Exhibit 10(j)
                     SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

     SEVERANCE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") dated July 27,
1998 ("Effective Date") between David H. Schwartz
("Employee") and Brown Group, Inc., a New York corporation
(as further defined in Section 13, the "Company").

     WHEREAS, in order to accomplish its objectives, the
Company believes it is essential that members of its
Operating Committee, such as Employee, be encouraged to
remain with the Company during management transition and
thereafter and in the event there is any change in corporate
structure which results in a Change in Control.

     WHEREAS, Employee wishes to have the protection
provided for in this Agreement and, in exchange for such
protection, is willing to give to the Company, under certain
circumstances, his covenant not to compete.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.   Definitions.

          a.   "Cause" means (i) engaging by Employee in
     willful misconduct which is materially injurious to the
     Company; (ii) conviction of the Employee of a felony;
     (iii) engaging by Employee in fraud, material
     dishonesty or gross misconduct in connection with the
     business of the Company; (iv) engaging by Employee in
     any act of moral turpitude reasonably likely to
     materially and adversely affect the Company or its
     business; or (v) habitual use by Employee of narcotics
     or alcohol.

          b.   "Change of Control" means (i) any person
     other than the Company acquiring more than 25 percent
     of the Company's Common Stock through a tender offer,
     exchange offer or otherwise; (ii) the liquidation or
     dissolution of the Company following the sale of all or
     substantially all of its assets; or (iii) the Company
     not being the surviving parent corporation resulting
     from any merger or consolidation to which it has been a
          c.   "Competitor" shall mean any person, firm,
     corporation, partnership or other entity which in its
     prior fiscal year had annual gross sales volume or
     revenues of shoes of more than $20,000,000 or is
     reasonably expected to have such sales or revenues in
     either the current fiscal year or the next following
     fiscal year.
          d.   "Confidential Information" shall have the
     meaning set forth in Section 10.
          e.   "Customer" shall mean any wholesale customer
     of the Company which either purchased from the Company
     during the one (1) year immediately preceding the
     Termination Date, or is reasonably expected by the
     Company to purchase from the Company in the one (1)
     period immediately following the Termination Date, more
     than $1,000,000 in shoes.
          f.   "Good Reason," when used with reference to a
     voluntary termination by Employee of his employment
     with the Company, shall mean (i) a reduction in
     Employee's base salary as in effect on the date hereof,
     or as the same may be increased from time to time; or
     (ii) a reduction in Employee's status, position,
     responsibilities or duties.

          g.   "Term" means the period commencing on the
     Effective Date and terminating three years after the
     Effective Date; provided, however, that the Term shall
     automatically be extended for successive additional one
     year periods unless either party to this Agreement
     provides the other party with notice of termination of
     this Agreement at least six months prior to the
     expiration of such one year periods.
          h.   "Termination Date" shall mean the effective
     date as provided hereunder of the termination of
     Employee's employment.

     2.   Termination During Term -- Change in Control
Severance Inapplicable.
          a.   Employee's employment may be terminated by
     the Company for Cause at any time, effective upon the
     giving to Employee of a written notice of termination
     specifying in detail the particulars of the conduct of
     Employee deemed by the Company to justify such
     termination for Cause.
          b.   Employee's employment may be terminated by
     the Company without Cause at any time, effective upon
     the giving to Employee of a written notice of
     termination specifying that such termination is without
          c.   Employee may terminate his employment with
     the Company at any time.
          d.   Upon a termination by the Company of
     Employee's employment for Cause during the Term, but
     prior to a Change in Control or more than 24 months
     after a Change in Control, Employee shall be entitled
     only to the payments specified in Section 3.a. below.
     Upon a termination by the Company of Employee's
     employment without Cause during the Term, but prior to
     a Change in Control or more than 24 months after a
     Change in Control, Employee shall be entitled to all of
     the payments and benefits specified in Section 3 below.
          e.   If Employee voluntarily terminates his
     employment during the Term, but prior to a Change in
     Control or more than 24 months after a Change in
     Control, he shall  notify Employer in writing if he
     believes the termination is for Good Reason.  Employee
     shall set forth in reasonable detail why Employee
     believes there is Good Reason.  If such termination is
     for Good Reason, Employee shall be entitled to all of
     the payments and benefits specified in Section 3 below.
     If such voluntary termination is for other than Good
     Reason, then Employee shall be entitled only to the
     payments specified in Section 3.a. below.

