Exhibit 99.1

                              NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER

Attached  is a document  entitled  "Employment  and  Retention  Agreement"  that
Michael G. Harris, Citizens  Communications  Company's (the Company) Senior Vice
President,  Information  and  New  Technology,  claims  is a valid  and  binding
contract  between himself and the Company,  effective June 1, 2004. The Company,
however,  believes  that no binding  contract was ever formed and has so advised
Mr.  Harris.  Although  the  Compensation  Committee of the  Company's  Board of
Directors  considered whether to enter into employment and retention  agreements
with   certain   of  the   Company's   senior   executives   as   part   of  the
recently-completed initiative to review strategic and financial alternatives, no
such agreements were ever authorized or approved by the committee. Nevertheless,
it appears that Mr. Harris and the Company's former Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer,  Leonard Tow, each signed the attached document, which is the basis for
Mr.  Harris'  claim that a contract  exists.  The Company has advised Mr. Harris
that because neither the Compensation  Committee nor the full Board approved any
contract,  Mr. Tow had no authority  to sign the  attached  document and thereby
bind the Company to its terms. Because no valid contract was ever formed between
the Company and Mr.  Harris,  the  Company  believes it is not legally  bound to
perform any of the obligations stated in the attached document.


     AGREEMENT  made as of this 1st day of June 2004 (the  "Effective  Date") by
and between CITIZENS  COMMUNICATIONS  COMPANY, a Delaware  Corporation and whose
address for the purposes of this  Agreement is 3 High Ridge Park,  Stamford,  CT
06905  ("Citizens")  and Michael G. Harris,  an individual,  whose address is 16
Gorge Lane, Pound Ridge, NY 10576 ("Executive").


     A.  Executive  is  currently  employed by Citizens in the capacity of Chief
     Technology Officer.

     B.  Executive  and Citizens are mutually  desirous of, among other  things,
     providing for Executive's services for three years and making provision for
     special bonuses and severance  payments to Executive as well as payments in
     the instance of Change in Control,  as defined in Schedule B attached,  all
     as set forth herein.

     NOW THEREFORE; it is agreed as follows:

          1. EMPLOYMENT:

               Citizens employs  Executive and Executive accepts such employment
          as  Chief   Technology   Officer  of  Citizens  and  its  subsidiaries
          responsible  for all of its  technological  matters,  reporting to and
          subject to the authority  and direction of the Chief  Executive of the
          ILEC  Division of Citizens and reporting and subject also to the Board
          of Directors (the "Board") of Citizens.


          (a) The term of this Agreement shall be three years commencing June 1,
          2004 and  terminating  May 31,  2007  (the  "Term")  subject  to prior
          termination  as  herein  provided.

          (b)  Executive  shall render his services in  Fairfield  County,  CT.,
          provided  Executive  agrees to take such trips  outside said area from
          time to time as shall be consistent  with or  reasonably  necessary in
          connection with his duties.

          3. (a) Subject to Sections 9 and 10, as compensation for his services,
          Citizens shall pay Executive (i) a base salary ("Base  Salary") at the
          rate of  $225,000.00  per year for each year of the Term for each year
          for which Executive renders his services, subject to such withholdings
          required by applicable law, which shall be increased  however for each
          of the second and third years of the Term (each an "Applicable  Year")
          by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index prepared by the
          United  States Labor  Department  for the United States as a whole for
          the last calendar month in each of the Applicable  Years over the last
          calendar month in the  immediately  preceding  year, plus (ii) a bonus
          for each full year of the term in an amount not less than $308,000.00,
          being the bonus paid to Executive under the Citizens Incentive Plan of
          Citizens for Executive's services in calendar year 2003 (the "Bonus").


          (b) As additional compensation, Citizens shall pay Executive, a bonus,
          denominated a Retention Bonus, in the sum of $56,250.00,  being 25% of
          Executive's annual Base Salary,  subject to such withholdings required
          by applicable law, within five business days,  immediately  succeeding
          the earliest to occur of the  following:  (i) December 31, 2004,  (ii)
          the date on which Citizens, which is presently exploring strategic and
          financial  alternatives has publicly  announced that it has determined
          to accept a particular  alternative,  (iii) the date of termination of
          Executive's  employment,  (w) by  reason  of  death,  (x) by reason of
          "Permanent  Incapacity"  as defined in  Schedule  B  attached,  (y) by
          Citizens  for other  than  "Good  Cause",  as  defined  in  Schedule B
          attached and (z) by Executive for "Good Reason" as defined in Schedule
          B attached, or (iv) a Change in Control.

          (c)  Nothing  herein  shall  preclude  or  prevent  the  Board  or the
          Compensation  Committee of the Board in its sole discretion,  and from
          time-to-time,  granting additional bonuses to the Executive, which may
          take the form of cash  bonuses,  shares of stock,  options  to acquire
          shares of stock or other incentive or stock related awards.

          (d) All reasonable expenses incurred by Executive in the discharge and
          fulfillment  of his duties will be reimbursed or paid by Citizens upon
          written substantiation by Executive.  Executive shall be insured under
          such  group  life,  medical,  dental,  major  medical  and  disability
          insurance  that Citizens  maintains  from time to time during the Term
          subject to the terms, provisions and conditions of such insurance.



               Citizens  confirms  the prior grant and award to Executive of its
          Common Stock (the "Inducing  Shares") under its 2000 Equity Incentive
          Plan (the "Plan") as follows:

                        a) 50,000 shares on March 11, 2004
                        b) 15,000 shares on March 11, 2004

          Pursuant  to  the  Plan,   there  are  restrictions  on  the  sale  or
          transferability  of these shares which restrictions lapse cumulatively
          on one  third of the  shares  awarded,  each  year  over a three  year
          period, commencing with the respective date of grant.  Notwithstanding
          the foregoing, all restrictions on the sale or transferability as well
          as any and all other  restrictions on the Inducing Shares,  which have
          not  previously  lapsed,  shall  lapse and be of no further  force and
          effect on the earliest to occur of the following:  (a)  termination of
          Executive's  Employment (i) by reason of his death,  (ii) by reason of
          his Permanent Incapacity, (iii) by Citizens for other than Good Cause,
          and (iv) by the Executive for Good Reason, or (b) a Change in Control.
          The Inducing Shares  referenced in Item a) above were not certificated
          but issued in book-entry  form.  The Inducing  Shares in Item b) above
          shall be treated similarly.  A restricted stock agreement covering the
          Inducing  Shares  Referenced  in Item a)  above  has  heretofore  been
          executed by Citizens and Executive. Simultaneous with the execution of
          this  Agreement,  Citizens and  Executive  shall  execute a restricted
          stock  agreement  covering  the Inducing  Shares  reference in Item b)
          above in the form of Schedule A annexed.


