corporation (the "Corporation"), certifies as follows:
          Pursuant to the provisions of Section 242 and 245
of Title 8 of the Delaware Code Annotated, the stockholders
of the Corporation have duly adopted the following Second
Restated Certificate of Incorporation.  The Corporation
filed its original Certificate of Incorporation under the
name of Central and South West Utilities on July 31, 1925,
and on February 3, 1947, filed a merger agreement with
American Public Service by which the name of the Corporation
was changed to Central and South West Corporation.  The
Corporation filed a Restated Certificate of Incorporation on
April 30, 1974.  This Second Restated Certificate of
Incorporation restates and integrates the provisions of the
Restated Certificate of Incorporation of April 30, 1974 as
heretofore amended or supplemented and effects the following
further amendments thereto:
          (i The provisions of Article FOURTH have been
     amended to (a) increase the total number of shares of
     Common Stock which the Corporation shall have authority
     to issue from 120,000,000 shares of Common Stock of the
     par value of $3.50 per share to 150,000,000 shares of
     Common Stock of the par value of $3.50 per share in the
     first paragraph of
                            - 2 -
     Article Fourth; (b) delete the cumulative voting
     provisions in the second paragraph of Article FOURTH;
     and (c) delete the provisions which grant the
     stockholders preemptive rights on certain issues of the
     Corporation's Common Stock in the third paragraph of
     Article FOURTH;
          (ii) The provisions of Article SEVENTH have been
     amended to (a) adopt a staggered board of directors,
     divided into three classes and serving three year terms
     with only one class of directors to be elected at each
     annual meeting of the stockholders and (b) provide that
     the board of directors shall appoint to fill any
     vacancies on the board or appoint directors to the
     board of directors in the event the number of directors
     on the board of directors is increased;
          (iii) Article EIGHT has been deleted in its
          (iv) Articles NINTH, TENTH, ELEVENTH and TWELFTH
     have been renumbered as Articles EIGHT, NINTH, TENTH
     and ELEVENTH, respectively; and
          (v) A "fair price" provision, designed to insure
     that all of the stockholders are treated fairly and
     equitably in the event of certain unsolicited takeover
     actions has been adopted by the stockholders and
     included as Article TWELFTH.

          FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is Central and
South West Corporation.
          SECOND:  The registered office of the Corporation
in the State of Delaware is located at 1209 Orange Street,
                            - 3 -
Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, and the name of
its registered agent at that address is The Corporation
Trust Company.
          THIRD:  The nature of the business of the
Corporation or object or purposes to be transacted, promoted
or carried on by it are:
          (1) To acquire in any lawful manner and to own,
     hold, sell, assign, transfer, exchange or otherwise
     dispose of, any stocks, bonds, debentures, obligations,
     notes, evidences of indebtedness, warrants, securities
     of any kind and property, both real and personal, of
     any kind; and while the owner of any such stocks,
     bonds, notes, debentures or other securities or
     obligations, to exercise all the powers, rights and
     privileges, including among other things the right to
     vote thereon for any and all purposes; and to invest
     and deal with the moneys of the Corporation in any
     lawful manner;
          (2) To aid in any lawful manner by loan,
     contribution, guaranty or otherwise, the issuer of any
     stocks, bonds, debentures, evidences of indebtedness,
     obligations, warrants or securities of any kind at any
     time held, or controlled directly or indirectly, by the
     Corporation, and to do any and all lawful acts or
     things designed to protect, preserve, enhance or
     improve the value of any securities or property held by
     the Corporation; and to use the funds, assets and
     credit of the Corporation for any of said purposes;
                            - 4 -
          (3) To guarantee and to assume the payment of any
     dividends on any shares of capital stock of any company
     in which the Corporation may, either directly or
     indirectly, have an interest as a stockholder or
     otherwise; and to assume and to guarantee, by
     endorsement or otherwise, the payment of the principal
     of and the interest on bonds, notes or other
     obligations created or to be created by any such
          (4) To borrow money, to issue bonds, debentures,
     notes or other obligations, secured or unsecured, of
     the Corporation; to secure the same by mortgage or deed
     of trust or pledge or other lien upon any or all of the
     property, rights, privileges and franchises of the
     Corporation wheresoever situated, acquired or to be
     acquired; to confer upon the holders of any debentures,
     bonds, notes or other obligations of the Corporation,
     secured or unsecured, the right to convert the same
     into any class of stock of any series of the
     Corporation now or hereafter to be issued upon such
     terms as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors
     subject to the provisions hereof; to purchase and
     otherwise acquire shares of its own capital stock and
     to hold, sell, assign, transfer and reissue any or all
     of such shares; provided that the Corporation shall not
     use its funds or property for the purchase of its own
     shares of capital stock when such use shall cause any
     impairment of the capital of the Corporation, except as
     such purchase out of capital may be permitted by law;
     and provided further that shares of its
                            - 5 -
     own capital stock owned by the Corporation shall not be
     voted upon, directly or indirectly;
          (5) To conduct business in the State of Delaware
     and other states, the District of Columbia, territories
     and colonies of the United States and in foreign
     countries, and to have one or more offices out of the
     State of Delaware as well as within said state;
     provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall
     be deemed to authorize the Corporation to conduct,
     maintain or operate public utilities within the State
     of Delaware;
          (6) To have and to exercise all the powers now or
     hereafter conferred by the laws of the State of
     Delaware upon corporations organized under the laws
     under which the Corporation is organized and any and
     all Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.
