Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10Q

     OF 1934

     For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1999.



         For the transition period from _______________ to _______________.

         Commission File Number 1-7978

                             Black Hills Corporation
        Incorporated in South Dakota IRS Identification Number 46-0111677

                                625 Ninth Street
                         Rapid City, South Dakota 57709

                  Registrant's telephone number (605)-348-1700

Former name, former address, and former fiscal year if changed since last report


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

            Yes     X                                No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock as of the last practicable date.

          Class                                  Outstanding at October 31, 1999

Common stock, $1.00 par value                           21,349,881  shares

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                    I N D E X



Item 1.           Financial Statements

                  Consolidated Balance Sheets-                              3-4
                    September 30, 1999, December 31, 1998
                    and September 30, 1998

                  Consolidated Statements of Income-                          5
                    Three, Nine and  Twelve Months
                    Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998

                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows-                      6
                    Three, Nine and Twelve Months
                    Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements               7-13

Item 2.           Management's Discussion and Analysis of                 14-19
                    Financial Position and Results of Operations


Item 1.           Legal Proceedings                                          20

Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                           20

Signatures                                                                   21

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                              September 30        December 31    September 30
                                                                  1999                1998             1998
                                                              (unaudited)       (in thousands)    (unaudited)
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                     $ 13,928             $ 14,764         $ 14,421
  Securities available for sale                                   11,417               22,675           23,951
  Receivables, net
    Customers                                                    124,724               87,068           67,557
    Other                                                          4,736                2,919            3,267
  Materials, supplies, and fuel                                   16,056                9,733            9,205
  Prepaid expenses                                                 3,563                3,321            3,083
                                                             -----------           ----------      -----------
                                                                 174,424              140,480          121,484
                                                               ---------             --------        ---------

Property and investments:
  Electric utility                                               512,393              496,883          493,727
  Non-regulated energy                                           128,307              115,271          114,180
  Communication and others                                        33,840                7,395            4,883
                                                              -----------          ----------       ----------
                                                                 674,540              619,549          612,790

Less accumulated depreciation
 and depletion                                                  (245,607)            (229,942)        (214,043)
                                                               ---------            --------         --------

  Net property and  investments                                  428,933              389,607          398,747
                                                               ---------            ---------        ---------

Other assets:
  Federal income taxes                                            11,736               12,347            8,068
  Regulatory asset                                                 3,978                3,978            4,042
  Other                                                           14,846               13,005           13,626
                                                              ----------           ----------       ----------
                                                                  30,560               29,330           25,736
                                                             -----------           ----------       ----------

     Total                                                      $633,917             $559,417         $545,967
                                                                ========             ========         ========

See  accompanying   notes  to  consolidated financial statements.

                                                        BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                                                      Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                              September 30         December 31     September 30
                                                                  1999                1998             1998
                                                              (unaudited)        (in thousands)    (unaudited)
Liabilities and Capitalization
Current liabilities:
   Current maturities of long-term debt                        $   1,330            $   1,330        $   1,330
   Notes payable                                                  25,291                5,090            1,502
   Accounts payable                                              121,125               74,087           60,816
   Accrued liabilities-
     Taxes                                                         9,597                9,950            9,079
     Interest                                                      2,989                3,956            3,196
     Other                                                         9,079                8,169            8,043
                                                              ----------           ----------       ----------
                                                                 169,411              102,582           83,966
                                                                --------            ---------        ---------

Deferred credits:
   Federal income taxes                                           57,257               55,107           54,765
   Investment tax credits                                          3,145                3,514            3,639
   Reclamation costs                                              17,513               17,000           17,192
   Regulatory liability                                            5,302                5,661            5,785
   Other                                                           7,334                6,857            6,826
                                                             -----------           ----------       ----------
                                                                  90,551               88,139            88,207
                                                              ----------            ---------         ---------

   Common stock equity-
     Common stock                                                 21,736               21,719           21,717
     Additional paid-in
      capital                                                     40,588               40,254           40,238
     Retained earnings                                           157,343              147,774          153,105
     Treasury stock                                               (6,412)              (3,081)          (3,296)
                                                             ------------         -----------         --------
  Total common stock equity                                      213,255              206,666          211,764
  Long-term debt                                                 160,700              162,030          162,030
                                                              ----------            ---------        ---------
                                                                 373,955              368,696          373,794
                                                              ----------            ---------        ---------

        Total                                                   $633,917             $559,417         $545,967
                                                                ========             ========         ========

See  accompanying   notes  to  consolidated financial statements.