          5. EXCLUSIVITY:

          (a) During the Term,  Executive  agrees to devote his services and his
          best  energies  and  abilities,   exclusively,  to  the  business  and
          activities of Citizens and its Subsidiaries, and not engage or have an
          interest in or perform  services  for any other  business or entity of
          any kind or nature;  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein  shall
          prevent  Executive from  investing in (but not rendering  services to)
          other  businesses  which are not  competitive  in any manner  with the
          business then being  conducted by Citizens or any of it  subsidiaries,
          or in investing in, but not rendering  services to , other  businesses
          which are  competitive  in any  manner  with the  business  then being
          conducted  by Citizens  provided in the latter  instance  that (i) the
          shares  of  such  business  are  listed  and  traded  over a  national
          securities exchange,  and (ii) Executive's stock interest or potential
          stock  interest  (based  on  grants,   options,   warrants,  or  other
          arrangements  then in  existence)  in any  such  business  which is so
          traded (together with any and all interest,  actual and potential,  of
          all  members of  Executive's  immediate  family) is not a  controlling

          (b) While  employed by Citizens and for a period of one year after the
          termination  of the  Executive's  employment for any reason other than
          termination  by Citizens for other than Good Cause or by the Executive
          for Good Reason,  the Executive  shall not  personally  (and shall not
          personally  cause  others to) (i) take any action to solicit or divert
          any material  business or customers  away from  Citizens,  (ii) induce
          customers,  potential  customers,  suppliers,  agents or other persons
          under contract or otherwise associated or doing business with Citizens
          to terminate,  reduce or alter any such  association  or business,  or
          (iii)  induce any person  employed by Citizens to (x)  terminate  such
          employment  arrangement,  or  (y)  interfere  with  the  customers  or
          suppliers or otherwise with Citizens in any manner.


          6. UNIQUENESS:

               Executive agrees that his services hereunder are special,  unique
          and  extraordinary  and that in the  event of any  material  breach or
          attempted  material  breach of this  Agreement by Executive,  Citizens
          will sustain substantial injury and damage, and Executive consents and
          agrees  that,  in the  event of  breach or  attempted  breach  hereof,
          Citizens shall be entitled to injunctive  relief against  Executive or
          any third party to prevent any such breach,  in addition to such other
          rights or remedies available to it.

          7. TRADE SECRETS:

               Executive   acknowledges  that  his  employment   hereunder  will
          necessarily  involve his  understanding of and access to certain trade
          secrets,  technical data, know-how and other confidential  information
          pertaining  to the  businesses  and  activities  of  Citizens  and its
          subsidiaries,  which  are  special,  valuable  and  unique  assets  of
          Citizens  (such  assets  being   referred  to  as  "Trade   Secrets").
          Accordingly, Executive agrees that during the period of his employment
          and at all times thereafter,  he will not disclose to any unauthorized
          third  party  and such  Trade  Secrets  and will  not  (other  than in
          connection  with  carrying  out his duties)  for any reason  remove or
          retain without the express  written consent of Citizens any figures or
          calculations, letters, papers, records, or other information of a type
          likely to be regarded as confidential.  The provisions of this Section
          shall survive the  expiration or the  termination of this Agreement or
          the  Executive's  employment for any reason other than  termination by
          Citizens  for  other  than  Good  Cause or by the  Executive  for Good



               All right, title and interest of every kind and nature whatsoever
          in and to inventions, patents, trademarks, copyrights, films, scripts,
          ideas, creations, intellectual property and literary, intellectual and
          other  properties  furnished  to Citizens  or any of its  subsidiaries
          and/or used in  connection  with any of the  activities of Citizens or
          any of its  subsidiaries,  or with which  Executive  is  connected  or
          associated in connection with the  performance of his services,  shall
          as  between  the  parties  hereto  be,  become and remain the sole and
          exclusive property of Citizens or any of its subsidiaries, as the case
          may be, for any and all purposes and uses  whatsoever,  regardless  of
          whether  the  same  were  invented,   created,   written,   developed,
          furnished,  produced or  disclosed by Executive or by any other party,
          and  Executive  shall have no right,  title or interest of any kind or
          nature therein or thereto,  or in any results and proceeds there from.
          Executive agrees that both during and after the term hereof to execute
          any and all documents which Citizens may deem necessary or appropriate
          to effectuate  the provisions of this Section and,  further,  that the
          provisions  of  this  Section  shall  survive  the  expiration  or the
          termination,   for  any  reason,  of  this  Agreement  or  Executive's

          9. TERMINATION:

               Executive's  employment  shall terminate on the first to occur of
          the following:

               a) Death of Executive.


               b) On not less than 15 days  written  notice to  Executive in the
               instance of the Permanent Incapacity of Executive, in which event
               this  Agreement  shall  terminate  on the date set  forth in said

               c) On not less than 30 days  written  notice to  Executive in the
               event of termination  of  Executive's  employment by Citizens for
               Good Cause,  in which event this Agreement shall terminate on the
               date set forth in said notice.  The notice shall specify the acts
               or  omissions   constituting   Good  Cause.  In  the  event  such
               termination is based on the  Executive's  willful refusal without
               proper  cause to  perform  his  duties as  delineated  herein and
               within 30 days following the giving of said notice of termination
               Executive   has  taken   reasonable   efforts  to  perform   such
               obligations,  the notice of termination  shall be of no force and
               effect.  Executive  shall have the right to contest or  challenge
               any termination for Good Cause utilizing the arbitration  process
               set forth in Section 17.

               d) On not less than 30 days  written  notice  from  Executive  to
               Citizens in the event of  termination  of this agreement for Good
               Reason in which event  Executive's  employment shall terminate on
               the date set forth in said notice.  The notice shall  specify the
               acts constituting  Good Reason.  Provided however that if, within
               30  days  of  the  giving  of  such  notice  Citizens  has  taken
               reasonable steps to eliminate the acts or omissions  constituting
               the alleged Good Reason the notice of termination  shall be of no
               force and  effect.  Citizens  shall  have the right to contest or
               challenge  any  termination  for  "Good  Reason"   utilizing  the
               arbitration  process  set forth in Section 17. A  termination  of
               Executive  employment  by  Citizens  without  Good Cause shall be
               deemed to be equivalent  to a  termination  by Executive for Good

               e) A Change In Control.



                    (a)  Termination Under Section 9(a) or 9(b).

                         In  the  event  Executive's  employment  is  terminated
                    pursuant to either Section 9(a) or 9(b),  Executive shall be
                    entitled to receive and  Citizens  shall pay  Executive  the

                         (i) Payment of Base  Salary to the date of  termination
                    if not previously  paid, plus the balance of payments of his
                    Base Salary  that would  otherwise  have  become  payable to
                    Executive  for  the  balance  of the  Term  pursuant  to the
                    provisions  of  this  Agreement  based  on the  rate of Base
                    Salary payable at the date of  termination,  but in no event
                    shall  this  balance  be less than an  amount  equal to Base
                    Salary for a two year period.

