Exhibit 99.1

                                                     Frontier Communications
                                                     3 High Ridge Park
                                                     Stamford, CT 06905
David Whitehouse
Senior Vice President & Treasurer
- ---------------------------------

       Frontier Communications Reports Strong 2009 Second-Quarter Results

          *    13,800 High-Speed Internet additions
          *    11,400 DISH Network video customer additions
          *    Continued strong operating income and cash flow margins
          *    First half free cash flow of $244 million
          *    First half operating cash flow margin of 54%, as adjusted
          *    First half dividend payout ratio of 64%
          *    Data and internet services revenue up 6% year over year
          *    2009 free cash flow estimate unchanged

Stamford,  Conn.,  August 4, 2009 -- Frontier  Communications  (NYSE:FTR)  today
reported  second-quarter  2009 revenue of $532.1  million,  operating  income of
$136.6 million and net income attributable to common shareholders of Frontier of
$27.9 million.

"I am very  pleased  with  the  strong  results  that  Frontier  delivered  this
quarter," said Maggie Wilderotter, Frontier Communications Chairman and CEO. "We
continue to focus on customer acquisition and retention as our primary goal. Our
access line trends continued to improve for the fourth consecutive quarter, with
absolute   access  line  losses  at  their  lowest  level  in  over  two  years.
Furthermore,  our  ability to deliver  impressive  results in our core  business
while also  executing  on the Verizon  acquisition  speaks to the  strength  and
bandwidth of our management team."

Revenue  for the second  quarter of 2009 was $532.1  million  compared to $562.6
million in the second quarter of 2008, a 5 percent decrease. Revenue declined as
a result of lower access lines and reduced long  distance,  switched  access and
subsidy  revenue,  partially offset by a 6 percent increase in data and internet
services  revenue.  Despite the decline in access lines,  our customer  revenue,
which is all revenue except  switched  access and subsidy,  has declined by less
than 4 percent.  The monthly  customer  revenue  per access  line has  increased
approximately  $2.19,  or 3%, over the prior  year's  second  quarter  while the
monthly total revenue per access line has increased  $1.18, or 2%, over the same
period,  as the Company has continued to successfully  sell additional  products
and services, partially offset by reductions in regulatory revenue.


Other  operating  expenses and network access expenses for the second quarter of
2009 were $252.0  million as compared to $256.3 million in the second quarter of
2008,  a 2 percent  decrease.  Expenses  in the second  quarter of 2009  include
non-cash  pension  costs of $8.2 million,  as compared to $(0.5)  million in the
second quarter of 2008.  Excluding  these costs,  other  operating  expenses and
network access expenses declined $13.1 million, or 5%, in 2009.

Consistent  with  recently  adopted new  accounting  rules under SFAS No.  141R,
"Business  Combinations,"  acquisition  related  costs  of  approximately  $10.8
million ($0.02 per share after tax) were incurred and expensed during the second
quarter of 2009 in connection with our previously  announced pending acquisition
of approximately 4.8 million access lines (as of December 31, 2008) from Verizon
Communications Inc.

Operating income for the second quarter of 2009 was $136.6 million and operating
income margin was 25.7 percent  compared to operating  income of $162.0  million
and operating  income margin of 28.8 percent in the second  quarter of 2008. The
second  quarter 2009  decrease of $25.4  million is primarily  the result of the
reduction  in  revenue  and the  acquisition  related  costs  incurred  in 2009,
partially offset by lower expenses.

Investment  and other income,  net for the second quarter of 2009 reflects a net
gain of $3.7 million  recognized on  repurchases of Company debt. As of June 30,
2009, we retired early approximately $311.7 million principal amount of debt for
$308.0 million.

Interest expense for the second quarter of 2009 was $98.7 million as compared to
$90.7  million  in the  second  quarter  of 2008,  an $8.0  million or 9 percent
increase  ($0.02 per share after tax).  Interest  expense  increased  due to the
registered  offering,  completed  in April  2009,  of $600.0  million  aggregate
principal  amount of 8.25%  senior  unsecured  notes due 2014.  We received  net
proceeds of  approximately  $538.8  million from the offering which we intend to
use to reduce, repurchase or refinance our indebtedness or for general corporate

The  decrease  in income tax  expense  reflects  lower  taxable  income in 2009,
partially  offset by the favorable  impact in the second  quarter of 2008 of the
reversal of $7.5 million in income tax reserves.