          The foregoing clauses shall be construed both as
objects and powers; and it is hereby expressly provided that
the foregoing enumeration of specific powers shall not be
held to limit or restrict in any manner the power of the
Corporation, and that the Corporation shall possess such
incidental powers as are reasonably necessary or convenient
for the accomplishment of any of the objects or powers
hereinbefore enumerated, either alone or in association with
other corporations, associations, firms or individuals, to
the same extent and as fully as individuals might or could
do as principals, agents, contractors or otherwise.
                            - 6 -
          FOURTH:  The total number of shares of stock which
the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 150,000,000
shares of Common Stock of the par value of $3.50 each.
          Each share of Common Stock shall entitle the
holder thereof to one vote at all meetings of stockholders.
In the election of directors of the Corporation, the
principle of cumulative voting shall not apply.
          Any shares of Common Stock now or hereafter
authorized, and any securities convertible into Common
Stock, may be issued without first being offered to
stockholders.  The Common Stock may be issued and sold to
such persons, and at a price, not less than the par value
thereof, whether stockholders or not, and for such corporate
purposes, as may be determined by the Board of Directors.
          The Corporation may from time to time, when
authorized by the Board of Directors, issue scrip for
fractional shares of stock.  Such scrip shall not confer
upon the holder any right to dividends, or any voting or
other rights of a stockholder of the Corporation, but the
Corporation shall from time to time upon the surrender of
such scrip for fractional share within such time as the
Board of Directors may determine, or without limit of time
if the Board of Directors so determines, issue one or more
whole shares of stock aggregating the number of whole shares
issuable in respect of the scrip so surrendered; provided
that the scrip so surrendered shall be properly endorsed for
transfer if in registered form.  The scrip may also at the
option of the Board of Directors provide that, at the option
of the Board of
                            - 7 -
Directors, there may be sold by the Corporation at public or
private sale at any time on or after any determined date, in
such manner and on such terms as the Board of Directors may
in its absolute discretion determine, the number of shares
of stock of the Corporation in respect of which such scrip
certificates are then outstanding and thereafter the bearer
of such scrip certificates, upon surrender thereof at the
office or agency of the Corporation, shall be entitled to
receive their proper proportion of the net proceeds of such
sale but without interest and on and after the date of such
sale shall be entitled to no other rights in respect of such
scrip certificates.
          The Corporation reserves the right to increase or
decrease its authorized capital stock or to reclassify the
same and to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision
contained in this Second Restated Certificate of
Incorporation, or any amendment hereto, in the manner now or
hereafter prescribed by law, and all rights conferred upon
stockholders in this Second Restated Certificate of
Incorporation, or any amendment hereto, are granted subject
to this reservation.
          FIFTH: The Corporation shall have perpetual
          SIXTH: The private property of the stockholders of
the Corporation shall not be subject to the payment of
corporate debts to any extent whatever.
