Annual  Impact
- --------------
The  Company  has  restated  its  2002 and 2001 financial statements in order to
reflect  its Delaware and Maryland natural gas divisions on the "accrual" rather
than  the  "as  billed"  revenue  recognition  method. This change, which had an
insignificant  effect  on the Company's annual results for the last three years,
reflects  gas  consumed  by  the Company's customers through the last day of the
year  as  revenue.  The  Company's  Florida  division  has historically used the
"accrual"  method  in  accordance  with  Florida  Public  Service  Commission
requirements. The Delaware and Maryland divisions have historically used the "as
billed"  method to recognize revenues consistent with the rate-setting processes
in  those  states.  In  order  to  consistently  apply the "accrual" method, the
Company  met  separately  with  the  staffs  of the Delaware and Maryland Public
Service  Commissions  to  determine  the regulatory impact of the change. Having
determined  that  there  is  little  to no impact, the Company has conformed the
revenue  recognition  method  used in its Delaware and Maryland divisions to the
method used by its Florida division. In order to provide comparable information,
the  Company  is restating its 2002 and 2001 financial statements to reflect the
"accrual"  revenue  recognition method. As a result of the restatement, retained
earnings of the Company as of January 1, 2001 has increased by $697,000 compared
to  previously reported amounts. As indicated below, the change has no impact on
basic earnings per share. There is no impact on fully diluted earnings per share
in 2002 and a $0.01 decrease in 2001. Dollars are shown in thousands, except per
share  amounts.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       DECEMBER 31,     IMPACT OF     DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,     IMPACT OF     DECEMBER 31,
                                          2002           REVENUE         2002            2001           REVENUE         2001
                                      AS PREVIOUSLY    RECOGNITION                   AS PREVIOUSLY    RECOGNITION
                                       REPORTED (1)      CHANGE       AS RESTATED     REPORTED (1)      CHANGE       AS RESTATED
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating Revenues . . . . . . . .  $     134,101  $          42   $     134,143   $     157,670  $        (519)  $     157,151
  Operating Income . . . . . . . . .         16,618            (13)         16,605          16,270            (49)         16,221
  Income from Continuing Operations.          7,543             (8)          7,535           7,371            (30)          7,341
  Net Income . . . . . . . . . . . .          3,729             (8)          3,721           6,722            (30)          6,692

  From Continuing Operations . . . .  $        1.37  $           -   $        1.37   $        1.37  $           -   $        1.37
  Net Income . . . . . . . . . . . .  $        0.68  $           -   $        0.68   $        1.25  $           -   $        1.25

  From Continuing Operations . . . .  $        1.37  $           -   $        1.37   $        1.35  $           -   $        1.35
  Net Income . . . . . . . . . . . .  $        0.68  $           -   $        0.68   $        1.24  $       (0.01)  $        1.23

  Accounts receivable. . . . . . . .  $      24,046  $       3,298   $      27,344
  Underrecovered purchased
    gas costs. . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,969         (2,206)            763
  Income taxes . . . . . . . . . . .            488             27             515
  Other regulatory assets. . . . . .          2,021              8           2,029

  Deferred income taxes. . . . . . .  $        (418) $         468   $          50

Stockholders' Equity
  Retained earnings. . . . . . . . .  $      32,239  $         659   $      32,898

(1)  December  31,  2002  and 2001 Operating Revenue, Operating Income  and
     Income  from  Continuing  Operations  exclude  the  results of  the
     operations  discontinued  in  2003  and  include  minor  reclassifications
     to  conform  with  the  presentation  of  the  2003  results.

Quarterly  Impact
- -----------------
Under the "as billed" method, revenue is recorded after the customer's meter has
been read. Under the "accrual" method, revenue is based on an estimate of actual
deliveries  during any accounting period. The change from the "as billed" method
to  the "accrual" method has the effect of eliminating the delay inherent in the
"as  billed"  revenue  recognition  method.  As  a  result, during periods where
temperatures  are  getting  increasingly colder, the "accrual" method recognizes
more  revenue than the "as billed" method. During periods where temperatures are
getting  increasingly  warmer, the "accrual" method recognizes less revenue than
the  "as  billed"  method.  Over  a  twelve-month  period  the  differences  are
relatively  small,  because  twelve  months consist of a complete weather cycle.
However,  there are more significant differences when looking at quarterly data,
because  the  temperatures  at  the  beginning  of any individual quarter can be
significantly  different  than  at  the  end  of  that  quarter. For example, as
indicated  below,  while  the "accrual" revenue recognition method increased net
income  for  2003 by only $4,000, seasonal variances affect quarterly net income
by  up  to  $400,000.

The  following  schedules  detail  the  impact on quarterly results. Dollars are
shown  in  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts.

