Exhibit 10(y)

                         AFFILIATE SERVICES AGREEMENT

    This Affiliate Services Agreement ("Agreement"), entered into to be
effective as of August 31, 2001, between Harris J. Pappas, Christopher J.
Pappas, and each of the entities described on Exhibit "A" hereto (the "Pappas
Entities")(collectively, "Pappas"), and Luby's, Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company").

     WHEREAS, Pappas has provided, and will provide, corporate services to the

     WHEREAS, the Company and Pappas wish to provide for the terms of payment
for such services; and

     WHEREAS, to provide for the ongoing provision of Corporate Services (as
defined in paragraph 1 below) by Pappas to the Company and to express the term
of provisions of those Services, Pappas and the Company desire to enter into
this Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual
agreements contained in this Agreement, Pappas and the Company hereby agree as

     1.  Corporate Services To Be Made Available.

         (a)  For the period provided for under paragraph 6 hereof, Pappas
              agrees to make available to the Company such services
              (collectively, the "Corporate Services") as to which the
              respective Chief Executive Officers of Pappas and the Company may
              from time to time agree, on the terms provided herein.  If the
              same person serves as Chief Executive Officer of both parties,
              such Chief Executive Officer may act singly hereunder on behalf of
              both such parties.

         (b)  Without limiting the generality or flexibility of paragraph 1(a),
              the Corporate Services shall initially consist of the following
              services (the "Initial Services"):

              (i)  financial advice and services, including, without limitation,
                   assistance with respect to the raising of capital, investment
                   analysis, cash and treasury management, and risk management
                   services, to be provided by Pappas's treasury staff;

             (ii)  accounting, audit, payroll, and bookkeeping advice and
                   services, to be provided by Pappas's accounting staff;

            (iii)  office and warehouse space for maintenance and storage
                   facilities, to be leased from the Pappas Entities;

             (iv)  furniture and equipment, to be purchased from the Pappas

              (v)  equipment and facilities maintenance services, to be provided
                   by the Pappas Entities; and

             (vi)  architectural and construction services, to be provided by
                   the Pappas Entities.

         (c)  For purposes of the avoidance of doubt, the Initial Services shall
              constitute the Corporate Services unless and until modified in
              accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1(a) or 6(a) of this

     2.  Standard of Conduct.

         (a)  In providing Corporate Services to the Company, Pappas's officers
              and employees shall conduct themselves in accordance with the
              Company's written policies and procedures and, shall provide the
              Corporate Services with the same degree of care, skill and
              prudence customarily exercised by such officers and employees for
              the benefit of Pappas in connection with Pappas's operations.
              Notwithstanding the foregoing, in providing the Corporate
              Services, Pappas and its directors, officers and employees will
              not be responsible for, and shall have no liability for, any
              Losses (as defined below) arising out of the performance by Pappas
              of the Corporate Services, except to the extent arising out of the
              gross negligence or willful misconduct of Pappas or its directors,
              officers or employees.  Pappas shall indemnify, defend and hold
              harmless the Company, its affiliates, and their respective
              directors, officers and employees from and against any and all
              Losses incurred by the Company arising as a result of the gross
              negligence or willful misconduct of Pappas or its directors,
              officers or employees in connection with the performance of the
              Corporate Services hereunder, except in circumstances where the
              party that would otherwise be indemnified hereunder is found by a
              court of competent jurisdiction to have acted with gross
              negligence or to have engaged in willful misconduct.

         (b)  The Company shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pappas, its
              affiliates, and their respective directors, officers and employees
              from and against any and all Losses incurred by Pappas arising as
              a result of Pappas having provided Corporate Services, except in
              circumstances where the party that would otherwise be indemnified
              hereunder is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have
              acted with gross negligence or to have engaged in willful

         (c)  In no event shall Pappas, the Company, their respective
              affiliates, or their respective directors, officers or employees
              be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in
              connection with or arising out of this Agreement.

         (d)  For purposes of this paragraph, the term "Losses" shall mean any
              and all losses, liabilities, demands, claims, actions or causes of
              action, assessments, losses, fines, penalties, costs, damages
              and/or expenses (including, without limitation, the reasonable
              fees and expenses of attorneys and other professionals).

