WASHINGTON, D.C.   20549


    For the quarterly period ended October 31, 1994



For the transition period from _______________  to _______________

             Commission file number 1-5976

                       CAESARS WORLD, INC.
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Florida                          59-0773674
(State  or  other jurisdiction  of             (I.R.S.
incorporation or organization)                 Employer
                                         Identification  No.)

    1801 Century Park East, Suite 2600
      Los Angeles, California                    90067   
 (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)
                          (310) 552-2711
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                            Not applicable
      (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                 if changed since last report.)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  (1)  has
filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the
preceding  12 months (or for such shorter  period  that
the  registrant was required to file such reports), and
(2)  has  been subject to such filing requirements  for
the past 90 days.
                       Yes x  No __


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed
all  documents  and reports required  to  be  filed  by
Sections  12,  13, or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act   of   1934  subsequent  to  the  distribution   of
securities  under a plan confirmed by  a  court.
                   Yes __   No __

At   December   8,  1994,  registrant  had  outstanding
25,120,463 shares of its $.10 par value common stock.

                   October 31, 1994

Page No.
Part I.  Financial Information

Item 1.  Financial Statements:

  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets -
  October 31, 1994 (Unaudited) and July 31, 1994             3

  Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity
  (Unaudited) - Three months ended October 31, 1994          4

  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) -
  Three months ended October 31, 1994 and 1993               5

  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash
  Flows (Unaudited) - Three months ended
  October 31, 1994 and 1993                                  6

  Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
  Statements (Unaudited)                                     7

Item  2.   Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis   of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations                9 

Part II.  Other Information

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                 13

Item 5.  Other Information                                 13

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                  14

                 PART I.  Financial Information

                  Item 1.  Financial Statements

              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                         (In thousands)

                                              October 31,    July 31,
Assets                                          1994         1994
                                              (Unaudited)     (a)

Current assets                                                     
Cash and cash equivalent investments         $155,932       $143,499
Receivables, net                               69,537         71,341
Deferred income taxes                          37,120         37,120
Inventories, prepaid expenses and other        28,359         24,881
Total current assets                          290,948        276,841
Property and equipment, net                   622,711        626,740
Excess  cost of investments over net assets    52,609         52,671
   acquired, net
Other assets                                   56,932         61,769
                                           $1,023,200     $1,018,021

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                               
Current liabilities                                                
Current maturities of long-term debt         $  27,778    $  27,778
Accounts payable and accrued expenses          113,307      132,337
Income taxes                                    32,572       19,186      
Total current liabilities                      173,657      179,301
Long-term debt, net of current maturities      198,667      212,556
Other liabilities, including deferred                        
income taxes of $19,158 and $20,015             68,962       69,297
Shareholders' equity                                               
Common stock                                     2,645        2,620
Additional paid-in capital                     138,165      128,028
Common stock in treasury                       (33,182)     (32,695)
Deferred compensation                          (26,664)     (18,852)
Retained earnings                              500,950      477,766           
Total shareholders' equity                     581,914      556,867
                                            $1,023,200   $1,018,021

(a)  The balance sheet at July 31, 1994 has been condensed from the
     audited balance sheet at that date.

  See  notes  to  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements.

        Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity - (Unaudited)
                    Three months Ended October 31, 1994
                 (In thousands, except shares outstanding)

                         Common Stock    Additional Common
                       Shares            Paid-in    Stock in  Deferred     Retained
                      Outstanding Amount Capital    Treasury  Compensation Earnings  Total
Balance July 31, 1994 24,872,862 $2,620 $128,028    $(32,695) $(18,852)    $477,766  $556,867

Stock options exercised   28,288      3      417           -         -            -       420

Amortization of deferred
 compensation, termination
 of restricted stock grants
 and other, net           (9,754)     -        -        (487)    1,930            -     1,443

Issuance of restricted
stock grants             226,017     22    9,720           -    (9,742)           -         -

Net income                     -      -        -           -         -        23,184   23,184    

October 31, 1994      25,117,413 $2,645 $138,165    $(33,182) $(26,664)     $500,950 $581,914

         See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

         Consolidated Statements of Income - (Unaudited)
           (In thousands, except net income per share)

