- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999

                          Commission File Number 1-7978

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                          401K RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                             BLACK HILLS CORPORATION
                                625 NINTH STREET
                                   PO BOX 1400
                         RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA 57709

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Black Hills Corporation Retirement Savings Plan
                           Financial Statements as of
                           December 31, 1998 and 1997
                            Together With Report of
                         Independent Public Accountants


            Index to Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules

Report of Independent Public Accountants                                      1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits                               2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits                     4
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notes to Financial Statements                                                 5
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item 27a--Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes                    10
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item 27d--Schedule of Reportable Transactions                                12
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item 27f--Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions                                 13


To the Plan Administrator of
Black Hills Corporation Retirement Savings Plan:

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
of the Black Hills Corporation  Retirement  Savings Plan as of December 31, 1998
and 1997,  and the  related  statement  of changes in net assets  available  for
benefits for the year ended December 31, 1998.  These  financial  statements and
the schedules referred to below are the responsibility of the Plan's management.
Our  responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements and
supplemental schedules based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the net assets available for benefits of the Black Hills
Corporation  Retirement  Savings Plan as of December 31, 1998 and 1997,  and the
changes in net assets  available  for benefits  for the year ended  December 31,
1998, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Minneapolis, Minnesota,
   August 6, 1999


                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                             As of December 31, 1998

                                          Guaranteed        Fixed                                        Foreign &      Growth Stock
                                          Investment        Income     Balanced Mutual   Equity        Global Mutual    Mutual Funds
                                        Contract Trust   Mutual Funds        Fund     Collective Trust     Funds
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESTMENTS, at market value (Note 2):

   Collective trusts                       $2,729,500       $      -       $        -     $3,631,468      $        -      $        -

   Mutual funds                                     -        823,962        1,197,186              -       2,694,519       2,957,797

   Common stocks                                    -              -                -              -               -               -

   Self-directed accounts                           -              -                -              -               -               -

PARTICIPANT LOANS                                   -              -                -              -               -               -


   Participant contributions receivable             -              -               -               -               -               -

   Participant contributions--loan payments
      in-transit                                    -              -               -               -               -               -

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS           $2,729,500      $823,962      $1,197,186      $3,631,468      $2,694,519      $2,957,797

                                                Other       Black Hills
                                             Specialized    Corporation     Self-Directed
                                             Mutual Funds   Common Stock      Accounts      Participant   Contributions
                                                                                               Loans       Receivable      Total
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESTMENTS, at market value (Note 2):

   Collective trusts                           $      -     $        -      $     -        $      -       $     -       $ 6,360,968

   Mutual funds                                 155,655              -            -               -             -         7,829,119

   Common stocks                                      -      7,210,038            -               -             -         7,210,038

   Self-directed accounts                             -              -       92,234               -             -            92,234

PARTICIPANT LOANS                                     -              -            -         820,244             -           820,244


   Participant contributions receivable               -              -            -               -         5,446             5,446

   Participant contributions--loan payments
      in-transit                                      -              -            -               -        66,258            66,258

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS              $155,655     $7,210,038      $92,234        $820,244       $71,704       $22,384,307

The accompanying  notes are an integral part of this statement.


                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                             As of December 31, 1997

                                  American                           Investment
                                Express Income                        Company of         New            American
                                    Fund           AMCAP Fund       America Fund      Perspective     Balanced Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESTMENTS, at market value:

   Mutual funds                   $2,575,405       $3,233,585        $2,958,270        $2,435,361       $1,242,120

   Common stock                            -                -                 -                 -                -

PARTICIPANT LOANS                          -                -                 -                 -                -


   Contributions from participants     8,126           14,629            19,234            15,732            8,131

   Loan payments from participants     8,290            5,755             5,185             4,380            2,161

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS $2,591,821       $3,253,969        $2,982,689        $2,455,473       $1,252,412

                                 Black Hills                        Participant
                                 Corporation                     Contribution/Loan
                                 Common Stock     Participant    Payment Receivable
                                                    Loans                            Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INVESTMENTS, at market value:

   Mutual funds                   $        -      $      -       $     -          $12,444,741

   Common stock                    6,254,700             -             -            6,254,700

PARTICIPANT LOANS                          -       819,813             -              819,813


   Contributions from participants         -             -         12,802              78,654

   Loan payments from participants         -             -          7,133              32,904

NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS  $6,254,700      $819,813       $19,935         $19,630,812

The accompanying  notes are an integral part of this statement.


            Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits

                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

                                  Guaranteed     Fixed Income                 Equity        Foreign &     Growth Stock  Specialized
                                   Investment    Mutual Funds    Balanced    Collective    Global Mutual  Mutual Funds  Mutual Funds
                                 Contract Trust                Mutual Fund     Trust          Funds
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   beginning of year
                                  $        -    $      -      $        -     $       -       $       -      $       -      $      -


      Participant contributions
                                     154,219      71,368           89,020      244,107         177,881        269,043        21,056

      Investment interest and dividends
                                     172,652      58,513           75,565       10,066         182,491         68,605         3,316

      Net appreciation (depreciation) in market value of investments

                                      (8,528)    (13,425)          (7,391)     761,318         104,157       (602,127)       12,295

      Net realized gain (loss) on sale of investments
                                           -       2,182           12,521       82,491          69,445        (41,322)       (1,212)

      Interfund transfers          2,569,532     760,845        1,030,329    2,617,449       2,184,209      3,416,954       121,105

      Administrative expenses           (714)        (48)            (165)        (445)           (249)          (618)          (23)

               Total increases (decrease)
                                   2,887,161     879,435        1,199,879    3,714,986       2,717,934      3,110,535       156,537

                                    (157,661)    (55,473)          (2,693)     (83,518)        (23,415)      (152,738)         (882)

                                   2,729,500      823,962       1,197,186    3,631,468       2,694,519      2,957,797       155,655

                                  $2,729,500     $823,962      $1,197,186   $3,631,468      $2,694,519     $2,957,797      $155,655

                                 Black Hills                              Contributions    American      American Funds
                                 Corporation   Self-Directed  Participant  Receivable    Express Income  Mutual Funds  Total
                                 Common Stock     Accounts       Loans                      Fund

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   beginning of year
                                   $6,254,700      $     -       $819,813    $19,935      $2,591,821     $9,944,543   $19,630,812


      Participant contributions       196,841            -              -     71,704              -              -      1,295,239

      Investment interest and dividends
                                      280,940          592              -          -              -              -        852,740

      Net appreciation (depreciation) in market value of investments

                                      755,130            -              -          -              -              -      1,001,429

      Net realized gain (loss) on sale of investments
                                        4,214            -              -          -          8,528         44,332        181,179

      Interfund transfers            (191,342)      91,642          8,436    (19,935)    (2,600,349)    (9,988,875)             -

      Administrative expenses            (988)           -              -          -              -              -         (3,250)

               Total increases (decreases)
                                    1,044,795       92,234          8,436     51,769     (2,591,821)    (9,944,543)     3,327,337

                                      (89,457)           -         (8,005)         -              -              -       (573,842)

                                      955,338       92,234            431     51,769     (2,591,821)    (9,944,543)     2,753,495

                                   $7,210,038      $92,234       $820,244    $71,704    $        -     $        -     $22,384,307

The accompanying  notes are an integral part of this statement.


