Washington, D.C.  20549

          FORM 10-Q

 (Mark one)


    For the quarterly period ended                    June 30, 1995



    For the transition period _________________ to ___________________

    Commission File Number                                0-8480

       (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Massachusetts                                 04-1123095
      (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                  Identification No.)

    110 Mulberry Street, Brockton, Massachusetts
      (Address of principal executive offices)
         (Zip Code)

 (Registrant's telephone number including area code)

    Indicate by  check mark whether  the registrant (1)  has filed all  reports
    required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
    of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period  that
    the  registrant was required to file such  reports),  and (2) has been
    subject to  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.


    Indicate  the number of shares  outstanding of each of the  issuer's
    classes of  common stock, as of the latest practical date.

              Class                               Outstanding at July 31, 1995
       Common Shares, $25 par value                       2,891,357 shares


                        PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

        Item 1.   Financial Statements

    (In Thousands)

        ASSETS                                           June 30,         December 31,
                                                           1995              1994
        Utility Plant in Service                      $   786,166      $   782,837
        Less:  Accumulated Provision for Depreciation
                    and Amortization                      241,355          228,241
              Net Utility Plant in Service                544,811          554,596
        Construction Work in Progress                      17,167            6,759
              Net Utility Plant                           561,978          561,355
        Current Assets:
              Cash and Temporary Cash Investments           6,800           11,265
              Accounts Receivable - Associated Companies   30,028           18,061
                                  - Other                  34,628           37,979
              Materials and Supplies                        8,318            9,644
              Other Current Assets                          5,345            5,952
                 Total Current Assets                      85,119           82,901
        Deferred Debits and Other Non-Current Assets      104,582          111,789
                        Total Assets                  $   751,679      $   756,045

              Common Stock, $25 Par Value             $    72,284      $    72,284
              Other Paid-In Capital                        47,249           47,249
              Common Stock Expense                            (43)             (43)
              Retained Earnings                           111,273          105,574
                 Total Common Equity                      230,763          225,064
              Redeemable Preferred Stock - Net             29,665           29,665
              Preferred Stock Redemption Cost              (3,927)          (4,408)
              Long-Term Debt - Net                        229,268          229,224
                 Total Capitalization                     485,769          479,545

        Current Liabilities:
              Long-Term Debt Due Within One Year           35,000           35,000
              Notes Payable                                 6,087
              Accounts Payable - Associated Companies       5,381            5,749
                               - Other                     24,447           24,578
              Taxes Accrued                                   196            1,411
              Interest Accrued                              5,245            5,486
              Other Current Liabilities                     2,137           16,360
                 Total Current Liabilities                 78,493           88,584
        Deferred Credits and Other Non-Current Liab.       65,062           68,260
        Accumulated Deferred Taxes                        122,355          119,656
                 Total Liabilities and Capitalization $   751,679      $   756,045

 See accompanying notes to consolidated condensed financial statements.

 (In Thousands)

                                                  Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                                                  June 30,                  June 30,
                                                  1995         1994         1995         1994

        Operating Revenues                     $ 104,415    $ 102,002    $ 210,734    $ 212,390
        Operating Expenses:
           Fuel                                  23,641       23,244       45,923       46,381
           Purchased Power                       31,469       27,795       63,445       57,724
           Other Operation and Maintenance       24,633       25,400       47,742       49,822
           Voluntary Retirement Incentive         2,413                     2,413
           Depreciation and Amortization          6,555        6,457       13,110       12,872
           Taxes  - Other Than Income             2,479        2,633        5,360        5,565
                  - Current Income                2,015        2,498        5,244        7,761
                  - Deferred Income                  85          970        2,271        2,439
                 Total                           93,290       88,997       185,508      182,564
        Operating Income                         11,125       13,005       25,226       29,826
        Allowance for Other Funds
          Used During Construction                  151           62          282          111
        Other Income (Deductions) - Net             544          433          875          820
        Income Before Interest Charges           11,820       13,500       26,383       30,757
        Interest Charges:
          Interest on Long-Term Debt              4,636        4,636        9,272        9,216
          Other Interest Expense                    879        1,875        1,603        2,772
          Allowance for Borrowed Funds Used
            During Construction(Credit)            (132)         (83)        (224)        (151)
        Net Interest Charges                      5,383        6,428       10,651       11,837
        Net Income                                6,437        7,072       15,732       18,920
        Preferred Dividend Requirements             497          497          994          994
        Consolidated Net Earnings              $  5,940     $  6,575     $ 14,738     $ 17,926

 See accompanying notes to consolidated condensed financial statements.