Net income attributable to common shareholders of Frontier was $27.9 million, or
$0.09 per share, as compared to $55.8 million, or $0.17 per share, in the second
quarter of 2008. The second quarter of 2009 includes  acquisition  related costs
of $10.8 million ($6.8 million or $0.02 per share after tax). The second quarter
2009  decrease is primarily  the result of a reduction  in operating  income and
increased interest expense, partially offset by lower income tax expense.

The Company lost approximately  27,700 access lines during the second quarter of
2009 and had 2,189,100 access lines at June 30, 2009.

The Company added approximately  13,800 net High-Speed Internet customers during
the second quarter of 2009 and had 613,800 High-Speed Internet customers at June
30, 2009.  The Company added  approximately  11,400 video  customers  during the
second quarter of 2009 and had 157,400 video customers at June 30, 2009.

Capital  expenditures  were $55.8  million  for the  second  quarter of 2009 and
$110.4 million for the first six months of 2009.


Operating  cash flow, as adjusted,  was $288.4 million for the second quarter of
2009 resulting in an operating cash flow margin of 54.2 percent.  Operating cash
flow, as reported,  of $269.4 million has been adjusted to exclude $10.8 million
of acquisition  related costs and $8.2 million of non-cash pension costs for the
second quarter of 2009.

Free cash flow was $98.1  million  for the  second  quarter  of 2009 and  $244.2
million for the first six months of 2009.  The Company's  dividend  represents a
payout of 64 percent of free cash flow for the first six months of 2009.

For the  full  year of 2009,  the  Company  maintains  its  previously  reported
expectations that capital  expenditures,  excluding  acquisition related capital
expenditures,  will be within a range of $250.0  million to $270.0  million  and
free cash flow,  excluding  acquisition related costs, will be within a range of
$460.0 million to $485.0 million.

The  Company  uses  certain  non-GAAP   financial  measures  in  evaluating  its
performance.   These  include  free  cash  flow  and  operating   cash  flow.  A
reconciliation of the differences between free cash flow and operating cash flow
and  the  most  comparable   financial  measures  calculated  and  presented  in
accordance  with GAAP is  included  in the  tables  that  follow.  The  non-GAAP
financial measures are by definition not measures of financial performance under
GAAP and are not alternatives to operating income or net income reflected in the
statement of  operations  or to cash flow as reflected in the  statement of cash
flows and are not necessarily indicative of cash available to fund all cash flow
needs. The non-GAAP financial measures used by the Company may not be comparable
to similarly titled measures of other companies.

The  Company  believes  that the  presentation  of non-GAAP  financial  measures
provides  useful  information  to investors  regarding the  Company's  financial
condition  and  results  of  operations  because  these  measures,  when used in
conjunction  with related GAAP financial  measures,  (i) together provide a more
comprehensive view of the Company's core operations and ability to generate cash
flow, (ii) provide investors with the financial  analytical framework upon which
management bases financial, operational, compensation and planning decisions and
(iii) presents measurements that investors and rating agencies have indicated to
management  are  useful to them in  assessing  the  Company  and its  results of
operations.  Management  uses  these  non-GAAP  financial  measures  to plan and
measure  the  performance  of its core  operations,  and its  divisions  measure
performance and report to management based upon these measures. In addition, the
Company  believes  that free cash flow and  operating  cash flow, as the Company
defines them, can assist in comparing performance from period to period, without
taking into account  factors  affecting  cash flow reflected in the statement of
cash flows, including changes in working capital and the timing of purchases and
payments.  The Company has shown  adjustments to its financial  presentations to
exclude $10.8  million of  acquisition  related costs in the second  quarter and
first six  months of 2009,  and $8.2  million  and $(0.5)  million  of  non-cash
pension costs in the second quarters of 2009 and 2008,  respectively,  and $16.5
million and $(1.1)  million of non-cash  pension costs in the first half of 2009
and 2008,  respectively,  because  the Company  believes  that such costs in the
second quarters and first six months of 2009 and 2008 are unusual,  and that the
magnitude  of such  costs in the  second  quarter  and first six  months of 2009
materially  exceed  the  comparable  costs in the second  quarter  and first six
months of 2008. In addition,  the Company has shown adjustments to its financial
presentations to exclude $0.5 million of severance and early retirement costs in
the second quarter of 2008, $2.6 million and $3.4 million of severance and early
retirement  costs in the  first  half of 2009 and 2008,  respectively,  and $0.1
million and $0.9 million of legal  settlement  costs and related expenses in the
second  quarter and first six months of 2008,  respectively,  because  investors
have  indicated  to  management  that  such  adjustments  are  useful to them in
assessing the Company and its results of operations.