                                                        BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                                                   Consolidated Statements of Income

                                                         Three Months                  Nine Months               Twelve Months
                                                         September 30                  September 30              September 30
                                                     1999            1998          1999          1998         1999            1998
                                                     ----            ----          ----          ----         ----            ----
                                                                          (in  thousands,   except  per  share amounts)
Operating revenues:
  Electric utility                                  $36,425     $ 34,982       $100,231     $ 96,810         132,657      $128,569
  Non-regulated energy                              183,354      135,176        473,945      388,519         635,444       488,103
                                                  ---------    ---------      ---------    ---------       ---------    ----------
                                                    219,779      170,158        574,176      485,329         768,101       616,672
                                                  ---------    ---------      ---------    ---------       ---------    ----------
Operating expenses:
  Fuel and purchased power                          178,575      131,130        460,470      375,932         615,806       472,540
  Operations and maintenance                          8,594        8,113         24,567       24,168          33,173        32,313
  Administrative and general                          5,017        4,062         14,145       10,901          19,122        14,860
  Depreciation, depletion, and amortization           7,632        6,117         19,454       18,501          25,015        24,081
  Oil and gas ceilings test write-down                    -            -              -            -          13,546             -
  Taxes, other than income taxes                      3,286        3,133          9,116        9,434          12,177        11,989
                                                -----------  -----------     ----------   ----------      ----------    ----------
                                                    203,104      152,555        527,752      438,936         718,839       555,783
                                                  ---------    ---------      ---------     --------       ---------    ----------

Operating income                                     16,675       17,603         46,424       46,393          49,262        60,889
                                                 ----------    ---------     ----------   ----------      ----------    ----------

Other income and  (expense):
  Interest expense                                   (4,847)      (3,709)       (12,933)     (10,984)        (16,656)      (14,594)
  Investment income                                   2,039          793          4,029        2,129           4,863         2,850
  Other, net                                             (9)        (169)          (266)         315            (552)          507
  Minority interest                                     464            -            979            -             979             -
                                                 -----------   ---------     -----------  ----------      ----------    ----------
                                                     (2,353)      (3,085)        (8,191)      (8,540)        (11,366)      (11,237)
                                                  ----------   ---------     -----------  ----------      ----------    ----------

Income before income taxes                           14,322       14,518         38,233       37,853          37,896        49,652
Income taxes                                         (4,597)      (4,902)       (11,714)     (12,196)        (11,227)      (15,625)
                                                  ----------  ----------     -----------  -----------     -----------   ----------
  Net income available for common stock            $  9,725    $   9,616       $ 26,519    $  25,657       $  26,669     $  34,027
                                                 ==========    =========       ========    =========       =========     =========

Weighted average common shares
  Outstanding (Basic):                               21,442       21,577         21,465       21,639          21,492        21,655
                                                 ==========   ==========     ==========   ==========      ==========     =========
                      (Diluted):                     21,494       21,633         21,506       21,676          21,523        21,684
                                                 ==========   ==========     ==========   ==========      ==========     =========

Earnings per share (Basic):                          $0.45         $0.45          $1.24        $1.19          $1.24          $1.57
                                               ===========   ===========   ============  ===========    ===========     ==========
                              (Diluted):             $0.45         $0.44          $1.23        $1.18          $1.24          $1.57
                                               ===========    ==========   ============    =========    ===========       ========
Dividends paid per share of
  common stock                                       $0.26         $0.25          $0.78        $0.75          $1.03          $0.987
                                               ===========    ==========    ===========    =========    ===========       =========

    See  accompanying  notes  to  consolidated financial statements.

                                                       BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                                                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                      Three Months                  Nine Months                Twelve Months
                                                      September 30                 September 30                September 30
                                                     1999        1998            1999        1998           1999          1998
                                                     ----        ----            ----        ----           ----          ----
                                                                                  (in thousands)
Operating activities:
  Net income                                          $ 9,725     $ 9,616        $26,519      $25,657        $26,669       $34,027
  Principal non-cash items-
   Depreciation, depletion, and amortization            7,632        6,117        19,454       18,501         38,561        24,081
   Deferred income taxes and
     investment tax credits                               (85)        295           (156)         767         (3,386)        2,165
  (Increase) decrease in receivables,
    inventories, and other current assets             (38,389)    (10,256)       (46,038)     (29,846)       (65,967)      (26,601)
   Increase (decrease) in other current
     liabilities                                       32,103       6,197         46,628       28,681         61,656        26,150
   Other, net                                          (4,443)     (1,145)        (4,387)        (789)        (5,750)        1,024
                                                  ------------   ----------   -----------  -----------   ------------   ----------
                                                        6,543      10,824         42,020       42,971         51,783        60,846
                                                  -----------     -------      ---------     --------      ----------    ---------
Investing activities:
Net property additions, including
    allowance for other funds used
    during construction                               (23,063)     (5,935)       (53,055)     (16,194)       (62,142)      (22,539)
Available for sale securities sold                      3,381         586         16,839       11,810         18,683        12,317
Available for sale securities purchased                (2,098)     (1,108)        (5,581)     (21,792)        (6,149)      (21,689)
                                                    ----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   ------------    ----------
                                                      (21,780)     (6,457)       (41,797)     (26,176)       (49,608)      (31,911)
                                                     ---------  ---------      ----------   ---------     -----------    ---------
Financing activities:
  Dividends paid                                       (5,651)     (5,428)       (16,950)     (16,255)       (22,380)      (21,392)
  Treasury stock, net                                     119          33         (3,331)      (3,296)        (3,116)       (3,296)
  Common stock issued                                     101          56            351          255            369           331
  Net short-term borrowings                            19,678       1,490         20,201        1,479         23,789           (26)
  Long-term debt payments                                (514)       (514)        (1,330)      (1,331)        (1,330)       (1,331)
                                                   ----------- ----------   ------------- -----------     -----------   ----------
                                                       13,733      (4,363)        (1,059)     (19,148)        (2,668)      (25,714)
                                                     --------   ---------   -------------   ---------     -----------    ---------
  Increase (decrease) in
   cash and cash  equivalents                          (1,504)          4           (836)      (2,353)          (493)        3,221
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Beginning of period                                  15,432      14,417         14,764       16,774         14,421        11,200
                                                     --------    --------      ---------    ---------      ---------     ---------
  End of period                                       $13,928     $14,421        $13,928     $ 14,421        $13,928       $14,421
                                                     ========     =======       ========     ========        =======       =======

