 par value                 21,711,598  shares

                           BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                  I N D E X



Item 1.        Financial Statements

               Consolidated Balance Sheets-                   3-4
                March 31, 1998, December 31, 1997
                and March 31, 1997

               Consolidated Statements of Income-               5
                Three and Twelve Months
                Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997

               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows-           6
                Three and Twelve Months
                Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997

               Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements     7-9

Item 2.        Management's Discussion and Analysis of      10-12
                Financial Position and Results of Operations


Item 1.      Legal Proceedings                                 13

Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                  13

Signatures                                                     14

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                            Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                 Unaudited              Unaudited
                                 March 31  December 31   March 31
                                  1998        1997         1997
                                         (in thousands)
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents         $ 20,793      $ 16,774         $ 17,831
  Securities available for sale       19,313        13,969           15,270
  Receivables, net
    Customers                         57,292        39,639           12,603
    Other                              3,269         3,414            2,362
  Materials, supplies, and fuel        8,397         8,642            7,895
  Prepaid expenses                     1,986         1,571            1,585
                                     111,050        84,009           57,546

Property and investments:
  Electric                           489,036       487,424          480,158
  Coal mining                         53,039        52,804           53,388
  Oil and gas                         53,043        52,412           46,344
  Other                                6,299         5,666            4,549
                                     601,417       598,306          584,439

Less accumulated depreciation
 and depletion                      (202,481)     (197,179)        (186,182)

  Net property andinvestments        398,936       401,127          398,257

Other assets:
  Federal income taxes                 8,020         8,061            8,013
  Regulatory asset                     3,926         3,776            3,326
  Other                               11,845        11,768            4,813
                                      23,791        23,605           16,152

     Total                          $533,777      $508,741         $471,955

      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                           BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                         Consolidated Balance Sheets

                           Unaudited               Unaudited
                           March 31    December 31  March 31
                             1998         1997       1997
                                     (in thousands)

Current liabilities:
   Current maturities of 
     long-term debt      $   1,330       $   1,331        $   1,310
   Notes payable                12              23               23
   Accounts payable         51,148          32,622            5,207
   Accrued liabilities-
     Taxes                  13,633           8,040           12,725
     Interest                2,988           3,991            2,996
     Other                   6,336           7,800            6,206
                            75,447          53,807           28,467
Deferred credits:
   Federal income taxes     53,605          53,010           49,254
   Investment tax credits    3,889           4,014            4,390
   Reclamation costs        16,840          16,664           16,446
   Regulatory liability      6,028           6,152            6,568
   Other                     6,480           6,331            5,897
                            86,842          86,171           82,555

   Common stock equity-
     Common stock           21,712          21,705           14,457
     Additional paid-in
      capital               40,143          39,995           46,973
     Retained earnings     146,799         143,703          135,339
   Total common stock 
    equity                 208,654         205,403          196,769
   Long-term debt          162,834         163,360          164,164
                           371,488         368,763          360,933

        Total             $533,777        $508,741         $471,955

      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                    Consolidated Statements of Income

                               Three Months        Twelve Months
                                 March 31             March 31
                             1998      1997       1998         1997
                            (in thousands, except per share amounts)
Operating revenues:
  Electric                 $ 31,990   $ 32,034   $126,452    $120,447
  Coal mining                 7,924      8,125     30,878      31,372
  Oil and gas                 3,186      3,719     12,762      13,543
  Energy marketing           87,956          -    230,747           -
                            131,056     43,878    400,839     165,362
Operating expenses:
  Fuel and purchased power   95,691      9,466    263,534      34,846
  Operations and 
    maintenance               8,244      7,353     32,423      30,247
  Administrative and 
    general                   2,791      2,476     11,950       8,872
  Depreciation, depletion,  
    and  amortization         6,139      5,579     22,851      22,967
  Taxes, other than 
     income  taxes            3,218      3,298     11,906      12,599
                            116,083     28,172    342,664     109,531

Operating income (loss):
  Electric                   12,315     11,208     45,718      39,711
  Coal mining                 3,197      3,430     11,984      12,359
  Oil and gas                   272      1,068      2,110       3,761
  Energy marketing             (811)         -     (1,637)          -
                             14,973     15,706     58,175      55,831

Other income and  (expense):
  Interest expense           (3,590)    (3,479)   (14,234)    (13,954)
  Investment income             597        369      2,364       1,507
  Allowance for funds used
   during construction           29         65        151         299
  Other, net                    277       (183)        36       1,035
                             (2,687)    (3,228)   (11,683)    (11,113)

Income before
  income taxes               12,286     12,478     46,492      44,718
Income  taxes                (3,742)    (3,891)   (14,176)    (13,880)
  Net income available 
    for common stock       $  8,544   $  8,587  $  32,316   $  30,838