Management uses these non-GAAP financial measures to (i) assist in analyzing the
Company's underlying financial  performance from period to period, (ii) evaluate
the  financial  performance  of its business  units,  (iii) analyze and evaluate
strategic and operational  decisions,  (iv) establish  criteria for compensation
decisions,  and (v) assist  management in understanding the Company's ability to
generate cash flow and, as a result,  to plan for future capital and operational
decisions. Management uses these non-GAAP financial measures in conjunction with
related  GAAP  financial  measures.  The  Company  believes  that  the  non-GAAP
financial measures are meaningful and useful for the reasons outlined above.

While the Company  utilizes  these non-GAAP  financial  measures in managing and
analyzing its business and  financial  condition and believes they are useful to
management  and to investors for the reasons  described  above,  these  non-GAAP
financial measures have certain shortcomings. In particular, free cash flow does
not represent the residual cash flow available for  discretionary  expenditures,
since  items  such  as  debt  repayments  and  dividends  are  not  deducted  in
determining  such  measure.  Operating  cash flow has  similar  shortcomings  as
interest, income taxes, capital expenditures,  debt repayments and dividends are
not  deducted  in  determining  this  measure.  Management  compensates  for the
shortcomings  of these  measures by  utilizing  them in  conjunction  with their
comparable GAAP financial measures. The information in this press release should
be read in conjunction with the financial  statements and footnotes contained in
our documents filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

About Frontier Communications
Frontier  Communications  Corporation  (NYSE:FTR)  offers  telephone,  video and
internet  services  in  24  states  with  approximately  5,400  employees.  More
information is available at www.frontier.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to
the safe harbor  provisions of The Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act of
1995.  These  statements  are  made  on the  basis  of  management's  views  and
assumptions  regarding  future  events and business  performance.  Words such as
"believe,"  "anticipate,"  "expect"  and  similar  expressions  are  intended to
identify forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking statements (including oral
representations)  involve risks and uncertainties  that may cause actual results
to differ  materially  from any  future  results,  performance  or  achievements
expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties are based
on a number of  factors,  including  but not limited to: Our ability to complete
the acquisition of access lines from Verizon;  the failure to obtain,  delays in
obtaining or adverse conditions  contained in any required regulatory  approvals
for the Verizon transaction; the failure to receive the IRS ruling approving the
tax-free status of the Verizon  transaction;  the failure of our stockholders to
approve  the Verizon  transaction;  the ability to  successfully  integrate  the
Verizon operations into Frontier's existing operations; the effects of increased
expenses due to activities  related to the Verizon  transaction;  the ability to
migrate  Verizon's  West  Virginia  operations  from Verizon  owned and operated
systems and  processes  to Frontier  owned and  operated  systems and  processes
successfully; the risk that the growth opportunities and cost synergies from the
Verizon transaction may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than
expected; the sufficiency of the assets to be acquired from Verizon to enable us
to operate the acquired business; disruption from the Verizon transaction making
it more  difficult  to  maintain  relationships  with  customers,  employees  or
suppliers;  the effects of greater than  anticipated  competition  requiring new
pricing,  marketing  strategies or new product or service offerings and the risk
that we will not  respond on a timely or  profitable  basis;  reductions  in the
number of our access lines and High-Speed Internet  subscribers;  our ability to
sell enhanced and data services in order to offset  ongoing  declines in revenue
from local  services,  switched  access  services and subsidies;  the effects of
ongoing changes in the regulation of the communications  industry as a result of
federal and state  legislation and regulation;  the effects of competition  from
cable,  wireless  and other  wireline  carriers  (through  voice  over  internet
protocol (VOIP) or otherwise);  our ability to adjust successfully to changes in
the  communications  industry and to implement  strategies for improving growth;
adverse  changes  in the  credit  markets  or in the  ratings  given to our debt
securities by nationally accredited ratings organizations,  which could limit or
restrict the  availability,  or increase the cost, of  financing;  reductions in
switched  access  revenues  as  a  result  of  regulation,   competition  and/or
technology  substitutions;  the  effects of changes  in both  general  and local
economic  conditions  on the markets we serve,  which can impact  demand for our
products and services, customer purchasing decisions,  collectability of revenue
and  required  levels of capital  expenditures  related to new  construction  of
residences and businesses;  our ability to effectively  manage service  quality;
our ability to  successfully  introduce  new product  offerings,  including  our
ability to offer bundled  service  packages on terms that are both profitable to
us and attractive to our customers;  changes in accounting policies or practices
adopted voluntarily or as required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
or  regulators;  our ability to  effectively  manage our  operations,  operating
expenses and capital  expenditures,  to pay  dividends  and to repay,  reduce or
refinance our debt; the effects of  bankruptcies  and home  foreclosures,  which