Supplemental  disclosure  of cash flow  information  Cash paid during the period
     Interest                                         $ 5,884     $ 4,593        $13,900      $ 8,183        $16,863       $14,393
     Income taxes                                     $ 2,150     $ 3,450        $ 9,322      $ 9,250        $13,183       $12,450

See  accompanying   notes  to  consolidated financial statements.

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
        (Reference is made to Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
             included in the Company's Annual Report and Form 10-K)

(1)      Management's Statement

                The financial  statements  included herein have been prepared by
        Black Hills  Corporation  (the Company)  without audit,  pursuant to the
        rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Certain
        information  and  footnote  disclosures  normally  included in financial
        statements  prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting
        principles  have been  condensed  or omitted  pursuant to such rules and
        regulations; however, the Company believes that the footnotes adequately
        disclose the information presented. These financial statements should be
        read in conjunction with the financial statements and the notes thereto,
        included in the Company's 1998 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the
        Securities and Exchange Commission.

                Accounting   methods   historically   employed  require  certain
        estimates  as  of  interim  dates.  The  information  furnished  in  the
        accompanying financial statements reflects all adjustments which are, in
        the opinion of  management,  necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the
        September 30, 1999, December 31, 1998 and September 30, 1998,  financial
        information  and  are of a  normal  recurring  nature.  The  results  of
        operations  for the three,  nine and twelve  months ended  September 30,
        1999, are not  necessarily  indicative of the results to be expected for
        the full year.

(2)     Capital Stock

                In April 1999, the Board of Directors authorized the acquisition
        of up to  1,000,000  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the open
        market to fund  possible  future  acquisitions  by the Company,  for its
        Employee  Stock Option Plan, and for other general  purposes.  The Board
        had  authorized a similar  purchase of 300,000  shares in April 1998. At
        September  30, 1999,  the Company had acquired  291,309  shares for such
        purposes.  The acquired  shares are  reflected as treasury  stock on the
        accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets.

(3)     Net Income Per Share

                Financial  Accounting  Standards Board (FASB)  Statement No. 128
        "Earnings  Per Share"  requires  the  presentation  of basic and diluted
        earnings per share. Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net
        income  available to common  shareholders by the weighted average number
        of common  shares  outstanding  during each year.  Diluted  earnings per
        share is computed  under the treasury  stock method and is calculated to
        compute the dilutive effect of outstanding stock options.

        A  reconciliation  of these amounts is as follows (in thousands,  except
per share amounts):

                                             Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended        Twelve Months Ended
                                                  Sept 30               Sept 30                     Sept 30
                                               1999       1998        1999        1998          1999        1998
                                               ----       ----        ----        ----          ----        ----
Net Income                                   $9,725    $ 9,616     $26,519     $25,657       $26,669     $34,027
                                             ======    =======     =======     =======       =======     =======

Weighted average common shares outstanding:
      Basic                                  21,442     21,577      21,465      21,639        21,492      21,655
      Dilutive effect of option plan             52         56          41          37            31          29
                                          ---------  ---------   ---------   ---------     ---------   ---------
      Diluted                                21,494     21,633      21,506      21,676        21,523      21,684
                                             ======     ======      ======      ======        ======      ======

Earnings per share (Basic):                   $0.45      $0.45       $1.24       $1.19         $1.24       $1.57
                                              =====      =====       =====       =====         =====       =====
                           (Diluted):         $0.45      $0.44       $1.23       $1.18         $1.24       $1.57
                                              =====      =====       =====       =====         =====       =====

(4)      Comprehensive Income

                  FASB  Statement  No. 130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income,"
         establishes  standards  for  reporting  and  display  of  comprehensive
         earnings and its components in financial statements.  Statement No. 130
         requires  minimum pension  liability  adjustments,  unrealized gains or
         losses  on the  Company's  available-for-sale  securities  and  foreign
         currency translation adjustments, which prior to adoption were reported
         separately   in   shareholders'   equity,   to  be  included  in  other
         comprehensive earnings.  There were no material differences between net
         earnings and  comprehensive  earnings for any periods  presented in the
         accompanying financial statements.

(5)      Summary of Information Relating to Segments of the Company's Business

                  Effective December 31, 1998 the Company adopted FASB Statement
         No.  131,  "Disclosure  About  Segments  of an  Enterprise  and Related
         Information."  Black Hills  Corporation's  business  segments  include:
         Electric  which  supplies  electric  utility  service to western  South
         Dakota,  northeastern Wyoming and southeastern  Montana;  Non-regulated
         Energy  consisting  of:  Mining which engages in the mining and sale of
         coal from its mine near Gillette,  Wyoming; Oil and Gas which produces,
         explores  and  operates  oil and gas  interests  located  in the  Rocky
         Mountain  region,  Texas,  California  and  other  states;  and  Energy
         Marketing which markets natural gas, oil, coal and related  services to
         customers in the East Coast, Midwest,  Southwest,  Rocky Mountain, West
         Coast  and  Northwest  markets  and  Communications  and  Others  which
         primarily markets communications and software development services.