                            - 8 -

          (1)  At each annual meeting of stockholders,
     directors of the Corporation shall be elected to hold
     office until the expiration of the term for which they
     are elected, and until their successors have been duly
     elected and qualified; except that if any such election
     shall not be so held, such election shall take place at
     a stockholders' meeting called and held in accordance
     with the Delaware General Corporation Law.  The
     directors of the Corporation shall be divided into
     three classes as nearly equal in size as is
     practicable, hereby designated Class I, Class II and
     Class III.  The term of office of the initial Class I
     directors shall expire at the next succeeding annual
     meeting of stockholders, the term of office of the
     initial Class II directors shall expire at the second
     succeeding annual meeting of stockholders and the term
     of office of the initial Class III directors shall
     expire at the third succeeding annual meeting of
     stockholders.  For the purposes hereof, the initial
     Class I, Class II and Class III directors shall be
     those directors elected at the April 19, 1990 annual
     meeting and designated as members of such Class.  At
     each annual meeting after the April 19, 1990 annual
     meeting, directors to replace those of a Class whose
     terms expire at such annual meeting shall be elected to
     hold office until the third succeeding annual meeting
     and until their respective successors shall have been
     duly elected and shall qualify.  If the number of
     directors is hereafter changed, any newly created
                            - 9 -
     directorships or decrease in directorships shall be so
     apportioned among the classes as to make all classes as
     nearly equal in number as is practicable.
          (2) Any director may be removed from office by the
     stockholders of the Corporation only for cause and only
     by the affirmative vote of the holders of eighty
     percent (80%) of the voting power of the outstanding
     shares of Common Stock.
          (3) The number of directors constituting the
     entire Board of Directors shall be not less than nine
     (9) nor more than fifteen (15) as may be fixed from
     time to time by resolution adopted by a majority of the
     entire Board of Directors; provided, however, that no
     decrease in the number of directors constituting the
     entire Board of Directors shall shorten the term of any
     incumbent director.  A majority of the entire Board of
     Directors may adopt a resolution at any time to
     increase the number of directors to not more than
     fifteen (15) and, by vote of a majority of the Board of
     Directors, elect a new director or directors to fill
     any such newly created directorship.  Any such new
     director shall hold office until the next annual
     meeting of stockholders and until his successor shall
     have been duly elected and qualified.
          (4)  Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors
     for any reason may be filled by vote of a majority of
     the remaining members of the Board of Directors,
     although less than a quorum, at any meeting of the
     Board of Directors.  A
                           - 10 -
     person so elected by the Board of Directors to fill a
     vacancy shall hold office until the next succeeding
     annual meeting of stockholders of the Corporation and
     until his or her successor shall have been duly elected
     and qualified.
          EIGHT:  The following additional provisions are
inserted for the management of the business and for the
conduct of the affairs of this Corporation and for the
creation, definition, limitation and regulation of the
powers of the Corporation, the directors and the
          (1)  The Board of Directors shall have power from
     time to time to fix and determine and to vary the
     amount to be reserved as working capital of the
     Corporation and, before the payment of any dividends or
     making any distribution of profits, it may set aside
     out of the net profits of the Corporation such sum or
     sums as it may from time to time in its absolute
     discretion think proper whether as a reserve fund to
     meet contingencies or for the equalizing of dividends
     or for repairing or maintaining any property of the
     Corporation or for such corporate purposes as the Board
     shall think conducive to the interests of the
     Corporation, subject only to such limitations as the
     Bylaws of the Corporation may from time to time impose.
          (2)  The Board of Directors shall also have power
     without the assent or vote of the stockholders to make,
     alter, amend and repeal the Bylaws of the Corporation;
     to fix the times for the declaration and payment of
     dividends; to authorize and cause to be executed and
                           - 11 -
     mortgages on and instruments of pledge, or any other
     instruments creating liens, on the real and personal
     property of the Corporation; and to make and determine
     the use and disposition of any surplus or net profits
     over and above the capital of the Corporation.