     3.   Payments and Benefits Upon Termination During Term
- -- Change in Control Severance Inapplicable.  To the extent
provided in Section 2 above, upon termination of his
employment during the Term, but prior to a Change in Control
or more than 24 months after a Change in Control, Employee
shall receive the following payments and benefits:

          a.   The Company shall pay to Employee on the
     Termination Date (i) the full base salary earned by
     employee through the Termination Date and unpaid at the
     Termination Date, plus (ii) credit for any vacation
     earned by Employee but not taken at the Termination
     Date, plus (iii) all other amounts earned by Employee
     and unpaid as of the Termination Date.

          b.   The Company shall continue to pay to Employee
     his base monthly salary at the highest rate in effect
     at any time during the twelve months immediately
     preceding the Termination Date (including his targeted
     bonus in the current year) for the eighteen months
     succeeding his Termination Date.  Such amounts shall be
     paid in accordance with the Company's regular pay
     period policy for its employees.

          c.   The Company, at its expense, shall provide to
     Employee for a period of eighteen months after the
     Termination Date medical and/or dental coverage under
     the medical and dental plans maintained by the Company.
     Upon Employee's re-employment during such period, to
     the extent covered by the new Employer's Plan, coverage
     under the Company's plan shall lapse.  Additionally,
     the Company shall make a cash lump sum payment in an
     amount equal to the sum of (i) and (ii) below:
                    (i)  The fair market value (determined
          as of the Termination Date) of that number of
          shares of non-vested restricted stock of the
          Company held by the Employee which would have
          vested within the eighteen month period following
          the Employee's Termination Date had the Employee
          remained employed with the Company; plus
                    (ii) With respect to each non-vested
          option to purchase Company stock held by the
          Employee which would have vested within the
          eighteen month period following the Employee's
          Termination Date had the Employee remained
          employed with the Company, the excess, if any, of
          the fair market value (determined as of the
          Termination Date) of the Company stock subject to
          such option over the exercise price of such
     Employee's participation in and/or coverage under all
     other employee benefit plans, programs or arrangements
     sponsored or maintained by the Company shall cease
     effective as of the Termination Date.

          d.   The Company shall pay the reasonable costs of
     outplacement services selected by the Company.
          e.   For purposes of determining Employee's
     benefit under the Brown Group, Inc. Supplemental
     Employment Retirement Plan, an additional 1.5 years of
     Credited Service shall be credited to the Employee's
     actual or deemed Credited Service.

     4.   Termination Within 24 Months After a Change in
Control Which Occurs During the Term.

          a.   Employee's employment may be terminated by
     the Company for Cause at any time, effective upon the
     giving to Employee of written notice of termination
     specifying in detail the particulars of the conduct of
     Employee deemed by the Company to justify such
     termination for Cause.

          b.   Employee's employment may be terminated by
     the Company without Cause at any time, effective upon
     the giving to Employee of a written notice of
     termination specifying that such termination is without

          c.   Employee may terminate his employment with
     the Company at any time.
          d.   Upon a termination by the Company of
     Employee's employment for Cause within 24 months after
     a Change in Control which occurs during the Term,
     Employee shall be entitled only to the payments
     specified in Section 5.a. below.  Upon a termination by
     the Company of Employee's employment without Cause
     within 24 months after a Change in Control which occurs
     during the Term, Employee shall be entitled to all of
     the payments and benefits specified in Section 5 below.

          e.   If Employee voluntarily terminates his
     employment within 24 months after a Change in Control
     which occurs during the Term, he shall notify the
     Company in writing if he believes the termination is
     for Good Reason.  Employee shall set forth in
     reasonable detail why Employee believes there is Good
     Reason.  If such termination is for Good Reason,
     Employee shall be entitled to all of the payments and
     benefits specified in Section 5 below.  If such
     voluntary termination is for other than Good Reason,
     then Employee shall be entitled only to the payments
     specified in Section 5.a. below.