Financial data for the business segments are as follows (in thousands):

ASSETS                                         Non-regulated Energy
                                                      Oil         Energy        Communications
At September 30, 1999   Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations        Total
                      -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ ------------
Current assets            $ 56,666      $50,843      $ 1,468      $122,879          $     11,696    $       (69,128)      $ 174,424
Total assets               473,118      126,565       31,503       137,322                56,464           (191,055)        633,917

At September 30, 1998
Current assets            $ 39,949      $23,054      $ 1,528      $ 65,183           $     8,483    $       (16,713)      $ 121,484
Total assets               453,582       98,374       34,983        74,139                16,259           (131,370)        545,967

                                                 Non-regulated Energy
Third Quarter                                          Oil         Energy        Communications
September 30, 1999        Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations         Total
                        -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -----------
Electric revenues         $ 36,425            -            -             -                     -                  -       $  36,425
Coal revenues                    -        8,076            -        12,331                     -                  -          20,407
Gas revenues                     -            -        1,341       117,427                     -                  -         118,768
Oil revenues                     -            -        1,273        42,167                     -                  -          43,440
Other revenues                   -            -          739             -                   791               (791)            739
                        -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -----------
Total revenues            $ 36,425      $ 8,076      $ 3,353    $  171,925        $          791      $        (791)      $ 219,779
                        -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -----------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $  3,768       $  871       $  861  $      2,097        $           35      $           -       $   7,632
Operating income (loss)     15,286        3,122        1,008        (1,464)               (1,277)                 -          16,675
Interest expense             3,396          315          131           197                   808                  -           4,847
Income taxes                 4,089        1,075          269          (531)                 (305)                 -           4,597
Net income (loss)            8,190        2,522          613        (1,032)                 (568)                 -           9,725
Property additions           7,887          261        1,267           152                13,496                  -          23,063

                                                 Non-regulated Energy
Third Quarter                                         Oil       Energy        Communications
September 30, 1998    Electric         Mining       and Gas    Marketing         & Others           Eliminations         Total
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Electric revenues         $ 34,982            -            -             -                   -                    -       $  34,982
Coal revenues                    -        8,185            -         2,958                   -                    -          11,143
Gas revenues                     -            -        1,058        89,103                   -                    -          90,161
Oil revenues                     -            -        1,283        31,417                   -                    -          32,700
Other revenues                   -            -          858           314                 558                 (558)          1,172
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Total revenues            $ 34,982      $ 8,185   $    3,199    $  123,792  $              558     $           (558)      $ 170,158
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $  3,797       $  859   $    1,292  $        169                   -                    -       $   6,117
Operating income (loss)     14,436        3,433          267          (147)               (386)                   -          17,603
Interest expense             3,407            5          105           190                   2                    -           3,709
Income taxes                 3,955        1,154          (38)          (88)                (81)                   -           4,902
Net income (loss)            7,110        2,680          203          (211)               (166)                   -           9,616
Property additions           2,267          167        3,288            22                 191                    -           5,935

                                                   Non-regulated Energy
Year To Date                                          Oil         Energy        Communications
September 30, 1999       Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations         Total
                      -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -------------
Electric revenues          $100,231            -            -             -                     -                  -      $ 100,231
Coal revenues                     -       22,832            -        31,422                     -                  -         54,254
Gas revenues                      -            -        3,846       289,832                     -                  -        293,678
Oil revenues                      -            -        3,317       120,462                     -                  -        123,779
Other revenues                    -            -        2,234             -                 2,171             (2,171)         2,234
                      -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -------------
Total revenues             $100,231      $22,832      $ 9,397    $  441,716  $              2,171   $         (2,171)     $ 574,176
                      -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ -------------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $ 11,664      $ 2,583      $ 2,589  $      2,542   $                76    $             -      $   19,454
Operating income (loss)     39,017        9,374        2,321        (1,733)               (2,555)                 -          46,424
Interest income             10,100          730          414           566                 1,123                  -          12,933
Income taxes                 9,664        2,779          501          (701)                 (529)                 -          11,714
Net income (loss)           19,987        7,443        1,416        (1,344)                 (983)                 -          26,519
Property additions          12,577        3,125        5,741           245                31,367                  -          53,055

                                           Non-regulated Energy
Year To Date                                           Oil         Energy        Communications
September 30, 1998        Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations       Total
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Electric revenues         $ 96,810            -            -             -                     -                  -       $  96,810
Coal revenues                    -       23,956            -         2,958                     -                  -          26,914
Gas revenues                     -            -        3,228       264,292                     -                  -         267,520
Oil revenues                     -            -        3,913        87,160                     -                  -          91,073
Other revenues                   -            -        2,534           478                 1,801             (1,801)          3,012
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Total revenues            $ 96,810      $23,956      $ 9,675    $  354,888  $              1,801   $         (1,801)      $ 485,329
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $ 11,392      $ 2,564      $ 4,075    $      470                     -                  -       $  18,501
Operating income (loss)     37,493        9,737          959        (1,359)                 (437)                 -          46,393
Interest income             10,191            5          231           549                     8                  -          10,984
Income taxes                 9,484        3,257           41          (620)                   34                  -          12,196
Net income (loss)           18,475        7,588          719        (1,112)                  (13)                 -          25,657
Property additions           7,569          686        7,766           112                    61                  -          16,194

