EXHIBIT 10.39.05
                      AND MONTAUP ELECTRIC COMPANY

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING dated this 23rd day of September, 1993 by and
between Canal Electric Company, a Massachusetts corporation with a principal
place of business at One Main Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 (referred
to herein as 'Canal'), and Montaup Electric Company, a Massachusetts
corporation with a principal place of business at 1606 Riverside Avenue,
Somerset, MA 02726, (referred to herein as 'Montaup').

WHEREAS, Canal and Montaup are joint owners, pursuant to the terms of the
'Agreement for Joint Ownership' executed by Canal and Montaup dated October
27, 1970 (referred to herein as 'the Agreement'), of the electric generating
property known as 'Unit 2' at the Canal Plant facility located on Freezer
Road, in Sandwich, Massachusetts (referred to herein as 'the Unit'); and

WHEREAS, the parties are evaluating options for fuel for the Unit, in order
that the Unit may continue to be operated in a cost-effective manner and
consistent with all government laws, regulations, orders, permits, and all
terms and conditions of the Agreement; and

WHEREAS, in furtherance of the goals referenced in the immediately preceding
paragraph, the parties desire to install facilities for the utilization of
natural gas as fuel for the Unit; and

WHEREAS, there presently exist no facilities for the transportation of natural
gas to the Unit, nor for the burning of natural gas as fuel for the Unit; and

WHEREAS, certain regulatory and market circumstances indicate that there
presently exist opportunities for securing the supply and transportation of
natural gas for the Unit; and

WHEREAS, Canal has conducted preliminary discussions with certain potential
gas suppliers in order to evaluate such opportunities; and

WHEREAS, discussions have also been conducted with Algonquin Gas Transmission
Company (referred to herein as 'Algonquin') concerning the provision of gas
service to the plant by Algonquin and certain of its affiliated entities, and
concerning the construction of a pipeline by Algonquin which would serve the
Unit from existing Algonquin facilities to facilities which would be
constructed on behalf of Canal and Montaup;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein and
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, Canal and Montaup agree as follows:


     Canal and Montaup shall enter into the following agreements:  (i) with
     Algonquin for the siting (including acquisition of necessary real
     property rights), construction and operation of new facilities and the
     improvement of existing facilities, for the transportation of natural gas
     supplies to the Unit; (ii) with Algonquin and certain of its affiliated
     entities for the transportation of gas to the Unit by Algonquin and
     certain of its affiliated entities; and (iii) with parties other than
     Algonquin and its affiliated entities for the transportation of gas to
     the Unit (collectively referred to herein as the 'Gas Transportation


     Canal and Montaup shall further enter into agreements for: (i) the siting
     and construction of pipeline facilities for transporting natural gas from
     the Algonquin facilities to the Unit; and (ii) the performance of certain
     modifications to the Unit to enable the burning of natural gas as fuel
     for the Unit (referred to herein as the 'Unit Modification Agreements').
     Such agreements shall include (i) a project plan with provisions for an
     oversight team to monitor the progress of construction, (ii) a schedule
     of significant milestones, and (iii) a provision for distribution to both
     parties of all correspondence, reports and studies related to
     construction.  The oversight team shall consist of at least one
     representative each from Canal and Montaup.  In the event that the
     construction risks or costs associated with this project significantly
     exceed initial expectations, then the parties shall meet to determine the
     appropriate course of action.  If the parties cannot agree with respect
     to such course of action then either party may seek to invoke arbitration
     in accordance with the provisions of paragraph "15. Arbitration."


     Canal and Montaup shall enter into certain agreements with suppliers of
     natural gas for the purchase of natural gas as fuel for the Unit
     (referred to herein as the 'Gas Purchase Agreements').


     Canal and Montaup further agree that an evaluation of the following
     issues will be conducted on their behalf:  (i) the federal, state and
     local regulatory issues, and Canadian regulatory issues, associated with
     procurement of natural gas for the Unit; (ii) the federal, state and
     local regulatory issues associated with the transportation of natural gas
     to the Unit, including without limitation, such issues relating to the
     construction of new pipeline facilities and/or improvement of existing
     facilities; and (iii) the federal, state and local regulatory issues, and
     Canadian regulatory issues, associated with the utilization of natural
     gas as fuel for the Unit, including without limitation, air emissions and
     other environmental issues associated with modifications to the Unit.