Earnings per share - 
  basic and diluted          $ 0.39   $   0.40    $  1.49     $  1.42
Weighted average common 
  shares outstanding         21,712     21,681     21,699      21,669
Dividends  paid  per   
  share of common stock      $ 0.25   $   0.24    $  0.96     $  0.93

      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                        BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                  Three Months         Twelve Months
                                    March 31             March 31
                                1998       1997       1998        1997
                                            (in thousands)
Operating activities:
  Net Income                     $ 8,544   $ 8,587   $32,316   $30,838
  Principal non-cash items-
   Depreciation, depletion, 
      and amortization             6,139     5,579    22,851    22,967
   Deferred income taxes 
     and investment tax credits      245       583     1,881     1,632
   Allowance for other funds
    used during construction         (18)      (36)      (81)     (151)
   (Increase) decrease in 
    receivables, inventories, 
    and other  current assets    (17,678)    1,754   (46,499)    2,210
    Increase  (decrease) in 
      other current liabilities   21,652       696    46,971     2,140
   Other, net                       (673)     (180)      147     2,041
                                  18,211    16,983    57,586    61,677
Investing activities:
   Available  for  sale  
     securities  sold              3,880     2,341    19,789    35,518
  Property additions, 
    excluding allowance
    for other funds used 
    during construction           (3,018)   (2,816)  (21,597)  (24,605)
  Available  for  sale 
    securities  purchased         (9,224)   (6,153)  (23,832)  (37,323)
  Energy marketing assets              -         -    (7,232)        -
                                  (8,362)   (6,628)  (32,872)  (26,410)
Financing activities:
  Dividends paid                  (5,448)   (5,132)  (20,856)  (20,083)
  Common stock issued                155       139       425       470
  Net short-term borrowings          (11)     (120)      (11)     (900)
  Long-term debt issued                -         -         -         -
  Long-term debt payments           (526)     (751)   (1,310)   (1,313)
                                  (5,830)   (5,864)  (21,752)  (21,826)
  Increase (decrease) in
   cash and cash  
   equivalents                     4,019     4,491     2,962    13,441

Cash and cash equivalents:
  Beginning of period             16,774    13,340    17,831     4,390
  End of period                  $20,793   $17,831   $20,793   $17,831

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
  Cash paid during the period for:
     Interest                    $ 4,593   $ 4,518   $14,242   $13,968
     Income taxes                $ 2,000   $     -   $13,840   $12,016
   Assumption  of  Clovis  
     Point reclamation 
     liability                   $     -   $     -   $     -   $ 7,957

      See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
      (Reference is made to Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
         included in the Company's Annual Report and Form 10-K)


     The financial statements included herein have been prepared by Black
Hills Corporation (the Company) without audit, pursuant  to the rules and
regulations   of   the   Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.   Certain
information  and  footnote disclosures  normally  included  in  financial
statements prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted accounting
principles  have  been  condensed or omitted pursuant to such  rules  and
regulations; however, the  Company believes that the footnotes adequately
disclose the information presented.  These financial statements should be
read in conjunction with the  financial statements and the notes thereto,
included in the Company's 1997  Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Accounting methods historically  employed  require certain estimates
as  of  interim  dates.   The information furnished in  the  accompanying
financial statements reflects  all  adjustments which are, in the opinion
of management, necessary for a fair presentation  of  the March 31, 1998,
December 31, 1997 and March 31, 1997, financial information  and are of a
normal  recurring  nature.   The results of operations for the three  and
twelve months ended March 31, 1998, are not necessarily indicative of the
results to be expected for the full year.


    In January, 1998, the Board  of  Directors  declared a 3-for-2 Common
Stock Split effected in the form of a stock dividend.  The stock dividend
was paid March 10, 1998 to shareholders of record  on  February 13, 1998.
The  common  stock  share  and per share information in the  accompanying
consolidated financial statements and notes have been restated to reflect
the stock distribution.