                         (ii) a cash bonus for the year of  termination  being a
                    fraction  of the bonus  paid for the  immediately  preceding
                    calendar year, (or the minimum amount  referenced in Section
                    3(a)(ii) in the event termination occurred in the first year
                    of the Term) the  numerator  of which is the  number of days
                    prior  to  termination  in the year of  termination  and the
                    denominator  of which is 365,  plus a cash  bonus  otherwise
                    payable  for  the  balance  of the  Term  (the  "Cash  Bonus
                    Balance")  in  the  minimum  amount  referenced  in  Section
                    3(a)(ii),  but in no event shall this Cash Bonus  Balance be
                    less than the minimum bonus  payable under Section  3(a)(ii)
                    for a two year period.


                         (iii) if not previously  paid, the Retention  Bonus, as
                    provided in Section 3(b).

                    All such  payments  shall be made  promptly  but in no event
               later than 10 business days immediately succeeding termination of
               employment and shall be subject to such withholdings  required by
               applicable law.

               In  addition,  (x) all  restrictions  on all  shares of  Citizens
          Common  Stock  previously  awarded  to and  then  owned  and  held  by
          Executive,  other than  Inducing  Shares  (which are  provided  for in
          Section 4) shall lapse on the date of termination,  (y) all options to
          acquire shares of Citizens Common Stock (whether  awarded  pursuant to
          one of Citizens' plans or otherwise) which have not then vested, shall
          be deemed  to vest on the date of  termination,  and,  (z) for the two
          years immediately  succeeding  termination,  Citizens at its sole cost
          shall provide Executive with a medical,  dental,  hospitalization  and
          health plan and  insurance  having the same benefits and coverage with
          respect  to  dependents  as are  contained  in the  plan  of  Citizens
          available  to  Executive,   including  life   insurance,   immediately
          preceding termination.


                    (b)  Termination For Good Cause.

                         In the event the  Executive's  employment is terminated
                    for  Good  Cause  under  Section  9(C),  Executive  shall be
                    entitled to the balance of his Base Salary to the end of the
                    calendar year in which termination occurs and Bonus for such
                    year, and to no other payment or benefit;  the payment shall
                    be paid  within  20  business  days  immediately  succeeding
                    termination. Effective with such termination (i) all options
                    to  purchase  shares of  Citizens  Common  Stock  heretofore
                    granted to Executive and which have not then vested shall be
                    and be deemed canceled,  forfeited,  null and void and of no
                    force and effect, and (ii) all shares of the Common Stock of
                    Citizens  previously  awarded to and then held by Executive,
                    including the Inducing  Shares on which  restrictions  shall
                    not have then lapsed,  shall be deemed  canceled,  forfeited
                    and null and void  and all  certificates  representing  said
                    shares shall  forthwith be returned by Executive to Citizens
                    for  cancellation  and any and all  entries on the books and
                    records of  Citizens  on which the  issuing  of said  shares
                    shall  have  been  recorded,  shall be deemed  canceled  and
                    deleted, null and void and of no force and effect.

                    (c)  Termination For Good Reason and Change In Control.
                         In the event the  Executive's  employment is terminated
                    pursuant to Section 9(d) or 9(e)  (including  termination by
                    Citizens  other than for Good Cause)  Citizens shall pay and
                    provide  Executive  with all of the  payments  and  benefits
                    (including  lapsing of restrictions of Citizens Common Stock
                    and vesting of all options)  provided in  subsection  (a) of
                    this Section 10. All such  payments  shall be made  promptly
                    after  but  in  no  event  later  than  10   business   days
                    immediately  succeeding  termination of employment and shall
                    be subject to such withholdings required by applicable law.


                    (d)  Mitigation.
                         In  the  event  of  the   termination   of  Executive's
                    employment  under Section 9, Executive shall not be required
                    to mitigate his damages  hereunder and payments and benefits
                    to be made in event of termination  under said section shall
                    not be limited or reduced by any amount Executive might earn
                    or be able to earn from other  employment  or ventures,  nor
                    shall  Executive be obligated  to seek other  employment  or
                    other opportunities.


                    (a)  In  the  event  Executive's  employment  is  terminated
                    pursuant to Section  (9a)(b) or (d), then Citizens shall pay
                    Executive  or  his  legal   representatives  for  shares  or
                    restricted   stock  of  Citizens  then  owned  and  held  by
                    Executive,  including  the Inducing  Shares,  at a price per
                    share  obtained by taking the average  closing price of such
                    shares  over  the  New  York  Stock   Exchange  for  the  14
                    consecutive   trading   days   ending  on  the  trading  day
                    immediately  preceding  the  termination  date (the  "Market
                    Price") and shall pay  Executive  for each of the options to
                    acquire  shares  of  Citizens  then  held  by  Executive  as
                    follows:  (i) in the instance  where the  exercise  price of
                    options  is  greater  than the  Market  Price of the  shares
                    underlying  the  Options  at  the  date  of  termination  of
                    employment  the  value  of  the  options   pursuant  to  the
                    Black-Scholes methodology of evaluating options historically
                    utilized by Citizens in determining  such value;  or (ii) in
                    the  instance  where the  exercise  price of options is less
                    than the Market Price of the shares  underlying  the options
                    at the date of termination of employment, the greater of (y)
                    the  differential  between the Market Price and the Exercise
                    Price  of the  Options  and (z)  the  value  of the  options
                    utilizing  the  Black-Scholes  methodology  described in (i)
                    above.  Said payments  shall be made  simultaneous  with the
                    payments under Section 10(a).


                    (b) In the event of termination of Executive's employment by
                    reason of a Change in Control  Citizens  shall pay Executive
                    for shares of  restricted  stock of Citizens,  including the
                    Inducing  Shares,  and options to acquire shares of Citizens
                    previously awarded and then owned and held by Executive,  in
                    the  same  manner  as set  forth in  subsection  (a) of this
                    Section 11 except that the 14 consecutive day trading period
                    in  determining  Market  Price shall end on the day which is
                    five  business  days  prior to the  Change in  Control,  and
                    payment  shall  be made  simultaneous  with  the  Change  in

                    (c) Provided however, that notwithstanding the provisions of
                    sub-sections  (a)  and  (b),  on  written  notice  given  to
                    Citizens  no later  than  five days  immediately  succeeding
                    termination   of   employment,   Executive   or  his   legal
                    representatives  as the case may be, shall have the right to
                    forego  payment for said  restricted  shares  including  the
                    Inducing  Shares,  and options in which event Citizens shall
                    have no obligations of any kind to make payment to Executive
                    or his legal representatives for said shares and options.