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      October 31,
                                                     1994     1993
 Casino                                            $192,329   $208,660
 Rooms                                               18,508    19,934
 Food and beverage                                   21,008    22,313
 Earnings of unconsolidated affiliate                 1,479         -
 Other income                                        19,187    18,176
                                                    252,511   269,083
Costs and expenses                                                  
 Casino                                             109,797   105,175
 Rooms                                                4,706     5,938
 Food and beverage                                   15,541    16,461
 Other operating expenses                            11,130    11,043
 Selling, general and administrative                 50,596    47,876
 Depreciation and amortization                       14,031    13,752
 Provision for doubtful accounts                      5,851    18,236
                                                    211,652   218,481
Operating income                                     40,859    50,602
Interest and dividend income                          1,396       928
Interest expense, net                                (4,861)   (5,110)
Income before income taxes                           37,394    46,420
Income taxes                                         14,210    18,572
Net income                                          $23,184   $27,848
Net income per share                                $   .94   $  1.14
Average number of common and common                         
equivalent shares outstanding                        24,609    24,513

    See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - (Unaudited)
                         (In thousands)

                                                    Three Months
                                                     October 31,
                                                    1994      1993
Cash flows from (used for) operating                    
 Net income                                        $23,184    $27,848
 Non-cash charges to income, net                    15,689     15,250
 Changes in assets and liabilities due to                           
  operating activities:                                              
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses          (18,520)    (1,288)
    Income taxes payable                            13,386     18,840
    Other assets and liabilities, net                4,018     (6,222)
    Net cash provided from operating activities     37,757     54,428
Cash flows used for investing activities:                          
 Purchases of property and equipment                (9,892)   (16,190)
 Other investing activities, net                      (978)    (1,035)
 Net cash used for investing activities            (10,870)   (17,225)
Cash flows from (used for) financing                    
  Reductions in debt and obligations                                 
   under capital leases                            (14,388)   (15,752)
  Other                                                (67)       300
  Net cash used for financing activities           (14,455)   (15,452)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalent     
  investments                                       12,432     21,751
Cash and cash equivalent investments at the                        
beginning of the period                            143,499    108,616
Cash and cash equivalent investments at the                        
end of the period                                 $155,931   $130,367
Supplemental cash flow information                                 
Cash used for:                                                     
Payment of interest                               $  8,223   $  7,955
Payment of Federal and state income taxes, net    $    157   $     58

    See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

        Note 1. Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements -- The
        Condensed  Consolidated Balance Sheet as of  October
        31,    1994,    the   Consolidated   Statement    of
        Shareholders'  Equity  for the  three  months  ended
        October  31,  1994, the Consolidated  Statements  of
        Income  for the three months ended October 31,  1994
        and  1993, and the Condensed Consolidated Statements
        of  Cash  Flows  for the three months ended  October
        31,  1994  and  1993,  have  been  prepared  by  the
        Company  and have not been audited.  In the  opinion
        of   management,  all  material  adjustments  (which
        include    only    normal   recurring   adjustments)
        necessary  to present fairly the financial position,
        results  of  operations  and  cash  flows  for   all
        periods  presented have been made.  All  significant
        intercompany  balances  and transactions  have  been

        Certain   information   and   footnote   disclosures
        normally  included in financial statements  prepared
        in  accordance  with  generally accepted  accounting
        principles  have been condensed or  omitted.   These
        condensed  consolidated financial statements  should
        be   read   in   conjunction  with   the   financial
        statements  and  notes  thereto  included   in   the
        Company's   July   31,   1994   Annual   Report   to
        Shareholders.  The  results of  operations  for  the
        three  month period ended October 31, 1994  are  not
        necessarily indicative of the operating results  for
        the full year.

        The  Company's  independent public accountants  have
        made  an  unaudited interim review of the  condensed
        consolidated  financial  statements  for  the  three
        months   ended  October  31,  1994  and   1993,   in
        accordance    with   professional   standards    and
        procedures established by the American Institute  of
        Certified  Public  Accountants. A  report  from  the
        independent   public   accountants   regarding   the
        unaudited    review   of   the   interim   financial
        statements  is included herein in Part  II,  Item  6
        (a), Exhibit 15.

Note 2. Net  Income  Per Share -- Net income  per  share  is
        based  upon  the weighted average number  of  common
        and  common equivalent shares outstanding  for  each
        period presented.

