Frontier Communications
                                                     3 High Ridge Park
                                                     Stamford, CT 06905
David Whitehouse
Senior Vice President & Treasurer

              Frontier Communications Reports Solid Fourth-Quarter
                         and Full Year Results for 2008

          *    2008 full year free cash flow of $493 million
          *    2008 full year operating cash flow margin of 54%
          *    2008 full year dividend payout ratio of 65%
          *    Continued strong operating income and cash flow margins
          *    Data and internet services revenue up 11% year over year

Stamford,  Conn., February 25, 2009 -- Frontier Communications  (NYSE:FTR) today
reported  fourth-quarter  2008 revenue of $547.4  million,  operating  income of
$151.9 million and net income of $34.3 million.

"Frontier  delivered another solid quarter of financial and operating  results,"
said Maggie Wilderotter,  Frontier Communications Chairman and CEO. "Despite the
continued economic  uncertainty in our markets,  our fundamental approach to how
we run our business;  focusing on customer revenue growth,  increasing  customer
loyalty,  delivering  best in class  margins,  and creating  long term value for
shareholders has not changed. Furthermore,  consistent with the guidance we gave
twelve months ago, we delivered  full year  operating  cash flow margins of 54%,
free cash flow of $493 million and a  comfortable  dividend  payout ratio of 65%
which  demonstrates  our ability to execute on our strategy and deliver promised
results. Most important,  our Q1 2009 marketing promotions are delivering strong
results for both video and high speed bundle sales.  We are off to a solid start
for the year."

Revenue  for the fourth  quarter of 2008 was $547.4  million  compared to $577.2
million in the fourth quarter of 2007, a 5 percent decrease. Revenue declined as
a result of lower access lines, partially offset by a 5 percent increase in data
and internet services revenue. Despite the decline in access lines, our customer
revenue,  which is all revenue except switched access and subsidy,  has declined
by less than 3  percent.  The  monthly  customer  revenue  per  access  line has
increased approximately $2.91, or 5%, over the prior year's fourth quarter while
the monthly total revenue per access line has increased  $1.49,  or 2%, over the
same  period,  as the Company has  continued  to  successfully  sell  additional
products and services, partially offset by reductions in regulatory revenue.

Other  operating  expenses and network access expenses for the fourth quarter of
2008 were $256.6  million as compared to $257.2 million in the fourth quarter of
2007,  a 0.2  percent  decrease.  Expenses  in the  fourth  quarter of 2007 were
favorably  impacted by a pension  curtailment  gain of $14.4 million,  resulting
from the freeze placed on certain  pension  benefits of the former  Commonwealth
Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.  employees.  Excluding  the non-cash gain in 2007,
other operating expenses and network access expenses declined $15.0 million,  or
5.5%, in 2008.

Operating income for the fourth quarter of 2008 was $151.9 million and operating
income margin was 27.8 percent  compared to operating  income of $174.9  million
and operating  income margin of 30.3 percent in the fourth  quarter of 2007. The
fourth  quarter 2008  decrease of $23.0  million is primarily  the result of the
reduction in revenue, partially offset by lower expenses.

The Company lost approximately  42,100 access lines during the fourth quarter of
2008 and had 2,254,300 access lines at December 31, 2008.

The Company added  approximately  8,500 net High-Speed Internet customers during
the fourth  quarter of 2008 and had 579,900  High-Speed  Internet  customers  at
December 31, 2008. The Company added  approximately 7,600 video customers during
the fourth quarter of 2008 and had 119,900 video customers at December 31, 2008.

Capital  expenditures  were $84.1  million  for the  fourth  quarter of 2008 and
$288.3 million for the full year of 2008.

Free cash flow was  $109.1  million  for the  fourth  quarter of 2008 and $493.2
million for the full year of 2008. The Company's dividend represents a payout of
65 percent of free cash flow for the full year of 2008.

During the fourth quarter of 2008, the Company repurchased 327,700 shares of its
common stock for $3.8 million. The Company completed its $200 million authorized
share repurchase program on October 3, 2008 through the repurchase of 17,778,000
shares of its common stock during the full year of 2008.

For the full year of 2009,  the Company  expects  that its capital  expenditures
will be within a range of $250.0  million  to $270.0  million  and its free cash
flow will be within a range of $460.0 million to $485.0 million.