     5.   Payments and Benefits Upon Termination Within 24
Months after a Change in Control Which Occurs During Term.
To the extent provided in 4 above, upon termination of his
employment within 24 months after a Change in Control which
occurs during the Term, Employee shall receive the following
payments and benefits:

          a.   The Company shall pay to Employee on the
     Termination Date (i) the full base salary earned by
     employee through the Termination Date and unpaid at the
     Termination Date, plus (ii) credit for any vacation
     earned by Employee but not taken at the Termination
     Date, plus (iii) all other amounts earned by Employee
     and unpaid as of the Termination Date.

          b.   The Company shall pay to Employee in a lump
     sum not later than 30 days after his Termination Date
     an amount equal to 250 percent of the sum of (i) his
     base annual salary at the highest rate in effect at any
     time during the twelve months immediately preceding the
     Termination Date, and (ii) his targeted bonus for the
     current year.  In addition, the Company shall pay to
     Employee his targeted bonus payment for the year of
     termination prorated to the Termination Date.

          c.   The Company, at its expense, shall provide to
     Employee for a period of thirty months after the
     Termination Date medical and/or dental coverage under
     the medical and dental plans maintained by the Company.
     Upon Employee's re-employment during such period, to
     the extent covered by the new employer's plan, coverage
     under the Company's plan shall lapse.  Employee's
     participation in and/or coverage under all other
     employee benefit plans, programs or arrangements
     sponsored or maintained by the Company shall cease
     effective as of the Termination Date.
          d.   The Company shall pay the reasonable costs of
     outplacement services selected by the Company.

          e.   For purposes of determining Employee's
     benefit under the Brown Group, Inc. Supplemental
     Employment Retirement Plan, an additional 2.5 years of
     Credited Service shall be credited to the Employee's
     actual or deemed Credited Service.
     6.   Mitigation or Reduction of Benefits.  Employee
shall not be required to mitigate the amount of any payment
provided for in Section 3 or Section 5 by seeking other
employment or otherwise.  Except as otherwise specifically
set forth herein, the amount of any payment or benefits
provided in Section 3 or Section 5 shall not be reduced by
any compensation or benefits or other amounts paid to or
earned by Employee as the result of employment by another
employer after the Termination Date or otherwise.

     7.   Employee Expenses After Change in Control.  If
Employee's employment is terminated by the Company within 24
months after a Change in Control which occurs during the
Term and there is a dispute with respect to this Agreement,
then all Employee's costs and expenses (including reasonable
legal and accounting fees) incurred by Employee (a) to
defend the validity of this Agreement, (b) if Employee's
employment has been terminated for Cause, to contest such
termination, (c) to contest any determinations by the
Company concerning the amounts payable by the Company under
this Agreement, or (d) to otherwise obtain or enforce any
right or benefit provided to Employee by this Agreement,
shall be paid by the Company if Employee is the prevailing

     8.   Release.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
stated in this Agreement, no benefits will be paid pursuant
to Sections 3 and 5 except under Sections 3.a. and 5.a.
prior to execution by Employee of a release to the Company
in the form attached as Exhibit A.

     9.   Covenant Not to Compete.  Benefits payable
pursuant to Sections 3.b, 3.c, and 3.e are subject to the
following restrictions.

          a.   Post-Termination Restrictions.

               i.   Employee acknowledges that (i) the
     Company has spent substantial money, time and effort
     over the years in developing and solidifying its
     relationships with its customers throughout the world
     and in developing its Confidential Information;
     (ii) under this Agreement, the Company is agreeing to
     provide Employee with certain benefits based upon
     Employee's assurances and promises contained herein not
     to divert the Company's customers' goodwill or to put
     himself in a position following his employment with
     Company in which the confidentiality of Company's
     Confidential Information might somehow be compromised.

               ii.  Accordingly, Employee agrees that, for
     eighteen (18) months after a Termination Date described
     in the second sentence of Section 2.d, Employee will
     not, directly or indirectly, on Employee's own behalf
     or on behalf of any other person, firm, corporation or
     entity (whether as owner, partner, consultant, employee
     or otherwise):

                    A.   provide any executive- or
          managerial-level services in the shoe industry in
          the United States in competition with the Company,
          for any Competitor;

                    B.   hold any executive- or
          managerial-level position with any Competitor in
          the United States;

                    C.   engage in any research and
          development activities or efforts for a
          Competitor, whether as an employee, consultant,
          independent contractor or otherwise, to assist the
          Competitor in competing in the shoe industry in
          the United States;

                    D.   cause or attempt to cause any
          Customer to divert, terminate, limit, modify or
          fail to enter into any existing or potential
          relationship with the Company;