                    (a)   Anything   in   this   Agreement   to   the   contrary
                    notwithstanding,  in the event it shall be  determined  that
                    any payment or  distribution  by Citizens or other  benefits
                    provided to Executive  hereunder  (including but not limited
                    to   acceleration   of  vesting  of   options,   lapsing  of
                    restrictions  on shares  of  restricted  stock and  medical,
                    dental, hospitalization and health plan and insurance) to or
                    for the benefit of the Executive (whether paid or payable or
                    distributed or  distributable  pursuant to the terms of this
                    Agreement or otherwise, but determined without regard to any
                    additional  payments  required  under  this  Section  12) (a
                    "Payment")  would be subject  to the  excise tax  imposed by
                    Section 4999 of the United States  Internal  Revenue code of
                    1986, as amended (the "Code"),  or any interest or penalties
                    are  incurred by the  Executive  with respect to such excise
                    tax (such excise tax,  together  with any such  interest and
                    penalties, being hereinafter collectively referred to as the
                    "Excise Tax"),  then Executive  shall be entitled to receive
                    an  additional  payment (a "Gross-Up  Payment") in an amount
                    such that after  payment by the  Executive  of all  federal,
                    state,  and local taxes (including any interest or penalties
                    imposed  with  respect  to such  taxes)  including,  without
                    limitation,   any  income  and  employment  taxes  (and  any
                    interest and  penalties  imposed  with respect  thereto) and
                    Excise Tax  imposed  upon the  Gross-Up  Payment,  Executive
                    retains  an  amount  of the  Gross-Up  Payment  equal to the
                    Excise Tax imposed upon the payment.


                    (b)  All  determinations  required  to be  made  under  this
                    Section 12, including whether and when a Gross-Up Payment is
                    required  and the amount of such  Gross-Up  Payment  and the
                    assumptions   to   be   utilized   in   arriving   at   such
                    determination,  shall  be made by  Deloitte  &  Touche  (the
                    "Accounting  Firm") which shall provide detailed  supporting
                    calculations  both  to  Citizens  and the  Executive  within
                    fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of notice from the
                    Executive  that  there has been a Payment,  or such  earlier
                    time  as  is  required  by   Citizens   (collectively,   the
                    "Determination").  All fees charged by the  Accounting  Firm
                    for its services  provided in connection with this Agreement
                    shall be paid by Citizens.  In the event that the Accounting
                    Firm is serving as accountant or auditor for the individual,
                    entity  or  group  effecting  the  Change  in  Control,  the
                    Executive  shall appoint  PriceWaterhouseCoopers  or Ernst &
                    Young,  or  their   respective   successors,   to  make  the
                    determinations  required  hereunder  (which  accounting firm
                    shall then be referred to as the Accounting Firm hereunder).
                    If the  Accounting  Firm  determines  that no Excise  Tax is
                    payable by the  Executive,  it shall  furnish the  Executive
                    with a written opinion that failure to report the Excise Tax
                    on the  Executive's  applicable  federal  income  tax return
                    would  not  result  in the  imposition  of a  negligence  or
                    similar  penalty.  The  Determination by the Accounting Firm
                    shall be  binding  upon  Citizens  and the  Executive.  As a
                    result of the uncertainty in the application of Section 4999
                    of the Code at the time of the Determination, it is possible
                    that Gross-Up  Payments which should have been made were not
                    made  ("Underpayment"),  consistent  with  the  calculations
                    required  to be  made  hereunder.  In  the  event  Executive
                    thereafter  is required  to make  payment of any Excise Tax,
                    the  Accounting  Firm  shall  determine  the  amount  of the
                    Underpayment  that has  occurred  and any such  Underpayment
                    shall be promptly  paid by Citizens to or for the benefit of
                    the Executive.



                    (a)  Citizens  agrees to and  confirms  its  obligation,  to
                    indemnify  Executive as an officer,  director,  employee and
                    agent,  and its  related  obligation  to  advance  funds for
                    expenses  to  the   Executive   as  contained  in  Citizens'
                    certificate   of   incorporation,   by-laws  and  any  other
                    instruments  or  provided  for  by law  or  otherwise.  Such
                    obligation  shall  be in  scope  the  greatest  of  (i)  the
                    obligations  existing  as  of  the  date  hereof,  (ii)  the
                    obligations  as they may be amended or otherwise  revised in
                    the future,  or (iii) the maximum  protection  available for
                    officers  and/or  directors under  applicable law.  Citizens
                    agrees that it will use its best efforts to the end that the
                    By-laws and Certificate of  Incorporation  of Citizens shall
                    not be amended to reduce any indemnity  protection presently
                    available to officers and/or directors.


                    (b)  Citizens  presently  maintains  Directors  and Officers
                    Insurance  in  limits  of Fifty  Million  Dollars.  Citizens
                    agrees to maintain  Directors' and Officers' Insurance (at a
                    minimum in such limits) covering Citizens' obligation, among
                    other things, to indemnify the Executive for loss, liability
                    and  expenses  resulting  from  litigation  relating  to his
                    activities  as an  officer,  director,  employee or agent of
                    Citizens and/or any of its  subsidiaries,  on an "occurrence
                    made" basis,  and agrees further,  following  termination of
                    employment  under this  Agreement,  to  maintain  equivalent
                    coverage for the  Executive,  for the maximum  period of all
                    applicable  periods  of  limitation,  (or as a named  former
                    officer  and  director)  on a  "claims  made"  basis for his
                    activities  during  the  Term  while  he was an  officer  or
                    director of Citizens or any of its subsidiaries.

               14.  MERGER.

                    (a) In the  instance of a merger,  consolidation  or sale of
                    assets which does not  constitute a Change in Control,  this
                    Agreement  shall  not be  terminated  by any such  merger or
                    consolidation  of Citizens whether Citizens is or is not the
                    surviving  or  resulting  corporation  or as a result of any
                    such sale or  transfer  of all or  substantially  all of the
                    assets  of  Citizens.  In  the  event  of any  such  merger,
                    consolidation or sale or transfer of assets,  the provisions
                    of  this  Agreement  provided  that  concurrently  with  any
                    merger, consolidation or sale or transfer of assets and as a
                    condition  thereof,  Citizens  will cause any  successor  or
                    transferee,  unconditionally, to assume, and such successor,
                    transferee shall assume by written  instrument  delivered to
                    the Executive  (or his  beneficiary  or estate),  all of the
                    obligations  of Citizens  hereunder.  Failure of Citizens to
                    obtain such  assumption  or such  successor or transferee to
                    execute such assumption  prior to the  effectiveness  of any
                    such merger,  consolidation or transfer of assets shall be a
                    breach of this  Agreement and shall entitle the Executive to
                    compensation  and other  benefits  from Citizens in the same
                    amount  and on the  same  terms  as the  Executive  would be
                    entitled  hereunder  if  the  Executive's   employment  were
                    terminated  by reason of a Change in  Control  (in the event
                    such merger or consolidation does not constitute a Change In
                    Control  under the  definition  set forth in Schedule  "B"),
                    with payment to Executive to be made  concurrently  with any
                    said  merger,  consolidation  or  transfer of assets and the
                    fourteen day period referenced in Section 11(b) shall end on
                    the fifth  business day  immediately  preceding said merger,
                    consolidation or transfer of assets.


                    (b) Without  limitation,  any dispute or  controversy  under
                    this  section  shall be settled by  arbitration  pursuant to
                    Section  17 and all legal  costs as well as other  costs and
                    expense of  Executive  in  connection  with such  dispute or
                    controversy  shall be paid by  Citizens  as those  costs and
                    expenses and incurred.