The Company's next regular  quarterly cash dividend of $0.25 per share of common
stock will be paid on March 31, 2009 to shareholders of record on March 9, 2009.
The Company  expects that dividends paid to stockholders in 2009 will be treated
as dividends for federal  income tax purposes.  Shareholders  are  encouraged to
consult with their tax advisors.

The  Company  uses  certain  non-GAAP   financial  measures  in  evaluating  its
performance.   These  include  free  cash  flow  and  operating   cash  flow.  A
reconciliation of the differences between free cash flow and operating cash flow
and  the  most  comparable   financial  measures  calculated  and  presented  in
accordance  with GAAP is  included  in the  tables  that  follow.  The  non-GAAP
financial measures are by definition not measures of financial performance under
GAAP and are not alternatives to operating income or net income reflected in the
statement of  operations  or to cash flow as reflected in the  statement of cash
flows and are not necessarily indicative of cash available to fund all cash flow
needs. The non-GAAP financial measures used by the Company may not be comparable
to similarly titled measures of other companies.


The  Company  believes  that the  presentation  of non-GAAP  financial  measures
provides  useful  information  to investors  regarding the  Company's  financial
condition  and  results  of  operations  because  these  measures,  when used in
conjunction  with related GAAP financial  measures,  (i) together provide a more
comprehensive view of the Company's core operations and ability to generate cash
flow, (ii) provide investors with the financial  analytical framework upon which
management bases financial, operational, compensation and planning decisions and
(iii) presents measurements that investors and rating agencies have indicated to
management  are  useful to them in  assessing  the  Company  and its  results of
operations.  Management  uses  these  non-GAAP  financial  measures  to plan and
measure  the  performance  of its core  operations,  and its  divisions  measure
performance and report to management based upon these measures. In addition, the
Company  believes  that free cash flow and  operating  cash flow, as the Company
defines them, can assist in comparing performance from period to period, without
taking into account  factors  affecting  cash flow reflected in the statement of
cash flows, including changes in working capital and the timing of purchases and
payments.  The Company has shown  adjustments to its financial  presentations to
exclude $38.7 million in access revenue for the favorable impact of the one-time
carrier  dispute  settlement in the full year of 2007,  $14.4 million in pension
curtailment  gain in the fourth quarter and full year of 2007,  $7.6 million and
$13.9 million of severance and early  retirement costs in the full years of 2008
and 2007, respectively,  $4.0 million of severance and early retirement costs in
the fourth  quarter of 2008,  $2.1 million and $0.8 million of legal  settlement
costs and related expenses in the full years of 2008 and 2007, respectively, and
$1.2 million and $0.8 million of legal  settlement costs and related expenses in
the fourth quarters of 2008 and 2007, respectively, because the Company believes
that the magnitude of such  revenues in 2007 is unusual,  and that the magnitude
of such gains and costs in the fourth  quarter and full year of 2007  materially
exceeds the  comparable  gains and costs in the fourth  quarter and full year of

Management uses these non-GAAP financial measures to (i) assist in analyzing the
Company's underlying financial  performance from period to period, (ii) evaluate
the  financial  performance  of its business  units,  (iii) analyze and evaluate
strategic and operational  decisions,  (iv) establish  criteria for compensation
decisions,  and (v) assist  management in understanding the Company's ability to
generate cash flow and, as a result,  to plan for future capital and operational
decisions. Management uses these non-GAAP financial measures in conjunction with
related  GAAP  financial  measures.  The  Company  believes  that  the  non-GAAP
financial measures are meaningful and useful for the reasons outlined above.