                    E.   cause or attempt to cause any shoe
          supplier or manufacturer of the Company to divert,
          terminate, limit, modify or fail to enter into any
          existing or potential relationship with the
          Company; and

                    F.   solicit, entice, employ or seek to
          employ, in the shoe industry, any executive- or
          managerial-level employee of, or any consultant or
          advisor to, the Company.

          b.   Acknowledgment Regarding Restrictions.
     Employee recognizes and agrees that the restraints
     contained in Section 9.a. (both separately and in
     total) are reasonable and should be fully enforceable
     in view of the high-level positions Employee has had
     with the Company, the national and international nature
     of both the Company's business and competition in the
     shoe industry, and the Company's legitimate interests
     in protecting its Confidential Information and its
     customer goodwill and relationships.  Employee
     specifically hereby acknowledges and confirms that he
     is willing and intends to, and will, abide fully by the
     terms of Section 9.a. of this Agreement.  Employee
     further agrees that the Company would not have adequate
     protection if Employee were permitted to work for its
     competitors in violation of the terms of this Agreement
     since the Company would be unable to verify whether
     (i) its Confidential Information was being disclosed
     and/or misused, and (ii) Employee was involved in
     diverting or helping to divert the Company's customers
     and/or its customer goodwill.

          c.   Company's Right to Injunctive Relief.  In the
     event of a breach or threatened breach of any of
     Employee's duties and obligations under the terms and
     provisions of Section 9.a. of this Agreement, the
     Company shall be entitled, in addition to any other
     legal or equitable remedies it may have in connection
     therewith (including any right to damages that it may
     suffer), to temporary, preliminary and permanent
     injunctive relief restraining such breach or threatened
     breach.  Employee hereby expressly acknowledges that
     the harm which might result to Company's business as a
     result of noncompliance by Employee with any of the
     provisions of Section 9.a. would be largely
     irreparable.  Employee specifically agrees that if
     there is a question as to the enforceability of any of
     the provisions of Section 9.a. hereof, Employee will
     not engage in any conduct inconsistent with or contrary
     to such Section until after the question has been
     resolved by a final judgment of a court of competent
     jurisdiction.  Employee undertakes and agrees that if
     Employee breaches or threatens to breach the Agreement,
     Employee shall be liable for any attorneys' fees and
     costs incurred by Company in enforcing its rights

          d.   Employee Agreement to Disclose this
     Agreement.  Employee agrees to disclose, during the
     eighteen month period following a Termination Date
     described in the second sentence of Section 2.d, the
     terms of this Section 9 to any potential future

     10.  Confidential Information.  The Employee
acknowledges and confirms that certain data and other
information (whether in human or machine readable form) that
comes into his possession or knowledge (whether before or
after the date of this Employment Agreement) and which was
obtained from the Company, or obtained by the Employee for
or on behalf of the Company, and which is identified herein
is the secret, confidential property of the Company (the
"Confidential Information").  This Confidential Information
includes, but is not limited to:

          a.   lists or other identification of customers or
     prospective customers of the Company (and key
     individuals employed or engaged by such parties);
          b.   lists or other identification of sources or
     prospective sources of the Company's products or
     components thereof (and key individuals employed or
     engaged by such parties);
          c.   all compilations of information,
     correspondence, designs, drawings, files, formulae,
     lists, machines, maps, methods, models, notes or other
     writings, plans, records, regulatory compliance
     procedures, reports, specialized or technical data,
     schematics, source code, object code, documentation,
     and software used in connection with the development,
     manufacture, fabrication, assembly, marketing and sale
     of the Company's products;
          d.   financial, sales and marketing data relating
     to the Company or to the industry or other areas
     pertaining to the Company's activities and contemplated
     activities (including, without limitation,
     manufacturing, transportation, distribution and sales
     costs and non-public pricing information);
          e.   equipment, materials, procedures, processes,
     and techniques used in, or related to, the development,
     manufacture, assembly, fabrication or other production
     and quality control of the Company's products and
          f.   the Company's relations with its customers,
     prospective customers, suppliers and prospective
     suppliers and the nature and type of products or
     services rendered to such customers (or proposed to be
     rendered to prospective customers);
          g.   the Company's relations with its employees
     (including, without limitation, salaries, job
     classifications and skill levels); and
          h.   any other information designated by the
     Company to be confidential, secret and/or proprietary
     (including without limitation, information provided by
     customers or suppliers of the Company).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term "Confidential
Information" shall not consist of any data or other
information which has been made publicly available or
otherwise placed in the public domain other than by the
Employee in violation of this Employment Agreement.