could result in increased bad debts;  the effects of  technological  changes and
competition  on our capital  expenditures  and  product  and service  offerings,
including the lack of assurance that our ongoing  network  improvements  will be
sufficient to meet or exceed the capabilities and quality of competing networks;
the effects of  increased  medical,  retiree and  pension  expenses  and related
funding  requirements;  changes in income tax rates,  tax laws,  regulations  or
rulings,  and/or  federal  or  state  tax  assessments;  the  effects  of  state
regulatory  cash  management  policies on our ability to transfer cash among our
subsidiaries and to the parent company; our ability to successfully  renegotiate
union contracts  expiring in 2009 and thereafter;  further declines in the value
of our pension plan assets,  which could require us to make contributions to the
pension plan  beginning no earlier  than 2010;  our ability to pay  dividends in
respect  of our  common  shares,  which  may be  affected  by our cash flow from
operations, amount of capital expenditures, debt service requirements, cash paid
for income taxes (which will increase in 2009) and our liquidity; the effects of
increased  cash taxes in 2009 and  thereafter;  the  effects of any  unfavorable
outcome  with  respect to any of our current or future  legal,  governmental  or
regulatory  proceedings,  audits or  disputes;  the  possible  impact of adverse
changes in  political or other  external  factors over which we have no control;
and the effects of  hurricanes,  ice storms or other severe  weather.  These and
other  uncertainties  related to our business are described in greater detail in
our filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including our reports
on  Forms  10-K  and  10-Q,  and the  foregoing  information  should  be read in
conjunction  with  these  filings.  We do not  intend to update or revise  these
forward-looking  statements  to  reflect  the  occurrence  of  future  events or

Additional Information and Where to Find it

This  press  release  is not a  substitute  for the  prospectus/proxy  statement
included in the Registration  Statement on Form S-4 that Frontier filed with the
SEC on July 24, 2009 in connection with the proposed  transactions  described in
the prospectus/proxy  statement.  We urge investors to read the prospectus/proxy
statement,  which  contains  important  information,   including  detailed  risk
factors,   and  any  amendments   thereto  when  they  become   available.   The
prospectus/proxy  statement and other documents filed or to be filed by Frontier
with the SEC are or will be  available  free of  charge  at the  SEC's  website,
www.sec.gov, or by directing a request when such a filing is made to Frontier, 3
High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905-1390, Attention: Investor Relations.

This communication  shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of
an offer to buy  securities,  nor shall there be any sale of  securities  in any
jurisdiction  in which such offer,  solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior
to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

Frontier and certain of its directors,  executive  officers and other members of
management and employees may, under SEC rules, be deemed to be "participants" in
the  solicitation  of  proxies in  connection  with the  proposed  transactions.
Information about the directors and executive  officers of Frontier is set forth
in the  Registration  Statement  on Form S-4  referred to above.  Investors  may
obtain  additional  information  regarding the interests of such participants in
the proposed  transactions  by reading the  prospectus/proxy  statement  and any
amendments thereto when they become available.