While the Company  utilizes  these non-GAAP  financial  measures in managing and
analyzing its business and  financial  condition and believes they are useful to
management  and to investors for the reasons  described  above,  these  non-GAAP
financial measures have certain shortcomings. In particular, free cash flow does
not represent the residual cash flow available for  discretionary  expenditures,
since  items  such  as  debt  repayments  and  dividends  are  not  deducted  in
determining  such  measure.  Operating  cash flow has  similar  shortcomings  as
interest, income taxes, capital expenditures,  debt repayments and dividends are
not  deducted  in  determining  this  measure.  Management  compensates  for the
shortcomings  of these  measures by  utilizing  them in  conjunction  with their
comparable GAAP financial measures. The information in this press release should
be read in conjunction with the financial  statements and footnotes contained in
our documents filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


About Frontier Communications
Frontier  Communications  Corporation  (NYSE:FTR)  offers  telephone,  video and
internet  services  in  24  states  with  approximately  5,700  employees.  More
information is available at

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to
the safe harbor  provisions of The Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act of
1995.  These  statements  are  made  on the  basis  of  management's  views  and
assumptions  regarding  future  events and business  performance.  Words such as
"believe,"  "anticipate,"  "expect"  and  similar  expressions  are  intended to
identify forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking statements (including oral
representations)  involve risks and uncertainties  that may cause actual results
to differ  materially  from any  future  results,  performance  or  achievements
expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties are based
on a number of factors,  including but not limited to:  reductions in the number
of our  access  lines  and  High-Speed  Internet  subscribers;  the  effects  of
competition from cable, wireless and other wireline carriers (through voice over
internet  protocol (VOIP) or otherwise);  reductions in switched access revenues
as a result of regulation,  competition  and/or  technology  substitutions;  the
effects of greater than anticipated competition requiring new pricing, marketing
strategies  or new product  offerings and the risk that we will not respond on a
timely or  profitable  basis;  the effects of changes in both  general and local
economic  conditions  on the markets we serve,  which can impact  demand for our
products and services, customer purchasing decisions,  collectability of revenue
and  required  levels of capital  expenditures  related to new  construction  of
residences and businesses;  our ability to effectively  manage service  quality;
our ability to  successfully  introduce  new product  offerings,  including  our
ability to offer bundled  service  packages on terms that are both profitable to
us and  attractive  to our  customers;  our  ability to sell  enhanced  and data
services in order to offset  ongoing  declines in revenue  from local  services,
switched  access  services  and  subsidies;  changes in  accounting  policies or
practices adopted  voluntarily or as required by generally  accepted  accounting
principles or  regulators;  the effects of ongoing  changes in the regulation of
the  communications  industry as a result of federal and state  legislation  and
regulation,  including  potential changes in state rate of return limitations on
our  earnings,  access  charges and subsidy  payments,  and  regulatory  network
upgrade and  reliability  requirements;  our ability to  effectively  manage our
operations, operating expenses and capital expenditures, to pay dividends and to
reduce or refinance our debt;  adverse  changes in the credit  markets and/or in
the  ratings  given to our debt  securities  by  nationally  accredited  ratings
organizations,  which  could  limit or  restrict  the  availability  of,  and/or
increase  the  cost  of  financing;   the  effects  of  bankruptcies   and  home
foreclosures,  which  could  result in  increased  bad  debts;  the  effects  of
technological  changes and competition on our capital  expenditures  and product
and service offerings,  including the lack of assurance that our ongoing network
improvements  will be sufficient to meet or exceed the  capabilities and quality
of competing  networks;  the effects of increased  medical,  retiree and pension
expenses  and related  funding  requirements;  changes in income tax rates,  tax
laws, regulations or rulings,  and/or federal or state tax assessments;  further
declines in the value of our pension plan assets, which could require us to make
contributions  to the  pension  plan  beginning  in 2010;  the  effects of state
regulatory  cash  management  policies on our ability to transfer cash among our
subsidiaries and to the parent company; our ability to successfully  renegotiate
union contracts expiring in 2009 and thereafter;  our ability to pay a $1.00 per
common  share  dividend  annually,  which may be  affected by our cash flow from
operations, amount of capital expenditures, debt service requirements, cash paid
for income taxes (which will increase in 2009) and our liquidity; the effects of
significantly  increased cash taxes in 2009 and  thereafter;  the effects of any
unfavorable  outcome  with  respect  to any  of our  current  or  future  legal,
governmental or regulatory proceedings,  audits or disputes; the possible impact
of adverse changes in political or other external  factors over which we have no
control;  and the effects of  hurricanes,  ice storms and other severe  weather.
These and other  uncertainties  related to our business are described in greater
detail in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our
reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, and the foregoing  information should be read in
conjunction  with  these  filings.  We do not  intend to update or revise  these
forward-looking  statements  to  reflect  the  occurrence  of  future  events or