 (In Thousands)

                                                                  Six Months Ended
                                                                June 30,
                                                                  1995         1994


        Net Income                                            $  15,732    $  18,920
        Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net
           Cash Provided from Operating Activities:
              Depreciation and Amortization                      15,705       13,741
              Amortization of Nuclear Fuel                        1,936        1,471
              Deferred Taxes                                      2,237        2,406
              Investment Tax Credit, Net                           (471)        (460)
              Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction   (282)        (111)
              Other - Net                                         1,697         (884)
        Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities              (22,860)      (4,455)
        Net Cash Provided From Operating Activities              13,694       30,628


           Construction Expenditures                            (14,694)      (9,683)
        Net Cash (Used in) Investing Activities                 (14,694)      (9,683)


           Increase in Short-Term Debt                            6,087
           Common Stock Dividends Paid to EUA                    (8,558)     (13,532)
           Preferred Dividends Paid                                (994)        (994)
           Premium on Reacquisition & Financing Expenses                         (61)
        Net Cash (Used in) Financing Activities                  (3,465)     (14,587)
        Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash and Temporary
           Cash Investments                                      (4,465)       6,358
        Cash and Temporary Cash Investments at
           Beginning of Period                                   11,265          697
        Cash and Temporary Cash Investments at
           End of Period                                      $   6,800    $   7,055

        Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
           Cash paid during the period for:
              Interest (Net of Capitalized Interest)          $   9,155    $   9,202
              Income Taxes                                    $   3,584    $  11,229

 See accompanying notes to consolidated condensed financial statements.


      The accompanying Notes should be read in conjunction with the Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in Eastern Edison Company's
(Eastern Edison or the Company) 1994 Annual Report on Form 10-K and the
Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 1995.

Note A - In the opinion of the Company, the accompanying unaudited consolidated
         condensed financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting of
         only normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the
         financial position as of June 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994, and the
         results of operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 1995
         and 1994 and cash flows for the six months ended June 30, 1995 and
         1994.  Certain reclassifications have been made to prior period
         financial statements to conform with current classifications.

Note B - Results shown above for the respective interim periods are not neces-
         sarily indicative of results to be expected for the fiscal years due
         to seasonal factors which are inherent in electric utilities in New
         England.  A greater proportionate amount of revenues is earned in the
         first and fourth quarters (winter season) of most years because more
         electricity is sold due to weather conditions, fewer day-light hours,

Note C- Commitments and Contingencies:

         Rate Activity

         On March 21, 1994, Montaup Electric Company (Montaup), the wholesale
         electric generating and transmission subsidiary of Eastern Edison,
         filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
         (FERC) for authorization to reduce its wholesale rates by $10.1
         million, or three percent.  Montaup supplies electricity at wholesale
         to EUA's retail electric utilities - Eastern Edison, Blackstone Valley
         Electric Company (Blackstone) and Newport Electric Corporation
         (Newport) - and to two non-affiliated municipal utilities.  This
         application was designed to match more closely Montaup's revenues with
         its decreasing cost of doing business resulting from, among other
         things, a reduced rate base, lower interest costs and successful cost
         control efforts.

         On May 21, 1994, Montaup began billing the reduced rates and on April
         14, 1995 FERC approved a settlement agreement between Montaup and the
         intervenors in the case calling for an annual reduction of
         approximately $13.9 million (inclusive of the filed $10.1 million

         Montaup refunded to its customers the difference collected between the
         $10.1 million filed reduction and the $13.9 million settled reduction
         in April 1995.  Montaup had previously reserved for this refund.

         Maine Yankee

         During the refueling-and-maintenance shutdown of the Maine Yankee
      Nuclear Generating plant that started in early February of 1995, Maine
      Yankee Atomic Power Company (Maine Yankee), the owner of the plant,
      detected an increased rate of degradation of the plant's steam
      generator tubes in excess of the number expected and started
      evaluating several courses of action.

         On April 7, 1995, Maine Yankee announced its intention to further
      explore sleeving all 17,000 steam generator tubes and on May 22, 1995
      the Maine Yankee Board of Directors authorized a sleeving project to
      go forward.  Although testing of all tubes revealed that approximately
      40% of the tubes were free of defects, Maine Yankee is in the process
      of sleeving all of the tubes as a preventative safety measure.
      Sleeving involves the inserting of a tube of slightly smaller diameter
      into the defective tube; the sleeve is welded in place and acts as a
      new tube.  Sleeving is a proven technology and must meet rigorous
      federal standards of safety and licensing.  This sleeving project is
      expected to be completed in December 1995.

