SYNOVUS FINANCIAL CORP.

                            COMPUTATION OF NET INCOME
                                PER COMMON SHARE
                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                          Three Months Ended June 30, 2003                    Three Months Ended June 30, 2002
                                   ----------------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------------

                                       Net          Average          Net Income            Net          Average       Net Income
                                     Income         Shares            per Share          Income         Shares        Per Share
                                  -------------- --------------    --------------     -----------    ------------    ---------------
EPS - Basic                        $     96,367        302,776     $        0.32      $   85,895         295,629     $         0.29

Effect of dilutive options                               2,239                                             4,653

                                                 --------------                                      ------------

EPS - Diluted                      $     96,367        305,015     $        0.32      $   85,895         300,282     $         0.29
                                   ============= ==============    ==============     ===========    ============    ===============

                                          Six Months Ended June 30, 2003                       Six Months Ended June 30, 2003
                                   ----------------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------------

                                      Net          Average           Net Income            Net          Average       Net Income
                                    Income         Shares             Per Share          Income         Shares        Per Share
                                   ------------- --------------    --------------     -----------    ------------    ---------------

EPS - Basic                        $    186,286        302,423     $        0.62      $  168,647         295,280     $         0.57

Effect of dilutive options                               4,106                                             4,753

                                   ------------- --------------                       -----------    ------------

EPS - Diluted                      $    186,286        306,529     $        0.61      $  168,647         300,033     $         0.56
                                   ============= ==============    ==============     ===========    ============    ===============