               15.  DISPUTE; ASSIGNMENT.

                    (a) In the  event  of a  dispute  between  Citizens  and the
                    Executive  in the  instance of  termination  of  Executive's
                    employment  for Good  Cause or for Good  Reason  then  until
                    there is a determination pursuant to the arbitration process
                    set forth in Section  17, the amounts  that would  otherwise
                    have been paid to the Executive in the event there were Good
                    Reason for the Executive to have  terminated  his employment
                    or an  absence  of Good  Cause as a  predicate  to  Citizens
                    terminating  Executive's  employment,  shall  be  placed  by
                    Citizens in a separate  fund awaiting the  determination  in
                    the arbitration  process and confirmation of the arbitration
                    award.  In the  event  the  arbitrator  finds a lack of Good
                    Cause or a presence of Good Reason, the applicable  payments
                    by Citizens to Executive  shall be made within five business
                    days  immediately  succeeding  a final  confirmation  of the
                    award.   Citizens  shall  pay  Executive's  legal  fees  and
                    expenses in connection  with the aforesaid  arbitration,  as
                    same are incurred, regardless of the outcome thereof.

                    (b)  This   agreement   and  the   Executive's   rights  and
                         obligations   may  not  be  assigned  or  delegated  by
                         Executive;  provided  however that this Agreement shall
                         inure  to the  benefit  of and  be  enforceable  by the
                         Executive's    personal   or   legal    representative,
                         executors,    administrators,     successors,    heirs,
                         distributes,   devises  and  legatees.   In  the  event
                         Executive  shall  die  after  the  termination  of  his
                         employment  and while  amounts are still payable to him
                         by reason of his  termination of  employment,  all such
                         amounts, unless otherwise provided for herein, shall be
                         paid to such person or persons  appointed in writing by
                         the  Executive to receive such  amounts,  or if no such
                         person is so  appointed  to the  Executive's  estate or
                         legal representatives.


                    16.  RELEASE.

                         In  exchange  for  the  consideration  provided  to the
                    Executive  pursuant to this Agreement,  the Executive,  with
                    the intention of binding  himself and his heirs,  executors,
                    administrators,  assigns and legal  representatives,  hereby
                    releases and forever discharges  Citizens and any subsidiary
                    of  Citizens,  and all of its or their  current,  former and
                    future   officers,   directors,   shareholders,   employees,
                    attorneys,  agents,  predecessors,  successors,  assigns and
                    legal  representatives,  and the pension and welfare benefit
                    plans in which Citizens  participates  and their  respective
                    administrators, fiduciaries, trustees, and insurers, whether
                    acting as agents for Citizens or in an individual  capacity,
                    from any and all  claims,  demands,  causes  of  action  and
                    liabilities whatsoever,  (other than a breach by Citizens of
                    this  Agreement),  whether  known or  unknown,  asserted  or
                    unasserted,  whether  based on tort,  contract  or any other
                    legal or  equitable  theory,  and whether for  compensatory,
                    punitive  or other  damages,  remedies  or relief,  that the
                    Executive  ever  had  or  now  has by  reason  of  any  act,
                    omission,  transaction or occurrence,  including those on or
                    before the date of this  Agreement,  and  including  further
                    without  limitation,  any and all such claims arising out of
                    or in connection with Executive's  employment with Citizens,
                    other than a material  breach of this Agreement by Citizens,
                    or the  termination of the Executive's  employment,  and any
                    and  all  such  claims  under  state,  federal,   municipal,
                    statutory  or common  law,  including,  without  limitation,
                    Title VII of the Civil  Rights  Act of 1964,  42 U.S.C.  ss.
                    1981,  the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Civil Rights Act of
                    1991, the Age  Discrimination  in Employment  Act, the Older
                    Workers   Benefit   Protection   Act,  the   American   with
                    Disabilities  Act, the Employee  Retirement  Income Security
                    Act,  the Fair Labor  Standards  Act, the Family and Medical
                    Leave Act, the Delaware Fair  Employment  Practices Act, the
                    Connecticut   Human  Rights  and   Opportunities   Law,  the
                    Connecticut  Family and Medical  Leave Law, the  Connecticut
                    Age  Discrimination and Employee Insurance Benefits Law, the
                    Connecticut   Smokers'   Rights  Law,  and  the  Connecticut
                    Constitution, as such laws have been or may be amended.



                    (a)  Subject to the  provisions  of  subsection  (b) of this
                    section,  any dispute or  controversy  under this  agreement
                    shall be settled  exclusively  by  arbitration  in Stamford,
                    Connecticut  by a single  arbitrator in accordance  with the
                    rules  of  the  American  Arbitration  Association  then  in
                    effect.  Judgment may be entered  confirming the arbitration
                    award in any court having  jurisdiction.  Citizens shall pay
                    and bear all legal and other costs and expenses,  (including
                    those  of the  Executive)  arising  in  connection  with any
                    arbitration proceeding and subsequent  confirmation pursuant
                    to this  Section.  Executive's  costs and expenses  shall be
                    paid by Citizens as same are incurred.

                    (b)  Notwithstanding  any provision  herein to the contrary,
                    the Executive  acknowledges and agrees that Citizens' remedy
                    at law for any breach of the covenants contained in Sections
                    6, 7 and 8 would be  inadequate  and that for any  breach of
                    such covenants Citizens,  in addition to such other remedies
                    as may be available to it at law or in equity or as provided
                    for in this  Agreement,  shall be entitled to an injunction,
                    restraining  order, or other equitable  relief,  without the
                    necessity or posting a bond,  restraining the Executive from
                    committing  or  continuing  to commit any  violation of such
                    covenants.  Any breach or alleged  breach of such  covenants
                    shall not be subject to the arbitration process set forth in
                    this Section 17.


               18.  MISCELLANEOUS.

                    (a)  Right to Accelerate.
                         Without  limitation  of  any  rights  of  Executive  to
                    otherwise  cause  acceleration of any benefits or monies due
                    or to become due to Executive, his legal representatives, in
                    the event Citizens shall fail to make, when due, any payment
                    referred to in this  Agreement  or shall  refuse to make any
                    such payment,  Executive,  at his option, may accelerate and
                    declare  due,   payable  and   performable   all   payments,
                    provisions or entitlement  under this  Agreement,  provided,
                    however,  that such  acceleration  shall be effected only by
                    written  notice  thereof  given  by  Executive  to  Citizens
                    specifying in detail the basis for  acceleration,  and shall
                    be  effective  as of the date which is twenty (20)  business
                    day after the receipt of such notice by  Citizens;  provided
                    further,  however,  that if within twenty (20) business days
                    following the date of receipt of such notice  Citizens shall
                    make  the  payment  in  question  or  shall  make  provision
                    therefore,   the   acceleration   shall  not  be  effective.
                    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in the  event of a dispute
                    between  Executive and Citizen relating to Executive's right
                    to accelerate  payment or Citizens'  failure to make payment
                    the_provisions of this Section 18(a) shall be subject to the
                    provisions of Sections 15(a) and 17.