                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                         Consolidated Financial Data (1)

                                                     For the quarter ended                    For the year ended
                                                         December 31,                             December 31,
                                                   --------------------------             ---------------------------------
 (Amounts in thousands, except                                                     %                                             %
    per share amounts)                                 2008          2007        Change       2008             2007          Change
                                                   -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

Income Statement Data
  Revenue                                            $547,392      $ 577,228       -5%     $2,237,018      $ 2,288,015 (2)    -2%
                                                   -----------   ------------             ------------    -------------

  Network access expenses                              54,988         66,601      -17%        222,013          228,242        -3%
  Other operating expenses                            201,655        190,580        6%        810,748          808,501         0%
  Depreciation and amortization                       138,815        145,156       -4%        561,801          545,856         3%
                                                   -----------   ------------             ------------    -------------
  Total operating expenses                            395,458        402,337       -2%      1,594,562        1,582,599         1%
                                                   -----------   ------------             ------------    -------------

  Operating income                                    151,934        174,891      -13%        642,456          705,416        -9%
  Investment and other income, net (3)                  2,874          7,276      -61%          9,334           17,948       -48%
  Interest expense                                     90,731         92,925       -2%        362,634          380,696        -5%
                                                   -----------   ------------             ------------    -------------
  Income before income taxes                           64,077         89,242      -28%        289,156          342,668       -16%
  Income tax expense                                   29,779         30,229       -1%        106,496          128,014       -17%
                                                   -----------   ------------             ------------    -------------
Net income available for common shareholders         $ 34,298      $  59,013      -42%     $  182,660      $   214,654       -15%
                                                   ===========   ============             ============    =============

Weighted average shares outstanding                   309,634        327,028       -5%        317,501          331,037        -4%

Basic net income per share attributable to
     common shareholders (4)                         $   0.11      $    0.18      -39%     $     0.58      $      0.65 (2)   -11%

Other Financial Data
Capital expenditures                                 $ 84,065      $ 113,152      -26%     $  288,264      $   315,793        -9%
Operating cash flow (5)                               295,961        306,451       -3%      1,213,967        1,212,883         0%
Free cash flow (5)                                    109,079        104,387        4%        493,197          528,005        -7%
Dividends paid                                         77,835         81,941       -5%        318,437          336,025        -5%
Dividend payout ratio (6)                                 71%            78%       -9%            65%              64%         2%

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.
(2)  Includes  the  $38.7  million   favorable   impact  of  a  carrier  dispute
     settlement, representing $.07 per share.
(3)  Includes  premium on debt repurchases of $6.3 million and $18.2 million for
     the years  ended  December  31,  2008  and 2007,  respectively,  and $4.1
     million for bridge loan fee for the year ended December 31, 2007.
(4)  Calculated based on weighted average shares outstanding.
(5)  A  reconciliation  to the most  comparable GAAP measure is presented at the
     end of these tables.
(6)  Represents dividends paid divided by free cash flow.


                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                  Consolidated Financial and Operating Data (1)

                                                      For the quarter ended                    For the year ended
                                                          December 31,                             December 31,
                                                   --------------------------     %      -------------------------------       %
(Amounts in thousands, except operating data)        2008           2007        Change       2008             2007          Change
                                                   ------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------

Select Income Statement Data
     Local services                                $  205,783    $  219,977       -6%    $  848,393       $   875,762          -3%
     Data and internet services                       153,931       147,292        5%       605,615           543,764          11%
     Access services                                   96,337       113,881      -15%       404,713           479,462  (2)    -16%
     Long distance services                            42,799        45,313       -6%       182,559           180,525           1%
     Directory services                                27,523        28,910       -5%       113,347           114,586          -1%
     Other                                             21,019        21,855       -4%        82,391            93,916         -12%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
Total revenue                                         547,392       577,228       -5%     2,237,018         2,288,015          -2%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
     Network access expenses                           54,988        66,601      -17%       222,013           228,242          -3%
     Other operating expenses (3)                     201,655       190,580        6%       810,748           808,501           0%
     Depreciation and amortization                    138,815       145,156       -4%       561,801           545,856           3%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
Total operating expenses                              395,458       402,337       -2%     1,594,562         1,582,599           1%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
Operating Income                                   $  151,934    $  174,891      -13%    $  642,456       $   705,416          -9%
                                                   ===========  ============             ===========    ==============
Other Financial and Operating Data
        Residential                                $  225,107    $  240,236       -6%    $  944,786       $   958,453          -1%
        Business                                      225,948       223,111        1%       887,519           850,100           4%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
               Total customer revenue                 451,055       463,347       -3%     1,832,305         1,808,553           1%
        Regulatory (Access services)                   96,337       113,881      -15%       404,713           479,462         -16%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
Total revenue                                      $  547,392    $  577,228       -5%    $2,237,018       $ 2,288,015          -2%
                                                   ===========  ============             ===========    ==============