                                              Non-regulated Energy
Twelve Months Ended                                  Oil         Energy        Communications
September 30, 1999      Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations         Total
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Electric revenues         $132,657            -           -              -                     -                  -       $ 132,657
Coal revenues                    -       30,289           -         41,388                     -                  -          71,677
Gas revenues                     -            -       4,690        400,996                     -                  -         405,686
Oil revenues                     -            -       4,534        150,487                     -                  -         155,021
Other revenues                   -            -       3,060              -                 2,806             (2,806)          3,060
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------
Total revenues            $132,657      $30,289   $  12,284     $  592,871  $              2,806   $         (2,806)      $ 768,101
                     -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $ 15,154      $ 3,271   $   3,728     $    2,760  $                102                 -        $  25,015
Oil and gas ceilings test
write-down                       -            -      13,546              -                     -                  -          13,546
Operating income (loss)     51,420       12,360     (10,978)          (490)               (3,050)                 -          49,262
Interest income             13,481          733         538            775                 1,129                  -          16,656
Income taxes                12,791        3,614      (4,229)          (261)                 (688)                 -          11,227
Net income (loss)           26,338        9,440      (7,279)          (642)               (1,188)                 -          26,669
Property additions          16,590        3,886       8,144            511                33,011                  -          62,142

                                            Non-regulated Energy
Twelve Months Ended                                  Oil         Energy        Communications
September 30, 1998      Electric       Mining       and Gas     Marketing          & Others          Eliminations        Total
                    -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------  --------------
Electric revenues         $128,569            -            -             -                     -                  -       $ 128,569
Coal revenues                    -       31,030            -         2,958                     -                  -          33,988
Gas revenues                     -            -        4,277       323,781                     -                  -         328,058
Oil revenues                     -            -        5,307       116,842                     -                  -         122,149
Other revenues                   -            -        3,428           480                 2,100             (2,100)          3,908
                    -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ ---------------
Total revenues            $128,569      $31,030      $13,012    $  444,061  $              2,100   $         (2,100)      $ 616,672
                    -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------------------- ------------------ ---------------

Depreciation, depletion
 & amortization           $ 15,037      $ 3,325      $ 5,107  $        612                     -                  -       $  24,081
Operating income (loss)     49,678       12,224        1,591        (2,012)                 (592)                 -          60,889
Interest income             13,599            5          302           678                    10                  -          14,594
Income taxes                12,308        4,059          108          (883)                   33                  -          15,625
Net income (loss)           24,766        9,653        1,271        (1,660)                   (3)                 -          34,027
Property additions          12,272          647        9,235           258                   127                  -          22,539

(6)      Energy Trading and Risk Management Activities

                  Effective  January 1, 1999, the Company adopted the provisions
         in Emerging Issues Task Force 98-10, "Accounting for Contracts Involved
         in Energy Trading and Risk Management  Activities.  (EITF 98-10)." EITF
         requires  disclosure of energy trading and risk management activity for
         energy contracts used for trading purposes.  At September 30, 1999, the
         Company had  approximately  222,000 mmbtus of natural gas forward sales
         at a fixed  price,  and  approximately  256,000  tons  of coal  forward
         purchases at a fixed price, that were not offset by respective purchase
         and sales  contracts.  The market value of such contracts  approximates
         the fixed prices.

(7)      Rate Freeze Extension

                  The  Company's   electric  utility  operations  agreed  to  an
         extension of it's rate freeze for South Dakota retail  customers  until
         January 1, 2005, barring extraordinary circumstances.  The extension of
         the rate  freeze was  approved  by the South  Dakota  Public  Utilities
         Commission on June 22, 1999.

                  The   extraordinary   circumstances   allowing   future   rate
         proceedings  include  certain forced outages at its two largest plants,
         high  inflation,   loss  of  a  significant  customer,  new  government
         impositions, certain fuel cost increases and electric deregulation.

                  In addition,  the Company's  electric utility operations shall
         not have a fuel and purchased  power  adjustment  tariff,  except if an
         extraordinary event occurs. The electric utility also retains wholesale
         capacity  and energy  revenues,  has  assignment  rights for  wholesale
         contracts and may enter into certain  affiliate  transactions  with its
         affiliated  exempt wholesale  generator,  all subject to reasonableness
         and prudency review at future rate proceedings.

(8)      Accounting Pronouncements

                  In June, 1999, FASB issued  Statement of Financial  Accounting
         Standards No. 137  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging
         Activities - Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 133."
         This  statement  delayed the effective  date of FASB  Statement No. 133
         until fiscal quarters beginning after June 15, 2000.