          (3)  Subject to direction by resolution of a
     majority of the stockholders, the Board of Directors
     shall have power from time to time to determine whether
     and to what extent and at what times and places and
     under what conditions and regulations the accounts and
     books of the Corporation (other than the stock ledger)
     or any of them, shall be open to the inspection of
     stockholders; and no stockholder shall have any right
     to inspect any account or book or document of the
     Corporation except as conferred by statute or
     authorized by the directors or by a resolution of the
          (4)  The Board of Directors shall have the power
     to appoint an Executive Committee from among their
     number, which Committee, to the extent and in the
     manner provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation, shall
     have and may exercise all of the powers of the Board of
     Directors, so far as may be permitted by law, in the
     management of the business and affairs of the
     Corporation whenever the Board of Directors is not in
     session.  The fact that the Executive Committee has
     acted shall be conclusive evidence that the Board of
     Directors was not in session at the time of such
          (5)  The Corporation shall be entitled to treat
     the person in whose name any share, right or option is
                           - 12 -
     registered and the bearer of any scrip or right payable
     to bearer, as the owner thereof for all purposes, and
     shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other
     claim to or interest in such share, right, option or
     scrip on the part of any other person, whether or not
     the Corporation shall have notice thereof, save as may
     be expressly provided by the laws of the State of
          NINTH:  Whenever a compromise or arrangement is
proposed between this Corporation and its creditors or any
class of them and/or between this Corporation and its
stockholders or any class of them, any court of equitable
jurisdiction within the State of Delaware may, on the
application in a summary way of this Corporation or of any
creditor or stockholder thereof, or on the application of
any receiver or receivers appointed for this Corporation
under the provisions of Section 291 of Title 8 of the
Delaware Code or on the application of trustees in
dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for
this Corporation under the provisions of Section 279 of
Title 8 of the Delaware Code order a meeting of the
creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders
or class of stockholders of this Corporation, as the case
may be, to be summoned in such manner as the said Court
directs.  If a majority in number representing three-fourths
in value of the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of
the stockholders or class of stockholders of this
Corporation, as the case may be, agrees to any compromise or
arrangement and to any reorganization of this Corporation as
a consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said
compromise or arrangement and
                           - 13 -
the said reorganization shall, if sanctioned by the Court of
which the said application has been made, be binding on all
the creditors or class of creditors, and/or on all the
stockholders or class of stockholders, of this Corporation,
as the case may be, and also on this Corporation.
          TENTH:  Authorized shares of Common Stock of the
Corporation shall be issued in exchange for any remaining
outstanding shares of Common Stock of Central and South West
Utilities on the following basis:
          (1) There shall be issued to each holder of such
     shares of Common Stock of Central and South West
     Utilities a number of shares of Common Stock of the
     Corporation computed by (i) multiplying the number of
     shares of Common Stock of Central and South West
     Utilities held by such holder by .8095, (ii) rounding
     the resulting product to the next lower number in the
     event such product is not a whole number, and (iii)
     multiplying such product as so rounded by four.
          (2)  There shall be paid to each holder of such
     shares of Common Stock of Central and South West
     Utilities, in any case in which the product of the
     number of shares of Common Stock of Central and South
     West Utilities held by him multiplied by .8095 is not a
     whole number, cash equal to $12.00 multiplied by the
     fraction by which such product exceeds the next lower
     whole number, in lieu of shares of Common Stock of the
                           - 14 -
          (3)  Such shares of Common Stock of the
     Corporation shall be issued, and such cash paid, upon
     the surrender for cancellation, to the Corporation, of
     the certificates representing such shares of Common
     Stock of Central and South West Utilities, duly
     endorsed for transfer if required, and in satisfaction
     of all dividend and other rights in respect of such
          ELEVENTH:  To the full extent permitted by the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware or any
other applicable laws as presently or hereafter in effect,
no director of the Corporation shall be personally liable to
the Corporation or its stockholders for or with respect to
any acts or omissions in the performance of his or her
duties as a director of the Corporation.  No amendment to or
repeal of this Article ELEVENTH shall apply to or have any
effect on the liability or alleged liability of any director
of the Corporation for or with respect to any acts or
omissions of such director occurring prior to such