     11.  Certain Additional Payments by the Company.

          a.   Anything in this Agreement to the contrary
     notwithstanding and except as set forth below, in the
     event it shall be determined that any payment or
     distribution by the Company to or for the benefit of
     the Employee (whether paid or payable or distributed or
     distributable pursuant to the terms of this Agreement
     or otherwise, but determined without regard to any
     additional payments required under this Section) (a
     "Payment") would be subject to the excise tax imposed
     by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
     as amended (the "Code"), or any interest or penalties
     are incurred by the Employee with respect to such
     excise tax (such excise tax, together with any such
     interest and penalties, are hereinafter collectively
     referred to as the "Excise Tax"), then the Employee
     shall be entitled to receive an additional payment (a
     "Gross-Up Payment") in an amount such that after
     payment by the Employee of all taxes (including any
     interest or penalties imposed with respect to such
     taxes), including, without limitation, any income taxes
     (and any interest and penalties imposed with respect
     thereto) and Excise Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up
     Payment, the Employee retains an amount of the Gross-Up
     Payment equal to the Excise Tax imposed upon the
     Payments.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of
     this Section 11.a., if it shall be determined that the
     Employee is entitled to a Gross-Up Payment, but that
     the Payments do not exceed 110 percent of the greatest
     amount (the "Reduced Amount") that could be paid to the
     Employee such that the receipt of Payments would not
     give rise to any Excise Tax, then no Gross-Up Payment
     shall be made to the Employee, and the Payments, in the
     aggregate, shall be reduced to the Reduced Amount.
          b.   Subject to the provisions of Section 11.c.,
     all determinations required to be made under this
     Section 11, including whether and when a Gross-Up
     Payment is required and the amount of such Gross-Up
     Payment and the assumptions to be utilized in arriving
     at such determination, shall be made by Ernst & Young
     or such other certified public accounting firm as may
     be designated by the Employee (the "Accounting Firm")
     which shall provide detailed supporting calculations
     both to the Company and the Employee within 15 business
     days of the receipt of notice from the Employee that
     there has been a Payment, or such earlier time as is
     requested by the Company.  In the event that the
     Accounting Firm is serving as accountant or auditor for
     the individual, entity or group effecting the Change of
     Control, the Employee shall appoint another nationally
     recognized accounting firm to make the determinations
     required hereunder (which accounting firm shall then be
     referred to as the Accounting Firm hereunder).  All
     fees and expenses of the Accounting Firm shall be borne
     solely by the Company.  Any Gross-Up Payment, as
     determined pursuant to this Section 11, shall be paid
     by the Company to the Employee within five days of the
     receipt of the Accounting Firm's determination.  Any
     determination by the Accounting Firm shall be binding
     upon the Company and the Employee.  As a result of the
     uncertainty in the application of Section 4999 of the
     Code at the time of the initial determination by the
     Accounting Firm hereunder, it is possible that Gross-Up
     Payments which will not have been made by the Company
     should have been made ("Underpayment"), consistent with
     the calculations required to be made hereunder.  In the
     event that the Company exhausts its remedies pursuant
     to Section 11.c. and the Employee thereafter is
     required to make a payment of any Excise Tax, the
     Accounting Firm shall determine the amount of the
     Underpayment that has occurred and any such
     Underpayment shall be promptly paid by the Company to
     or for the benefit of the Employee.
          c.   The Employee shall notify the Company in
     writing of any claim by the Internal Revenue Service
     that, if successful, would require the payment by the
     Company of the Gross-Up Payment.  Such notification
     shall be given as soon as practicable but no later than
     ten business days after the Employee is informed in
     writing of such claim and shall apprise the Company of
     the nature of such claim and the date on which such
     claim is requested to be paid.  The Employee shall not
     pay such claim prior to the expiration of the 30-day