(9)      Energy Marketing Reorganization

                  In  September,   the  Company   reorganized  its  natural  gas
         marketing  operations.  The Houston wholesale gas marketing  operations
         were transferred into the Denver office and the Company recorded a $1.2
         million  after tax  non-cash  write-down  of  goodwill  related  to the
         Houston wholesale gas marketing operations.  In addition, on October 6,
         1999,  the  Company  sold  its  Rocky  Mountain  retail  gas  marketing
         operations to Western  Natural Gas Marketing,  LLC. The Company expects
         to record an after tax gain of approximately $1 million related to this
         sale in the fourth quarter.

(10)    Reclassifications

                Certain 1999 and 1998 amounts in the financial  statements  have
        been   reclassified   to  conform  to  the  1999   presentation.   These
        reclassifications did not affect the Company's stockholders'  investment
        or results of operations.

           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations

Liquidity, Capital Resources, and Commitments

        In the past the Company has depended upon  internally  generated  funds,
issuance of short and  long-term  debt and sales of common  stock to finance its
activities.  It is expected that future  activities will also be financed by the
most appropriate mix of these various sources of funds.

        The Company  currently  has bank lines of credit  totaling  $44,000,000,
which provide for interim borrowings and the opportunity for timing of permanent
financing.  The Company had $23,200,000  outstanding under these lines of credit
on September 30, 1999. There are no compensating balance requirements associated
with these lines of credit.

        In addition to the above lines of credit,  Black Hills Energy Resources,
Inc. has an  uncommitted  demand  credit  facility  for up to $65 million.  This
facility allows $50 million for a  transactional  line of credit and $15 million
overdraft  line of credit.  This  facility  is used to support  the  issuance of
letters of credit.  At September  30, 1999,  Black Hills  Energy  Resources  has
approximately $35.3 million of outstanding letters of credit.

        In addition to the above lines of credit,  Wyodak Resources  Development
Corp. has guaranteed a $15,000,000  line of credit for Enserco  Energy,  Inc. to
use to  guarantee  letters of  credit.  At  September  30,  1999,  there were no
balances outstanding on this line of credit.

Market Risk Disclosures

        There has not been any significant changes in market risk since December
31, 1998.

     Commodity Risk

        The Company is exposed to market risk stemming from changes in commodity
prices.  These changes could cause  fluctuations  in the Company's  earnings and
cash flows.

       Trading Activities

        For trading  transactions that do not qualify for hedge accounting,  the
Company utilizes marked-to-market accounting, and such financial instruments are
recorded at fair value with realized and unrealized gains (losses) recorded as a
component of income.  The quantities  and maximum terms of derivative  financial
instruments  held for trading  purposes at  September  30, 1999 and 1998 are not
significant to the Company's financial position or results of operations.

         Non-trading Activities

         The  notional  quantities  and maximum  terms of  derivative  financial
instruments held for non-trading activities at September 30, 1999, are presented

                                                                                Max. Term         Fair Value
                                                               Volume            (Years)        (in thousands)
Natural Gas (Volume in MMBtu's):
     Natural gas futures contracts purchased                       820,000          2               $   338
     Natural gas basis swaps contracts bought                   17,739,000          3                   662
     Natural gas basis swaps contracts sold                    (17,846,000)         3                  (541)
     Natural gas swap contracts bought                          12,603,000          2                 2,130
     Natural gas swap contracts sold                           (14,326,000)         2                (2,151)
      Natural gas collar transactions; puts
         purchased, call sold                                      534,500          2               (46,325)
      Natural gas collar transactions; calls
         purchased, puts sold                                      534,500          2                47,875

Crude Oil (Volume in barrels):
     Crude oil puts purchased                                       24,000          1                     5
     Crude oil swap contracts sold                                (240,000)         2                  (692)

        Because  these  contracts  are entered  into for hedging  purposes,  the
Company  expects that the gains (losses) will be offset by gains (losses) on the
underlying  physical  transactions;  such physical  transactions  are subject to
weather  trends,  transportation  and delivery  risks and other factors that the
Company  monitors on a regular basis.  The notional  amounts  detailed above are
intended  to  be  indicative  of  the  Company's   level  of  activity  in  such

     Interest Rate Risk

        The  Company's  exposure to market  risk for  changes in interest  rates
relates  primarily to the Company's  short-term  investments  and long-term debt
obligations.  The Company does not use derivative  financial  instruments in its
available for sale securities.

        At  September  30,  1999,  the effect of a 100 basis  point  increase in
interest  rates  does not have a  material  effect to the  Company's  results of
operations  or  financial  condition,  due to  the  short-term  duration  of the
investment portfolio.

        The Company has no cash flow  exposure due to rate changes for long-term
debt obligations.  The Company primarily enters into debt obligations to support
general corporate  purposes  including capital  expenditures and working capital

Results of Operations

        Black  Hills  Corporation  is  an  energy  and  communications   company
consisting  of  three  principal  businesses:  electric  utility,  non-regulated
energy, and communications.

        Consolidated  net income was  $10,889,000  for the three  months  ended,
$27,683,000  for the nine months  ended and  $36,633,000  for the twelve  months
ended September 30, 1999 (before non-cash charges),  representing an increase of
13 percent  for the three  month  period  and 8 percent  for the nine and twelve
month  periods.  The increases  were  primarily due to strong  electric  utility
income  and   non-regulated   energy  results   partially   offset  by  expected
communications  start-up losses.  In September 1999, the Company recorded a $1.2
million  after tax  charge  primarily  due to a non-cash  write-down  of certain
intangible assets associated with the natural gas operations in Houston,  Texas.
In  December  1998,  the  Company  recorded  an $8.8  million  after tax  charge
primarily  due to a non-cash  write-down  of certain oil and natural gas assets.
Consolidated  revenues and fuel and purchased  power  expense  increased for the
three,  nine and  twelve  months  ended  September  30,  1999  primarily  due to
increased  oil,  natural  gas and coal  purchases  and  sales  from  the  energy
marketing operations.