               (b)  Severability.

                         If for any reason any provision of this Agreement shall
                    be held invalid,  such invalidity shall not affect any other
                    provision of this Agreement not held invalid,  and all other
                    such provisions shall to the full extent consistent with law
                    continue  in full  force and effect so as to  carry-out  the
                    intent of this  Agreement.  If any such  provision  shall be
                    held invalid in part, such invalidity shall in no way affect
                    the rest of such provision not held invalid, and the rest of
                    such provision,  together with all other  provisions of this
                    Agreement, shall likewise to the full extent consistent with
                    the law continue in full force and effect so as to carry-out
                    the intent of this Agreement.  In the event of any aforesaid
                    invalidity, the parties shall both endeavor and negotiate in
                    good faith,  to agree upon  substitute  valid  provisions to
                    effectuate the intent of the  provisions  held to be invalid
                    in whole or in part.


               (c)  Headings.

                         The  headings  of  Sections  are  included  solely  for
                    convenience  of reference  and shall not control the meaning
                    or   interpretation   of  any  of  the  provisions  of  this

               (d)  Governing Law.

                         Citizens  being a Delaware  corporation,  the validity,
                    interpretation,   performance   and   enforcement   of  this
                    Agreement  shall be  governed  by the  internal  laws of the
                    State of Delaware applicable to agreements made and fully to
                    be performed therein,  without any reference to any rules of
                    conflicts of laws.

               (e)  Counterparts.

                         This   Agreement   may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
                    counterparts,  and such  counterparts  when  taken  together
                    shall constitute one executed instrument.

               (f)  Notice.

                         All notices and other communications hereunder shall be
                    in  writing  and  shall be deemed  given (i) when  delivered
                    personally,  (ii)  when  transmitted  by email or  facsimile
                    transmission  to the e-mail address or facsimile  number set
                    forth below (during  normal  business hours of the recipient
                    or the immediate succeeding business day), (iii) when mailed
                    on  the  second  business  day  immediately  succeeding  the
                    mailing by registered  or certified  mail,  (return  receipt
                    requested),  postage  prepaid,  or (iv)  when  delivered  by
                    overnight courier such as Federal Express or UPS, on the day
                    delivered,   addressed  to  the  parties  at  the  following
                    respective  addresses (or at such other address or facsimile
                    for a party as shall be specified  by like notice,  provided
                    that  notices of changes  of address or  facsimile  shall be
                    effective only upon receipt thereof);


                    (i) If to Citizens at

                           Three High Ridge Park
                           Stamford, CT  06905
                                        Attention: General Counsel
                                        Facsimile #: (203) 614-4651

                                        With A Copy to:
                                               David Kroenlein, Esquire
                                               WINSTON & STRAWN, LLP
                                               200 Park Avenue
                                               New York, NY  10166

                                                  Facsimile #: (212) 294-4700

                    (ii) If to Executive at:

                              16 Gorge Lane
                              Pound Ridge, NY 10576
                              Facsimile #:  (914) 764-0838


                    (g) No provision of this Agreement may be modified or waived
                    unless such  modification is agreed to in writing and signed
                    by  the  Executive  and  by a  duly  authorized  officer  of
                    Citizens,  or such waiver is signed by the waiving party. No
                    waiver by either  party  hereto at any time of any breach by
                    the other party hereto of, or compliance with, any condition
                    or  provisions  of this  Agreement  to be  performed by such
                    other   party  shall  be  deemed  a  waiver  of  similar  or
                    dissimilar  provisions  or  conditions at the same or at any
                    prior  or  subsequent  time.  Failure  by the  Executive  or
                    Citizens to insist upon strict compliance with any provision
                    of this  Agreement  or to assert any right the  Executive or
                    Citizens may have hereunder,  including without  limitation,
                    the right of the Executive to terminate  employment for Good
                    Reason, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such provision
                    or right or any other  provision of or right provided for in
                    this Agreement.  The rights of, and benefits payable to, the
                    Executive,  his estate or his beneficiaries pursuant to this
                    Agreement  or in  addition  to any  rights  of, or  benefits
                    payable to, the Executive,  his estate or his  beneficiaries
                    under  any  other  employee  benefit  plan  or  compensation
                    program of Citizens.  No agreement or representations,  oral
                    or otherwise, express or implied, with regard to the subject
                    matter  hereof have been made by either  party which are not
                    expressly set forth in this Agreement.  The word "including"
                    shall be deemed  to be  immediately  succeeded  by the words
                    "but not limited to".


IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Citizens has caused this Agreement to be executed by a duly
authorized  officer  of  Citizens  and the  Executive,  both has  executed  this
Agreement, as of the day first above written below.


By:  /s/ Leonard Tow
       Its Chairman and CEO

     /s/ Michael G. Harris
- ---------------------------------------
         Michael G. Harris


                                   SCHEDULE A

                           RESTRICTED STOCK AGREEMENT

     This  Agreement is made June 1, 2004 as of March 11, 2004 ("Date of Award")
between Citizens  Communications Company, a Delaware corporation (the "Company")
and Michael G. Harris (the  "Grantee").  In  consideration of the agreements set
forth below, the Company and the Grantee agree as follows:

     1.   Grant:  A restricted  stock award  ("Award") of 15,000 shares  ("Award
          Shares") of the Company's  common stock  ("Common  Stock"),  is hereby
          granted by the Company to the Grantee  subject to the following  terms
          and conditions and to the provisions of the 2000 Equity Incentive Plan
          (the "Plan"), the terms of which are incorporated by reference herein.

     2.   Transfer  Restrictions:  None  of the  Award  Shares  shall  be  sold,
          assigned,   pledged   or   otherwise   transferred,   voluntarily   or
          involuntarily by the Grantee.

     3.   Release of Restrictions:

          (a)  The  restrictions  set forth in  Section 2 above  shall  lapse on
               one-third  (1/3) of the Award Shares on May 31,  2005,  one-third
               (1/3) of the Award Shares on May 31, 2006,  and on the  remaining
               one-third (1/3) on May 31, 2007.

          (b)  The restrictions set forth in Section 2 above with respect to the
               Award  Shares,  to the extent they have not lapsed in  accordance
               with  subsection  (a) of this Section 3, shall lapse on the first
               to occur of the following:

               (A)  Termination  of Grantee's  employment  pursuant to Grantee's
                    employment  agreement  with the  Company  dated June 1, 2004
                    (the "Employment Agreement")

                    (i)    by reason of Grantee's death,
                    (ii)   by reason of Grantee's Permanent Incapacity
                    (iii)  by the Company for other than Good Cause
                    (iv)   by Grantee for Good Reason

               (B)  By reason of Change in Control

     All of  said  terms  which  are  initial  capitalized  are  defined  in the
Employment Agreement.