                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                           Consolidated Financial Data

                                                         For the quarter ended                For the six months ended
                                                                June 30,                              June 30,
                                                     -----------------------------    %     ------------------------------     %
(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)         2009          2008        Change        2009           2008        Change
                                                     -------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------

Income Statement Data
  Revenue                                               $ 532,142      $ 562,550      -5%    $ 1,070,098     $ 1,131,755       -5%
                                                     -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------

  Network access expenses                                  59,203         53,998      10%        119,887         114,547        5%
  Other operating expenses                                192,754        202,333      -5%        392,958         405,597       -3%
  Depreciation and amortization                           132,818        144,250      -8%        270,376         285,330       -5%
  Acquisition related costs                                10,751              -     100%         10,751               -      100%
                                                     -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------
  Total operating expenses                                395,526        400,581      -1%        793,972         805,474       -1%
                                                     -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------

  Operating income                                        136,616        161,969     -16%        276,126         326,281      -15%
  Investment and other income, net (1)                      4,618          6,841     -32%         12,865           5,934      117%
  Interest expense                                         98,670         90,710       9%        187,419         181,570        3%
                                                     -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------
  Income before income taxes                               42,564         78,100     -46%        101,572         150,645      -33%
  Income tax expense                                       14,254         21,874     -35%         36,307          48,502      -25%
                                                     -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------
Net income                                                 28,310         56,226     -50%         65,265         102,143      -36%
Less:  Income attributable to the noncontrolling
         interest in a partnership                            392            448     -13%          1,044             776       35%
                                                    -------------   ------------           -------------   -------------
Net income attributable to common shareholders
  of Frontier                                           $  27,918      $  55,778     -50%    $    64,221     $   101,367      -37%
                                                     =============   ============           =============   =============

Weighted average shares outstanding                       310,095        320,838      -3%        309,943         323,340       -4%

Basic net income per share attributable to
      common shareholders of Frontier (2)               $    0.09      $    0.17     -47%    $      0.20     $      0.31      -35%

Other Financial Data
Capital expenditures                                    $  55,792      $  75,737     -26%    $   110,364     $   123,723      -11%
Operating cash flow, as adjusted (3)                      288,404        306,206      -6%        576,274         614,781       -6%
Free cash flow (3)                                         98,079         96,085       2%        244,227         268,365       -9%
Dividends paid                                             78,099         80,221      -3%        156,184         162,324       -4%
Dividend payout ratio (4)                                     80%            83%      -4%            64%             60%        7%

(1)  Includes gain on debt  repurchases  of $3.7 million for the quarter and six
     months ended June 30, 2009, and premium on debt repurchases of $6.3 million
     for the six months ended June 30, 2008.
(2)  Calculated  based on  weighted  average  shares  outstanding.  FSP EITF No.
     03-6-1,  "Determining  Whether  Instruments  Granted in Share-Based Payment
     Transactions are Participating Securities" was adopted in the first quarter
     of 2009 on a retrospective basis.
(3)  A  reconciliation  to the most  comparable GAAP measure is presented at the
     end of these tables.
(4)  Represents dividends paid divided by free cash flow.


                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                    Consolidated Financial and Operating Data

                                                         For the quarter ended                  For the six months ended
                                                                June 30,                                June 30,
                                                  -------------------------------     %     --------------------------------   %
(Amounts in thousands, except operating data)          2009           2008         Change      2009              2008        Change
                                                  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------