    The Company adopted the  Financial  Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Statement  No.  128  "Earnings  Per Share" in  1997  which  requires  the
presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share.  Basic earnings per
share is computed by dividing net income available to common shareholders
by the weighted average number of  common  shares outstanding during each
year.  Diluted earnings per share is computed  under  the  treasury stock
method  and  is  calculated to compute the dilutive effect of outstanding
stock options.  A  reconciliation  of  these  amounts  is  as follows (in
thousands, except per share amounts):

                              Three Months Ended     Twelve Months Ended
                                 March 31                   March  31
                              1998       1997         1998          1997
Net Income                  $ 8,544    $ 8,587       $32,316      $30,838

Weighted average common
  shares outstanding:
     Basic                   21,712     21,681        21,699       21,669
     Dilutive effect of 
       option plan               24          7            16            4
     Diluted                 21,736     21,688        21,715       21,673

Earnings per share 
  (Basic and Diluted):        $0.39      $0.40         $1.49        $1.42


     The Company adopted FASB Statement No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
Income",  effective  January  1,  1998.   Statement  No.  130 establishes
standards  for  reporting and display of comprehensive earnings  and  its
components  in  financial  statements;  however,  the  adoption  of  this
Statement had no  impact  on  the Company's net earnings or shareholders'
equity.    Statement   No.  130  requires   minimum   pension   liability
adjustments, unrealized  gains  or losses on the Company's available-for-
sale securities and foreign currency translation adjustments, which prior
to  adoption were reported separately  in  shareholders'  equity,  to  be
included   in  other  comprehensive  earnings.  There  were  no  material
differences  between  net  earnings  and  comprehensive  earnings for any
periods presented on the accompanying financial statements.


     The FASB has issued two accounting pronouncements which  the Company
will  adopt  in  the  fourth  quarter  of  1998.   FASB Statement NO. 131
"Disclosures  about  Segments  of an Enterprise and Related  Information"
requires that a publicly-held company  report  financial  and descriptive
information  about its operating segments in financial statements  issued
to shareholders  for  interim  and  annual  periods.   The Statement also
required  additional disclosures with respect to products  and  services,
geographic  areas  of  operation,  and  major customers.  The Company has
historically presented segment information  in the consolidated financial
statements and related notes and as such does  not expect adoption of the
disclosures  requirements  of  this pronouncement will  have  a  material
impact on its financial statements.

     FASB Statement No. 132 "Employers'  Disclosures  about  Pensions and
Other Postretirement Benefits - an amendment of FASB Statements  No.  87,
88,  and  106"  requires  revised  disclosures  about  pension  and other
postretirement  benefit plans.  The Company does not expect that adoption
of the disclosure requirements of this pronouncement will have a material
impact on its financial statements.

     In March, 1998, the American Institute  of Certified Public Accounts
issued Statement of Position 98-1 ("SOP 98-1"), "Accounting for the Costs
of Computer Software  Developed  or  Obtained  for  Internal  Use."   The
Statement  is  effective  for  fiscal  years beginning after December 15,
1998.  Earlier application is encouraged in fiscal years for which annual
financial statements have not been issued.   The  statement defines which
costs  of computer software developed or obtained for  internal  use  are
capital  and which costs are expense.  The Company has not yet determined
when they  will  adopt  the new Statement.  The effect of adoption is not
expected to materially affect  the Company's financial position or result

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                        and Results of Operations


      In  the past the Company has  depended  upon  internally  generated
funds, issuance  of short and long-term debt and sales of common stock to
finance its activities.   It is expected that future activities will also
be financed by the most appropriate  mix  of  these  various  sources  of

     The Company currently has bank lines of credit totaling $12,000,000,
which  provide  for  interim borrowings and the opportunity for timing of
permanent financing.  The Company had no balances outstanding under these
lines of credit on March  31,  1998.   There  are no compensating balance
requirements associated with these lines of credit.

    In  addition  to  the  above  lines  of  credit, Black  Hills  Energy
Resources, Inc. has an uncommitted demand credit  facility  for up to $65
million.   This facility allows $50 million for a transactional  line  of
credit and $15  million  overdraft line of credit.  This facility is used
to support the issuance of  letters  of credit.  At March 31, 1998, Black
Hills  Energy  Resources has approximately  $28  million  of  outstanding
letters of credit.

    In  addition   to   the  above  lines  of  credit,  Wyodak  Resources
Development Corp. has guaranteed a $15,000,000 line of credit for Enserco
Energy, Inc. to use to guarantee  letters  of credit.  At March 31, 1998,
there were no balances outstanding on this line of credit.


      Black  Hills Corporation is an energy company  consisting  of  four
principal businesses:  electric, coal mining, oil and gas production, and
crude oil and natural gas marketing.

     Consolidated  net  income  was $8,544,000 for the three months ended
and $32,316,000 for the twelve months  ended March 31, 1998, representing
stable earnings and an increase of 5 percent, respectively.  The increase
in earnings for the twelve months ended  March 31, 1998 was primarily due
to increased sales volumes for the electric  operations,  resulting  from
sales   to   Montana-Dakota  Utilities,  Sheridan,  Wyoming  load,  which
commenced January  1,  1997,  partially  offset  by  lower  oil  and  gas
commodity  prices,  mild  weather and weak market conditions in the areas
served by the energy marketing companies.  Consolidated revenues and fuel
and purchased power expense  increased  for  the  three and twelve months
ended March 31, 1998 primarily due to oil and natural  gas  purchases and
sales from the energy marketing operations.