     3.  Cost of Services.

         (a)  The parties hereby ratify the previously made determination of the
              level of corporate services and the payments therefor provided by
              Pappas prior to the effective date of this Agreement as detailed
              on Exhibit "B" hereto for the Company's current fiscal year, and
              the estimated fee and payment schedule therefor.

         (b)  Not less than thirty (30) days prior to each successive fiscal
              year of the Company, Pappas and the Company shall estimate the
              probable level of Corporate Services to be provided under this
              Agreement for the fiscal year in question, and shall budget the
              estimated amount of the fee to be paid by the Company to Pappas
              therefor on the assumption that such estimated level of Corporate
              Services will actually be provided.  In determining each such
              estimate and subsequent adjustment, Pappas and the Company shall
              value Corporate Services based on Pappas's direct and indirect
              costs allocable thereto, calculated in accordance with Pappas's
              usual accounting practices.  As soon as practicable after the end
              of each of the Company's fiscal quarters (including the Company's
              current fiscal quarter), Pappas and the Company shall, based on a
              detailed review, determine the actual level of Corporate Services
              rendered by Pappas during such fiscal quarter, and the Company
              shall pay Pappas the applicable adjusted fee within 15 business
              days of presentation of a statement therefor.  Pappas shall cause
              its employees to record or otherwise apportion the time they
              devote in providing Corporate Services to the Company, in order to
              facilitate such review and determination and to permit a proper
              adjustment to be made.

         (c)  The Company also agrees to reimburse Pappas, within 15 business
              days of presentation of invoices therefor, for all reasonable out-
              of-pocket expenses incurred by Pappas in providing Corporate
              Services, including reasonable expenses for outside professional
              services incurred by Pappas for the benefit of the Company.

         (d)  The failure of the Company to make any payment to Pappas hereunder
              within 30 days of the date such payment is due shall result in the
              Company owing Pappas interest at the rate of 10% per annum on the
              amount due from the date payable to the actual payment date.

     4.  Requirement of Approval By Finance and Audit Committee of the Board of
         Directors of the Company.  All determinations on behalf of the Company
         made pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 6 hereof must be approved by the
         Finance and Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company
         (the "Committee").  In carrying out its duties pursuant to this
         Agreement, the Committee may retain such independent accountants,
         lawyers and other experts as it deems necessary or prudent to retain,
         and the expenses of all such professionals shall be reimbursed by the

     5.  Information and Witnesses.  Pappas shall provide to the Company and the
         Company shall provide to Pappas, upon the other's written request, at
         reasonable times, full and complete access to, and duplication rights
         with respect to, any and all Information, as defined below, as the
         other may reasonably request and require, and Pappas shall use its best
         efforts to make available to the Company, and the Company shall use its
         best efforts to make available to Pappas, upon the other's written
         request, the officers, directors, employees and agents of Pappas and of
         the Company, respectively, as witnesses to the extent that such persons
         may reasonably be required in connection with any legal, administrative
         or other proceedings in which the Company or Pappas, as the case may
         be, may from time to time be a party; provided, however, that neither
         Pappas nor the Company need provide any Information or make available
         witnesses to the other to the extent that doing so would (i)
         unreasonably interfere with the performance by any person of such
         person's duties to the party to which a request under this paragraph 5
         is made or otherwise cause unreasonable burden to such party, (ii)
         result in a waiver of any attorney-client or work product privilege of
         such party or its legal counsel, (iii) require either Pappas or the
         Company to provide any Information which relates to the subject matter
         of any legal, administrative or other proceeding in which Pappas and
         the Company are adverse parties, or (iv) result in any breach of any
         agreement with a third party; and provided, further, that the party
         providing Information or making available witnesses pursuant to this
         paragraph 5 shall be entitled to receive from the other party, upon
         presentation of reasonably detailed invoices therefor, payment of its
         reasonable out-of-pocket costs (including, without limitation, the
         reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys and other professionals)
         incurred in connection with providing Information or making witnesses
         available.  The term Information as used in this paragraph 5 means any
         books, records, contracts, instruments, data, facts and other
         information in the possession or under the control of either Pappas or
         the Company and necessary or desirable for use in legal, administrative
         or other proceedings or for auditing, accounting or tax purposes.