          TWELFTH.  A.  Higher Vote for Certain Business
Transactions.  In addition to any affirmative vote required
by law or this Second Restated Certificate of Incorporation
of the Bylaws of the Corporation, and except as otherwise
expressly provided in Section C of this Article TWELFTH:
          (1) any merger or consolidation of the Corporation
     or any Subsidiary (as hereinafter defined) with (a) any
     Interested Stockholders (as hereinafter defined) or (b)
     any other company (whether or not itself an Interested
                           - 15 -
     Stockholder) which is or after such merger or
     consolidation would be an Affiliate (as hereinafter
     defined) or Associate (as hereinafter defined) of an
     Interested Stockholder; or
          (2) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge,
     transfer or other disposition (in one transaction or a
     series of transactions) to or with any Interested
     Stockholder or any Affiliate or Associate of any
     Interested Stockholder, involving any assets or
     securities of the Corporation, any Subsidiary or any
     Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate or Associate of
     any Interested Stockholder, having an aggregate Fair
     Market Value (as hereinafter defined) in excess of
     $25,000,000; or
          (3) the adoption of any plan or proposal for the
     termination, liquidation or dissolution of the
     Corporation proposed by or on behalf of an Interested
     Stockholder or any Affiliate or Associate of any
     Interested Stockholder; or
          (4) any reclassification of securities (including
     any reverse stock split) or recapitalization of the
     Corporation or any merger or consolidation of the
     Corporation with any of its Subsidiaries or any other
     transaction (whether or not with or otherwise involving
     an Interested Stockholder) that has the effect,
     directly of indirectly, of increasing the proportionate
     share of any class or series of Common Stock (as
     hereinafter defined), or any securities convertible
     into Common Stock or into equity securities of the
     Corporation or any Subsidiary, that is beneficially
     owned by any Interested
                           - 16 -
     Stockholder or any Affiliate or Associate of any
     Interested Stockholder; or
          (5) any tender offer or exchange offer made by the
     Corporation for shares of Common Stock which may have
     the effect of increasing an Interested Stockholder's
     percentage beneficial ownership (as hereinafter
     defined) so that following the completion of the tender
     offer or exchange offer the Interested Stockholder's
     percentage beneficial ownership of the outstanding
     Common Stock may exceed 110% of the Interested
     Stockholder's percentage beneficial ownership
     immediately prior to the commencement of such tender
     offer or exchange offer; or
          (6) the issuance or transfer by the Corporation or
     any Subsidiary (in one transaction or a series of
     transactions) of any securities of the Corporation or
     any Subsidiary to any Interested Stockholder or any
     Affiliate of any Interested Stockholder having an
     aggregate Fair Market Value in excess of $25,000,000;
          (7) any agreement, contract or other arrangement
     providing for any one or more of the actions specified
     in the foregoing clauses (1) to (6) shall require: (1)
     the affirmative vote of the holders of Voting Stock (as
     hereinafter defined) representing shares equal to at
     least eighty percent (80%) of the then issued and
     outstanding Voting Stock of the Corporation authorized
     to be issued from time to time under Article FOURTH of
     this Second Restated Certificate of Incorporation; and
     (2) the affirmative vote
                           - 17 -
     of a majority of the then issued and outstanding Voting
     Stock of the Corporation, excluding any shares of
     Voting Stock beneficially owned by such Interested
     Stockholder.  Such affirmative vote shall be required
     notwithstanding the fact that no vote may be required,
     or that a lesser percentage may be specified, by law or
     any agreement with any national securities exchange or
     B.  Definition of "Business Combination".  For the
purposes of this Article TWELFTH the term "Business
Combination" shall mean any transaction that is referred to
in any one or more of clauses (1) through (6) of Section A
of this Article TWELFTH.
     C.  When Higher Vote is Not Required.  The provisions
of the preceding Section A shall not be applicable to any
particular Business Combination, and such Business
Combination shall require only such affirmative vote, if
any, as is required by law or by any other provision of this
Second Restated Certificate of Incorporation or the Bylaws
of the Corporation or any agreement with any national
securities exchange, if all of the conditions specified in
either of the following Paragraphs (1) or (2) are met or, in
the case of a Business Combination not involving the payment
of consideration to the holders of the Corporation's
outstanding Common Stock, if the condition specified in the
following Paragraph (1) is met:
          (1)  The Business Combination shall have been
     approved by a majority (whether such approval is made
     prior to or subsequent to the acquisition of beneficial
     ownership of the Voting Stock that caused the
     Interested Stockholder to
                           - 18 -
     become an Interested Stockholder) of the Continuing
     Directors (as hereinafter defined).