Access lines:
        Residential                                 1,454,268     1,587,930       -8%     1,454,268         1,587,930          -8%
        Business                                      800,065       841,212       -5%       800,065           841,212          -5%
                                                   -----------  ------------             -----------    --------------
Total access lines                                  2,254,333     2,429,142       -7%     2,254,333         2,429,142          -7%
                                                   ===========  ============             ===========    ==============

Other data:
     Employees                                          5,671         5,939       -5%         5,671             5,939          -5%
     High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers(4)         579,943       522,845       11%       579,943           522,845          11%
     Video subscribers                                119,919        93,596       28%       119,919            93,596          28%
     Switched access minutes of use (in millions)       2,365         2,605       -9%        10,027            10,592          -5%
     Average monthly total revenue per
        access line                                $    80.19    $    78.70        2%    $    83.05   (5) $     79.94  (6)      4%
     Average monthly customer revenue per
        access line                                $    66.08    $    63.17        5%    $    68.65   (5) $     65.00  (5)      6%

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.
(2)  Includes  the  $38.7  million   favorable   impact  of  a  carrier  dispute
(3)  Includes  severance  and early  retirement  costs of $4.0  million  for the
     quarter ended December 31, 2008, and $7.6 million and $13.9 million for the
     years ended  December  31, 2008 and 2007,  respectively.  Includes  pension
     curtailment  gain of $14.4 million for the quarter and year ended  December
     31, 2007.  Includes  legal  settlement  costs and related  expenses of $1.2
     million and $0.8 million for the quarters ended December 31, 2008 and 2007,
     respectively,  and  $2.1  million  and $0.8  million  for the  years  ended
     December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.
(4)  High-Speed Internet  subscribers as of October 1, 2008 have been revised by
     516 to 571,430, arising from the CARS billing system conversion.
(5)  For the years ended  December 31, 2008 and 2007, the  calculations  exclude
     CTE and GVN data.
(6)  For the year ended December 31, 2007, the calculation  excludes CTE and GVN
     data and  excludes the $38.7  million  favorable  one-time  impact from the
     first quarter 2007 settlement of a switched  access dispute.  The amount is
     $81.50  with  the  $38.7  million   favorable   one-time  impact  from  the


                  Frontier Communications Corporation
             Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (1)

(Amounts in thousands)

                                                                         December 31, 2008        December 31, 2007
                                                                        --------------------      -------------------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                                   $   163,627              $   226,466
    Accounts receivable and other current assets                                    304,332                  297,688
                                                                        --------------------      -------------------
      Total current assets                                                          467,959                  524,154

Property, plant and equipment, net                                                3,239,973                3,335,244

Other long-term assets                                                            3,180,744                3,396,671
                                                                        --------------------      -------------------
           Total assets                                                         $ 6,888,676              $ 7,256,069
                                                                        ====================      ===================

Current liabilities:
    Long-term debt due within one year                                          $     3,857              $     2,448
    Accounts payable and other current liabilities                                  378,918                  443,443
                                                                        --------------------      -------------------
      Total current liabilities                                                     382,775                  445,891

Deferred income taxes and other liabilities                                       1,265,171                1,075,382
Long-term debt                                                                    4,721,685                4,736,897
Shareholders' equity                                                                519,045                  997,899
                                                                        --------------------      -------------------
           Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                           $ 6,888,676              $ 7,256,069
                                                                        ====================      ===================

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.