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                           December 31, 1998 and 1997

1.   Description of the Plan:


The Black  Hills  Corporation  Retirement  Savings  Plan (the Plan) is a defined
contribution plan for eligible employees of Black Hills Power and Light Company,
the assumed  business  name of the electric  utility of Black Hills  Corporation
(the  Company);  Wyodak  Resources  Development  Corp.  (WRDC),  a wholly  owned
subsidiary of the Company;  Black Hills  Exploration  and  Production,  a wholly
owned  subsidiary of WRDC;  and Black Hills Energy  Resources,  Inc.,  Varifuel,
Inc., Black Hills FiberCom,  Inc.,  Daksoft,  Inc. and Black Hills Coal Network,
Inc. (all wholly owned subsidiaries of Black Hills Capital Group, Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary of WRDC). The eligible employees may have a percentage of their
compensation  withheld and contributed to the Plan,  subject to limitations,  as
defined. The Plan is designed to comply with the provisions of Section 401(k) of
the Internal Revenue Code (the Code).

Effective  January 1, 1998,  the board of directors  of the Company  adopted the
Merrill Lynch special prototype defined  contribution plan and appointed Merrill
Lynch as the asset  custodian  and  recordkeeper.  The Black  Hills  Corporation
Benefits  Committee  (the  Committee)  was  appointed  the  trustee of the Plan,
replacing the risk manager of the Company as trustee.  Also effective January 1,
1998, the risk manager was appointed  administrator  of the Plan,  replacing the
Committee  as  administrator.  Administrative  fees of $10,500  were paid by the
Company in 1998.

In January 1998, in connection with the adoption of the prototype plan, funds of
the Plan (other than Black Hills  Corporation  common stock) were liquidated and
invested in other mutual funds having similar investment objectives.

The following is not a  comprehensive  description  of the Plan and,  therefore,
does  not  include  all  situations  and   limitations   covered  by  the  Plan.
Participants should refer to the plan agreement for more complete information.


Employees  are  eligible  to  participate  in  the  Plan  on  the  first  day of


The maximum percentage of compensation an employee may contribute to the Plan is
20%, with an annual maximum  contribution of $10,000 in 1998 and $9,500 in 1997,
as provided by the Code.  There is no limit to the number of times  participants
may change their contribution  percentages.  Amounts contributed are invested at
the  discretion of plan  participants  in any one of the 22  investment  options
described in Note 2.

All  contributions  made and any  earnings  therefrom  are  fully  vested to the
participant at all times. The Company does not contribute to the Plan.

The Plan received  $101,239 in rollover  transfers from other qualified plans in
1998,  which are  included in  participant  contributions  on the  statement  of
changes in net assets available for benefits.


Upon  termination  of  employment,  a  participant  may elect to have an account
distributed.  A terminated  participant  whose account balance is $5,000 or less
will  receive  a  nonelective   lump-sum   distribution  of  their  account.  No
distribution of a  participant's  account shall be made while the participant is
an active employee of the Company unless a financial hardship, as defined by the
Code and demonstrated to the plan administrator, exists.

The normal form of distributions of account balances is a lump sum. Participants
may elect,  at the time of  distribution,  the option of having payments made in
installments  over a period not to exceed the  expected  future  lifetime of the
participant  (or the joint expected  future  lifetime of the participant and the
participant's spouse).

Participant Loans

The Plan contains a loan provision  which allows  participants to borrow up to a
maximum  equal to the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of their  account  balances at an
interest  rate of 1% over the prime  interest rate and to repay the loan through
payroll deductions,  with a maximum repayment period of five years. During 1998,
interest  rates on  participant  loans  ranged  from  8.75% to 9.5%.  Loans  are
prohibited for terminated employees.

Amendments and Termination

The Company  reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan at any time. Upon
termination of the Plan, all assets will be distributed  among the  participants
in accordance with plan provisions.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

Basis of Accounting

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared using the accrual basis
of accounting.


The  investment  options of the Plan at December 31, 1998 consist of deposits in
collective  trusts of Merrill Lynch,  mutual funds,  common stock of the Company
and self-directed  accounts.  Units (shares) of the various investment funds are
valued daily at net asset value (which equals market value).

The investment options are  participant-directed.  Participants may change their
investment elections daily.