    Consolidated  revenue and income from continuing operations  provided
by the four businesses as a percentage of the total were as follows:

                          Three Months Ended      Twelve Months Ended
                               March 31                March  31
                           1998      1997          1998         1997

Electric                    25%       73%          32%           73%
Coal mining                  6        19            8            19
Oil and gas                  2         8            3             8
Energy marketing            67         -           57             -
                           100%      100%         100%          100%


Electric                    75%       64%          71%           61%
Coal mining                 28        29           28            31
Oil and gas                  2         8            5             9
Energy marketing
  and Other                 (5)       (1)          (4)           (1)
                           100%      100%         100%          100%

     Capital expenditures  and  depreciation,  depletion,  and  amortization 
by business segment were as follows (in thousands):

(includes AFDC)
Electric                  $2,162    $1,490     $13,254      $13,251
Coal mining                  245       205       1,546        1,988
Oil and gas                  630     1,126       6,699        9,439
Energy marketing               -         -       7,232            -
Other                         (1)       31         179           78
                          $3,036    $2,852     $28,910      $24,756

Depreciation, Depletion,

Electric                  $3,797    $3,821     $14,584     $16,220
Coal mining                  855       761       3,282       3,079
Oil and gas                1,342       997       4,606       3,668
Energy marketing             145         -         379           -
                          $6,139    $5,579     $22,851     $22,967


    Electric  revenue  were  stable  and  increased  5% for the three and
twelve  month  periods  ending  March  31, 1998. Firm kilowatthour  sales
decreased 4 percent for the three month  period due to milder weather and
the Homestake reorganization, and increased  8  percent  for twelve month
periods  due  to serving the Montana-Dakota Utilities, Sheridan,  Wyoming
Load beginning  January  1, 1997.  In January the Company's third largest
electric customer (5.6 percent  of  1997  electric  revenues),  Homestake
Mining  Company,  implemented  a  reorganization  plan  which included  a
temporary shutdown of its gold mine.  The mine reopened in April 1998 with
a  reduced workforce.  In addition, our low-cost generation  allowed  the
Company  to  recapture a portion of the margin loss from Homestake in the
spot energy market.

    Electric expenses  decreased  8%  and  increased 3% for the three and
twelve months ended March 31, 1998 due to continued  cost containment and
lower purchased power and fuel costs.  For the twelve  months ended March
31, 1998, such cost containment and lower purchased power  and fuel costs
partially  offset  additional cost associated with serving the  Sheridan,
Wyoming load.


    Mining earnings  decreased  2%  and 7% for the three and twelve month
periods  ending  March 31, 1998.  Earnings  decreased  $658,000  for  the
twelve month period  primarily  as  a  result of a gain from the sale and
retirement of property recognized in the fourth quarter of 1996.  Tons of
coal sold were relatively flat compared to the prior year.


    Oil and gas earnings decreased $546,000  and $1,128,000 for the three
and  twelve month periods primarily as a result  of  decreased  commodity
prices.   Oil and natural gas prices decreased 33 percent and 28 percent,
respectively  for  the  three month period and decreased 21 percent and 4
percent, respectively for  the  twelve month period ended March 31, 1998.
Production increased 7 percent and  2  percent  for  the three and twelve
month periods, respectively.


    Energy  marketing  revenues  and  related  fuel  and purchased  power
expenses represents the crude oil and natural gas purchases  and sales of
Black Hills Energy Resources, Inc. which was acquired on July  25,  1997.
Crude oil and natural gas wholesale marketing operations are high-volume,
low  margin  operations.   Mild  weather  in  the  East Coast and Midwest
markets  served  and  high  storage  levels through the winter  depressed
margins for the periods.  Black Hills  Energy  Resources marketed 306,700
mmbtus and 14,900 barrels of oil per day for the three month period ended
March 31, 1998 and 258,900 mmbtus and 13,400 barrels of oil per day since
the Company acquired the assets in July 1997.

                           BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                        Part II - Other Information


             There are no legal proceedings to be  reported  on  for  the
             quarter ending March 31, 1998.


             a.   EXHIBITS


             b.   REPORTS ON FORM 8-K


                         BLACK HILLS CORPORATION


   Pursuant  to  the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has  duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                      /S/ ROXANN R. BASHAM
                                      Roxann R. Basham, Vice President-Finance
                                      (Principal Financial Officer)

                                      /S/ MARK   T.  THIES                   
                                      Mark T. Thies, Controller
                                      (Principal   Accounting  Officer)

Dated:   May 11, 1998