                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                         Consolidated Cash Flow Data (1)

                             (Amounts in thousands)

                                                                             For the year ended December 31,
                                                                               2008                   2007
                                                                         -----------------     -------------------

Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities:
Net income                                                                      $ 182,660             $   214,654
Adjustments to reconcile income to net cash provided
   by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization expense                                        561,801                 545,856
     Stock based compensation expense                                               7,788                   9,022
     Loss on extinguishment of debt                                                 6,290                  20,186
     Other non-cash adjustments                                                    (7,044)                 (7,598)
     Deferred income taxes                                                         33,967                  81,011
     Legal settlement                                                                   -                  (7,905)
     Change in accounts receivable                                                  9,746                  (4,714)
     Change in accounts payable and other liabilities                             (52,047)                (36,257)
     Change in other current assets                                                (3,895)                  7,428
                                                                         -----------------     -------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                                         739,266                 821,683

Cash flows provided from (used by) investing activities:
     Capital expenditures                                                        (288,264)               (315,793)
     Cash paid for acquisitions, net                                                    -                (725,548)
     Other assets (purchased) distributions received, net                           5,489                   6,629
                                                                         -----------------     -------------------
Net cash used by investing activities                                            (282,775)             (1,034,712)

Cash flows provided from (used by) financing activities:
     Long-term debt borrowings                                                    135,000                 950,000
     Long-term debt payments                                                     (142,480)               (946,070)
     Settlement of interest rate swaps                                             15,521                       -
     Financing costs paid                                                            (857)                (12,196)
     Premium paid to retire debt                                                   (6,290)                (20,186)
     Issuance of common stock                                                       1,398                  13,808
     Common stock repurchased                                                    (200,000)               (250,000)
     Dividends paid                                                              (318,437)               (336,025)
     Repayment of customer advances for construction                               (3,185)                   (942)
                                                                         -----------------     -------------------
Net cash used by financing activities                                            (519,330)               (601,611)

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                             (62,839)               (814,640)
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1,                                           226,466               1,041,106
                                                                         -----------------     -------------------

Cash and cash equivalents at December 31,                                       $ 163,627             $   226,466
                                                                         =================     ===================

Cash paid during the period for:
     Interest                                                                   $ 365,858             $   364,381
     Income taxes                                                               $  78,878             $    54,407

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.


                                                                                                            Schedule A

           Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (1)

                                                        For the quarter ended December 31,    For the year ended December 31,
                                                      -----------------------------------   ----------------------------------
    (Amounts in thousands)                                  2008              2007               2008              2007
                                                      -----------------  ----------------   ---------------  -----------------

    Net Income to Free Cash Flow;
       Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities

    Net income                                               $  34,298         $  59,013         $ 182,660          $ 214,654

     Add back:

        Depreciation and amortization                          138,815           145,156           561,801            545,856

        Income tax expense                                      29,779            30,229           106,496            128,014

        Stock based compensation                                (1,423)            1,213             7,788              9,022

        Cash paid for income taxes                               8,704               737            78,878             54,407

        Pension curtailment gain (non-cash)                          -            14,379                 -             14,379
        Other income (loss), net (2)                              (379)            2,956            (1,594)           (15,038)

        Capital expenditures                                    84,065           113,152           288,264            315,793

                                                      -----------------  ----------------   ---------------  -----------------
    Free cash flow                                             109,079           104,387           493,197            528,005  (3)

     Add back:
        Deferred income taxes                                   45,007            26,887            33,967             81,011

        Non-cash (gains)/losses, net                            (1,355)          (18,990)            7,034             21,610

        Other income (loss), net (2)                              (379)            2,956            (1,594)           (15,038)

        Pension curtailment gain (non-cash)                          -            14,379                 -             14,379

        Cash paid for income taxes                               8,704               737            78,878             54,407

        Capital expenditures                                    84,065           113,152           288,264            315,793

        Changes in current assets and liabilities              (25,411)          (56,353)           46,196             41,448

        Income tax expense                                      29,779            30,229           106,496            128,014

        Stock based compensation                                (1,423)            1,213             7,788              9,022

                                                      -----------------  ----------------   ---------------  -----------------
    Net cash provided by operating activities                $ 242,176         $ 268,419         $ 739,266          $ 821,683
                                                      =================  ================   ===============  =================