          (2) All of the following conditions shall have
     been met with respect to the outstanding Common Stock,
     whether or not the Interested Stockholder has
     previously acquired beneficial ownership of any shares
     of the Common Stock:
          (a) The aggregate amount of cash and the Fair
          Market Value, as of the date of the consummation
          of the Business Combination, of consideration
          other than cash to be received per share by
          holders of the Common Stock in such Business
          Combination shall be at least equal to the highest
          amount determined under clauses (i), (ii), (iii),
          and (iv) below:
               (i) (if applicable) the highest per share
               price (including any brokerage commissions,
               transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
               paid by or on behalf of the Interested
               Stockholder of beneficial ownership of shares
               of the Common Stock (x) within the two-year
               period immediately prior to the first public
               announcement of the proposed Business
               Combination (the "Announcement Date") or (y)
               in the transaction in which it became an
               Interested Stockholder, whichever is higher,
               in either case as adjusted for any
                           - 19 -
               subsequent stock split, stock dividend,
               subdivision or reclassification with respect
               to the Common Stock;
               (ii) the Fair Market Value per share of the
               Common Stock on the Announcement Date or on
               the date on which the Interested Stockholder
               became an Interested Stockholder (the
               "Determination Date"), whichever is higher, as
               adjusted for any subsequent stock split, stock
               dividend, subdivision or reclassification with
               respect to the Common Stock;
               (iii) (if applicable) the price per share
               equal to the Fair Market Value per share of
               the Common Stock determined pursuant to the
               immediately preceding clause (ii), multiplied
               by the ratio of (x) the highest price per
               share (including any brokerage commission,
               transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
               paid by or on behalf of the Interested
               Stockholders for any share of the Common Stock
               in connection with the acquisition by the
               Interested Stockholder of beneficial ownership
               of shares of the Common Stock within the two-
               year period immediately prior to the
               Announcement Date, as adjusted for any
               subsequent stock split, stock dividend,
               subdivision or reclassification with respect
               to the Common Stock to (y) the Fair Market
               Value per share of the Common Stock on the
               first day in such two-year period on which the
                           - 20 -
               Interested Stockholder acquired beneficial
               ownership of any shares of the Common Stock,
               as adjusted for any subsequent stock split,
               stock dividend, subdivision or
               reclassification with respect to Common
               Stock; and
               (iv) the Corporation's net income per share
               of the Common Stock for the four full
               consecutive fiscal quarters immediately
               preceding the Announcement Date, multiplied
               by the higher of the then price/earnings
               multiple (if any) of such Interested
               Stockholder or the highest price/earnings
               multiple of the Corporation within the two-
               year period immediately preceding the
               Announcement Date (such price/earnings
               multiples being determined by dividing (x) an
               amount equal to the highest price per share
               during a day as reported in The Wall Street
               Journal from the Composite Tape for the New
               York Stock Exchange by (y) the immediately
               preceding publicly reported twelve-months
               earnings per share).
          (b) The consideration to be received by holders of
          the Common Stock shall be in cash or in the same
          form as previously has been paid by or on behalf of
          the Interested Stockholder in connection with its
          direct or indirect acquisition of beneficial
          ownership of shares of such Common Stock.  If the
          consideration previously paid by the Interested
          Stockholder to acquire Common
                           - 21 -
          Stock varied among the recipients thereof as to
          form, the form of consideration to be paid for
          such Common Stock in connection with the Business
          Combination shall be either cash or the form used
          to acquire beneficial ownership of the largest
          number of shares of such Common Stock previously
          acquired by the Interest Stockholder.
          (c) After the Determination Date and prior to the
          consummation of such Business Combination: (1)
          there shall have been no reduction in the annual
          rate of dividends paid on the Common Stock (except
          as necessary to reflect any stock split, stock
          dividend or subdivision of the Common Stock),
          except as provided by a majority of the Continuing
          Directors; (ii) there shall have been an increase
          in the annual rate of dividends paid on the Common
          Stock as necessary to reflect any reclassification
          (including any reverse stock split),
          recapitalization, reorganization or any similar
          transaction that has the effect of reducing the
          number of outstanding shares of Common Stock,
          unless the failure so to increase such annual rate
          is approved by a majority of the Continuing
          Directors; and (iii) such Interested Stockholders
          shall not have become the beneficial owner of any
          additional shares of Common Stock except as part
          of the transaction that results in such Interested
          Stockholder becoming an Interested Stockholder and
          except in a transaction that, after
                           - 22 -
          giving effect thereto, would not result in any
          increase in the Interested Stockholder's
          percentage of beneficial ownership of Common
          (d)  After the Determination Date, such Interested
          Stockholder shall not have received the benefit,
          directly or indirectly (except proportionately as
          a stockholder of the Corporation), of any loans,
          advances, guarantees, pledges or other financial
          assistance or any tax credits or other tax
          advantages provided by the Corporation, whether in
          anticipation of or in connection with such
          Business Combination or otherwise.
