Central and South West Corporation
                         1616 Woodall Rodgers Freeway
                                P.O. Box 660164
                           Dallas, Texas  75266-0164

                                        February 3, 1995

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

  Attention:   William C. Weeden
               Associate Director

         Re:   Central Power and Light Company
               Form U-1 Application-Declaration
               (File No. 70-8004)

Dear Mr. Weeden:

          Central Power and Light Company hereby withdraws in its
entirety the above captioned Form U-1 Application-Declaration,
relating to the request for authority to form a foreign sales
corporation (FSC).


                                     /s/ STEPHEN J. MCDONNELL
                                   Stephen J. McDonnell

cc:  Steve Wise - CSW
     Shirley Briones - CPL
     Robert Williams - MTH&M