     Each Gas Transportation Agreement and Gas Purchase Agreement shall
     contain conditions precedent which include a requirement for the
     acquisition of all governmental and regulatory authorizations or
     exemptions prior to the incurrence of charges by or on behalf of the
     purchaser(s) thereunder.  Further, Canal and Montaup agree that
     construction of any of the facilities described herein shall not commence
     unless all governmental and regulatory authorizations or exemptions
     pertaining to such construction have first been obtained.


     The parties agree that the following activities will be performed (or
     will continue to be performed) on their behalf, with results satisfactory
     to Canal and Montaup, and prior to the construction of any of the
     facilities described herein or acquisition of property as referenced

     a.   A further evaluation of the natural gas supplies in the United
     States and Canada (including offshore supplies) which may be potentially
     available for use as fuel for the Unit.  This evaluation may include
     direct contact with and the solicitation of proposals from natural gas
     suppliers, pipelines, and local (gas) distribution companies.

     b.   A further evaluation of any transportation requirements, including
     consideration of the construction of new facilities and the improvement
     of existing facilities, for the transportation of natural gas supplies to
     the Unit.  This evaluation may include direct contact with and the
     solicitation of proposals from natural gas pipeline companies (and
     potentially local distribution companies).

     c.   An analysis of the property rights which would have to be obtained
     in order to transport gas to the Unit.

     d.   The preparation of an environmental report, in a form which would
     satisfy the requirements of applicable federal, state and local laws,
     regulations, ordinances and bylaws, for the siting, construction,
     improvement and operation of pipeline facilities associated with the
     transportation of natural gas to the Unit, and for the utilization of
     natural gas as fuel for the Unit.


     The parties agree that all agreements and reports referenced herein shall
     be in a form acceptable to Montaup and Canal.  Notwithstanding anything
     set forth herein to the contrary, Canal and Montaup may elect to
     designate an agent (which may be either of them) to represent their
     interests in the matters referenced herein.  Such (agency) delegation may
     include authority to execute agreements on behalf of either or both of
     the parties with respect to the matters reference herein.  In the event
     of such delegation, and provided a party has granted its approval of such
     agreements as set forth above, that shall be fully bound by the terms of
     each such agreement to the same extent as if that party had executed such
     agreement as a party thereto.  In the event of such delegation and upon
     request, Canal and Montaup each agree to provide written evidence of such
     delegation of authority.  Provided; however, despite such delegation of
     authority, to the extent a party to such agreements requires Canal and
     Montaup's execution of such agreements, Canal and Montaup agree to sign
     such documents provided the same are in a form acceptable to each of


     In the event either party hereto is designated to act as agent (the
     "party-agent") for the other party hereto pursuant to the immediately
     preceding paragraph, provided the party-agent satisfies its obligation to
     present any and all agreements to the other party for the other party's
     approval as specified above, the other party agrees to waive and release
     any claim, suit, loss, damage, expense or cause of action of every nature
     it may have against the party-agent which arise from or relating to any
     act or omission by the party-agent in the party-agent's good faith
     performance of its duties as party-agent.


     The parties agree that each party shall own as a tenant in common an
     undivided one-half interest in any and all real property rights acquired
     for the location of the facilities which will be constructed by Canal to
     connect with the Algonquin facilities referenced in paragraph 1 hereof,
     as well as any and all pipeline facilities and improvements to the Unit
     as referenced in paragraph 2 hereof.  None of said real property rights
     or pipeline facilities and improvements constructed by Canal, or the gas
     transported to the Unit, shall be used to serve any other generating
     unit, now in existence or to be constructed, without the written, mutual
     consent of the parties hereto.  The parties agree that each party shall
     own as a tenant in common an undivided one-half interest in any and all
     information, documents and data arising from or relating to the
     performance of the tasks referenced in paragraph 5 hereof.  The parties
     further agree that each party shall own one-half of all air emissions
     allowances and credits that may be available for or through the operation
     of the Unit and that each owner may at its sole option retain, sell, or
     otherwise use its one-half share of any such emissions allowances or
     credits that are not needed for the operation of the Unit.