Note 3. Regulatory  Environment -- The  gaming  industry  in
        which  the  Company operates is subject to extensive
        regulatory  supervision and, accordingly,  operating
        results   could  be  affected  by  legislative   and
        regulatory  changes or changes in the  policies  of,
        or   application   of  the  laws   by   governmental
        entities.    See  also  the  discussion  under   the
        caption  "Regulatory and Tax Environment" set  forth
        on  page 25 of the Form 10-K of the Company for  the
        fiscal year ended July 31, 1994.

Note 4. Contingent  Receivable  --  In  1993,  the   Company
        announced   it   had  entered  into   a   management
        operating  agreement with one of the bidders  for  a
        casino development in New Orleans.  In August  1993,
        the  bid  was  awarded to another operator  and  the
        initial bidder's participation in the project ended.
        Subsequently, the Company's former principal  joined
        with  others  and they were awarded the contract  to
        operate  the New Orleans casino development project.
        Pursuant  to  settlement of a dispute  arising  with
        the  initial  bidder,  the  Company  is  to  receive
        $5,000,000    for   expenses   and   pre-development
        services from the initial bidder.  Previously,  this
        receivable, in part, had been contingent  (at  least
        as   to  timing)  on  the  operator  completing  its
        financing.  The financing was completed in  November
        1994  and  the  receivable is  due  at  the  end  of
        December  1994.  While the Company has  received  an
        acknowledgement   from  a  representative   of   the
        obligors that these amounts are due and the  obligor
        is  seeking financing, in view of unavailability  of
        enough  information at this time for the Company  to
        fully evaluate this item and the uncertainity as  to
        when   collection  will  occur,   the   Company   is
        currently planning to  record realization only  upon
        collection  of  this receivable.  The  Company  will
        reflect  collections of this item as a reduction  of

Note 5. Labor  Contracts  -- In November 1994,  the  Company
        agreed  to  a  new  three  year  contract  with  the
        Culinary   Workers   Union  and   Bartenders   Union
        covering  approximately  2,500  employees   in   Las
        Vegas.   Another contract covering approximately  20
        theatrical  stage employees has expired  at  Caesars
        Palace  in  Las Vegas and a tentative agreement  has
        been  reached  but  not yet been ratified  by  these
        employees.   A  work slow-down or  stoppage  is  not
        expected  in the Las Vegas showroom as a  result  of
        this expired contract.

Note 6. Exercise  of  Lease Purchase Option --  Two  of  the
        Company's   resorts  in  the  Pocono  mountains   of
        Pennsylvania are operated under leases  the  initial
        20-year-lease terms of which expire on  January  31,
        1995.   The leases include purchase options  at  the
        fair  market value of the lease properties excluding
        personal property, goodwill, certain structures  and
        other  intangibles.  In November 1994,  the  Company
        gave  notice  to the landlord that the Company  will
        exercise  its  purchase options to acquire  the  two
        resort  properties in fiscal 1995.  The fair  market
        value   purchase   price  will  be   determined   by
        independent appraisals.  The Company has engaged  an
        independent  appraiser and the lessor  has  notified
        the  Company  it has engaged a separate  independent
        appraiser.     The Company is uncertain  as  to  the
        amount or when the purchase option payments will  be
Item 2.        Management's  Discussion  and   Analysis   of
      Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash  flow  from  operations together  with  available  debt
capacity  are the primary components providing  the  Company
financial flexibility to explore expansion opportunities and
provide   adequate  liquidity.   Net  cash   provided   from
operating  activities was $37.8 million in the  first  three
months  of fiscal 1995, compared with $54.4 million  in  the
same period of fiscal 1994.  The decrease in fiscal 1995  is
primarily attributable to lower net income and a decrease in
accounts payable and accrued expenses which reduced the cash
generated by operating activities. At October 31, 1994,  the
Company's  cash and cash equivalent investments were  $155.9
million compared with $143.5 million at July 31, 1994.