        Consolidated  revenue and income from continuing  operations provided by
the business segments as a percentage of the total were as follows:

                                       Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended          Twelve Months Ended
                                         September 30               September 30                September 30
                                       1999       1998             1999        1998            1999        1998
                                       ----       ----             ----        ----            ----        ----
Electric utility                         17%        21%              18%         20%             17%         21%
Non-regulated energy                     83         79               82          80              83          79
                                        ----       ----             ----        ----            ----        ----
                                        100%       100%             100%        100%            100%        100%
                                        ===        ===             ====         ===             ===         ===

Net Income/(Loss)
Electric utility                         75%        74%              72%         72%             72%         73%
Non-regulated energy                     30*        28               31*         28              31*         27
Communications and other                 (5)        (2)              (3)          -              (3)          -
                                        ----       ----             ----        ----            ----        ----
                                        100%       100%             100%        100%            100%        100%
                                        ===        ===              ===         ===             ===         ===

         *Excludes  $10.0  million  (net-of-tax)  write-down  of certain oil and
natural gas properties  (December 1998) and certain intangible assets (September

         Capital expenditures and depreciation,  depletion,  and amortization by
business segment were as follows (in thousands):

                                       Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended
                                        September 30                 September 30               September 30
                                       1999       1998             1999        1998            1999        1998
                                       ----       ----             ----        ----            ----        ----
Capital Expenditures (includes AFDC)
Electric utility                     $7,887     $2,267         $ 12,577      $7,569         $16,590     $12,272
Non-regulated energy                  1,680      3,477            9,111       8,564          12,541      10,140
Communications and other             13,496        191           31,367          61          33,011         127
                                    -------     ------          -------     -------         -------     -------
                                    $23,063     $5,935          $53,055     $16,194         $62,142     $22,539
                                    =======     ======          =======     =======         =======     =======

                                       Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended          Twelve Months Ended
                                        September 30                September 30                September 30
                                       1999       1998             1999        1998            1999        1998
                                       ----       ----             ----        ----            ----        ----
Depreciation, Depletion,
  and Amortization
Electric utility                     $3,768     $3,797          $11,664     $11,392         $15,154     $15,037
Non-regulated energy                  3,829      2,320            7,714       7,109           9,759       9,044
Oil and gas ceilings test
  write-down                              -          -                -           -          13,546           -
Communications and others                35          -               76           -             102           -
                                    -------     ------          -------     -------         -------     -------
                                     $7,632     $6,117          $19,454     $18,501         $38,561     $24,081
                                    =======     ======          =======     =======         =======     =======

Electric Operations

        Earnings from electric operations increased  $1,080,000,  $1,512,000 and
$1,572,000  for the three,  nine and twelve month periods  ending  September 30,
1999  respectively.  Total  kilowatthour sales increased 5 percent for the three
month  period  and 4  percent  for the  nine and  twelve  month  periods  due to
increased residential,  commercial, wholesale and off-system sales. Degree days,
a measure of weather  trends,  were 3 percent  higher for the three month period
and 4 percent  and 7 percent  lower for the nine and  twelve  month  periods  as
compared to the prior  periods.  Increased  revenues  were  partially  offset by
increased operations and maintenance expenses due to planned plant outages.

Non-regulated Energy Operations

        Earnings  from  non-regulated   energy  operations  increased  $595,000,
$1,540,000 and $2,220,000 for the three months,  nine months,  and twelve months
ended September 30, 1999 (excluding a $1.2 million  non-cash  charge)  primarily
due to stable  coal  mining  earnings,  strong oil and  natural  gas  production
earnings and improved energy marketing results.

         Earnings from oil and gas  operations  increased  $410,000 and $697,000
for the three  months and nine months  ended  September  30, 1999 and  increased
$250,000  (excluding  write-down  of certain  oil and gas assets) for the twelve
months ended  September 30, 1999, as compared to 1998.  Increased  earnings were
primarily  due to  increased  oil prices,  increased  gas  production  and lower
depletion expense. Production increased 7 percent, 11 percent and 12 percent for
the three, nine and twelve month periods. Oil prices increased 70 percent and 20
percent for the three and nine month periods, and were flat for the twelve month
period.  Gas prices decreased 9 percent for the three and nine month periods and
15 percent for the twelve month period.  Average gas prices decreased  primarily
due to the production increases in lower price and lower cost Montana properties
for the three and nine month periods.

         In December 1998, Black Hills  Exploration and Production  recognized a
$13,546,000  pretax loss related to a write-down of oil and gas properties.  The
write-down was primarily due to historically low crude oil prices, lower natural
gas prices and decline in value of certain unevaluated properties.  Absent other
factors  impacting  depletion  expense,  the Company  expects  future  depletion
expense per unit of production to be reduced because of this write-down.