     Except as otherwise provided herein, the parties agree their respective
     rights and obligations (including without limitation responsibility for
     costs incurred pursuant to the various agreements referenced herein)
     pertaining to the subject matter of this Memorandum shall be determined
     according to the terms of the "Agreement For Joint Ownership" between the
     parties dated October 27, 1970.


     Canal agrees to execute a lease substantially in the form of the
     "Agreement of Lease" between the parties dated June 1, 1972 to the extent
     real property owned by Canal would be utilized for the siting of
     facilities referenced herein.


     The parties each agree to keep this agreement and any and all
     information, documents and data arising from or relating to the
     performance of the tasks reference above (collectively referred to herein
     as 'confidential information') confidential, and not to disclose the same
     to any third party without first obtaining the written permission of the
     other party hereto.  Further the parties each agree to limit the
     disclosure of confidential information to the persons within their
     respective entities on a need-to-know basis.  The provisions relating to
     confidential information herein shall not pertain to any information that
     was already known to a party (free of any obligation regarding
     confidentiality), or was or becomes publicly known through no fault of a
     party.  In the event that a party hereto receives a subpoena or other
     request for confidential information in a judicial or administrative
     process, such party shall give prompt notice of the same to the other
     party, and shall comply with its legal obligations while seeking such
     protective arrangements as may be available to limit as strictly as
     possible the disclosure of the confidential information.


     This Memorandum shall not be assignable by either party without the
     advance written consent of the other.  This Memorandum shall be binding
     on, and inure to the benefit of, the successors and assigns (as approved)
     of the parties hereto.


     This Memorandum and the construction and enforceability hereof shall be
     interpreted under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


     In the event of default by either party in any obligation pursuant to
     this Memorandum, the other party shall be free to invoke such remedies at
     law or in equity as may be deemed appropriate, subject to the arbitration
     provision set forth in paragraph "15.  Arbitration."

     Failure of a party to complain of any act or omission on the part of the
     other party, no matter how long the same may continue, shall not be
     deemed to be a waiver by said party of any of its rights hereunder.  No
     waiver at any time, express or implied, of any breach of any provision of
     this Memorandum shall be deemed a waiver of a breach of any other
     provision of this Memorandum or a consent to any subsequent breach of the
     same or any other provision.  No acceptance of any partial payment shall
     constitute an accord or satisfaction, but shall only be deemed a part
     payment on account.


     Any dispute between the parties with respect to this Memorandum shall be
     submitted to arbitration on the request of either party.  A copy of any
     such request shall be served on the other party and it shall specify the
     issue or issues in dispute and summarize the party's claim with respect
     thereto.  Within ten (10) days after receipt of such a request,
     authorized representatives of both parties shall meet and attempt to
     agree upon appointment of a single arbitrator who shall be qualified in
     electric utility practice.  If such agreement is not accomplished within
     15 days, either party may request the American Arbitration Association to
     appoint an arbitrator in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration
     Rules, which shall govern the conduct of the arbitration in the absence
     of contrary agreement by the parties.  The arbitrator shall conduct a
     hearing, and within thirty (30) days thereafter, unless such time is
     extended by agreement of the parties, shall notify the parties in writing
     of his decision.  The arbitrator shall not have power to amend or add to
     this Memorandum and the arbitrator's decision shall be consistent with
     the rights and obligations of the parties under this Memorandum, the Gas
     Transportation Agreements, the Unit Modification Agreements, and the Gas
     Purchase Agreements.  Subject to such limitation, the decision of the
     arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties and shall be
     enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction.  The decision of the
     arbitrator shall include the determination of and specify how the
     expenses of the arbitration shall be allocated between the parties.


     In the event that any clause or provision of this Memorandum or any part
     hereof shall be declared invalid, void or unenforceable by any court
     having jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or
     enforceability of the remaining portions of this Memorandum unless the
     result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable.


     The recitals and representations appearing first above are hereby
     incorporated in and made a part of this Memorandum.  This Memorandum
     supersedes all prior agreements, communications, or proposals of the
     parties regarding the subject matter hereof.  This Memorandum shall
     constitute the entire agreement between and among the parties and may not
     be amended, modified or superseded except by written agreement signed by
     the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of
Understanding to be executed by the authorized representatives of the parties
hereto as of the date first above-written.


By: ____________________________        By: __________________________