     period following the date on which the Employee gives
     such notice to the Company (or such shorter period
     ending on the date that any payment of taxes with
     respect to such claim is due).  If the Company notifies
     the Employee in writing prior to the expiration of such
     period that it desires to contest such claim, the
     Employee shall:
               i.   give the Company any information
          reasonably requested by the Company relating to
          such claim,
               ii.  take such action in connection with
          contesting such claim as the Company shall
          reasonably request in writing from time to time,
          including, without limitation, accepting legal
          representation with respect to such claim by an
          attorney reasonably selected by the Company,
               iii. cooperate with the Company in good faith
          in order to effectively contest such claim, and
               iv.  permit the Company to participate in any
          proceedings relating to such claim;
     provided, however, that the Company shall bear and pay
     directly all costs and expenses (including additional
     interest and penalties) incurred in connection with
     such contest and shall indemnify and hold the Employee
     harmless, on an after-tax basis, for any Excise Tax or
     income tax (including interest and penalties with
     respect thereto) imposed as a result of such
     representation and payment of costs and expenses.
     Without limitation on the foregoing provisions of this
     Section 11.c., the Company shall control all
     proceedings taken in connection with such contest and,
     at its sole option, may pursue or forgo any and all
     administrative appeals, proceedings, hearings and
     conferences with the taxing authority in respect of
     such claim and may, at its sole option, either direct
     the Employee to pay the tax claimed and sue for a
     refund or contest the claim in any permissible manner,
     and the Employee agrees to prosecute such contest to a
     determination before any administrative tribunal, in a
     court of initial jurisdiction and in one or more
     appellate courts, as the Company shall determine;
     provided, however, that if the Company directs the
     Employee to pay such claim and sue for a refund, the
     Company shall advance the amount of such payment to the
     Employee, on an interest-free basis and shall indemnify
     and hold Employee harmless, on an after-tax basis, from
     any Excise Tax or income tax (including interest or
     penalties with respect thereto) imposed with respect to
     such advance or with respect to any imputed income with
     respect to such advance; and further provided that any
     extension of the statute of limitations relating to
     payment of taxes for the taxable year of the Employee
     with respect to which such contested amount is claimed
     to be due is limited solely to such contested amount.
     Furthermore, the Company's control of the contest shall
     be limited to issues with respect to which a Gross-Up
     Payment would be payable hereunder and the Employee
     shall be entitled to settle or contest, as the case may
     be, any other issue raised by the Internal Revenue
     Service or any other taxing authority.
          d.   If, after the receipt by the Employee of an
     amount advanced by the Company pursuant to
     Section 11.c., the Employee becomes entitled to receive
     any refund with respect to such claim, the Employee
     shall (subject to the Company's complying with the
     requirements of Section 11.c.) promptly pay to the
     Company the amount of such refund (together with any
     interest paid or credited thereon after taxes
     applicable thereto).  If, after the receipt by the
     Employee of an amount advanced by the Company pursuant
     to Section 11.c., a determination is made that the
     Employee shall not be entitled to any refund with
     respect to such claim and the Company does not notify
     the Employee in writing of its intent to contest such
     denial of refund prior to the expiration of 30 days
     after such determination, then such advance shall be
     forgiven and shall not be required to be repaid and the
     amount of such advance shall offset, to the extent
     thereof, the amount of Gross-Up Payment required to be
     12.  Notice.  All notices hereunder shall be in writing
and shall be deemed to have been duly given (a) when
delivered personally or by courier, or (b) on the third
business day following the mailing thereof by registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, or (c) on the first
business day following the mailing thereof by overnight
delivery service, in each case addressed as set forth below:

          a.   If to the Company

               Brown Group, Inc.
               8300 Maryland Avenue
               St. Louis, Missouri  63166-0029
               Attention:     Chief Executive Officer

          b.   If to Employee:

               David H. Schwartz
               732 The Hamptons Lane
               Town and Country, MO 63017-5901
Any party may change the address to which notices are to be
addressed by giving the other party written notice in the
manner herein set forth.

     13.  Successors; Binding Agreement.

          a.   The Company will require any successor
     (whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger,
     consolidation or otherwise) to all or substantially all
     of the business and/or assets of the Company, upon or
     prior to such succession, to expressly assume and agree
     to perform this Agreement in the same manner and to the
     same extent that the Company would have been required
     to perform it if no such succession had taken place.  A
     copy of such assumption and agreement shall be
     delivered to Employee promptly after its execution by
     the successor.  Failure of the Company to obtain such
     agreement upon or prior to the effectiveness of any
     such succession shall be a breach of this Agreement and
     shall entitle Employee to benefits from the Company in
     the same amounts and on the same terms as Employee
     would be entitled hereunder if Employee terminated his
     employment for Good Reason.  For purposes of the
     preceding sentence, the date on which any such
     succession becomes effective shall be deemed the
     Termination Date.  As used in this Agreement, "Company"
     shall mean the Company as hereinbefore defined and any
     successor to its business and/or assets as aforesaid
     which executes and delivers the agreement provided for
     in this Section 13.a. or which otherwise becomes bound
     by the terms and provisions of this Agreement by
     operation of law.
          b.   This Agreement is personal to Employee and
     Employee may not assign or delegate any part of his
     rights or duties hereunder to any other person, except
     that this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and
     be enforceable by Employee's legal representatives,
     executors, administrators, heirs and beneficiaries.
     14.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement
or the application thereof to any person or circumstance
shall to any extent be held to be invalid or unenforceable,
the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such
provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to
which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be
affected thereby, and each provision of this Agreement shall
be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by

     15.  Headings.  The headings in this Agreement are
inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not in
any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this

     16.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
one or more identical counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original but all of which together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

     17.  Waiver.  Neither any course of dealing nor any
failure or neglect of either party hereto in any instance to
exercise any right, power or privilege hereunder or under
law shall constitute a waiver of such right, power or
privilege or of any other right, power or privilege or of
the same right, power or privilege in any other instance.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Employee's
continued employment without objection shall not constitute
Employee's consent to, or a waiver of Employee's rights with
respect to, any circumstances constituting Good Reason.  All
waivers by either party hereto must be contained in a
written instrument signed by the party to be charged
therewith, and, in the case of the Company, by its duly
authorized officer.

     18.  Entire Agreement.  This instrument constitutes the
entire agreement of the parties in this matter and shall
supersede any other agreement between the parties, oral or
written, concerning the same subject matter.

     19.  Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended only by
a writing which makes express reference to this Agreement as
the subject of such amendment and which is signed by
Employee and by a duly authorized officer of the Company.

     20.  Governing Law.  In light of Company's and
Employee's substantial contacts with the State of Missouri,
the facts that the Company is headquartered in Missouri and
Employee resides in and/or reports to Company management in
Missouri, the parties' interests in ensuring that disputes
regarding the interpretation, validity and enforceability of
this Agreement are resolved on a uniform basis, and
Company's execution of, and the making of, this Agreement in
Missouri, the parties agree that:  (i) any litigation
involving any noncompliance with or breach of the Agreement,
or regarding the interpretation, validity and/or
enforceability of the Agreement, shall be filed and
conducted exclusively in the state or federal courts in St.
Louis City or County, Missouri; and (ii) the Agreement shall
be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws
of the State of Missouri, without regard for any conflict of
law principles.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Employee and the Company have
executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above

                              BROWN GROUP, INC.
                              By: /s/ Robert D. Pickle.
                                Vice President, General Counsel
                                   and Corporate Secretary
                              By: /s/ David H. Schwartz

                            Exhibit A

     RELEASE (the "Release") dated _____________, 199__ between
David H. Schwartz ("Employee") and Brown Group, Inc., a New York
corporation (as further defined in Section 13 of the Severance
Agreement, the "Company").

     WHEREAS, the Company and Employee are parties to a Severance
Agreement dated ____________, 1998 (the "Severance Agreement"),
which provides certain protection to Employee during management
transition and thereafter and in the event there is any change in
corporate structure which results in a change in control of the

     WHEREAS, the execution of this Release is a condition
precedent to, and material inducement to, the Company's provision
of certain benefits under the Severance Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.   Mutual Promises.  The Company undertakes the
obligations contained in the Severance Agreement, which are in
addition to any compensation to which Employee might otherwise be
entitled, in exchange for Employee's promises and obligations
contained herein.  The Company's obligations are undertaken in
lieu of any other severance benefits.
     2.   Release of Claims; Agreement Not to File Suit.