The investment options are grouped as follows:

     Guaranteed Investment Contract Trust

     Merrill Lynch Retirement  Preservation  Trust--This  trust seeks to provide
     preservation  of capital  liquidity  and current  income at levels that are
     typically  higher than money market funds.  The trust is a collective trust
     which invests primarily in guaranteed investment contracts (the investments
     are neither insured nor guaranteed by the U.S. government).

     Fixed Income Mutual Funds

     PIMCO Total Return  Fund--This  fund seeks to provide maximum total return,
     consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment  management,
     and invests primarily in an intermediate-term portfolio of investment-grade

     Federated  International  Income  Fund--This  fund seeks to provide current
     income; capital growth is a secondary objective.  The fund invests at least
     65% of assets in high-quality foreign currency-denominated debt securities.

     Van  Kampen  Worldwide  High  Income  Fund  (formerly  the  Morgan  Stanley
     Worldwide High Income Fund)--This fund seeks to provide high current income
     consistent  with relative  stability of principal and potential for capital
     appreciation,  and invests  primarily in  higher-yielding  emerging  market
     fixed-income securities of issues through the world.

     Oppenheimer  U.S.  Government  Fund--This  fund  seeks  current  income and
     preservation of capital and normally invests at least 80% of assets in U.S.
     government securities and related repurchase agreements.

     Balanced Mutual Fund

     Merrill Lynch Capital  Fund--This  fund seeks the highest total  investment
     return  consistent  with product  risk,  primarily  through a fully managed
     investment policy that permits management of the fund to vary investment in
     equity, debt and convertible  securities based on its evaluation of changes
     in economic and market trends.  The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets
     in foreign securities.

     Equity Collective Trust

     Merrill Lynch Equity Index  Trust--This  trust seeks to provide  investment
     results that, before expenses, replicate the total return of the Standard &
     Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index.  The fund is a collective  trust in
     which most of the assets  will be  comprised  of all, or nearly all, of the
     500 stocks in the index in  weightings  closely  aligned  with those of the

     Foreign & Global Mutual Funds

     Managers  International  Equity  Fund--This fund seeks to achieve long-term
     capital appreciation  through a diversified  portfolio of equity securities
     of non-U.S.  companies.  The fund  generally  invests in  companies  having
     medium and large capitalizations.

     Oppenheimer Global Fund--This fund seeks capital  appreciation by investing
     primarily in common stocks and  convertible  securities  issued by U.S. and
     foreign companies.

     Growth Stock Mutual Funds

     Davis New York Venture Fund--This fund seeks growth of capital by investing
     primarily in common stock of U.S. companies with market  capitalizations of
     at least $5 billion.

     Merrill  Lynch  Growth   Fund--This  fund  seeks  growth  of  capital  and,
     secondarily,  income by  investing  in common  stock,  preferred  stock and
     convertible securities.

     Alliance  Quasar  Fund--This  fund seeks  growth of capital by investing in
     equity  securities  that offer the  possibility of  above-average  earnings
     growth and currently emphasizes investment in companies having small levels
     of capitalization.

     Other Specialized Mutual Funds

     Davis  Convertible  Securities  Fund--This  fund seeks growth and income by
     investing in common and convertible stocks of U.S. companies.

     Van Kampen Real Estate Securities Fund--This fund seeks long-term growth of
     capital,  with  current  income  as  a  secondary  objective,  and  invests
     primarily  in  securities  of the real estate  industry,  including  common
     stocks and real estate investment trusts.

     Merrill Lynch Pacific Fund--This fund seeks long-term capital  appreciation
     and normally invests at least 80% of assets in equities issued by companies
     domiciled in far-eastern or western Pacific countries.

     Munder  Framlington  Healthcare  Fund--This  fund seeks  long-term  capital
     appreciation  by investing  primarily in equity  securities  of issuers for
     whom at least  50% of  sales,  profits  or net  assets  arise  from  health
     services or medical technology activities.