Select Income Statement Data
     Local services                                   $  198,296     $  214,703       -8%    $  399,192       $   431,861       -8%
     Data and internet services                          160,551        151,655        6%       316,944           297,637        6%
     Access services                                      87,427        101,003      -13%       177,492           208,821      -15%
     Long distance services                               40,560         46,912      -14%        81,972            93,365      -12%
     Directory services                                   27,211         29,070       -6%        54,916            57,698       -5%
     Other                                                18,097         19,207       -6%        39,582            42,373       -7%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
Total revenue                                            532,142        562,550       -5%     1,070,098         1,131,755       -5%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
     Network access expenses                              59,203         53,998       10%       119,887           114,547        5%
     Other operating expenses (1)                        192,754        202,333       -5%       392,958           405,597       -3%
     Depreciation and amortization                       132,818        144,250       -8%       270,376           285,330       -5%
     Acquisition related costs                            10,751              -      100%        10,751                 -      100%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
Total operating expenses                                 395,526        400,581       -1%       793,972           805,474       -1%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
Operating Income                                      $  136,616     $  161,969      -16%    $  276,126       $   326,281      -15%
                                                  ===============   ============           =============  ================
Other Financial and Operating Data
        Residential                                   $  227,580     $  239,633       -5%    $  458,046       $   480,995       -5%
        Business                                         217,135        221,914       -2%       434,560           441,939       -2%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
               Total customer revenue                    444,715        461,547       -4%       892,606           922,934       -3%
        Regulatory (Access services)                      87,427        101,003      -13%       177,492           208,821      -15%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
Total revenue                                         $  532,142     $  562,550       -5%    $1,070,098       $ 1,131,755       -5%
                                                  ===============   ============           =============  ================
Access lines:
        Residential                                    1,405,258      1,516,402       -7%     1,405,258         1,516,402       -7%
        Business                                         783,869        824,310       -5%       783,869           824,310       -5%
                                                  ---------------   ------------           -------------  ----------------
Total access lines                                     2,189,127      2,340,712       -6%     2,189,127         2,340,712       -6%
                                                  ===============   ============           =============  ================
Other data:
     Employees                                             5,417          5,734       -6%         5,417             5,734       -6%
     High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers               613,810        559,345       10%       613,810           559,345       10%
     Video subscribers                                   157,353        107,596       46%       157,353           107,596       46%
     Switched access minutes of use (in millions)          2,213          2,538      -13%         4,589             5,141      -11%
     Average monthly total revenue per
        access line                                   $    80.52     $    79.34        2%    $    80.33       $     79.08        2%
     Average monthly customer revenue per
        access line                                   $    67.29     $    65.10        3%    $    67.01       $     64.49        4%

(1)  Includes  severance  and early  retirement  costs of $0.5  million  for the
     quarter ended June 30, 2008,  and $2.6 million and $3.4 million for the six
     months  ended  June 30,  2009 and  2008,  respectively.  Includes  non-cash
     pension  costs of $8.2 million and $(0.5)  million for the  quarters  ended
     June 30, 2009 and 2008, respectively,  and $16.5 million and $(1.1) million
     for the six months  ended June 30,  2009 and 2008,  respectively.  Includes
     legal  settlement costs of $0.1 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2008
     and $0.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 2008.


                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data

(Amounts in thousands)

                                                                             June 30, 2009           December 31, 2008
                                                                          ---------------------     --------------------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                                      $   454,102              $   163,627
    Accounts receivable and other current assets                                       304,919                  304,332
                                                                          ---------------------     --------------------
      Total current assets                                                             759,021                  467,959

Property, plant and equipment, net                                                   3,165,917                3,239,973

Other long-term assets                                                               3,093,246                3,180,744
                                                                          ---------------------     --------------------
           Total assets                                                            $ 7,018,184              $ 6,888,676
                                                                          =====================     ====================

Current liabilities:
    Long-term debt due within one year                                             $     7,266              $     3,857
    Accounts payable and other current liabilities                                     351,460                  378,918
                                                                          ---------------------     --------------------
      Total current liabilities                                                        358,726                  382,775

Deferred income taxes and other liabilities                                          1,266,308                1,254,610
Long-term debt                                                                       4,944,989                4,721,685
Shareholders' equity                                                                   448,161                  529,606
                                                                          ---------------------     --------------------
           Total liabilities and equity                                            $ 7,018,184              $ 6,888,676
                                                                          =====================     ====================


                       Frontier Communications Corporation
                           Consolidated Cash Flow Data

                             (Amounts in thousands)

                                                                             For the six months ended June 30,
                                                                                2009                 2008
                                                                            ---------------    ----------------

Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities:
Net income                                                                      $   65,265          $  102,143
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
   by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization expense                                         270,376             285,330
     Stock based compensation expense                                                4,561               6,164
     Pension expense                                                                16,454              (1,060)
     (Gain)/loss on extinguishment of debt                                          (3,664)              6,290
     Other non-cash adjustments                                                     (1,702)             (8,079)
     Deferred income taxes                                                           8,319              (8,996)
     Change in accounts receivable                                                  10,231               8,039
     Change in accounts payable and other liabilities                              (21,287)            (57,537)
     Change in other current assets                                                (18,223)              6,561
                                                                            ---------------    ----------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                                          330,330             338,855

Cash flows provided from (used by) investing activities:
     Capital expenditures                                                         (110,364)           (123,723)
     Other assets (purchased) distributions received, net                              628              (1,277)
                                                                            ---------------    ----------------
Net cash used by investing activities                                             (109,736)           (125,000)