     4.   Forfeiture:  The Award Shares,  with respect to which the restrictions
          have not been  previously  lapsed  pursuant  to  Section  3,  shall be
          forfeited to the Company upon the termination of Grantee's  employment
          with the  Company for Good Cause by the Company or for other than Good
          Reason by Grantee.

     5.   Adjustment of Shares: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the
          contrary,  in the event of any change in the outstanding  Common Stock
          resulting  from a  reorganization,  merger,  consolidation,  split-up,
          spin-off,  recapitalization,  share split,  reverse share split, share
          distribution,  combination  of  shares,  exchange  of  shares,  or the
          payment of a share  dividend (any such event being  referred to herein
          as a "Corporate Event"), the Award Shares shall be treated in the same
          manner in any such transaction as other Common Stock. Any Common Stock
          or other securities  received by the Grantee with respect to the Award
          Shares as a result of any  Corporate  Event  shall be  subject  to the
          restrictions  and  conditions  set  forth  herein.  Any cash  proceeds
          received with respect to the Award Shares as a result of any Corporate
          Event shall be accrued as a contingent  cash  obligation  and shall be
          payable to the Grantee only upon the lapse of the restrictions  herein
          in accordance with Section 3.

     6.   Rights of  Stockholder:  The  Grantee  shall be entitled to all of the
          rights of a stockholder with respect to the Award Shares including the
          right  to  vote  such  shares  and  to  receive  dividends  and  other
          distributions  payable  with  respect to such shares shall be the same
          restrictions as the underlying  shares.  Said restrictions shall lapse
          at the same time as restrictions lapse on the underlying shares.

     7.   Escrow of Share Certificates:  Certificates for the Award Shares shall
          be issued  in the  Grantee's  name and shall be held by the  Company's
          transfer  agent  until  all  restrictions  lapse  or such  shares  are
          forfeited  as  provided   herein.   A  certificate   or   certificates
          representing  the Award  Shares as to which  restrictions  have lapsed
          shall be delivered upon the Grantee's request upon such lapse.

     8.   Government Regulations:  Notwithstanding  anything contained herein to
          the  contrary,   the  Company's   obligations   to  issue  or  deliver
          certificates  evidencing  the Award  Shares  shall be  subject  to all
          applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations and to such approvals by any
          governmental  agencies  or  national  securities  exchanges  as may be

     9.   Withholding  Taxes:  The  Company  shall have the right to require the
          Grantee to remit to the  Company,  or to withhold  from other  amounts
          payable  to the  Grantee,  as  compensation  or  otherwise,  an amount
          sufficient  to satisfy all federal,  state and local  withholding  tax
          requirements.  The  Company  may  offer  Grantee  the  right  to  have
          withholding  requirements  satisfied by the Company's  withholding  of
          shares upon the timely  written  election of Grantee to utilize shares
          for withholding tax purposes.


     10.  Employment:  Nothing in the  Agreement  shall  confer upon Grantee any
          right to continue in the employ of the Company, nor shall it interfere
          in any way  with the  right  of the  Company  to  terminate  Grantee's
          employment at any time.

     11.  Plan: Grantee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Plan, agrees to be
          bound  by  the  terms  and  provisions  of the  Plan,  and  agrees  to
          acknowledge, upon request of the Company, receipt of any prospectus or
          prospectus amendment provided to Grantee by the Company.

     12.  Security Laws: Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable securities
          laws upon sales or disposition of shares acquired hereunder.

     13.  Notices: Notices to the Company shall be addressed to it at:

                   3 High Ridge Park
                   Stamford, Connecticut 06905

                            and to Grantee at:

                                    16 Gorge Lane
                                    Pound Ridge, NY 10576

                    Company  or  Grantee  may  from  time to time  designate  in
                    writing  different  addresses for receipt of notice.  Notice
                    shall be deemed given when properly addressed and sent first
                    class or express mail.

     14.  Governing  Law:  The terms of this  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon
          Company,   Grantee  and  their  respective  successors  and  permitted
          assigns.  This  Agreement  shall be performed  under and determined in
          accordance with internal laws of the State of Connecticut.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Award to be granted on the
date first above written.

/s/ L. Russell Mitten                          /s/ Michael G. Harris
- -----------------------------------          -----------------------------
    L. Russell Mitten                              Michael G. Harris
    Citizens Communications Company


                                   SCHEDULE B

A.   "Change in Control" means

     (1) the  acquisition  by any  individual,  entity  or group  (a  "Person"),
including any "person" within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), of beneficial
ownership within the meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the Exchange Act,
of 33% or more of either  (i) the then  outstanding  shares  of common  stock of
Citizens (the  "Outstanding  Company Common Stock") or (ii) the combined  voting
power of the then outstanding  securities of Citizens entitled to vote generally
in the election of directors  (the  "Outstanding  Company  Voting  Securities");
provided, however, that the following acquisitions shall not constitute a Change
in Control: (A) any acquisition by Citizens,  (B) any acquisition by an employee
benefit  plan (or related  trust)  sponsored  or  maintained  by Citizens or any
corporation  controlled  by Citizens,  (C) any  acquisition  by any  corporation
pursuant to a reorganization,  merger or consolidation  involving Citizens,  if,
immediately  after such  reorganization,  merger or  consolidation,  each of the
conditions  described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of  subsection  (3) of this
Section shall be satisfied, or (D) any acquisition by the Executive or any group
of persons  including the Executive;  and provided further that, for purposes of
clause (A), if any Person (other than Citizens or any employee  benefit plan (or
related trust) sponsored or maintained by Citizens or any corporation controlled
by Citizens) shall become the beneficial owner of 33% or more of the Outstanding
Company Common Stock or 33% or more of the Outstanding Company Voting Securities
by reason of an  acquisition  by  Citizens  and such  Person  shall,  after such
acquisition by Citizens, become the beneficial owner of any additional shares of
the  Outstanding  Company  Common  Stock or any  additional  Outstanding  Voting
Securities, such beneficial ownership shall constitute a Change in Control.

     (2)  Individuals  who,  as of the date  hereof,  constitute  the Board (the
"Incumbent  Board")  cease for any reason to  constitute  at least a majority of
such Board;  provided,  however,  that any  individual who becomes a director of
Citizens  subsequent  to the date  hereof  whose  election,  or  nomination  for
election  by  Citizens'  stockholders,  was  approved  by the  vote of at  least
three-quarters  (3/4) of the  directors  then  comprising  the  Incumbent  Board
(either by a specific vote or by approval of the proxy  statement of Citizens in
which such person is named as a nominee for director,  without objection to such
nomination)  shall be deemed to have been a member of the Incumbent  Board;  and
provided further,  that no individual who was initially elected as a director of
Citizens as a result of an actual or threatened  election contest, as such terms
are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act, or
any other  actual or  threatened  solicitation  of proxies or  consents by or on
behalf of any Person  other than the Board shall be deemed to have been a member
of the Incumbent Board.