         Montaup owns 4% of the Common Stock of Maine Yankee. Montaup's share
      of the current estimated cost of the sleeving project is approximately
      $1.6 million and is recoverable through rates.


         In December 1992, Montaup commenced a declaratory judgment action in
         which it sought to have the Massachusetts Superior Court determine its
         rights under the Power Purchase Agreement between it and Aquidneck
         Power Limited Partnership (Aquidneck).  Montaup sought a declaration
         that the Power Purchase Agreement was binding on the parties according
         to its terms.  Aquidneck asserted that Montaup had either an expressed
         or implied obligation to negotiate new terms and conditions to the
         Power Purchase Agreement.

         In April 1995 Montaup filed a motion for summary judgement and in June
      1995 the court granted Montaup's motion.  In July, Aquidneck filed for
      appeal of the court's decision.

         Montaup, EUA and EUA Service intend to vigorously contest the appeal
      and continue to believe that Aquidneck's claims have no basis in law.

Item_2.  Management's_Discussion_and_Analysis_of_Financial_Condition_and

      The following is Management's discussion and analysis of certain
significant factors affecting the Company's earnings and financial condition
for the interim periods presented in this Form 10-Q.


      Consolidated Net Earnings for the three and six months ended June 30,
1995 were $5.9 million and $14.7 million, respectively, as compared to  $6.6
million and $17.9 million for the respective periods of a year ago.  Earnings
for both periods of 1995 include a one-time charge of approximately $1.5
million, on an after tax basis, related to the voluntary retirement incentive
offer accepted by 16 employees of Eastern Edison and Montaup (on an EUA System
basis, 49 employees accepted the offer).  Also impacting 1995 earnings was
Montaup's $13.9 million annual wholesale rate reduction effective May 21, 1994
and a year-to-date decrease in retail kilowatthour sales of 1.0%.  Offsetting
these impacts somewhat were lower litigation expenses resulting from recently
received favorable court decisions and lower interest expense.

Kilowatthour Sales

       A 1.4% increase in retail sales in the second quarter of 1995 partially
offset dismal first quarter sales results.  For the year-to-date period, retail
sales were 1.0% below those of the same period of 1994.  Increases in kWh sales
to industrial customers of 4.9% in the year-to-date period, however, is an
indication of economic recovery in the Company's service territory.  Despite
this strong sales performance, the Company anticipates a slow economic recovery
for the foreseeable future.  Total Energy sales for the three and six months
ended June 30, 1995 decreased 21.1% and 17.1% respectively, due mainly to
decreased energy sales to the New England Power Pool and decreased short-term
unit contract energy sales.  Power purchase contracts of Montaup totaling 41mw
which expired in October 1994 resulted in  lower kilowatthours available to
Montaup for interchange and short-term energy sales.  These interchange and
short-term energy sales essentially recover fuel costs only and have little or
no earnings impact.

Voluntary Retirement Incentive Offer

      On March 15, 1995, EUA announced a corporate reorganization which, among
other things, consolidated management of Eastern Edison, Blackstone and
Newport.  As part of the reorganization, a voluntary retirement incentive was
offered to sixty-six EUA System employees, including 22 employees of Eastern
Edison and Montaup.  Forty-nine of those eligible for the program, including 16
employees of Eastern Edison and Montaup, accepted the incentive and retired
effective June 1, 1995.   The cost to the Company of this incentive program
amounted to a one-time $2.4 million pre-tax ($1.5 million after-tax) charge to
second quarter 1995 earnings.  The estimated payback period is approximately 18


      Operating Revenues increased for the second quarter of 1995 by $2.4
million and decreased for the six months ended June 30, 1995 by $1.7 million as
compared to the same periods in 1994.  The changes in both periods were due
primarily to the net impacts of recoveries of increased fuel and purchased
power expenses aggregating $4.1 million and $5.3 million for the respective
periods, decreased Eastern Edison base rate recoveries of $400,000 and $1.3
million, respectively, and the impact of Montaup's $13.9 million annual
wholesale rate reduction effective May 21, 1994.


      Fuel expense for the second quarter of 1995 increased by approximately
$400,000 or 1.7% as compared to the same period in 1994.  Fuel expense for the
six months ended June 30, 1995 as compared to the same period in 1994 decreased
$500,000 or 1.0%.  These changes were caused by the net impacts of decreases in
total energy generated and purchased of 21.1% and 17.1% for the second quarter
and year-to-date periods, respectively, and increases of 30.5% and 19.6% in the
average cost of fuel for the respective periods.