     6.  Term of Agreement.

         (a)  This Agreement shall become effective as of the date hereof, and
              shall continue in effect thereafter unless terminated with respect
              to the performance of Corporate Services in whole or in part by
              either party upon not less than 30 days written notice.
              Termination of Corporate Services in part shall not result in the
              termination of this Agreement.  Termination of Corporate Services
              in whole shall result in the termination of this Agreement except
              that the obligations of the parties under paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5,
              6, 8 and 9 shall continue after such termination.

         (b)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pappas shall have the right (but
              not the obligation) to terminate this Agreement immediately and
              without the requirement of notice at any time upon the first to
              occur of the date on which (i) the Company sells, or enters into a
              definitive agreement to sell, all or substantially all of its
              assets to any one or more persons (other than Pappas), (ii) the
              Company merges, or enters into a definitive agreement to merge,
              with any person other than Pappas, or (iii) any person or group of
              persons (other than Pappas) acquires the right (as a consequence
              of share ownership, contractual right or otherwise) to elect or
              designate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.

         (c)  Upon termination of this Agreement in part, an appropriate
              revision of fees shall be made.

         (d)  Upon termination of this Agreement in whole, a final fee
              adjustment on the basis described in paragraph 3(b) shall be made
              within 60 days.

     7.  Independence.  All employees and representatives of Pappas providing
         the Corporate Services to the Company will be deemed for purposes of
         all compensation and employee benefits to be employees or
         representatives of Pappas and not employees or representatives of the
         Company.  Except to the extent such employees and representatives are
         elected officers of the Company, in performing such services such
         employees and representatives will be under the direction, control and
         supervision of Pappas (and not of the Company) and Pappas will have the
         sole right to exercise all authority with respect to the employment
         (including termination of employment), assignment and compensation of
         such employees and representatives.

     8.  Independent Contractor.  The relationship of Pappas to the Company
         which is created hereunder is that of an independent contractor.  This
         Agreement is not intended to create and shall not be construed as
         creating between the Company and Pappas the relationship of affiliate,
         principal and agent, joint venture, partnership, or any other similar
         relationship, the existence of which is hereby expressly denied.

     9.  Confidentiality.  Any and all information which is not generally known
         to the public which is exchanged between the parties in connection with
         the performance of this Agreement, whether of a technical or business
         nature, shall be considered to be confidential.  The parties agree that
         confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third party or
         parties without the written consent of the other party, except as
         permitted below.  Each party shall take reasonable measures to protect
         against disclosure of confidential information by its officers,
         employees and agents.  Confidential information shall not include any
         information (i) which is or becomes part of the public domain other
         than as a result of the breach of a party's obligation hereunder, (ii)
         which is obtained from third parties who are not bound by
         confidentiality obligations or (iii) which is required to be disclosed
         by law, under compulsion of legal process, or by the rules of any state
         or Federal regulatory agency or any securities exchange (including
         NASDAQ) on which the Company's or Pappas's securities might be listed
         for trading.  The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the
         termination of this Agreement.

    10.  Miscellaneous.

         (a)  Nonassignability of Agreement.  This Agreement shall not be
              assignable, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, whether
              by operation of law or otherwise, by either party hereto without
              the prior written consent of the other (which consent may be
              withheld in the sole discretion of the party whose consent is
              required), and any attempt to assign any rights or obligations
              arising under this Agreement without such consent shall be void;
              provided, however, that the provisions of this Agreement shall be
              binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by Pappas
              and the Company and their respective successors and permitted

         (b)  Further Assurances.  Subject to the provisions hereof, each of the
              parties hereto shall make, execute, acknowledge and deliver such
              other actions and documents as may be reasonably required in order
              to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement, and to comply with
              all applicable laws, regulations, orders and decrees, and obtain
              all required consents and approvals and make all required filings
              with any governmental agency, other regulatory or administrative
              agency, commission or similar authority, as may be reasonably
              necessary or desirable in this connection.