     a.   Employee, for and on behalf of himself and his heirs,
     beneficiaries, executors, administrators, successors,
     assigns and anyone claiming through or under any of the
     foregoing, agrees to, and does, remise, release and forever
     discharge the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates,
     each of their shareholders, directors, officers, employees,
     agents and representatives, and its successors and assigns
     (collectively, the "Company Released Persons"), from any and
     all matters, claims, demands, damages, causes of action,
     debts, liabilities, controversies, judgments and suits of
     every kind and nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen,
     known or unknown, which have arisen or could arise from
     matters which occurred prior to the date of this Release,
     which matters include without limitation: (i) the matters
     covered by the Severance Agreement and this Release, (ii)
     Employee's employment, and/or termination from employment
     with the Company, and (iii) any claims which might otherwise
     arise in the future as a result of arrangements or
     agreements in effect as of the date of this Release or the
     continuance of such arrangements and agreements.
     b.   Employee, for and on behalf of himself and his heirs,
     beneficiaries, executors, administrators, successors,
     assigns, and anyone claiming through or under any of the
     foregoing, agrees that he will not file or otherwise submit
     any charge, claim, complaint, or action to any agency,
     court, organization, or judicial forum (nor will Employee
     permit any person, group of persons, or organization to take
     such action on his behalf) against any Company Released
     Person arising out of any actions or non-actions on the part
     of any Company Released Person arising before the date of
     this Release or any action taken after the date of this
     Release pursuant to the Severance Arrangement.  Employee
     further agrees that in the event that any person or entity
     should bring such a charge, claim, complaint, or action on
     his behalf, he hereby waives and forfeits any right to
     recovery under said claim and will exercise every good faith
     effort to have such claim dismissed.
     c.   The charges, claims, complaints, matters, demands,
     damages, and causes of action referenced in Sections 2(a)
     and 2(b) include, but are not limited to: (i) any breach of
     an actual or implied contract of employment between Employee
     and any Company Released Person, (ii) any claim of unjust,
     wrongful, or tortuous discharge (including any claim of
     fraud, negligence, retaliation for whistleblowing, or
     intentional infliction of emotional distress), (iii) any
     claim of defamation or other common law action, or (iv) any
     claims of violations arising under the Civil Rights Act of
     1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq., the Age
     Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. 621 et seq.,
     the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C.
     12101 et seq., the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as
     amended, 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq., the Rehabilitation Act of
     1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or of the Missouri
     Human Rights Act, 213.000 R.S. Mo. et seq., the Missouri
     Service Letter Statute, 209.140 R.S. Mo. or any other
     relevant federal, state, or local statutes or ordinances, or
     any claims for pay, vacation pay, insurance, or welfare
     benefits or any other benefits of employment with any
     Company Released Person arising from events occurring prior
     to the date of this Release other than those payments and
     benefits specifically provided herein.
     d.   This Release shall not affect Employee's right to any
     governmental benefits payable under any Social Security or
     Worker's Compensation law now or in the future.

     3.   Release of Benefit Claims.  Employee, for and on behalf
of himself and his heirs, beneficiaries, executors,
administrators, successors, assigns and anyone claiming through
or under any of the foregoing, further releases and waives any
claims for pay, vacation pay, insurance or welfare benefits or
any other benefits of employment with any Company Released Person
arising from events occurring prior to the date of this Release
other than claims to the payments and benefits specifically
provided for in the Severance Agreement.

     4.   Revocation Period; Knowing and Voluntary Agreement.
     a.   Employee acknowledges that he was given a copy of this
     Agreement when the Severance Agreement was executed and he,
     therefore, has been given a period of at least forty-five
     (45) days to consider whether or not to accept this
     Agreement.  Furthermore, Employee may revoke this Agreement
     for seven (7) days following its execution.

     b.   Employee represents, declares and agrees that he
     voluntarily accepts the payments described above for the
     purposes of making a full and final compromise, adjustment
     and settlement of all potential claims hereinabove
     described.  Employee hereby acknowledges that he has been
     advised of the opportunity to consult an attorney and that
     he understands the Release and the effect of signing the

     5.   Severability.  If any provision of this Release or the
application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any
extent be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of
this Release and the application of such provision to persons or
circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or
unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and each provision
of this Release shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest
extent permitted by law.

     6.   Headings.  The headings in this Release are inserted
for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect
the meaning or interpretation of this Release.

     7.   Counterparts.  This Release may be executed in one or
more identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original but all of which together shall constitute one and the
same instrument.

     8.   Entire Agreement.  This Release and Related Severance
Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties in this
matter and shall supersede any other agreement between the
parties, oral or written, concerning the same subject matter.

     9.   Governing Law.  This Release shall be governed by, and
construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State
of Missouri, without reference to the conflict of laws rules of
such State.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Employee and the Company have executed
this Release as of the day and year first above written.

                              BROWN GROUP, INC.
                                David H. Schwartz