          (e)  A proxy or information statement describing
          the proposed Business Combination and complying
          with the requirements of the Securities Exchange
          Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and
          regulations thereunder (the "Act") (or any
          subsequent provisions amending or replacing such
          Act, rules or regulations) shall be mailed to all
          stockholders of the Corporation at least 30 days
          prior to the consummation of such Business
          Combination (whether or not such proxy or
          information statement is required to be mailed
          pursuant to such Act or subsequent provisions).
          The proxy or information statement shall contain on
          the first page thereof, in a prominent place, any
          statement as to the advisability of the Business
          Combination that the Continuing Directors, or any
          of them, may choose to make and, if
                           - 23 -
          deemed advisable by a majority of the Continuing
          Directors, the opinion of an investment banking
          firm selected by a majority of the Continuing
          Directors as to the fairness (or not) of the terms
          of the Business Combination from a financial point
          of view to the holders of the outstanding shares
          of Common Stock other than the Interested
          Stockholder and its Affiliates or Associates (as
          hereinafter defined), such investment banking firm
          to be paid a reasonable fee for its service by the
          (f)  Such Interested Stockholder shall not have
          made any major change in the Corporation's
          business or equity capital structure without the
          approval of a majority of the Continuing
     D.  Certain Definitions.  The following definitions
shall apply with respect to this Article TWELFTH:
          (1)  The term "Common Stock" or "Voting Stock"
     shall mean all common stock of the Corporation
     authorized to be issued from time to time under Article
     FOURTH of the Second Restated Certificate of
     Incorporation that by its terms may be voted on all
     matters submitted to stockholders of the Corporation
          (2)  The term "person" shall mean any individual,
     firm, company or other entity and shall include any
     group comprised of any person and any other person with
     whom such person or any Affiliate or Associate of such
     person has any agreement, arrangement or understanding,
     directly or
                           - 24 -
     indirectly, for the purpose of acquiring, holding,
     voting or disposing of the Common Stock.
          (3)  The term "Interested Stockholder" shall mean
     any person (other than the Corporation or any
     Subsidiary and other than any profit-sharing, employee
     stock ownership or other employee benefit or dividend
     reinvestment plan of the Corporation or any Subsidiary
     or any trustee of or fiduciary with respect to any such
     plan when acting in such capacity) who (a) is the
     beneficial owner of Voting Stock representing five
     percent (5%) or more of the votes entitled to be cast
     by the holders of all then outstanding shares of Voting
     Stock; or (b) is an Affiliate or Associate of the
     Corporation and at any time within the two-year period
     immediately prior to the Announcement Date was the
     beneficial owner of Voting Stock representing five
     percent (5%) or more of the votes entitled to be cast
     by the holders of all then outstanding shares of Voting
          (4)  A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any
     Common Stock (a) which such person or any of its
     Affiliates or Associates beneficially owns, directly or
     indirectly; (b) which such person or any of its
     Affiliates or Associates has, directly or indirectly,
     (i) the right to acquire (whether such right is
     exercisable immediately or subject only to the passage
     of time), pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or
     understanding or upon the exercise of conversion
     rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or
     otherwise, or (ii) the right to vote pursuant to any
                           - 25 -
     agreement, arrangement or understanding; or (c) which
     is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by any
     other person with which such person or any of its
     Affiliates or Associates has any agreement, arrangement
     or understanding for the purpose of acquiring, holding,
     voting or disposing of any shares of Common Stock.  For
     purposes of determining whether a person is an
     Interested Stockholder pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this
     Section D, the number of shares of Common Stock deemed
     to be outstanding shall include shares deemed
     beneficially owned by such person through application
     of Paragraph 5 of this Section D, but shall not include
     any other shares of Common Stock that may be issuable
     pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or
     understanding, or upon exercise of conversion rights,
     warrants, or options, or otherwise.
