FOR EXECUTIVES OF
                              CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 13, 1979
                                 AS AMENDED APRIL 23, 1996


                            FOR EXECUTIVES OF 
                        Effective December 13, 1979
                         As Amended April 23, 1996

1.   Purpose

     The purpose of this Plan is to attract, retain and motivate
     designated employees of Carpenter Technology Corporation
     (the "Corporation") who are Participants in the Plan by
     providing supplemental pension and death benefits to enhance
     their economic security during their active careers with the
     Corporation and in Retirement.  

2.   Definitions
     (A)  "Annual Base Formula Retirement Benefit" shall mean the annual 
          benefit computed to measure total annual retirement income after 
          normal Retirement age, as provided in Section 6.  

     (B)  "Annual Supplemental Retirement Benefit" shall mean the
          annual benefit to be paid from the Plan, as provided in
          Section 7, and shall be paid in accordance with the
          provisions of Section 5.  

     (C)  "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of Carpenter
          Technology Corporation.

     (D)  "Consecutive Five-Year Calculation Period" shall mean
          any of the periods of five consecutive calculation
          years created under the definition of "average monthly
          earnings" found in the General Retirement Plan.

     (E)  "Disabled" shall mean totally disabled as described in, and 
          which results in, the Participant's eligibility to receive 
          benefits under the Corporation's Long Term Disability Plan.  

     (F)  "Former Participant" shall mean any person who has
          previously been a Participant in this Plan and was
          either (i) a Participant for at least three years or
          (ii) an employee of the Company for at least ten years. 

     (G)  "General Retirement Plan" shall mean the Corporation's
          "General Retirement Plan for Employees of Carpenter
          Technology Corporation" as in effect on the last date
          of a Participant's employment with the Corporation as a
          participant under the General Retirement Plan.

     (H)  "Participant" shall mean any person included in the Plan, 
          as provided in Section 3 and shall also mean a Former 
          Participant except as otherwise provided in Section 6.  


     (I)  "Plan" shall mean the Supplemental Retirement Plan for
          Executives of Carpenter Technology Corporation.  

     (J)  "Retirement" shall mean the date of retirement as
          defined in the General Retirement Plan.  

     (K)  "Spouse" shall mean the Participant's spouse as defined
          in section 4.5(a)(1) of the General Retirement Plan.

3.   Participants
     Participants in the Plan will consist of such employees of
     the Corporation as the Board in its sole discretion may from
     time to time designate.  Participation in the Plan will
     terminate only  
     (A)  upon termination of employment of a Participant for any
          reason other than Retirement under conditions where
          benefits are payable under Section 7 (except that a
          Former Participant shall be eligible to receive any
          previously accrued benefit under this Plan), or

     (B)  when further participation is canceled by the Board (except 
          that a Former Participant shall be eligible to receive any 
          previously accrued benefit under this Plan), or

     (C)  when a Participant performs services for the Corporation 
          solely as an independent contractor or consultant (except 
          that such Participant shall continue to receive any 
          previously accrued benefit under this Plan), or 

     (D)  notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in (A), 
          (B) or (C) above, when a Participant competes with the 
          Corporation as provided in the Supplemental Retirement 
          Agreement referenced in Section 4 hereof, (in which case 
          no further payments will be made under the Plan).  

4.   Supplemental Retirement Agreement
     Each Participant, as a condition precedent to becoming a
     Participant, will enter into an agreement with the
     Corporation, in a form supplied by and satisfactory to the
     Corporation, which will, inter alia,

     (A)  set forth the provisions of the benefits of this Plan,

     (B)  permit the Corporation, in its sole discretion, to
          insure the Participant's life under an individual life
          insurance policy in which the Corporation is the owner
          and beneficiary at no cost to the Participant, and 

     (C)  contain a noncompetition provision.  


5.   Benefits
     (A)  Each Participant who shall retire under the conditions set 
          forth in Section 7 will receive an Annual Supplemental 
          Retirement Benefit paid from the general assets of the 
          Corporation for a period of fifteen years commencing as 
          provided herein.  Such benefit will be paid in consecutive 
          quarter yearly payments on the first business day of January, 
          April, July and October (hereinafter individually referred to 
          as the "Quarterly Payment Date") for the immediately 
          preceding calendar quarters ended, December 31, March 31, 
          June 30 and September 30, respectively.  The initial payment 
          shall be made on the first Quarterly Payment Date following 
          the Participant's Retirement, or, at the election of a 
          Disabled Participant, commencing upon any subsequent 
          Quarterly Payment Date which occurs while the Participant 
          remains Disabled, but in no event later than the Quarterly 
          Payment Date following the earlier of the Participant's 
          cessation of disability or the attainment of age 65.  
          Proration shall be made for a short calendar quarter and 
          calculated on a 90 day per quarter basis.  