Cash flows provided from (used by) financing activities:
     Long-term debt borrowings                                                     538,830             135,000
     Long-term debt payments                                                      (309,954)           (130,281)
     Settlement of interest rate swaps                                                   -              15,521
     Financing costs paid                                                             (911)               (857)
     Premium paid to retire debt                                                         -              (6,290)
     Issuance of common stock                                                          680                 955
     Common stock repurchased                                                            -            (112,659)
     Dividends paid                                                               (156,184)           (162,324)
     Repayment of customer advances for construction and distributions
       to noncontrolling interests                                                  (2,580)               (512)
                                                                            ---------------    ----------------
Net cash provided from (used by) financing activities                               69,881            (261,447)

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                   290,475             (47,592)
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1,                                            163,627             226,466
                                                                            ---------------    ----------------

Cash and cash equivalents at June 30,                                           $  454,102          $  178,874
                                                                            ===============    ================

Cash paid during the period for:
     Interest                                                                   $  181,066          $  184,552
     Income taxes                                                               $   40,458          $   49,585


                                                                                                               Schedule A
                  Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

                                                        For the quarter ended June 30,      For the six months ended June 30,
                                                        ------------------------------    -------------------------------------
     (Amounts in thousands)                                  2009            2008                 2009               2008
                                                        --------------- --------------    ------------------   ----------------

     Net Income to Free Cash Flow;
        Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities

     Net income                                              $  28,310       $  56,226            $  65,265        $ 102,143

      Add back:

         Depreciation and amortization                         132,818         144,250              270,376          285,330

         Income tax expense                                     14,254          21,874               36,307           48,502

         Acquisition related costs                              10,751               -               10,751                -
         Pension expense (non-cash) (1)                          8,208            (530)              16,454           (1,060)

         Stock based compensation                                2,439           3,145                4,561            6,164

         Cash paid for income taxes                             39,203          47,726               40,458           49,585

         Other income (loss), net (2)                            3,706           5,417                8,665             (594)

         Capital expenditures                                   55,792          75,737              110,364          123,723

                                                        --------------- ---------------   -------------------- ----------------
     Free cash flow                                             98,079          96,085              244,227          268,365

      Add back:
         Deferred income taxes                                   4,194          (8,714)               8,319           (8,996)

         Non-cash (gains)/losses, net                            9,040          (3,723)              15,649            3,315

         Other income (loss), net (2)                            3,706           5,417                8,665             (594)

         Cash paid for income taxes                             39,203          47,726               40,458           49,585

         Capital expenditures                                   55,792          75,737              110,364          123,723

         Changes in current assets and liabilities              (8,893)         (9,305)              29,279           42,937
         Income tax expense                                     14,254          21,874               36,307           48,502
         Acquisition related costs                              10,751               -               10,751                -
         Pension expense (non-cash) (1)                          8,208            (530)              16,454           (1,060)
         Stock based compensation                                2,439           3,145                4,561            6,164

                                                        --------------- ---------------   -------------------- ----------------
     Net cash provided by operating activities               $ 183,255       $ 197,344            $ 330,330        $ 338,855
                                                        =============== ===============   ==================== ================

(1)  Includes pension expense of $10.2 million and $(0.7) million,  less amounts
     capitalized  into the cost of  capital  expenditures  of $2.0  million  and
     $(0.2)   million,   for  the  quarters   ended  June  30,  2009  and  2008,
     respectively, and pension expense of $20.4 million and $(1.3) million, less
     amounts  capitalized into the cost of capital  expenditures of $3.9 million
     and  $(0.2)  million,  for the six  months  ended  June 30,  2009 and 2008,
(2)  Includes gain on debt  repurchases  of $3.7 million for the quarter and six
     months ended June 30, 2009, and premium on debt repurchases of $6.3 million
     for the six months ended June 30, 2008.