     (3) Consummation of a  reorganization,  merger or consolidation  unless, in
any such case,  immediately after such reorganization,  merger or consolidation,
(i)  more  than  50% of the  then  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock of the
corporation resulting from such reorganization, merger or consolidation and more
than 50% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding securities of such
corporation  entitled to vote  generally  in the  election of  directors is then
beneficially owned,  directly or indirectly,  by all or substantially all of the
individuals  or entities who were the  beneficial  owners,  respectively  of the
Outstanding  Company Common Stock and the Outstanding  Company Voting Securities
immediately  prior  or  such  reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  and in
substantially  the same  proportions  relative to each other as their ownership,
immediately  prior  to such  reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation,  of the
Outstanding  Company Common Stock and the Outstanding Company Voting Securities,
as the case may be, (ii) no Person (other than  Citizens,  any employee  benefit
plan (or related trust)  sponsored or maintained by Citizens or the  corporation
resulting from such reorganization, merger or consolidation ( or any corporation
controlled by Citizens),  or any Person which  beneficially  owned,  immediately
prior to such reorganization,  merger or consolidation,  directly or indirectly,
33% or more of the Outstanding  Company Common Stock or the Outstanding  Company
Voting Securities, as the case may be) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly
33% or more of the then  outstanding  shares of common stock of such corporation
or 33% or more of the combined voting power of the then  outstanding  securities
of such corporation  entitled to vote generally in the election of directors and
(iii) at least a  majority  of the  members  of the  board of  directors  of the
corporation  resulting from such  reorganization,  merger or consolidation  were
members  of the  Incumbent  Board at the time of the  execution  of the  initial
agreement or action of the Board  providing for such  reorganization,  merger or
consolidation; or

     (4)  approval  by  the  stockholders  of  Citizens  of a plan  of  complete
liquidation  or dissolution of Citizens,  or  consummation  of the sale or other
disposition of all or substantially  all of the assets of Citizens other than to
a  corporation  with  respect  to which,  immediately  after  such sale or other
disposition,  (A) more than 50% of the then  outstanding  shares of common stock
thereof and more than 50% of the combined  voting power of the then  outstanding
securities  thereof  entitled to vote  generally in the election of directors is
then beneficially owned, directly or indirectly,  by all or substantially all of
the individuals and entities who were the beneficial  owners,  respectively,  of
the  Outstanding  Company  Common  stock  and  the  Outstanding  Company  Voting
Securities   immediately  prior  to  such  sale  or  other  disposition  and  in
substantially  the same  proportions  relative to each other as their ownership,
immediately prior to such sale or other disposition,  of the Outstanding Company
Common Stock and the Outstanding Company Voting Securities,  as the case may be,
(B) no Person (other than Citizens, any employee benefit plan (or related trust)
sponsored or  maintained  by Citizens or such  corporation  (or any  corporation
controlled by Citizens),  or any Person which  beneficially  owned,  immediately
prior to such sale or other disposition,  directly or indirectly, 33% or more of
the  Outstanding   Company  Common  Stock  or  the  Outstanding  Company  Voting
Securities,  as the case may be) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly,  33%
or more of the then outstanding shares of Common stock thereof or 33% or more of
the combined voting power of the then outstanding securities thereof entitled to
vote  generally in the election of directors  and (C) at least a majority of the
members of the board of directors thereof were members of the Incumbent Board at
the time of the  execution  of the  initial  agreement  or  action  of the Board
providing for such sale or other disposition.


     (5) a person  other than  Citizens,  an employee  benefit  plan (or related
trust)  sponsored or  maintained  by Citizens or any  corporation  controlled by
Citizens  or the  Executive  or any group of persons  including  the  Executive,
otherwise effectively controls the operation of Citizens,  whether by control of
the Board, by contract or otherwise.

     Notwithstanding  anything  contained in this Agreement to the contrary,  if
the  Executive's  employment is terminated  prior to a Change in Control and the
Executive  reasonably  demonstrates that such termination (i) was at the request
of a third  party who has  indicated  an  intention  or taken  steps  reasonably
calculated  to effect a Change in  Control  (a "Third  Party"),  and who in fact
effects a Change in  Control,  or (ii)  otherwise  arose in  connection  with or
anticipation of a Change in Control, then for all purposes of this Agreement the
date of a Change in Control shall mean the date immediately prior to the date of
such termination of the Executive's employment.

B.   "Good Cause" means:

     (i) Chronic  alcoholism  or chronic  drug  addiction  materially  affecting
Executive's performance, (ii) Executive's conviction of a felony involving moral
turpitude,  which  through  lapse of time or otherwise is not subject to appeal,
(iii) willful  malfeasance  by the Executive  consisting of his refusal  without
proper cause to perform his duties (iv) a breach by  Executive of the  Agreement
to which this Schedule B is attached or (v) Executive's  deliberate,  willful or
gross misconduct with respect to Citizens.

C.  "Permanent Incapacity" means:

     the executive's  absence from his duties with Citizens on a full-time basis
for at least 180  consecutive  days as a result of Executive  incapacity  due to
mental or physical illness.

D.  "Good Reason" means:

     Without the  Executive's  consent,  the  occurrence of any of the following

     (1) (i) the  assignment  to the  Executive  on a permanent  basis of duties
materially inconsistent with the Executive's position, duties, responsibilities,
or status with  Citizens in  accordance  with this  Agreement,  (ii) a material,
adverse and  permanent  change in the  Executive's  reporting  responsibilities,
titles,  or offices with Citizens that is not in accordance with this Agreement,
or (iii) any removal or  involuntary  termination  of the  Executive by Citizens
otherwise  than as permitted by a breach by Executive of the  Agreement to which
this  Schedule  B  is  attached  (the  "Agreement")   provided,   however,  that
notwithstanding anything in this paragraph (1) to the contrary,  clauses (i) and
(ii) shall not be applicable to any occurrence  that is solely  attributable  to
the fact that Citizens is no longer a publicly traded entity;


     (2) a reduction by Citizens in the Executive's  rate of annual Base Salary,
as the same may be increased from time to time, or Citizens'  failure to pay the
Executive  within  120 days  following  the end of any  fiscal  year  the  bonus
referenced in Section 3(a) of the Agreement;

     (3) any  requirement  of Citizens that the Executive be  permanently  based
other than in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

     (4) the failure of Citizens to (i) continue in effect any employee  benefit
plan or compensation  plan in which the Executive is eligible to participates of
the Effective  date,  unless the Executive is permitted to  participate in other
plans providing the Executive  substantially  comparable benefits, or the taking
of  any  action  by  Citizens  that  would  adversely   affect  the  Executive's
participation  in or materially  reduce the Executive's  benefits under any such
plan,  (ii) provide the Executive and the  Executive's  dependents with medical,
dental,  and health  care  benefits  in  accordance  with the plans,  practices,
programs  and  policies of Citizens as set forth in the  Agreement to which this
Schedule  is  annexed,  (iii)  provide  the  Executive  with  paid  vacation  in
accordance  with the plans,  policies,  programs and practices of Citizens as in
effect for the Executive as of the Effective date.