     Oppenheimer  Gold  and  Special  Minerals  Fund--This  fund  seeks  capital
     appreciation by normally investing between 80% and 100% of assets in mining
     securities and metals investments.

     State Street  Research  Global  Resources  Fund--This fund seeks to provide
     long-term  growth of capital by  normally  investing  at least 65% of total
     assets in securities of energy and natural resources companies,  as well as
     utilities. The fund invests primarily in stocks, including foreign stocks.

     Pioneer  Europe  Fund--This  fund  seeks  long-term  growth of  capital  by
investing primarily in equity securities of European issuers.

     Seligman  Communications  and  Information  Fund--This  fund seeks  capital
     appreciation by normally  investing at least 80% of assets in common stocks
     issued by companies  that  operate in the  communication,  information  and
     related industries.

     Black Hills Corporation Common Stock

     The Company's  common stock is valued daily based upon the closing price on
the New York Stock Exchange.

     Self-Directed Accounts

     Participants  may elect to invest a portion  or all of their  account  in a
     self-directed  brokerage  account with  Merrill  Lynch.  The  self-directed
     account allows  participants to purchase and hold  investments that are not
     part of the Plan's regular investment menu.  Investment options are subject
     to qualified plan restrictions as specified by the Code.

In January 1998,  funds at the American  Funds Group invested in the AMCAP Fund,
the  Investment  Company  of  America  Fund,  the New  Perspective  Fund and the
American Balanced Fund were liquidated and invested in other mutual funds having
similar investment objectives.

3.   Tax Status:

The Plan obtained its latest determination letter on June 19, 1991, in which the
Internal  Revenue  Service  stated  that  the  Plan,  as then  designed,  was in
compliance  with the  applicable  requirements  of the  Code.  The Plan has been
amended  since   receiving  the   determination   letter;   however,   the  plan
administrator  and the Plan's legal  counsel  believe that the Plan is currently
designed and being operated in compliance  with the applicable  requirements  of
the Code.  Therefore,  no provision  for income  taxes has been  included in the
Plan's financial statements.


         (Employer Identification Number: 46-0111677) (Plan Number: 003)

            Item 27a--Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes

                             As of December 31, 1998

    Number of
 Shares of Units         Description                              Cost          Market Value


        2,719,480  Merrill Lynch Retirement Preservation Trust  $ 2,729,500     $ 2,729,500
                                                                -----------     ------------

                   FIXED INCOME MUTUAL FUNDS:

           71,191     PIMCO Total Return Fund                       763,960         750,353

               53     Federated International Income Fund               569             601

              173     Van Kampen Worldwide High Income Fund           1,838           1,687

            7,368     Oppenheimer U.S. Government Fund               71,019          71,321

                                                                -----------      ----------

                           Total fixed income mutual funds          837,386         823,962
                                                                -----------      ----------

                   BALANCED MUTUAL FUND:

           34,842     Merrill Lynch Capital Fund                  1,199,031       1,197,186
                                                                -----------      ----------
                   EQUITY COLLECTIVE TRUST:

           43,272     Merrill Lynch Equity Index Trust            2,854,442       3,631,468
                                                                -----------      ----------
                   FOREIGN & GLOBAL MUTUAL FUNDS:

           54,294     Managers International Equity Fund          2,521,069       2,652,256

              992     Oppenheimer Global Fund                        44,148          42,263
                                                                -----------      ----------

                          Total foreign & global mutual funds     2,565,217       2,694,519

                   GROWTH STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS:

           18,662     Davis New York Venture Fund                   446,712         466,720

          115,330     Merrill Lynch Growth Fund                   3,098,356       2,474,980