Cash used for investing activities in the three months ended
October  31,  1994  was  primarily for  capital  expenditure
projects  at  Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Caesars  Atlantic
City  and the Caesars Pocono Resorts in Pennsylvania.   Room
and  suite remodeling as well as ongoing construction of the
Magical  Empire were the major capital expenditures  in  Las
Vegas.  The Magical Empire is expected to combine dining and
intimate magical experiences in a new structure adjacent  to
the  casino and is scheduled to open in calendar  1995.   At
Caesars  Atlantic  City  building  modifications  are  under
construction  to lease approximately 22,500 square  feet  to
"Planet   Hollywood"  for  a  restaurant  and  entertainment
facility  scheduled  to be opened in  the  spring  of  1995.
Twenty  new  Roman  Tower  Suites are  nearly  completed  at
Caesars Pocono Palace in Pennsylvania and are expected to be
opened  in  stages  by  January 1,  1995.   See  Note  6  to
Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion
of  the  payment to be made for the exercise  of  the  lease
purchase option for two of the Pocono resorts.

The  Company  expects  to be able to meet  its  future  debt
obligations, finance operations and capital expenditures, as
well  as  provide for a substantial expansion of  operations
through internally generated cash flow, liquidation of  cash
equivalent investments, future borrowings (including amounts
available  under the bank credit facilities), capital  lease
transactions and/or sales of equity and debt securities.

Comparison  of net income for the three month periods  ended
October 31, 1994 and October 31, 1993

Contribution  to revenue and operating income  by  location,
interest  and income taxes for the periods, were as  follows
(in thousands):

                                        Three Months Ended
                                             October 31,
                                          1994          1993
 Nevada                                  $125,614       $155,224
 New Jersey                               103,776         94,036
 Earnings of unconsolidated affiliate       1,479              -
  Casino/hotel operations                 230,869        249,260
 Pocono Resorts                            14,597         14,492
 Other (A)                                  7,045          5,331
  Total revenue                          $252,511       $269,083
Contributions to operating income                              
 Nevada                                  $ 13,376       $ 27,484
 New Jersey                                24,757         22,642
 Earnings of unconsolidated affiliate       1,479              -
  Casino/hotel operations                  39,612         50,126
 Pocono Resorts                             4,760          5,077
 Other expenses (B)                        (3,513)       (4,601)
  Operating income                         40,859         50,602
 Interest income                            1,396            928
 Interest expense, net                     (4,861)        (5,110)
  Income before income taxes               37,394         46,420
 Income taxes                              14,210         18,572
  Net income                             $ 23,184       $ 27,848

(A)    Other   revenue   is  primarily  from   merchandising
(B)    Other   expenses   include   the   contribution    from
       merchandising   operations  and   corporate   expenses.
       Intercompany transactions have been eliminated.

Nevada Operations

Revenue  decreased 19 percent and contribution to  operating
income decreased 51 percent at the Nevada properties in  the
three  months ended October 31, 1994 compared with the  same
prior  year period.  The lower casino revenue and  operating
income  during  the  quarter resulted from  a  significantly
lower  table  game win percentage compared  with  the  year-
earlier  quarter.  Casino losses to a small number of  high-
wagering  table game customers in Las Vegas  resulted  in  a
table  game  win  percentage that was 7.9 percentage  points
lower   than  last  year's  first-quarter  table  game   win
percentage.  This lower win percentage combined with reduced
table  game  activity more than offset the record  quarterly
slot  results.   The  Nevada  operations  realized  all-time
quarterly slot machine records in both volume and win in the
quarter  ended  October 31, 1994, primarily attributable  to
enhanced  marketing  programs.  The provision  for  doubtful
accounts at the Nevada operations decreased by $12.2 million
due to a 13 percent reduction in credit issued and lower use
of  the  provision  as  a  marketing tool  to  high-wagering
customers. There was also a reduction in operating  expenses
resulting from the decline in table  game  win and activity 
when comparing the  respective fiscal quarters.

Caesars New Jersey

Revenue  from  Caesars Atlantic City for the  first  quarter
ended October 31, 1994 increased 10 percent and contribution
to  operating income increased 9 percent from the same prior
year  quarter.  Record results for any previous  quarter  in
both  casino  activity  and  win were  realized  at  Caesars
Atlantic  City with record results from slot machines  being
the  primary  contributor to the first quarter  improvement.
Another  positive  impact on the quarterly comparisons  came
from  Caesars Atlantic City's Simulcast Casino which  opened
with  horse  race  betting and poker  in  October  1993  and
subsequently  the  introduction of other  games.   Increased
casino   costs  and  higher  marketing  expenses,  primarily
related  to more extensive casino busing programs, partially
offset the casino revenue increase in New Jersey.