     (B)  In the event of the death of a Participant after Retirement 
          and before the entire number of said quarterly payments have 
          been paid, such remaining unpaid quarterly payments will be 
          paid to the last beneficiary designated in writing by the 
          Participant to, and received by, the Pension Board or, in the
          absence or failure of any such designation or the designated 
          beneficiary fails to survive for the said fifteen year period, 
          to the surviving Spouse of the Participant, or in the absence 
          of such Spouse, to the Participant's estate.  In the event the 
          designated beneficiary fails to survive and the Participant's
          Spouse does not survive for the said fifteen years, the Pension 
          Board may elect to make a lump sum payment of the unpaid amount 
          to the Participant's estate, or the Spouse's estate, or the 
          beneficiary's estate, as the Pension Board may determine in its 
          sole discretion to be fair and equitable, said lump sum payment 
          being the present value of the remaining payments, determined in
          accordance with the average rate of interest published by the 
          Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for immediate annuities for 
          the 36 months immediately preceding the date of such payment.  


     (C)  In the event of the death of a Participant before Retirement when 
          the Participant would have been eligible to receive retirement 
          benefits under either Section 7(A) or 7(B), the Normal or Early 
          Supplemental Retirement Benefit to which the Participant would 
          have been entitled had he retired on the date of his death will 
          be paid to the last beneficiary designated in writing by the 
          Participant to, and received by, the Pension Board or, in the 
          absence or failure of any such designation or the designated 
          beneficiary fails to survive for the said fifteen year period, to 
          the surviving Spouse of the Participant, or, in the absence of 
          such Spouse, to the Participant's estate.  Such benefit will be 
          determined as of the date of death of the Participant and will be 
          paid in accordance with the payment procedures in Section 5(A).  
          In the event the designated beneficiary fails to survive and the
          Participant's Spouse does not survive for the said fifteen years,  
          the Pension Board may elect to make a lump sum payment of the 
          unpaid amount to the Participant's estate, or the Spouse's estate, 
          or the beneficiary's estate, as the Pension Board may determine in 
          its sole discretion to be fair and equitable, said lump sum pay-
          ment being the present value of the remaining payments, determined 
          in accordance with the average rate of interest published by the 
          Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for immediate annuities for 
          the 36 months immediately preceding the date of such payment.  

     (D)  No benefit payable under this Plan shall be subject in any way to 
          alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, attachment, 
          garnishment, execution, or encumbrance of any kind, and any 
          attempt to accomplish the same shall be void and of no effect.  

6.   Annual Base Formula Retirement Benefit
     The Annual Base Formula Retirement Benefit shall be calculated at the 
     date of Retirement or in the case of a Former Participant at the 
     termination of participation and will be equal to

     (A)  the Participant's or Former Participant's average annual earnings 
          calculated by multiplying the "average monthly earnings" (as 
          determined for pension purposes under the General Retirement Plan) 
          by 12 (or in the event the Participant or Former Participant has
          insufficient service to create a Consecutive Five-Year Calculation 
          Period, the average annual earnings calculated from such years of 
          service and fractions thereof, rounded to the nearest month) [in 
          either event, if the Participant had eligible compensation reduced 
          under the General Retirement Plan to comply with section 401(a)(17) 
          of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and the regulations there-
          under, as amended, or has deferred compensation under any deferred
          compensation plan of the Corporation, other than any deferred 
          compensation previously included in the definition of "earnings" 
          contained in the General Retirement Plan, such deferred and/or 
          reduced compensation shall be added, for the sole purpose of 
          determining the benefit under this Section, to the Participant's 
          earnings in the year the Participant would have been credited with 
          such earnings under the General Retirement Plan but for such 
          deferral and/or reduction],


     (B)  multiplied by a percentage which is 

          (l)  five percent for each year of service, or fraction thereof, 
               with the Corporation up to a maximum of ten years, that an 
               individual has been designated a Participant in this Plan 
               subsequent to December 13, 1979, plus 