              644     Alliance Quasar Fund                           16,921          16,097

                           Total growth stock mutual funds        3,561,989       2,957,797


            1,000     Davis Convertible Securities Fund              24,023          23,765

               83     Van Kampen Real Estate Securities Fund          1,011             965

               35     Merrill Lynch Pacific Fund                        584             617

              569     Munder Framlington Healthcare Fund              6,827           6,624

              146     Oppenheimer Gold and Special Minerals Fund      1,319           1,350

              101     State Street Research Global Resources Fund     1,395           1,004

              949     Pioneer Europe Fund                            31,922          29,786

            2,979     Seligman Communications and Information Fund   76,277          91,544
                                                                   --------        --------
                           Total other specialized mutual funds     143,358         155,655
                                                                   --------        --------

          273,366  BLACK HILLS CORPORATION COMMON STOCK*        $ 6,454,907     $ 7,210,038

                   SELF-DIRECTED ACCOUNTS                            92,234          92,234

                   PARTICIPANT LOANS                                820,244         820,244
                                                                -----------     -----------
                        Total investments                       $21,258,308     $22,312,603
                                                                ===========     ===========

*Denotes party in interest.


         (Employer Identification Number: 46-0111677) (Plan Number: 003)

                  Item 27d--Schedule of Reportable Transactions

                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

                                                   Number of     Number of     Total Cost of
                                                   Purchases       Sales         Purchases
American Funds Group:

   AMCAP Fund                                          -              1         $        -

   Investment Company of America Fund                  -              1                  -

   New Perspective Fund                                -              1                  -

   American Balanced Fund                              -              1                  -

American Express Income Fund                           -              2                  -

Black Hills Corporation common stock                 110            150            660,974

Merrill Lynch Equity Index Trust                     146            133          3,523,863

Merrill Lynch Retirement Preservation Trust          313            140          3,500,805

Managers International Equity Fund                   166            143          3,095,735

Merrill Lynch Capital Fund                            67             64          1,447,927

Merrill Lynch Growth Fund                            170            162          3,863,402

PIMCO Total Return Fund                              158             46            914,516

                                                                  Total          Net Gain
                                              Total Sale      Cost of Sales     (Loss) on
      Description                              Proceeds                           Sales

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Funds Group:

   AMCAP Fund                                  $3,231,519       $3,233,585       $(2,066)

   Investment Company of America Fund           2,973,976        2,958,270        15,706

   New Perspective Fund                         2,460,508        2,435,361        25,147

   American Balanced Fund                       1,247,665        1,242,120         5,545

American Express Income Fund                    2,583,932        2,575,405         8,527

Black Hills Corporation common stock              409,523          405,309         4,214

Merrill Lynch Equity Index Trust                  751,912          669,420        82,492

Merrill Lynch Retirement Preservation Trust       781,325          781,325             -

Managers International Equity Fund                644,219          574,666        69,553

Merrill Lynch Capital Fund                        261,416          248,895        12,521

Merrill Lynch Growth Fund                         730,688          765,046       (34,358)

PIMCO Total Return Fund                           152,873          150,691         2,182


         (Employer Identification Number: 46-0111677) (Plan Number: 003)

                  Item 27f--Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions

                     For the Period Ended December 31, 1998

                         Relationship to        Description of Transactions, Including
                        Plan, Employer or          Maturity Date, Rate of Interest,                      Interest
     Identity of             Other             Collateral, and Par or Maturity Value         Amount      Incurred
   Party Involved       Party-in-Interest                                                    Loaned      on Loan
   --------------       -----------------      ----------------------------------------      ------      --------
   Black Hills               Sponsor             Lending of moneys from the Plan to the      $6,419       $1,496
   Corporation                                   employer (contributions not timely
                                                 remitted to the Plan), as follows:
                                                 Deemed loan dated March 15, 1998,
                                                 maturity September 30, 1999, deemed
                                                 interest on the loan, 14.6%


As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our
report  dated  August 6, 1999  included  in this Form 11-K,  into the  Company's
previously filed Registration Statement (Form S-8 No. 333-61969).

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 12, 1999