         (c)  Waivers.  No failure or delay on the part of Pappas or the Company
              in exercising any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver
              thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such
              right, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce
              such a right, preclude any other or further exercise thereof or
              the exercise of any other right.  No modification or waiver of any
              provision of this Agreement nor consent to any departure by Pappas
              or the Company therefrom shall in any event be effective unless
              the same shall be in writing, and then such waiver or consent
              shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the
              purpose for which given.  Any consent or waiver by the Company
              under this paragraph 10(c) must be approved by the Independent

         (d)  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains the entire
              understanding of the parties with respect to the transactions
              contemplated hereby.

         (e)  Amendments.  Except as provided in paragraph 1 with respect to
              changes in the level of Corporate Services which may be agreed by
              the respective Chief Executive Officers of Pappas and the Company
              without approval of or authorization by their respective Boards of
              Directors and Section 6(a) with respect to the termination of the
              provision of Corporate Services in whole or in part by the
              Company, this Agreement may be amended or supplemented only in
              writing executed by the parties hereto under authorization by
              their respective Boards of Directors (including, in the case of
              the Company, the approval of the Independent Committee).

         (f)  Notices.  All notices, approvals and other communications provided
              for herein shall be validly given, made or served, if in writing
              and delivered personally, by telegram or be telephonic facsimile
              transmission, or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to:

The Company:

          Luby's, Inc.
          2211 Northeast Loop 410
          San Antonio, Texas  78217-4673
          Attention:  Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee

and to:

          Cauthorn Hale Hornberger Fuller
          Sheehan Becker & Beiter Incorporated
          700 N. St. Mary's Street, Suite 600
          San Antonio, Texas  78205
          Attention:  Drew R. Fuller, Jr.
          Telephone:  (210) 271-1700
          Facsimile:  (210) 271-1730


          Harris J. Pappas
          642 Yale
          Houston, Texas  77007

with a copy to:

          Frank Markantonis
          645 Heights Blvd.
          Houston, Texas  77007

and shall become effective upon receipt.

         (g)  Governing Law.  Despite any different result required by any
              conflicts of law provisions, this Agreement shall be governed by
              the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

         (h)  Force Majeure.  Anything else in this Agreement notwithstanding,
              Pappas shall be excused from performance hereunder while, and to
              the extent that, its performance is prevented by fire, drought,
              explosion, flood, invasion, rebellion, earthquake, civil
              commotion, strike or labor disturbance, governmental or military
              authority, act of God, mechanical failure or any other event or
              casualty beyond the reasonable control of Pappas, whether similar
              or dissimilar to those enumerated in this paragraph.  In the event
              of any of the foregoing occurrences, the Company shall be
              responsible for making its own alternative arrangements with
              respect to the interrupted services.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be
effective as of the date first above written.

                                       /s/Harris J. Pappas
                                       Harris J. Pappas

                                       /s/Christopher J. Pappas
                                       Christopher J. Pappas

                                       LUBY'S, INC.

                                       By:    /s/ Peter Tropoli
                                       Name:  Peter Tropoli
                                       Its:   Senior Vice President

                                   Exhibit "A"

                      List of Pappas Entities providing services

                                 (See attached)

                                   Exhibit A

                  Pappas Partners LP, a Texas Limited Partnership


                  Pappas Restaurants, Inc., a Texas S Corporation

                                   Exhibit "B"

                        List of Services provided to date
                          and the amounts owed to date

                                 (See attached)

                                   Exhibit B

                  Corporate Services - Affiliate Services Agreement
                           See Section 1.(b) in agreement

                          Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2001

March - August                               Incurred       Paid     Outstanding

Professional Services and Consulting Fees   $ 47,463           -     $ 47,463

              Out-of-Pocket                    3,932           -        3,932

Equipment and other Restaurant-
  Related Services                           200,460     (84,257)     116,203

Lease Cost (Houston Service Center) -
  Crockett St. Property                       19,500           -         19,500
                                            ________     _______      _______

              Total                         $271,355     (84,257)     187,098
                                            ________     _______      _______

             Budget Estimate - 1st Quarter Ended November 21, 2001

September - November                        Estimate

Professional Services and Consulting Fees   $ 22,500

              Out-of-Pocket                    1,000

Equipment and other Restaurant-
  Related Services                           175,000

Houston Service Center Rent Expense           19,500

              Total                         $218,000