          (5)  An "Affiliate" of a specified person is a
     person that directly, or indirectly through one or more
     intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is
     under common control with, the person specified.  The
     term "Associate", used to indicate a relationship with
     any person, means (a) any company (other than the
     Corporation or any Subsidiary) of which such person is
     an officer or partner or is, directly or indirectly,
     the beneficial owner of ten percent (10%) or more of
     any class of equity securities, (b) any trust or other
     estate in which such person has a substantial
     beneficial interest or as to which such person serves
     as trustee or in a similar fiduciary
                           - 26 -
     capacity, and (c) any relative or spouse of such
     person, or any relative of such spouse, who has the
     same home as such person or who is a director or
     officer of the Corporation or any of its parents or
          (6)  The term "Subsidiary" means any company of
     which a majority of any class of equity security is
     beneficially owned by the Corporation; provided
     however, that for the purposes of the definition of
     Interested Stockholder set forth in Paragraph (3) of
     this Section D, the term "Subsidiary" shall mean only a
     company of which a majority of each class of equity
     security is beneficially owned by the Corporation.
          (7)  The term "Continuing Director" means any
     member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation
     (the "Board of Directors"), who, while such person is a
     member of the Board of Directors, is not an Affiliate
     or Associate or representative of any Interested
     Stockholder and who was a member of the Board of
     Directors prior to the time that any Interested
     Stockholder became an Interested Stockholder, and any
     successor of a Continuing Director, who, while such
     successor is a member of the Board of Directors, is not
     an Affiliate or Associate or representative of any
     Interested Stockholder and who is recommended or
     elected to succeed the Continuing Director by a
     majority of Continuing Directors.
          (8) The term "Fair Market Value" means (a) in the
     case of cash, the amount of such cash; (b) in the case
     of stock, the highest closing sale price during the 30-
     day period
                           - 27 -
     immediately preceding the date in question of a share
     of such stock on the Composite Tape for New York Stock
     Exchange-Listed Stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted
     on the Composite Tape, on the New York Stock Exchange,
     or, if such stock is not listed on such Exchange, on
     the principal United States securities exchange
     registered under the Act on which such stock is listed,
     or, if such stock is not listed on any such exchange,
     the highest closing bid quotation with respect to a
     share of such stock during the 30-day period preceding
     the date in question on the National Association of
     Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations System or
     any similar system then in use, or if no such
     quotations are available, the fair market value on the
     date in question of a share of such stock as determined
     by a majority of the Continuing Directors in good
     faith; and (c) in the case of property on the date in
     question as determined in good faith by a majority of
     the Continuing Directors.
          (9)  In the event of any Business Combination in
     which the Corporation survives, the phrase
     "consideration other than cash to be received" as used
     in Paragraphs 2(a) and 2(b) of Section C of this
     Article TWELFTH shall include the shares of Common
     Stock and/or the shares of any other class of Voting
     Stock retained by the holders of such shares.
     E.  Powers of the Continuing Directors.  A majority of
the Continuing Directors shall have the power and duty to
                           - 28 -
for purposes of this Article TWELFTH, on the basis of
information known to them after reasonable inquiry, (1)
whether a person is an Interested Stockholder, (2) the
number of shares of Common Stock or other securities
beneficially owned by any person, (3) whether a person is an
Affiliate or Associate of another, and (4) whether the
assets that are the subject of any Business Combination
have, or the consideration to be received for the issuance
or transfer of securities by the Corporation or any
Subsidiary in any Business Combination has, an aggregate
Fair Market Value in excess of the amounts set forth in
clauses (2) and (6) of Section A of this Article TWELFTH.
Any such determination made in good faith by a majority of
the Continuing Directors shall be binding and conclusive for
all the purposes of this Article TWELFTH.
     F.  No Effect on Fiduciary Obligations of Interested
Stockholders.  Nothing contained in this Article TWELFTH
shall be construed to relieve any Interested Stockholder
from any fiduciary obligation imposed by law.
     G.  No Effect on Fiduciary Obligation of Directors.
The fact that any Business Combination complies with the
provisions of Section C, Paragraph 2 of this Article TWELFTH
shall not be construed to impose any fiduciary duty,
obligation or responsibility on the Board of Directors, or
any member thereof, to approve such Business Combination or
recommend its adoption or approval to the stockholders of
the Corporation, nor shall such compliance limit, prohibit
or otherwise restrict in any manner the Board of Directors,
or any member thereof, with respect to
                           - 29 -
evaluations of or actions and responses taken with respect
to such Business Combination.
CORPORATION has caused this Restated Certificate of
Incorporation to be signed by Ferd. C. Meyer, Jr., its Vice
President and General Counsel, and its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed and attested by Philip I. McConnell, its
Secretary, this 23 day of April, 1990.

                         Ferd C. Meyer, Jr.
                         Vice President

(Corporate Seal)

Philip I. McConnell