                                                                                   Schedule B
              Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

                                          For the quarter ended June 30, 2009
(Amounts in thousands)
                                            Acquisition    and Early    Non-cash
Operating Cash Flow and         As           Related      Retirement    Pension        As
 Operating Cash Flow Margin  Reported         Costs         Costs      Costs (1)    Adjusted
                             ------------   ------------  ------------ ----------- ------------

Operating Income               $ 136,616      $ (10,751)        $ (11)   $ (8,208)   $ 155,586

 Add back:
     Depreciation and
       amortization              132,818              -             -           -      132,818
                             ------------   ------------  ------------ ----------- ------------
Operating cash flow            $ 269,434      $ (10,751)        $ (11)   $ (8,208)   $ 288,404
                             ============   ============  ============ =========== ============

Revenue                        $ 532,142                                             $ 532,142
                             ============                                          ============

Operating income margin
 (Operating income
   divided by revenue)             25.7%                                                 29.2%
                             ============                                          ============

Operating cash flow margin
 (Operating cash flow
   divided by revenue)             50.6%                                                 54.2%
                             ============                                          ============

                                             For the quarter ended June 30, 2008
                                            and Early    Non-cash      Legal
Operating Cash Flow and          As        Retirement     Pension    Settlement           As
 Operating Cash Flow Margin   Reported        Costs      Costs (1)     Costs           Adjusted
                            ------------ ------------  ----------- ------------  ----------------

Operating Income              $ 161,969       $ (480)       $ 530        $ (37)        $ 161,956

 Add back:
     Depreciation and
       amortization             144,250            -            -            -           144,250
                            ------------ ------------  ----------- ------------  ----------------
Operating cash flow           $ 306,219       $ (480)       $ 530        $ (37)        $ 306,206
                            ============ ============  =========== ============  ================

Revenue                       $ 562,550                                                $ 562,550
                            ============                                         ================

Operating income margin
 (Operating income
   divided by revenue)            28.8%                                                    28.8%
                            ============                                         ================

Operating cash flow margin
 (Operating cash flow
   divided by revenue)            54.4%                                                    54.4%
                            ============                                         ================


                                                                                  Schedule B (continued)

                                         For the six months ended June 30, 2009
                                            Acquisition       and Early       Non-cash
 Operating Cash Flow and          As          Related         Retirement       Pension           As
  Operating Cash Flow Margin   Reported        Costs            Costs         Costs (1)       Adjusted
                              ------------  --------------  --------------- --------------  --------------

 Operating Income             $   276,126       $ (10,751)        $ (2,567)      $(16,454)     $  305,898

  Add back:
      Depreciation and
        amortization              270,376               -                -              -         270,376
                              ------------  --------------  --------------- --------------  --------------
 Operating cash flow          $   546,502       $ (10,751)        $ (2,567)      $(16,454)     $  576,274
                              ============  ==============  =============== ==============  ==============

 Revenue                      $ 1,070,098                                                      $1,070,098
                              ============                                                  ==============

 Operating income margin
  (Operating income
    divided by revenue)             25.8%                                                           28.6%
                              ============                                                  ==============

 Operating cash flow margin
  (Operating cash flow
    divided by revenue)             51.1%                                                           53.9%
                              ============                                                  ==============

                                                 For the six months ended June 30, 2008
                                                 and Early       Non-cash         Legal
 Operating Cash Flow and             As          Retirement        Pension       Settlement           As
  Operating Cash Flow Margin      Reported          Costs         Costs (1)        Costs           Adjusted
                             ---------------- --------------  -------------- ---------------  ----------------

 Operating Income                 $  326,281       $ (3,371)        $ 1,060          $ (859)       $  329,451

  Add back:
      Depreciation and
        amortization                 285,330              -               -               -           285,330
                             ---------------- --------------  -------------- ---------------  ----------------
 Operating cash flow              $  611,611       $ (3,371)        $ 1,060          $ (859)       $  614,781
                             ================ ==============  ============== ===============  ================

 Revenue                          $1,131,755                                                       $1,131,755
                             ================                                                 ================

 Operating income margin
  (Operating income
    divided by revenue)                28.8%                                                            29.1%
                             ================                                                 ================

 Operating cash flow margin
  (Operating cash flow                 54.0%                                                            54.3%
    divided by revenue)      ================                                                 ================


(1)  Includes pension expense of $10.2 million and $(0.7) million,  less amounts
     capitalized  into the cost of  capital  expensitures  of $2.0  million  and
     $(0.2)   million,   for  the  quarters   ended  June  30,  2009  and  2008,
     respectively, and pension expense of $20.4 million and $(1.3) million, less
     amounts  capitalized into the cost of capital  expenditures of $3.9 million
     and  $(0.2)  million,  for the six  months  ended  June 30,  2009 and 2008,