Unconsolidated Affiliate

During  the  fiscal 1995 first quarter, the  Company  had  a
positive  contribution to revenue and operating income  from
an  unconsolidated  affiliate in Windsor,  Ontario,  Canada.
Caesars  World  has  a one-third ownership  of  the  company
operating  the  casino on behalf of the Ontario  government.
The casino in Windsor opened in May 1994.

Other Expenses

The reduction in other expenses of $1.1 million in the first
quarter  of  fiscal  1995 compared  with  the  year  earlier
quarter was primarily attributable to reimbursement of  pre-
opening expenses incurred in prior periods for the operation
in  Windsor,  Canada  and  improved  contribution  from  the
Company's merchandising operations.

Income Taxes

The  higher  income tax rate in the first fiscal quarter  of
last year was primarily due to the adoption of FASB 109  and
a  retroactive tax rate adjustment during the first  quarter
of fiscal 1994.

                 PART II.  Other Information

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

              See Item 3 of the Form 10-K of the Company for
        the  fiscal year ended July 31, 1994 which is hereby
        incorporated herein.

Item 2. Changes in Securities

              On December 8, 1994, the Board of Directors of
        the  Company approved an amendment (the "Amendment")
        to  the  Rights Agreement, dated as of  January  10,
        1989,  between  the  Company and Morgan  Shareholder
        Services  Trust  Company (the  "Rights  Agreement"),
        which  affects  the  Rights  previously  issued   to
        shareholders of the Company pursuant to  the  Rights
        Agreement.   The  amendment requires  the  Board  of
        Directors  to determine whether it is  in  the  best
        interests of the Company to decide that a person  or
        entity  which would otherwise meet the  criteria  of
        an  "Unqualified Gaming Person" (as defined  in  the
        Rights  Agreement) should be so deemed by the Board.
        No  other  provisions of the Rights  Agreement  were

Item 5. Other Information

              With  reference  to the Company's  25  percent
        participation  in  the limited partnership  selected
        as  the  preferred bidder to negotiate  a  lease  to
        operate  a  gaming facility in downtown  St.  Louis,
        Missouri,  a referendum was approved by  the  voters
        in  November 1994 to allow slot machines  and  other
        games  of  chance.   Negotiations are  currently  in
        process  with  respect  to this  lease  opportunity,
        however,  the ultimate composition and size  of  the
        project  is now under discussion and the outcome  of
        these   negotiations  and  the  obtaining   of   the
        ultimate approvals are uncertain.

              See  the  "Expansion and Growth Opportunities"
        section  of  Item  7 - Management's  Discussion  and
        Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results  of
        Operations  in  the Form 10-K for  the  fiscal  year
        ended  July  31,  1994 for a further  discussion  of
        this and other expansion activities.

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

             (a)Exhibits  filed  herewith  (the  *   denotes
        documents included in this filing):

            *10(a)Amendment No. 1 dated December 9, 1994  to
        Rights  Agreement  dated January  10,  1989  between
        Caesars  World, Inc. and First Chicago Trust Company
        of New York.

            *10(b)First Amendment dated August  1,  1992  to
        Empliyment Agreement of Henry Gluck dated August  1,

            *10(c)First Amendment dated August  1,  1992  to
        Employment  Agreement  of J.  Terrence  Lanni  dated
        August 1, 1991.

            *10(d)Second Amendment dated October 4, 1994  to
        Employment Agreement of Henry Gluck dated August  1,

            *10(e)Second Amendment dated October 4, 1994  to
        Employment  Agreement  of J.  Terrence  Lanni  dated
        August 1, 1991.

             *15     Review  Report  of  Independent  Public

             *27     Financial Data Schedule

            (b)  During the quarter ended October 31, 1994
            a Form  8-K dated August 25, 1994 was filed and
            included the Company's press release of the
            same date announcing the earnings for the
            fiscal year ended July 31, 1994.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act
of  1934, the registrant has duly caused this report  to  be
signed  on  its  behalf  by the undersigned  thereunto  duly

                                        CAESARS WORLD, INC.

                                 Principal Financial Officer:

Date:  December 12, 1994         /s/ Roger Lee
                                 Roger Lee
                                 Senior Vice President-
                                 Finance and Administration

                                 Principal Accounting

Date:  December 12, 1994         /s/ Bruce C. Hinckley
                                 Bruce C. Hinckley
                                 Vice President and
                                 Corporate Controller