         Earnings  from  energy   marketing   operations   increased   $343,000,
$1,025,000 and  $2,182,000  for the three,  nine and twelve month periods ending
September 30, 1999  (excluding a $1.2 million  write-down of certain  intangible
assets).  The  increase  was  primarily  due to  increased  margins  and volumes
marketed  in the natural gas and crude oil  partially  offset by adverse  market
conditions in coal marketing.

        The energy marketing  operations  marketed 533,000 mmbtus of gas, 18,400
barrels of oil and 5,500 tons of coal per day in the three  month  period  ended
September 30, 1999 and 482,700  mmbtus and 22,700  barrels per day for the three
month  period  ended  September  30, 1998.  For the nine month  period,  513,000
mmbtus,  19,000  barrels and 4,800 tons were marketed in 1999 and 453,000 mmbtus
and 18,100  barrels were  marketed in 1998.  For the twelve month period  ending
September 30, 1999,  524,000 mmbtus,  20,000 barrels and 4,700 tons per day were
marketed  as  compared  to 418,000  mmbtus and 16,800  barrels of oil per day in
1998.  The Company  acquired its coal  marketer,  Black Hills Coal  Network,  in
September 1998.

Communications Operations

         Deployment continues on the state of the art communications  network in
Rapid  City and the  northern  Black  Hills of South  Dakota.  Installation  and
testing  of CATV,  telephone  switching  and  communications  transport  systems
continues to progress in line with management's expectations.  The company began
serving customers, on a test basis, in the third quarter. The company expects to
increase  customer  additions  throughout the remainder of 1999 and complete its
initial  build-out by the end of 2000.  Losses for the three month,  nine month,
and twelve month periods ended September 30, 1999 primarily  represent  start-up
administrative   and  operating   expenses  and  were  lower  than  management's
expectations.   Increased   Materials,   supplies  and  fuel  and  Property  and
investments  on  the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  related  primarily  to  the
continuing development of the communications network.

Year 2000 Issues

         What is referred to as the Year 2000 problem  ("Year 2000  problem") is
the result of computer  programs being written using two digits rather than four
to define the applicable  year. Any of the Company's  computer  process  control
systems that have date-sensitive software may recognize a date using "00" as the
Year 1900 rather than the Year 2000.  This could  result in a system  failure or
miscalculations  causing  disruptions  of  operations,  including,  among  other
things, a temporary inability to process transactions,  send invoices, or engage
in similar normal business  activities.  Management had previously formed a Year
2000  Committee  to review  and  ensure the  Company's  compliance  with what is
commonly  known as the  "Year  2000  problem".  In  addition,  consultants  have
reviewed the Company's  state of readiness.  The  Company's  review  encompassed
supporting  information  technology  systems,  generation  control  systems  and
distribution  systems,  and business  supply chain  systems and  infrastructure.
Management presently believes that with modifications that have been made to the
Company's  existing software and/or  conversions to new software,  the Year 2000
problem has been mitigated.  The cost of either  repairing or replacing  certain
business systems to ensure business  continuance beyond Year 2000 did not have a
significant  impact  on the  results  of  operations.  The cost of the Year 2000
project is less than $1 million  and is funded  through  operating  cash  flows.
These costs are  primarily  attributable  to the  purchase of new  software  and
equipment  which are  expensed or  capitalized  on a basis  consistent  with the
Company's   accounting   policies  for  capital   assets.   Other  than  seeking
representations  and  assurances,  the Company has not made an  assessment as to
whether any of its customers, suppliers or service providers will be affected by
the date change.  The  Company's  business,  financial  condition and results of
operations may be adversely impacted should the efforts of customers,  suppliers
or service  providers for the Company to address the Year 2000 issue prove to be
inadequate.  The Company's risk management program includes emergency backup and
recovery   procedures   to  be   followed   in  the  event  of   failure   of  a
business-critical  system.  These  procedures  include  specific  procedures for
potential Year 2000 issues.  Contingency plans to protect the business from Year
2000-related  interruptions  were  completed in October  1999 and  include,  for
example,   complete  backup   procedures  for  business   critical   operations,
identification of alternate suppliers and possible increases in safety inventory

Forward Looking Statements

         The above  information  includes  forward-looking  statements  that are
subject to certain risks,  uncertainties  and assumptions.  Although  management
believes that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions,  it can give
no  assurances  that its goals  will be  achieved.  Actual  results  may  differ
materially  from  management's  expectations as a result of a variety of factors
including,  but not necessarily limited to, technological  changes,  regulation,
market  conditions and marketing  success,  general economic  conditions,  and a
changing competitive environment.


                           Part II - Other Information

Item 1.       Legal Proceedings

              There are no legal  proceedings  to be reported on for the quarter
              ending September 30, 1999.

Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

             a.       Exhibits

                      Annual Report on Form 11-K of the Black Hills Corporation
                      401K Plan

             b.       Reports on Form 8-K


                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                            BLACK HILLS CORPORATION

                            /s/ Roxann R. Basham
                            Roxann R. Basham, Vice President - Finance
                            (Principal Financial Officer)

                            /s/ Mark T. Thies
                            Mark T. Thies, Controller
                           (Principal Accounting Officer)

Dated:   November 12, 1999