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.
(2)  Includes  premium on debt repurchases of $6.3 million and $18.2 million for
     the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively,  and $4.1 million
     for bridge loan fee for the year ended December 31, 2007.
(3)  Includes  the  $38.7  million   favorable   impact  of  a  carrier  dispute


            Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (1)                                                       Schedule B

(Amounts in thousands)              For the quarter ended December 31, 2008            For the quarter ended December 31, 2007
                              -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
                                            and Early      Legal                               Pension       Legal
Operating Cash Flow and           As        Retirement   Settlement       As         As       Curtailment  Settlement       As
 Operating Cash Flow Margin    Reported       Costs        Costs       Adjusted   Reported       Gain        Costs       Adjusted
                              ------------ ------------  ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------
Operating Income                 $151,934     $ (4,000)    $ (1,212)   $157,146   $ 174,891    $ 14,379      $  (783)    $ 161,295

 Add back:
     Depreciation and
       amortization               138,815            -            -     138,815     145,156           -            -       145,156
                              -----------  ------------  ----------- ----------- -----------  ----------- ------------ ------------
Operating cash flow              $290,749     $ (4,000)    $ (1,212)   $295,961   $ 320,047    $ 14,379      $  (783)    $ 306,451
                              ===========  ============  =========== =========== ===========  =========== ============ ============
Revenue                          $547,392                              $547,392   $ 577,228                              $ 577,228
                              ===========                            =========== ===========                           ============
Operating income margin
 (Operating income
    dividend by revenue)            27.8%                                 28.7%       30.3%                                  27.9%
                              ===========                            =========== ===========                           ============
Operating cash flow margin
 (Operating cash flow
   dividend by revenue)             53.1%                                 54.1%       55.4%                                  53.1%
                              ===========                            =========== ===========                           ============

                                      For the year ended December 31, 2008
                                             and Early      Legal
Operating Cash Flow and           As         Retirement   Settlement       As
 Operating Cash Flow Margin    Reported        Costs        Costs       Adjusted
                              ----------- ------------  ----------- -------------
Operating Income               $  642,456    $ (7,597)    $ (2,113)   $  652,166

 Add back:
     Depreciation and
       amortization               561,801           -            -       561,801
                              ----------- ------------  ----------- -------------
Operating cash flow            $1,204,257    $ (7,597)    $ (2,113)   $1,213,967
                              =========== ============  =========== =============
Revenue                        $2,237,018                             $2,237,018
                              ===========                           =============
Operating income margin
 (Operating income
   dividend by revenue)             28.7%                                  29.2%
                              ===========                           =============
Operating cash flow margin
 (Operating cash flow
    dividend by revenue)            53.8%                                  54.3%
                              ===========                           =============

                                                   For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                            Carrier     and Early     Pension         Legal
Operating Cash Flow and           As        Dispute     Retirement  Curtailment     Settlement         As
 Operating Cash Flow Margin    Reported    Settlement     Costs         Gain          Costs         Adjusted
                             ------------- ----------- ------------ -------------  -------------  --------------
Operating Income             $  705,416     $ 38,700    $ (13,874)     $ 14,379         $ (816)    $   667,027

 Add back:
     Depreciation and
       amortization             545,856            -            -             -              -         545,856
                             ------------- ----------- ------------ -------------  -------------  --------------

Operating cash flow          $1,251,272     $ 38,700    $ (13,874)     $ 14,379         $ (816)    $ 1,212,883
                             ============= =========== ============ =============  =============  ==============
Revenue                      $2,288,015     $ 38,700                                               $ 2,249,315
                             ============= ===========                                            ==============
Operating income margin
  (Operating income
    dividend by revenue)          30.8%                                                                 29.7%
                             =============                                                        ==============
Operating cash flow margin
  (Operating cash flow
    dividend by revenue)          54.7%                                                                 53.9%
                             =============                                                        ==============

(1)  On March 8, 2007,  we acquired  Commonwealth  Telephone  Enterprises,  Inc.
     (CTE) for approximately $1.1 billion,  and on October 31, 2007, we acquired
     Global  Valley  Networks,  Inc. and GVN Services  (together  GVN) for $62.0
     million,  and have included the historical  results of CTE and GVN from the
     dates of acquisition.