      Purchased Power demand expense for the second quarter and for the six
months ended June 30, 1995 increased approximately $3.7 million or 13.2% and
$5.7 million or 9.9%, respectively, as compared to the same periods in 1994.
These increases are due primarily to the impact of Newport's purchased power
contracts assumed by Montaup effective May 21, 1994 coincident with Newport
becoming an all-requirements customer of Montaup, aggregating approximately
$1.5 million and $5.3 million in the respective periods and increased billings
from the Ocean State Power Project and the Yankee nuclear units aggregating
$3.9 million and $5.1 million in the respective periods.  These increases were
offset somewhat by decreases of approximately $2.1 million and $4.2 million for
the respective periods resulting from power purchase contracts totaling 41mw
which expired in October 1994.

      Other Operation and Maintenance expenses for the second quarter and six
months ended June 30, 1995 decreased by approximately $800,000 or 3.0% and $2.1
million or 4.2%, respectively, from the same periods in 1994.  These decreases
were primarily due to decreases in litigation expense resulting from recently
received favorable court decisions, offset somewhat by increased indirect
expenses including jointly owned unit expense, power contract expenses and FAS
106 expenses.

Interest Charges

      Net interest charges decreased by $1.0 million and $1.2 million
respectively, in the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 1994 as
compared to the same periods in 1994.  Other Interest expense was greater in
1994 due to interest expense provisions recorded in June 1994 aggregating $1.0
million related to Internal Revenue Service audits.

Electric Utility Industry Restructuring

      On July 17, 1995, Eastern Edison Company, along with other members of the
Electric Industry Restructuring Roundtable (the Massachusetts Roundtable) in
Massachusetts filed a set of principles with the Massachusetts Department of
Public Utilities (MDPU) addressing industry restructuring.

      The Massachusetts Roundtable consists of a number of different utilities,
industrial users, environmental groups and consumer advocates.  These
principles are intended to be statements of the consensus position by the
signatories of the interdependent principles that should underlie any electric
industry restructuring proposal and include but are not limited to principles
addressing stranded cost recovery, unbundling of services and demand side
management programs.  The filing was submitted on the condition it be approved
in full by the MDPU.  The MDPU is assessing the principles and is expected to
make recommendations to implement a competitive environment in the industry.


      Eastern Edison's and Montaup's need for permanent capital is primarily
related to the construction of facilities required to meet the needs of their
existing and future customers.

      Traditionally, cash construction requirements not met with internally gen
erated funds are obtained through short-term borrowings which are ultimately
funded with permanent capital.  EUA System companies, including Eastern Edison
and Montaup, maintain short-term lines of credit with various banks aggregating
approximately $150 million.  These credit lines are available to other
affiliated companies under joint credit line arrangements.  At June 30, 1995
and at December 31, 1994 these unused EUA System short-term lines of credit
amounted to approximately $106.9 million and $118.3 million, respectively.  The
Company had outstanding short-term debt of $6.1 million and zero at June 30,
1995 and December 31, 1994, respectively.

      The Company's year-to-date June 30, 1995 internally generated funds
amounted to $25.5 while its cash construction requirements for the same period
were $14.7.

                          PART II -- OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

      See Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements, Note C -
Commitments and Contingencies under Other for a discussion of a legal
proceeding involving Montaup.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

         (a) A Consent to Action in Lieu of a Special Meeting of Stockholders
           (Consent to Action) was executed July 19, 1995 by Eastern
           Utilities Associates, the holder of the entire issued and
           outstanding Common Stock of the Company and the only class of
           stock entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Stockholders.

         (b) David H. Gulvin was elected a Director of the Company and the
           following continued as Directors:

                  Donald G. Pardus
                  John R. Stevens
                  Robert G. Powderly
                  John D. Carney

         (c) The only matters voted on in the Consent to Action were the
           reducing of the number of Directors of the Company from eight to
           five and the election of David H. Gulvin as Director of the

Item_6.  Exhibits_and_Reports_on_Form_8-K

         (a) Exhibits - None

         (b) Reports on Form 8-K

      -  None filed in the quarter ended June 30, 1995


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the under
signed thereunto duly authorized.



Date:  August_11,_1995              /s/_Richard_M._Burns______________
                                        as Chief_Accounting_Officer)