          (2)  (with respect to Participants and Former Participants who 
               became Participants before October 1, 1988) two percent for 
               each other year of service or fraction thereof with the
               Corporation, or its subsidiaries; or 

          (3)  (with respect to Participants and Former Participants who 
               became Participants on or after October 1, 1988 and retire 
               prior to January 1, 1997) 1.26 percent for each other year 
               of service or fraction thereof with the Corporation, or its
               subsidiaries; or

          (4)  (with respect to Participants and Former Participants who 
               became Participants on or after October 1, 1988 and retire 
               after December 31, 1996) 1.3 percent for each year of 
               service up to 20 years and 1.4 percent for each additional 
               year of service or fraction thereof with the Corporation, or 
               its subsidiaries; 

          provided, however, that the aggregate of the percentages of this 
          Subparagraph 6(B) shall not exceed the sum of 60% plus one-quarter 
          percent per year for each year or fraction thereof for such 
          service exceeding 30 years,

     (C)  reduced by the sum of the following (such reduction to commence and 
          be fixed as of the respective calculation dates hereinafter stated):  

          (l)  the Participant's accrued pension benefits calculated to be 
               payable from any other defined benefit pension plans (including 
               but not limited to the General Retirement Plan, the Benefit
               Equalization Plan, the Earnings Adjustment Plan, the Officers' 
               Supplemental Retirement Plan, and any pension plans from other 
               prior employment) as of the respective date or dates of earliest
               entitlement or, if later, the date of retirement under such 
               pension plans, before any actuarial reduction for option 
               election; provided, however, that any such reduction shall not 
               include the portion of any other pension benefit resulting from 
               the Participant's express contribution, nor any benefits attri-
               butable to a defined contribution entitlement and

          (2)  the amount of the Primary Social Security Retirement Benefit 
               calculated to be payable as of the date of earliest entitlement 
               or, if later, the date of Retirement hereunder.  

7.   Annual Supplemental Retirement Benefits
     (A)  Normal Retirement.  

          (1)  A Participant shall receive upon Retirement a
               Normal Supplemental Retirement Benefit if he has
               attained (a) age 62 or older with five or more
               years of service with the Corporation or its
               subsidiaries, or (b) thirty years of service with
               the Corporation or its subsidiaries.  

          (2)  The amount of such benefit will be the Annual Base Formula 
               Retirement Benefit, as set forth in Section 6.  

     (B)  Early Retirement.  

          (1)  In the event of Retirement before attainment of
               eligibility for Normal Retirement, a Participant
               shall receive an Early Supplemental Retirement
               benefit if he is then vested under the General
               Retirement Plan.  

          (2)  The amount of such benefit will be equal to the
               Annual Base Formula Retirement Benefit, as set
               forth in Section 6(A) and 6(B), reduced to its
               equivalent actuarial value from age 62 to the date
               of initial payment to the Participant based on the
               average rate of interest published by the Pension
               Benefit Guaranty Corporation for immediate
               annuities for the immediately preceding 36 months,
               and subsequently adjusted for any further
               reduction required under Section 6(C).  

     (C)  Mutual Consent Retirement.  

          (1)  A Participant shall receive upon Retirement
               hereunder with fifteen or more years' service with
               the Corporation or its subsidiaries, a Mutual
               Consent Retirement if:  (a) he is entitled to
               retire under the General Retirement Plan, and (b)
               both the Participant and the Corporation agree
               that his Retirement under this Plan would be
               mutually beneficial.  

          (2)  The amount of such benefit will be the Annual Base
               Formula Retirement Benefit, as set forth in
               Section 6.  

     (D)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
          this Plan, no Participant, Spouse or other beneficiary
          may become entitled to benefits under this Plan without
          the Participant or Former Participant first completing
          five consecutive years of service with the Corporation
          or its subsidiaries, unless otherwise provided in
          writing and expressly authorized by Board approval.


8.   General Provisions
     (A)  The administration of this Plan shall be by the Pension
          Board appointed by the Board under the provisions of
          the General Retirement Plan.  Any interpretation of
          this Plan shall be by the Compensation and Stock Option
          Committee of the Board.  

     (B)  The benefits provided by this Plan will be paid from
          the general assets of the Corporation or otherwise as
          the Board may from time to time determine.  

     (C)  The Board reserves the right at any time to modify or
          amend in whole or in part any or all of the provisions
          of the Plan, subject to the provisions of the
          Supplemental Retirement Agreement between the
          Corporation and each Participant.  