                                           ----------------- 2003 -----------------  ----------------- 2002 -----------------
                                             AS BILLED      IMPACT OF     ACCRUAL      AS BILLED      IMPACT OF     ACCRUAL
                                               METHOD        REVENUE      METHOD         METHOD        REVENUE      METHOD
                                           AS PREVIOUSLY   RECOGNITION               AS PREVIOUSLY   RECOGNITION
                                            REPORTED (1)     CHANGE     AS RESTATED   REPORTED (1)     CHANGE     AS RESTATED
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating Revenues
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $    63,924   $      (965)  $    62,959   $    45,851   $      (735)  $    45,116
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .       32,237        (1,452)       30,785        28,633        (1,845)       26,788
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .       23,174           275        23,449        20,617           160        20,777
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .       42,388         2,717        45,105        39,000         2,462        41,462
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Operating Revenues. . . . . . . .  $   161,723   $       575   $   162,298   $   134,101   $        42   $   134,143
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Operating Income
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $    12,566   $      (256)  $    12,310   $     9,152   $      (187)  $     8,965
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        3,268          (406)        2,862         2,093          (553)        1,540
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .          144             9           153          (153)           14          (139)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        5,594           660         6,254         5,526           713         6,239
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Operating Income. . . . . . . . .  $    21,572   $         7   $    21,579   $    16,618   $       (13)  $    16,605
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Income from Continuing Operations
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     6,789   $      (153)  $     6,636   $     5,057   $      (112)  $     4,945
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        1,177          (242)          935           620          (330)          290
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .         (715)            5          (710)         (721)            8          (713)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        2,824           394         3,218         2,587           426         3,013
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Income from Continuing Operations  $    10,075   $         4   $    10,079   $     7,543   $        (8)  $     7,535
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Net Income
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     6,628   $      (153)  $     6,475   $     2,967   $      (112)  $     2,855
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        1,176          (242)          934           530          (330)          200
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .         (865)            5          (860)         (939)            8          (931)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .        2,349           394         2,743         1,171           426         1,597
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Net Income. . . . . . . . . . . .  $     9,288   $         4   $     9,292   $     3,729   $        (8)  $     3,721
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Operating  Revenue,  Operating Income and Income from Continuing Operations
     for  the  quarters  of  2002  and  previously  filed  quarters  of  2003
     exclude the results of the operations discontinued in  2003  and  include
     minor  reclassifications  to  conform  with  the  presentation  of  the
     year-end  2003  results.

                                           ----------------- 2003 -----------------  ----------------- 2002 -----------------
                                             AS BILLED      IMPACT OF     ACCRUAL      AS BILLED      IMPACT OF     ACCRUAL
                                               METHOD        REVENUE      METHOD         METHOD        REVENUE      METHOD
                                           AS PREVIOUSLY   RECOGNITION               AS PREVIOUSLY   RECOGNITION
                                            REPORTED (1)     CHANGE     AS RESTATED   REPORTED (1)     CHANGE     AS RESTATED
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
  From Continuing Operations
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.22   $     (0.03)  $      1.19   $      0.93   $     (0.02)  $      0.91
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.21   $     (0.04)  $      0.17   $      0.11   $     (0.06)  $      0.05
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     (0.13)  $         -   $     (0.13)  $     (0.13)  $         -   $     (0.13)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.50   $      0.07   $      0.57   $      0.47   $      0.07   $      0.54

      FISCAL YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.80   $         -   $      1.80   $      1.37   $         -   $      1.37

  Net Income
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.19   $     (0.03)  $      1.16   $      0.55   $     (0.03)  $      0.52
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.21   $     (0.04)  $      0.17   $      0.10   $     (0.06)  $      0.04
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     (0.15)  $         -   $     (0.15)  $     (0.17)  $         -   $     (0.17)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.42   $      0.07   $      0.49   $      0.21   $      0.08   $      0.29

      FISCAL YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.66   $         -   $      1.66   $      0.68   $         -   $      0.68

- -------
  From Continuing Operations
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.19   $     (0.03)  $      1.16   $      0.90   $     (0.02)  $      0.88
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.21   $     (0.04)  $      0.17   $      0.11   $     (0.06)  $      0.05
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     (0.13)  $         -   $     (0.13)  $     (0.13)  $         -   $     (0.13)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.49   $      0.07   $      0.56   $      0.47   $      0.07   $      0.54

      FISCAL YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.76   $         -   $      1.76   $      1.37   $         -   $      1.37

  Net Income
      First quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.16   $     (0.03)  $      1.13   $      0.53   $     (0.02)  $      0.51
      Second quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.21   $     (0.04)  $      0.17   $      0.10   $     (0.06)  $      0.04
      Third quarter . . . . . . . . . . .  $     (0.15)  $         -   $     (0.15)  $     (0.17)  $         -   $     (0.17)
      Fourth quarter. . . . . . . . . . .  $      0.41   $      0.07   $      0.48   $      0.21   $      0.08   $      0.29

      FISCAL YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . .  $      1.63   $         -   $      1.63   $      0.68   $         -   $      0.68

(1)  Operating  Revenue,  Operating Income and Income from Continuing Operations
     for  the  quarters  of  2002  and  previously  filed  quarters  of  2003
     exclude the results of the operations discontinued in  2003  and  include
     minor  reclassifications  to  conform  with  the  presentation  of  the
     year-end  2003  results.